C. Jay Engel and Jeremy Carl #fundie #wingnut #racist #transphobia #homophobia #forced-birth angrywhitemen.org
On the Christian nationalist podcast Contra Mundum, Jeremy Carl claimed that Christianity was replaced in the public square by other “secular” religions[…]
During the show, co-host C. Jay Engel complained that the 20th century “was largely like a massive project of undermining the old constitutional norms,” and that the Constitution has “basically been liquidated, first in the New Deal, then in the Civil Rights Act” and the “bureaucratic machinations that were set up” as a result
Engel added that “if you oppose that, you know, you’re seen as a racist and all these things.” In the past Engel has claimed that “the majority of blacks have demonstrated that they cannot function within the old European cultural standards”[…]
Jeremy Carl told Engel that he was “exactly right” about the 20th century, and began criticizing the concept of separation of church and state
Carl claimed that “every single one of the founders” except Thomas Jefferson “would be a right-wing Christo-fascist,” that the Supreme Court “radically inverted the fact that Christianity and religion had always been in the center of American public life,” and that the idea that “invoking the Christian God in a public context could be unconstitutional” is “just risible”
He then went on to say that “what you see right now in the public square is a different religion. It’s the religion of transgenderism. It’s the religion of homosexuality”
“Abortion rights,” Andrew Isker interrupted
“Yeah,” Carl replied. “I mean that’s the god — or secularism, you know, quite frankly. That’s the god that we need to worship right now. It is not that a public square with no god. It’s a public square with a god that is antithetical to the god of the Founders. You know, for the country that they thought they were founding”