
John de Nugent #racist #wingnut #conspiracy johndenugent.com

It is astonishing how Britain has become a true Soviet-style police state in just a few weeks. And amazingly, it was a negro murdering three little white girls in dance practice (in a racist hate crime if there ever was one) that led, not to a crackdown on negroes but on Whites who were outraged. Recently, someone got THREE YEARS for a Facebook post!
All of this directly contradicts a favorite British song: “Rule, Britannia,” the refrain of which is “Britons ne’er shall be slaves.”
The strange term “anarcho-tyranny,” frequently used to describe conditions in Britain, is explained in this article. It is the jewish Deep State being tyrannical toward Whites and allowing anarchy by non-Whites.
The most extraordinary thing of all is that white Britain is being savaged like this after having been the first resistor against Hitler, and issuing to world jewry in 1917 the Balfour Declaration, promising that the jews would get a homeland in Palestine,later called “Israel”!
And the Brits lost huge numbers of airmen in that war bombing Germany, and killing about 500,000 German civilians. But the megalomanic jew cannot feel gratitude. After all, Yahweh gave them this planet (they believe) and all the creatures in it as their slaves.

John de Nugent #crackpot #racist #ufo #fundie #conspiracy johndenugent.com

In creating a new, truly Aryan and non-semitic religion — to defeat atheism, Judaism, Islam and Freemasonry — I published a major essay on the Aryan Jesus, and his real origin and secret mission.
For me, Saul-ianity, that is, “Christianity” is, in actuality, the original teachings of Jesus of Galilee as they were radically twisted around by Saul, an enemy of Jesus and for years an open Sanhedrin agent, as the man had to admit.

And this pro-jew dogma for the goyim is the most dangerous bullshit on earth for white people, starting with its veneration of the jews’ twisted book, “the Bible.”

If “Christinsanity” really did destroy the Western Roman Empire, why did it not also destroy the Eastern Roman Empire? It was just as Christian, with the same doctrines — and there was no schism back then.

The very Christian Eastern RE lasted until AD 1453…. and would probably be around today if the Fourth Crusade had not gone outrageously off course in AD 1204. The blow was mortal; the Eastern Roman Empire never completely recovered.
I think a point to remember is that Jews and Freemasons actually finance all sort of scholars (Ivy League and other) and often churn out truly hairbrained theories that make the jews look good.
The New Testament itself says Mary was unmarried when she became pregnant after an angel told her God would be the father, not her jewish fiancée Joseph.

This is a classic case of a starseed, a Nordic who incarnates as an earthling, as one of us, as a human like us. He or she lives, eats, drinks, uses the toilet, ages, and finally dies, and speaks to us NOT as a god, but as a fellow human, all this in order to have much more real effect on us.

If Jesus came both then and now as a god to us, or as a Nordic alien in a silver spaceship that can go Mach 23, then know this:

With 1,000% certainty, young souls, who form the majority on this planet, would beg said god or alien to save us from our own bad karma and self-caused shitty life situation.

John de Nugent #ufo #racist #wingnut #conspiracy johndenugent.com

Our galaxy is full of species, including Short Grays, Tall Grays, Tall Whites, Reptilians (yes, snicker if you wish, but that is mere nervous laughter ;-)) and very advanced Nordics, for whom we all are a White Trash planet.
The Exonordics are advanced HUMANS in every way, and we came originally from them but degenerated. They are tall like NBA players, 6’5 to 7 feet tall. They marry normally in their worlds, have sex the normal way we do, eat food, defecate, sweat, and feel emotions, and thus are fully human, but they benefit from centuries of eugenics and the weeding out of their bad blood.

They speak telepathically, and it is easy to see where OUR stories of angels come from. These are clearly the Aldebarans and Pleiadians, who, the Vril Society German women of 1920-45 claimed, were helping the Third Reich but very discreetly and without having any permission to overly interfere in WWII and its outcome.

That is, they were not permitted to simply win the war for Germany. This would have triggered intervention on the other side by the Grays and then yet another world nuclear war, I repeat, yet ANOTHER world nuclear war- (Think about that one.) Ye,s ther could have been a full-scale nuclear war back in the 1940s between the Grays and the Exonordics, and that would have once again destroyed our planet pointlessly.
They are Aryans who are extremely powerful and spiritual but REFUSE on principle to rescue Joe Sixpack, George W. Bush voter and Christian Zionist idiots just because they have skin the color of white copy paper.
We WNs have experienced ourselves how many Whites today are utter scum
.and even actively, knowingly, oppose us, hate the truth, fight for the evil, profit off massacres and wars, cause death via cigarettes, pollution, and toxic foods, who even molest White children, who engage in satanism, who commit police brutality if the y are cops, and serve our enemy Jew masters knowing it is wrong.

John de Nugent #racist #ufo #magick #wingnut #conspiracy johndenugent.com

The Whites (who come in several, diverse varieties); the East Asians (Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, etc.); and other earthling races all descend from ancient alien HUMAN races who limped desperately to this planet on their spaceships as refugees from lost wars and from natural disasters.

Why? Because Earth, Terra, is a “Goldilocks” planet, to use NASA’s own terminology, meaning, as with that ideal bowl of porridge, “not too hot, not too cold — just right.” 😉

Now, you also raise the issue of Black viciousness and depravity.

How very true! We all have had our own personal experiences with Blacks, and we read horrible crime stories every day. I have blogged on Black savagery toward harmless white men, women and children for 14 years now and am, frankly, sick of doing so. We need action on the problem, not more description of it.

However, all earthling races, including the Whites who live on THIS particular planet, Terra, and not the Whites who live on thousands of highly evolved worlds, are all barbarians. Dresden is just one of a thousand horrid examples.

Five hundred years of insane wars between the Ancient Germans and the Ancient Romans are another example,leading to the collapse of Rome and the Dark Ages.
And we must not blame only the jews. Blame ALSO the spiritually backward Whites who swallowed their lies and put a hating on more evolved Whites who tried to expose jew lies!

(If I just think of my own family, totally ostracizing me, one and all, and my own father, whom I loved, and a self-made millionaire, disinheriting me! For telling racial and jew truth!)

We Whites here are just LESS blind, less insane and less barbaric than the other earthling races.

This planet is full of people who are either young souls, that is, having their first incarnations on a human level, having been literally animals in their last life, or very fallen souls who attracted seriously bad karma by their crimes committed in other lives and never punished then.

John de Nugent #sexist #homophobia #wingnut johndenugent.com

I always say that the language is the mirror of a culture. For example, I’m often asked why Russians are not accepting of Western LGBT “values.” My answer is that it’s enshrined in their culture. The gender roles are set subconsciously in Russian mind by their very language.

While in English we simply get “married”, in Russian a man gets “женат” (zhenat) which menas he gets “womaned.”

And a woman, upon marrying, is “за мужем” (za muzhem) meaning behind a husband, that is, he stand protectively in front of her.

The first case implies also that the man is softened by a woman, and in second that the woman is protected by a man.

That fundamental gender and cultural difference is thus reflected in the Russian language.

John de Nugent #crackpot #racist #sexist #wingnut #conspiracy johndenugent.com

Now the chemtrails are dyed blue to bluish to stand out less; jews whine about gas chambers yet have made our entire sky into one big gas chamber

Let me be explicit: the main problem here is that the ingredients in chemtrails make Americans gradually into cowards. They cause both depression and anxiety, which together add up to feeling cowardly.

In a country with 800 million guns, and millions of military veterans, they then moan like yellow-bellied pussies:

“Whaddya gonna do? You can’t do nuthin’.”

Really? You can’t do nothing with 800 million guns???
Chemtrails create cowardice.

Can’t do nuthin’ in a country full of lethal firearms? LOL! This guy would have disagreed. There does come a time when further talk is useless, further information about the tyranny is a waste of time — and you realize you are dealing with a mortal enemy who wants you dead — and he despises you for not acting to defend your rights, yourself and your family.

John DeNugent #racist #wingnut #homophobia #conspiracy johndenugent.com

Oktoberfest — something liked by many of the 50 million German-Americans
I was watching this video (in German) of a fun political meeting of the ascendant FPÖ party in German-speaking Austria, which is anti-migrant, anti-vaxx, and anti-lockdowns…. and it struck me how many of the modern Austrians, good people though they be, do not look even a little bit nordic any more….

FPÖ leader Herbert Kickl, although hardly blessed with movie-star good looks, hits the Establishment hard, in a popular and funny way. 🙂


I read this below the video:

677 views Feb 23, 2023
FPÖ leader Herbert Kickl lashed out against the government, [Green Party] Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen and the ORF [p.c. tv network] on Wednesday and received standing ovations in the Jahn high school in Ried im Innkreis.

I would like to speak frankly. When looking at this Kickl, whom I, of course, like very much for in essence, speech and action….it does remind me sadly how Germany — with its magnificent and once leading offshoot, Austria — has suffered THREE most horrendous, horrendous genetic losses over the centuries, real holocausts:

1) Thirty Years’ War

2) World War I

3) World War II

BUT there are also 50 million German Americans here in the American Midwest and West, and in Texas and Florida!

No catastrophic war or invasion has ever wiped out en masse people of German blood here in America.

A new movement of people of part-or wholly Germanblood power can arise here.

This crowd is fed up with the fact that Negroes and Jews, gays, Chinese and Mexicans are allowed to strut around and hold pride-parades while they have to remain silent about their origins, the largest and most blessed in the USA.

These Oktoberfests in the USA, beer bashes without any higher culture, are certainly nice, but are not enough!

John de Nugent #racist #wingnut #conspiracy #magick #fundie johndenugent.com

Arnold, the Austrian who sold his soul to the jews in Hollywood, now pontificates against “hate” and “antisemitism.”

In the article below, Arnold says he believes there is no God and no afterlife, just like his luciferian Big-Jew masters.

As the very great, and antisemitic Russian novelist Dostoyevsky, said: “If there is no more God, then everything is permitted.” And the bolshevik jews showed the Russian people just what horrors an atheist can do to them.

I have written many times on the hard, scientific evidence for life after death and God (in fact, a God of love)….and also about Arnie selling his soul completely to the jews while originally admiring Adolf Hitler.
As for God, read Conversations with God.
<multi-volume automatically-written Spiritualism classic>
This is a tough-love Father who knows far better than we do what is best for us over the many incarnations we will have. Life is meant to be challenging. You knew that before you reincarnated!
And there you have it, a narcissist who HOPES there is no God and divine justice at death, because he sold out his race and nation!

Virtus is the certainty of a tough-love God and a beautiful afterlife FOR THE BRAVE!

Nick Kennedy #racist johndenugent.com

Hi JdN, I read about Gunderson and The McMartin Daycare Scandal in the 90s. It was tragic how our JEWdicial System swept it under the rug, and the JEWmedia/Hymiewood made a movie about it, making the SATANIC perps out to be victims. It’s the same POS SATANIC system we have in CanaDUH. I know from EXPERIENCE losing my daughter in court.

Dr. Arnold A. Hutschnecker #racist johndenugent.com

Evidence that Jews are carriers of schizophrenia is disclosed in a paper prepared for the American Journal of Psychiatry by Dr. Arnold A. Hutschnecker, the New York psychiatrist, who once treated President Nixon.

JdN: He treated Nixon for decades.

In a study entitled "Mental Illness: The Jewish Disease" Dr. Hutschnecker said that although all Jews are not mentally ill, mental illness is highly [physically] contagious and Jews are the principal sources of infection.

Dr. Hutschnecker stated that every Jew is born with the seeds of schizophrenia and it is this fact that accounts for the world-wide persecution of Jews.

"The world would be more compassionate toward the Jews if it was generally realized that Jews are not responsible for their condition." Dr. Hutschnecker said. "Schizophrenia is the fact that creates in Jews a compulsive desire for persecution."

Dr. Hutschnecker pointed out that mental illness peculiar to Jews is manifested by their inability to differentiate between right and wrong. He said that, although Jewish canonical law recognizes the virtues of patience, humility and integrity, Jews are aggressive, vindictive and dishonest.

"While Jews attack non-Jewish Americans for racism, Israel is the most racist country in the world," Dr. Hutschnecker said.