Hang all niggers.
These baboons spread their decay and rot everywhere.
The only cure is hanging them.
Hang them high.
Hang all racists.
These baboons spread their decay and rot everywhere.
The only cure is hanging them.
Hang them while they’re high.
The only I’m surprised about is the fact that this dude saying all these things is using the name ABRAHAM LINCOLN as his username… like what? Here I was thinking that White Supremacist hated that guy because he, you know, FREE THE NON-WHITE SLAVES, but whatever… Overall fuck this genocidal maniac, because all it will do is cause more harm for everyone than he thinks since fascists, especially the type of fascist the Nazis were, will inevitably eat itself from within the second it doesn’t have any more enemies to kill… or hell even BEFORE they wipe out all the existing visibly racial groups.
Create gated communities for people like this.
The gates are to keep them in. They’re not allowed to leave.
We don’t need to punish them. Left alone, they’ll tear each other apart.
Oh really, I think you would look good at the end of a rope. It's not the penalty for murder anymore, but maybe it should be in your case.
Or better still, for desecrating a great man's name, you should go to the theatre.
@Zinnia #215688
This was mostly how the internet worked. Most social media administrators at least had the decency to kick these people out, leading them onto fringe sites like 4chan and KiwiFarms that nobody else goes anyway.
But everything changed until Elon Musk bought Twitter.
Such cal to lynching warrants a #psycho .
As for “decay and rot”, your sort is already spreading in the Web and IRL.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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