Today's Apostate Churches are Filled with Modernists!
Photo to Right: A homosexual painting by artist, Becki Jayne
The artwork to the right is also found on (Ms. Kittredge website). The painting was designed to identify a rejected Christ with rejected homosexuals. The message is evil, unbiblical, and blasphemous to God Almighty! This is another master deception by Satan to dupe naive people into believing that homosexuals are equal to Jesus in their sufferings.
Jesus was persecuted because He preached the TRUTH... John 8:40, "But now ye seek to kill me, a man that hath told you the truth, which I have heard of God: this did not Abraham." Jesus was rejected by most people because He spoke the Truth!
Homosexuals on the other hand, are not accepted because homosexuality is unhealthy, unnatural, uncivilized, and ungodly!!! We're talking apples and oranges here folks. How dare Becki Jayne, Kittredge Cherry, and other homosexuals, pervert the meaning of the cross of Christ, by alleging that their rejection is no different than what Jesus endured. Homosexuality MUST be rejected because it goes hand-in-hand with apostasy, AIDS, the deterioration of society, and the judgment of God.
Marsha Stevens is a professed Christian, who operates the ministry BALM (Born Again Lesbian Music). Sadly, Bill Gaither has befriended her, singing in concert with her, and has remained silent about the sin of homosexuality. Apostasy has crept into so many churches that today that a Bible-believing Christian is criticized for speaking out against sin. Tragically, the average professed "Christian" today is more upset with people like me (who preach against sin), than they are with the rockers, lesbians, abortionists, strippers, and shysters who deceitfully CLAIM to be "Christian."
Our churches are filled with modernists who aren't what they appear to be, "...having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away." That "power" is the Gospel (Romans 1:16). Modernists are everywhere today! They talk about the Bible, spiritual concepts, Biblical teachings, and the principles Jesus taught; BUT, they are unsaved, unregenerated, unrepentant, and on their way to Hell without Jesus Christ. They will certainly die in their sins if they continue on their present path of destruction.
I find the artwork above very offensive and blasphemous. Jesus was not a "faggot." The message being implied by the above picture is that any criticisms or rejection of homosexuality is equal to Christ-rejection. Talk about REVERSE-PSYCHOLOGY! Homosexuality is DIAMETRICALLY opposed to everything the Word of God teaches! The Bible is incontrovertible concerning the sinfulness of homosexuality. Any child knows that it was Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. God called homosexuals "sodomites" in the Old Testament (King James Bible), linking their wicked sin with the destruction which fell upon Sodom and Gomorrah.
Is it any wonder why the apostate New International Version NIV translators completely removed the word "sodomite" from the Bible? To no surprise, the same parent company which publishes the NIV also publishes The Joy of Gay Sex. A homosexual recently wrote me, alleging that Ezekiel 16:49-50 indicates that Sodom wasn't destroyed mainly for homosexuality. Argue as they may, the hideous sin which is spotlighted in Genesis 19:4-11 is homosexuality. By the way, these same Scriptures in Genesis reveal the violence, lawlessness, cold-heartedness, and vile affections which become more evident in a homosexualized society. The United States is headed for some dark times as homosexuality saturates our society and churches.
Those Who Seek to Legitimize and Justify Homosexuality are LIARS!
Photo to Left: A popular gay painting of Judas showing homosexual affection to Christ. This is sick!
Anyone who pretends that Jesus was a homosexual is a deceiver! Judas did not kiss Jesus with homosexual affection. Jesus and John were not gay lovers! Kittredge Cherry's new book, Jesus In Love, presents Jesus and John as gay lovers. Kittredge Cherry is unjust towards the Savior. She admits that she CAN'T prove Jesus was homosexual, but she writes a fictitious novel attacking Him nevertheless.
She has assassinated Jesus' character! Woe unto those who attack the Lord, and take His name in vain! To say that Christ was a homosexual is the same as calling Him a sinner, which is a denial of His deity. Jesus hated iniquity (Hebrews 1:9). The Word of God states that homosexuality is an ABOMINATION (i.e., hate coupled with disgust) to God. Homosexuality is utterly disgusting.