
EyesWideOpen111 #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

[Strange Details Behind PRINCE Blood Sacrifice to Baal!! THEY KILLED HIM]

Please note: I do not make any money off of my channel in any way. An ad was placed by RT on this video because I used a clip from RT Ruptly. This video is not profiting from Prince's death. I believe that is very wrong. The video is meant to discuss the parallels of Prince's death on the third day that the arch of triumph was erected in London (April-19-April 21).

The arch of triumph was introduced in London on April 19th (Prince died 1 day before Passover starts). The first night, it was lit up in blood red color. Simultaneously, the Empire State Building was also lit up in blood red color to "celebrate Donald Trump's New York Primary Victory" or so they claimed. Remember, last August the Empire State had a giant image of Kali, the dark mother, beamed onto the side of it.

Prince's death takes place on the third day that the arch of triumph stands in London. There is another prince that is coming into the world, and his beast will receive a deadly head wound, but will come back from the dead. I believe the principalities used Prince to mock the passover of our Lord and Savior, Jesus, who is the passover lamb. They did this as a blood sacrifice.

Blood sacrifices to Baal are not new and have been done for years. Hollywood worships Baal and many celebrities sell their souls to him for fame and fortune. Unfortunately, once the careers of these individuals is over, as it was for Prince, they are sacrificed. This is a part of selling your soul.

Windwalker Medicine Woman #fundie godlikeproductions.com

CERN is allowing the fallen angels from inside the Earth to have sex with the daughters of man again.

I thought I understood the End of Days until I watched this video. I did not.

CERN is opening up a portal into the Earth allowing all the demons that were sealed inside by God to walk upon the Earth again.

These demons will haunt the daughters of men, and they shall have sex with them, as they did in the days of old. Women, stay strong in the Lord...protect yourselves for you are precious to the Lord.

Jesus said the heart of men shall fail, and there is good reason for this. The mythological demons of old are real...they are not from some story...they are real. Jesus sealed those demons down into the Earth to protect mankind.

But the End of Days are here, and CERN is ushering in those days by opening up the pit of literal hell inside the Earth.

CERN is being funded by the Rockefellers, and they are trying to rid the Earth of humanity. They have said to God, you did not do a good job with humanity. Therefore, we want to rid ourselves of them and become Gods ourselves. We shall live forever.

The elite are escaping by going off planet, and they shall return once humanity has been killed off. However, the Lord has stated he will protect his elite...therefore, the only way to escape this horrible fate is to accept Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord...and know you will be saved.

Please watch this video, and understand what CERN is really about...why it is revealed at this time in the history of humanity. CERN is the Beast...make no mistake about it.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Are emojis part of the Georgia Guidestone agenda?

The third rule states "Unite humanity with a living new language."

What better way in our current era than emojis? It is a common language that transcends words, tones, cultures, etc.

A new form of hieroglyphics even.

Could the push for emojis and telling stories with simple images be part of this agenda in the long run??

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com


All this getting men into womens toilets in most shopping centres, public spaces is to get women out of public spaces for the incoming SHARIA LAW.

It will get to the point that women won't be able to leave the house due to some change in some law for their "security" and "protection" when civil unrest by design happens.

This will eventually include school and university and eventually work.

This is by design to free up employment for all these muz hordes and also to free up education spaces in institutions.

Hate to say it but it looks like this is the beginning of where this is going.

Of course they won't come out and say its because of religious reasons but will make it into some whacky left wing thing that some freak is getting some right to pee in the ladies room.

Women will stop using public toilets and this will then impact how much time they spend out in society.
We know pedos and other predators will be employed to make this whole agenda so creepy women will no longer use the toilets or take their kids out.
That's what is supposed to happen.

Unless women get off their arses and start actively contacting politicians and protesting this will be their future.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The PTB rely on HUMAN FLESH in the FOOD SUPPLY to maintain their human appearance

Human flesh exists in a lot of foods today. Sometimes it makes the news. These are PTB slip ups, and/or conditioning this reality.

They rely on the consumption of human flesh to retain their human appearance. They all have the same scent. They exist from the bottom to the top of the pyramid. Some are bums, some are middle/upper class, some are those dancing for you on TV, in a web of deceit to keep your mind and body occupied.

If you want to try and let one of them know that you know what they are, you might say to them:

"This hamburger is really quite human"
(inhale deeply) "This planet is filled with creatures which all smell the same"
"I hope you enjoyed your flesh burger"
"How long did your last regeneration period last?"
"What office do you work for?"

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The Moon is an energy sucker

This explains why you get colder temps in moonlight as opposed to shadow, it also explains why it gives off its own light, it is channeling energy of the planet through it, hence it has a charge from the souls it draws off the planet, the colder moonlight temps (proven) are because there is an energy stream going to it from the planets core, thereby causing movement of air molecules in the lit areas, shaded areas experience less draw, the moon is a vampire.

You might think it's crazy talk, but you have no problems accepting the fact there is a big yellow light up there GIVING energy, why is it so hard to understand there is a body up there TAKING energy, parasiting the process between earth and the sun

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com


comedians are given the job of doing that, in all forms where scandals are included, to make fun of the scandal and lesson the publics outcry its about NUTRALIZING THE SUBJECT MATTER TAKING THE FIRE AND SCANDAL OUT OF A AN EVENT




Comedians are entertainers...the same as the news stations.

Celebrities extraordinaire. Why else would they get paid the salaries they are getting?






George Washington #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Panama Papers the latest George Soros attack upon the world

George Soros, the antichrist and evil beast has aloud for the release of countless world leaders' theft of their countries to be announced in an effort to take down the last of the satanic bitches in his global takeover prior to his crusty ass death. All the world leaders, who kissed his sorry ass, are now facing the wrath of their sale of soul predicament with the dragon. PM Cameron is scrambling to save himself while Vladimir Putin is laughing his ass off. These releases will show the true rape of the world economy and the only reason Obama's sorry ass is not yet implicated is because the Panama papers are only the infant of the conspiracy.

IAMLUCIFERJESUS #fundie godlikeproductions.com



Jeremiah 23:27 They think the dreams they tell one another will make my people forget my name, just as their ancestors forgot my name through Baal worship.



Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

chemtrails deniers, EXPLAIN THIS

chemtrail deniers

you have 5 seconds to deny this

[link to en.wikipedia.org]
>Operation LAC was undertaken in 1957 and 1958 by the U.S. Army Chemical Corps.[3] Principally, the operation involved spraying large areas with zinc cadmium sulfide.[2] The U.S. Air Force loaned the Army a C-119, "Flying Boxcar", and it was used to disperse zinc cadmium sulfide by the ton in the atmosphere over the United States.[4] The first test occurred on December 2, 1957 along a path from South Dakota to International Falls, Minnesota.[5]

[link to thomas.loc.gov]
(B) Such terms include exotic weapons systems such as--
(i) electronic, psychotronic, or information weapons;
(ii) chemtrails;
(iii) high altitude ultra low frequency weapons systems;
(iv) plasma, electromagnetic, sonic, or ultrasonic weapons;
(v) laser weapons systems;
(vi) strategic, theater, tactical, or extraterrestrial weapons; and
(vii) chemical, biological, environmental, climate, or tectonic weapons.
(C) The term `exotic weapons systems' includes weapons designed to damage space or natural ecosystems (such as the ionosphere and upper atmosphere) or climate, weather, and tectonic systems with the purpose of inducing damage or destruction upon a target population or region on earth or in space.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

An impending sense of doom
The Jews have hit critical mass. They will now win, because the anti-violence psy ops worked so well they can steal an election and never have anyone do a damn thing about it. They can tell you to your face your vote does not count, and no one will do a damn thing about it. They can go on a rampage, destroying children with intentionally sabotaged shots, (AND NO IT IS NOT NAGALASE) and no one will do anything about it. You can say anything you want, as long as there is nothing rational in it that can be applied to an outcome . . . . .

They have won. Let me give you an example: They own all food manufacturing and every major store. They did this as an act of war, and now they can choose which products you buy, and every last one will be a Jewish product. And if every product is a Jewish product, every food product can be sabotaged. They will buy GMO only, and ram it down your throat. You can't legally grow a garden in most places anymore, they did away with that and you can forget keeping animals for food.

I came face to face with a reality of contaminated foods yesterday, and it was a real eye opener: I frequently drink orange juice and pineapple juice. And about three months ago, the brand I always drank suddenly had artificial sweetener. I checked, and sure enough it had Stevia, which is "The drink that would make a woman barren" spoken of in the Bible with regard to sodom and gamorrah. Stevia is an incredibly effective natural sterilant.

I do not go for any of that crap, so I chose a different brand. Then a few weeks later, the different brand had stevia. So I chose another brand that did not have it. Then, a week later, that brand had it. I then checked all brands and all variants of products, and every single one of them had stevia, every Mexican brand, every American brand,even with items that are NOT the diet alternative stuff, stuff marketed as totally normal 100 percent juice was spiked with stevia for no reason at all. This is puzzling, because absolutely no brand of fruit juice had stevia or any other artificial sweetner 3 months ago, how did they accomplish a complete smack down in only 3 months? A new brand I never saw before showed up, and it was so cheap I doubt it had any real juice. But stevia was not listed in the ingredients. So I bought it, and low and behold, it had stevia, but it was just not in the ingredient list.

I beg to question why.
Actually, there is no question. The reason is that there is a depopulation agenda, and they want everyone to be unwitting participants in a birth control program. And it does not matter that I hate the taste of stevia and would normally avoid it just because of that, but cannot if there is absolutely no alternative without it whatsoever. The only option then is to say fruit juice does not exist. And the only way you could get uniform placement of stevia in every single variant of every single product, both generic and mainstream is if the enemy cornered the entire food supply and forced it on you through 20 different faces.

If they have that much power, WE ARE SCREWED. There is no way out of it. The truth will not be told in the MSM, your vote will not matter at the polls and even normal "not corrupt" law enforcement will follow orders and destroy everything, including their own futures because the enemy controls the top of their command chain and as part of their job, they do what they are told. Give them a fat paycheck to ensure they value their job, and they will do it "well".

The tribe does not care if they dispose of the intellectual potential of billions of people via tainted vaccines if they want practically everyone dead anyway. And the info realm is owned by them also, with every damning tweet suppressed, every viral truth that could ever damage them significantly squelched, - we are already rendered practically irrelevant with the MSM sitting there like a demonic clown being the only thing we have unfettered access to.

I can see the writing on the wall. They really did hit critical mass, and Trump was the last thing standing in their way. There will never be another great hope, not ever again, in any election cycle. If things are as corrupt as they are, and people just sit on the couch, we have already lost. and we have.

Someone will be enjoying matzo balls at a table with totally un damaged children, and it will NOT be you.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Jews And American Whites Become Furious When Blacks Won't Act Like Preset Stereotypes.

It will always come to the point where the Jew or American White will mimic the Stereotype that they like to see Blacks as.

They can't process the fact that Black people live on every continent, have every type of eye color and hair type and many are educated and have money.

Jews and White Americans live in a fantasy world that all black people live in huts or ghetto's. That is their fantasy and they are sticking to it.

These are wicked people. The Jews ride on the back of the White Slave American with their reins in the whites minds eye directing them to destroy and hate.

The Jew uses nacissism to control the white slave. The Anti Christ and the beast.

Lucifer loved his own reflection. The only "Perfect" people on earth.

The colonial purpose of Blackness it to be blamed and Whiteness to be worshiped.

This is Satanic New world Order. It has been a miserable failure and evidence that NWO cannot succeed.

Weather manipulation and Earthquake machines cannot save White Imperialism.

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

A Baby is NOT a tooth, Willful Abortion of a baby is a lifelong Punishment that can be forgiven but never undone.

If you do not want a cavity, do not eat GMO's, High Fructose Corn Syrup, Refined Sugar, etc. etc. etc.

If you do not want a baby, do not have sexual intercourse.

Pulling/Getting Rid of a Tooth that is causing you pain, is something reasonable and morally fine to do.

Aborting/Murdering a Baby before or after it is born because you do not want it is Evil, and Wrong.

A Tooth inside your mouth belongs to you.
A Baby inside your whom belongs to God.
God and your spouse may charge you with caring and raising your baby, but Murdering it is as much a crime as killing yourself.

Thread: The Pill Kills, Abortion,Cancer,Diabetes,High Blood Pressure/clots,Stroke,Heart Attack,Depression,Weight Gain,Migraines
The Pill Kills, Abortion,Cancer,Diabetes,High Blood Pressure/clots,Stroke,Heart Attack,Depression,Weight Gain,Migraines

The Pill Kills '09: The Pill Kills Women
American Life League Uploaded on May 13, 2009

"Birth Control" PILLS do NOT stop Pregnancy, they
prevent Pregnancy from Continuing by forcing Monthly Period/Menstruation to occur EVEN if you are pregnant.

Just one persons view of how the RU486 pill works.(
Doctors and The FDA are not telling women that the Morning After pill (ru486) works by making the body of the Mother so Toxic, that all the Nutrients are used up in the body to heal the Mother from the Pill, and insufficient nutrients are left to support a pregnancy, This Harms the Woman taking the Pill in ways that can have lasting harmful effects.)

FeelingAwake #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Robotic Endgame is finally coming into View-Useless Eaters Beware

My kids are the final generation of workers. They are 15 and 16 and the oldest has been working on robots since he was 12 years old.

He is now on the FIRST robotics team for his engineering school and plans on going into robotics engineering and 3D printing technologies....

Look at what the Rothchild's have been warning us about for decades. They are telegraphing was is coming and 95% of humanity is to fucking stupid to see it.

What is coming? The end of the useless eater... Since the days of the Pharaohs and before, the elites(the Rothchild types that have been around since the beginning of civilization) have needed more and more slaves to keep their world running..

Slaves to build the pyramids, to build the castles, to fight wars against other elites...

Even as the "workers" outnumbered the elites 10000000 to 1, the workers never meaningfully stood against the elites.

The elites just made life "better" for 1 in 7 of us on the planet and we kept the other 6 in line through military dominance and economic dominance....

Well a day is fast approaching that the elites have DREAMED of for nearly 10,000 years... The end of needing us...

Every day we see new and amazing videos of robots walking upright and picking up boxes and welding vehicles and assembling parts that only the deftest females hands could do in decades past...

YOU ARE NO LONGER NEEDED and they are doing everything in their power to slow our rate of growth(the 99.99%) and eventually reverse it and kill us off with the robots our own children are helping to create in the publicly funded schools WE PAY FOR....

Only those that can help maintain the robotic fleets will be needed, and only until the robots themselves can fulfill this need.....

Imagine how cool it will be for the elites! A planet with only a few million people and hundreds of millions of robots looking after their every need and want.. Hell they'll even have sex robots that are better than any Useless eater whore they were forced to use because their own elite woman are to inbred and stuck up to have dirty sex with them...

Say good bye to the oldest profession....

So even the pretty ones who get to run with the Elites in our current world will no longer be needed.. There will be an App/robot for that.........

Robot... I mean Robert.

Canny #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Exposing the Myth of Gravitational Lensing + Black holes

So we look at the universe using refraction from glass in our telicopes but know that gravity bends light do we ???

The pictures of black-holes burnt into peoples minds are computer simulation with a bit of color thrown in for good measure and when the numbers don't add up the scientists invent things like dark energy and black matter.

When it comes to physics i don't have all the answers because they change based on the computer simulation we are in when we are awake but all i do know is that we seem to be in some type of A.I computer simulation and i didn't need our quantum theory friends to work that one out before they try to make it their own version of events.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com


Reptilian Shape-Shift Phase-Shift Interference

This occurs whenever Rh negative blood humans with extremely powerful Aural fields are in close proximity to Reptilians. Whenever these powerful human Aural fields intersect with the Reptilians projected consciousness (shape-shifting), it seems to interfere with how the Reptilian shape-shifted form manifests in other human's consciousness.

This is why there are millions of Electronic Harrassment victims worldwide, however a great majority of them do not know why this is being done to them. It is in fact a Reptilian program to target and harrass these Rh negative blood type humans in order to weaken their ability to cause interference to the Reptilian shape-shifting ability. In addition to this, Rh negative blood type humans are known to be highly psychic and can sometimes accidentally pick up or hear Reptilian telephathic communication. Rh negative blood type humans are also well known for having highly tuned senses of sight, smell, feel, hearing, and higher than normal ESP.

Xenus187 #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Dreams, Time Travel, CERN, Freemasons, Alien Abduction and Unexplainable Scars.

I'll get straight to the point, when I was younger I had an experience / dream where I saw a UFO in the grounds of my primary school, I also had a dream / experience of researching this on youtube and evidence was there and it was documented on the news, but if I search youtube now, there is nothing.

It's like a memory that feels like a dream.

I have 2 scars on either side of my stomach area about an inch long, these scars are unexplainable and I remember (dream / experience) this guy was on a morning tv show and he had the EXACT same scars and he had the same story of being abducted by aliens.

There was a time when I was at my mothers (definitely real) and I had this really vivid dream of these HUGE ships floating silently in the sky, the next morning I started to talk to my mother about the dream and before I had even got going she finished off the dream that I had stating that she had the EXACT same dream.

Throughout my life I seem to have a sixth sense about good vs evil and this saved me from a close encouter from the freemasons, I worked for a guy and the people that I was working with were trying to pull all sorts of mind games on me and I knew it, it's like I am one step ahead of them and it saved me, i INSTINCTIVELY knew that I had to get away from these people, they did not admit or mention being freemasons but I knew, one guy however did say that he likes to goto a christmas party where there are freemasons saying that he goes anywhere where there is "money"

It's like the aliens gave me a unique ability to predict the future and to read things on a level that nobody else does.

I have always said I would swap all of this technology to go back to a simple life, I also believe that money shouldn't exist.

I am also deeply concerned about the LHC.

If we can already conceive time travel to be possible then we have to accept that we have already achieved it, what if the aliens are us in the future trying to save us from ourselves? What if we ever time travel a second time and the whole thing just cancels itself out.

What if time travel itself is what created our existence?

I believe in GOD, but I also believe that GOD is within and that maybe we even live in GOD.

Why is there a statue of shiva the god of destruction outside of CERN and it also has 666 in the logo? Is it subliminal messaging from the future?

The scientists that are trying to recreate the big bang might just create it, what if that is how it all started?

Like a loophole....

What if a Black Hole was where we did it twice?

What if when we look out into space we are actually seeing the past and all of the other places that we have been?

It's an EPIC mind fuck but its the one thing that makes sense in an impossible kind of way.

What if WE ARE the singularity?

And we have a unique ability to predict the future / write it.

Whatever we think can happen, will happen.

Why can't we just ENJOY our reality?

If we ever find the ultimate answer that could be the one thing that destroys it.

Just look at our world, our life is a miracle but its FULL of suffering, money is the root cause of this suffering, without it, there would be no cheats, no scams, no greed, no poverty, no war and no suffering.

We live in a world of ABUNDANCE, the food that we need grows out of the ground but you have to BUY land to grow it, then you sell it on to whoever can afford it.

What about the simple soul that just wants to eat and be well?

If I had some cornflakes and you had 5 bowls, I could give you some cornflakes and you could give me a bowl and nobody would lose anything and everybody would be happy.

What if our reality is like a matrix, that responds to our overall concioussness.

Are we on a path to self destruction?

Are the abductions actually an effort to wake people up to stop it?

Yes it's driven me mad, but it also saved me from some very dodgy situations.

I'll stop there.

holyspiritwind #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Transformation Begins After "Aliens" (Fallen Angels) Revealed

Ezekiel 33:6
If the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet, and the people are not warned, and the sword comes and takes any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood I will require at the watchman’s hand.

The world's evil is at new heights of wickedness and they are totally blinded and deafened to my truth. The great deception is almost complete. The darkness is getting blacker and the light of My glory is getting brighter. Have I not said in my word that everything that is hidden will be uncovered and exposed. Have I not said in my word that as it was in the days of Noah so shall it be in the time of the return of the Son?

After the flood there was a veil put in place to guard against the evil one and the fallen angels. The veil is being removed slowly but in the days just ahead it will be ripped away suddenly and the time that you now know will be a thing of the past. Do not long for the past as Lot's wife did for you will perish like her. This will be a time of testing like never before.

Do not be deceived by the false teaching of demons and men. My bride will not escape from this earth till her work is done. The great end time harvest. You will be greatly rewarded for your work for My kingdom. Then I come for you!

Your transformation will begin when the fallen angels who most will call "aliens" are revealed, after My judgment of fire has begun. It is then that My mighty ones will be revealed also. My manifest sons and daughters. My wrath is not on My own, and I will keep My own from harm. They will overcome by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony and they will not be afraid of death, because there is nothing of the world in them.

I warn you now My beloved, that men’s hearts will fail them from fear and the expectation of those things which are coming on the earth, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken. When these powers are shaken there will no longer be any place found for them in heaven. They now inhabit the spiritual realm but they will be cast down, lowered so that everyone will see them for what they really are, truly hideous , repulsive but powerful beings from the far ends of the heavens. Hollywood has only scratched the surface of the pure evil and terribleness of these serpents and dragons. What is coming to earth is far worse that any movie has ever depicted. The book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ to John is literal not figurative and every prophecy in My word will be fulfilled. My word is truth!

My power far exceeds theirs and My children will have My power and authority without measure. Men will not be able to overcome them in their own strength, they will have to call upon Me for help! This is an act of mercy that most do not understand. My children will go out and speak My name and signs, wonders and miracles will be preformed. The harvest is great and the workers few.

Do not fear, just draw very close to Me now. Fear only Me, for My power defeats the enemy. Time is very, very short and I am warning you now so you are not caught unaware. I ask you to take what you have read to Me in prayer and discern it. I AM coming for My bride!

Do not give up hope , I will never leave you or forsake you.

I love you with an everlasting and immeasurable love,

Jesus Christ the beginning and the end


The first verse is from the Bible.God spoke the rest to me , through the Holy Spirit. It is a warning!

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Donald Trump and Assad of Syria...

...are kindred spirits. Their success politically, socially and in business are linked at the highest level.

Literally Assad is 'running for President of the United States right now and Donald Trump is in Syria fighting his own creation; its like Syria is the Trump corporation unmasked. Like Assad, Trump will leave millions wandering across the landscape.

Show me a Trump supporter and I'll show you an Assad supporter.

They both perform sexual favors for foreign men in exchange for protection.

This much is crystal clear.

What say you?

the Failure of trump will equate to the destruction of Assad.

The failure of Assad will equate to the destruction of Trump.

Trump is the Iranian regimes Supreme Leaders candidate for President.

The Iranians just sent more support to Trump in the form of advisors just today.

Trump and his supporters are providing succour and comfort to a foreign enemy of the United States at present and this needs to be dealt with

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The Panama Papers are a set up

Everything is controlled. They want you to see what serves the play game and it's not necessarily true as all parties mentioned in the leaks are actors in the big show.

All countries are players in the show, but not all countries pull the strings. Only one country leads the others in a world government formed in 1947. It's Britain and the entity that runs the show internally and globally is MI6, the rogue society that formed both CIA and Mossad in the same year after WWII to complete the secret world government which rules over the world until this moment. Money and religions are used to trick everybody into thinking Bankers, Vatican, Israel and Saudi Arabia are the ones that pull the strings which is not the truth. Intel agencies and specially MI6 are ones. Plain and simple!

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

I'll tell you a secret....the NWO is exposing themselves to bring in the actual NWO, which you will believe is good.

The Hegelian dialect. Create a problem, let the friction grow until the masses "wake up" to it. Then let the "NWO" fall, so that the actual world system can be put into place while the world rejoices at their "victory" in escaping the evil clutches of the globalists.

They are letting you see behind the curtain, but that curtain is just the top layer.

This is how it is done. They have created the enemy, the elite. They are now letting the worl, including all religions, creeds and color, come together to form the solution.

If you want a good example, look at Alex Jones. he talks about being a Christian, yet he says all religions have validity and he supports to each their own, rather than telling the Truth of Jesus Christ.....that we are all sinners and that without Christ we cannot be saved. He teaches on human potential and how great we can be.

They are using this paradigm to bring in the actual world order, they will dispose of the one they are showing you right now, and let you believe that you have won, and that humanity is amazing and good.

This is why Christian's are called to be witnesses and to speak the true gospel. We are not to be a part of this world, but to work for the Kingdom of Heaven and leading people to salvation through Jesus Christ.

The united religion coming will be headed by the Pope. The united world government will be headed by a peacemaker who the world will love and honor, as he will save the day for humanity.

Jesus spoke of not being decieved as a major sign. Do not be deceived. Repent of your sins, accept Christ and His sacrifice and be saved. Tell people the true gospel and stand firm on the word of God. Time is short.

INTHELORDSNAME #fundie godlikeproductions.com


The Church today is completely saturated in Apostasy. At the very heart of this Apostasy are the false prophets [that is, Pastors, Bishops and Priests] who are deceiving Christians to practice lawlessness. Hence the reason why billions of Christians are spiritually cold towards the Lord Jesus Christ, the reading of His Word and the keeping of His commandments. The few Christians that do are having to endure mockery, ridicule and persecution at the hands of those Christians that don't. This will continue until the Last Day of this Church Age.

"...Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. But he who endures to the end shall be saved." Matt.24:11-13]

The Last Day of this Church Age, on First-fruits, will signal The End of this Age as we know it. For this is when the Lord Jesus Christ will come again and gather into heaven all those who love Him by keeping His commandments, and will, unfortunately, leave behind all those who don't.

"He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me...Jesus answered and said to him, “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word...He who does not love Me does not keep My words..." [John 14:21,23,24]

All the Christians that are left behind will then have to choose, under the Islamic New World Order, whether to feed their bellies or loose their heads!

The Islamic New World Order under Obama, who is a Muslim, is coming into existence for one purpose only and that is to persecute Christians by beheading them for 42 Prophetic Months or 1,260 Days. I believe this will be from the 19th of October 2019 until the 31st of March 2023. This persecution will separate real Christians from those who are Christians in name only.

Once this has been accomplished the Islamic New World Order along with all those who will choose to feed their bellies instead of making a stand for Christ will be destroyed! All the Christians who survive being beheaded will then usher in the Millennium Reign of Christ on earth.

"...the same horn [Obama] was making war against the saints, and prevailing against them, until the Ancient of Days came, and a judgment was made in favor of the saints of the Most High, and the time came for the saints to possess the kingdom...He shall speak pompous words against the Most High, Shall persecute the saints of the Most High, And shall intend to change times and law. Then the saints shall be given into his hand For a time [360 Days] and times [720 Days] and half a time [180 Days]." [Dan.7:21,22,25][words in bracket are mine]

AKB48 #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Why ABORTION is a bigger issue than IMMIGRATION and the ECONOMY

Ted Cruz can say he is Pro-Life and get away with it because he is an INSIDER. His fellow Republicans will tell the "Grand-master" that Ted is just pretending because he is in their pocket and there WILL NOT BE ANY LAWS MADE THAT PROHIBIT ABORTION IF HE IS ELECTED PRESIDENT

Trump on the other hand is damned if he's 'for' and damned if he's 'against. No one to vouch for him on the inside.

The Abortion issue is very very very very very divisive, but the elites are for it! Why? Because its their form of sacrifice to the gods Baal and Molech. Use the imagery of the orgy scene of the movie "Eyes Wide Shut" to get what I'm saying.

The spirits of Washington require sacrifice, and you may be shocked to find out that many politicians' wives are clients of planned parenthood. So whenever there is talk of banning Abortion there is HUUGE political push-back.

So when Trump says he's not an insider and pledges to clean up Washington, he probably has no idea what he's up against. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood...yada yada yada!

Hillary Clinton on the other hand has PAID HER DUES

EyesWideOpen111 #fundie godlikeproductions.com

BELgium, Temple Of BEL, And Now THIS?! You Won't Believe What's Next!!!

Published on Mar 31, 2016



Because there's WAY too much going on! Nothing is EVER a mere coincidence!!!!

It's no coincidence the BELgium "attacks" occurred on 322 (See Video Below), and it's also no surprise they are announcing the Temple of Bel to be erected all over the world this upcoming spring (See Video Below).

So should this surprise us that the pagan feast of Beltane is taking place this upcoming April 30th/May 1st?

During this time, pagans and wiccans alike gather together and celebrate Belinos; one of the names of the sun-god; or Bel, who is also known as Baal/"Lord," a pagan deity tracing all the way back to Mystery Babylonian Religion (Nimrod).

Because this is a "season" of fertility and fire, the feast of Beltane is often also associated with phallic pole-dancing, illicit sex, excessive promiscuity, body decorating, and of course, blood sacrifices by fire.

Not to mention April 19th, which is often a significant day for the occult, considering this day "kicks off" the 13-day period leading up to the Beltane feast on May 1st. Not to mention these notable events, all occurring on or around this date:

- April 19, 1904—The Great Fire of Toronto
- April 18, 1906—The San Francisco Earthquake Fire
- April 19, 1995—Oklahoma City bombing—Once again fire and death on this day
- April 20, 1999—The Columbine High School Massacre
- April 19, 2005—Joseph Alois Ratzinger elected as Pope Benedict XVI
- April 19, 2010—Iceland’s Volcanic Ash Grounds all Airlines in Northern Europe while NATO conducts the largest military exercise of the Year
- April 20, 2010—The Gulf Oil Fire

Is this a coincidence, considering the 13-day period beginning on April 19th and ending on May 1st, is the period regarded as "blood sacrifice to the beast?" Or is there something more sinister brewing in the works for this upcoming spring?



cdevidal #fundie godlikeproductions.com

EvolutionVsGod.com has a free 38 minute film in which various evolutionists such as a PhD/associate college professor of Anthropology at UCLA, a PhD/professor of biological sciences and anthropology at USC, a PhD/professor of ecology and evolutionary biology at UCLA and PhD/associate professor of biology at Universiy of Minnesota Morris/famous blogger PZ Myers appear to be stumped by some challenging questions. It's an interesting movie and I recommend you check it out.

In observing responses to the movie, I saw lots of evolutionists mocking but I didn't see one person who answered the questions that apparently stumped the evolutionists. Accusations began to fly: The claim is that in his previous films, the evangelist had edited responses to questions to make the interviewees look bad. Thus the claim is that the stumped evolutionists in this film had simply been edited unfairly.

To which I replied, "OK, I'm sure we'll see a statement from PZ Myers soon explaining how he was misrepresented*, but what about you? Can you answer the questions?" The response often was, "What were the questions?"

Me: "I hadn't written them down so I didn't recall them. But you can see them again if you watch the movie."

Them: "No, I'm not watching that (blankety-blank)." (Which sounds dishonest, but I'll let that pass for now.)

* PZ Myers did claim he was misrepresented: [link to freethoughtblogs.com] But without substantiation. If he gave fuller answers during the interview, I'd like to see them, but he did not: [link to www.google.com (secure)]

So I promised to write down the questions from the film. And by the way, I don't pass any judgment on the quality of these questions. Maybe they're fallacious, and you can help demonstrate that. But before you answer, some simple rules to keep everyone honest.

* You must give a direct answer to every question or you've failed. Yes, some questions appear to be repeats but please answer them all as they are all slightly different.

* If you give an answer such as "It's not possible to know that" (or something similar) to any question you fail to demonstrate the validity of your worldview. Try harder before posting.

* You agree to the principles in this flowchart or you've failed: [link to www.jacoballee.com]

* You may not commit any logical fallacies or you've failed. Here is a list of some well-known fallacies. [link to www.informationisbeautiful.net] There may be others that I am not currently aware of.

If you don't agree with these rules, don't answer. If Darwinian macro evolution does occur in nature, these questions can be answered without resorting to cheating or underhanded rhetoric to uphold it. Right? I'm sure you'll agree these are fair rules.

Items beginning with an asterisk '*' are questions, and items beginning with an equal sign '=' are important statements which do not require an answer, but which inform the next question, so they must be read and understood.

OK, go!

= "Faith is the great cop-out, the great excuse to evade the need to think and evaluate evidence." ~Richard Dawkins

= "Live Science" says of Darwinian evolution: "It can turn dinosaurs into birds, apes into humans and amphibious mammals into whales."

* Do you believe in evolution?

* Do you think it's a belief?

* When did you start to believe?

* Are you a strong believer in evolution?

= A scientific method is based on "the collection of data through observation and experimentation..." ~Science Daily

* Could you give me some observable evidence that evolution is true? Something I don't have to receive by faith. Remember, events that occured 65 million years ago can't be observed. If you say "fossil record," please be specific: Give one example.

= "We are condemned to live only for a few decades and that’s too slow, too small a time scale to see evolution going on." ~Richard Dawkins

= "We see nothing of these slow changes in progress, until the hand of time has marked the lapse of ages..." ~Charles Darwin

* You've got the the canine 'kind' with the coyote and the domestic dog, and there's the feline 'kind' which is the cats, the tiger and the kitten and you've got humankind. So, Darwin said there would be a change of 'kinds' over many years so could you give me one example of observable evidence of a change of 'kinds'? I don't want something I have to accept by faith. I want it to be observable. I don't want to have to have faith in the experts, I want to observe it myself. Can you give one example of observable evidence of a change of 'kind'?

* Did we have lungs or gills when we came out of the sea?

* The scientific method must be observable and repeatable, so could you give me one piece of observable evidence for Darwinian evolution, not adaptation or speciation, but a change of kinds? If you say "stickleback fish", you must specify what other 'kind' have they become. These have remained as fish. Remember, Lenski's bacteria are still bacteria. The Galapagos finches are still finches. Their change in beak is adaptation, not Darwinian evolution. There's no different animal involved. I want something which shows me Darwin's belief in the change of kinds is scientific. Can you give me anything that I can see, observe, and test, which is the scientific method, for Darwinian evolution which is a change of kinds, so that I don't have to exercise faith?

* If you cannot offer any observable evidence for Darwinian (macro, change in 'kind') evolution, how do you know it's true?

* No professor or biology major in the film was able to give observable evidence of a change in 'kind'. Therefore, Darwinian evolution (a change in 'kind') is un-observable. You need millions of years. If Darwinian evolution is not observable, is it scientific?

* You're trusting that the biology majors and professors know what they're talking about and they can't even give evidence of a change of kinds. Do you realize that's called 'blind faith'? Remember, "Faith is the great cop-out, the great excuse to evade the need to think and evaluate evidence." ~Richard Dawkins

* Do you believe in intelligent design?

* How would you make a rose? A rose has a seed so you've got to start from nothing. Could you make a rose from nothing?

* No professor or biology major in the film was able to claim they were able to make a rose from nothing. For the purposes of this thread, I am going to assume you cannot, either. So if you say there is no intelligent design, where does that leave you on the scale of intelligence if you can't even make a rose?

= "The coccyx vertebrae is an extremely important source of attachment for tendons, ligaments and muscles..." ~Laser Spine Institute

= For years, the appendix "...was credited with very little physiological function. We now know, however, that the appendix serves an important role in the fetus and in young adults... Among adult humans, the appendix is now thought to be involved primarily in immune functions." ~Scientific American

= My note: This link discusses erector pili/most body hair and male nipples. [link to www.livescience.com] As a married man I have found a use for male nipples. If you know what I mean. (Ahem.) And I can certainly see that the organ would likely be present on a baby in the womb before its sex is selected with hormones, as the genetalia are identical before selection. Erector pili/most body hair I'm not so certain about. It's hardly earth-shattering evidence but I would like to read more. The first thought that comes to mind is that they're useful for sweat and a slight amount of warmth.

* So could you give me an example of vestigial organs? (I believe it is implied he is asking about human organs.)

* Skeptic websites often examples of famous atheists in an attempt to win converts. But more often than not, the famous personalities cited are not atheists. Aside from Earnest Hemingway (listed in the video), Can you think of any famous atheists which you can validate have never made a statement attesting to their belief in a deity? (At 18:32 in the video, quotes from Abraham Lincoln, Carl Sagan, Mark Twain, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Charles Dawrwin show clearly they are/were not atheists. For the sake of brevity I will not list them here.)

= No professor or biology major in the film was able to give an example of a famous atheist. Ray said, "It is important to know that even though some of these men claim to believe in God, that doesn't mean they are believers in the one true Creator revealed in the Scriptures, or that they're genuine Christians. However, when atheists use theists or agnostics to promote their godless agenda, they're being dishonest. Then again, coming from those who claim that morality is relative to each person, convenient dishonesty should not be a surprise."

* Do you believe in moral absolutes?

* Is rape always wrong?

= PZ Myers essentially answered yes, so the evangelist stated therefore there are moral absolutes.

* So who makes the rules?

* PZ Myers stated that we make the rules. I am going to assume you will say the same. If you did not, no need to answer this question, just ponder it: So if Hitler made the rules and he had the majority, he makes the rules?

= "Evolution is a very harsh and cruel process." ~PZ Myers

* Did Hitler put into practice survival of the fittest? Such as the lion eating the antelope.

* Your pet dog (or insert other beloved pet) and your rotten neighbor are drowning. You can only save one of them. Which would you save?

* The biology majors all chose to save the dog. I am going to assume you will say the same. If you did not, no need to answer this question, just ponder it: So you think dogs are more valuable than human beings?

= "Any fetus is less human than an adult pig." ~Richard Dawkins

* If you believe in evolution it's just a matter of survival of the fittest. Your neighbor's a primate and you've got a canine, and you like the canine more than you like the primate. If the grouchy neighbor drowns, he drowns. Survival of the fittest. Would that be correct?

* Are you an atheist who thinks God doesn't exist?

* An atheist in the movie stated that after we die we cease to exist. Ray Comfort said, "If you were a car and your motor were turned off that would be right, that's inanimate. But you're a living, biological human being with the life of God in you. .. Is there no life in you?" Atheist: "Yes there's life in me." "That's your soul." If you agree with the atheist, how do you know?

* Are you a good person? If there's a heaven, will you make it there?

* How many lies have you told in your whole life?

* What would you call me if I told lots of lies? You'd call me a liar, wouldn't you?

* So what does that make you if you've told lies?

* Have you ever stolen anything in your whole life even if it's small?

* That's called theft. So what are you?

* Have you ever used God's name in vain?

= That's called blasphemy, and it's very serious to use God's name as a cuss word. One atheist said he doesn't believe in God so it's not blaspheming. Ray responded, "Well, if I don't believe in certain laws and still violate them, ignorance of the law is no excuse. So we're still guilty even though we deny a law exists or even don't know about it."

* Jesus said that if you look upon a woman with lust in your heart you've committed adultery. Have you ever looked at another person with lust, such as with pornography?

= If you answered yes to those questions (and I don't know anyone who honestly can't answer anything but yes, myself included), to quote the evangelist, "then by your own admission you're a lying, theiving, blasphemous adulterer-at-heart, and that's only four of the Ten Commandments. Just not believing in hell won't make it go away. A judge must see that justice is done if he's a good judge, and it's the same with God. If we die in our sins God will give us justice. The Bible says that no theif, no liar, no fornicator, no blasphemer, no adulterer will inherit the kingdom of God. So if you died in your sins but God gave you justice, because He's holy and perfect morally, you'd end up in hell, and I'd hate that to happen to you."

* Would you sell one of your eyes for one million dollars? Both for 100 million dollars?

= Most would say "no." Your eyes are precious to you. How much more precious is your life?

= "Now let me tell you something you know intuitively. You know that creation is proof of the Creator, God has given you that inner light. So when you look at the genius of God's creative hand, you know God exists because of creation, and the reason you choose evolution is because it gets rid of moral accountability. Evolution lets you believe that lust and theiving are just primal instincts; You're just an animal. The Bible demands moral accountability and says those things are wrong and that's why it's not acceptable to you. That's why you're not seeking after truth. Am I wrong?" ~Ray Comfort (The biology major sighed, paused, and said, "I think you're wrong.")

= "You are a unique human being, made in the image of God with a sense of justice and truth and righteousness. God gave you a conscience. It's inherent. It's shaped by society but it's inherent. You know right from wrong. You've violated His law and I don't want you to end up in hell."

= To a struggling college student: "James, if you put your finger on it, and see if we can, your struggle at the moment is because of your love for sin, because of the pleasure that sin gives you and you don't want to give it up. You're like a man with a money belt filled with gold who's just fallen into the ocean. I'm saying, if you don't get rid of that belt which weighs 80 pounds it's going to take you under. Doesn't matter how much pleasure it gives you, it's not worth losing your life for."

= To a college professor: "You're not a beast. You're a human being created by God in His image with dignity and worth and purpose."

* Do you know what God did for guilty sinners so we wouldn't have to go to hell?

= "God became a human being 2,000 years ago, Jesus of Nazareth, and He suffered and died on a cross, taking the punishment for the sin of the world. You and I violated God's law and Jesus paid our fine. That means God can legally dismiss our case because of the suffering, death and resurrection of the Savior. God can say, 'You're out of here' because someone paid your fine." ~Ray Comfort

= "And then what God can now do is clothe us in the righteousness of Christ, so on Judgment Day you're safe from God's wrath and His justice, because of the death and resurrection of the Savior. If you repent and trust in Him, God will give you a righteous standing in His eyes. He'll wash away your sins in an instant, and He'll grant you everlasting life. His last words on the cross were, 'It is finished.' In other words the debt has been paid. He came to take our punishment upon Himself. So because our fine was paid by another, God can legally dismiss your case." ~Ray Comfort

* Does that make sense? (He was not asking if they believed it, just if the statements made a logical connection.)

* When are you going to die?

= "God knows the exact moment of your death. It could be today, it could be tomorrow. I'm not using scare tactics, this is just straight reality. 150,000 people die every 24 hours, and they were no doubt all making plans for next week, so please think about this." ~Ray Comfort

= "I'm not talking about a religion that says you have to strive to get to heaven, I'm telling you that the Bible says heaven is a free gift of God. You cannot earn everlasting life, doesn't matter how religious you are, how good you are. 'God commended His love toward us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.' And then he rose from the dead and defeated death." ~Ray Comfort

= "This is how the Bible puts it: 'For by grace are you saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.' So eternal life is a free gift of God, and it comes because of God's mercy not because of anything we do." ~Ray Comfort

* Does that make sense?

= "I've been reading the Bible at home for over 40 years. There's no mistakes in it. Any mistakes that we think are in it are our mistakes, and you can trust God's Word. Think of how you trust professors and science books that tell you you're a primate? You trust and believe that so how much more should you trust a God who cannot lie?" ~Ray Comfort

* Are you going to think about this?

= "Soften your heart. Don't have so much blind faith in what science tells you and it's left you without any knowledge of what was in the beginning anyway. You haven't got a clue where you come from, you don't know what you're doing here on earth and you don't know what happens after you die."

* Could you be wrong about God's existence?

= An atheist responded, "Yes, but could you be wrong about God's existence?" "No." "Well then I think you're rather closed-minded." "Well if I said to you, could you be wrong about your wife's existence you'd say, "No, I know her. Don't be ridiculous. I know her and love her. And I know the Lord and I love the Lord, and He transformed my life 41 years ago, instantly, overnight, forgave my sins and gave me new desires when I had no desires or thoughts of God for the whole 22 years before I was a Christian."

= "The problem with those who are unable to see evolution, I think, is they don't have imaginations." ~Gail E. Kennedy, PhD, Associate college professor of Anthropology at UCLA

= "Human beings are still fish." ~PZ Myers

* Are you a talking primate?

* Are you a cousin of bananas?

= "I'm accepting that they did their science correctly." ~Biology major

= "I'm going to trust what those experts did, those experts came up with." ~Physics major

= "Darwinian evolution rests on faith. And once again, according to Richard Dawkins, 'Faith is the great cop-out, the great excuse to evade the need to think and evaluate evidence.' Darwinian evolution requires great faith. The knowledge of God, however, is clearly seen by all mankind. 'For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools.' (Romans 1:20-22)" ~Ray Comfort

Note to newcomers Despite the name, this is not a Christian website. It is simply a good forum for discussion because one does not need an account to post. (You can remain anonymous.)

M5 #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Re: Bigger than Flat Earth.Must Watch! Marijuana is The Christ.

Try some delicious Christ! "Just as the life force of an animal is contained in it's blood, so are the life force of plants contained in their beverages, concentrates and essential oils. When the spirits of these plants are personified by a patron Deity, the beverage or essential oil then becomes the "blood" or "milk" of that God or Godess which embodies all the life giving and other supernatural and magical virtues of these most sacred substances." Marijuana oil is the Blood of Christ. Jesus is the personification of this great plant of renown. The story of Jesus is parable for how to grow, cultivate and make the Blood of Christ. Quotes from the Gospel of Thomas to spice things up a bit. Is this not the secret of all secrets? Plants have spirits, plants were here first before humans, Jesus said, "If the flesh came into being because of spirit, that is a marvel, but if spirit came into being because of the body, that is a marvel of marvels.
"It will not come by watching for it. It will not be said, 'Look, here!' or 'Look, there!' Rather, the Father's kingdom is spread out upon the earth, and people don't see it." The Kingdom of Heaven is the plant kingdom

Candle In The Wind #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Underground Human Mills and the Lack of New Alien Abductions

Alien Abduction seemed to be big in the 50's - 80's, with most of the 80's activity seeming to refer to activity actually taking place in the 70's.

You don't really hear much about Abductions after the mid 90's, at the latest.

What happened?

I believe that surface people have outlived their usefulness.

The top-level echelon of Occult elitists now have everything they need to sustain themselves underground indefinitely.

This includes enough women who have never seen the light of day raised BY THEM FOR THEM to serve in whatever capacity they need, including egg factories and incubators for clones.

They don't need to take surface children anymore, or make any new programmed monarchs. It's all self-contained.

One tell is this: How many nuclear reactors are there on the surface?

If the shit really hit the fan...say Yellowstone on one side, meteor on the other...(or whatever) how long until the reactors melted down?

Once those reactors melt down, there is no hope of surface recovery.

They know this, and they don't care.


Self-contained, indefinitely, underground.

The only possible conclusion, barring off-world settlements which might also be the case.

Their genetic skillset probably has them creating a new race, and at this point, we on the surface, are like apes to them...even the best among us.

The only reason they keep the surface charade going is to amass even more resources while they still easily can.

I'm not sure there is any other conclusion.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Top Secret: What is the name of the mind control device utilized by aliens to rewrite history on earth?

Answer: Mach.

Mach is an alien device which you aim at earth in order to erase the minds of humans within its trajectory. When the mind is clean, the aliens insert themselves as rulers of that mind controlled society, rewriting history and commanding nations.

Mach induced mind control has occurred for eons.

This message is coded.

Do not attempt to decipher this message, you are not a Member of the Elite:

"The Skins are among us."

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

ATTENTION: All Mystics, Spiritualists, Astrologers, Horoscope readers, Psychics, Tarot card readers, Astral travelers, Spell casters, Summoners/conjurers, Invokers/evokers, Enchanters/Kabbalists, Sex magick practitioners, Black magic practitioners, “White” magic practitioners, Diviners, Sorcerers and magic practitioners of any other type....

“There shall not be found among you anyone who burns his son or his daughter as an offering, anyone who practices divination or tells fortunes or interprets omens, or a sorcerer or a charmer or a medium or a necromancer or one who inquires of the dead, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord.” “And because of these abominations the Lord your God is driving them out before you.”

–-Deuteronomy 18:9-13 (ESV)---

Abomination! This is the strongest language of condemnation used in the Bible/Torah.

Why? Because all magic practice is selfish and ego driven. You tell God his plan isn't good enough for your life and turn to the entities in the Kingdom of Darkness (who have been given power over certain things) to help you cast spells or gain abilities by manipulating the laws of the universe to further your own selfish desires!

(And New Agers. You aren't unique or special. All “new age” teachings about abilities are just plagiarized old age magic techniques of sorcerers and satanists rebranded with an extreme egotistical twist that it all comes from within, silently failing to give credit to the principalities from the kingdom of darkness.)

All forms of magic of ANY TYPE are an abomination in the sight of the God!

YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! Now you can be held accountable!

Repent! And go and sin no more!!!!

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

NATO HQ is Brussels, GLADIO false flags Unleashed

Well here we go sheeple!

Only NATO British Israelists' headquarters in Brussels, Belgium would have the capability to do such widespread, coordinated false flag attacks on various infrastructure in that city. Its a Slam Dunk GLADIO False Flag.

ITS 322, the signature FREEMASONIC time stamp, and 13th Anniversary of the Sheckinah Shock N Awe attack on Muslim IRAQ. Which will serve as symbolic cover that "Muslims" are retaliating.

Yeah sure, bunch of ragtag hoods from all over world of different languages would be able to get floorplans of the airport and metro, or have resources to pull this off.


PALM SUNDAY / Passover
Dual Comets passby, hence dual locales for the bombs...

More Illuminati GARBAGE.

holyspiritwind #fundie godlikeproductions.com


These images were recorded by ArcParanormal,all credit and thanks go unto him,please subscribe to his you tube channel.
[link to www.youtube.com (secure)]
Although these images were recorded just a few months ago in June,I thought it important to show them to you,as there cannot be any mistake,for they clearly demonstrate,and show a planet next to the Sun.

And GOD said,let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens,to divide the day from the night;and let them be for signs,and for seasons,and for days,and years.Genesis.1:14.
And there shall be signs in the Sun,and in the Moon,and in the stars;and upon the Earth distress of nations;with perplexity;the sea and the waves roaring.Men's hearts failing them for fear,and for looking after those things which are coming on the Earth;for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.And then they shall see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.
Verily I say unto you,this generation shall not pass away,till all be fulfilled.Heaven and Earth shall pass away;but my words shall not pass away. Luke 21:

He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life;and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life;but the wrath of GOD abideth on him. John 3:36.
JESUS saith unto him,I am the way,the truth,and the life;no man cometh unto the Father,but by me. John 14:6
Who is a liar but he that denieth that JESUS is the CHRIST,he is antichrist,that denieth the Father and the Son. 1John 2:22.

The constellation of Nibiru is composed of 4 planets: Nemesis, Helion, Arboda, and of course Nibiru, and also 2 Moons: Harrington and Ferrada. Nibiru will not hit the earth but is going to produce major changes on it.
Nibiru belongs to a whole system of 5 independent objects. Because it is so big, his presents in the solar system produces important changes in every planet of the solar system including our sun. The earth will be substantially affected because of Nibiru's presence (look for example that we have now 30°C in the Arctic.) No one of the important observatories in the world reports about what happen because the governments have forbidden to disclose it.

Nibiru is one of four planets orbiting a dark star or brown dwarf.This dark star has four minor planets,the fifth planet is the size of the earth,and the sixth,is the planet or object we call Nibiru. When the dark star is at perihelion,closest position to our sun, between 60 and 70 AU= astronomical units,astronomical unit equals the average distance between earth and the sun,the orbit of Nibiru, which is 60 AU,the dark star has a sufficiently elongated orbit to cross our solar system, usually in the vicinity of Jupiter's orbit, although this can vary.

These signs in the heavens,are from GOD,and from him alone,regardless of how these signs are occurring,and being brought about,they are from GOD the creator,who created all things,both visible,and invisible.Amen.

The powers that be,are finding it increasingly more difficult,to hide all these signs which are from the LORD,with their endless Geo engineering programs,and various other technologies,that they use against all of humanity.

A brief condensed description of the powers that be...They are a worldwide secret society who's membership is almost exclusively draw from elite powerful bloodlines except for some special none bloodline occultist who are attached to the fringes.They were the governing body in the ancient mystery religions and since the days of the pharaohs consider themselves illuminated to divinity. The present world beast system was created by them and is controlled behind the scenes by them.These bloodsucking satanic parasites will be brought to justice,and dealt with treacherously by the LORD GOD,who lives and reigns forever and ever,all honour and great glory to him.Amen.

"Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for -fair use- for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use."

No money is,or will ever be,made from any of my publications.

May the grace of our LORD,JESUS CHRIST,master,king and saviour,be with you and your family,now and always.
Blessed be GOD the father,and the Son,forever and ever.Amen

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Brussels bombings Yep---> Still looking into this

March 22 2016

Brussels bombings
Yep. Still looking into this. The story line is that they got caught by airport security, so they blew them up where they were caught with them.

Another one went off in a subway. Keep in mind here that one method is to have an innocent package carrier make a delivery, not knowing it is a bomb, which is then set off by remote and labeled a suicide bombing. Once that happens the story line can be whatever is wanted. I suspect that is what was done this time.

The language barrier is going to impede finding out what really went on because it makes it more difficult to discover mistakes in the story line. I think I found one but am waiting for them to blow it that last little bit before nailing them.

Press TV reporting 23 dead. RT reporting 13 dead. New Zealand media reporting over 40 dead. And guess what? this happened on 3/22. Why can't anything of this nature happen on a date that does not somehow tie in with the secret societies?

Ha ha ha, here is a great post someone put up:

Time to get real....

Those folk who not be benefitting from this Well-managed Fear event.

1. The Victims and their families in Brussels today
2. The Little Begium Taxpayers
3. Whoever the MSM Corporate conglomorates decide to blame for this Mass Murder.

Those Folk who will be benefitting from this highly profitible Corporate Project.

1. The privatley-owned International Corporate MSM and their Advertising Monopolies.
2. The Privately-owned International Security/Intelligence Operations
3. The Privately-owned International unelected Corporate political spokesfolk from the EU Inc.
4. George Soros, and his global 'Public' Service operations: Open Society and Open Borders foundations.

I could go on about the Real Cowardly Terrorists behind this...but it's time for You to connect the dots.

Here is a major screw up in the story line:
OK, here is one hole I found - PressTV reported that three suicide vests had been found in the Brussels air port. A calling card you know, like all those passports that miraculously show up everywhere. QUESTION: What idiot would leave suicide vests laying around to be discovered? I was going to wait for their final screw up with this before I nailed them, but they paused the Western media with the suicide vest lie, but the third world has this in abundance. And there is a problem with the suicide vest story that cannot be resolved -

Whenever a suspected explosive device is found, they blow it up on the spot because it is considered too dangerous to touch, and they accept the damage. But with these "suicide vests", which have now been found for over four hours, nothing of the sort happened, no more blasts were reported, blasts which would have had to happen if they really did find these vests. No such story would have permeated the third world media, INCLUDING PRESSTV if someone in Brussels had not said it, which means this is a false flag with fakery being puffed, just like all those passports and ID cards they miraculously find when needed to prop up a story line.

OK, THEY ARE IRREVOCABLY BUSTED: Here is the cookie! All media outlets are reporting that "other explosive devices have been found" which would include the "suicide vests" yet nothing has been done to deal with them. TIME IS UP, ALL OF THESE SHOULD HAVE BEEN BLOWN UP ON THE SPOT BY NOW, and the fact no more blasts were reported as police blew the additional explosive devices up where they sat, without touching them, for safety reasons, AS HAPPENS EVERYWERE ANY BOMB IS FOUND VERY QUICKLY EVERY TIME proves they never existed and were used to seed this story line, which is probably entirely false. I'll go with mine - Unwitting package carriers were unknowingly carrying bombs rather than Pizza and sushi, and when they got to the right place, the bombs were called via the cell network and set off.

No subsequent "safety" blasts reported within 4 hours of the additional explosive devices being found proves this is yet another hoaked up false flag story line.

And moments before this bombing in Brussels, Trump said this at AIPAC:
"I'm a negotiator, like you folks," Trump said, before referencing his book "The Art of the Deal."

"Is there anyone who does't renegotiate deals in this room?" Trump said. "Perhaps more than any room I've spoken to."

The presidential candidate then predicted he would not gain the support of Jews in his bid for the White House because he is independently wealthy.

"You're not going to support me because I don't want your money," he said, adding that, "you want to control your own politicians."

nobody #racist godlikeproductions.com

Donald Trump Is Adolph Hitler

In my previous life I was a nazi and boy let me tell you are the nazi's misrepresented in the world today. We were people doing the right thing and fighting the right things. We were fighting the communists and the world would have been much better off if we had won.

I remember my fuhrer and I recognize him in this life as Donald Trump. He is the same spirit but in this life he reincarnated into the tall blonde haired blue eyed aryan that he always wanted to be in his previous life.

If you still don't believe me, consider that Hitler died April 30th 1945 while Trump was born June 14th 1946, just enough time for the soul to transmogrify by finding a new body and gestating in the womb after a short rest obviously.

I voted for him in this life as I fought for him in the previous one.

His spirit and soul is timeless and was known by other names in the past such as Napoleon (possible) and Alexander The Great (more probable). His spirit will always come to fight against the tyranny of communism and jewish "morality" which is draining this planet earth of its essence and twisting the notions of right and wrong to a point which will become our species own end.

Before he was my Fuhrer and now he will be my President, I am so happy.

In the future, there will be no more weak, sick or ugly people. We will all be strong, capable, autonomous and individualist.

If the jews had their way the opposite would happen. We would become weak, interdependent, sickly and full of self-hatred.

None of that will happen in the world of Trump. The world of this man's spirit which fights ceaselessly and tirelessly for the good and the STRENGTH of all mankind.

Also, I'm not anti-US in any way, but Europe (and especially germany) seems to have fallen apart culturally in the absence of The Fuhrer and also our modern perceptions of nazism and what they were and the preposterous media myth of "the holocaust" is plain our absurd.

OK call me crazy if you want but I do remember the war and I do remember many many lives, some of them with astounding vividness.

I was a nazi in the one and I do not identify as one now but we were good people and we were fighting a true and noble fight, that is true.

And I will support Donald Trump because I know what the purpose of this mans spirit is on earth.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The Mormon conspiracy to list Trump and install Romney as the Savior of America.

If you've done your best and researched the truth behind the satanic cult of which I grew up, then this won't be a surprise. But a little digging by a non member should horrify you as to how infiltrated the government is with the Mormon scum. Harry Reid is one, other reps, senators, and the CIA is filled with them because of their zombie allegiance to tptb. Every president meets with the Prophet from Utah, and Mitt Romney is their pick to fulfill the following

[link to en.m.wikipedia.org (secure)]

Know your enemy. YouTube their Mormon Temple Ceremony. Satan speaks to them as a brother. Wake up..

THINK! #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Why the NSA cant catch muslims ???

WHO do all the rich natios owe money to ???

To the Saudi Oil Barons
the Richest ppl on earth
who bribe presidents
buy the USA military for hits

who own the earth ...

Consider that every phone call, imternet search and forum post you make, will determine if Arabs let you live or not.

Ppl THINK that USAs NSA has the bug on everyone.
But Saudis BOUGHT the NSA decades ago, as they bought the white house.

They want global Sharia Law.
(maybe not so bad an idea given corruption)

BUT the twist is that EVERY LEADER ON EARTH submits to the Muslim Agenda !!!

WHY ????



Who is the richest man in the world?
On March 5, 2013, Forbes stated that Slim is still maintaining his first place position as the wealthiest person on the globe, with an estimated net worth of US$73 billion. On May 16, 2013, Bloomberg L.P. ranked Slim the second richest person in the world, after Bill Gates.


Mexicans are basically Muslims
if you know the catholic church is based on ISLAM
as the POPE says it is.

Mexican churches ALL have the muslim style dome on top.

Anonymous Coward #racist godlikeproductions.com

Rise of the Nordic Aryans

For too long I have watched while my kind.. have been taken advantage of

The Blond Hair Blue Eyed baby is the most pure in the world

I see what you do to fracture my kind

To prevent my kind from flushing


You turn my kind into womanizers, drugs, and slaves

And why

Because you are afraid of our purity

Our connection to the Gentle God

I've been a spectator.. had not made a judgement until recently

The Jewish Virus.. is destroying the Nordics

Why.. because you have Satan within your veins.. you are chosen Jews.. to be Gay, Greedy, and Cunning

That is not behavior of the True God

If you want to live and die by Natural Law

Game On!

I will now allow the spirit of Adolf Hitler to fully possess my body

Dear Fuhrer.. Encompass my body with strength, wisdom, and resolve

So I can Protect my People to the best of my Supernatural Abilities

Bless me with the foresight to Rise my People to the New Heights

Fill my Body with nobility, courage, and absolute determination

By the Gentle God's Will this will be done

What the FUCK? #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Breaking: Scientists Baffled!

Scientists are baffled!

This is the most common headline when it comes to any story that mentions scientists. They're always baffled.

Baffled about the multitude of species that are ALL dying on the west coast.. I mean, who wouldn't be baffled? You couldn't expect a scientist to actually consider Fukushima, right?

Baffled about the weather. Who would have thunk?

Baffled about why 100k elk died. There's clearly no way to test and derteemine why they died - they remain forever baffled.

Baffled by dead dolphins in the southern US. There's no way the world's largest oilspill in history could have caused this. They're also baffled by the dead zones there with no oxygen.

Baffled about 3,000 birds that fell from the sky on 80 different occasions.

Baffled about everything and anything that doesn't relate to:

- Denouncing natural health
- Promoting evolution as fact
- Promoting pharmaceuticals & vaccines
- Promoting global warming
- Promoting false science of all shapes, sizes and forms.

These fucking bullshitters expect us to believe this shit?

"We're actually baffled so often that we're baffled about being baffled"..

Baffle off, baffletards.

Xeven #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Beware: TPTB not even Americans

The powers that be are foreign nations like China, Saudi, Japan, Israel, and even Mexico and India

Some of you think the puppet masters are wealthy Americans? Maybe a little. The truth of the matter is that many of these Wealthy Americans who buy and pay for your Government Congress and Senators are being prompt up and funded by foreign nations through secret deal and explicit trade agreements. We must STOP it now.

This is why our trade deals have fleeced this once great nation of jobs and manufacturing. Your children and grand children have been robbed by the very traitors that you trusted to take care of our nation and our constitution.

We have been, through my lifetime, under a massive subversive attack where foreign entities abuse our system of government and elections by making agreeable Americans very wealth and even CEO's so they can fund elections and candidates to do their bidding.

It is not just wealthy elites here with the puppet strings. It goes much deeper and further off shore than that.

China owns your grandchildren. Even you to some extent.

Trump is the ONLY candidate that is not directly controlled by these people.

Maybe it is not to late and maybe it is. I choose to fight with my vote, even if it may not count, even if it may not matter. Voting and making the attempt to save us is better than giving up and putting my head in the sand.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The Two Camps battling the LEAD the NWO


Masons, Knights of the Garter, The Windsors, City of London, English Bankers


Jesuits, Knights of Malta, The Spanish Royals, Vatican, Vatican Bankers

In America.. Camp A is the Democrats.. i.e. English/Jewish Agents

Camp B is the Republicans i.e. Vatican Agents

Juan Carlos had Two Sons running in the Republican Race

Hillary has always been backed The English Crown

The Jews hate the Vatican and teamed up with the English Crown/Royals.. and The Crown uses them as prime agents for the cause


Trump is getting flack from the Republicans because he is not a Vatican Agent

Trump is House of Orange.. which is more aligned with the English Crown (there is still a 700 beef between the Houses though)

But the Enemy of my Enemy (The Vatican) is my friend.. so the Windsors and Oranges sometimes work together if it is advantageous

The House of Orange is challenging the House of Windsor to Lead Group A

The House of Orange runs Bilderberg

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Why Are Aliens Even Interested In Earth?

The only reasons I know to consider are:

1.) The Earth in its Goldilocks Zone is a respite from the otherwise hostile environment in most of the Universe. And, Yes, There are other such planets.

2.) For whatever reason, Earth has various mineral resources for them to take.

3.) The Earth has tastey animals and Humans to eat.

4.) The souls and life substances of humans and animals is of value to at least some aliens. They need our energies, bodies, and blood.

5.) The Earth is a laboratory for experimentation and culturing of new DNA genotypes.

6.) The aliens have been here far longer than humans, so they own the Earth.

7.) The aliens are from the Future, and are trying to meddle with their history.

8.) The Earth is a battleground for Good and Evil to use for their purposes.

9.) The Earth is a matrix operation within a game type simulation.

10.) The Earth is owned by an absentee landlord(s), whose undisclosed purposes are being subverted by beings not within His/Their realm.

QuantumLove #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

FALSE FLAG: Breaking:BREAKING : Anti-Trump Protest funded and directed by Hillary

BREAKING... BREAKING ... INSIDER INFO ... BREAKING... The trump protesters are funded by hillary AND GEORGE SORROS. They carry Bernie SANDERS signs so she can discredit Bernie and Trump at the same time and make herself look good. THIS IS ORGANIZED CRIME.

Hillary caught financing the protest and hate

Their Eyes Were Watching God #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Obama is the reincarnation of the Egyptian King Tut- 2016 Elections - Gods of Egypt

This year, Americans are all watching the car accident better known as the Elections.

Even the Aliens are gathered around the planet to watch America in its dog and pony show.

You know how it is, you are driving by a car accident and you cannot avert your eyes, you are compelled to watch the carnage.

Good luck trying to get your Black President to abdicate his throne. Cuz everbody who is anybody knows Obama is the reincarnation of the Egyptian King Tut, look it up on the woo-woo websites.

This is the real reason why the elites do not support Trump: Trump can never evict black African Egyptian Royalty.

If you want Obama to leave, then you need to find someone who is worthy.

It is not a coincidence that Africans have infiltrated the white homelands called Eurape, you have been warned.

The Egyptians perfected the black arts because they were The "Gods Of Egypt."

The fate of humanity is being played out in America and Eurape is mobilizing.

"Their Eyes Were Watching God."

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Holy people having sex with angels is a reocurring theme in history. It seems to be quite an interesting idea, and it would neat if the rest of us could follow them in their footsteps.

What is an angel anyway?

Saying angels are messengers from God seems to tell us more about their functions than the angels themselves. However, if we play with this idea and shift it around a bit, we could say angels are God's messages.

Shifting it around a bit more (and keeping in mind that God is the greatest pervert), we can form a more interesting definition:

Angels are angles of God - angels are spiritual beings who have orgasm all the time.

This shouldn't come as much of a surprise, since at this level spiritual sex is the primary method of communication. (What else could be more efficient in conveying a message?)

Angelic existence is somewhat different than human existence: you are the living breath of God, and the primal, essential awareness of it fulfills and constitutes your entire being.

It's not only the lack of physical human body; it's also the lack of human personality as we know it.

So what is an angel? That which can stand in and coexist with the orgasmic presence of God and not burn away.

If angels (as we can perceive them) are angles of God, differentiated by focus and orgasmic flavor - how can we have sex with them?

Choose a connection you wish to explore and establish it to a greater degree. You can do this by cleaning and clarifying your entire through all your levels of awareness.

Prepare to balance on strange surfaces; the flow is strong and overwhelming, and if you don't pay proper attention to the balance of your being, you can easily burn up more than you want to.

Relationships of mutual Love and respect can thrive more than one-sided relationships: give as well as receive, create changes as well as accept them.

A candid Loving personal touch is always an honour and much appreciated, even if from a lowly mortal.

Let it be known through your entire presence that you too are a beautiful angel of God!

[link to www.aeriagloris.com]

I recommend listening to this music when having sex with angels, it greatly enhances the experience:
[link to iasos.com]

Don't let negativity discourage you, sex with angels is fun and perfectly acceptable, it was in the Bible, and the Bible is the word of God, so it's fine. By having sexual experiences with angels, you will become closer to God and realize the natural state of Godhood within yourself.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The Anunnaki from Nibiru are the Tall Whites living in Area 51 (Dreamland).

Looks like the Anunnaki are the Tall White extraterrestrials living in Area-51 (Dreamland).

Hitler's Final Solution and Master Race program was for the Tall Whites as well, and they gave Germany the tech for antigravity, DNA manipulation, and plethora of other stuff.

Someone put it all together and outlined it in an article titled (Re)Vision at [link to www.universal-rights.com (secure)]

For you NWO fans, that too is the desire of the Anunnaki because they were behind Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and the Roman Empires - all attempts at a one world government, as was Hitler's Final Solution.

The Anunnaki Marduk's son with an Earth wife was Osiris, and they excavated Osiris' tomb in the 1990's. Great information in that article.

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Could Trump actually be Jesus?

I'm serious.
We read in the bible that Elijah was reborn as John. So why does Jesus need to come back in the flesh? Could it be that Trump is actually Jesus, reborn?

Could the Trump line "lets make America great again" be code for "lets establish the kingdom of heaven on earth?"

Could Trump's wealth be the modern world equivalent of Jesus' glory?

Could Trump sitting in his private jet fulfill the prophecy about "the son of man coming in the clouds"?

Trump looks like the only man who can repair America after 8 years of dictatorship by the Muslim Kenyan communist. Trump loves America and has promised to make America great again.

He will fulfill jesus' role and defeat evil by going to war against Muslim nations.

Anonymous Coward #racist godlikeproductions.com

Aryans are God's True Chosen People

Did you know that Jews stole the idea of the "chosen people" from the Babylonians (Aryans)? They also stole from them the secret of forbidding interracial marriages to keep one's race pure and strong. This is the key to their great cohesion, loyalty and power over others. In return, the Jews have imposed on other people religions like Christianity and Islam where any race can adhere simply by converting. All the old Aryan heritage has been banned and the horned God turned into a demon. Even sacred Aryan symbols like the Runes are being used against Aryans by the Masons and Illuminati. One example is the hagal Rune which is the inspiration for the star of David. Everything we know is a LIE. Wake UP!

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

For all GOOGLE
Maria Sharapova's staged drugs confession - agendas for dummies
World's Highest-Paid Female Athlete for 10 years and on drugs: psy-op part of the series "falsely accused champions".
The climax: the "confessions" series: the greatest cyclist ever (Lance Armstrong, 2013) and the fastest man ever and forever, Usain Bolt (coming).
But unlike Lance and Bolt, Sharapova's confession isn't the result of torture.

Maria Sharapova's confession same goal as Putin's role in Russia banned - agendas for dummies
"Putin accepts Russia first country ever banned from athletics at the Olympics": "Putin" plays in this script the same role as one of Kenya's Kenyatta key acts: falsely accusing kenyan athletes thus pushing the "best runners on drugs" hoax to the utter limits of the grotesque.
In other words, the same role as Sharapova's staged confession: make people believe that the accusations to "hundreds of oither russian champions" are indeed true.
Side note: Suicide bomber "Putin"'s role goes well beyond this. It also includes "Rissia first country ever stripped not only of Olympics but also of World Cup".

Sharapova's fake confession: Why are the pills called meldonium?
To rhyme with another episode of the series "russian poisoned by Putin": the fake "death of Litvinenko, who first lost his hair and finally died after poisoned by Putin with Polonium".

Casting the World's Highest-Paid Female Athlete for 10 years now: Simulated reality paradox:
Forbes magazine says so and that's the ideal title for the "on drugs" confession, independently from the specific Russia related agendas.
A title that would be easy to manufacture, although not as easily as the mockery known as "list of the richest men in the world", served by the same Forbes magazine.
Reason: the dozens of millions that tennis champions supposedly earn are almost as true as the totally fake lottery jackpots.
Sharapova earned in reality around 3 not 30 million dollars in 2015, yet she probably is indeed the World's Highest-Paid Female Athlete,
And that paradoxically contradicts the illuminati commandment to serve nothing but simulated reality at the end of the show.OGLE

Red Pill is Not Kosher #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Nibiru is coming and it's new king is the one that Muslims call **ALLAH**. That explains EVERYTHING happening in the world today!

First and foremost, this is **NOT** about what "nibiru" can possibly be. Planet X, death-star-like space station, planet sized mothership, it doesn't matter now.

This is about a series or articles published by a famous military insider and whistleblower, whose name shall not be told here (W.P.), about information provided by outcast "anunnaki" aliens quarantined on Earth, concerning the new king of their race:

A prince formerly known as "NANNAR" aka "SIN the moon god", jumped to the throne succession by ANU, as punishment for ENKI/ENLIL's 500-thousand-year clusterfuck on Earth.


That's the alien intell, and regardless whether you believe it or not, that would definitely explains EVERYTHING that's happening nowadays:

The sudden rise of Islam as a major social-control tool worldwide, mostly because the current Illuminati elite in charge of the status-quo, is cornered and has no option, but bend over to the owners of shithole Earth.

A simple matter of metropolis-colony affairs at interplanetary level.

Earth's fire power is nowhere near enough to stop the "nibiruans" from coming back and taking over, but it *IS* more than enough to turn Earth into a sterile wasteland for the next 50k years, or even permanently.

Both sides can't afford to repeat Mars all over again, so it is not only plausible, but also very likely, that the outcast Illuminati overlords under Marduk's rules, negotiated a truce to give Islam some room and maybe even having it coexisting with the current jew-christian apparatus.

Just take a good fucking look around: Obama, Israel funding muzzie terrorists, David Camoron, Hollande, Angie Merkel, the Vatican and everybody else in bed with Islam.


If you can't put this all wrapped together...

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

CHRIS PRATT IS A REPTILIAN!!!! That is why his face changes so much!! and why he is quite OFF!!

You can look at many picture's of him online and his face changes from a longer narrower and much more slender jawed form to a wider less long and stronger shaped face with a LOWER, WIDER, STRONGER AND SQUARER JAW!!!

His behavior is off! a REAL sign of someone being a reptilian, and his facial expressions are kinda off too! like weird versions of a humans NORMAL facial expressions!

His hair color changes in weird ways too, is he REALLY dying it that much? from one dull color to the next and then it is occasionally a nice shade of ASH BLONDE!

His eyes are off too! there is not much space around his eyes, his eyes are kinda small and beady!


Like how he says he just likes to take his junk out HAHAHAHA, and how he apparently got naked on a bus! VERY ABNORMAL BEHAVIOR!!!

It's REAL reptilian behavior since those things are a PERVERTED AND SICK BUNCH!
No human males have non angular slender jaws like Chris Pratt typically has, do not count how he occasionally shapeshifts himself a bigger, lower, stronger and squarer jaw!

Chris Pratt is not the best actor ether, human actors are on average better actors than reptilian actors!

It's weird how Chris Pratt used to wear glasses when he was in his 20's, and now he never EVER wears them!

Why? I heard that reptilians like to wear contacts a lot more than humans!!

MANY humans wear contact! but NOT ALL THE TIME! they use both contacts and glasses usually, at least for guys in my observations! girls were contacts more than guys!

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