
David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

There are unsaved people who live above reproach, thinking they are pretty decent people. Such self-righteous persons look down upon and condemn born-again believers who have openly sinned. However, in eternity when God judges everyone, the seemingly good unsaved person will burn in Hell forever, while the openly sinful Christian will enjoy the blessings and splendor of Heaven for all eternity. Matthew 21:31b-32, “Verily I say unto you, That the publicans and the harlots go into the kingdom of God before you. For John came unto you in the way of righteousness, and ye believed him not: but the publicans and the harlots believed him: and ye, when ye had seen it, repented not afterward, that ye might believe him.” Please notice “WHY” the publicans (tax cheats) and harlots went into the Kingdom of God, but not the religious scribes and Pharisees, because they, “BELIEVED HIM”! They simply believed on the dear Savior, the Son of God, taking Him at His Word!

The only way to Heaven is through faith in the Good News (Gospel) of Christ crucified, buried and risen. Only by faith in what Christ has done to pay for our sins on the cross, can anyone be spared God's wrath to come (Romans 5:9). You had better get saved, and get your sins under the blood, or else you'll spend eternity paying for your own sins in the fires and torments of Hell with Margaret Sanger, Madalyn Murray O'Hair, Steve Jobs, Freddie Mercury, George Harrison, Gene Wilder, Stephen Hawking, Gene Roddenberry, Rod Serling and George Carlin! (All of those poor souls openly rejected the Son of God!) Your time is running out!

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia #kinkshaming jesus-is-savior.com


The Bible calls the sin of homosexuality “sodomy,” associating this awful sin with the wicked city of Sodom. God utterly destroyed Sodom because of their wickedness. Even today, 4,000 years later, the remains of Sodom can be clearly seen by the Dead Sea in Israel. City Remains Of Sodom And Gomorrah Found Located Beneath Sea of Pure Sulfur. Yet, as wicked as Sodom was it cannot compare to SIN CITY Las Vegas in Nevada.

Any honest person would have to admit that homosexuality has become mainstream along with every other sexual sin in American society. This phenomena by itself exposes the destructive nature of homosexuality, since it is always associated with the total breakdown of society.

It was reported in USA TODAY that teens and cellphone nudity has become an epidemic problem nationwide. One girl commit suicide after nude photos of herself (meant only for her boyfriend) ended up on the internet and circulated around the school. Bullies were harassing her and she commit suicide. No teenager should have a cellphone...

“If I were to go through the cell phones in this building right now of 1,500 students, I would venture to say that half to two-thirds have indecent photos, either of themselves or somebody else in school,” said Jim Brown, school resource officer at Glen Este High School. Turpin High School Principal Peggy Johnson thinks that the results would be similar - about 50-50 - in her building.

Our nation is going to Hell. Contrary to the agendacized propaganda that Christians are causing gays to commit suicide, it’s the wickedness of American culture overall that is bringing our nation to ruin.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Satan Loves Teenagers

"The strongest appeal you can make is emotionally. If you can get their emotions going, make them forget their logic, you've got them. AT MTV, WE DON'T SHOOT FOR THE 14-YEAR OLDS, WE OWN THEM." (MTV is Rock Around the Clock, Philadelphia Inquirer, Nov. 3, 1982)

According to the book, Satanism in America, which is endorsed by the National Criminal Justice Task Force on Occult Related Ritualistic Crimes, hard-core Satanism is "the fastest-growing subculture among America's TEENS." Satan loves teenagers because they are so impressionable. With few exceptions, one's entire life is determined by their attitude as a teenager. Ninety percent of a child character is developed by the age of 6-years-old. This is why Satan wants mothers in the workplace instead of being a loving mother at home as God intended (1st Timothy 5:14-15).

Studies taken by the Georgia Police Academy revealed that 90% of those involved in Satanism are TEENAGERS!

Television personality, Geraldo Rivera, who explored the terrifying rise of Satanism said, "It exists AND IT'S FLOURISHING. IT IS TEENAGERS who are most likely to fall under the spell of Satanism."

How serious are they?

At the 1992 MTV Awards, the group Red Hot Chili Peppers, upon receiving their award and giving thanks, said:

"FIRST OF ALL we want to thank Satan . . ."

"Oh! I wish I could tell all men and women and all boys and girls everywhere to believe the truth that Satan always pays in counterfeit money, that all his pearls are paste pearls, that the nectar he offers is poisoned through and through."

SOURCE: Dr. R.G. Lee, from the powerful sermon, PAYDAY SOMEDAY!

The Evil Public School System

The great evangelist Billy Sunday said, "If you want to rid this nation of the Devil, then you've got to hit him with the cradle and not the casket." In other words, we've got to reach the young people for Christ. This is why Karl Marx's 10th plank of the Communist Manifesto called for a public school system? The entire public school system in America was set up to destroy the morals and Christian faith of young people, to allow the government to INDOCTRINATE children instead of truly educating them. The lies of Evolution are nothing less than indoctrination.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

This nation has gone down the toilet morally. I was in a hotel in Hawaii and the woman at the front desk waiting in line in front of me had on a white bikini. You could literally see her buttock's crevice through her bikini, butt naked in public. That's the new morality in America and it's bringing God's judgment upon our nation. People laugh and think it's a trifle matter, failing to realize that the murder of 53,000,000 human beings is directly related to our nation's attitude toward modesty. As television drags America down into the abyss of darkness, so also does our morals follow.

Praise God for you ladies who wear dresses and try not to make it any harder than it already is for the Christian men in America (who are trying to live right for the Lord).

The Unchanging Word Of God

The greatest victory Satan ever had over America was when our nation separated Jesus Christ from morality in the 1930's. When wealthy Jews formed Hollywood and opened its doors in the 1930's, they had every intention of subverting America.

This is evidenced in a publication so sensitive today that even mentioning it will result in this webpage likely being censored, so I will only link to it (the publication is over a century old and not very exciting reading; but if you do read and understand it, it is EXACTLY what is happening in the world today). People can say what they want, the publication has been prophetic (that's because it is indeed a blueprint for world conquest).

[Note: The publication he links to is The Protocols of the Elders of Zion]

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

Today's Apostate Churches are Filled with Modernists!

Photo to Right: A homosexual painting by artist, Becki Jayne

The artwork to the right is also found on JesusInLove.org (Ms. Kittredge website). The painting was designed to identify a rejected Christ with rejected homosexuals. The message is evil, unbiblical, and blasphemous to God Almighty! This is another master deception by Satan to dupe naive people into believing that homosexuals are equal to Jesus in their sufferings.

Jesus was persecuted because He preached the TRUTH... John 8:40, "But now ye seek to kill me, a man that hath told you the truth, which I have heard of God: this did not Abraham." Jesus was rejected by most people because He spoke the Truth!

Homosexuals on the other hand, are not accepted because homosexuality is unhealthy, unnatural, uncivilized, and ungodly!!! We're talking apples and oranges here folks. How dare Becki Jayne, Kittredge Cherry, and other homosexuals, pervert the meaning of the cross of Christ, by alleging that their rejection is no different than what Jesus endured. Homosexuality MUST be rejected because it goes hand-in-hand with apostasy, AIDS, the deterioration of society, and the judgment of God.

Marsha Stevens is a professed Christian, who operates the ministry BALM (Born Again Lesbian Music). Sadly, Bill Gaither has befriended her, singing in concert with her, and has remained silent about the sin of homosexuality. Apostasy has crept into so many churches that today that a Bible-believing Christian is criticized for speaking out against sin. Tragically, the average professed "Christian" today is more upset with people like me (who preach against sin), than they are with the rockers, lesbians, abortionists, strippers, and shysters who deceitfully CLAIM to be "Christian."

Our churches are filled with modernists who aren't what they appear to be, "...having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away." That "power" is the Gospel (Romans 1:16). Modernists are everywhere today! They talk about the Bible, spiritual concepts, Biblical teachings, and the principles Jesus taught; BUT, they are unsaved, unregenerated, unrepentant, and on their way to Hell without Jesus Christ. They will certainly die in their sins if they continue on their present path of destruction.

I find the artwork above very offensive and blasphemous. Jesus was not a "faggot." The message being implied by the above picture is that any criticisms or rejection of homosexuality is equal to Christ-rejection. Talk about REVERSE-PSYCHOLOGY! Homosexuality is DIAMETRICALLY opposed to everything the Word of God teaches! The Bible is incontrovertible concerning the sinfulness of homosexuality. Any child knows that it was Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. God called homosexuals "sodomites" in the Old Testament (King James Bible), linking their wicked sin with the destruction which fell upon Sodom and Gomorrah.

Is it any wonder why the apostate New International Version NIV translators completely removed the word "sodomite" from the Bible? To no surprise, the same parent company which publishes the NIV also publishes The Joy of Gay Sex. A homosexual recently wrote me, alleging that Ezekiel 16:49-50 indicates that Sodom wasn't destroyed mainly for homosexuality. Argue as they may, the hideous sin which is spotlighted in Genesis 19:4-11 is homosexuality. By the way, these same Scriptures in Genesis reveal the violence, lawlessness, cold-heartedness, and vile affections which become more evident in a homosexualized society. The United States is headed for some dark times as homosexuality saturates our society and churches.

Those Who Seek to Legitimize and Justify Homosexuality are LIARS!

Photo to Left: A popular gay painting of Judas showing homosexual affection to Christ. This is sick!

Anyone who pretends that Jesus was a homosexual is a deceiver! Judas did not kiss Jesus with homosexual affection. Jesus and John were not gay lovers! Kittredge Cherry's new book, Jesus In Love, presents Jesus and John as gay lovers. Kittredge Cherry is unjust towards the Savior. She admits that she CAN'T prove Jesus was homosexual, but she writes a fictitious novel attacking Him nevertheless.

She has assassinated Jesus' character! Woe unto those who attack the Lord, and take His name in vain! To say that Christ was a homosexual is the same as calling Him a sinner, which is a denial of His deity. Jesus hated iniquity (Hebrews 1:9). The Word of God states that homosexuality is an ABOMINATION (i.e., hate coupled with disgust) to God. Homosexuality is utterly disgusting.

David J. Stewart #fundie #sexist jesus-is-savior.com

Seeing a women poured into tight pants at the grocery store is just as tempting and dangerous as seeing pornography on the internet. Men are under attack. Many preachers recognize the dangers of pornography, but fail to see the danger of sensually unclothed women at the shopping mall or church. Sexual lust is caused by sight for men. Thus, it is extremely important for women to hide their breast cleavage, thighs and sexy shape. Many women laugh at what I say, who are the same women that fornicate, have abortions, divorce and then wonder why their life is so messed-up. It's not that hard to figure out! Even if women dress properly, men will always still struggle with lust. It's part of our human sin-nature. However, when women deliberately dress slutty, wear tight blouses, drawing attention to their body instead of their heart, it is wickedness in God's sight. The Lord will judge every woman in eternity according to how she dressed and behaved on earth. Do you really think God doesn't care about how you dress?

Indecency is in the shopping mall. Victoria's Secret is no longer a secret! Porn is on every magazine! Porn is in all the professional sporting events. The cheerleaders lift their legs, open their skirts, showing their crotches and thighs. God only knows all the women raped, little girls molested, the broken marriages and wives beaten, all because of sluts like Taylor Swift, Katy Perry, the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders, Madonna, Julia Roberts, Sandra Bullock, Marilyn Monroe and all the other whores and devils on two legs. Jesus said in Matthew 12:36 that men will be held accountable for even their idle words. How much more shall God hold women accountable for intentionally causing men to lust and commit sin!!!

Pornography is coming into our homes through television, advertisements, movies, music videos and magazines. It's also coming through the phones in the form of filthy communications, so people can fill their ears and hearts with unholy thoughts and filthy words. People dial 1-900 numbers to talk dirty with some 300 pound pervert on the other end of the line. Sexting has become popular amongst teens, sending filthy text messages to each other. And now “selfies,” teens taking cellphone photos of themselves naked and sending them to friends, has become very popular. What do you think God thinks about this? You know what God thinks! Porn is in the newspapers. It's in the commercials. It's in business windows. It's everywhere!!! You can't name one thing that pornography hasn't gotten a hold of these days. America is filled with every vile abomination!!! Judgment day is coming for America and the wicked world!!!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

The nature of pornography is to target youth. Clothing magazines have been photographing children in their underwear for decades, which is a form of child pornography. No one, especially Christian men, ought to look in clothing catalogs because of the indecent women and girls displayed in them. God pity the man who browses through a Victory Secrets catalog or Sports Illustrated. No man has a God-given right to view such adulterous imagery. And may I say, women ought not view naked young girls either. America's irresponsible attitude toward virtue, modesty and decency has created a generation of sexual degenerates devoid of morality. Today women wear their dresses up, and men their pants down.

Small girls are photographed in fashion model style, looking like Broadway whores, even photographed in sexually suggestive scenes. This type of debauchery is considered normal in American society today. It's wickedness to almighty God. Stupid mothers think it's harmless for their young daughters to run around in colored underwear, simply because it's a bathing suit. It is immodesty! I read on the front page of the local newspaper about a grade school brat, strutting her stuff at dancing class, wearing a miniskirt. Hundreds of parents viewed, clapped their hands and thought it was cute. They are sick-minded heathens missing God in their lives. America has deteriorated into a cesspool (sewer outlet) of iniquity.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Satanists are Still Abducting, Raping and Killing Children

There is an enormous amount of evidence to categorically prove to the genuine seeker of truth and justice, that the Secret Societies-run Intelligence Network are sexually abusing, and murdering children all around the world.

Shock study: 12% of kids sexually abused in govt. custody

Bureau of Justice Statistics: Sexual Victimization in Juvenile Facilities Reported by Youth



Ritualized Child Abuse

Sex Abuse And The Elite


Aleister Crowley (1875-1947)— Initiated to the highest levels of Freemasonry and high priest of the Golden Dawn, said:
"A white male child of perfect innocence and intelligence makes the most suitable victim."

Infamous Satanist, bisexual and drug-addict, Aleister Crowley, is revered by Rock singers and bands. Ozzy Osbourne produced a tribute song in 1980 called Mr. Crowley, honoring Aleister Crowley. Crowley and the founder of Wicca Witchcraft, Gerald Gardner, were close personal friends.

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

America's churches have failed the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgendered (LGBT) community. We really have! For the past half-century the churches have failed homosexuals. I mean, if anyone in the world ought to be helping the LGBT community, it is the churches! Even America's independent fundamental Baptist churches today are failing the LGBT crowd. It is high-time for the churches to start doing what they should have done long ago! Yes, the churches are at fault. We have dropped the ball. There are no legitimate excuses, the Christian churches have failed the LGBT community!!!

How, you may ask, have the churches “failed” the LGBT community? I am glad that you asked. We have failed the LGBT community by refusing to cry aloud against homosexuality as a filthy “sin”! We have failed the LGBT community by tolerating homosexual “sin” instead of exposing it as “perversion” in our society. We have failed the LGBT community by refusing to embrace them with the truth, the horrifying truth that a holy God will not accept homosexuality.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Communist Cuban Government Has More Horsesense Than American Churches: Bans NIV!

I was so encourage yesterday, when I learned that the government of Cuba rejected a shipment of 17,000 copies of the New International Version (NIV) of the Bible. The NIV is perverse and corrupt! In the following 1:23 hour MP3 presentation, Dr. Gail Riplinger, exposes what is wrong with the modern Bible perversions: NEW AGE BIBLE VERSIONS. I'd like to say, “Thank you,” to Cuba's President, Raul Castro, on behalf of born-again Christians everywhere for lifting the ban against the Bible since 2015, and most of all, for having the wisdom to recognize that the NIV is worthless!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

If enough Americans felt the way I do, we'd be able to run the wicked out of this nation! And a glorious day that would be! Thankfully (and I get goosebumps just thinking about it) the Lord is literarily coming back one day soon, and when He does the wicked are going to tremble as they face the reality of the Lake of Fire for all eternity. Carrie Underwood is headed for that Lake of Fire. Judas knew Jesus and went straight to Hell.

I say hooray to Jesus!!! Yeah Jesus!!! If you want to cheer and shout for lesbians and bisexuals, for God-haters and seducers, for blasphemers and adulterers, for sluts and sleazy singers, for drunkard actors and drug-addicted entertainers, for immoral sports athletes and rebels, for sicko comedians and low-life American Idols, for idolaters and sex-perverts—then you go right on ahead my friend, but Jesus Christ is coming back soon, and He's not in a good mood (I assure you) over the wickedness in the world today.

Hebrews 1:9 quotes Psalms 45:7 concerning Christ, “Thou lovest righteousness, and hatest wickedness: therefore God, thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows.” Psalms 97:10, “Ye that love the LORD, hate evil: he preserveth the souls of his saints; he delivereth them out of the hand of the wicked.” The Lord hates evil and so should we as Christians. Sadly, most professed Christians today are cowards, silent concerning public evils and abominations. Carrie Underwood is leading a generation of youth into sexual immorality and sin. This is not of God.

Underwood's fans may think she is humble, but she's arrogant and sinfully proud. Anytime we choose to place our self upon the throne of our life instead of God, it's only because we are sinfully proud. Underwood's videos are all sensual, looking at the camera like she wants to have sex with the viewer. That's exactly what they're intended to do. It's all part of the Communist moral subversion of America. Sadly, young people today think everything's a big joke. The laugh about preaching and morals. When 42 children mocked Elisha's bald head as the preacher, telling him to get lost, two female bears tore them up severely and no doubt many died (2nd Kings 2:23-24).

Only a fool mocks the things of Jesus Christ. Noah's sons backed toward their father, taking great caution to avoid looking upon his nakedness. This teaches us the proper attitude toward nakedness. For Carrie Underwood to flaunt her healthy body that God gave her, wearing the attire of a prostitute, gyrating in sexual positions for every lustful man and woman to sinfully commit adultery in their heart with—is wickedness beyond description.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

The Number 13 Means Rebellion

“Twelve years they served Chedorlaomer, and in the thirteenth year they rebelled.” —Genesis 14:4

There is something called the law of first beginnings, that is, where something originated. You'd be surprised how many things originate from the Bible. I believe that the number 13 originates with Nimrod at the tower and city of Babel, who was the thirteenth from Adam. Also, in Genesis 14:4, “Twelve years they served Chedorlaomer, and in the thirteenth year they rebelled.” The number 13 represents REBELLION. Coincidence? Perhaps the most obvious origin of the number 13 and it's meaning is the fact that a child becomes rebellious at around age 13. You decide!

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

What's going on in America today is that our nation's political and Christian leaders are rearranging the deck-chairs on the Titanic, while ignoring the huge gapping hole torn in the side of the ship's hull. The iceberg is the Federal Reserve Bank. The band is playing, people are having a good time, because no one believes that the Titanic could actually sink. America couldn't become a Police State. It can't happen here. The ship is going down my friend, and you and I with it!

You can likely expect Hillary Clinton to become U.S. President eventually. They're all in bed together, criminals of criminals. First Bush Sr., then Clinton, then Bush Jr. (all involved with illegal drugs being trafficked into America over their heads). There's tons of reading materials available concerning Governor Clinton and the Mena, Arkansas airport (at one time a major point of illegal drugs entering the nation). Even Pastor Jerry Falwell produced a video for all his church members exposing the illegal drug activities and blatant crimes happening in Mena, Arkansas. The video, The Clinton Chronicles, is still available at JeremiahFilms.com. Wake up America!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

When someone mistreats me, they have done it to Jesus! This is because I am a child of God, that is, a born-again Christian. When someone cheats me, they have cheated Jesus! When someone is unkind or mean to me, they have done it unto the Lord. That is exactly what the Bible says. Do you know why? It is because I belong to Christ. 1st Corinthians 6:20, “For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's.” The very moment that I became saved, that is, the moment I trusted the Good News of Jesus Christ crucified, buried and risen for my sins, I became God's property! So when someone hurts me, it is as if they did it to Jesus Himself, and they WILL be judged accordingly. Matthew 18:6, “But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.”

But most of all, if God was willing to forgive a woeful sinner like me of all my sins, who am I to deny forgiveness to others who have wronged me? Many people have deeply hurt me throughout my life, who have never sought my forgiveness. They have never righted their wrongs against me. Albeit, I have still CHOSEN to forgive them all, because I know that they did it to Jesus too, and they must be held accountable one day in eternity.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Jesus said “great” shall be the reward in Heaven of those believers who are persecuted for His names' sake. If you are a God-fearing Christian who loves the Lord, then you know that the unrighteous hold you to an unfair standard. A wicked man can do evil an hundred times and no one cares; but just let a child of God sin once and every hypocrite will condemn him as a fraud and a phony. In the eyes of the wicked, a righteous man has to be perfect or else suffer severe slander.


You will be persecuted if you speak out against evolution, abortion, homosexuality, nightclubs, Harry Potter, SIN CITY Las Vegas, adultery and violence on television, false religion, immodest dress on women, drunkenness, sinful partying, Communism, pornography, and all other forms of wickedness. Ephesians 5:11 commands us not to fellowship with darkness; but rather, expose it.

The lifestyle and conversation of the born-again Christian who loves Jesus is drastically different from that of the sin-loving world. They will condemn us, and hate us, and place us under their magnifying glass for scrutiny. Any fault we have will be used to destroy our credibility and slander us. The Apostle Paul said in Romans 3:8, “we be slanderously reported.” If evil men slandered Jesus and the Apostle Paul, then you can rest assure they will slander us too. And so it is. Jesus said our reward is great in Heaven.

The child of God, who has a pure and tender heart, will never mix with cold-hearted people. Unfortunately, we have to work to eat and oftentimes have little choice in the matter. Let me encourage you, whoever you may be in the Lord, to rejoice in knowing that God has great rewards laid up for you in Heaven; where neither moth, rust, nor thieves can take them from you (Matthew 6:20). Jesus is precious and He has promised to reward us, even for giving a cup of water in a disciple's name (Matthew 10:42). Likewise, men will be judged for every word spoken on Judgment Day (Matthew 12:36).

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Is it OK to Divorce an Abusive Spouse?

Call me what you will, I just believe that God meant for two people to spend life together, for better or for worse. I heard a preacher one time telling childhood stories about his parents down in Tennessee. I was shocked at what I heard. One day his father ran around the corner of the barn and said, “Son, go get my shotgun, your mother just stabbed me!” They never divorced. Now I'm not justifying that kind of crazy behavior, but I will say this to those of you who have ears to hear—we've lost personal integrity in America! People used to have something that this weak-kneed generation just doesn't have today—CHARACTER!!!

Surely it can't be God's will for me to stay with a person who beats me up? I think that is entirely the wrong way to look at things. As Christians (I speak to saved people) we ought to have a determination in our heart to stay married through thick and thin, no matter matter. If you're not saved, then Satan is in control of your life, so I do not speak to you. Jesus Christ cannot become your Lord (Master) until you first receive Him as your personal Savior (John 1:12-14). The moment you get saved, Jesus automatically becomes your new Master instead of the Devil. You don't have to acknowledge Jesus as your Lord to be saved, for that would be adding human effort to the simple plan of salvation given in the Bible. 1st Timothy 4:10 says that Jesus is “the Saviour of all men, specially of those that believe.” I love that Scripture! We have a good God ladies and gentlemen!

I love my mother and father, both born-again Christians, who have both gone onto to be with Jesus in Heaven. What a blessing to be with Jesus! I miss them dearly. But they had a rough marriage for 36-years. I could tell you hundreds of horror stories. I'd imagine every family has their share of dirty laundry, and I advise people to always keep their dirty-laundry at home where it belongs. What we need to do is place all that dirty laundry into Jesus' hands, and let Him deal with it—He'll cleanse all sin with His precious blood, and straighten everything all out! Jesus died on the cross so He could make everything right, because there's nothing that you nor I can do to straighten up the mess we've made out of life.

Is your life more resemblant of a train-wreck than a normal life? If so, you are in good company my friend. Our Savior uses the misfits, poor, ex-cons, failures, the destitute and broken-hearted, the lame, diseased, in debt, tired and weary souls. Where Did David Get His Mighty Men? (an awesome MP3 sermon, by Dr. Jack Hyles). God doesn't need our money, talents and education; but rather, he needs our heart to be humble in prayer, and obey to Him at all times as we forsake the sinful world and live for Jesus to get souls saved and .

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

If you want to be Biblical, a believer does in fact have a “license to sin” (only in the sense that the gift of eternal life cannot be forfeited). No sin that a believer commits can ever jeopardize one's Eternal Security. To teach otherwise is to negate the gift of God and teach a false Gospel of self-righteousness. Salvation is the gift of God, based upon Christ's imputed righteousness to our account (and not any good of our own). We are saved by grace through faith (Ephesians 2:8,9). Salvation is receiving, not giving.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

You Deserve Hell Today

For decades now, billions of people have been listening to the McDonald's singing slogan, "You Deserve A Break Today." The sinful human nature finds such self-indulgent words greatly appealing. No doubt, this marketing strategy has largely contributed to McDonalds success. Unfortunately, few people realize the underlying humanism inherent in such words. Do we really deserve a break today?

The Word of God (the Bible) declares that we all deserve to burn in hell-fire and brimstone (Romans 6:23; Revelation 20:13-15, 21:8). No one deserves anything more than hell. Perhaps McDonalds simply meant that a working person has earned the right to enjoy a good meal. I would agree with that 100%. I love Big Macs and Quarter Pounders. I do not believe that McDonalds had any ill intent by using such words, but there is a difference between what we "deserve" and what we have have "earned" a right to enjoy. The Bible teaches that if a man doesn't work, then he shouldn't eat (2nd Thessalonians 3:10). A working man has a "right" to eat.

Nevertheless, even if McDonalds simply meant that a working person deserves a break, there is still a humanistic element in hearing those words..."You Deserve A Break Today." Believe me, millions of dollars probably went into coming up with that perfect statement. McDonalds has spent hundreds-of-millions of dollars experimenting with food items to come up with just the right product. I love McDonalds Coca-cola. A very long time ago when I was a teenager, I worked for McDonalds. I remember my supervisor telling me that McDonalds had spent like $3,000,000 just to determine how many holes to put in the MC DLT sauce dispenser (I think it was 21 holes). Don't hold me to that, it's been a long time. The Mc DLT came in two halves, in a double-compartment Styrofoam container. The hot beef patty with bottom bun came in one section of the container; then the cold lettuce, tomato, and other items came with the top bun. When you opened the container, you'd put the two halves together for a delicious sandwich. They stopped selling them many years ago, but I miss them a lot. What does all this have to do with deserving to go to hell? Nothing, but I felt like telling you about the Mc DLT.

Seriously, the Bible proclaims in Romans 3:10 that we are ALL sinners. Romans 3:23 declares that we have ALL fallen short of the glory of God. Isaiah 64:6 declares that our self righteousnesses are as filthy rags in the sight of God. We needs the imputed righteousness of Jesus Christ, available only through the blood which Jesus Shed upon the cross. If you have never trusted Christ as your Saviour, then please do so now.

The sinful world in which we live praises itself for it's own self achievements. As Christians, we know better. We know that all good things come from God above (James 1:17). The pride of this life, and the lusts of the flesh, and the lusts of the eyes...will all pass away (1st John 2:15). One hundred years from now, nothing will matter except what you did with Jesus Christ. If you die in your sins, you will go to hell to burn. If you die in the Lord, then you will go to heaven. It's as simple as that. In a materialistic world where businesses are continually programming people to believe that they are so wonderful with slogans such as: "You Deserve The Best"..."You're Number One"..."Treat Yourself"..."Have It Your Way"..."You Deserve A Break Today"..."You Deserve A Vacation"--It's no wonder why people are so tragically brainwashed with humanism. Humanism is evil, a philosophy that abandons God and His Word. Burger King's "Have It Your Way" is reminiscent of Frank Sinatra's "I Did It My Way" (written by Paul Anka). On the contrary, the Bible teaches that we should do it God's way.

Could you imagine driving down the highway, when suddenly over the radio you heard someone singing..."You Deserve Hell Today, at McDonalds." You'd probably drive off the road. McDonalds would receive threatening calls and letters by the millions saying "How dare you!" People would file lawsuits claiming that their children were traumatized for life. You see, most people don't like when you tell them the truth.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

You need to study history, about Communist regimes and what happened to society.

Edward Griffin: The Truth About Communism (a 2 hour documentary)

Learn about the millions of innocent people they murdered. These videos are graphic, showing people being shot dead by firing squads for simply wanting to be free, mass graves filled with bodies, the same exact political tactics and brainwashing of young people as we see today in America. It not only can happen in America... IT IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW!!!

The following video series is narrated by (of all people) Ronald Reagan long before he became U.S. President. Reagan was recognized as a champion against Communism. Although these videos are the best documentaries available exposing the evils of Communism, at some point Reagan sold-out to the criminal elite (just as the once fundamentalist Billy Graham sold out to Roman Catholicism and apostasy). Dr. John R. Rice actually said decades ago that he thought Billy Graham would become the next Billy Sunday. We'll, Billy Graham became the next Billy Balaam (prophet for hire, 2nd Peter 2:15). Likewise, Reagan sold his soul to the Devil for fame, pleasures and fortune. The following video below is the same as above, but is divided into a series. I am giving you both links just in case one is ever removed...

Edward Griffin: The Truth About Communism (2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13)

Communism And The Civil Rights Movement (by Professor G. Edward Griffin)

Reagan was a member of the satanic Bohemian Grove in California (which President Nixon said was the “the most faggy G_ddamned thing you could ever imagine.” Reagan was commonly known in southern California by his peers as “rainbow Ronnie” for his homosexuality (not surprising when you learn that both Presidents George Bush Jr. and Sr. are homosexuals and worse). DynCorp evidences the level of depravity in our government.

These people are monsters! Even more bizarre is that George Bush Sr. is married to Barbara (the daughter of satanist Aleister Crowley). Truth is stranger than fiction. Reagan was not what he appeared to be. Reagan became a loyal puppet of the globalists. As governor of California, Reagan legalized astrology. Nancy Reagan, his wife, practiced astrology and contacted an astrologer upon the advice of her friend Merv Griffin when President Reagan was shot.

Everything is moving incrementally, step-by-step, much faster than the criminal globalist elite could have envisioned. After decades of pumping immoral television, heathen music, pornography, wicked laws, feminist engineering and worldly philosophies into the minds of impressionable youth... America has become soft, dumbed down, vulnerable and lulled into a state of psychosis (numb to reality).

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

It is possible that many of us (if not all of us) will die before the Rapture. The Bible does not tell us when Christ will return. I do sincerely believe that it will be very soon, but I do not know. God has an appointed time for the Lord's return. We could die of a sudden heart-attack by sundown (Proverb 27:1). We do not know when the Lord will return, but we do know that death could come at any moment. If you die in your sins, it will be your DOOMSDAY!!! If you knowingly reject Christ and the Rapture happens, God will send you strong delusion for rejecting Christ and you will be totally deceived by the Antichrist (2nd Thessalonians 2:11).

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

President Kennedy crossed the line of secrecy by being too honest with the American people. The Illuminati, i.e., an occult inspired group of elite families who control the world through blackmail, bribery and secrecy, could not allow Kennedy (a highly credible opinion) to expose them. The private Federal Reserve Banksters are a global mafia. Kennedy was killed BY THE BANKSTERS!

The globalists murdered John F. Kennedy to stop his presidential directive 11110, which would have ended the Federal Reserve's control over America. Of course they killed him! After Kennedy's murder, the first thing that Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson did was cancel directive 11110. The message to all future U.S. presidents was clear—we can kill you in a crowded public place in broad daylight and get away with it!!!

The Bible says Satan disguises himself and appears as being good and righteous (2nd Corinthians 11:13-15), thus, hiding his true nature because his deeds are evil. In sharp contrast, Jesus spoke “openly to the world” (John 18:20). The very word “occult” means kept secret or hidden. Whether Freemasonry, the Order of Death (aka, Skull and Bones), Bohemian Grove or any one of numerous Satanic organizations—they are all kept very secret from the average man for a definite reason; which is to conceal their anti-American, anti-Christian, anti-family and anti-freedom nature and workings.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Taylor Swift's November 2008 interview with Ellen Degenerate ended up on YouTube, the video has had 982,811 hits; but when Rep. Ron Paul spoke in July of 2009 about The Immorality of Taxpayer Funded Abortion, the video only had 1,732 hits. Isn't that sad? Congressman Ron Paul's video exposing the evils of abortion didn't even have 2,000 hits; but that wicked lewd girl's interview gets nearly 1,000,000 hits!

Taylor Swift is further corrupting the morals of our nation . . .

While her second album, Fearless, hit shelves the previous calendar year, she held the #1 spot on the Billboard chart for three weeks in 2009 and at one point had eight songs on the Hot 100 chart. After performing at the Grammys with friend Miley Cyrus, Swift embarked on a sold-out 52-city North American tour. Among her many accolades, she won album of the year at the Country Music Association Awards and artist of the year at the American Music Awards.


Miniskirts are sinful for women to wear (1st Timothy 2:9). Proverb 7:10 speaks concerning “the attire of an harlot.” Do you think God wants Christian women wearing “the attire of an harlot?” Taylor Swift, Miley Cyrus and all the other lascivious harlots of Country Music today are committing evil, corrupting America's youth and are the cause of much sin in our nation. It's high time for born-again, God-fearing, Christ-honoring, sin-hating, soul-loving, soul-winning, Christians to get mad! Tell those whores to go put some clothes on!

I'm talking about good old-fashioned Biblical Christianity. I realize that few people today understand what that is, but America is dying for a lack of God-fearing Christians. Ironically, Taylor Swift attended and graduated from a so-called Christian high school in Tennessee. What kind of morals did they teach there? Somehow, professed Christians all across America have got the notion that it doesn't matter how a woman dresses. It DOES matter to God!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

If you do not believe men are drawn to look at seductive and alluring women, start watching their eyes in the presence of such women. A question that begs to be asked is, “Why would any woman who professes to know Christ as her Saviour dress in such a way as to be seductive and alluring? She may protest her clothing covers her body and the hem is below her knee; but does it highlight or accentuate parts of her body that only ought to be seen by her husband? Slit skirts are specifically designed to tease a man’s eyes and appeal to his lower nature; tight, form-fitting designs shamelessly publicize body parts and contours that ought to be private; clinging or translucent materials also are specifically designed to be provocative and revealing. If a sister is honestly unaware of how her dress is defrauding every man who views her, she ought to listen to a godly, older woman (Titus 2:3) in the flock, or the Pastor’s wife concerning her dress. But from what most women tell me, this type of seductive fashion is usually not accidental or ignorant. How tragic! Many, like Tamar, set out to deliberately catch the carnal eyes of men and tempt them to wrong desires even though they could technically say their bodies are “covered.”

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Present-Day Israel is Satanic

True Israel has been scattered throughout the world, just as the Bible says in Joel 3:2 (see also, Deuteronomy 28:62-64). Since the fall of Israel in 586 BC to Babylon, the Jews have been scattered around the world. And again, what remaining Jews lived in Jerusalem during the New Testament, were scattered around the world further after Rome annihilated Jerusalem in 70 AD. Present-day Israel was begun in 1948 as a secular state and not as a theocracy. Just like their Illuminati founders, Israel's government today is Marxist/Communist. For many years now, Tel Aviv, Israel is boasted of as being the gay-Mecca for homosexuals worldwide. God's people? No way. Please read Deuteronomy 7:12, which says God's promise to bless the patriarch's descendants will only be honored IF they obey His commandments.

Opium Brides (heroine & 7-year old girls taken in Afghanistan for pedophile global elite)

Goldman Sachs Caught Investing In Sex-Trafficking Ring (Mitt Romney's wife invested too)

Homosexual Prostitution, Child Molesting, the CIA and Washington D.C. Officials

Why is Goldman Sachs running a sex-slave fund? Oh, did I mention the List Of 37 Names of GOLDMAN SACHS People in the Obama Government?

The White (Goldman Sachs) House (Goldman Sachs in the White House)

J. Edgar Hoover (first chief of the FBI) was an infamous thug (a flaming homosexual and pederast) who blackmailed and bribed hundreds of politicians, judges and other elite in order to maintain control of his position for 37-years. Hoover worked for the criminal international banking-cartel (the banksters). These are the financiers of the criminal global elite. Study history and you'll learn that Communism and Nazism (two legs walking in the same direction toward World Government) were created by the international banking cartel (primarily the Rothschild family). Their primary work-horse organization which infiltrates every aspect of society is Freemasonry (a highly deceptive group, even to its own members). The banksters are financiers of every major war for the past two centuries.

The FBI and CIA are notoriously corrupt, controlled by the globalists. The CIA/FBI had former FBI Deputy Director John O'Neill murdered because he wasn't corrupt like the higher ups. PBS: Watch “The Man Who Knew” Online (John O'Neill murdered by globalists on 911). All these puzzle pieces fit together to give you a complete picture of who the globalists are and how they work. You need to see the big picture. President John F. Kennedy Was Assassinated For Warning Americans That The Illuminati Were Plotting To Take Over The White House Through Secrecy, Subversion, Infiltration And Fear. Kennedy tried to warn us about the secret societies lurking behind Washington D.C., aka, the Globalists (or Illuminati). The criminal relationship between Wall Street, the Pentagon and The White House is commonly referred to as the “Military Industrial Complex.”

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Was Created in 1947 by Wall Street Investment Bankers And Lawyers (the U.S. is run by a criminal banking cabal). The CIA is a corrupt organization at the top, headed up for many years by former U.S. President George H. Bush (famous for his 1991 announcement of a New World Order). It was the CIA who started the Department Of Homeland Security (DHS), a fascist Nazi-style organization that's setting-up a Police State across America. Criminal Ex-CIA Chief James Woolsey Handed Down Gag Order To Silence 9/11 Firefighters. The boogieman of Alqaeda was fabricated, a false flag enemy to drag the American people into a never-ending war on Terror ('THE GRAND DECEPTION' by G. Edward Griffin).

Here is Dr. Henry Makow's definition of the Illuminati . . .

“The Illuminati refers to a tightly organized network of family dynasties representing Anglo American and European aristocracy and Jewish finance joined by intermarriage, belief in the occult, and hatred of Christianity. Freemasonry is their instrument. They care nothing for their non-Illuminati brethren, Jewish or not. They will destroy billions as they create a neo feudal world characterized by the superrich, their support staff, soldiers and serfs.”

SOURCE: savethemales.ca - Countdown To World War Three


One such Illuminati member is David Rockefeller, who is the Chairman of The Council On Foreign Relations. It was David Rockefeller in 1994 was stated . . .

"This present window of opportunity, during which a truly peaceful and interdependent world order might be built, will not be open for too long - We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order." —David Rockefeller speaking at the UN, Sept. 14, 1994.

The 911 Attacks were the fulfillment of David Rockefeller's 1994 proclamation.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

But you say, surely Billy Graham must be in Heaven! A Christian lady recently said to me, that she has heard countless testimonies from people online, who said they were influenced and saved as a direct result of Billy Graham's preaching. May I say, I do not doubt that some people were led to God through Mr. Graham's influence, and at some point heard the Gospel from some other source and got saved. However, they didn't get the Gospel from Billy Graham, as I just evidenced to you. I have received testimonies from people who were drawn to a religious rock concert, or some ecumenical religious group, as their first step toward the light. But then over time they realized that something was wrong and they sought truth elsewhere, eventually finding their way to a good old-fashioned, Bible-believing, New Testament church. So, an unsaved person may feel drawn to a dynamic public figure like Billy Graham or John Hagee; or a fashionable person like Joel Osteen; or a persuasive man like Pat Robertson. But this does NOT necessarily mean these men are true men of God. In fact, all of these men preach a corrupted plan of salvation that includes works.

It is the same case with the modern Bible versions. I have heard some preachers claim that they were saved from a New International Version (NIV). No, you weren't. The truth is that many of the churches that use the modern corrupted seed, also use the incorruptible seed of the King James Bible (1st Peter 1:23), and so the truth is there mingled amongst lies! In such churches, as would be suspected, some people are saved and most others aren't saved. Those pastors will have blood on their hands for all the souls that spend eternity in the Lake of Fire, because they were deceived and misled by Satan's corruptible seed. Satan knows that he cannot completely get rid of the truth, so he does the next best thing, which is to obscure the truth in confusion. Satan publishes hundreds of English Bible versions to confuse everybody. The churches are confused today. People are confused on what it means to repent. They are confused on how to be saved. They are unsure about what God requires of them to be saved and stay saved. We know that once a person is saved, he is permanently saved and nothing else is required. Once a child of God, always a child of God!!!

I triple-dog dare you (and that's a serious dare!) to show me anywhere in the Holy Scriptures where following Christ is required to have eternal life. I triple-dog dare you to show me anywhere in the Word of God where it says to make a “vow” in order to be born-again. What is Billy Graham teaching: commitments, vows, following, surrendering to Christ? These are not the Good News (i.e., Gospel) of Christ's death on the cross, burial and bodily resurrection, by which we are saved through faith (1st Corinthians 15:1-6; Romans 1:16). I triple-dog dare you to show me anywhere from the Gospel of John, God's Gospel tract (John 20:31), where it mentions anything about making a vow, following, surrendering, or committing yourself to God to be saved!!! No, rather, we are taught to simply BELIEVE (trust) upon the name of Jesus. John 20:31, “But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name.”

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Do you think it's a mere coincidence that the Word of God is so concise on world history? The Bible records the beginning of mankind at about 4,000 B.C., and secular history is eerily silent before 4,000 B.C. for those who claim to believe in evolution. If I were an evolutionist, I would be extremely disturbed by this FACT. Prove me wrong! I dare you. I triple-dog dare you to show me any recorded civilization before 4,000 B.C. And I don't mean some pottery jug or item that you claim is 14,000 years old--Show me any evidence of civilization prior to 4,000 B.C. You cannot. In fact, it is difficult to find much recorded history before 2,500 B.C., because the flood of Noah's day destroyed most of it.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Messenger Elijah Muhammad

Meet Elijah Muhammad (pictured above). He’s the founder of the Black Muslim Nation (religion). Elijah Muhammad was born in October of 1897 in Georgia to William and Marie Poole. He grew up poor with 7 brothers and 5 sisters. His father was a Baptist preacher. It’s hard to imagine Elijah Muhammad growing up in a Baptist home and then becoming a Muslim (one who adheres to the Islamic Faith), but he did. Genuine Muslims and Baptists believe each other are going straight to hell. Elijah Muhammad was a devout Muslim and believed that only Allah was God, not Jesus.

The Black Muslims have an official web site at “Muhammad Speaks Website.” The following quotes are taken directly off their web sight:

The following article was transcribed from a video-taped lecture of the 1973 "Savior's Day" Lecture given by Elijah Muhammad titled: A Savior Is Born, February 26, 1877—-“Brothers and Sisters, I'm so happy to see your smiling faces, who have come here from far and near to help us give thanks to Almighty God, Allah, Who came in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, To Whom Praises is due Forever.”

Elijah Muhammad met W. D. Fard in 1931 for the first time and believed that Mr. Fard was literally Allah incarnate, with a message for Elijah to spread to all nations. Here are Elijah’s own words:

“In Detroit one day in the latter part of 1931, our leader met with Master W.D. Fard --THE SAVIOUR--Who was teaching among Blacks at 3208 Hasting Street. Our Leader immediately recognized the POWER of THE MESSAGE and THE MAN (MASTER W. D. FARD) Who said that He was God in Person. Our Leader, right away, accepted the Truth of the Message and the giver of the Message, seeking more insight, more wisdom, knowledge and more understanding.”

image Master Fard Muhammad

Elijah Muhammad claimed that Mr. Fard had a black father who purposely married a white woman so their son would be white (to allow him to sneak into the U.S.A. unnoticed and liberate all blacks). Elijah believed that he was the last great prophet that Allah (W.D. Fard) would send before the end of the world. Here are Elijah Muhammad’s objectives:

“I am doing all I can to make the so-called Negroes see that the white race and their religion (Christianity) are their open enemies, and to prove to them that they will never be anything but the devils' slaves and finally go to hell with them for believing and following them and their kind.”

So it’s clear that one cannot be a Christian and a Black Muslim. Elijah Muhammad (as do all Muslims), rejects the deity of Christ (that He is God). They don’t believe Jesus was ever crucified, nor do they believe that Jesus can forgive sin. They say God has no Son. They claim Jesus was a prophet of Allah, no more. Both Islam (Muslims) and Black Muslims reject the Bible (Word of God) on the claim that it is distorted and corrupt, they claim the Quran (also Koran) as God’s only Word. The Quran is nothing more than an Anti-Jew, anti-Christian book filled with jumbled words and much contempt for Jesus Christ and His Word. It’s important to recognize
that orthodox Muslims (followers of the Islamic religion) are not the same thing as Black Muslims. Nearly all Muslims reject Elijah Muhammad and his foolishness. Elijah was first a Muslim and then simply started his own false religion in addition. Muslims do not recognize Elijah Muhammad as anything except a nut. However, the two religions do have quite a bit in common—mainly that Elijah Muhammad was an Islamic Muslim.
Elijah Muhammad foolishly claimed that the Bible prophesied of his coming in Deuteronomy 18:18 and Malachi 4:5.
Let’s hear what this prophet says about white people:

“The Yakub made devils were really pale white, with really blue eyes; which we think are the ugliest of colors for a human eye. They were called Caucasian.”

According to Elijah Muhammad, Yakub was a black scientist that created the white race in a laboratory by separating one of his own black germs; hence, all white people came from a black man. Elijah adds,

“The black nation is only fooling themselves to take the Caucasian race otherwise. This is what Jesus learned to their history, before He gave up His work of trying to convert the Jews or white race to the religion of Islam.

The Holy Quran (Surah 49:13-15) throws a great light on the truth of the creation of this pale, white race of devils. Black people have a heart of gold, love and mercy. Such a heart, nature did not give to the white race.”

Wow! This is religious science-fiction at it’s best folks.
If you want to know the sickening truth, visit their site at muhammadspeks.com Beware, this is a hate site in our opinion.

Muhammad was a racist, full of hate and resentment for all Christians and white people. This is wrong, and two wrongs don’t make a right! Racism is a sin, period! The Bible says, “For ALL HAVE SINNED—” (Romans 3:23). All men, of all races, of all religions are sinful and wicked. The Jews (whites) were enslaved for hundreds of years by the Egyptians, enduring cruel treatment and hard labor in the time of Moses. Elijah Muhammad is wrong to teach that white people are devils, WE ARE ALL DEVILS WITHOUT JESUS CHRIST!

Elijah Muhammad had a strong influence over multitudes of blacks because of his message against the cruelty, killings and slavery which was inflicted upon them by many of the whites. He offered a message of hope. Sadly, he rejected Jesus Christ and led many multitudes down a wrong path to Islam (Allah worship). His influence is still great today even though he died in 1975. His foolish teachings concerning the white race are ludicrous and simply indicate the bitterness and anger he was never able to resolve in his own sinful heart. He was a man without Christ!

Malcolm-X (or Malcolm Little) first converted to the Black Muslim religion while in prison. Upon his release in 1952, Malcolm-X became a minister of the Black Muslim religion. In 1963, he and Elijah Muhammad split up due to their differences. Malcolm converted over to orthodox Islam and denied his affiliation with Elijah Muhammad’s Black Muslim religion. Two years later in 1965, Malcolm-X was murdered.

Louis Farrakhan is also a Black Muslim and is well known for organizing the “Million-Man March” in Washington D.C. He follows the unscriptural doctrines of Elijah Muhammad, as do all Black Muslims. Below is the death announcement of Messenger Elijah Muhammad:

“On February 25, 1975, at the age of 78, Elijah Muhammad died in a Chicago hospital, reportedly, of congestive heart failure -- with no aid from white people, he left behind, an empire, estimated to be worth $60,000,000, which included LAND and cattle holdings in Michigan, Georgia and Alabama, along with grocery stores, restaurants, mosques, schools and newspapers, homes, clothing stores and many other things.”

All this wealth and Elijah Muhammad couldn’t take a dime of it with him. He left this world at 78 without Jesus and went straight to hell-fire and damnation. He didn’t go to hell because of his sins, but for his unbelief in Jesus Christ. All Muslims (Islamic and Black) reject Jesus Christ as their Savior. They say they will accept the Jews and Christians—"If they reject Christ." Will you reject Jesus Christ, God’s son? Call on Jesus now, friend, to forgive your sins.

David J. Stewart #fundie #conspiracy #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

The demonic band JUDAS PRIEST (the name alone is blasphemy against God) also uses backward masking. Back in the early days of the band they were sued and taken to court, accused of including subliminal messages into their music. The band's frontman and flaming homosexual, Rob Halford denied the accusations in court, which today cannot be denied anymore. Thousands of Rock and mainstream music groups have used been caught inserting deceptive backward masking into their music. Even the so-called evangelical wholesome boy band from New Jersey, THE JONAS BROTHERS included backward masking in their song, KIDS OF THE FUTURE which says “I speak for Satan, Satan, Satan. My sweet forsaken Satan, Satan!!!” The big question is why? The obvious answer is that some evil people are trying to trick your mind, inserting thoughts into your brain that you (under normal circumstances) would likely never approve of.

The lead singer (frontman) of the heavy-metal band JUDAS PRIEST is a flaming homosexual. For decades rugged men have been idolizing Judas Priest as a tough, manly group because of their heavy-metal, black leather, spikes and tattoos. All of a sudden, in 1998, the lead singer announces that he's a homosexual. This is more proof that all Rock music is saturated and rooted in sexual perversion, the New World Order and rebellion against God. Hell hath enlarged herself (Isaiah 5:14). The music industry is saturated with lesbians and homosexuals. It is very common for Rock singers to dress like transvestites. There's an evil spirit in Rock music that compels singers and musicians to do bizarre, freakish and demented things. Many Rock stars puke out fake blood in concert; such as Kiss and Motley Crue.

In one of Motley Crue's concerts a whorish woman comes out on stage with an actual electric grinder, touching it to her breasts and private area (covered with a shaped metal plate), causing sparks to fly for about 10 feet toward the audience. This is the sicko minds of the Rock music industry. You wouldn't believe the insane, demonic and shameful things that go on during Rock concerts. Some bands toss butchered animal parts and blood during concert, others defecate on stage, et cetera. Marilyn Manson pierced his own chest in a concert, and the blood ran down his body. You never hear anyone criticize these crazy people; but faithful preachers who help tens-of-thousands of people, even millions like Pastor Jack Hyles are demonized on the internet.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Reba McEntire is one of the biggest feminists alive today, and has produced some of the most malicious feminist propaganda against the teachings of the Word of God. Here's some lyrics from Reba's YOU'RE NO GOOD lyrics ...

You're no good... baby you're no good
I'm tellin' you now baby
That I'm going my way
Forget about you baby
'Cause I'm leaving today

Here's another song by Reba, SOMEONE SHOULD LEAVE...

Somebody should leave
But which one should it be
You need the kids
And they need me
Somebody should leave

No doubt, Reba has done much to promote divorce in America by pushing feminist rebellion through her music and videos. Reba represents the sinful PRIDE of the Feminist Movement. Reba is a real man these days, strutting around on stage while bellowing out her feminist garbage. Note in the above chart that the divorce rate has recently dropped because people just aren't getting married anymore.

Like it or not, the husband has Biblical authority to RULE over his own wife (Genesis 3:16). Anyway who removes or questions that authority is in serious trouble with God! Wives who rebel will stand account on Judgment Day before God.

Divorce has skyrocketed 50-fold in America since feminism came to town. Many feminist women don't even realize they're feminists. If you want to be a feminist, just disobey your husband, because that's the heart of feminism—rebellion! Feminism is the leading cause of divorce. Faith Hill joined Nicole Kidman and Matthew Broderick in 2004 to appear in Frank Oz's remake of the 1975 feminist thriller, The Stepford Wives.

There is something very WRONG in society when we see women in charge of men. We are living in sick days, or "perilous times" as 2nd Timothy 3:1-2 calls them, "This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves..." "Men" here is used in a broad sense and also refers to women. People are in love with themselves nowadays. Society is filled with selfish people who are quick to recommend divorce, disregarding one's wedding day vows to remain faithful "for better, FOR WORSE." Society is filled with a bunch of LIARS who quit their marriages and file for divorce.

Not surprisingly, both Reba and Faith have divorced. I do NOT condemn them, for we are all guilty sinners in God's eyes. It is not my place to judge, nor yours. I am simply taking a Biblical stand against Godless Feminism that is the root cause of most divorce today in America. Reba's music openly promotes Feminism and so does Faith Hill.

David J. Stewart #sexist jesus-is-savior.com

It is wickedness for any married woman to put her own education above her husband's will and life. I hear wicked people telling wives not to allow a husband to interfere with their education. THAT IS EVIL!!! If your husband says you don't go to school, YOU DON'T GO! If your husband says to quit college, YOU QUIT! You are accountable to your husband, as unto the Lord Jesus Christ.

David J. Stewart #sexist jesus-is-savior.com

Have you noticed lately in TV commercials, and on TV in general, that fathers are disappearing? Increasingly, we are seeing a mother and her children, but NO DAD. Observe and you'll see. I just saw a JIFF peanut butter commercial with a mom and her two sons eating at the kitchen table... but NO DAD.

Increasingly we are seeing shows about domestic violence; but you'll rarely see a movie about a lazy, selfish, irresponsible mother (and if you do they always make her look like a victim). Why the bias? Why the hypocrisy? Why the disappearance of fathers? In a word... FEMINISM!

Feminism is a godless monster that aims to demonize fathers, and portray careless and rebellious wives as victims. According to feminist thinking... it's all the husband's fault. Surely men can't be that evil ladies. Feminism is rebellion, plain and simple. Feminism has nothing to do with a woman's rights. This is the grand illusion that feminists have created. Feminism refuses to grant God His rights, or the husband. The Bible instructs wives to OBEY their own husband... “Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing” (Ephesians 5:24). Did you read that... “in every thing.”

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

“Shacking-up” as it is called in the United States is the sin of fornication. I have to be careful when responding to e-mails, because I am so loving in my heart that there is a temptation at times to coddle people in their sins, to sanction and encourage them in their wrong ways, just to make them feel better. But I refuse to go there and become like that, which would make me a horrible Christian and bad preacher if I did that. It is not okay to make somebody feel okay who is living in sin.

If you shack up with someone, and they leave you at some point, you have no biblical or legal right to complain! She is not your wife or husband! Perhaps you say, “Well, if a couple are living together as a man and wife, maybe God sees them as married.” Okay, then why get married? I'll tell you why, because without a legally binding marriage there is no way to hold someone accountable for committing adultery! And here is biblical “proof” that shacking-up is NOT the same as marriage. 1st Corinthians 7:2, “Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband.” So if shacking-up were considered marriage in God's eyes, then why would God tell a person to get married to avoid fornicating? Clearly, living together, that is, cohabiting in a physically intimate relationship, is not a marriage in God's sight.

Again, “Shacking-up” as it is called in the United States is the sin of fornication. 1st Corinthians 6:18, “Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body.” People have lost their shame in Europe, Australia, the United States and around the world. It is a very shameful thing for a woman to be pregnant and unmarried. Congratulations On Your Bastard!

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Thank God Hillary Clinton Didn't Become President!

She's was once Secretary of State, a known lesbian and murderer, which at one time gave her more power than U.S. President.

Many people thought that Hilary was headed for the White House in 2016. We've seen much wickedness in the White House ever since President George H. Bush took office. He got rid of everyone in key positions and hired his own people, who were loyal to the New World Order. The Wall Street gang have hi-jacked The White House! It all began with Jimmy Carter, a total sell-out and a weak President. Bush Sr. was their real foot in the door. Sad to say, Hillary was more of a man than all of them combined, and praise God that she didn't become U.S. President. Criminals have hi-jacked the U.S. government and most citizens are too dumbed-down by the media, and gullible, to see the handwriting on the wall. We're going down as a nation! Please watch, A NATION IN PERIL.

News journalist Glenn Beck had predicted that Hillary would become U.S. President. Beck is a member of the Mormon sex-cult, a satanic religion rooted in the Jewish mysticism of Kabbalah. Truth is stranger than fiction!

The worst doomsday won't be December 21, 2012, it will be the inauguration of the next liberal Democrat President into the White House. The U.S. will continue to have more wicked Presidents. I am fully convinced that the Antichrist may appear as an American President. President Barack Obama wowed the world, having the creepy idolization of the masses, as if he might be the very Antichrist (which he is not). And of course, Mr. Obama was re-elected in 2012. The 2012 Presidential election was determined by the Presidential Electors on December 17, 2012. Talk about a weird coincidence... December 21, 2012 was just 4 days later!!!

Criminals have taken over our government. JFK was assassinated 10 days after warning the public that criminals were plotting to infiltrate the White House to destroy American's freedoms, and so it is today. Bush Sr., then Bill Clinton, then Bush Jr., then Obama, and now Donald Trump are keeping the criminal empire going. Don't fall for Mr. Trump's rhetoric, he is an elite insider, catering to Wall Street's interests. There has been a coup of the U.S. government. President Kennedy tried to warn us. The elite Bilderberg group decides who will be the next U.S. President. All modern U.S. Presidents are chosen, groomed and appointed at elite Bilderberg meetings. They must protect their interests.

The day that a lesbian dyke rules our nation will be the end of our country! Say goodbye to your children, your liberties, your guns, your healthcare, your national sovereignty, and expect to see same-sex marriage legalized by the Godless puppets on the Supreme Court. They're the Supreme Joke! Everything is so corrupt today. Who really controls our nation?

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Fornication is a horrible sin, which has fueled the abortion industry since the 1960's in America. A shocking 83% of all abortions are by unwed mothers![1] By 1973, when the federal government (big brother) stepped in and forced abortion upon all 50 states, 37 states had already legalized abortion. How shameful and evil! And may I say, to abort a child is to needlessly take the life of an innocent human being, depriving them of all the privileges, rights and blessings that God intended for them to have in life. NO ONE has a right to destroy another person's life. The ungodly U.S. Supreme Court, and all Americans who remain silent about abortion, have blood on their hands and are to blame. Our government does what they do IN OUR NAME, and WITH OUR MONEY, so it is OUR BUSINESS!!! Abortion is nothing less than cold-blooded murder!!! I praise God for every young mother, who against every manner of adversity and hardship, still chose to have her baby. GOOD FOR YOU! AND GOOD FOR BABY! Praise God for responsible mothers!

By the way, having an abortion doesn't make a woman unpregnant, it just makes her the mother of a dead baby!!! I am not condemning any woman who has had an abortion. There is forgiveness through the precious blood of Jesus Christ. When You Hit Bottom (MP3 by Dr. Jack Hyles, “The everlasting arms are at the bottom of sin tonight!”). God wants to forgive you, and He promises to, but only on the basis of what Christ did through the cross to pay for your sins. There is no forgiveness any other way! Sadly, in Russia, MOST mothers murder their baby by abortion!!! What a horrible crime against God and humanity!

If I were a king with unlimited power, I'd burn every Planned Parenthood center to the ground. You'll find that in many places abortion clinics are unmarked, so that the public would never suspect humans are murdered there. It is reminiscent of the horror movie starring Charleton Heston called, “Soylent Green.” In this film, the government is taking dead people and turning them into food for the living. Of course, it is all done in secret, hiding it from the public. In reality, sicko companies have been caught using aborted babies to enhance food flavor! If you think that is bad, hospitals in Europe have been using aborted fetuses for fuel to heat their hospitals. The shocking movie “Soylent Green” is now a reality! SOYLENT GREEN IS PEOPLE!! ABORTED BABIES ARE BEING USED FOR FOOD AND FUEL!!! Brother Lester Roloff (1914-1982) is so right: The world has gone insane and the inmates are running the asylum!!! Scotty, beam me up!

The entire abortion industry would virtually disappear overnight if Americans would stop fornicating, shacking-up instead of getting married. A shocking 83% of all abortions are by unwed mothers![1] Only 14% of married woman have abortions.[2] The most common reasons given (which are all irresponsible excuses) are lack of money, trouble in the relationship, too much pressure and being a single parent.[2] The truth is that all those women need to GET RIGHT WITH GOD!!! There is no excuse for murder. You dropped your pants, now take responsibility for your behavior. That's the big problem in America today, people are not held accountable for many of their horrible decisions. People get away with lying, cheating, stealing, sexual immorality and even murder! My intent is never to scold anyone who has messed up, but to keep those who haven't messed up yet from doing so!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com


Harry Potter Bathes in the Blood of Virgins. The Plot: Harry and his friends return once again to Mephistopheles' School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to study the use of magic. Harry loves life at the school much more than he does life with his non-magical relatives (or "unbelievers" as they're called by the wizards). However, he realizes that once this year is over, he'll be more than halfway through his schooling. With no idea what to do with his life next, Harry starts to wish there was some way he could stay young forever.


The author of the Harry Potter books J.K. Rowling

[Images: Two obviously doctored photos of a Harry Potter book with Harry covered in blood and J. K. Rowling with a pentagram drawn on her forehead and glowing eyes]

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Billy Graham Just Died and Went to Hell On February 21, 2018

How do I know Evangelist Billy Graham (1918-2018) went to Hell? It is because Mr. Graham taught a false plan of salvation. Instead of solely trusting upon God's righteousness, Billy taught that faith really meant following Christ. In a video presentation of a Billy Graham Evangelistic Crusade in Oklahoma, Billy says:

The word “believe” implies commitment, surrender. It doesn't mean that you believe everything, or just anything—You believe in the person of Christ. And that word “believe” means, that you commit your life to Him. You're not trusting anything for your future. The little boy that I heard about. He said, “You know, this life is short, but from what I've heard, eternity is awfully long,” and said, “we better spend our time getting ready for eternity.” So when you come to commit your life to Christ, you commit your mind, you commit your emotion, you commit your will, you commit your body. The whole person is involved in this act of commitment.

SOURCE: https://youtu.be/C5cfCpzjJ3M?t=20m10s

Folks, that is NOT the Gospel!!! Is this not what the workers of iniquity did in Matthew 7:21-23? Remember, they preached in Jesus' name. They did many wonderful works in Jesus' name. They cast out devils in Jesus' name. They even called Him their “Lord.” This is exactly what Billy Graham teaches! He says that to be saved you must commit your mind, emotions, will, and body to live for Christ. This is NOT the free gift of eternal life, which is without works! There is not one verse in the Holy Bible that tells a man to turn from sins to be saved. There is not one verse in the Bible that tells a man to commit his whole person to Christ to be saved. There is not one verse in the Bible that tells a man to make a full surrender to Christ to be saved.

Billy Graham, in the same crusade, stated to 50,000 people in Red River Valley, Oklahoma:

But the great decision of total surrender to the total Lordship of Christ, you must make. In which you say, “I would like today to reconfirm my confirmation vows. I would like to reconfirm what was promised at my baptism.”

...God has a set of tapes, in which everything you've ever said, and everything you've ever done, and everything you've ever thought, is there, and will be played at the Judgment; but if you come to Christ, and surrender totally to Him, He wipes out the tapes, He erases the tapes, and no one will ever hear them. Even God forgets!

...But the choice involves a price! It cost God His Son. ...

Yes, and it's a price for you to pay too! Because when you come to Christ with all your heart, you must repent of your sin, and that repentance means change—change your mind and change your way of living! [emphasis added]

SOURCE: https://youtu.be/K3S9PmhPwo4?t=22m51s

What a son of a devil!!! Mr. Graham is sadly burning in Hell this moment, realizing how wrong he was, for believing that salvation required a personal price to pay! Billy Graham often talks out of both sides of his mouth, contradicting himself in his sermons. He is a two-faced preacher, a chameleon who changes colors to fit with the particular crowd he is influencing. My friend, if you think that you are required to change your way of living to be saved, or to confirm that you are saved, YOU ARE NOT SAVED!!!

Tragically, we've got a bunch of deceived pastors in our churches today, who are serenading the Devil's modern Bible versions, which agree with Billy Graham's damnable heresy! Case in point is the Easy-To-Read-Version (ERV) used by Harvest Baptist Church on Guam, and other horrible churches. Apostasy has crept into most churches today! Billy Graham is burning in Hell forever!!!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

The following information is sickening, showing just how far gone the world is today...

Most Catholics don't care about their priest's sexual orientation, “they just want him to be a decent human being, a good honest pastor,” Wilkes said Wednesday.

SOURCE: http://usatoday30.usatoday.com/news/nation/2002/04/25/gay-catholics.htm

Folks, think about what you just read. Two men are sodomizing each other in the anus, kissing each others phalluses! Do you want such a man as your pastor, kissing your children? Do you want a pastor or priest who desires to do those wicked homosexual acts, but only doesn't because his job forbids it? If you are okay with that, you need serious spiritual and mental help!!! If you met the Devil, you would find him charming, attractive and friendly, which is what makes Satan so dangerous! 2nd Corinthians 11:14, “And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.” Don't be fooled by the charming rhetoric from the religious homosexual community, they are perverts and enemies of God.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

This nation has gone down the toilet morally. I was in a hotel in Hawaii and the woman at the front desk waiting in line in front of me had on a white bikini. You could literally see her buttock's crevice through her bikini, butt naked in public. That's the new morality in America and it's bringing God's judgment upon our nation. People laugh and think it's a trifle matter, failing to realize that the murder of 53,000,000 human beings is directly related to our nation's attitude toward modesty. As television drags America down into the abyss of darkness, so also does our morals follow.

Praise God for you ladies who wear dresses and try not to make it any harder than it already is for the Christian men in America (who are trying to live right for the Lord).

The Unchanging Word Of God

The greatest victory Satan ever had over America was when our nation separated Jesus Christ from morality in the 1930's. When wealthy Jews formed Hollywood and opened its doors in the 1930's, they had every intention of subverting America.

This is evidenced in a publication so sensitive today that even mentioning it will result in this webpage likely being censored, so I will only link to it (the publication is over a century old and not very exciting reading; but if you do read and understand it, it is EXACTLY what is happening in the world today). People can say what they want, the publication has been prophetic (that's because it is indeed a blueprint for world conquest).

[Note: The publication he links to is The Protocols of the Elders of Zion]

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

I happen to believe in God-given rights as a parent. That is to say... I brought my child into the world and I (not the government) am directly responsible for the safety and well-being of my child. Unfortunately, oftentimes the government (DCFS) and the parents disagree on what is "BEST" for a child. This is especially true when it comes to medicines (drugs)! With the advancement of modern medicine and the onslaught of drugs to treat everything from a headache to hyper-activity, it has hurled parents into a whole new arena of problems with the DCFS system (or should I say it has given DCFS a very powerful tool to attack innocent parents with). With the militarization of America's Police Force after the 911 attacks, Christian parents have all the more reason to be cautious, protect themselves and be very careful who you trust to watch your children.


The DCFS investigator told us the first day she came to our door on March 13th, 2002 to "get that medicine into your daughter's body." That was her exact words. In fear, we complied immediately. We took our daughter to a neurologist within 2-weeks and the neurologist placed our daughter on 250mg of "Depakote." Depakote is a drug derived from Valproic Acid. Valproic Acid is used to calm patients in insane asylums (it basically deadens the brain's activity).

Read Here on The DANGERS of Depakote! (scary!!!)

Medication Dangers!

DCFS FORCED this upon our child!


Our new doctor has stated in writing to DCFS (through our lawyer) that our daughter suffered from "liver toxicity" and "bone marrow shut-down" because of the forced Depakote!

The government has NO RIGHT to play Russian-Roulette with our daughter!


We've already been billed by our lawyer for over $20,000 and DCFS still won't withdraw the charge against us as being “negligent parents” for our failure to drug our child with a dangerous drug!

We know we did the RIGHT THING in NOT allowing our daughter to be a guinea-pig for the pharmaceutical industry!

Please Read, The Psycho State, by Texas Congressman Ron Paul

Please Read, It Can't Happen Here, by Texas Congressman Ron Paul

Mandatory Toxic Drugs for Babies and Children

God WILL Avenge us!

Romans 12:19

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

The cross on Anna Nicole's neck (see above photo) gives the impression that she was claiming to be a Christian; but her sin-glorifying life adamantly denies any such notion. Remember, Judas was one of Jesus' 12 Apostles, and yet went straight to Hell fire after he commit suicide. I firmly believe that Anna Nicole Smith is burning in the fires of Hell this moment.

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

All over the internet, a former Roman Catholic priest and admitted homosexual, Henri Nouwen (1932-1996), is being promoted as a “MUST READ!” I plead with anyone reading my words that you NOT read Mr. Nouwen's ungodly writings...

Henri Nouwen is a complicated figure. He was a Roman Catholic priest whose influence extended far beyond Roman Catholicism. His ecumenical appeal made more angular Catholics nervous, and his Protestant readers gave “qualified” appreciation. While Nouwen wasn’t a liberal, his life and work is a product of a Vatican II age. It came out after his death that he was gay, though he remained celibate and trusted the church’s teaching. Despite his chaste life, his presence in the gay community and his work with AIDS advocacy in the 1980s often made more religious conservatives nervous.

SOURCE: https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/reviews/love-henri

If that doesn't make you disgusted enough, it gets much worse. One of the most ungodly men in the religious world for the past 50 years has been Evangelist Billy Graham, who is the founder of ChristianityToday (CT) magazine! CT actually praises Henri Nouwen as a great spiritual man, in an article authored by Wesley Hill, titled, “Weakness Was His Strength.” Folks, homosexual feelings are sinful, just as adulterous feelings are sinful. CT needs to decry homosexuality as a vile sin, not just a “weakness.” The lame excuse that I often hear is that everyone already knows homosexuality is a sin, and instead of making people feel bad about their sins, we ought to emphasis God's love. This is Pastor Joel Osteen's wrong attitude. The truth is that such flawed and unbiblical reasoning is being used by Satan to gain sympathy, and thus tolerance and acceptable, of the sodomite community!!!

Henri Nouwen should be an abomination to Christians, not a hero. I keep reading that Mr. Nouwen was honoring his vow of celibacy as a Catholic priest, but vow or no vow is not the issue... HOMOSEXUALITY IS AN ABOMINABLE SIN TO GOD!!! (Leviticus 20:13).

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Jesus Died for Pedophiles, Rapists and Murderers

Romans 5:6-8, “For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. For scarcely for a righteous man will one die: yet peradventure for a good man some would even dare to die. But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”

What a beautiful passage of Scripture! Few people would be willing to give their life, to die, for a righteous man. In some rare situations, a person might even be willing to give their life, to die, for a good man. But who in the world would be willing to sacrifice their life, to die, for a pervert, for a thug rapist or murderer? The answer is NO ONE! But wait, there is Someone who was willing to die for the vilest of society. There is Someone who was willing to die for the forgotten convicts rotting in prisons around the world. There is Someone who was willing to die for the lowest of the low of society. That noble Person's name is Jesus!

Carefully notice our text passage of Scripture, lest you feel self-righteousness and fail to realize that YOU are as guilty as that pedophile, rapist and murderer for whom Christ died. Romans 5:8, “But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” Notice that the Bible doesn't say that Christ died for the worst of the worst of sinners; but rather, CHRIST DIED FOR US! That means, you and I are as guilty as the vilest criminal in God's eyes. James 2:10, “For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.” The Law of God is like a mirror, that is, even if you gently tap it, it will shatter into hundreds of pieces! If you sin even one time, you are imperfect and cannot inherit eternal life. Consequently, you need a Savior!

My dear friend, the ONLY difference between you and the vilest pedophile, concerning Heaven, is the precious redeeming blood of Jesus Christ. In God's eyes, your lust, your hate, or the lies that you once told, are just as offensive and damning as are pedophiles to any normal person. Society hates anyone who would prey upon a helpless child. And rightfully so! But God hates your hurtful gossip just as much! God hates your HBO filth just as much! God hates your seductive tight miniskirt just as much! God equally hates your unwillingness to apologize for your past sins! God hates your stinginess and unwillingness to support Gospel missions! God hates your tolerance of the Alexandrian-based, modern, corrupt, Bible versions just as much! God hates Bob Jones University's support of the Alexandrian Bible perversions, that molests men's souls, just as much as He hates the sins of a child molester!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

There are two fundamental Shinto doctrines: 1) Japan is the country of the gods; 2) Its people are the descendants of gods. Of course, this is unbiblical. The Shinto concept of a divine descent of the Japanese people, as well as the alleged divine origins of their land, has given rise to a conviction of superiority over the rest of the world. With the exception of a few sects of Shintoism, the religion has neither a founder, sacred writings, nor any authoritative core of beliefs. There are numerous shrines throughout the country of Japan, where people worship a host of pagan deities. This is sinful idolatry, condemned in the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:4-5). Many Japanese people have altars in their home, in honor of one or more pagan deities. Just as Wiccan witches, the Japanese people who follow Shinto are worshipping a horde of false gods. This is demonism (1st Corinthians 10:20--"But I say, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God: and I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils." Please listen to me if you are a follower of Shintoism... you have been LIED TO! I completely understand that you love your nation, and that you love your parents; BUT your love for God MUST come first, or else you'll go to Hell for all eternity in your sinful unbelief. We are plainly warned in Revelation 20:15, "And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire." Jesus warned in John 3:3, "Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." Have you been born again? The Bible is not a Jewish Book, it is God's Word, given to ALL mankind.

"The wicked, through the pride of his countenance, will not seek after God: God is not in all his thoughts." -Psalm 10:4

Until the end of World War II, Japanese children were taught at school that the emperors were descendants of the sun-goddess, Ama-laterasu. Amaterasu had allegedly given the imperial house the divine right to rule. In 1946, in a radio broadcast to the Japanese people, Emperor Hirohito repudiated his divine right to rule. Could you imagine if American children were taught that U.S. Presidents were descendants of gods? Instead, American children are taught that they are their own gods (humanism). The world is filled with idolatry. Oh that men would turn to the Lord Jesus Christ for forgiveness of their sins, for the salvation of their soul... "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life" (John 3:16). It should seem very peculiar to honest Japanese people that Shinto excludes the rest of the world. So how does the rest of the world find eternal bliss apart from Shinto, a Japanese religion? In sharp contrast, the Word of God teaches that Jesus Christ invites ALL mankind to be saved... "For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved" (Romans 10:12-13). Christianity is not a Jewish religion. In fact, MOST Jews today reject Jesus Christ as their Savior, just as they did 2000 years ago. God gave us the Bible through Israel, but that in no way gives the Jews special privilege (Acts 10:34).

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

Diversity Really Means Tolerance for Evil

When we hear people talking about "diversity" nowadays, what they are really saying is that Christians should accept the Person of the wicked. Witches, abortionists and homosexuals have no problem accepting the goodness of Christianity. However, God-fearing Christians cannot accept the sins of witchcraft, abortion and homosexuality. That is the problem. The issue is one of moral tolerance... what will we tolerate as being morally acceptable?

To expect Bible-believing Christians to be tolerant of two men kissing in public is ridiculous. Of course Christians are not going to approve of that. Homosexuals get offended when Christians shun them and gaze with disgust and amazement. What do you expect? Are Christians homophobic? Yes Sir, 100%! I am very much homophobic. The sin of homosexuality scares me to death!!! I don't understand it, don't want to understand it and am glad I don't understand it.

In order for the Antichrist to rule over the world, Satan needs to get the world all on one page. This is why we see the consolidation of world religion, world economies and world government. The teaching of diversity is a vehicle by which the Devil is convincing the masses to lay aside their differences and hop on the bandwagon of the New World Order.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

It was an ugly divorce, by my wife's choosing. When she left me in March of 2006, I had a forgiving spirit from the very beginning, starting my Soulwinning.info website in May of 2006 to “overcome evil with good” as the Bible says (Romans 12:21). U.S. sheriffs brought a divorce summons to my workplace in June of 2006. It came as a total surprise shock to me, like getting hit by a Mack truck. I wept uncontrollably for 3 hours. Once she signed the divorce papers, her ungodly attorney went to town destroying my life. I lost my paid home as a result of the divorce. I have been renting an apartment since I lost my home. My ongoing legal expenses reached $64,000, all coming out of my home. It didn't cost my x-wife one single penny, because she obtained a free-probono lawyer. This is how ungodly the courts are today. I am not bitter, I am just stating the facts. I have placed everything into God's hands and have perfect peace in my heart. I chose to LET GO, LET GOD!


I crawled into an independent Baptist church on Guam in November of 2013, and found some friends, so I thought, and started regaining my emotional strength. But because of my King James Bible only views, the Bob Jones camp at Harvest Baptist Church kicked me out in November of 2014. The associate pastor called Dr. Jack Hyles and me “a cult.” The pastors were upset over the excellent book, “NIV: The Antichrist's Bible” by Dr. Al Lacy, which I had given to the senior pastor as a gift. They were also offended by the doctrinally-sound book titled, “I Never Knew You” by Michael P. Bowen, which exposes false prophet Ray Comfort. I didn't realize at the time that the church had invited Ray Comfort in 2007 to speak at their church. So they kicked me out! I have been struggling to find a church family ever since on Guam, unable to do so, trying to get my life back on track, serving God and doing the best that I can on my own. It hasn't been easy. The people whom I had grown close to at Harvest Baptist Church in Watchcare Meetings in their homes, and at church and church events, for one year, and I loved, totally gave up on me and abandoned me when their pastors kicked me out. They just forgot about me completely. It felt like another divorce!

In desperation for fellowship I even contacted that same church earlier this year in March of 2017, all three pastors, humbly requesting permission just to attend their church services (with my promise not to cause any problems), just so I could be around other believers, but three times they denied my sincere request, telling me to go away. They are holding a grudge (James 5:9). It is best, since they don't believe right. I am presently praying and looking for a city to relocate to in the states. This has been a very difficult decision for me. There are literally tens of thousands of places to live in America. I am looking at independent Baptist churches, because that is what I need most, a church family. Lord willing, if and when I find a wife, or decide on a place to move, I will do so with the Lord as my strength. Psalms 27:14, “Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD.”

Albeit, due to my neck pain, I am not able to be at all the services, which is why I am on disability. When I went to Harvest, I made myself go to church most of the time, because I wanted to be there, but it was difficult for me. I cannot tell you in words how much my neck pain dominates my life. As I type, the toothache-like pain is horrible, in the bony area of the back of my neck. I so much want to find a wife, as I have lived on my own for 11 long years, but don't want to marry a mean person, so I am being careful. I even signed up for eharmony, which so far hasn't worked out. I guess there aren't many single independent Baptist women out there! I pray daily for God's help and guidance (Philippians 2:13). Clearly, my situation is difficult, and I ask for your prayers. It is easy for people to judge at a distance. I judge no one. My own loss, emotional trauma and sufferings have humbled me and made me a much more understanding, forgiving and loving Christian. I am the biggest sinner I know, and I don't judge anyone.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Sinful compromise always begins by indirectly supporting evil. For example: I know a Baptist pastor who professes to be King James Bible only, yet he sinfully supports another local church that uses, sells and promotes corruptible seed (i.e., the Alexandrian Bible perversions). He calls the corruptible-seed-spreading-church his “sister church.” That pastor has a spiritual whore for a sister! He talks the talk, but he doesn't walk the walk. And in so doing he sinfully bids Godspeed to evildoers. 2nd John 1:11, “For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds.” The Bible says this so-called “King-James-Bible-only-pastor” has blood on his hands and is GUILTY, as if he partook of the same evil of corrupting the Word of God, because he openly supports, tolerates and befriends them! Our shameful churches today, including independent Baptists, have become so indifferent that they no longer see the need to preach and stand against those churches who have sold out to Satan's Bible perversions!!!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Baha'i is straight from the pits of hell. They are a dangerous false religion because they claim to be "Christian," but they certainly are not. Baha'is claim to believe that Jesus is the Saviour They acknowledge Christ's virgin birth. They believe in the resurrection of Christ. They believe in the second coming and the rapture. So what is wrong about this increasingly popular religion?

All Religions One

To begin with, they teach that all religions are one in the same. Here what you'll find at www.bahai.org...

"All divine Revelations come from the same Source; thus, the religions identified with them are in essence one. They differ in the measure of their teachings and particularly in their social laws and principles, appropriate to the times in which they appeared. The successive divine Revelations over the centuries have provided the spiritual force and laws for the advancement of civilization. Abraham, Krishna, Zoroaster, Moses, Buddha, Jesus, and Muhammad were all divine Messengers; the Báb and Baha'u'llah are the most recent. The coming of Baha'u'llah represents the fulfillment of this centuries’ long process of progressive revelation and of the expectations inspired by previous divine Messengers for the ultimate unity of peoples and peace among nations. -SOURCE

Buddha? Zoroaster? Krishna?...divine messengers? You left out Muhammad. The Word of God declares that salvation can ONLY be found through Jesus Christ. Acts 4:10-12 clearly teaches that there is NO OTHER NAME by which we can be saved,"...that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye crucified, whom God raised from the dead, even by him doth this man stand here before you whole. This is the stone which was set at nought of you builders, which is become the head of the corner. Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved." Not one of the men recognized as "divine messengers" by the Baha'is taught that Jesus was the ONLY Way to heaven. They were FALSE prophets!!!

Also please notice what the ultimate goal of the Baha'i faith is at the end of the quote given above..."the ultimate unity of peoples and peace among nations." Although that goal "sounds" mighty noble, is it in agreement with the Word of God? Let's see, the Word of God teaches..."Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you" -2nd Corinthians 6:14-17. The teachings of Baha'i are NOT based upon the Truth of God's Word; therefore, we are to separate from them because they are unbelievers. It is to NO surprise that such a one-world minded religion would be very popular with the New Age movement of our day, and it surely is.

The truth is that religion is the worst thing to ever happen to this sin-cursed world. Salvation is NOT found in a religion, but in a Person--The Lord Jesus Christ (Acts 16:31). According to Matthew 7:14, only a very small handful of people will ever make it into heaven. Do you know why? Simply because so many people have religion without Truth, Churchianity without Christianity. You need to be born again my friend (John 3:3). This world is wicked and needs Jesus. "And we know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in wickedness." -1st John 5:19. "

Baha'is Deny the Sin Nature of Man

The Baha'i religion denies the sin nature of man...

"In the Bahá'í view, the purpose of this life on earth is for each individual to develop the spiritual and moral qualities that lie at the core of his or her nature. Bahá'u'lláh referred to the human being as a "mine rich in gems of inestimable value." These "gems" or qualities can be "mined" or developed only when a person turns to God." -SOURCE

"Develop the spiritual and moral qualities?" You've got to be kidding me? The Word of God teaches that we are ALL sinners, dirty-rotten hell-deserving sinners!!! Romans 3:10-12 declares, "As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one: There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God. They are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable; there is none that doeth good, no, not one." Also, Romans 3:23, "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;" You and I are wicked sinners. Don't compare yourself to the criminals you hear about on the news, or perhaps you might become self-righteous. Compare yourself to the Word of God, and you'll come up looking like a sinner. We have ALL broken God's commands at times. We are ALL sinners by nature. Romans 5:12 teaches that we are ALL born with a sin-nature, not with "spiritual and moral qualities." "Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:" -Romans 5:12.

Sinful Human Desires are Not Evil or Bad

Baha'is foolishly disregard the Biblical teaching that ALL men are sinners, inherently evil by nature (Jeremiah 17:9; Romans 3:10,23). Jesus said in Matthew 5:28 that for a man to even lust after a woman is considered adultery. Jesus taught that the sins of the heart are just as wicked in God's eyes as sins of the flesh. Here is what Baha'is teach...

"In contrast to a number of other religious doctrines and philosophies, the Bahá'í Faith does not teach that the physical desires of human beings are "evil" or "bad." Everything in God's creation is regarded as essentially and fundamentally good. In fact, the very purpose of the human body and its physical faculties is to serve as a proper vehicle for the development of the soul. As the energies of the body are gradually brought under the conscious control of the soul, they become instruments for the expression of spiritual qualities. It is only undisciplined physical passions that become causes of harm, and hinder spiritual progress." -SOURCE

Baha'i is full of lies. The Devil works to DESENSITIZE people concerning the wickedness of sin. In contrast, the Word of God makes us very aware of sin (which is why the world hates the Bible so much, John 3:20). Just as Wiccans, Baha'is do not recognize wrong doing as being a sin. "Sin" is a Biblical term that implies judgment from a Divine God. Deceitfully, Baha'is call themselves "Christians." No one can be a Biblical Christian who does not accept the plain Scriptural teaching that all men are sinful, under the condemnation of the Law until their sins are forgiven in Christ Jesus.

Ezekiel 14:3 reads, "Son of man, these men have set up their idols in their heart..." You see friend, idolatry is in the heart. The reason why Catholics bow to their idols is because they are idolaters in their heart. Jesus said that from the HEART comes all wickedness..."For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders..." -Mark 7:21. This is why education, reformation, and religion will never tame the savage beast of mankind . . . because all of these intellectual vehicles appeal to the mind of man, NOT to his heart. Salvation is of the heart..."For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness..." -Romans 10:10.

Baha'is Worship a False god

Although Baha'is recognize the existence of one god, their god is NOT the God of the Bible. Baha'is teach the same New Age garbage of enlightenment and self-improvement. Take a look at their official website and you realize quickly that Baha'i is NOT Christian. Any knowledgeable Bible-believer knows that Allah is NOT God, he is a mythical character. The Islamic Muslims deny that Jesus ever died on the cross. They dent that Jesus was the Son of God. Muslims deny Christ, which makes them "antichrists" according to 1st John 2:22, "Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son." Read the following statement from the official website of Baha'i...

"Although we may have different concepts of God's nature, although we may pray to Him in different languages and call Him by different names--Allah or Yahweh, God or Brahma--nevertheless, we are speaking about the same unique Being." -SOURCE

Talk about New Age doctrine! Allah is NOT God!!! Allah is the false god of the Muslims. Allah CANNOT be the same God as the Christian God because the Bible proclaims that Jesus Christ is Almighty God (John 1:1-4,14; Revelation 1:8). Jesus is the Son of God according to John 3:16, but Muslims teach from the Koran that God has no Son. Clearly, there can be NO harmony between the Word of God and the Koran. Yet, Baha'is prey upon the ignorance and indifference of today's worldly religious crowd. All over the world people are joining all sorts of wishy-washy religions that have a form of godliness, but deny the existence of an Individual, Personal God. "Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away" -2nd Timothy 3:5. The Devil is homogenizing the world's religions into ONE to prepare the unsaved masses to receive the antichrist when he appears. We often hear about a "one-world religion," but it will more than likely be many religions which have all adapted to the "politically correct" New Age religion. I say "politically correct" because the agenda of our apostate time is to accept everyone in the name of love, while turning a blind-eye to wickedness and doctrinal heresy. It is sinful for believers to unite with the wicked (2nd Corinthians 6:14-17). It is far better to be separated over Truth, than to be united be error. The Word of God is Truth (John 17:17).

Baha'is Deny Jesus Christ as the ONLY Way to Heaven

Baha'is do NOT recognize Jesus Christ as being any greater than Moses, Muhammad or Buddha. The Bible declares that at the NAME OF JESUS shall every knee bow, and NO other name (Philippians 2:10, "That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth."

"There can be little disagreement that human history is strongly influenced by the Founders of the world's great religions. The powerful impact on civilization of Jesus Christ, Buddha, Moses, or Muhammad is seen not only in the cultural forms and value systems which arise from their works and teachings, but is also reflected in the effects that the example of their lives has on humankind." -SOURCE

Did you read that? Baha'is recognize Buddhism as a "great religion." Folks, Buddhism is straight from Hell!!! Buddha was a demonically inspired imposter. New Agers (and Baha'is) teach that there are many roads to "the light," and that no one has a right to criticize or refute someone's else's religious beliefs. Of course, they vehemently deny the Biblical proclamation that Jesus is the ONLY Way to heaven (John 14:6). Listen to Oprah Winfrey deny Jesus Christ for yourself. The Bible proclaims that we are ALL wicked, dirty-rotten sinners deserving of hell. Mankind is born with a SIN-NATURE. The ONLY Way for us to go to heaven is that we must have our sins forgiven. Religion didn't die on the cross for you. Krishna, Buddha, and other FALSE prophets didn't die upon the cross for you. Jesus Christ wasn't just a prophet, He was God Almighty in the flesh (1st Timothy 3:16 -1611 King James Bible).

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