
Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Remember that Soros was in league with the Nazis even at an early age stating that it was the most enjoyable time of his life.

The EU is the Fourth Reich, a plan to make a united European superstate with Berlin as a capital. They came under the guise of peace, but as we have seen, like under Hitler, it has only brought destruction, chaos and war.

The same ancient European families that brought us the Julians of Cueta, Adolf Hitlers, Guy Fawkes and other wretches. Their goal is always the same, destroy Europe and the middle classes when the people get too powerful.

When you ask who these super schemers are, think not of the names you know, but of the people who are so powerful, their names will never be known. A glimpse here or there is the best you will ever find out.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

One of the things not brought up is radar has spewed its death among americans for years,it makes one have less self discipline and more base urges.lower level thought processes. Once it went to nexrad,the gov could now fine tune it to a more average dose and more specific base urges. As a member once said,dems want to take all your money, Repukes want to take away all your fun.

Both are plagues upon the nation.a true anarchist just wants freedom.both parties have defiled the true definition of anarchy. The churches have also joined in this defilement. To heal the nation,freemasonry and eastern stars and tribes like gangs need to be purged.peacefully is preferrable! Revenge begets revenge.show the populace the error of their ways and if they dont change then show them the bars.always peace first! The two political parties use police as weapons.this has lead to police mafias answering to the highest bidder.

Which is the party in control. Two sides of same coin of destruction. Anarchy doesnt sound so bad when you see the other gangs true colors. Currently in my town the freemasons finance the winner of an election and the chosen loser. The loser gets paid to be the fall guy.both are traitors to peace and freedom.

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

I wish this discussion would occur on a national level, possibly initiated by a Tweet from Trump or something along those lines. The idiocy of liberalism has been treated like the crazy aunt locked away in the attic, a topic no one wants to talk about openly or publicly.

What causes liberalism? Probably due a part of the human mind that affects a sense of logic and honesty. Liberals tend to be deficient in those two areas. They're that way for reasons that may be similar to why some people have good retention or a poor one.

Some liberals may also want to be on the left because they have a guilt conscience about themselves. They may think their liberalism offsets their greed, intolerance, bigotries, jealousies, stupidity. In general, never trust the judgment, honesty or integrity of a typical liberal.

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Because they are irrational and they are flat out EVIL. In the Bible, when it refers to end times, and "The Wicked", you could substitute the word "Liberals".

Liberalism/Socialism/Communism is a disease. And Socialism is merely Communism before the guns are taken.

If allowed to, Socialism always progresses to Communism. Although Socialists (and especially Communists) never ADMIT they are Communists, unless it reaches a point like in the former Soviet Union, when it was in your best interest to refer to yourself a Communist, and stay out of a Gulag.

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

How disgusting. They need to make all porn illegal. Probably shutting down the internet would benefit everyone also especially with everyone's records online.

Maybe they should promote righteous values and learning about our righteous God. It's not rocket science but you'll hear most of the male population complaining about their "right" to view evil shit whenever restricting porn.

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Gay men are emotionally at the level of early adolescence so emotionally their ideal emotional and sexual partner is someone naturally at that same mentality and age, that is also succeptanle to doing whatever hes told out of deference to a powerful adult. Emotiinally, they are ALL pedophiles, since immature males are their sexual and emotional ideal. If it was legal, theyd all be surrounding themselves with confused naive, easily manipulated boys eager to please and believe themselves grown up.

Ethericplane #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Earth is a boot camp where we learn how to love. Soon, the accumulating 2012 energies are going to ramp our existence into a higher dimension called 4th density. This energy will accelerate the nutation rate of all atoms in our material world and cause them to "disappear".

Everything good will be lifted, and everything bad will be left behind. There will be several pole shifts giving us a new "heavens" and a new "earth". We will all be more psychic and merge our religious ideas quite naturally. This new program will come from the sun which is why the Mayans refer to this coming age as the 5th sun.

The Earth has been a boot camp for us. We are not expected to be perfect in this boot camp, we are expected to learn difficult lessons, and have painful experiences, that will make us wiser and more compassionate for the new age. You are all good the way you are. Just continue to be the love that you are. And we will all party on the other side, soon.

Lucian Apollo Zalmoxe Aeli #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Gods are immortal men and men are mortal Gods. Still ,the justice of the Gods is different than the justice of men many people believe in the world that Romanians do not work and are only stealing and many people believe in Romania that I have no right to be in the Stellar age because of the crimes of my father commited in the year 1995

I was told that Simona Halep will never reach number 1 in the world of tennis because of her Romanian flag Andrei Tataru Cristian Dracula told me back on 1st of january 2016 that she will exit top 10 because Romania does not deserve to be there and he is an American spy a traitor for us

Still the justice of the Gods is different because the Gods of Atlantia are Immortal light beings who make more than 50% ethical deeds and have a broader Vision of things I also have this broader vision

I know that Artemis humiliated Athena Simona Halep yesterday she shall be number 1 in the world for another 11 weeks with no Shining still the Shining can be great but it is Nothing in the eyes of the Supreme Unmanifested Gods Artemis does not understand this simple fact of life

people here may say that I live in the medieval age while they have teeth and are roaming the stars and I did nothing compared to them but the justice of the Supreme God is much higher than those who seek to destroy me now Lemuria is humiliated and the Red Race has still 3days to rule just like Atlantia was humiliated on 7th of october 2017 now a second version of me is roaming the halls of the Atlantean city Ramad Nilan in the Bucegi mountains now our fleets are destroyed and twisted dovahkins are controlling this planet

but... I shall give the Divine Mandate to Artemis my beloved twin sister in the 2-3 days Because this is the Constitution of Atlantia. Apollo

The Comedian :D #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Donald Trump and Tesla - Is the President a time traveler?

John Trump, the President's uncle at MIT, responsible for reverse-engineering Tesla's papers.

Did he build the time machine his nephew operates?

What else explains his being ten steps ahead of everyone on every issue?

About ALWAYS being right about what's going to happen next?

About defeating the largest vote scamming mechanism in human history, and winning against literally impossible odds?

He traveled from the past, saw America's future, came back, and changed future history.

He turned our Mad Max future into Star Trek.

Donald Trump (John Titor): American Timecop

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Why Hooters in Vegas was used during the event

In Bohemian Grove there's a large bird that tptb worship there.

What is that bird?

Answer: an OWL

What is the Hooter's logo?

Answer: an OWL

They think that they're the wise ones,the one's who pull all of the strings in society, but we know their code.

Hooter's was the staging area for the "fatal" crisis actors. They all wore towels to cover their fake fatal wounds from any rogue cameras.

Some people have stated that they all had towels because it was cold in there. LMAO

The waitress and female staff wear short shorts and tank tops while working in there all day and night, plus all of the gambling machines release massive amounts of heat, so the people weren't wearing towels around their bodies because they were cold. They were staying covered as they were told by their crisis mgmt staff.

I was hoping someone would have mentioned this, but see that
no one has, so there ya go.

It was a well planned hoax. Plain and simple.

BoatyMcBoatFace #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The notion that 'the older you get the faster time goes' has been pushed on us since we were young.

In reality time itself is constantly accelerating.

100 years ago time literally passed more slowly than 75 years ago, which passed more slowly than 50 years ago, and so-on.

SO, while time indeed passes faster the older you get, time passage is actually accelerating at a consistent clip.

Why this is happening is a mystery to me.

Me114 #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The True Identity of the American Negro

Negroes were already here in America before the Europeans came. If you are a so-called black American then most likely your ancestors were Americans not Africans brought over on slave ships. Please see the definition of American in the 1828 Webster’s dictionary.

AMER'ICAN, noun A native of America; originally applied to the aboriginals, or copper-colored races, found here by the Europeans; but now applied to the descendants of Europeans born in America.

You can see the usurpation of who an American is, right from that old definition. Just look at the average so-called African-American and you can see that they look nothing like Africans. American Negroes have lighter skin and different facial features. Their noses and lips are not as large as those of Africans.

I do not agree with the Hebrew Israelite movement but their reference points are valid. American negroes fit the description of those who are cursed by God in the book of Deuteronomy Chapter 28. Today’s so-called Bews have not been subject to the huge list of curses. The anecdotal evidence of Moses pulling out his leprous hand and it being white and then turned back to normal (black), points toward the Israelites being dark-skinned people. The apostle Paul also, being black, was questioned by a Roman guard as to how he could speak Greek.

The major problems with the Hebrew Israelite movement are many. One major problem is that most of them promote race hatred toward white people. They typically do not espouse Christian principles. The other problem is that they assume that the Israelites were in the Middle East and migrated to Africa and so they believe that their ancestors came to America on slave ships. They also include other peoples in Central America in their lists of Hebrew Israelites.

They miss the fact that Hebrew Israelites were already here in America all along. Now the question should be where did they come from?

I am working with a theory that the history and geography as written and passed down to us are very likely a deception. It is very possible that the events in the life of the nation of Israel happened here in North America and not in the Middle East at all. The names of places have been changed in antiquity. Monuments have been moved to hide the deception. If my theory is correct, then the land of Israel is located in the United States, a land flowing in milk and honey.

What if I am proven to be correct? What would this truth mean? For one, this revelation would mean that the American Negro is descendent from the tribes of Israel. All the promises to Abraham will come to these negroes. They are the olive tree that the gentiles are grafted into by Christ. They will eventually wake up to who they are. When they wake up then they will not be hating white people either. They will be God lovers as they will reunite with Jehovah.
The truth also means that Jerusalem is located somewhere in the United States. You can be sure that God knows where the city is.

There is a clue in scripture that the Israelites “forget” who they are. Let us look in the beginning of the book of Isaiah.

Isa 1:2 Hear, O heavens, and give ear, O earth: for the LORD hath spoken, I have nourished and brought up children, and they have rebelled against me.
Isa 1:3 The ox knoweth his owner, and the ass his master's crib: but Israel doth not know, my people doth not consider.
Isa 1:4 Ah sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a seed of evildoers, children that are corrupters: they have forsaken the LORD, they have provoked the Holy One of Israel unto anger, they are gone away backward.

Here we see plainly that Israelites have rebelled and also do not know that they are God’s people.

Isa 1:5 Why should ye be stricken any more? —

Why should God put anymore curses on the Israelites? They are too long to list for this essay but please read them all starting in Deuteronomy Chapter 28 verse 15:

Curses for Disobedience
Deu 28:15 But it shall come to pass, if thou wilt not hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God, to observe to do all his commandments and his statutes which I command thee this day; that all these curses shall come upon thee, and overtake thee:

The curses list ends with verse 68 and you will see that they only happened to American Negroes and definitely not to the people who call themselves Bews today.

Isa 1:5 Why should ye be stricken any more? ye will revolt more and more: the whole head is sick, and the whole heart faint.
Isa 1:6 From the sole of the foot even unto the head there is no soundness in it; but wounds, and bruises, and putrifying sores: they have not been closed, neither bound up, neither mollified with ointment.
Isa 1:7 Your country is desolate, your cities are burned with fire: your land, strangers devour it in your presence, and it is desolate, as overthrown by strangers.

Returning to Isaiah the Prophet we see that their land is overrun by strangers, just like here in America when the Europeans came and their descendants are now called Americans.

Isa 1:18 Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.
Isa 1:19 If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land:

Isa 1:25 And I will turn my hand upon thee, and purely purge away thy dross, and take away all thy tin:
Isa 1:26 And I will restore thy judges as at the first, and thy counsellers as at the beginning: afterward thou shalt be called, The city of righteousness, the faithful city.
Isa 1:27 Zion shall be redeemed with judgment, and her converts with righteousness.

God wants to reason with the Israelites and restore them via judgment. And where is Zion? It would have to be here in America. Here are a few more verses in Isaiah. If you read through Isaiah with my theory in mind, I believe you will see that I may be correct that the true identity of the American Negro is that he is an Israelite.

Isa 3:12 As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths.
Isa 3:13 The LORD standeth up to plead, and standeth to judge the people.
Isa 3:14 The LORD will enter into judgment with the ancients of his people, and the princes thereof: for ye have eaten up the vineyard; the spoil of the poor is in your houses.
Isa 3:15 What mean ye that ye beat my people to pieces, and grind the faces of the poor? saith the LORD GOD of hosts.

Notice the single parent family (mother) and other children are raising the people? See the people are on welfare and poor?

So how will American Negroes find out who they are? They will be told their identity by the Two Witnesses in Revelation Chapter 11. Elijah the prophet will come and shock them and the whole world with much truth. I am working on an essay about the two witnesses and part one will be all about Elijah the Prophet. When he comes he will represent God to the world. He will speak God’s words and wake up everyone to many truths. He comes to restore all things as Jesus promised of him. In the end, all Israel will be saved and their sins blotted out. They will be grafted back into the Olive tree.

Anonymous Coward #racist godlikeproductions.com

Jewish people will subjugate anyone that does not follow their beliefs.

They are a problem everywhere they go, where other religions have tolerated them they have grown in power and now are in process of destroying the original religions. This is just like the Christians did to the Pagans of other nations.

Religion is a problem. The Russians tried to make the state their religion, and that did not work either. Solutions are not easy.

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

I grew up in the 70s and a teen in the 80s. NOT ONCE in all my schooling did I see any “Transgender” students, zero, nada. There were a few gays, but that was it. Why do we have children that think they are transgender? It boggles the fucking mind. We have wrapped our children’s minds beyond anything I have ever seen.

NOW we have so many “genders” if makes your head spin. What the fuck has actually happened here? Sorry, in my mind these people are all raving lunatics. We have destroyed the family, the core values of our society and it’s just progressing each year towards more and more idiocy. In a few years, it will ok to fuck your dog. There’s two genders, male and female, the fucking end.

Growing up I saw one transvestite in the city and that was it. This shit was never around anywhere I went. Now we have people who don’t know what fucking gender they are? Look between your damn legs!! Call me a Transphobe, I don’t give a flying fuck. This shit is not natural.

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

The mistake is that astrology is not a science at all. The best explanation I ever got for astrology is it infers 'influences' which if you are not actively working towards taking advantage of then you miss the boat.

Another semi-good one is it is like the daily weather forecast. Big point is to be 'aware' and not looking for excuses for your own ignorance. If the forecast is for rain - be prepared - and bring an umbrella with you! Also, any newspaper astrology is terrible examples. The real ones - over time - prove their interpretation skills.

I have seen it work well when the astrologer truly understands their work. In all honesty though I have - after 20 years as a customer of many - found only 1 I stick with as he is 95% on the mark. One other I read (England-based) is more for added perspective but she is like 60% correct in my experience.

These millenials? Heh - good luck to them. Hillary lost because she is STILL a bad candidate - and sore loser who makes Al Gore's whining (not 'winning') in 2000 pale in comparison. Hillary is after all - a Scorpio woman. HINT: Unless you are a sadomasochist don't EVER date one. You have been warned....

Knowing one #fundie godlikeproductions.com

In 1967, the U.N. created the outer space treaty, and thus all the countries agreed that nothing could be claimed beyond the karman line. The karman line is approximately 100 kilometers above sea level. (62 miles) The karman line is the agreed upon place where flight scientifically can no longer be supported. The atmosphere thins the higher the altitude and at the karman line the altitude is too thin to support flight.

Anything that happens beyond the karman line is recorded by the federation aeronautique Internationale. (FAI) According to NASA and science, there is no way to fly beyond the karman line. Everything in space is beyond the karman line. Thus, there is no way to physically prove anything in outer space exists, including the moon.

The bible says that in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. This implies that the earth is one place and heaven is another place. For centuries people knew that heaven was up above. If we continue to read the bible, we learn that the presence of God is like fire. The presence of God is an incredible burning energy.

Science and NASA say that outer space is filled with radiation. We are familiar with radiation as an incredible burning energy. We use radiation to microwave our food or make our food hot. If we were to attempt to go to outer space or heaven, we would die, because it would be like trying to fly into a nuclear bomb.

The tower of Babel was built tall to try and reach heaven. Everyone knows heaven is up. The U.N. invented outer space in the 1960s and outer space and everything associated with it is a lie, and ever since they've been using the media to jam that lie down our throats. Did children play with toy rocketships 100 years ago? How come you don't see space memorabilia in antique stores?

Outer space doesn't exist and is just a part of the evil new world order to discredit heaven from existing. Thank you for reading.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

I know exactly what you mean OP, you described it very well and it is very real. Happens to me often, My town is full of them, a literal nest. Every day I drive around town dozens of people on the street will purposely turn around and glare at me without looking away all at once. Very hive mind like. They know I know what they are and that I don't care. They know I don't fear them which gives them no power over me.

When it first started I had an experience where I was in a store and about 30 people around me stopped walking turned around stopped moving completely and stared at me for a good 90 seconds. It's was like they were frozen in time, they all just glared at me with hate. It was weird, to say the least, but trust me that incident is nothing compared to the many other things I have witnessed.

Just so you know, I don't do any drugs and I might drink a 6 pack of beer every 3 months and have a few Cuban cigars if that. I workout every day, only eat healthy whole foods and take a good stack of supplements. I'm a Systems Analyst so I have to stay sharp and I do. I don't tell anyone because who would believe so I just work on getting stronger every day. Someday the veil is going to drop and a lot of people are going to be freaked out so I'm gonna be there to help them just like some of you woke fucks will help others :)-~

I'm not sure if they are Aliens, demons or interdimensional beings I really don't care. I just know many of them are evil and are possessing people causing them stress and feeding off their fears. Regardless, there is a higher hand keeping these evil beings in check to a certain extent but I have a feeling the evil ones don't have much time left, they are desperate and they should be, they have a lot to answer for.

In the meantime, I'm just chillin but also staying vigilant and living my life without giving them the satisfaction of feeding on me. Their judgment time is coming soon, trust me I know. This is an example of what we are dealing with but there is much more to it.

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Most people don't realize that "gang stalking" is actually spiritual and demonic more than it is organized through government/secret societies. Those who fall prey to it, are those who are vulnerable, and who are bothered by it.

The trick to stopping it is not to care, when the enemy discovers he can no longer control you through a method he stops.. but look out, because he will find another! Those with the mind of Christ will pray for those who appear to be lost or possessed, and say "father forgive them they know not what they do", etc. and will not be bothered. It's all about having the right frame of mind, through the Word of God, and being strengthened by the Spirit and through Prayer.

hankie #fundie godlikeproductions.com

There is all kinds of demons, not just one. They are some sexual in nature, some just want a body, some are straight up take over someone body if that person opens the door. Somethings you see are not demons, some are programed minds. Hollywood has many programed minds, but there is also demons who programed them. Little children are not to blame for what adults do to them. Remember the show doll house I think the name was, they used the people.

Not everything is demons but some place have allow demon infestation some of the largest ones are in California, they celibate people who have demons in them. A person who can not control themselves have a demon in them.

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

For a couple years now, I have been trying to focus on following Christ and really get my walk right. I have been trying to keep focused on God while also being wholly aware of how warped our reality is and the direction that it is heading. Especially around the 2012-2014ish time when it seemed that the occult and Satanism was everywhere and totally in your face 24/7 with music, movies, TV, awards shows, fashion, etc.

Around that time, while also trying to be filled with the Holy Spirit, I noticed that whenever I would go out in society, there would be at least one random stranger giving this weird knowing, creepy and hate filled eyeball roll/stare type thing while passing by on the street. Different races, cultures, genders, ages, etc. It would be the exact same look and actions. It almost seemed like the same spirit or spirits were coming through all of these random people that I had never seen before.

I started to feel paranoid at first and even started to get worked up about the whole "gang stalking" thing and this and that, but I realized that it is just demons pouring out into people and trying to rob peace and joy from people filled with the Holy Spirit. Since they can't do anything directly to attack and harm us, unless God allowed it for some reason, all they can do is try to launch petty little passive aggressive attacks to make us irritated or lose peace.

Does any other Christian have this happen to them?? For me it started around the 2012 time and has continued. I really think that we are super close to prophecies being fulfilled and the Lord coming for us. This world seems totally locked and loaded, primed and ready to be handed over to the Antichrist and the demons for a short season before it is time to baptize it all with fire and start from scratch!

)0( #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

They well know about it, for a long time. One of the reasons they are called 'spooks'.

They know alot - and they apply their knowledge in very technical ways. The stuff Edward Snowden supposedly pilfered, was a controlled leak, limited hangout. We knew they have been doing this for decades. People who think his disclosures were a revelation have a lot of catching up to do.

If people could really see, into those realms, their inhabitants, machines, and the intelligence sp00ks that haunt the multiverses next door...they would lose their minds. Be careful what questions you ask and how deep you go - there are answers, but you will not like them.

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Trump should create a hotline and youth brigades, first to denounce the lefty traitors, then to arrest them and send them to camps. Any suspicious activity shall be reported through this 800 hotline. The perps shall then be arrested as seditious traitors and sent to camps in North Dakota, Utah and North Nevada. Clean out the swamp. MAGA!

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Women should not dominate men in churches: The woman in the spirit of Jezebel does not condemn the sin, but is encouraged by her words to continue in the fornication of life and even adultery often speak of grace continually, but the speech of repentance and sin makes them impure, the truth and their actions are against the word of God, but if they are married, they do not respect their men's opinions, they speak and resist constantly because the spirit in them wants to lead, they do this elsewhere.

Jesus says in the word that at the end many of the problem is that they tolerate Jezebel and is a serious warning this is a particular problem for the parishes that allow women in this spirit to lead, but I feel that this problem can be a single person, especially in the marriage, if you tolerate such women.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Was Star Wars a pathway to demonic possession?

Yoda was based on an actual masonic demon-leader that is conjured up for guidance according to many researchers.

Credo Mutwa has said that Star Wars has demonic/reptilian creatures that actually exist and he singled out Darth Maul as being an actual being.

I was watching ET last night and something incredible occurs in that movie. When the main character is telling ET about life he shows him six action figures from Star Wars:

[link to starwarstoysstore.com]

[link to www.cybercomicsandtoys.com]

walrus man
[link to theswca.com]

[link to tribeofdad.net]

Lando Calrissian
Only after Luke is possessed by the demon Yoda does Lando appear on screen. Lando represents Luke's "ascension" and "success" in a freemasonic system. Lando is how Luke sees himself at this point in the story.

Boba Fett
Boba was a clone of Jango Fett. The whole freemasonic matrix/societal system is designed to create clones.

Why would Spielberg choose those six characters, five of which were very obscure to represent what the boy thought was important about Star Wars?

It makes no sense on the surface. Five bit players + one supporting character?

ET was a demon. The movie ET was about a relationship between a boy and his demon. Spielberg was telling us something critical in that scene. Symbolically the first four characters were demons that the boy had chosen to play with because of a movie (that was the goal of ET and apparently Star Wars).

The last two characters represented possessed people: Lando Calrissian and Boba Fett. Lando represents the "independent" type except remember an important point: The empire controlled Lando's city before we met him. That symbolized how Luke was possessed and controlled before he "became" Lando.

Boba Fett was a clone who worked for the empire. He was an "independent" contractor-type but he was a worker bee for the empire when they needed him. He was better off then the storm troopers but he had sold out also.

Immediately after this Elliott points to a fishbowl with fish. He explains that the fish eat the fish food. He places a wooden toy shark into the fishbowl, then states that the shark eats the fish but nobody eats the shark.

Symbolically we are the fish and the demons are the sharks.

Reality 101

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Oh Fuck This Shit! Now I Am Wondering If Saudi Arabia Moved A Nuke Into Vegas!

Read this! The main partner in Mandalay Bay is Saudia Arabia!What if Paddock was set up to cover up the moving of a nuke by Al-Qaeda into Vegas?

Research that shit! Who covered the 9/11 attacker's expenses?

Or what if it were the Iranians?

Man I hate Muzzies!

People need to stop just scratching their balls and look into this shit. What was going on in the background while the shooting was happening?

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

I believe I killed JFK time traveling. I/we will prove this to the public at a time of my/our choosing. I think it was me, how do I prove this? I "defeated" him spiritually before he was shot and killed. Met him in a mental hospital for the "first" time in this life. Met him several times in mental hospitals. Versions of his true original self (as he was as the president during that present time). Some of his family serves me by proxy when I am on the "warpath". One of his aspects rapped about the Illuminati while I was in the psychiatric hospital. I recognized him as if we was my own mother, he was that familiar to me the first time I had seen him in the Concord New Hampshire hospital. De ja Vu does not do the experience justice. Perhaps you do not this is real, but please do entertain me. If you were me and knew it to me real, if you were me and has 'procession' of his soul what would you do. Of all those that I had spiritually killed he was one of only a few who retained his fondest memories as he laid dying.

After having asked Clinton P(JFK reincarnated in a way) where I knew him from for several days in the hospital he had said to me "I am your slave". Before having said "I am your slave" he had said "I am just a dead president". I recognized him, I knew him on sight. Sometimes for but I moment I wish it weren't true, but then I remember I must stay true to myself. He had told me I had killed "Billions". I can't remember much of it but I can see the bodies. I never felt bad about the actual act, the taking of life, but the after effects.... I don't want him as a slave but his family demands it in certain ways, my family demands it in certain ways. If the families are to work together he is to serve me for perhaps an eternity (10,000 years our standards). If you wanted to know, we fought with no weapons and we fought to the death, I emerged the victory. To the victor goes the spoils. I didn't do it for the 'spoils' I did it for it was in my heat. I have never pitied a fool. There was and is no room for pity. "I am bat shit crazy"

Thank you for help God like productions


Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com


MegaAnon, the person who told us this was coming, has just made another post:

Las Vegas was going to be a bomb detonation, that would have wiped out a large chunk of the city.

Stephan Paddock does not exist.

There is more to the story with Eric Paddock and the security guard.

[link to kek.gg (secure)]

Not said, but we can deduce that VP Pence was there, and they wanted to kill him.

My guess is they would have put Paul Ryan in as VP, and either Trump goes along, or he is next.



Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Forget about the debate as to whether the earth is hollow or not. What none of us can deny, on any continent, of any race, or of any era, is there are DEEP caverns and cave systems below our feet. There are rivers and entire oceans below our feet. There are volcanic vents that heat the water, there is algae that live near those subterranean vents that produce oxygen, and there is an ecosystem and food chain as a result. There is a multitude of glowing organisms and plant life (and cool glowing mushrooms like in the fairy tales and movies) and every reason to believe humans sought refuge down below.

Every race, tall, short, and especially pale or albino looking, would be a prime suspect to have broken off at some time and gone below.. just ask the Hopi Indians, who claim to have emerged from the grand canyon. I ask you to watch this video, it is slow paced, but informative and visually interesting to say the least, and think about the ramifications of what it means.

Maybe living on a planet's surface, or fighting over it as we do, is like a bunch of fools fighting over the real estate nobody wants. Maybe Inner world kingdoms, with their consistent temperatures, and shelter from cosmic catastrophe, is the real prime real estate, and we on the surface are used to grow food, and provide other services to these inner earth "gods".

We often talk about Space beings. Lets talk about the underworld, as it is in many myths as well, and is probably much easier for us to explore than deep space. Thoughts?

SeveNation #fundie godlikeproductions.com

It comes down to this: Either nothing made everything or Something made everything. The Truth is self evident. If you completely buy into the misguided notion that nothing made everything, you're ultimately buying into the religion of atheism/secular humanism.

Under atheism, we are nothing more than a "soul-less glorified monkey coming from primordial slime..." Under secular humanism our only purpose of existence if vain hedonistic pleasure and self indulgence. No other higher purpose, other than what a common animal would consider a purpose... We are just another animal crushing any one and any thing to become the "fittest species..."

Someone who sees their self like this has no problem putting on the identity of, "Natural Selection" and shooting down all the "weaker species..."

What we are seeing today is a new wave of "Atheistic Terrorism" It started on the baseball field in Alexandria and it has evolved further in Vegas...

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Notice how fast proof is being taken down on the internet, I suspect Antifa will be used to bring in martial law, this is why UN MRAPS were being sent down our Highways, Stadiums Malls and Walmarts will be used as collection points. so be aware from this day forward.

This is all being staged, they are using Gun Control and Hillary to divert attention away, I suspect the they will have their professional teams out to make it appear like Antifa and or Right wingers to blame for the carnage, explains why Russians troop and Chinese Troops have been training here on our soil, and it appears it is all coming together for the Globalists, this is a all or nothing operation for them. and I suspect history will show the las Vegas shooting as the We the Peoples Modern Day World order. my opinions on this matter

The Deplorable Nicomachus #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Indeed! I thought about this before. He was an arms dealer, supplying arms to terrorist or anyone with the money, which is why his own brother couldn't answer where he got the millions from or what he really worked as. The ISIS terrorists found about his plan and killed him in his room and committed the killing.

Whatever the case, this is NOT an open and shut case! This literally reeks of dirty, dirty hands all over it and I believe his girlfriend Marylouz is a prime suspect.

BELIEVER OF LOVE #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Pamela Aaralyn is a clairvoyant medium channeler. The vegas shooter and all of the people shot were in communication with her. They all wanted to get the truth out about what happened. What would you do if you were told to do this act? You would say no! But what if you where told your entire family will be kidnapped and torchered horribly? Knowing the people forcing you to do this horrible act ARE capable of making this happen.

Then what would you do? According to the medium this is what happened. Everyone that died knows this to be the truth. They say let love be the result of this horrible act. Most people would have chosen the same thing to save their family......I'd post her video but would be knocked from the group. So search for her video it's called The Truth and Purpose of the Las Vegas Shooting- Choose LOVE on utube....

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

There will NEVER be a full on Nuclear exchange. The Watchers will not allow it and have already prevented numerous attempts.

To summarize the documentary, hundreds of nuclear mussels, ICBM's, minute man silos, and plutonium facilities have been systematically monitored and disabled by highly advanced space vehicles for over 60 years now.

The documentary is based on government reports and official affidavits from multiple different nations.

Apparently a noninterference policy on part of the Watchers has allowed numerous tests, they always prevent an actual exchange. And will not allow an exchange in the future. Don't flatter yourselves though, they are only protecting the earth, not humanity.

Don't let the CIA fear mongering about North Korean Nunez frighten you. It will Never happen as the video will clearly show. If there is an alleged "EMP" that knocks out the grid, understand right now that it was only the establishment Deep State flipping a switch and turning the power off.

Emergency Broadcast System #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The SHOOTING in VEGAS is just the beginning my friends, SYSTEMIC SOCIETAL BREAKDOWN COMING !

It is no joke folks.

Fiscal Disaster is imminent,


What is coming will strike fear in the Heart of this Country.

Do not take their pill or drink their koolaide !!!

Americans will start to SNAP and they will be Patriotically motivated to defend themselves and their families.


Please people, try not to always let the MSM tell you they are crooks and wackos.

Sure some are.....but as this increases due to UNEMPLOYMENT benefits expiring, MASSIVE amounts of homeowners and families HOMELESS !!! There is much more to come.

It is very sad and it hurts me to see some of the Truly Patriotic Hardworking American Families suffering at the hands of the Treasonous Bankers, Wall Street and Blue Coats.

Mike Grimmel #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Is the Vegas shooting a BLACK OP or Occult sacrifice? [Thread will curate all known facts & links]

Let's examine some facts pointing this to be far more than just a "lone nut" incident:

1) Paddock is a no-name, nobody. No record, no social media. Could be a patsy or MK-ULTRA victim. We'll find out more eventually.

2) 32nd floor, two windows broken, 9 windows in between, 11 windows in total. Smart people here know the significance of these numbers. There appears to be no logical reason why the shooter would break two windows so far apart.

3) Eye-witnesses reported two Hispanic individuals, a male and female, tried to warn everyone in the crowd that they were "all going to die" 45 minutes before the shooting. They made such a scene they were escorted out by security. L.E. has made no mention of them.

This alone blows a hole in the official story. Now we know at least two people had knowledge a shooting was coming, and when it was coming.

More details about this in this thread:

Thread: YOU'RE ALL GOING TO DIE' – SHOCK WARNING 45 minutes before attack (Multiple shooters???)

4) Paddock's "roommate" and/or wife is Marilou Danley. Her casino players card was apparently found in the hotel room, yet she is "out of the country" and not considered a suspect, according to L.E.

5) Marilou Danley's husband or ex-husband is 76 year old Geary Danley. His Facebook account is rife with Leftist ideology, dozens upon dozens of "likes" of every Leftist and anti-Trump group imaginable, including ShareBlue and most importantly, Rubicon Training Group, a gun training and gun course company.

Have a look: [link to archive.fo (secure)]

Geary has knowledge and a proclivity for guns, as a careful reading of his FB will reveal. Paddock and Geary Danley share one degree of separation.

Even though Geary supposedly lives in Arkansas, public records reveal he has a decades-long history of living in the state of Nevada:

[link to ghostbin.com (secure)]

6) The crowd was full of country music fans, mostly White and likely Republican.

7) Many reports of multiple shooters, including a report of a man entering Bellagio's employee entrance with a rifle and reports of bombs and suspicious devices.

8) The shooting itself required careful planning, including renting a hotel room specifically at Mandalay Bay, an east-facing room on a weekend, without going detected, while hauling in 10 rifles, setting up "platforms" and "cameras" and breaking two windows, each 9 windows apart in between (people reported glass falling, but no gunshots, suggesting windows were broken some other way). This careful planning suggests long-term pre-meditation.

9) "10/1 Human Sacrifice Atomic Bomb Planned for North Korea’s Hotel of Doom" -- See link for the chilling T-shirt depicting Chernobyl, 9/11, and Pyongyang Hotel on 10/1:

[link to alternativeinfotome1.com (secure)]

10) This was a month or two ago, Vegas cops ignored it:

"New ISIS video appears to threaten Las Vegas"

[link to www.lasvegasnow.com]

11) Last night's episode of Rick and Morty was called Rickchurian Mortydate.

12) Keep an eye on this thread:

Thread: Vegas thread last night.. now I can't find it..

More to be added as links and facts come in.


While I don't think the shooting was a "fake" or a "hoax" like Sandy Hook, the following should be taken into consideration:

1) One of those creepy infamous Craigslist postings for "crisis actors" appeared two weeks beforehand.

[link to pbs.twimg.com (secure)]

2) One eye witness claimed the shots were "fake" or not real gun shots:

3) Twitter user claims some eye witnesses are crisis actors:

[link to twitter.com (secure)]

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

That spectrum bullshit is a new way of getting kids hooked on pharam pills for the rest of their lives.

These little fuckers need their ass beat, not to be reading some bullshit rainbow scale to justify why they are little assholes.

Lack of parenting is the only problem here.

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

I think nothing will happen, neither by government or by everyday people.

Look at France, they actually had a candidate who said she would do something - they still didnt vote for her.

More and more people will blown up, as the more Muslims that live anywhere the greater % of terrorists amongst them.

Those who can see the problem and were up for doing something will leave the worst areas. Those who stay might as well convert to Islam, as they would rather their own family die than offend a Muslim.

This has all been part of a carefully executed plan throughout Europe. I think it is too late to do anything, as part of the plan includes brainwashing the next generation to accept and put other cultures before their own. - Look at the young vote on Brexit.

Only a small % of us are aware of the plan, a huge % of us would reject the idea there even was a plan, and just continue with their selfish brainless lives.

Anonymous Coward #racist godlikeproductions.com

All races should be separated to their own country.

Historically, multiculturalism has not worked. The only solution is having each country designate its race.

From there, it will be only that race/country's fault if it cannot succeed.

This age of destroying culture under the premise of blind acceptance will only lead to the end of any real civil society.

This is not racism and I'm not promoting violence. This is just a fact of our real difference that are not possible to resolve.

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Arcturus is Nibiru. It's been keeping watch on us for a while now. It's flashing red. It's a red giant. A dragon.

We've discussed it already, trying to figure out what this star is.

Now that we know, this is what we also know

'It is moving rapidly (122 km/s) relative to the Solar System, and is now almost at its closest point to the Sun.'

It's THE brightest star in the northern hemisphere, and one of the other brightest is Vega which shines blue.

Do red and blue stars sound familiar to you?

Red and blue kachina. Not suddenly appearing, but just like the word apocalypse, it means coming into a revelation, or a new understanding of what's already taking place. It's been there.

Now you know.

Nibiru is here. The apocalypse has arrived.

Buckle your seatbelt Dorothy, 'cause Kansas is going bye-bye ...

jake #racist godlikeproductions.com

To CNN I formally and Officially Apologize for anything negative I have ever said about You! I honestly didn't know what you were up to.

Your calling all cops racist black Killers has caused cops to stop proactive policing and has caused a increase of 1800 more black people killing each other in just 2 years!

I have to admit I really thought you were against white people and I have to admit you are smarter than all of us!

For a National News show to be able to get 1800 more black people to kill each other, is just astonishing!

I thank you so so much, You are doing what the KKK could have never gotten away with..

I will officially start watching your show again!

Once again Thank you and keep up the great work.

Maybe you can get the riots even bigger and they will all kill each other!

Anonymous Coward #racist godlikeproductions.com

As a white man, I don't like it when white women have children that are not white. In case you didn't know, it is impossible for an attractive white woman to be created by an Asian, Black, Hispanic or Muslim father and white mother.

Therefore it is a loss for the white race and humankind when a beautiful white woman has non-white children who don't look like her. If all white women mix out with other races the world won't have any beautiful white women anymore. Simple concept.

Anonymous Coward #sexist godlikeproductions.com

If you don't understand women you will never raise a good daughter.

Women are inferior to men in the sense they can revolt and rebel MORE easily than men.

Why do you think ancient societies exalted the male over the female or boys over girls?

Because that is the TRUTH. Women are inferior and they can always be seduced and tempted.

Read the Bible to understand the nature of Eve.

Once you understand women (womb-man) WITHIN you, you will make a better father.

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

(This is reply to what is in a name)
They are eavesdropping on your thoughts and the reason why they "Cough" around you is because they are the scoffers of old written about in the Bible.

2 Peter 3:3

First of all, you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires.

They are eavesdropping on your thoughts and the reason why they "Cough" around you is because they are the scoffers of old written about in the Bible.

2 Peter 3:3

First of all, you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires.

LUNAVERDE #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com


is there a such thing as A SPEED OF THOUGHT PARTICLE..perhaps..SOMETHING MUCH MUCH SMALLER THAN A PHOTON....>?......(which is speculated to have some mass and somehow even influenced by Gravity...) to the point that somehow such a "particle" is massless and thereforedoes not follow the E=MC squared equation? (here i am thinking that a photon may have some form of "mass"and if so can only travel so fast...) and if such a " THOUGHTparticle" exists how could it be measured?????

in my experience....ANECDOTALLY???? in my life i have remembered 7 prophetic dreams>>>>>that all came true which causes me to theorize about the possibILITY OF A SPEED OF THOUGHT "PARTICLE" that in the dream>>>>>>> did A HIGHER LEVEL OF VIBRATING CONSCIOUSNESS c have the ability to TURBOCHARGE my ego consciousness
to transcend or enter a TIMELESS STATE.... that enabled "me" to step in and out of the our time dimension...and somehow witness what we call a FUTURE EVENT....that event perhaps occurring a week or even years into the future....? that we sometimes can often incompletely recall when awakening

i also wonder of the Dejevous phenomenon as there seem to be vague but very brief conscious parallels as well.....where somehow as something is about to happen we seem to instantaneously "know" what will happen...just before it happensperhaps because something of memory in our consciousness HAD thru the Dreamscape Highway stepped into the future and so the dejevous phenomenon is a mysterious reminder of this "timeless traveled"
experience.... (AND is there also a relationship per the ability of some of us to directly communicate with each other thru our thought wave tools? )

but in some waysif a particle does have mass could it possibly accelerate beyond our timeful dimension....? and another thought....is this theoretical particle a "SLICE" of the so called HIGHER (TURBOCHARGED) BEYOND HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS .. seemingly ageless speculation>>>? ( that not only skips in and out of our timeful Monopoly Board.... but inter dimensionally where it seems that thru the dream we may also seemingly simultaneously existelsewhere>>/?

most of the "time" my ego doesn't permit me to think this way....but i guess i have my moments andas of late ever since i have somehow ( perhaps with the explosion of GRANDCHILDREN .... become more and more of my CURIOSITIES BITCH SUCH that for the most part i have been thinking of changing my BOARD (BORED)
name to...

YOUR EGO IS NOT YOUR AMIGO.....VS ......LUNAVERDE and for those of you who have initiated to follow thru with this monologue THANK YOU and hopefully Life finds you well today!!!

What is in a name? #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Despite making progress on other fronts in my life currently, this phenomena is still irritating me.

Why do people constantly cough around me?

For a time I believed many to be reading my thoughts and began to think that maybe the two phenomena were part of the same thing.

I'm sure I would be "over it" if it was something that only happened occasionally and in a seemingly "random" context, then I would have no issue rationalizing it away and getting on with things.

Some causes I have entertained include:

-Those coughing are part of some sort of hivemind that have the abilities to read my thoughts and cough as a form of intimidation

-I have a higher energy level than most people, so I'm basically "cleaning" the energetic bodies of people by being close to them so they "cough" etc

-Many of those coughing are intimidated by my presence for whatever reason, so they cough as a means of trying to establish dominance

I'm just trying to make sense of it because it is so annoying and feels like people are taking non-verbal sleights at me

And no, this isn't the "normal" type of cough. There is a subtle violence in it.

Okay, so vampires?

Fact of Fiction?

I have noticed that when I'm around certain people for extended periods in public that either my body starts to get this weird dis-associative feeling and/or my eyebrow area begins to throb or just has a very particular "heavy" sensation about it. Shortly after removing myself from their presence I often feel down or sad for no reason, it feels like my body is trying to recover from being drained- I will often feel tired. It often feels like my brain is being sucked out of my skull.

I know how sexist some of the posts made on this board are. That said, it appears that women do this energy draining far more often than men do. I can tell just when they're doing it around me because their energy is very sticky and direct. They often begin to drain just by looking into your eyes and stealing energy that way. I've found that flirting isn't really a thing, they're just trying to hypnotize and establish a subtle control.

I can tell that they're draining me purposefully, because as soon as I radically shift my thoughts or my body, they also radically shift accordingly.

It's like many of them are eavesdropping on my thoughts the way they react to my thinking. Sometimes I think abrasive things just to see if they react and they almost always do.

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Trump is the reincarnation of Enki! There, i said it. What say you? Donald literally means 'ruler of the world'. He's known as 'The Donald' = The Ruler of the World. Enki/Enlil are 'titles' rather than literal names. These titles mean Lord/Ruler/God/Father. Trump has success WAY BEYOND the capablility of a normal human entity. Think on that.

Have you noticed he never looks at his speeches when he delivers a long speech? Obama/Hitlery would constantly be checking their written papers and fumbling with their worlds. Trump is a MASTER of talking to the WORLD! He is intimidated by NO-ONE.He has withstood hatred and venom energetically by the world and he doesn't look ill like others who get entangled in worldwide scandals. Who is Enki eh?

I'll leave that up to you to find out.... ;-)

Korrosiv #fundie godlikeproductions.com

It is my belief that everyone with a functioning pineal gland will meet Thoth before death at least once. I met him in an extremely lucid dream/meditative state a few years ago.

He explained several truths to me, and I feel like I should share them now. I'll explain in detail each point in future posts in this thread.

1. We are living in a 4-Dimensional book that is not finished being written.
2. Someone/some group in an extra dimension/plane is reading this book as it is being written, hence why we experience linear time.
3. When they have finished reading, or have reached the end of the story, this universe collapses back into a 1-Dimensional point.
4. We are SUPPOSED to become aware of this, so the author may finish his work, and we as an individual or collective may begin writing the next universe.

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