
StevenRoland #fundie simplychristian.fandom.com

Greta Tintin Eleonora Ernman Thunberg (born January 3, 2003) is a communist Marxist neo-Stalinist Gaia worshipping extremist, born in Stockholm, Sweden. Thunberg is famous for her far-left views on environmental issues as well as other political issues. She believes that trees are equal in value to humans and animals, and that Jesus Christ is irrelevant in the modern age.

Genesis 1:26-28 lets humans have dominion over plants and animals and not the other way around. Revelation talks about a new earth which we will all live in after the tribulation. God is in control of the world, and we don’t need to have the environment as a god before the ever living Almighty God despite what temporarily relevant commies like Thunberg think.

Steven R. #fundie simplychristian.fandom.com

Blair White (also known as Blaire White per his own wishes, b. September 14, 1993) is a RINO faux-conservative YouTube pundit. White has advocated for RINO president Donald Trump as well as many of his policies. White applauded when Trump celebrated sodomite “Pride” month in June 2019.
White is a transsexual man who identifies as a female. He has had facial plastic surgery as well as breast implants. He had continuously engaged in hormone abuse to develop more feminine features, but still needed breast implants despite this abuse. He also wears fake nails and hair extensions, copious amounts of makeup, and almost exclusively cross dresses while on camera. White claims to be a Christian despite the fact he’s living as a transsexual in the den of liberalism known as Los Angeles. In addition to this, White has been seen drinking copious amounts of alcohol in videos, despite the Bible saying not to partake of strong drink.

White is a proponent of the liberal Trump administration’s push to decriminalize homosexuality worldwide, even in nations where its leaders know that decriminalizing homosexuality leads to total moral decadence.

Steven R. #fundie simplychristian.fandom.com

Christmas is a pagan celebration of the winter solstice. Many think it’s the celebration of the birth of Christ, hence many churches (unfortunately including many Baptist churches) put “nativity scenes” on church property and other wicked idols. The US government has decreed that this pagan holiday is also a federal holiday, and as such government buildings, many restaurants and stores close, and also most things that aren’t related to emergency response.
In the contemporary United States “Christmas” is celebrated with Yule decorations like trees, other greenery, bells, lights, ornaments, and nativity scenes by either fake or misguided Christians who think that Jesus wants them to buy useless trinkets, put them under a tree, and then eat lots of food and drink strong drinks. Retailers from Black Friday until the day before Christmas (called “Christmas Eve” and also a holiday in many states) blast pagan songs, (like “Christmas Tree Farm” by wicked liberal Episcopalian seductress harlot Taylor Swift) sell lots of toys, games, food, and other unnecessary expenditures just to celebrate the solstice like wicked sinners from years gone by.

Santa Claus is a mascot for Christmas, popularized by the Coca-Cola company, along with many movies related to Santa and his reindeer and other characters like Frosty the Snowman and others. These characters have nothing to do with Jesus Christ and His Church!

Steven R. #fundie #sexist #homphobia simplychristian.fandom.com

Sermon 18: Let Not Thy Words be Corrupted

By Bro. Steven R.

“be not rash with thy mouth, and let not thine heart be hasty to utter any thing before God: for God is in heaven, and thou upon earth: therefore let thy words be few.”-Ecclesiastes 5:2

“But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil.”-Matthew 5:37

“Christians” these days are often using profane words! Whether it’s calling one another cuss words, or using it to describe things in a vulgar way, whether it’s using racial slurs to demean people, or whether it’s calling one another something that would make a sailor blush, it’s quite clear that Christians are falling into the wily ways of the world.

When I was in college, people called things they didn’t like “retarded” or something. That’s unacceptable! You can’t demean the mentally ill and expect to be right with God! It’s wicked!! We have to be kind to those who are mentally ill and have compassion! Sure, liberals are calling everything a mental illness these days (“ADHD” and “high functioning autism”, anyone?) except for what is ACTUALLY a mental illness (transsexualism) but we should really try to avoid using language like that! I went to Bob Jones back in the late ‘90s and early 00’s, but there were already people who were acting worldly back then! Nowadays they let men wear beards and women wear pants and they allow video games and PG movies and they use the NRSV and the ESV instead of the KJV, but even when I went they were starting down the worldly path!

Next, women are referring to themselves and their friends as the “b-word” and some claim to be practicing Christians! If you use that kind of language to refer to your friends, I hope to never hear what you use to refer to your enemies! They talk about their bodies and things in a crass and unusual way, and it’s gross and wicked! I know sinful worldly men talk about women in “locker room talk” but since when did women start doing the sake thing about themselves and their friends?? This sermon is mainly about language but then they get nude in front of one another and do vaguely sexual things? I’m guessing it has to do with the influence of the sodomite revolution that even these women who belong to Baptist churches are doing this sort of wickedness!

Men are using slurs to demean others and they use the f-word every other word, and they talk to their friends using a lot of nasty language to talk about women’s bodies and their own bodies and they curse their families and employers and churches with some of the most foul and odious language out there! And some of them are indeed ushers and deacons at Bible believing Baptist churches! This starts when teenagers who were raised in a good Baptist youth group but either went to a public school or a weak sauce parochial school pick up on these habits from the world! This is why it’s necessary to HOMESCHOOL YOUR KIDS AND KEEP THEM IN THE FAITH!

I’ve just witnessed so much starting in college and even to this day with these supposedly holy men and women using such disgusting and profane language! I even heard a “Christian” man who was an usher at my old church years ago discuss the body of a particular female celebrity in such excruciatingly anatomical detail and then discussed all the sexual things he wants to do in excruciating detail, and this is the same man who puts on a smile on Sunday in his clean cut suit and tie and greets grandma when she comes in her walker and gets into the church to learn to respect the will of the Lord! It’s downright reprehensible and it must stop NOW!!!!!!!

Steven R. #fundie simplychristian.fandom.com

Sermon 17: Giving Alms

By Bro. Steven R.

“Give therefore thy servant an understanding heart to judge thy people, that I may discern between good and bad: for who is able to judge this thy so great a people?”-1 Kings 3:9

“Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom. And five of them were wise, and five were foolish. They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them: But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps. While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept. And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him. Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps. And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out. But the wise answered, saying, Not so; lest there be not enough for us and you: but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves. And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut. Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us. But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not. Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.”-Matthew 25:1-13

So, it’s good to give alms unto those who are blind, lame, crippled, or whatever. God says to do it many times over in the Bible, and we should give as unto the Lord when we give. We should however use discernment. Look at who you are giving to and why. You should NOT let your adult children live at home rent free so they can play Halo and Call of Duty on their Xbox! This also doesn’t mean you should enable the able bodied bums in your community!

Lots of losers, ages 20-40, sitting on the edge of the street panhandling! They’re asking for money to buy booze and street drugs! They won’t even take food or anything that would actually help them! They go and dig in dumpsters at Little Caesar’s for old hot and ready pizzas! I have seen this countless times! Digging like savages in the dumpster! Just because they’re too lazy to go out and get a job!!! They can’t even bother to pay $5 for their greasy nasty disgusting pizza!

“Charities” like the wicked works-salvation based “church” the Salvation Army is going around into public property and in grocery stores soliciting tithes to give lazy derelicts three hots and a cot! They don’t even have the decency to refuse to house sodomites with godly men! Effeminate sodomites aren’t even turned away anymore! I’ve seen the shelter in my community and it’s an absolute pig sty! Bodily Waste on the floor in the bathroom, half eaten food in their beds, and they smell like they haven’t taken a shower in months despite having four perfectly working showers in their dorm! There is a reason these sad bums are homeless!!!!! They can’t even get that right, so you should not give them a cent! No more homeless shelters, no more food pantries, no more gas and utility vouchers, no more prescription drug help!

That’s not to mention what the government has done to enable laziness! SSI cash payments for fake disabilities like autism, restless leg syndrome, depression, anxiety, back pain, bipolar disorder, migraines, and the like! Also Obamacare, Medicaid, and Medicare so they don’t have to go out and WORK to see a doctor! The doctor just gives them meds and treatment for their self afflicted ailments they from living wicked lifestyles! Lap band, gastric bypass, tooth extraction, and HIV meds that all could’ve been avoided by obeying Christ! Food stamps that lazy bums either use to buy filet mignon and caviar or Little Debbie snack cakes, soda, and Red Bull! Section 8 housing in urban areas for crack mommas without a baby daddy with their nine kids from four different fathers! More like sperm donors, am I right?!!!! A MAN WHO DARE NOT TAKE CARE OF HIS OFFSPRING IS A WICKED LAZY DERELICT! The Democrats want the state to replace men as fathers! They want to be the provider of all that is necessary! They don’t want godly Baptist churches to discern who really needs help and who doesn’t! That doesn’t fit in their agenda to remove the name of Jesus Christ from the public square and allow all kinds of sins like fornication and sodomy and adultery and idolatry and they want kids to play wicked video games and listen to wicked secular music like this stupid pagan Yuletide song called “Christmas Tree Farm” by that wicked young harlot who hates the things of Almighty God! Let’s do what Jesus would do for able bodied young men and give them JOB APPLICATIONS instead of three hots and a cot and a free cell phone and bus tokens and everything else! Then we should give them the Gospel of Jesus Christ to encourage them to be self sufficient! You’re not doing them a favor by doing otherwise!

Steven R. #fundie simplychristian.fandom.com

Sermon 16: Weak Sauce Baptists

By Bro. Steven R.

“ So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.”-Revelation 3:16

So many Baptist these days are weak sauce and weak willed! The Southern Baptist Convention has weakened their stances on homosexuality, biblical inerrancy, and salvation by faith alone! There are prissy “metrosexual” men heading to Southern Baptist churches with their prissy attitudes and pressed flamboyant suits and their bow ties and long hair with hair product being used! Also plenty of women wearing pants and even shirts that reveal breast and shoulder! It’s WICKED AND SHOULD BE TOLERATED BY THOSE WHO CALL THEMSELVES BAPTISTS!!! CAN I GET AN AMEN?

These people who call themselves Baptists youth groups where they play Halo on an Xbox and go paintball shooting and listen to secular concerts and eat chicken sandwiches from lukewarm LGBT appeasing Chick-fil-A instead of handing out Chick Tracts to the lost after they spend time meticulously studying Scripture! Bible reading and soul winning are far better uses of time for these young people!!!!

Some even take their kids to see the wicked filth of Taylor Swift, a bisexual woman who had a lesbian affair with Karlie Kloss, used her untold wealth to purchase breast implants, wrote songs deifying her body in addition to explicit sexual references, and so many more atrocities! They also love fake Christian conservative Kanye West who is pretending to be a Christian with his album “Jesus is King” where he is appealing to the MAGA GOP talk radio crowd! He’s still narcissistic and sees himself as a god! He needs to REPENT! So do those fake “Christians” who bought his album!

Fake Baptists are playing the Nintendo Switch, using a liberal iPhone made by sodomite company Apple, supporting premarital and extramarital sex, distorting 1 Corinthians 7 to say everyone should marry instead of just those who cannot yield to temptation, and people who worship the American Medical Association instead of the Great Physician Jesus Christ!

I saw a billboard claiming that Wicked Donny is the Word made flesh! John 1 quite clearly says that only Jesus Christ is the Word made flesh! Remember that, weak willed weak sauce Baptists who play Halo and letting the whole world go to Hell instead of getting people out of the fire and into the Church serving Christ and becoming saved and getting into Heaven!!!!! Get off your rest ends and do some work for God! Too many lost souls in this country are at stake!

Steven R. #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia simplychristian.fandom.com

Sermon 15: Voting the Bible

By Bro. Steven R.

“Take you wise men, and understanding, and known among your tribes, and I will make them rulers over you.”-Deuteronomy 1:13

In Canada, they just had an election where they essentially re-elected wacky socialist and racist Justin Trudeau. Trudeau did lose some seats to the “conservative” party but just like most Republicans most Canadian “conservatives” are pro-abortion and pro-sodomite “marriage.”

Canada’s got this weird sodomite predator named Jonathan “Jessica” Yaniv. Yaniv is an effeminate sodomite who wanted a local business to have a female employee wax his testicles. Closet sodomite Trudeau supports this nonsense. Even effeminate sodomite Blair White got in a spat with Yaniv over this. Yaniv is even more ridiculous than Charles Clymer who decides to call himself “Charlotte” and wear gaudy makeup like Ronald McDonald to earn “woke” points with leftists.

Here in the US, we have an election coming up in 2020 and the Republicans have a sick and demented incumbent president guilty of adultery, child abuse deceit, collusion with a hostile power, cocaine and Adderall and Sudafed abuse, as well as supporting sodomy and pornography and gambling as well as cannabis. The Democratic Party will nominate someone even more liberal who will promote socialized medicine, “non-binary” IDs, tuition free college, a stipend for doing nothing but sitting on your rear end, as well as promoting polygamy and bestiality.

Look, finding a biblically right candidate will be difficult, but it’s possible. There are still a few good Republicans who aren’t sellouts to the liberal RINO agenda promoted by Wicked Donny out there, who actually value life and religious liberty. We don’t need compromises like Ted Cruz or Gregg Abbott (a papist) in Texas. Sure they’re not insane looks like Gavin “free healthcare and orgies for illegal aliens” Newsom, but no compromise isn’t acceptable. The Constitution Party is full of solid biblically sound conservatives. Look at some independent candidates in your area as well! Live your faith and exercise your right to vote even if things seem bleak right now! We can save ourselves from liberal moral decadence, but we need a a revival!

The Rev. William H. Grimes #fundie #sexist simplychristian.fandom.com

Sermon 14: False God

By The Rev. William H. Grimes

“Wherefore, my dearly beloved, flee from idolatry.”-1 Corinthians 10:14

“Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry.”-Colossians 3:5

“They that observe lying vanities forsake their own mercy.”-Jonah 2:8

”Turn ye not unto idols, nor make to yourselves molten gods: I am the LORD your God.”-Leviticus 19:4

Last Friday, sinful seductress Taylor Swift unleashed her wicked album “Lover” onto the public. I was at my local Target that day, and the deluxe edition albums in the display up front were being snatched by the second by misguided teenage girls and young women. I also believe I saw a weird hipster looking sodomite guy buy a copy. I’m going to post a more thorough analysis of this abomination unto the Lord on this site, but I wanted to focus on the most blasphemous song on the album, which is called “False God.”

This song denies the divinity of Christ! It promotes sexuality in such a blasphemous and heinous way!!! THIS IS A DISGUSTING DISGRACE!!! SAY AMEN IN THE HOUSE OF THE LIVING GOD!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!

The chorus says: But we might just get away with it / Religion's in your lips / Even if it's a false god / We'd still worship / We might just get away with it /The altar is my hips / Even if it's a false god /We'd still worship this love



In the song, she also says: I know heaven's a thing/ I go there when you touch me, honey and also: They say the road gets hard and you get lost / When you’re led by blind faith, blind faith


Steven R. #fundie #homophobia #wingnut simplychristian.fandom.com

Fred McFeely Rogers (March 20, 1928 – February 27, 2003) was an American television host, liberal activist, and “minister” belonging to the liberal Presbyterian “Church” that supports same-sex “marriages,” “sex change” operations paid for by taxpayers, as well as such bogus theology as works-based salvation, national church hierarchy, and “real presence” based communion instead of the biblical symbolic understanding of the Lord’s Supper.
Rogers was the host of a publicly funded television program called Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood. This program showed Rogers cringeworthily interacting with kids in a way that is strongly inappropriate, and luring them in with extreme examples of “self-acceptance” which denies the sin nature that exists even in children. Rogers was also a puppeteer who often brought kids into the “land of make-believe” where he interacted with many people, including a police officer named “Officer Clemons” who was a sodomite in real life and Rogers was okay with that, as long as Clemons wasn’t going to gay bars or dating men. This was only to preserve the “Neighborhood,” as back in this time people still had godliness and shame. Rogers in one scene protested the racist tendencies of that day by washing his feet in the same kiddie pool with Clemons, who is an African American. Rogers could have made this bold statement of racial unity with an African American man who wasn’t a sodomite, and it would have been one of the few good things he did in his career.

Rogers was able to talk Congress into funding his disaster of a program in 1969. Later on, Rogers retired from this program and then passed away. He has become a false idol in the internet world, being revered by many including so-called “Christians” who think that being Christlike is being a soft spoken weirdo in a sweater vest. It’s strongly speculated that Rogers was a bisexual as well, from an interview where he said he’s found both men and women attractive. Even giving him the benefit of the doubt on the one, he still supported the sodomite Clemons.

Rogers is being portrayed by accused child abuser Tom Hanks in an upcoming movie, and it makes Rogers seem even more embarrassing given he sounds like a slightly faster talking Forrest Gump (who was autistic/mentally incapacitated) in the movie.

Steven R. #fundie #wingnut simplychristian.fandom.com

A liberal is a morally bankrupt individual who does not have the moral clarity that is only present in Sacred Scripture. They are typically against traditional marriage, for deviant family units that are far removed from the nuclear family, against life for the unborn, and for corruption in the world that results from the degradation of traditional values that the nation's founders had.

Liberals include such individuals as former President Barry Soetoro, former Secretary of State and current sad loser Hillary Rodham Clinton, her husband and former philanderer in chief Bill "Slick Willie" Clinton, and noted heathen/seductress Taylor Swift. These individuals are quite clearly morally bankrupt, and their influence in modern society has led to the coarsening of American culture, to the point that America is catching up to secular Europe in vulgarity.

Marxists such as Soetoro and Swift claim some form of Christianity, but are usually atheists in hiding. Soetoro was classified as a non-denominational Protestant, but besides going to the hateful "church" of "Rev." Jeremiah Wright, Soetoro has shown no interest in the Lord. Swift is a nominal Episcopalian, a liberal denomination that allows practicing lesbian "bishops" and "priests."

Steven R. #fundie simplychristian.fandom.com

Sermon 12: Ordination

By Bro. Steven R.

“Let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honour, especially they who labour in the word and doctrine.“ -1 Timothy 5:17

First of all, I would like to address the concerns that some people have about the missing content from the old Referata site. We moved to this site from Referata due to recent technical difficulties and a few hacking attempts rendering the site to be borderline unusable. I have to import the articles one by one, and I’m slowly making this effort. With the grace of the Lord on my side, may I eventually move the articles so readers can have a full and rich and usable SimplyChristian experience.

After much thought, prayers, and consideration, our ministry team decided that the SimplyChristian project would benefit from a full time pastoral presence. The Rev. William H. Grimes, formerly the pastor of the New Testament Baptist Church site and currently serving as the pastor of a local physical church in our area, has been serving as the part time overseer of this ministry. He’s also contributed sermons occasionally as a guest preacher on this site. While he will continue to occasionally guest preach, we both believe it is time for the site to have a full time pastor. Therefore, I announce that I am currently seeking ordination to become a pastor and oversee this ministry myself. As its most active participant, this is the most logical course of action. So, I thought I’d take a bit of time to discuss what the Bible says about ordination.

Looking at 1 Timothy 5:17, a good candidate for ordination should labor in the Word and be a hearer and doer of the Word. Many Baptist churches tend to have strict standards when it comes to ordination, and this is a good thing. This is why many startup churches have brothers preaching with a part time overseer involved until there can be a full time pastor present. People in the church need to hear the Word but also need access to the wealth of knowledge and spiritual soundness that an ordained pastor can provide. A pastor need not be single. If he is married, he should have but one wife. It’s important that they not engage in frivolous acts, particularly egregious acts, acts in public, or use artificial birth control or condoms or whatever else is out there. They shall surely not get an abortion as the Lord saith “thou shalt not kill.” However, many stewards of the Lord remain single and celibate. This is the preferred state of being according to 1 Corinthians 7, but marriage is an option should celibacy not be viable. It’s better to marry than to burn, as the Apostle Paul says.

Learning and educational experiences are important for a good ordination candidate, but not learning from secular universities or something like that. If a potential ordination candidate has a bachelors degree from a secular university they absolutely should have a graduate degree from a good solid Bible believing college like Bob Jones University or Liberty University. Liberal Bible colleges that teach evolution and other heresies and allow drinking and smoking shouldn’t be allowed.

When I was in college, a buddy of mine from youth group ended up doing his bachelors in a liberal Bible college called Calvin College. Apparently he spent his nights playing a liberal wicked video game that had just come out called Perfect Dark and it was on the Nintendo 64. This was before Halo and Call of Duty and all that had come out, so this was a very gory and violent game for the time that involved sci-fi themes and multiplayer with violent death matches which was so inappropriate for a liberal Bible college to allow. The point is, it’s important where your potential pastor got his education, as corruption can get anywhere if leniency and flak is allowed.

I plan on continuing this discussion in the next sermon by talking about what a pastor should be. I will also talk more about Bible colleges and education in a future sermon. Please pray for me as I continue the ordination process.

Steven R. #fundie simplychristian.fandom.com

Peter Paul (ironic, isn’t it) Montgomery Buttigieg (pronounced “boot-edge-edge”, b. January 19, 1982) is the current mayor of South Bend, Indiana and top contender for the circus show that is the 2020 Democrat presidential primary. Buttigieg believes in universal healthcare, universal college tuition, open borders, rampant secularism, and special “rights” for sodomites.
South Bend has been a disaster since Buttigieg has served as mayor, and Buttigieg is a racist who fired his former police chief for being an African American and pointing out racial bias in the system, thus continuing the racism of liberal Democrats that has been going on since the days of slavery and segregation.

Buttigieg is an open sodomite, and is “married” to his “husband.” He claims to be a Christian but hath not Christ. He’s a member of the post-Christian secular country club known as the Episcopal “Church.”

Steven R. #fundie #racist simplychristian.fandom.com

Hanukkah is a fake wicked liberal holiday that lasts for eight days and nights. It takes place in late November to late December on 25 Kieslev on the Hebrew lunar pagan moon worshipping calendar. It’s celebrated by those who purport to be God’s chosen people but really follow a fake worship leader called a “rabbi” and celebrate Jesus Christ (who they see as a wicked heretic) being boiled in excrement per the Talmud. It’s also observed by some self-professed Christians (i.e. messianic Jews) who worship not Jesus Christ but someone named “Yeshua.”
It’s based on a myth that the Hebrew people were able to light a candle for eight days with one days worth of oil, and they wanted to do so in order to spite their captors who wanted them to worship their pagan gods instead of the god they pretend is Almighty God!

Hanukkah has become commercialized like Christmas and is celebrated by giving gifts, lighting goofy looking candles for eight nights, and eating greasy food and gambling, which is all wicked into the Lord.

Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.- John 14:6

Steven R. #fundie simplychristian.fandom.com

Sermon 11: The New IFB

By Bro. Steven R.

Psalm 51:10 “Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.”

Pastor Steven Anderson held the “Make America Straight Again” conference in Orlando recently. He was responding to the worldliness of the wicked sodomite reprobates who are recruiting our impressionable youth with candy and fun carnival games and watching carnjval barkers in funny costumes do wacky stuff. The the drag queens and transsexuals take off their clothes and the wicked police force does nothing to enforce public nudity laws!

Satan’s own harlot, Taylor Swift, released a video for her “hit” new single “You Need to Calm Down.” Drag queen and transsexual galore! They mocked Christians as uneducated hicks who can’t spell! I don’t know about you, but I for one am appalled because I am a college graduate!!!!!! I graduated top of my class at Bob Jones University back in the day!

The Old IFB has become very worldly, enjoying smut like a Taylor Swift videos that celebrate sodomy as well as feature Taylor Swift wearing immodest garments like lingerie and a bikini! She also had fake hair dye that apparently is of the bisexual colors! Confirms that she’s a bisexual and engaged in lesbianism with Karlie Kloss! The Old IFB is also okay with wicked video games like Call of Duty and Grand Theft Auto and Super Mario Odyssey! Horrendously wicked sinfulness! The Bible says to be IN the world but not OF the world! Apparently they hath not the salt of the sea! We need to rise up and join in the NEW IFB and have a grand spiritual revival! CAN I GET AN AMEN?!!!

Steven R. #fundie simplychristian.fandom.com

Sermon 19: License to Sin

By Bro. Steven R.

“ She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.”-John 8:11

Protestant founder Martin Luther is quoted as saying that Jesus died for nothing if we don’t sin! In a sense he is correct. Jesus would not have to have died if sin didn’t exist, but sin came into being in Genesis 3 when Adam and Eve ate of the fruit of knowledge of good and evil! Therefore, we all sin, because we have a sin nature! However, we must TURN OR BURN!!!!!!!

It becomes necessary to turn from sin in your life! You can’t be saved without a sincere heart! It’s true we can’t save ourselves with our good works, because the Bible says that our righteousness is as RAGS! We can NEVER EVEN HOPE to come close to the sinless perfection that Jesus Christ did when He was on the Earth! He never had a sexual thought, never succumbed to temptation of the devil, never even did as much as steal anything! He never would’ve even stolen a ketchup packet from Burger King because He was not a sinner! We are! We have all sinned!

Even if we are all sinners and can’t get to Heaven on our own accord, Luther is still wrong! Being saved is NOT a license to sin! We shouldn’t get High on the devil’s lettuce, go to a strip club, place thousands of dollars on the breasts of harlots, drive a gin and tonic, and then go to Taco Bell to gorge on burritos and then go to a hotel room to fornicate! Christians MUST stay away from the sinful excesses of the world! Even if truly saved people can’t go to Hell due to the sacrifice of Christ, we cannot mock Christ by living as the world! The Bible says to congregate with other believers and to be in the world but not of the world! Set yourself apart from the world! If you’re not doing that, are you having a quality walk with Christ?! Doesn’t sound like it! If you’re not even saved, pray that Christ will save you from your sins and repentance will be what you need to do to show you’re truly a new creature in Christ! Don’t listen to former papist turned fecal fetishist Martin Luther! Listen to the KJV Bible and then a good local IFB preacher!