
David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com


The unbiblical Catholic doctrine of celibacy has caused major problems within the Catholic Church. The Roman Catholic church is a cesspool of homosexual perverts and pedophiles. Pedophilia and homosexuality are inseparable (as many as 50% of all Catholic priests are allegedly homosexual). Whereas the average U.S. citizen would spend life in prison for committing the same sexual crimes as literally thousands of Roman Catholic priests, guilty priests are virtually untouchable. Instead the pervert pedophile priests are relocated, sheltered or retired by the Vatican, but hardly ever prosecuted by local authorities as they should be. Satan controls and protects the prisonhouse of perverted pedophile priests in Catholicism!

Sad to say, the Catholic Church is able to hide the grossest of sins (over 12,000 allegations of criminal sexual conduct since 1950). That is alarming!!! There's no difference between Mormonism's Warren Jeffs and the Catholic Pope, who both cover-up the crimes. Why are Catholics so trusting toward their priests, knowing that there's an epidemic of child molesting within the Catholic Church? They are so blinded by religion that they don't even care about their own children. Religion is a dangerous thing. Don't leave your brain at the baptistry! Unbeknownst to most, the Catholic Church was the biggest supporter of Hitler's war machine and the extermination of millions of Jews during WW2.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Wiccans are openly acceptant of sexual sins which are Biblically prohibited. Witchcraft is infamous for sexual rituals and ceremonial nudity. Anton LaVey, founder of the CHURCH OF SATAN, wrote a book called, The Satanic Witch, in which teaches women how to take advantage of men. The book is pure evil and promotes the sins of feminism and sexual immorality. From researching their own writings and websites, witches are well-known for lesbianism, orgies and sexual licentiousness. No wonder they have such an attraction for the Pagan god, Pan (the world's foremost sexual pervert).

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Hitler's illegal Enabling Act is the same as BushFRAUD's totally UN-Constitutional Patriot Act and Obama's totally UN-Constitutional National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)

BushFRAUD escaped justice, never being arrested for his administration's massive HIGH TREASON against his own countrymen and war crimes against humanity, injuring and murdering millions of innocent people (1,455,590 murdered Iraqis) based upon an illegal war against Iraq, that was based upon fabricated lies. No WMD's (weapons of mass destruction) were ever found. The 911 attacks were a staged false-flag terror attack, which was used (as intended) as a pretext to invade and conquer Iraq and Afghanistan, enact the fascist Patriot Acts, and to start the fascist Department of Homeland Security (which didn't exist prior to the 911 attacks) to overthrow the American republic.

Fall Of The Republic (a 2:24 hour eye-opening documentary film by Alex Jones)

Few Americans understand that Nazi war criminals from WWII Germany were brought to the United States, hired and formed the CIA. Hitler's monstrous war machine during WWII was founded mostly by Wall Street corporations in America, like Ford Motors, DuPont, Standard Oil and IBM. They were all part of I.G. Farben, a German company which was a conglomerate of over 200 companies). IBM manufactured the stamping machines to permanently mark (tattoo numbers onto) holocaust victims!

The American People have had enough of this treasonous crap, which continues to be enabled by the crooked international Bankster-controlled newsmedia networks like CNN, MSNBC, FOX News and the worst of them all CNBC. It was Brother Lester Roloff (1914-1982) who said that next to the Word of God, the newsmedia is the most powerful force in the world. How right he is! And people never learn!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

The Nazis and Many Today Follow Charles Darwin's Philosophy

For those who do cross that line and kill human life, I ask you, at what point do you draw the line? The Nazis killed those who were maimed, mentally-retarded, weak, or whom they just didn't like, thinking that it was acceptable within the morally bankrupt teachings of Charles Darwin's THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES. Put another way, Darwin's philosophies could be explained by the carnal phrase, “Only the strong survive.” Scientists who destroy human life in a lab, and mothers who abort their children, and judges who legalize abortion, and those who killed Terri Schiavo in 2005, are thinking the same way that the Nazis did. Whereas Jesus Christ stressed the importance of even the least INDIVIDUAL (Matthew 25:40,45); the majority of society today only concern themselves with the stronger GROUP (The Origin Of Species).

There is a famine of Biblical Christianity in the world today. Few people genuinely care about the individual anymore. The Supreme Court ruled in 1972, in Roe vs. Wade, that an unborn fetus is not an individual, not a human being. The victims of alcohol-caused automobile deaths are too often only considered a “statistic,” instead of an individual. All the victims of booze are PEOPLE, individuals. Most public school teachers don't care if a few students fail, just so long as most of their other students get good grades to make the teacher look good. They don't care if a few students fall through the cracks here and there an fail. This is how the heathen world thinks, and it is all directly based upon Charles' Darwin's The Origin Of Species

David J. Stewart #sexist jesus-is-savior.com

So many self-righteous wives today are hypocrites, who file for divorce, drag their husband into court before a heathen judge, and cause him financial ruin. This is a woeful evil. A lazy wife who stubbornly refuses to care for her children, clean the home, or satisfy her husband's needs, is afforded a FREE lawyer if her husband even blows up in verbal anger against her. She is catered to as if a victim. The husband is forced into hiring a lawyer and paying $20,000 in legal expenses to defend himself! Check with your local police station and you will learn that a husband who even yells at his wife is deemed guilty of "Domestic Abuse."

The legal charge is "verbal assault." If found guilty by a judge, the husband can be forced to support his stubborn and rebellious former spouse for the remainder of her life. The husband risks losing his kids, his paycheck, his home... HIS LIFE! Wicked! Injustice! American men have been victimized by a Godless feminist agenda sinfully working within our government, that roasts fathers over the flames of Hell for exercising husbandly authority over the wife (Genesis 3:16). Wives are commanded in God's Word to OBEY their husbands in EVERY THING (Ephesians 5:24).

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

I encourage my web visitors to think objectively. Challenge everything! Is it Biblical? There is nothing wrong with thinking objectively. In fact, that is exactly what 1st John 4:1 commands us to do. We ought to test everything against the inspired Word of God, which is the inspired King James Bible!!! God curse is upon America because of all these fake Bible versions today. There are literally several hundreds English Bible translations today. There is nothing wrong with your King James Bible!!! The Holy Bible was not meant to be easy to understand, clearly evidenced by Peter's frustration over Paul's hard to understand writings (2nd Peter 3:16-17).

“So foolish was I, and ignorant...” (Psalm 73:22)

It was in the May 2016 news, that in Florida a school camera caught 25 boys herding into a men's restroom to have sex with a willing young girl (slut). The boys were so despicable that they filmed the youth behaving like animals, having multiple boys having carnal knowledge with her, uploading the video to the internet. What do you expect when there is no moral standard in the schools? Without the Holy Bible, anything goes, which is exactly what the Luciferian elite want. Who do you think removed the Word of God from the schools? I'll tell you, Freemasons, whose God is Lucifer! An alarming amount of American youth today are on drugs, obese, teen parents, fornicating, suicidal, confused, bitter against God, ungrateful, full of blame, proud, resentful, angry, rebellious, et cetera. There is nothing respectable about a satanic cult like Freemasonry that destroys the lives of young people! And I am sick of their retarded All Seeing Eye everywhere we look nowadays. It is really getting annoying! The only eyes I care about are the eyes of the Lord!!!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

There was always wickedness in our culture, but it was confined to private clubs, taverns and places of ill repute. Today, wickedness is in our face everywhere we turn. We have lost our blush as a nation. Sin no longer embarrasses people, they relish proudly in it, defying God in arrogance, challenging their Creator. This is largely due to the Luciferian assault against Americans. This includes the removal and ban of God's Word and prayer from the schools. This includes the pushing of the sexual revolution and homosexual agenda. This includes the billion-dollar government-sanctioned illegal drug trade across America. This includes the Masonic rigged court system that encourages divorce and discourages marriage. This includes the unholy manure-spreading media and their lies. America is under attack. Luciferians, liberals, kooks and infidels want to rid the United States of every bastion of Bible Christianity, and replace it with a New World Order.

So, the truth is that America was founded by Luciferian Freemasons. Highest level Freemasons are fully aware of the Luciferian nature of their cult. Most lower level initiates are not. Freemasonry is an organization within an organization, much like Mormonism, which is closely paralleled to Freemasonry in its rituals, rites and occult dealings. Yet, the early settlers which came to America were by far, Christians. So we see that Satan infiltrates everything that is good, right and holy to corrupt and eventually take it over. We see this happening in the churches today. Once great fundamental churches have been infiltrated by New World Order Bible versions, corrupted and led astray into ecumenical mediocrity and apostasy! Many churches have been woefully deceived by manmade Israel, led astray to support an ungodly nation and New World Order ploy to usher in World War III, which will begin in the Middle East.

Kindly, the average pastor today is an ignoramus! And sadly, many others are cowards, afraid to investigate these things, lest he be accountable to tell the unpopular truth, which will result in him being put outside the gate with Jesus, as I have been my whole life. Truth is indeed stranger than fiction! Anybody with half a brain knows that the Luciferian elite, whose occult symbols adorn every U.S. one-dollar bill and our nation's capital, were responsible for the World Trade Center attacks on 911. Yet, I still hear ignoramus Baptist pastors blaming Muslims and demonizing Islam, while giving a free pass to the most Satanic religion on earth, Judaism! This deception is rooted in the extra-Biblical manmade teachings of Dispensationalism. For that primary reason I reject it!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

And I'm sick of idiots saying you'll never reach people for Christ with hate. It's the Godless crowd saying that garbage! The King James Bible says in Ephesians 4:15, “speaking the truth in love.” There's more love contained in my online ministry then you'll find in most churches in America combined.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

History has proven that established religion is one of the biggest causes of war, killing, rapes, and every other form of wickedness imaginable. In fact, the Bible has nothing good to say about religion. Jesus Christ, Who was God in the flesh (1st Timothy 3:16), never started a religion. Jesus started the church, but it wasn't meant to be a religion.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

[Re. the congregants of Harvest Baptist Church]

I have been put outside the gate with Jesus, shunned away, even prohibited from simply attending church services by Bob Jones graduate churches, all because they refuse to serve God correctly, and I am MUCH closer to the Lord and truth than they are.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

I am so sick and tired of these neo-evangelical, dead, lukewarm, lifeless, fuddy-duddy churches today, like the Harvest Baptist Church on Guam! Did I mention that they forced me out and banned me from returning! Yes, it is true! Do you know why? It is because I AM RIGHT AND THEY ARE WRONG ON THE HOLY BIBLE. They are all shameful Bob Jones graduates! The truth hurts, don't it! I mean, I couldn't put it any simpler. This is what happens when light meets darkness, when a real Hyles-Anderson College graduate (back when HAC graduates still believed what Dr. Hyles actually taught) meets the neo-evangelical Bob Jones University camp!!! I wouldn't give you a dime for that mess at Bob Jones, nor their sorry graduates. What a shame to the cause of Christ. The gloves are off!


David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

The U.S. southern borders are deliberately open to destroy our nation. A nation without borders ceases to be a country. Upwards of 50,000,000 Hispanics have fled Mexico's utter poverty (I can't blame them), and have undermined American wages, providing dirt-cheap labor for the Mormon-owned Marriott hotel chain, thousands of businesses, Beverly Hills servants to the rich, et cetera. Someone's got to pay the bills! All the illegals are just being used to further raise the national debt into the stratosphere! Hundreds of hospitals nationwide have been forced into bankruptcy. ObamaCare is complete fraud. Where does the wickedness and dishonesty end? See the free 2:00 hour documentary by Alex Jones titled, “AMERICA DESTROYED BY DESIGN!”

I'll tell you what has happened, and you won't hear this hardly anywhere. Satan is the god of this evil world (2nd Corinthians 4:4). Since the tower and city of Babel (Genesis 11:1-9), Satan has attempted to achieve World Government. But God confounded mankind, stopping the Devil in his tracks (Genesis 11:7-9). Only in modern times has God allowed the Industrial Revolution, which has enabled Satan to finally achieve World Domination through technology, primarily the satanic television. The lying mainstream newsmedia and Hollywood are used by the Illuminati to control the United States. Our nation was founded by ungodly Freemasons for the sole purpose of achieving a New World Order. Who are the Illuminati? Research history and you will find that Freemasons, Judaism and the International Banking Cabal (a clique that seeks power usually through intrigue) are behind every major subversion of our nation.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

There are MANY thieves and robbers in the world today, who are trying to illegally enter Heaven. There is only one way to Heaven—God's way—which is by faith in Jesus Christ alone (John 14:6). Anyone who ADDS self-righteousness to faith is going to Hellfire, because genuine faith EXCLUDES all else. Many religions today teach the damnable heresy of Baptismal Regeneration, i.e., the false doctrine that a person MUST be water baptized to be saved. Many religions require good works of people in order to get to Heaven; BUT, Romans 4:5 states... “But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.”

Are you a thief or a robber? Have you been trying to get to Heaven some OTHER WAY, i.e., other than Jesus Christ alone? Acts 4:10-12 plainly states... “Be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye crucified, whom God raised from the dead, even by him doth this man stand here before you whole. This is the stone which was set at nought of you builders, which is become the head of the corner. Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” The Word of God couldn't be any clearer.

So many people today have their own way of doing things, and falsely think God is going to pardon them on Judgment Day. Think again! Cain was very sincere, but God refused his grain offering (Genesis 4:5). In Matthew 7:21-23 we read about some very sincere religious folks, but God rejected their professed goodness and religious commitment. Many people have a problem being told what to do. By nature, our rebellious sin-nature is selfish, and desires to do things it's own way. This is why most religious people are going to Hell—because they want a part in their own salvation—whether it be performing good works, forsaking their own sins, or being a faithful church member in a certain denomination. What most people FAIL to realize is that salvation is 100% of God, and not of man at all. Matthew 6:33 states... “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” If you want to go to Heaven, then you need HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS! Self-righteousness is a guaranteed road to Hellfire.

Judaism is of the Devil. Lutheranism is of the Devil. Seventh-Day Adventism is of the Devil. Mormonism and Jehovah's Witnesses are of the Devil. Islam is of the Devil. Catholicism is of the Devil. The Church of Christ is of the Devil. United Churches of Christ are of the Devil. The Charismatic Movement is of the Devil. The Church of England is of the Devil. These are all thieves and robbers, who are attempting to sneak into Heaven by SOME OTHER WAY (John 10:1).

You don't need to attempt to break into Heaven, by sneaking over a wall as a thief, or digging a tunnel underneath like some robber. The Door is wide open, a free gift if you'll receive it, paid for by the precious blood of Christ Jesus (1st Peter 1:18,19). Jesus Christ IS THE DOOR (John 10:9). Yes, there are many thieves and robbers today, who are seeking to enter Heaven apart from faith ALONE in Jesus Christ. Tragically, they will one day be in horror when they are pronounced GUILTY and then cast into the Lake of Fire forever.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

It hurts to be ignored. When you call somebody and they don't call you back, you want to break their pencil...lol. Seriously, you wish you could get them fired or put them in jail. I hate jerks. But I always find comfort in Scriptures such as Ecclesiastes 12:14 which says God will bring EVERY WORK into judgment. In Matthew 12:36 Jesus warned that God will judge men for their very words.

Certainly it's not my place to say what God will or won't do, but I DO KNOW that God does care, and he has set the Golden Rule as the benchmark for judgment Day... Matthew 7:12, “Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.” God is going to judge you on the basis of how you would have wanted people to treat you. Anything that you do to someone else will be judged by your own principles. A man once said to me that we all live by our own book. What that interprets to is that everyone is selfishly and sinfully doing that which is right in their own eyes. Well, I choose to live by God's Book... the holy Bible. I treat others the way I want to be treated. Your book doesn't matter. God's Word is all that matters.

I have a tender-heart and get my feelings hurt easily. I'm not embarrassed to admit that. I've had people in life advise me to grow thicker skin. I've tried but it's not in my nature. I am a kind person.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Television is saturated with insane commercials that show a person happy and smiling if they take a certain drug, but then the company lists all the dangerous risks of taking the drug. Such commercials are disturbing to say the least. It's almost like they're mocking the stupidity of the American public. I'm a firm believer in natural remedies where they are available.

So be careful about blindly trusting your doctor(s). Read up on the drug you're about to take. Ask questions, especially if you're being given a half-dozen prescriptions at the same time like I was. The human body can only take so much abuse. I assumed that my doctor knew what he was doing, but obviously he didn't, because the pharmacy had to issue warnings about the serious drug interactions that I would very likely encounter. That's just insane in my opinion!

You cannot poison your body into health with drugs, chemo or radiation. The homeopathic approach treats the whole body, ignites the body's internal healing force and stimulates the body's natural abilities to heal itself. Health can only be achieved with healthful living.

Watch Free B17 Cancer VIDEO Now

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

I have the symbol of a cross on both of my computers, which constantly reminds me that I am a Christian when I go online. I named my server network "KINGJAMESBIBLE," which is a safeguard. I wouldn't want people seeing a guy with "KINGJAMESBIBLE" going somewhere on the internet where he shouldn't go. I don't know if you are aware of this or not, but every picture that you download or upload is permanently recorded at your hosting company, along with the date, size, time and location of the file on your hardrive or server drive. All your internet activity is stored. They are legally binding transactions. The police, government and hackers can see all of that. There's no such thing as internet privacy. So keep that all in mind, you are being watched. Moreover, our God is always watching, whom we should fear rather than man.

Sadly, some of the filthiest and most evil websites today are the New York Post and New York Times and Washington Post, which are very sensual, raunchy and immodest. I avoid those ungodly websites. Colossians 3:5-8, "Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry: For which things' sake the wrath of God cometh on the children of disobedience: In the which ye also walked some time, when ye lived in them. But now ye also put off all these; anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communication out of your mouth."

Another safeguard is to avoid places such as the beach, where women walk around in their colored underwear. Some ungodly women even go naked in today's wicked world. When I do go to the beach, I stay busy picking my guitar and looking at what I'm doing, not women passing by. But if you cannot look away, don't go. If you cannot control what you watch on TV, get rid of it. I don't have TV. There's too much filth and I always end up seeing the wrong things, because I like science fiction and certain topics, which oftentimes comes with the smut, so I don't have TV. I save about $1200 a year too. I might get TV again someday, but I have no interest right now, and haven't for 3 years. I don't need TV. I have movies that I watch over and over, like Rocky and the first three Jurassic Park movies. I know what I am watching. Today's movies surprise you with filth, and I don't like having garbage set in front of my face. All of today's movies are trash. I read the family ratings before watching a film, because it has deteriorated so badly. We are living in perilous times.

When I am at church and standing in the pew, for congregational singing, I sometimes see an attractive woman standing in front of me. Instead of looking down at the song book, where her backside is directly in view over my songbook, I instead hold my songbook up a little higher, to cover the woman's buttock's area. Perhaps you say, “Boy, you have a dirty mind!” No, I have a man's mind. There's not a normal healthy man who isn't attracted to another woman, especially if she is attractive in the least. A wise man guards his mind to please the Lord, and because he knows where dirty-thinking can lead (to a lot of frustration and unholy lusts that cannot be fulfilled without sinning or committing some crime).

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

We live in a large insane asylum today in America. I read an article yesterday about why trauma doctors are committing suicide, overwhelmed by the things they seeing. One child was shot in the head because her mother was a crack addict and didn't pay what she owed to the drug dealers. You can thank Uncle Sam for the drugs! There has never been a legitimate War On Drugs in America. That scam was started during the daddy Bush administration, who was head of the CIA for decades (i.e., the secret police of Wall Street). Anyway, I read a few years ago about police officers committing suicide. And lately many teenagers have been committing suicide across America. All I hear from foolish people is that we need to “raise awareness” to the problem, but that is NOT the solution. We need the inspired Word of God put back into children's daily lives in the school system. We need the King James Bible!!! Furthermore, we need to get rid of the public school system entirely, and stop letting the government indoctrinate our children with the satanic New World Order! It will never happen in this world, not until the Lord Jesus Christ returns, puts the wicked into Hell, and He takes charge (and He will). Suicide is on the rise because our entire American society is run amuck with wickedness, lack of faith in God and humanism!

I catch the daily news once in a while on my computer, as I did yesterday. I stopped watching TV a long time ago. I do not keep up with the latest lies from the mainstream newsmedia. It is an insult to my limited God-given intelligence. I don't allow the presstitutes to brainwash me with misinformation and lies. I really couldn't care less about anything they have to say, and if everyone followed my lead, the manure-spreading newsmedia would go out of business overnight! I hate the evil newsmedia, which is controlled by the Luciferian elite behind the subversion of America. Don't ever forget that the Washington Monument represents the true Masonic power behind America today, a giant erect male phallus 666 feet tall and 666 inches wide. You couldn't make this stuff up, it is so bizarre! Our entire government, intelligence agencies, police, military, court system, colleges, churches and nearly every facet of American and European society today is controlled by the Illuminati at the highest levels.

I read yesterday that Ozzy Osborne's wife, Sharon, is promoting the Episcopalian church. I immediately confirmed my suspicions that the minister she is promoting is pro LGBT, another satanic homosexuality-promoting pastor! It just proves the true saying: As the church becomes more worldly, so also does the world become more churchy! I am utterly disgusted over neo-evangelical Baptist churches today! I am talking about over half of the so-called independent Baptist churches across America today!!! They promote counterfeit Bible versions. They promote the heresy of turning from sins to be saved. They promoting the heresy of Lordship Salvation. They support other wicked churches, bidding Godspeed to shameful neo-evangelicals. God is disgusted too! (Revelation 3:15-16).

Everywhere we turn nowadays, we are seeing insanity around us! I saw Joel Osteen being interviewed by Fax News. The interviewer suggested that Americans purchase Joel's book on prayer, so they could pray down a good job from God. What mockery! I heard another news report some time ago, where the media attributed the economic downturn to the increasing costs of insurance and oil. What lies! The truth is that elite Globalists have cut American's throats, bribing and blackmailing congress, who have sold us out! Literally tens of millions of high-paying manufacturing jobs in the United States have been lost to cheap foreign labor. That why the economy is failing, there are no decent jobs left. And the ones that do remain are being taken by tens of millions of illegal immigrants. America is intentionally being destroyed from within. Remember that giant erect male phallus down the street from the White House! Freemasons are a bunch of phallus-worshipping Luciferians!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

My question is—If men evolved from apes, then why are there still apes? The folks at Animal Planet continually make reference to humans as "animals." We are not animals. God created animals as animals, and men as men. 1st Corinthians 15:39 declares, "All flesh is not the same flesh: but there is one kind of flesh of men, another flesh of beasts, another of fishes, and another of birds." You see, the Bible makes perfect sense. Evolution is retarded.

Interestingly, there is absolutely no record of any civilization prior to about 4000 B.C., which perfectly corresponds with the Biblical time of creation. If, as evolutionists claim, mankind has evolved over millions and billions of years, then wouldn't it make perfect sense to expect history to go back hundreds-of-thousands of years at least? But, there was no world power before the Egyptian empire mentioned in the book of Genesis. Secular history confirms this.

Do you mean to tell me that it took mankind millions of years to discover vitamins? It was just a couple centuries ago that millions of people were dying from easily preventable diseases (such as scurvy, caused by a lack of vitamin C). Do you mean to tell me that it took mankind millions of years to discover paper and ink? Do you mean to tell me that it took mankind millions of years to discover toilet paper, first sold in the U.S. in 1857? Do you mean to tell me that mankind didn't realize the dangers of NOT washing his hands for millions of years? If you accept the Biblical date of creation (which history supports), then man's educational development makes good sense (i.e., we can trace man's inventions and advancements from 4,000 BC). Please keep in mind that people in 2500 B.C. were writing on rocks.

This is clearly seen in Egyptian and Babylonian hieroglyphics. So do you mean to tell me that for MILLIONS of years, mankind wrote on stones because he was too dumb to figure it out? Don't tell me that mankind has existed for millions of years, but there's no proof of it. The Bible speaks plainly and boldly, with no stone left unturned. In sharp contrast, evolution is a nightmare of missing links, bizarre speculation, and unscientific theories.

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

One man, named Marco, approached me on the bus while I was in West Hollywood for surgery in 2009. Marco was friendly and a nice person, but as we conversed, he brought up the topic of homosexuality. He said that he had lived in San Francisco for 12 years. He said that he didn't have a problem with homosexuality. I replied, “Well I do.” An African American woman sitting across the bus isle gave me a dirty look, like, how dare you! Marco was testing me, to see how I felt about homosexuality. I have had this happen to me numerous times by gays, who test people to see where they stand on the issue. It's important that we as God's children (that is, as Bible-believing, born-again, blood cleansed, Christ-honoring, Christians) don't allow homosexuals to force us into their sick and perverted mindset.

By telling Marco that I disapproved of homosexuality, that spoke volumes concerning where I stood morally on the matter. He chose quickly to change the topic, which is what I wanted. Learn to tell gays that you are NOT ok with it. The more that you stand up for the truth, the less problems you will have with them. If you fail to address the issue right away, you may have a homosexual trying to become closer to you, likely with sex on their agenda. Gays frequently test people to see where they stand, because they're looking for like-minded perverts. They may mistake your kindness as weakness or God forbid, queerality (that a new word I just invented). Truly, homosexuals are queer as can be, which is an abomination in God's eyes. An abomination is a sin coupled with disgust. It's something that really upsets the Lord and provokes His anger.

Please realize that homosexuals, cross-dressers and transvestites all come from the same rotten fruit bowl. They're sick spiritually. Television has been portraying gays as two handsome young men with charming personalities sharing a public kiss. I agree with comedian George Carlin who said, “I'll never understand how any man can look at another man's hairy a*s and say, 'I think I'm in love.'” Homosexuals are weirdoes, perverts and sick-minded people. The most unsettling thing is the large number of homosexuals and lesbians that are now in high positions of government, judges and law enforcement. Genesis 19 is right around the corner! From the youngest to the oldest, Sodom's homosexuals forcefully laid siege against Lot's home, trying to break the door down to sodomize the Christians. If it happened then, it can happen again, and will, it's just a matter of time.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Girls from 4-16 are being indoctrinated by television to become prostitutes. As the documentary points out, the 8-12 year old age group in the U.S have $43,000,000,000 in spending power each year (fashion, toys, movies, shoes, music, Disney, et cetera). Since sex sells, companies target children (both teens and tweens) with sex. It is called “CORPORATE PEDOPHILIA!” Premarital sex is promoted by Disney. People need to go to Prison! Walt Disney's executives ought to be in prison!!! Hollywood executives ought to be in prison! This is a shocking 38 minute YouTube video showing how young girls are taught from the earliest age to become slutty whores. I wouldn't promote this video unless I thought you needed to know about this stuff. OUR CHILDREN ARE UNDER ATTACK BY PEDOPHILES AND MONEY-HUNGRY PERVERTS! Little girls don't play with dolls anymore; but rather . . . PLASTIC PROSTITUTES!!!

America's Sex Sicko Society

The United States has become a cesspool of iniquity. Everywhere we turn all we see is sexual perversion, promiscuity and disobedience against the God of the Bible. There was a day in America when women wore dresses. It was the style of the time, and it was a time of decency. It was rare to see women wearing pants in public 100-years ago. Today, American culture has deteriorated to where women don't wear hardly any clothes anymore. It is wickedness according to the Bible (1st Timothy 2:9).

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

I have heard countless people throughout my life foolishly charge God, which is a sin. One young woman said she was angry at God because her parents died when she was only a child. Another woman became bitter when her husband, who was attending Bible college, was tragically killed in a car crash. After that she claimed to be an atheist. Another man was bitter at God because his wife died, leaving him alone with a small child to raise by himself. If we wanted to, we could ALL find numerous reasons to foolishly charge God. Certainly, we could all sinfully blame God, as did Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry (1921-1991), who said:

“We must question the story logic of having an all-knowing all-powerful God, who creates faulty Humans, and then blames them for his own mistakes.” —Gene Roddenberry

Does God make mistakes? Is the human race a mistake? I guarantee you that Mr. Roddenberry wasn't in eternity for 10 seconds before he realized how wrong he was! My friend, God doesn't make mistakes!!! Gene Roddenberry was Oh so wrong, and he ought not have sinfully charged God so foolishly!

Mr. Roddenberry produced his very popular TV series called “Star Trek” (1966-1969), which aired on television throughout the 1970's. One of the star roles in Star Trek was “Spock,” played by Leonard Nimoy, an unsaved Jewish man who worshipped the non-existent female aspect of god, known as Shekinah. As seen in the quote in the photo of Spock to the right, Mr. Roddenberry accused God of being “insecure” and have “psychological problems.” Well, I can tell you assuredly from the Holy Scriptures that the Lord is a jealous God, and He doesn't take rejection lightly. Exodus 34:14, “For thou shalt worship no other god: for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God.” Psalms 50:16 and 22, “But unto the wicked God saith, What hast thou to do to declare my statutes, or that thou shouldest take my covenant in thy mouth? ... Now consider this, ye that forget God, lest I tear you in pieces, and there be none to deliver.” I shudder to think what will be the end of Mr. Roddenberry. I say that kindly with sadness, for if he died in his sins without Jesus Christ as his Savior, then he will spend eternity tormented in the Lake of Fire (Revelation 14:11; 20:11-15; 21:8; Romans 5:9). Psalms 9:17, “The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.” Woe unto all Christ-rejecters!!! Gene Roddenberry was a rich fool, blinded by his worldly success, secular philosophies and Hollywood fame.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Biblical Separation

Having laid the foundation of love, let me say that the Bible teaches separation from those who live in open sin and claim to be right with God. 1st Corinthians 5:11, “But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat.” If a person claims to be a homosexual Christian and proud of it, then we are to separate ourselves from that person, that they may be ashamed, for they are blaspheming (speaking evil) of the things of God.

2nd Thessalonians 3:6 and 14, “Now we command you, brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye withdraw yourselves from every brother that walketh disorderly, and not after the tradition which he received of us. ... And if any man obey not our word by this epistle, note that man, and have no company with him, that he may be ashamed.”

We are to withdraw ourselves from establishing close relationships with people who disobey God's Word, who sinfully follow Roman Catholic or other heathen traditions instead of the Bible. Very few people in the world today believe and live by the Bible. Ironically, most people know some religious lingo and Christian teachings; but they are totally devoid of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ (2nd Timothy 3:5). They have never truly been born-again by the Seed of God's Word (1st Peter 1:23), through faith in Christ Jesus (Galatians 3:26), by the Spirit of God (John 1:12-13; Romans 8:9).

Unrepentant sinners are often quick to point out that Jesus was a friend of sinners (Matthew 11:19); but may I remind you that it was the wicked, self-righteous and phony religious, Pharisees who said that of Christ. It was the wicked Pharisees who called Jesus “a friend of publicans and sinners.” Certainly the Lord is a friend to all mankind, having paid our sin debt by going to Calvary; but never let it be said that our Lord with a close companion of riotous, defiant and lewd sinners.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Hollywood has nothing that we need as Christians, nothing that God approves of, nothing that leads men to Jesus Christ. Instead, Hollywood leads the masses into brainwashing propaganda, sinful agendas that destroy families, and a New World Order.

MANY movie covers have only ONE EYE, i.e., the Egyptian All-Seeing-Eye! AVATAR is one example... CONGO, PREDATOR, THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL. This is an occult gesture, representing the Egyptian Eye Of Horus, symbolism the coming Antichrist. Why are Luciferians taunting the All Seeing Eye and The Great Pyramid in front of our faces? The answer is found in Alice Bailey's book titled, The Externalisation Of The Hierarchy. Anytime you see these occult symbols displayed by a company, church or whatever, you know they are supportive of the New World Order (and they may not even realize it).

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Sin is fun, which is why people do it; but the consequences are God's judgment (Hebrews 9:27). Many Rock singers and wealthy people live in gross immorality, fornicating with 5,000 or more women over time. It may seem like they got away with it, but Hebrews 13:4 says whoremongers and adulterers God will judge. If you are envious of the wicked as a Christian, consider the end of the wicked. They're not glorifying God with their lives. They're not helping anybody find the way to Heaven. They're unsaved and hellbound in their sins. Consider again the powerful statement from the Bible... Ecclesiastes 8:12, “Though a sinner do evil an hundred times, and his days be prolonged, yet surely I know that it shall be well with them that fear God, which fear before him.” I fear God and I hope you do too.

The Evils Of Rock Music, Which Is Idolatry!

Perhaps the most deadly of all of moral threats is the commercialized music industry, which is not recognized by most people for the evil that it really is... IDOLATRY!!! Taylor Swift has captured the hearts of millions of youth, leading them away from God and into lascivious sensuality, lewdness and immodest clothing. Once the singer grips the hearts of millions of fans, eventually the singer leads them into apostasy, sin and rebellion against God in one form or another. Be leery of any celebrity promoted by the media.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

There are unsaved people who live above reproach, thinking they are pretty decent people. Such self-righteous persons look down upon and condemn born-again believers who have openly sinned. However, in eternity when God judges everyone, the seemingly good unsaved person will burn in Hell forever, while the openly sinful Christian will enjoy the blessings and splendor of Heaven for all eternity. Matthew 21:31b-32, “Verily I say unto you, That the publicans and the harlots go into the kingdom of God before you. For John came unto you in the way of righteousness, and ye believed him not: but the publicans and the harlots believed him: and ye, when ye had seen it, repented not afterward, that ye might believe him.” Please notice “WHY” the publicans (tax cheats) and harlots went into the Kingdom of God, but not the religious scribes and Pharisees, because they, “BELIEVED HIM”! They simply believed on the dear Savior, the Son of God, taking Him at His Word!

The only way to Heaven is through faith in the Good News (Gospel) of Christ crucified, buried and risen. Only by faith in what Christ has done to pay for our sins on the cross, can anyone be spared God's wrath to come (Romans 5:9). You had better get saved, and get your sins under the blood, or else you'll spend eternity paying for your own sins in the fires and torments of Hell with Margaret Sanger, Madalyn Murray O'Hair, Steve Jobs, Freddie Mercury, George Harrison, Gene Wilder, Stephen Hawking, Gene Roddenberry, Rod Serling and George Carlin! (All of those poor souls openly rejected the Son of God!) Your time is running out!

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia #kinkshaming jesus-is-savior.com


The Bible calls the sin of homosexuality “sodomy,” associating this awful sin with the wicked city of Sodom. God utterly destroyed Sodom because of their wickedness. Even today, 4,000 years later, the remains of Sodom can be clearly seen by the Dead Sea in Israel. City Remains Of Sodom And Gomorrah Found Located Beneath Sea of Pure Sulfur. Yet, as wicked as Sodom was it cannot compare to SIN CITY Las Vegas in Nevada.

Any honest person would have to admit that homosexuality has become mainstream along with every other sexual sin in American society. This phenomena by itself exposes the destructive nature of homosexuality, since it is always associated with the total breakdown of society.

It was reported in USA TODAY that teens and cellphone nudity has become an epidemic problem nationwide. One girl commit suicide after nude photos of herself (meant only for her boyfriend) ended up on the internet and circulated around the school. Bullies were harassing her and she commit suicide. No teenager should have a cellphone...

“If I were to go through the cell phones in this building right now of 1,500 students, I would venture to say that half to two-thirds have indecent photos, either of themselves or somebody else in school,” said Jim Brown, school resource officer at Glen Este High School. Turpin High School Principal Peggy Johnson thinks that the results would be similar - about 50-50 - in her building.

Our nation is going to Hell. Contrary to the agendacized propaganda that Christians are causing gays to commit suicide, it’s the wickedness of American culture overall that is bringing our nation to ruin.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Satan Loves Teenagers

"The strongest appeal you can make is emotionally. If you can get their emotions going, make them forget their logic, you've got them. AT MTV, WE DON'T SHOOT FOR THE 14-YEAR OLDS, WE OWN THEM." (MTV is Rock Around the Clock, Philadelphia Inquirer, Nov. 3, 1982)

According to the book, Satanism in America, which is endorsed by the National Criminal Justice Task Force on Occult Related Ritualistic Crimes, hard-core Satanism is "the fastest-growing subculture among America's TEENS." Satan loves teenagers because they are so impressionable. With few exceptions, one's entire life is determined by their attitude as a teenager. Ninety percent of a child character is developed by the age of 6-years-old. This is why Satan wants mothers in the workplace instead of being a loving mother at home as God intended (1st Timothy 5:14-15).

Studies taken by the Georgia Police Academy revealed that 90% of those involved in Satanism are TEENAGERS!

Television personality, Geraldo Rivera, who explored the terrifying rise of Satanism said, "It exists AND IT'S FLOURISHING. IT IS TEENAGERS who are most likely to fall under the spell of Satanism."

How serious are they?

At the 1992 MTV Awards, the group Red Hot Chili Peppers, upon receiving their award and giving thanks, said:

"FIRST OF ALL we want to thank Satan . . ."

"Oh! I wish I could tell all men and women and all boys and girls everywhere to believe the truth that Satan always pays in counterfeit money, that all his pearls are paste pearls, that the nectar he offers is poisoned through and through."

SOURCE: Dr. R.G. Lee, from the powerful sermon, PAYDAY SOMEDAY!

The Evil Public School System

The great evangelist Billy Sunday said, "If you want to rid this nation of the Devil, then you've got to hit him with the cradle and not the casket." In other words, we've got to reach the young people for Christ. This is why Karl Marx's 10th plank of the Communist Manifesto called for a public school system? The entire public school system in America was set up to destroy the morals and Christian faith of young people, to allow the government to INDOCTRINATE children instead of truly educating them. The lies of Evolution are nothing less than indoctrination.

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

Today's Apostate Churches are Filled with Modernists!

Photo to Right: A homosexual painting by artist, Becki Jayne

The artwork to the right is also found on JesusInLove.org (Ms. Kittredge website). The painting was designed to identify a rejected Christ with rejected homosexuals. The message is evil, unbiblical, and blasphemous to God Almighty! This is another master deception by Satan to dupe naive people into believing that homosexuals are equal to Jesus in their sufferings.

Jesus was persecuted because He preached the TRUTH... John 8:40, "But now ye seek to kill me, a man that hath told you the truth, which I have heard of God: this did not Abraham." Jesus was rejected by most people because He spoke the Truth!

Homosexuals on the other hand, are not accepted because homosexuality is unhealthy, unnatural, uncivilized, and ungodly!!! We're talking apples and oranges here folks. How dare Becki Jayne, Kittredge Cherry, and other homosexuals, pervert the meaning of the cross of Christ, by alleging that their rejection is no different than what Jesus endured. Homosexuality MUST be rejected because it goes hand-in-hand with apostasy, AIDS, the deterioration of society, and the judgment of God.

Marsha Stevens is a professed Christian, who operates the ministry BALM (Born Again Lesbian Music). Sadly, Bill Gaither has befriended her, singing in concert with her, and has remained silent about the sin of homosexuality. Apostasy has crept into so many churches that today that a Bible-believing Christian is criticized for speaking out against sin. Tragically, the average professed "Christian" today is more upset with people like me (who preach against sin), than they are with the rockers, lesbians, abortionists, strippers, and shysters who deceitfully CLAIM to be "Christian."

Our churches are filled with modernists who aren't what they appear to be, "...having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away." That "power" is the Gospel (Romans 1:16). Modernists are everywhere today! They talk about the Bible, spiritual concepts, Biblical teachings, and the principles Jesus taught; BUT, they are unsaved, unregenerated, unrepentant, and on their way to Hell without Jesus Christ. They will certainly die in their sins if they continue on their present path of destruction.

I find the artwork above very offensive and blasphemous. Jesus was not a "faggot." The message being implied by the above picture is that any criticisms or rejection of homosexuality is equal to Christ-rejection. Talk about REVERSE-PSYCHOLOGY! Homosexuality is DIAMETRICALLY opposed to everything the Word of God teaches! The Bible is incontrovertible concerning the sinfulness of homosexuality. Any child knows that it was Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. God called homosexuals "sodomites" in the Old Testament (King James Bible), linking their wicked sin with the destruction which fell upon Sodom and Gomorrah.

Is it any wonder why the apostate New International Version NIV translators completely removed the word "sodomite" from the Bible? To no surprise, the same parent company which publishes the NIV also publishes The Joy of Gay Sex. A homosexual recently wrote me, alleging that Ezekiel 16:49-50 indicates that Sodom wasn't destroyed mainly for homosexuality. Argue as they may, the hideous sin which is spotlighted in Genesis 19:4-11 is homosexuality. By the way, these same Scriptures in Genesis reveal the violence, lawlessness, cold-heartedness, and vile affections which become more evident in a homosexualized society. The United States is headed for some dark times as homosexuality saturates our society and churches.

Those Who Seek to Legitimize and Justify Homosexuality are LIARS!

Photo to Left: A popular gay painting of Judas showing homosexual affection to Christ. This is sick!

Anyone who pretends that Jesus was a homosexual is a deceiver! Judas did not kiss Jesus with homosexual affection. Jesus and John were not gay lovers! Kittredge Cherry's new book, Jesus In Love, presents Jesus and John as gay lovers. Kittredge Cherry is unjust towards the Savior. She admits that she CAN'T prove Jesus was homosexual, but she writes a fictitious novel attacking Him nevertheless.

She has assassinated Jesus' character! Woe unto those who attack the Lord, and take His name in vain! To say that Christ was a homosexual is the same as calling Him a sinner, which is a denial of His deity. Jesus hated iniquity (Hebrews 1:9). The Word of God states that homosexuality is an ABOMINATION (i.e., hate coupled with disgust) to God. Homosexuality is utterly disgusting.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

This nation has gone down the toilet morally. I was in a hotel in Hawaii and the woman at the front desk waiting in line in front of me had on a white bikini. You could literally see her buttock's crevice through her bikini, butt naked in public. That's the new morality in America and it's bringing God's judgment upon our nation. People laugh and think it's a trifle matter, failing to realize that the murder of 53,000,000 human beings is directly related to our nation's attitude toward modesty. As television drags America down into the abyss of darkness, so also does our morals follow.

Praise God for you ladies who wear dresses and try not to make it any harder than it already is for the Christian men in America (who are trying to live right for the Lord).

The Unchanging Word Of God

The greatest victory Satan ever had over America was when our nation separated Jesus Christ from morality in the 1930's. When wealthy Jews formed Hollywood and opened its doors in the 1930's, they had every intention of subverting America.

This is evidenced in a publication so sensitive today that even mentioning it will result in this webpage likely being censored, so I will only link to it (the publication is over a century old and not very exciting reading; but if you do read and understand it, it is EXACTLY what is happening in the world today). People can say what they want, the publication has been prophetic (that's because it is indeed a blueprint for world conquest).

[Note: The publication he links to is The Protocols of the Elders of Zion]

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

The introduction to the New International Version (NIV) of the Bible confesses that it “falls short” of being “perfect,” and the NIV certainly does! However, the translating committee of the NIV also claims that “ALL” Bible translations today “fall short” of perfection. The translators of the NIV wrote in the preface, “Like all translations of the Bible, made as they are by imperfect man, this one undoubtedly falls short of its goals.” It falls short of being God's Word too!

The translators of the NIV are telling us that no one has God's Word today, that all translations are flawed and have errors in them. Do you really believe that the same God who spoke the universe into existence is incapable or unwilling to preserve His Word for today's generation? God promised in Psalms 12:6-7 to preserve His Word until all generation. If God has preserved those inspired Words for every generation, then His Words are still inspired today. Please read, “The Inspiration Of The Almighty In The King James Bible!”

The NIV translators claim that we are all at the mercy of imperfect men to give us a reliable Bible, but what about a sovereign and omnipotent God? God gave us the King James Bible.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Abortion is the Ultimate Racism!

You want to talk about racism, take a look at www.blackgenocide.org. Abortion is extreme discrimination. Just as with slavery, it is the free who have no problem with oppression. Babies have rights too! Who is the Supreme Court to say that a growing child is not a human being? Babies have their skulls cracked open and their brains sucked out. The problem is that mothers don't love God. "Thou shalt not kill" (Exodus 20:13).

If you look at abortion statistics (see www.blackgenocide.org), African American women are far more likely to have abortions than middle-class White women. It is evident that poverty and abortion are linked. The sad thing is that poor Black mothers aren't giving up their babies because they're poor; BUT rather, because the government is targeting them with PRO-abortion propaganda through organizations such as Planned Parenthood (MURDERHOOD!).

If you're a Black woman who's had an abortion, don't you dare cry "racism," because you are the ultimate racist.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

AIDS was first discovered in America only among the perverted Sodomites, called "homosexuals,' in San Francisco. But now they gladly announce that it is not a "gay" disease, that many women and even innocent children carry the virus. But why is this so? Only because we have such a sex-crazed society today that many engage in bisexual encounters, multi-sexual flings and drug-enslaved orgies, so that people are getting the plague secondhand, third hand or worse!

Meanwhile, our New Age taught public school authorities are telling little children that since they are going to be sexually active, they must be taught the whole process in so-called sex education classes in order to understand adult actions and terminology. If they slip up and make a mistake, they can take care of the problem over at their friendly neighborhood abortion clinic. How can you get any more heathen than that?

In case they're not so fortunate as to be in a school liberal enough to have sex promotion classes, they can be inspired and aroused by evening TV sitcoms to learn at a very young age exactly what will be expected of them on a date. Are we still naive enough to wonder why we have a generation of teens in trouble?

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

A shameless and shameful 2003 film titled “BRUCE ALMIGHTY” stars Jim Carrey and Morgan Freeman. God is mocked and the Bible ridiculed throughout the film. Morgan Freeman plays God, who grants his full power to Jim Carrey for one week. In one scene Carrey causes a woman's skirt to rise over her head, revealing her sexy underwear. Carrey replies, “And God saw that it was good.” The film is evil...

Bruce Almighty is a 2003 American fantasy comedy film directed by Tom Shadyac and written by Steve Koren, Mark O'Keefe and Steve Oedekerk. It stars Jim Carrey as Bruce Nolan, a down-on-his-luck TV reporter who complains to God that he isn't doing his job correctly, and is then offered the chance to try being God himself for one week. Morgan Freeman, Jennifer Aniston, Steve Carell, Catherine Bell, Lisa Ann Walter, and Philip Baker Hall also star, while Tony Bennett makes a cameo appearance.

SOURCE: Bruce Almighty - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The holy Scriptures teach that sexual lust wars against men's souls. 1st Peter 2:11, “Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul.” Throughout the disgusting film Jim Carrey uses his pretend God-given film powers to fornicate with women and take vengeance against his enemies. Despite being labeled a “comedy,” God does not laugh when Christ-rejecters mock His Word (the Bible), joke about sexual immorality and desecrate things that are holy.

In one scene, Carrey orders a bowl of tomato soup in a restaurant. He then uses his powers to part the red bowl of soup (mocking the Biblical story of Moses' parting the Red Sea). CGI (Computer Generated Graphics) are used to make the soup look like it's parted down the middle of the bowl. It's not a laughing matter when wicked people joke about the things of God. Unbelieving men and women who despise, reject and question God's Word have no right to make light of the Bible, joke about holy things and mock the power of God that created the universe. It is a sin to blaspheme (vilify or make fun of) the things of God. It is sacrilegious!!!

There's no such thing as innocent good humor when Christ-rejecting heathens glorify sexual immorality. Such sins bring the wrath and judgment of a holy God according to Romans 1:32, Jude 1:7 and Colossians 3:5-6, “Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry: For which things' sake the wrath of God cometh on the children of disobedience.” “FOR WHICH THINGS THE WRATH OF GOD COMETH ON THE CHILDREN OF DISOBEDIENCE!!!” What things? Sexual sins!!! Fornication includes all sex outside of a marriage commitment. Fornication includes the sinful hookup culture in American culture today. Sadly, proper courtship is long gone! The dating scene, that is, going from one relationship to another is a lifestyle of sexual immorality. When a young woman says, “I'm not in a relationship right now,” what she really means is, “I've temporarily quit whoring around!”

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

What EXACTLY do you know about the Illuminati pedophile agenda of the Walt Disney company? And how much do you know??? I'm sure that, due the artificially created economic crisis, bogus terrorist threats, endless unnecessary wars and imminent social disorders, the most of North-American people aren't paying the due attention to one of the most sinister, evil and destructive threats to US social structure: The Disney Illuminati pedophile agenda. And please don't say, “Oh no, not this again!,” because that's exactly what they want, exactly what they need... Time and ignorance.

A few years ago, the Walt Disney children-mind-control-perverted-agenda was severely exposed. Massive scandals were exposed involving child pornography with employees of theme parks and members of high staff, and a public crusade led by organizations such as American Mothers and various religious groups. The storm became a huge hurricane. The urban legends about subliminal porno messages in movie frames, cartoons and Disney merchandising, became several legal charges and arresting of employees.

There is no evil in America like Walt Disney and the filth they are pushing off on our children. But it seems that the circumstances favored the cover-up of the evil agenda behind the Walt Disney company. In fact, it seems that they've become stronger and bigger.

Walt Disney hates Jesus Christ, even mocking the Lord with a crucifixion theme park, as if it's all entertainment. Walt Disney portrays their dirty business as a family company; but in reality, the Disney corporation is an Illuminati family, spanning generations of wickedness in the American culture. Walt Disney's true Communist agendas are to subvert American society, to corrupt the Biblical morals and good values of our children and promote sexual promiscuity, fornication, rebellion against parental authority, attack the Bible, remove personal individuality, remove patriotism for country and all sovereignty; and to welcome illegal immigrants, lesbians and the new insane eco-terrorism culture that values animal and plant life over humans (which are now viewed by “System Of A Down” rock band and millions of youth today as the curse of the planet. Yes, you humanity are the disease of the planet which must be eradicated, and that's the globalist's master plan).

The New World Order is being built one soul at a time, just as the Kingdom of Heaven. Salvation is an INDIVIDUAL decision to receive the gospel (Christ's death, burial and resurrection) as full-payment for our sins. For the NWO to succeed, the Globalists must completely wipe-out individuality, which was firmly stated by Gregory Brock Chisholm in a speech given in 1954 in California to a gathering of educators...

“To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty to family tradition, national patriotism, and religious dogmas.” —George Brock Chisholm, in a Speech given at the, Conference on Education, Asilomar, California, September 11, 1954

Did you read that... “their INDIVIDUALISM!” Children enrolled in government public schools are being INDOCTRINATED with the wrong philosophy that the greater good of the group outweighs the importance of the individual. Such teachings are the very foundation fueling the murderous abortion industry. Globalists rationalize that the death of hundreds-of-millions of human lives is necessary to prevent overpopulation.

Albeit, such thinking is evil and goes totally contrary to the Word of God. Jesus specifically warned about such paranoia thinking...

Luke 12:28-30, “If then God so clothe the grass, which is to day in the field, and to morrow is cast into the oven; how much more will he clothe you, O ye of little faith? And seek not ye what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink, neither be ye of doubtful mind. For all these things do the nations of the world seek after: and your Father knoweth that ye have need of these things.” [emphasis added]

Unfortunately, no matter how much we may try to restore liberty as the U.S. Constitution outlines, we will fail without the cooperation of our leaders. The problem is that the underlying moral foundation of American society has been torn and compromised. Communism has succeeded. If you don't realize that, it's only because you haven't researched the history of our nation, especially over the past century. Clearly visible Communist agendas are Rock 'N' Roll music, Hollywood, feminism, homosexuality, abortion, government (public) schools, nationalized healthcare, and the liberal arts. Anything that seeks to promote bigger government is pulling on the same rope as Communism (total state control).

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

[Re. the 2007 film, Bridge to Terabithia]

This movie is straight from Hell. To no surprise, they even deny the existence of Hell in the movie. While riding in the back of a pickup truck, Jess and Leslie begin talking about Hell. Jess is portrayed as being brainwashed, and believes that those who don't believe the Bible go to Hell. Leslie openly states that she doesn't believe people go to Hell for disobeying the Bible, arguing that God is too busy maintaining His creation to have time to, in her own words, DAMN PEOPLE TO HELL. Please keep in mind that this movie is targeted towards the youth, and clearly sends out a blasphemous message that open-minded people don't believe in Hell.

The entire movie is rooted in animosity against Christian churches, families, and beliefs. At one point in the movie, Leslie suggests that she would like to go with Jess to church on Sunday. Leslie is wearing pants, so Jess makes the statement... "Women aren't allowed to wear pants in our church." Leslie sarcastically responds by stating that she does own some dresses. At church, the old familiar hymn is sung, The Old Rugged Cross. It is shortly after this scene that Jess and Leslie are discussing Hell in the back of the pickup truck. Leslie makes the statement to Jess... "You believe what you believe because YOU HAVE TO, and hate it; I believe the same thing because I want to and it's so beautiful." Do you see the trickery in her words? She claims to believe the SAME thing as Jess, but she just denied God's judgment upon sinners, by refusing to believe that God would damn anyone to Hell. Clearly, she doesn't believe the same thing as Jess, but is made to appear as the wiser.

Terabithia Film Claims God Too Busy To Send Anyone To Hell

The Bible warns us in Proverbs 14:12, “There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.” Many people cannot grasp the reality of an angry God Who casts people into a burning Lake of Fire and brimstone, but that's exactly what the Bible teaches in Revelation 21:8, “But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.” Brimstone is sulfur. I don't know about you, but I'm not going to bet against God's Word. Here's some of the film's script, teaching children that God is too busy to send anyone to Hell...

Large excerpt from the Bridge To Terabithia script

As you just read, the Christ-rejecters at Walt Disney have much contempt and hatred against Christianity. Laura points to the trees and nature around her when she says “He's too busy running all this” in the preceding quote. God is not TOO busy! The Lord is not pressured, constrained by a demanding schedule or too busy to send people to Hell. Along with their support of gay-rights, Rock music and premarital sex, Disney refuses to believe that the Bible is true; specifically concerning the existence of a real Hell that burns with fire and brimstone, where Christ-rejecters will spend eternity (Revelation 20:11-15).

Walt Disney thinks they know better than the holy Bible—indoctrinating children to question, deny and hate the Bible for proclaiming the truth that God casts sinners who die in their sins into the Lake of Fire for all eternity. The Bible warns that anyone who died IN THEIR SINS (John 8:24) will be tormented, suffering God's angry vengeance (2nd Thessalonians 1:8-9; Romans 5:9). You had better obey the gospel, by believing the Bible's good news that Christ died for your sins, was buried and miraculously raised-up after three days. In fact, Laura in real life would have plunged straight into the fires of Hell in her unbelief! Hell is filled with liberals, Modernists and freethinkers who despise and reject the Word of God. God commands all humanity to repent, it's not an option!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

God pity the shameful David Gates song “IT'S SAD TO BELONG” which contains the adulterous lyrics, “Yes, it's sad to belong to someone else when the right one comes along.” Today's internet dating websites advertise on television, enticing people to open an account and find out who's interested in you (maybe a rich doctor? or maybe a trophy wife?). No wonder our nation is so adulterous! David Gates is a wonderful singer, composer and musician. Yet, the music of Gates' super popular 1970's band BREAD and David Gates' solo albums are worldly. Many people are familiar with the blockbuster song, “IF,” both written and sang by Gates. Gates hit song “IT'S SAD TO BELONG” caused MUCH divorce around the nation.

Gates is still performing concerts and in response to public criticism from Christians about his song, he jokingly tells audiences today to make sure you marry your second spouse first. Sadly, there is much truth to what he is saying. Most people select their automobiles more carefully than they do a wife or husband. I think most people who experience marriage difficulties wonder at times if they should have married someone else, but such thinking is sinful if dwelt upon, because it will eventually lead to adultery and divorce. America has deteriorated spiritually into a decadent culture of wickedness. Abortion just didn't happen. Only after the 1950's Playboy philosophy targeting men and the 1960's feminist indoctrination targeting women did sexual immorality become prevalent in the United States. Rock 'N' Roll music was the catalyst, promoting a selfish religion of immoral sex, substance abuse and rebellion. Even the west coast's BEACH BOYS admitted to trying to make “WITCHCRAFT MUSIC.”

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

The Wicked are In Rule of This World

Our nation's top leaders are Satan-worshippers, sinister Freemasons, who are part of an oligarchy (a political system governed by a few people) of criminals who will kill anyone that gets in their way.

If you've never read up on the WACO massacre, read what Congressman Ron Paul has to say about what really happened there. According to Pastor Texe Marrs (Conspiracy World, page 127), the corrupt federal judge who presided over the case wore a 33rd degree Freemasonry ring to court each day, convicting the survivors of the Waco attack, sweeping the government's criminal atrocities under the table. All those innocent women and children were murdered for no reason. Lesbian Janet Reno was Secretary of State at the time. Only demon-possessed lunatics would have done what Janet Reno's military mob did to those poor people...

"At night, the FBI and Delta Force personnel loudly played over a P.A. system horrible, pre-taped recordings of howling, crying and moaning sounds of baby humans and animals-rabbits, cats and dogs-being slaughtered and sacrificed. This was intended to arouse and please demon spirits of hell, while also terrifying the helpless Branch Davidian men, women and children inside."

SOURCE: Texe Marrs, CONSPIRACY WORLD, page 126; ISBN:978-1-930004-55-9

I do not support the religious beliefs of the Waco cult in any way. They were an offshoot of a Seventh Day Adventist church (a false religion). Yet, I support their right as Americans to believe freely as they so chose, without fear of persecution and being murdered for their beliefs. All of the talk about child sexual abuse was purportedly fabricated by the government to demonize the group. The Mormon church abuses children regularly and it is Americas most guarded secret.

David J Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com


Hello Justin,

Thank you for regularly visiting my website ministry, and thank you for the kind words.

I agree with you about Pastor Anderson, and it is unfortunate that he teaches hatred against homosexuals. It hurts his ministry. I have addressed this in the past online, to warn web visitors and let them know where I stand on the issue...


I have also written a lengthy article, differentiating between what Dr. Jack Hyles rightly taught about the "reprobate doctrine" verses the unscriptural view of Pastor Anderson...


Having said that, Brother Hyles used to say that he'd rather see a guy with wild fire than no fire. Steven Anderson has fire! I have learned so much about the Word of God from listening to his preaching, and if it helps me, it will help others. NO ONE in America today that I know of is doing more to get souls saved than Pastor Anderson. He is organizing soul-winning events nationwide, and around the world, for which I admire him and fully support his efforts. He is criticized by many, and I don't want to fight against my brother who is getting the job done. Faithful Word Baptist Church goes soul-winning 7-days a week, doing incredibly work reaching the Indians that no other churches seem to care about. So for this reason, I am "patient with those who are with young," a great sermon I heard long ago by Brother Hyles.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

There are NO Biblical grounds for divorce. The biggest lie in churches today is that divorce is permissible in cases of adultery. If that were true, then what about all the other sins one's spouse can commit... murder, theft, extortion, lust? Jesus taught in Matthew 5:28 that lust is the same as adultery. If you believe that lust is a sin, then every wife of a husband who lusts has grounds for divorce. Clearly, Jesus did not intend for anyone to divorce, which He makes very clear in Matthew 19:8. Divorce is always a sin.

In Matthew 19:9 Jesus simply taught that if a man's wife divorces him, then he is the victim, and not committing adultery by remarriage. She filed. It was her self-righteousness that dragged the husband into court. By comparing Scripture with Scripture, it is plain that divorce is never permissible. The person who files for divorce is sinning, and has no Biblical grounds for remarriage (to do so is the horrible sin of adultery, Matthew 5:32). The Apostle Paul is careful in 1st Corinthians 7:10 to use the word “depart,” concerning the wife who leaves her husband; but Paul does NOT mention putting away (divorce). The wife who departs is clearly commanded not to shack up nor remarry.

Divorce is one’s unwillingness to forgive their spouse! No wife would ever divorce her husband if she truly loved him—not one! I don’t care if he beats her, she won’t divorce him (leave, yes; divorce, no). Say what you will, I don’t recall any disclaimer in the wedding vows for spousal abuse which would permit a divorce. And by the way, there are NO Scriptural grounds for divorce.

Society Has Gone Insane

Women today have been brainwashed by domestic violence literature to seek divorce at the first sign of abuse. I was recently reading a pamphlet from an organization called VARO (Victim’s Advocates Reaching Out). There are thousands of such non-prophet anti-violence and abuse organizations all across America. I couldn’t believe what the VARO pamphlet said inside. There was a listing of “signs of abuse,” with questions, and then at the bottom they requested for the reader to seek help at once if they answered” yes” to any of the questions. One of the questions was, “Is your spouse tracking your time?”

Another asked, “Does your spouse ever make any belittling comments to you in front of others?,” “Are you often criticized for little things?” Another question asked, “Has your spouse ever tried to prevent you from contacting friends or family?” One of the questions asked “Has your husband ever forced you to have sex against your will?” The implications are clearly against an authoritative husband who decides where, when, what, who, and why concerning his wife’s life, activates, and friends.

"Who’s teaching the women? We know that many socially conservative organizations are now teaching men to be good fathers. Think about it. Women are learning about issues of marriage and dealing with husbands through Women’s Studies courses (feminist and humanist propaganda), local “battered women’s shelters” (which disseminate more of the same in each community) and many other kinds of organizations that teach women to be independent—independent from husbands. Women are also taught by such organizations to know the incentives to divorce (propaganda and tactics that make divorce an easy lifestyle option for them). Most conservative organizations have been recipients of some of the same liberal, anti-family propaganda—many without knowing it." -Men's News Daily

You probably won’t like this; but a husband has a God-given RIGHT to decide who his wife associates with, where she goes, when she goes there, when she has sex with him, how she dresses, et cetera.

David J. Stewart #sexist jesus-is-savior.com

Joe DiMaggio (1914-1999) had the right idea... we should all get mad. Joe was upset that his wife was giving her body, which belongs to him in marriage, to pigs to lust upon. I have a lot of respect for Joe DiMaggio after reading this information about him. A good husband should be jealous over his wife; but feminist trash like Marilyn Monroe just accuse their husbands of being mentally-cruel (which were her grounds for divorce by the way). Monroe divorced her husband in 1954, just 9 months after getting married, because she wanted to do things HER WAY.

This is the feminist trap. Most women are vulnerable, just as Eve was deceived the Bible says (1st Timothy 2:14); sincerely believing that women are victims of mental cruelty because of an authoritarian husband who puts his foot down. I'm not kidding. If you read some of the insane Domestic Abuse literature of women's rights groups today, they label husbands as “abusive” who keep track of their wife's activities, demand to know when a wife is coming back, wanting to know where she is going, et cetera. Biblically, every husband has a God-given right to scrutinize every aspect of his wife's activities, plans and life. It is demonic rebellion, which God considers equal with witchcraft (1st Samuel 15:23) for any wife to challenge her husband in this area of authority.

David J. Stewart #fundie #sexist #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

I was recently walking through a local shopping mall. I heard rhythmatic jungle music. I saw a group of dozens of children and a hundred or so observing parents. The kids were strutting to the music. The little girls were shaking their butts, gyrating to the music. They couldn't have been more than 7 or 8 years old. They were wearing revealing spandex. I walked away in disgust. What is wrong with parents today? The same thing that has always been wrong in a wicked society, people become weak and fleshly. When Christianity flourishes, people at best try to live right in the Lord. But when heathendom flourishes, people descend to the level of animals, doing what feels good, doing my own thing, “Do as thou wilt” as satanist Aleister Crowley (1875-1947) put it.

I've never seen so many effeminate young people as nowadays in the store, and they despise me when they see my “Jesus” hat. Homosexuals hate Christianity!!! They are hardened sinners. They're like Roman Catholics, in the sense that you first have to get them lost, before you can get them saved. Homosexuals have to repent, not in the sense of forsaking homosexuality, but in judging them self as a needy sinner, and that is something very few will ever do. You cannot get saved until you come to Christ, and only admitted ungodly sinners are willing to do that. That is exactly what John 3:20 means, “For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.”

Titus 2:5 plainly states that women are “to be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.” This is the exact opposite of what children are being taught today. Just as with homosexuality, dancing goes against everything which the Word of God teaches. Don't be fooled into thinking that dancing is just innocent fun, there is an immoral mindset that goes with dancing. If you love Jesus Christ and care about what God thinks, then it should matter to you what the Bible teaches. I care, do you?

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

I've never seen so many people marked with tattoos as nowadays. Tattoos are worldly. No Christian should get a tattoo. I saw one tattoo shop called, “Wicked Tattoo.” You don't go to church to get a tattoo; but rather, you have to go to a house of sin, a worldly establishment, a place where the artist doing the tattoos is as worldly, wicked and saturated with marks of Satan as can be. As with all things that are wrong, many people have seemingly reasonable excuses for getting tattoos. The truth is that the human body is the temple of the Holy Spirit if you are a born-again Christian (1st Corinthians 3:16-17). God literally lives within your body if you are saved (Romans 8:9). Thus, the Lord doesn't want us to defile our bodies with tattoos, cigarettes, fornication or substance abuse. Satan knows that if he can get you to disrespect your body, then he owns you. Don't let the Devil advertise on your body.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

ANTICHRIST BEAST SYSTEM WARNING: THIS MINISTRY IS BEING CENSORED BY GOOGLE! - Compare the below chart stats (look at the orange column for unique visitors between 2018 and 2017). In September of 2017 JIS received 364,372 unique visitors for the month, but by February of 2018 it dwindled down to only 180,672 unique visitors. The total number of web visitors hasn't been this low since 2011. There's proof of censorship!!! Land of liberty? Freedom of speech? I don't think so!!! Due to internet censorship by the now forming New World Order, the number of my web visitors has decreased by a whopping 50%. Google by far is the source of most of this ministry's web visitors. Satan is the God of this evil world, and he WILL have his evil way for now; but the Bible says the Devil KNOWS that his time is short, and he is relentlessly working to kill, steal and destroy the work of God. Revelation12:12, “Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.” That's okay, everything's alright in my Father's house, where there's joy, joy, joy!!! The biggest hindrance to the Devil's NWO is the New Testament Church, i.e., born-again Christians! 2nd Thessalonians 2:7, “For the mystery of iniquity [NWO] doth already work: only he [the Holy Spirit in believers] who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way [the Rapture].” Even so, come, Lord Jesus!!!!!!!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Pornography did not exist until the invention of the camera came along. Think about this for a moment. The Old Testament cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were so wicked that God decided to DESTROY them (and they didn't have any pornography!). Can you imagine what God thinks about America today?

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

The American dream died a long time ago for most people. In the early 20th century, the United States was truly the land of opportunity, but along came the spider (known as the Federal Reserve, started in 1913) which has literally bankrupt our nation since the 1930's, created two major World Wars (which murdered several tens of millions of innocent people), and today is still running our country into the ground through massive reckless government debt-spending. WAR IS PROFIT!

Deindustrialization (aka, “globalism,” the elimination of U.S. jobs to foreign nations) has ruined our nation's economy, leaving tens of millions of Americans unemployed or underemployed, without their homes, without medical insurance, destitute without hope). These are the “fruits” of the greedy, evil, Luciferian elite, who run the banking system and ruthlessly control the White House. Their secret agenda is a New World Order (NWO), or as retired Navy commander William Guy Carr (1895-1959) called it in his excellent book, “PAWNS IN THE GAME”... a “Godless Global Totalitarian Communist Police State!” Yes Sir! That's why Americans are subject today to TSA sticking their hands all over your body at airports, violating your person in the name of keeping you “safe.” What TSA does to U.S. citizens is punishable by a decade in prison, if they were to be held to the same laws as the average citizen. Yet the dystopian government can do what they want, violating people's rights continually, conditioning the public to embrace a coming Police State!

I've never seen people so messed up as they are today. Everywhere we turn nowadays, people are covered in body markings, tattoos. I went to get a cheeseburger last night, and the waitress' left arm was completely tattooed. I felt sorry for her! I am always very kind and sweet to people, expressing God's unconditional love, and I insincerely try hard to make EVERYONE feel loved.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

The inspired Word of God is the answer! We need to get the blessed King James Bible back into the lives of our children in America! There is no other answer! I did some research today, reading through many webpages on “Why school shootings?” One of the articles (by PBS) that I read expresses the opinions of several American teenagers, whose opinions, sadly to say, all failed to address the need for the Holy Bible! One teen girl blames the adults for being inactive, two girls want stricter government gun control, one boy wants a “chill time” for students each day, one girl said 18 year olds have underdeveloped brains and shouldn't be allowed to have guns, one girl blames greed, one girl said we need to do more to help the mentally-ill, another girl said we need to make it harder to buy guns. Those suggestions all sound like the foolish kind of things that teenagers would say, which sadly aren't any better than what most adults are saying either! Listen my friend, morality CANNOT be legislated. U.S. President John Adams understood this truth well, who said:

“We have not government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” —U.S. President John Adams (1735-1826)

All of those teenagers are being unrealistic! What is the biggest change in our nation today, since the 1950's when schools were safe to attend, youth enjoyed proper courtship before marriage, and life was normal? The biggest change is the removal of the Word of God from children's daily lives!!! That fatal court ruling created a massive VACUUM, so Satan came along and filled that large vacuum with EVIL influences (feminism, the Playboy philosophy, Rock music, raunchy sensual music videos, adulterous and violent television and movies, violent video games, a heathen media that glorifies the street gang culture, Harry Potter's witchcraft, lack of church involvement, the bogus lies of Evolution taught in the school, illegal drugs, et cetera). Dr. Jack Hyles (1926-2001) rightly said: The worst thing about public schools is not what they teach, it's WHAT THEY DON'T TEACH! Pastor Hyles was so right!!!

To complicate matters, the U.S. government has allowed tens of millions of illegal immigrants to flood into the country from gang-infested Mexico and other problematic places, bringing their criminal culture with them! Look at what these six Hispanic teenage punks (and one black) did to these two innocent white teen girls (WARNING: These are graphic details and made my cry this morning, what happened to these two girls in Texas in 1993). Hell WILL BE hot enough, if they died in their sins without Christ! Folks, this is what teenagers without Jesus Christ are capable of committing! My father used to say that “anyone can become a monster without Jesus Christ!” He was 100% right! America today is just like the book of Judges in the Old Testament, when there was injustice everywhere, because there was no king in the land. Today, we have leaders, but they are failing to execute justice. Those monsters weren't executed for 17 years, because of their “rights”! Ecclesiastes 8:11, “Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil.” Oh how we need to get back to honoring and obeying the Word of God in America!!!


The “ANSWER” is to get the Holy Bible back into American's lives, and it begins with the children. That Holy Book is the KING JAMES BIBLE!!! The Devil fully knows this, which is why he made sure to attack The Roloff Homes in the 1970's. The liberal media doesn't mind if teenagers take naked selfies of themselves and upload the photos to the internet. The kooky queer-loving media don't mind if teens are homeless on the street, engaged in fornication, or partaking of all manner of wickedness, just so long as they're not being influenced for positive by the Word of God. Whereas the queer-loving media scrutinize churches with a giant magnifying glass, they give a free-pass to their peers for all manner of degeneracy, perversion and blasphemy against God. Parents need to wake up and realize that Satan has a bid for your children.

Look at the sick things that Taylor Swift and the queer-loving music industry are pushing off on children today! I think Taylor Swift ought to be arrested and taken to court for public indecency and intent to harm others. What the music video industry is promoting today is criminal in God's eyes—sexually explicit filth, promiscuity, violence, bestiality, substance abuse, school shootings, Satanism, pedophilia, sodomy, adultery, incest, feminism, rebellion, et cetera!!!

The Columbine killers wore shirts of their favorite German acid-metal band, KMFDM. One of their popular songs is called, “Free Your Hate!” Well, they did and 13 people are dead! Another popular song by the violence-glorifying band KMFDM is titled, “Rape, Robbery & Violence!” Only a wicked fool would dare say that the music didn't influence those Columbine boys to shoot their teacher and classmates, including a precious teen girl who testified that she is a Christian. Can we really ask “why” things are so bad these days in America? We need to give up our WRONGS, not our RIGHTS! Tragically, we've used our “rights” as a poor excuse to justify our wrongs.

What Do You Mean, It's Not Heinous? Award

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Folks, there is a horrible group called Human Rights Campaign (HRC), whose mission is to:

“We are fighting harder than ever before to defend the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer people. Join us.”

SOURCE: https://www.hrc.org

The ungodly HRC group openly praise and promote the American Baptist Churches USA denomination for their support of sodomites!

“Gay Pride” is of the Devil. It is no different than “Adultery Pride” or “Drunkenness Pride” or “Bearing False Witness Against Thy Neighbour Pride!” On the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) website they shamefully sell T-shirts and ballcaps with the following horrible antichrist messages...

“United Against Hate”

“Make America LGBTQ Again”

“Louisianans For Equality”

“No Hate In My State”

“Make America Gay Again”

“Cheers Queers”

What demonic lying propaganda! Folks, these wicked people don't know what love is! They are mistaking sinful compromise for “love.” Satan is the author of confusion! Folks, the American Baptist Convention (now ABCUSA) supports this evil!!! What do you think God feels about this? I can tell you confidently that God HATES EVIL (Psalms 97:10). Isaiah 5:20, “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”

And to think, the American Baptist Convention supports this filthy wickedness!!!

The slogans that HRC are promoting are a pack of satanic lies. For example: “Make America LGBTQ Again” and “Make America Gay Again” are totally untrue, because America NEVER was a nation of fags and queers (using their own terminology). The slogan “No Hate In My State” is also a big lie, because obeying God is not “hate.” It is homosexual supporters who HATE CHRISTIANS with a passion, which is why they are selling and promoting this evil. They hate God!!! Proverbs 29:27, “An unjust man is an abomination to the just: and he that is upright in the way is abomination to the wicked.” To the wicked person, a saint who hates sin is accused of being a hateful person; but God Himself hates sin. You cannot love God without hating sin, because sin separates us from God.

David J. Stewart #racist jesus-is-savior.com

[On why churches should reject 501c3 licensing]

The pastor of the church must advocate, promote, and actively encourage race mixing (interracial marriage), which is in violation of the "kind after kind" standard established by God at the creation, if the church has an educational ministry.

David J. Stewart #sexist jesus-is-savior.com

There was a day in America when nearly ALL women wore dresses (before TV came along). A woman who wore a pair of pants 100 years ago was considered a whore. Today, women who wear dresses are often looked down upon with contempt by other women. They're jealous! They want the femininity which they've lost, but can't have it and still be the feminist she-men they are. You can't have it both way ladies. Women today have lost their femininity because of feminism and pornography in society. Pornography cheapens a woman's worth in society.

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