various commenters #wingnut #racist #psycho
( @Nature_and_Race )
I wish White countries were unsafe for non-whites.
( @Fourpeaks83 )
@Nature_and_Race White countries are and will be unsafe for non- whites including jews who like to pass themselves off as White.
I like saying a montra to help bring it into reality. It's typically used during meditation by Buddhists and Hindus. Kind of like praying.
I want White countries to be unsafe for non- whites.
I demand White countries to be unsafe for non- whites.
White countries ARE unsafe for non- whites.
Just an example.
( @Ar113p )
@Fourpeaks83 @Nature_and_Race or... White counties are not safe for whites because the whites sellout to the jews?!!
( @SouthPole )
@Nature_and_Race they will be... we just have to work hard, but they will be.
( @JohnKen )
I wish White countries were unsafe for our traitors.
( @D1112 )
@Nature_and_Race i wish they were just simply still White.
( @alexpulse231 )
@Nature_and_Race I wish no non-White could invade us, and anyone who tries to enter by force would be killed. Make Europeans dangerous again!
( @JohnKen )
Do not forget who made the INVASION possible - our traitors. They must b first to b held accountable for the attacks & killing of Our People.
( @alexpulse231 )
@JohnKen I want all race traitors to die in the most inhuman way possible. I'd like to see Angela Merkel's, David Cameron's, Emmanuel Macron's, and Joe Biden's heads on spears. And many more race traitors, the list goes on. All of them must die. What they've done to our White race is grounds to have them executed.
( @yklee1979 )
@alexpulse231 @Nature_and_Race The Jews are white. They invade "White". Somehow, the "white" blames non-white.
( @alexpulse231 )
@yklee1979 @Nature_and_Race Jews only have White skin but they are not White, jews are Middle Easterners.
( @WhiteAmericanEskimo )
@Nature_and_Race Nothing changes until non-Whites become fearful of Whites again. And that happens through White Cohesion. Oh, and "dispatching" all the libertarians, mustn't forget that step.