Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #wingnut facebook.com
What they really mean to say it…”We will give the placebo to you, while outsiders get death jab. Aren’t you lucky you work for us? You get to live.”
What they really mean to say it…”We will give the placebo to you, while outsiders get death jab. Aren’t you lucky you work for us? You get to live.”
Refuses to apologise? Typical. I got it right from FIRST DAY- lockdowns, masks, vaccine & Ivermectin. I was 100% right. How come I knew? This schmuck Chris Cuomo needs to get in boxing ring w/me. Let’s go for it. 100% purse to charity. I just want to kick your ass. Accept my challenge?
All you have to know is…Millions of Americans who were either forced to take the Covid jab, or conned into taking it, now regret taking it…not 1 person on earth who is unvaccinated regrets NOT taking it.
2/3rds of US households have a dog. Most people I know treat dogs like their children. They might love them more than their children- because a dog never leaves & never disagrees. Thats how I know Kristi Noem made worst mistake in political history. She brags about killing puppy for acting excited & having fun while hunting. OMG. Some of u didn’t get it. Worst optics in history. Her career should be over. Anyone who brags about killing a dog for being hard to train…or because it kills a few chickens…is a heartless, nasty person. Thats what puppies do! But it’s funny how Democrats are shocked by this story…but they want to murder babies until moment of birth. They should all be disqualified for being heartless, nasty killers. It goes both ways. Value life.
See data from Japan. Its FACT now…as I’ve warned for 3 yrs…Covid jab causing spectacular rise in cancer & excess deaths. Fact. Yet still not mentioned in news. Why? Big Pharma bribes media w/tens of billions in ad spending. The is SCANDAL OF CENTURY.
ZEROHEDGE.COM Excess Deaths In Japan Hit 115,000 Following 3rd COVID Shot; New Study Explains Why
You have no idea the hatred and rage my old Columbia U. classmate Obama has for Trump, America, capitalism & the Jews. It’s all on display at Columbia & Trump’s communist show trial in NYC. This is the canary in the coal mine. My latest commentary will be out within minutes.
I want Mike Johnson fired. Gone. Don’t let door hit u in ass on way out. Never want to see his face again. Sick of lying, dirty, corrupt Democrats pretending to be GOP. Johnson is blackmailed, or bribed. Only question is…owned by Dems, China or Ukraine.
NOTTHEBEE.COM Congress cheers, wave flags as they pass another bill to give billions to Ukraine
Something is wrong. Not normal. Cyber attacks? China? Democrats don’t care- they’re all OWNED by China & CCP.
BREITBART.COM Extensive Damage’: 26 Barges Float Uncontrolled Down Ohio River, Bridges Shut Down
When comedy tells RAW TRUTH. Trump pays money to cover up a one night stand, but Hillary just murders all of her liabilities- that involve fraud, rigging elections and TREASON. And they put Trump on trial? OMG.
The execs at Facebook who are mostly ex-CIA & ex-FBI Stepford Wives are such cowards & mental midgets. U must all pee in your pants whenever I post. You’re so scared of power of my words, u need to censor, shadow-ban & silence me. U are clearly scared little pansies.
SHOW & TELL: Democrats finished. No one believes lies/gaslighting anymore. Why? SHOW & TELL. Remember from 3rd grade? U need to see it to believe it. U can hide stolen election…vaccine deaths…open border. Hard to actually see. But everyone can see & feel INFLATION in bank account & wallet/pocketbook & monthly budget & paycheck.
Democrats (ie communists) must be getting legislation ready to ban all knives.
Part 2 of “Democrat Dream Scenario” for election. Part 1- start WW3. Part 2- nightmare pandemic with 50% death rate so they can lockdown USA, declare martial law, or demand mail-in voting with no ID. Throw in civil war inside USA. “TRIPLE CROWN” for Dems.
NYPOST.COM Bird flu pandemic could be ‘100 times worse’ than COVID, scientists warn
Rare positive news. For once the “good guys” get a day! How can any Christian EVER think of voting against Trump, or for Democrats? It’s so clear the crazy, radical nut jobs who run Democrat Party today hate you, your religion, your country and God.
There’s only 1 other explanation for offending every Christian in USA on most holy day of yr…Dems know they’ve rigged election…so they’re just laughing at us. They can say & do anything they want, because it doesn’t matter. They already know results.
Yes Democrats are rigging & stealing elections. But…they can’t overcome landslide. Trump now leads the biggest of his entire political career- since day he came down escalator. And Fox News poll oversamples Democrats. Real Trump lead is 10 points.
TOWNHALL.COM NEW: Latest Fox Poll Shows Biggest Lead Ever For...
Trump is smartest politician ever…understands & cares for working class, middle class, average guy & gal, cops, firemen, military, vets, etc. Biden (aka Captain Dementia) is dumbest ever. The tragic wake & funeral of this murdered NY cop is Exhibit A.
What Biden did today by literally cursing Easter & Jesus Christ tells me something is VERY wrong. Who would do that? What does he gain? Not 1 vote. This signals Satan in control of Democrats & final battle of good vs evil is near. Or Dems want civil war.
Was it cyber attack that shut off ship’s power & suddenly steered it straight towards bridge? I’ve never heard of either of those happening before, let alone both. One ship disaster happens to badly harm supply chain, shipping & inflation for entire USA?
NEWSNATIONNOW.COM Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse timeline
It’s all out in the open. Democrat Party is doing work of devil. Pure evil. They’ve declared war on American people. Combination of mental illness and brainwashed like Jim Jones followers in Guyana.
BRIETBART.COM Joe Biden Declares Easter Sunday ‘Transgender Day of Visibility’
Like I said earlier…terrible tragedy. Prayers. But isn’t it strange how 1 ship crashing into bridge now threatens entire nations cargo & supply chain…& leads to higher inflation for all of us. Really? Maybe something bigger at work here?
BREITBART.COM Baltimore Port’s Closure Threatens Inflation and Bigger Deficits
🚨 Stop everything you are doing and watch this. 🚨 Biggest political scandal in human history, bar none.
IS FRANCE’S FIRST LADY A MAN? YOUTUBE.COM Biggest Political Scandal in History?
Tragedy. Pray for all involved. But indicative of our nation falling apart under Biden- just like helicopters that failed in desert in Iran during rescue mission under Jimmy Carter. Too many unqualified employees in critical jobs, everything going to hell.
FOXNEWS.COM Maryland: Ship hits Francis Scott Key Bridge causing it to collapse
Why are so many celebs sick w/cancer, dying, or dead? And at such young ages? What a “mystery.” Dramatic “mysterious” explosion of cancer only started at moment vaccine was introduced. What a coincidence! I wish Princess Kate a full & fast recovery. But we KNOW she had it. There is pattern.
I know why. Do you? Covid vaccine kicking in. Obviously the new “Black Death.” But why worry? Nothing to see here!
TELEGRAPH.CO.UK World’s population to fall for first time since the Black Death
This is a conspiracy of entire US government. We must be getting really close to proving election was stolen, if they’re arresting lawyers now. Flak gets strongest when you’re flying right over the target.
It’s all China. Assist to Obama. And Satan.
This is how evil, twisted and mentally-ill liberals are. Can’t believe they are Americans like me. I am from Venus, liberals are from Your-Anus.
FOXNEWS.COM Bands bail on Texas South by Southwest festival after discovering US Army sponsorship
Bible already gave the warning: Those who bless Israel will be BLESSED…those who curse Israel will be CURSED. Kamala & Democrat Party are cursed to hell. Perfect. Same radical extreme Marxist TRAITORS who hate God, America, Constitution & capitalism.
Trump needs to say, “If you’re in America and you’re better off today than when Trump left office…you’re clearly an ILLEGAL ALIEN INVADER.” That gets the point home with every American. Lightbulb moment.
My gut instinct #2…Get ready for Michelle Obama as Democrat presidential nominee. Can’t be Biden- he is brain-dead zombie wearing diapers. Can’t be Kamala- she is dumber than door knob. Can’t be Gavin or Hillary- can’t skip over Kamala w/white man or woman. Has to be Michelle.
I’ve made thousands of predictions on my TV & radio shows for past 8 yrs. My gut as accurate as anyone ever in media. I’m batting .999. Thats GOAT batting avg. My gut says this is communist takeover. We’ve been sold out. USA is run now by Obama, Soros & CCP. Get ready to fight.
I’m a Jew (but different kind of Jew- I took Jesus as my savior 33 yrs ago). Which makes me Messianic Jew. Amazing that U.S. Jews don’t appreciate Donald Trump. Same exact attributes- Trump persecuted like Jews. Trump is relentless in face of persecution like Jews. Trump is warrior for Israel- which Bible says makes you blessed. Trump is successful in business & greatest Prez for economy & jobs. For all intents & purposes, Trump is “First Jewish President.”
Get ready for my plan released on Sunday morning for “THE GREAT NEW YORK CITY BOYCOTT.” I wrote the book “The Great Patriot Boycott.” Since my book came out trillions in market value of woke companies gone! This is my expertise. Now it’s New York City’s turn to be “Bud Lighted.”
FACT: FOIA request shows 11,000 politicians & “elites” (rich & powerful) in New Zealand got “EXEMPTIONS to never take Covid vaxx. Why? Thought it was “safe & effective?” Thought criticism was “misinformation?” So…why did they force u to take it…while they said NO? If you’re not asking that question, you’re a sheep. P.S. Lets find out how many politicians & elites got “exemptions” in USA.
My heart goes out for my president Trump. It pains me to see what he is going though. It’s like Jesus carrying the cross to the mound to die.
LET “THE GREAT NEW YORK BOYCOTT” BEGIN. I was born & raised in NY. It’s now dead to me. You want to lynch President Trump? There are 100 MM Trump supporters. No longer vacation there. No biz trips. No purchases from any NY-based biz. Not 1 red cent ever again. Drive NY into bankruptcy. We don’t support communists or Gestapo. We don’t support lynchings. NY will now go the way of Bud Light.
Best week EVER for President Trump. Democrat fools & frauds tried to financially assassinate him…a modern day LYNCHING…NY proved it’s no different than Russia…these cases are so absurd they would be rejected by Saturday Night Live…and Fani Willis performance was pure comedy. “All black women keep cash!” Her father the Black Panther actually said that! These people are frauds, clowns, criminals, communists, assassins, immoral perverts. Americans see it all. Democrats so clueless & dumb they’ve GUARANTEED Trump’s election.
I’m a Jew and it’s time to say it LOUDLY before it’s too late- the is the Gestapo. America is now Nazi Germany in the 1930s. If we don’t stop Nazis & their Gestapo thugs here, we lose America. And MUCH worse to come.
Tell me difference between this poor man’s death in prison and what Biden (& his boss Obama) trying to do to Trump. Trump is 77 yrs old. They want him to die in prison for EXACT same crime as Putin’s rival. Because Trump is threat to their power & control.
I guarantee now that this is national news & headlines on conservative media…Red Cross will reverse this…and say it was all a “mistake.” Or erase it like it never happened. We are living in age of Soviet & Nazi-level intimidation & propaganda.
PJMEDIA.COM Red Cross Tacitly Concedes Blood of COVID Vax-Injected Is Tainted
Whole world shocked over death in prison of Putin’s political rival. But that’s NOT story. Story is USA under Biden no better. This is exactly what Dems trying to do to Trump. Make him die in prison…for no crime…because he is biggest threat to power.
Anyone with a brain can see that Biden (and his boss Obama) DESPERATELY want World War 3. Will start soon. If it hasn’t already started. Need WMD (weapon of mass distraction) during election year.
ZEROHEDGE.COM Air Force & Space Force Unveil Major Overhaul To Prepare For War With China
Deaths keep mounting of young Americans in their 40s & 50s. Stunning numbers of “excess deaths.” U know what I think. Not all, but large percentage are from 1 thing. We need to ask “Was he vaxxed?” You will see a pattern. Why is everyone so afraid to ask?
For all the clueless dumb Democrat frauds out there: Did you think Kansas City Chiefs won Super Bowl last night? Nope. San Fran 49ers got late TD in lockeroom in middle of night- with no refs present. So 49ers are Super Bowl champs. Isn’t that exactly how you win elections?
Our own govt is so evil it’s shocking. New book out proves our govt & Deep State murdered Martin Luther King. And OF COURSE we all know our govt assassinated JFK. How many others have been murdered by US govt? Will they try to assassinate President Trump before he wins election?
As I told the world yesterday in my opening speech for President Trump…Biden (and his boss Obama) and entire Democrat party is bribed and Blackmailed by China and Mexican Drug Cartels. Exhibit A:
Watch me name Obama as architect of open borders strategy to intentionally destroy America. He was my classmate at Columbia U. 40 yrs ago- where we learned Cloward Piven strategy. I have the balls to call Obama out as real Prez of USA. Guilty of TREASON.
I’m going to keep repeating my solution to save USA…we need LIE DETECTOR TESTS for all politicians & government bureaucrats…Ask “Have you sold us out?” Are you bribed? Blackmailed? On China’s payroll? Or Big Pharma? Or Mexican Drug Cartel.” This is how we save USA.
Just a quick review of how we got here
cartoon labelled The American Family (Man, woman and five kids) + contraception (man, woman, two kids) + abortion (man, wman and one kid) + divorce (man and kid) + gay marriage (Two men and a kid) + confusion (the kid says “I think I’m a girl”)