Ivo of Vega/Sharon Stewart #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy #wingnut voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I have an issue with this whole world. I don't want to even be here but I'm stuck. I tried to fit in and it didn't work. I would prefer to go home but I can't. It seems I'm committed although Ivo has promised to take me back to Vega and show me our house and I can meet my children and grandchildren. That'll be nice.
Ivo: He would have made a suitable choice of partner but you were still going through your awakening process, which yes, did start in childhood. And you had stopped dating by the time you were 30 and this was 10 years later. Besides that, you were trying to go to Sweden to find a Nordic man, because you thought I was there. You thought to find people who looked like you would be a good start, not thinking of course that you are Dutch. The most Nordic looking people on earth are in Sweden. Our language, Elteric, is similar to Swedish in fact. You were looking for me and remembering that much of Tiannia that you felt you were Swedish.

Me: See how confusing awakening for a starseed can be, folks? I've got more stories about trying to remember Ivo. Well, this guy was Italian, not Swedish. I just knew that the right man was a Nordic. I didn't realize he wasn't on earth, though. ...Sven, Var är du? Ulf, Var är du?

I see Swedes and I see Pleaidians. It's the angular high cheekboned faces with the slanted eyes and I see Pleiadians. Look at Melania's eyes, those are Pleiadian eyes. Wow!
Me: So I live in quiet here with my cat. There's no reason to go into drama at all. People need to realize that. Becoming dramatic over a small thing like most dramas are just makes them a lot worse.

Ivo: There is no need for this. Your home life was rife with upset as a child, so you have created the opposite now and are enjoying it. You would have liked to have some friends to have a meal with and perhaps one could play guitar and you could sing but this was not meant to be. Now your time in 4D earth draws to a close.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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