Alice M. Byrd #wingnut #transphobia #enbyphobia #conspiracy

The Unified Political Class shouts from the rooftops that “THEY” are going to be the most transparent party and leaders in the history of the USA. It’s like a church choir that is in perfect tune, even though different singers are singing different aspects of the melody…they sing ONE SONG in harmony. Henceforth, I will only refer to them as the “Imperial They”. The Corporate Cathedral of Conquest.

I woke up to find out the nightmare had become reality. The Progressives, Socialists and Marxists that have purposefully infected and now permeate throughout The US guv’mint, and I include the highly mischievous RINO’s who collaborate seamlessly with them. They have preached and PREACHED about how “They” are going to make their behaviors and policies transparent! It is my firm conviction that “They” have finally achieved their lofty goal.
People are whatever “They” want them to be! I wanted the world to be REAL…Apparently, I lose that wish. Men are not men; women are not women; they are gender fluid non-binary entities who can choose to be anything they want to be, whenever they want to be it!! Human Chameleons! Or should I say Chimeras? Oh, and men CAN become pregnant! Soon, they will not even be 100% human beings. They will be transhuman, implanted with AI and live forever! The world has lost it moral docking and our ship of humanity is finally lost at sea.
THIS is how the Global Corporate Command sees the average person. We are something to destroy through gullibility and temptation. Humans, beyond “Their” proscribed numerical limit, are a blight upon the earth who demand being fed and clothed and sheltered…and there are simply too many humans (cue the Covid Shot advertisement)!!
Those minions spiritually indwelt by the Forces of Evil have taken over the planet. Get ready to enjoy your breakfast of mealworms and your hovel of mud and straw; You’ll have nothing and be happy!………….or else.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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