1- The superior Allies beat the inferior subhuman Shitler
2- This results in the likes of the OP permawhining because “The Man in the High Castle” will never be a documentary
3- ?????
Amazon Disclaimer: We were previously an affiliate for Amazon. Because of their ideological tint, I no longer wish to give them money or send my readers to them. I have quit their affiliate service effective Nov 29, 20. I attempted to remove all applicable Amazon links but that is quite the challenge when you have 500+ articles. If you discover any that are not removed, please contact me to remove them
Yeah. I’m sure they of all companies - part of the ultra-exclusive Trillion Dollar Company Club - are all cut up about that. [/Doug Piranha-levels of sarcasm]
Least of all when they now own the James Bond & Stargate franchises.
Most of all when they’re involved in “Hazbin Hotel”? That from the above link is but one more reason to like Amazon.
…and not just their adaptation of a certain story by Philip K. Dick.