John de Nugent #crackpot #racist #ufo #fundie #conspiracy

In creating a new, truly Aryan and non-semitic religion — to defeat atheism, Judaism, Islam and Freemasonry — I published a major essay on the Aryan Jesus, and his real origin and secret mission.
For me, Saul-ianity, that is, “Christianity” is, in actuality, the original teachings of Jesus of Galilee as they were radically twisted around by Saul, an enemy of Jesus and for years an open Sanhedrin agent, as the man had to admit.

And this pro-jew dogma for the goyim is the most dangerous bullshit on earth for white people, starting with its veneration of the jews’ twisted book, “the Bible.”

If “Christinsanity” really did destroy the Western Roman Empire, why did it not also destroy the Eastern Roman Empire? It was just as Christian, with the same doctrines — and there was no schism back then.

The very Christian Eastern RE lasted until AD 1453…. and would probably be around today if the Fourth Crusade had not gone outrageously off course in AD 1204. The blow was mortal; the Eastern Roman Empire never completely recovered.
I think a point to remember is that Jews and Freemasons actually finance all sort of scholars (Ivy League and other) and often churn out truly hairbrained theories that make the jews look good.
The New Testament itself says Mary was unmarried when she became pregnant after an angel told her God would be the father, not her jewish fiancée Joseph.

This is a classic case of a starseed, a Nordic who incarnates as an earthling, as one of us, as a human like us. He or she lives, eats, drinks, uses the toilet, ages, and finally dies, and speaks to us NOT as a god, but as a fellow human, all this in order to have much more real effect on us.

If Jesus came both then and now as a god to us, or as a Nordic alien in a silver spaceship that can go Mach 23, then know this:

With 1,000% certainty, young souls, who form the majority on this planet, would beg said god or alien to save us from our own bad karma and self-caused shitty life situation.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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