NaturalNobility #crackpot #racist #ufo #conspiracy #fundie

Welcome to the Imperial Germans Information website. This site focuses on spreading the information of the existence of the Imperial Germans or Reichsdeutsche (RDs) in German. The Imperial Germans are the Germans that live in the Inner Earthen colony of New Swabia. The capital city of New Swabia is New Berlin.

The Imperial Germans are responsible for most UFO sightings on Earth. Not all UFO sightings are of Imperial German origin. According to Dr. Steven Greers’ Disclosure Project and now Sirius Disclosure there are several stellar civilizations visiting Earth.

It is the webmaster’s belief that the Imperial Germans are the so called Army of God that will intervene during the Zionist orchestrated World War 3. This army would be led by a messianic figure, the so called Jesus Christ figure or Third Sargon from the Sajahan Prophecies.

It is the purpose of this website to spread awareness of the truth about this Hidden Force that is out there. The Imperial Germans know the truth about what really happened during World War 2. That the Third Reich was a rebellion against global ZOG control and tyranny. The Imperial Germans stand in the light of truth and never wanted war. They will help end the endless wars instigated by the Satanic Elites that control us. The Imperial Germans and the Federation of Light want universal peace and understanding. Hopefully after finding out the truth you will see the Imperial Germans as your natural allies against Global Zionist Tyranny.

The Imperial Germans are here to help us out. They will save our brothers and sisters from white genocide. Their ships in the sky and in space are beacons of hope for our people. One day everybody will know the truth on the Imperial Germans.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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