@Creativerealms #39030
Reality took the kids, that bitch!!
Anyway, anto this shite:
“Thus we have "gender" instead of sex, "undocumented migrant" instead of illegal alien, and "gay marriage" instead of sodomy.”
Gender isn’t sex, not all undocumenteds are migrants per se, and you can be gay married and not have butt sex (sodomy”
“Thanks in part to Corona-chan, indie has its best-ever shot at replacing oldpub. Attaining market dominance over dreary message fic may not win the war on its own, but politics is downstream from culture, so it will be a major step back from the precipice.”
Good thing most indie circles that get any amount of positive attention are full of lefties. While “indie” alt-rightists languish on bitchute and in the clogosphere begging for leftover scraps from angry glomergoot rejects.