
Philosophical Glider #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The Pope is coming to the USA for Asteroid crowd control.

[link to www.nj.com]

He is going to be in the states at the same time frame that that asteroid everyone is freaking out about is allegedly going to smash into us.

This was brought to my attention by a co-worker, he said that that the city is going to be essentially shut down except for the people arriving in on church buses. Apparently the pope hadn't set a concrete date until just recently. It was speculated to occur this fall, then it was narrowed down to September, and now the date is set for the 26th and 27th.(which also has a correlation with the JH15 activities)

It's a little too coincidental that he is going to come over shortly after the "impact date" which I believe is the 24th.

Why would the pope be coming to the states? The last time there was a pope in the USA was the 70's I believe. It only makes sense that he's going to try to ease the minds of all those Christians that will be crying about the sky falling.

IDK guys, there's few too many coincidences for me to think that there isn't SOMETHING going on. What do you guys think?


Reilly #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Radiohead, The Beatles, Kraftwerk, and Nirvana... An excercise in understanding the structure of time using western pop music culture.

Definitions: Britain - yin, encapsulating. America/Germany - yang, focused.

Examining the exchanges of masculine and feminine energies, and syncronicities between four bands.

1. 50's to 60's - Beatles(yin, positive); 60's to 70's - Kraftwerk(yang, positive).

2. 80's to 90's - Nirvana(yang, negative); 90's to 00's - Radiohead(yin, nagative).

1945 to 2012 is considered to be a fractal unit of time, preceded by a unit of about 4339.2 years and followed by a unit of about 1.05 years. Within each unit consists of complete sine wave cycle. Given the bands dates in relation to the length of the unit of time they're within, the first two earlier bands are located "positive" region of the sine wave and the latter two bands are located "negative" region of the sine wave.

The Main Syncronicities:

The Beatles(yin) represent making creative music, and having widespread cultural impacts. Kraftwerk(yang) represents making technological music, and having focused cultural impacts.

As a result, the technological music of Kraftwerk impacts a creative Radiohead(yin), and creative music of the Beatles impacts a technological Nirvana(yang). Radiohead was very much influenced musically by German rock music such as Kraftwerk and others. Nirvana(Kurt Cobain) was very much influenced by the Beatles and John Lennon. Keep in mind, these bands represent focal points the cultural energetic phenomena. The rest of the world was still involved.

The Beatles, the yin or feminine, had created the pop music culture of the time unit, and Kraftwerk, the yang or masculine, had started the technological develpments in which the pop music culture would follow. As the sine wave inverses itself, the root yin Radiohead becomes a technological phenomenon, and the root yang Nirvana becomes creative phenomenon - all in the while still maintaining their yin/yang basis.

As the time-wave propagated, ultimately leading to the next fractal time unit, all of these results settle in their perspective aspects.

Accompanying syncronicities:

Beatles(yin, positive) - Paul McCartney died, replaced with a clone and covered up, later ends abruptly. Kraftwerk(yang, positive) - Got along quite well, still together.


Radiohead(yin, negative) - Got along well, still together. Nirvana(yang, negative) - Kurt Cobain died, murder covered up as suicide, ends abruptly.

The Beatles - The feminine giving birth through the creative force.

Then... Kraftwerk - Materialization into the depth of being through the magic of science and technology of the masculine.

And then...

Nirvana - A shift into the negative realm of the sinual time-wave; the yang receiving the influence of the feminine creative in an inverse action.

And finally...

Radiohead - you end with the yin as the sinual time-wave completes a cycle; the yin exits upon receiving the power of the masculine science.

What did you expect Madrid?? #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Real Madrid removes the Christian Cross and loses every major match...

In the present sports season 2014/2015 the Spanish soccer team Real Madrid C. F. lost every major soccer competition it was contesting: Champions League (European League), Copa del Rey (the Spanish championship) and the Spanish League. In each of these there were hopes that Real Madrid would win. In fact Real Madrid was first in the Spanish League for a considerable period of the competition.

It is my opinion that this happened because of the fact that Real Madrid F.C. took off the Cross of Christ from its emblem, in order to not “offend” the Club’s Muslim sponsors, precisely in this season. Here is why I think so:

1 – Real Madrid, in the previous season, still with the Cross on its emblem, won both the Champions League and the Spanish Championship. And its main players are basically the same this season.

2 – Each of the competitions in the present season were won by no other than FC Barcelona, Real Madrid’s century-old rival. Each of the competitions that people hoped would be won by Real Madrid were won by its main soccer adversary. Actually, speaking of soccer one can think of no other rivalry more known in the whole world than the one between those two teams.

4 – And last, but not least: While Real Madrid took the Cross out of the emblem, Barcelona actually has a cross on its emblem. And it is not a common cross without significance. It’s the cross of St. George, the 4th century Christian martyr soldier.

I think it was God’s way of showing people that those who deny Him before man will be punished.

^KrazyMatty^ #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The fact that a reptilian race of beings has interfered with human society since the beginning of modern history (modern meaning past 6,000 years), and probably far beyond that, is also extremely evidenced (every major culture on Earth speaks of them, from the Sarpa who, according to Hindu history, founded Earth-human civilisation, to the Uktena of the Cherokee, to the Sheti of the Hopi, to the Riu and Long of Japan annd China, etc.)

The Iguana-People (Itzamna) of the Mayans, the Dragons (Long) of China and Japan (Riu), the Naga and Sarpa of India, the Anunnaki (a Reptilian race, but not the Draco) and Dragon-Gods (Draco Reptilians) of Sumeria and Babylon, the Chitahuri and Imanugela of Africa, the Serpent-People of the Zuni, Hopi, Anasazi and Blood Indians (among many others), the Uktena and Tlanuhwa of the Cherokee, the Dragons of Europe, etc.

The original royal families of Europe claimed descendence from Dragons. Ambrosius (Merlin) was actually Natanleod, a British king who was said to shapeshift into a dragon. Charlemagne was called "Le Chameleon", because of his combined Hebrew and ´Dragon´ descent, and his reputed ability to shapeshift into a ´demon´ or ´dracula´ (dragon-devil). The later Emperors of Rome used dragon-symbolism and were said to shapeshift into ´Dracul´ (dragon-demons), especially the Byzantine Emperors.

The early European peoples said that humans were made when a humanoid race (sometimes referred to as ´Elves´ or ´Alfheim´) was combined with the race of Dragons (Dracula in Latin), and this hybridisation of a humanoid race with dragons to create the Adam is a recurring theme in worldwide mythology. In India, the Naga were depicted symbolically as having the heads or upper bodies of humans and the bodies of serpents. The sages of the time often referred to this as meaning ´Above is the human, Below is the dragon (Sarpa)´, and a ´mingling of seeds´. This symbolically seems to refer to a reptilian DNA base with human DNA implanted. This is exactly what the human genome looks like, with reptilian DNA ´below´ and human DNA ´above´.

And of course the Reptilians are not the only alien race to have interacted with this planet.

In Egypt they speak extensively of the ´Gods´ who brought them knowledge from the stars, and of the Lion-People who came with them (The Kilroti). They speak of them as emanating from Sirius, the Dog-Star, which in Egypt was called Isis, named for their symbolic Mother Goddess.

In Africa, the Zulu shamans bear extensive esoteric knowledge of a race of reptilians who they say control the Earth--called the Chitahuri.

In Sumeria ten thousand tablets have been found and translated which refer to an alien race which created a race of humans to work as slaves in their mines in Africa (the exact same story appears in Africa, and there are goldmines in Africa estimated by the Anglo-American company to be over 60,000 years old).

In China and Japan underground bases where the Dragon Kings live are referred to, as well as the lineage of humans from a race of ´Dragons´. (there are also many other reptilian races referred to, such as the Kappa).

In Australia the aborigines speak of a reptilian race which lives underneath the Earth and secretly governs over men. The Aboriginal chiefs have spoken of going into the Earth where these beings resided. There they claim there is extensive technology. The Aborigines say that they are descended from a race of dragon-humans that once lived on an enormous continent that spanned the entire Pacific ocean, and that most of it sank beneath the waves in ancient times, but that Australia is a remnant of it, and this is why there are so many reptilian animals there.

In China, Japan, India, Europe, South America, North America, Australia, etc. the exact same description of a 7-level reptilian hierarchy recurs.

The highest Dragons are always said to be winged, and often this is divided into two castes, one being the Bird-Dragons and one being the Winged-Dragons (this is the case in Asia).

Beneath them are Dragons with horns but no wings.

Beneath them are the Dragons with no horns, but which are considered ´true dragons´.

Beneath them are the Dragon Children or ´Watersnakes´, a race of beings often described as lizard-like humanoids, but often symbolically depicted as watersnakes, giant serpents, etc.

The hierarchy in all 7 levels is usually as follows:

1) White, Winged Dragons (sometimes with feathers, and often with icy blue eyes) (usually with horns)
2) Winged Dragons (large, but featherless and non-white) (with horns)
3) Winged Dragons (usually with horns)
4) Horned Dragons
5) True Dragons
6) Warrior Dragons (expendable caste of warriors. usually described as largest caste population-wise, as Dragons are said to be a very belligerent race).
7) Lizard-Dragons (the Untouchables. Weak, small, skinny lizard-like Dragons)



In actuality, the Draco Caste System is as follows:

1) White, Winged Draco (Royalty)
2) Statesmen and Politicians
3) Religious Caste (Priests, Ritual Performers, etc.)
4) Warriors (pictured above)
5) Teachers
6) Workers
7) Drones (Lizard-like Reptilians under total mind-control who perform routine work such as abductions)

The Draco

The Illuminati, which includes 13 major Royal-descended families from Europe, were created by the Draco Reptilians.

The Royal family are not ´reptiles´, persay, but they do have more Reptilian DNA than most Earth-humans.

All humans on Earth have Draco and humanoid (Lyrian) DNA, but with a smaller percentage of Draco Reptilian than human. However, the Illuminati, created by the Draco, have a 50/50 split between human and Reptilian DNA, giving them the ability to shapeshift between the two forms as a result of many factors, including the incompatibility of human and Reptilian DNA. Mammals and Reptiles are not native to Earth. They originated on separate planets.

Only a small percentage of the Illuminati are shapeshifters, such as Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Philip (Duke of Edinburgh), Baron Guy de Rothschild, George H.W. Bush, David Rockefeller, etc. The rest are mostly people with a somewhat higher percentage of Reptilian DNA than usual which have been recruited by the Illuminati as a result of bloodline, lack of morals, what have you--everything the mafia would look for. Mafias in general are a Draco type of cultural creation, and most of the major ones are controlled by the Illuminati. Most intelligence agencies are as well, including the CIA, KGB ("FSB"), Mossad, etc.

In reality, there is not much truth to the idea of independent government in Europe or America anymore. These governments were always mafia/Illuminati controlled, but now it is far more centralised than before. Once, we had Hapsburg Illuminati infighting with Rothschild Illuminati. Now there is far more cooperation among the Illuminati because they know that the NWO is growing near.

The European Union is not as wonderful a thing as some uninformed people think it is. The United Nations is actually a very maniacal organisation geared at creating global government with totalitarian control. In working toward this ´dream´ of theirs, they have, among other things, distributed the AIDS virus to Africans as a means of depopulating the Black race, conquered over 90% of United States land through illegal action, murdered a team of their own scientists who were headed for a conference in Geneva regarding the AIDS virus/genocide affair, and had Kurt Waldheim, former Nazi SS soldier, as its Secretary General.


In terms of the Draco, they are a Reptilian race originating in the Draco star system. They were the first colonists of the planet Earth. Earth was originally a totally marine environment, with shallow marshes and seas being the closest thing to land. The Draco then decided to make it part of their strategy to use this solar system as an entry point into the rest of the galaxy--a strategic place for a military base.

Therefore, they terra-formed Earth, creating a very large continent in what is now the Pacific, commonly known as Lemuria. This Reptilian civilisation developed quite a bit until the Atlans, a human group, invaded the Earth and created their own continent, which is now known as Atlantis. There is a lot of history to this, but eventually the two groups came to a treaty (after the destruction of both of their continents), and modern Earth-humans were created as a hybrid species between them, with the DNA of other alien groups and certain animals as well.

At the moment, the Draco have quite a grip on about 90% of this planet, even controlling most aspects of Earth-human civilisation through complete domination of all major intelligence agencies, governments and mafias.


You will notice that an Amazonian shaman who is aware of Oneness and aware of his/her connection with the Earth would probably never go along with the New World Order, whereas a blonde-haired mall-going American is extremely likely to accept such a thing, both because of genetics and cultural upbringing.

It is possible because the Reptilians do exist, and are the most populous alien race inhabiting this planet at the moment. In their eyes, they own the Earth, as they were the first high-tech civilisation to colonise it circa 1 million years ago.

This is why reptiles and dinosaurs show up in the earlier paleontological record. Birds are a warm-blooded species that adapted to the mammalian energies of the Atlantean humanoids (Lyraens), who came later (circa 400,000 years ago).

Mainstream science´s view of paleontology is incorrect. Dinosaur footprints have been found with human footprints nearby, or even inside of them. Clearly the two species coincided.

Dinosaurs actually evolved on the Draco homeworld, and are the cattle and wild animals of the Draco, along with most reptiles (some were also brought by the Abbennakki). Mammals also originate off-world--mostly from the constellation Lyrae before civilisation there was destroyed during the Draco invasion, after which the Lyraens were forced to escape to the Pleiades, Arcturus, Aldebaran, Earth, etc.

Yes, the Reptilians have set in motion the Illuminati mafias as a means of manipulating this planet. An accurate source of information on the matter would be Stewart Swerdlow www.stewartswerdlow.com

Though I do not necessarily agree with everything that he says, for the most part he is an excellent source of information. I can confirm much of this from personal experience.

Princess Diana as a New World Religious Figure

Princess Diana was ritually sacrificed. Her programming was starting to break down, as was expected and planned.

She stopped hiding what she knew about the Reptilians, and yes, contacted Credo Mutwa as well as her psychic healer, "Christine Fitzgerald", who has since been threatened for revealing this information.

After her ritual sacrifice, she has become a religious icon of the New Age. This is all leading up to her future status as a saint of the New World Religion. This is really an excuse to bring back worship of the Goddess Diana.

Similarly, Ronald Reagan was ritually sacrificed, and his funeral service signified the death of America as we know it, heralding in the New World Order.

America will soon crumble economically and politically. The United Nations wil be called into "Restore Order". The United States will then be divided into two districts, Eastern and Western. The Eastern district will be Atlanta. The Western District will be Denver.

This is all planned to occur some time within the next 15 or so years--perhaps sooner. All depends upon what the Illuminati see as the appropriate times to initiate such events.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

"Big-foots" are a type of nephilim. And more sightings will of them will occur as we near the ending of the age.

After the Grigori bred with humans they moved on to animals including gorillas and monkeys, the result was 8-15 feet tall humanoid like big foots with great strength but little intelligence.

Most of the the animal-Grigori hybrids were destroyed in the great flood, and the Grigori were imprisoned in the boughs of the earth. However they were released around the 1900's and they are at it again.

Also the souls of the nephilim were released and they are mixing in with the vessel of choice to get bodies.

While "big-foots" are interesting, keep in mind they are the result of spiritual uncleanness and toward the end of the age the kingdom of darkness will change the laws encourage women and especially young girls to have sex with them.

Em18966 #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The Hybrid Theory, Autism and Human Disconnect...

One of the most prevalent theories about alien interference with humanity is that they are using us for some kind of breeding/hybridization program. Abductees constantly report having their reproductive organs messed with, females even often report missing pregnancies, where embryos and fetuses simply disappear from the womb - or pregnancies that seemingly appear out of nowhere.

This has been going on for at least decades - possibly much longer, considering the origins of Christianity and other ancient belief systems.

Now, we've all heard the stories about human infants and children needing love and attention from human parents or caregivers to thrive or even survive. You know, the stories about orphan infants failing to thrive or even dying when all of their physical needs are met but they are never held/cuddled/loved on

We also are all aware of the recent huge spike in autism cases. Some believe that this condition is triggered by vaccines - and it may very well be- or it could be that it simply becomes apparent/is genetically triggered at a certain age, between 2-3 years old - a point where most parents of autistic kids notice the profound personalty change and also a point when kids are getting a ton of vaccines - actually for most kids this is their last full set (Utah had a huge media blitz one year - "Immunize by 2, it's up to you!) - aside from the routine boosters.

Additionally, most abductees report that the aliens/Greys are not inherently harmful or cruel, but rather they are indifferent and seem to lack basic human emotional capacity.

Now, what are the symptoms of Aspergers/Autism?

"The severity of symptoms varies greatly, but all people with autism have some core symptoms in the areas of:

Social interactions and relationships. Symptoms may include:
Significant problems developing nonverbal communication skills, such as eye-to-eye gazing, facial expressions, and body posture.
Failure to establish friendships with children the same age.
Lack of interest in sharing enjoyment, interests, or achievements with other people.
Lack of empathy. People with autism may have difficulty understanding another person's feelings, such as pain or sorrow."

[link to www.webmd.com]

People diagnosed with autism also seem to often profoundly lack the ability to communicate verbally, yet they are often very astute and intuitive when they do speak, as if their 'disorder' heightens the other senses - many people who consider themselves empaths or sensitives fall into the aspergers end of the spectrum.

Greys/aliens are almost always described as communicating non-verbally.

So my question is "Could this huge uptick in autism be directly related to hybridization?"

Even if the symptoms are triggered by shots, who can say if that's not by design? These children are going to need enough desire for human contact to be nursed/cared for in their infancy - they can become more averse to the direct interaction with fewer developmental impacts when they are eating solid foods and mobile.

Because if a concerted group of ET's/non-humans are directly meddling with humanity, they are doing so with the blessing/knowledge of TPTB - and who knows WTF is REALLY in vaccines.

IBuildUFOs #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Hi to those of you here on godlikeproductions,



We are proud to announce that we are revealing a new type of energy source that we are calling "Self Energy Contained Turbines™ that are based on being the closest source to the energy known as the fusion energy technology. Understanding the fusion technology is very simple because it is based on an a scientific technology that is able to produces more energy then what it is capable of intake. In other word, we are dealing with the discovery of an energy source that produces more energy then what it is require to function. With the use of this energy it is going to be possible to produce massive amounts of inexpensive electricity to all of the humans in need around the world.

With the self energy contained turbines it is going to be possible to produce electricity any where in the world much more less expensive than any other source that is available today. With this new energy discovery it is going to be possible to provide electricity in any type of location where electricity might be needed.

Before we continue with more explanations of some of the great potential that this newly discovery energy is capable of providing, we would like for you to take a moment and view the video that we are providing so you are able to see the self energy contained turbine technology in action form.

To better understand how this new type of turbine system could help the human race throughout the world, let us point out the three main sources of electrical power that we have in the world today. One of the three main sources towards the production of electricity is the damming of a river and to use the accumulated water in the reservoir to make it flow downwards so the flowing water could in return spin the turbines that produce electricity, another system is electrical companies of which they burn either trash or coal, or other materials to heat water that is then turned into steam so the steam could spin the turbines that produce electricity, another source is nuclear power plants that use highly charged uranium rods that also heat water to produce the necessary steam that spin the turbines that produce electricity.

These types of electrical producing sources that were mentioned are by far very expensive in the sense of not just the cost of building them, but they are also expensive to maintain their production and in some cases these types of other electricity produces sources are also known to be very dangerous to the human race through environmental pollution capabilities.

The "self energy contained turbines™ " are not only going to be a very economical electricity producing source over any other system that is available because they are not going to require a single drop of water in the electricity production as other sources do, but the turbines are not going to need the massive and expensive grit that is involved with the other electricity producer sources and this in return will allow the production of electricity to be very affordable and could be placed anywhere in the world.

The "self energy contained turbines™ " are going to benefit humanity over any other source because it does not require a single drop of water towards its electrical production, nor the very expensive grit and this would mean that the turbines could be set up anywhere in the planet including the smallest of rural towns. For example: small towns that may be located in deserts, jungles and even in small towns located in mountain forests, and so forth and that could have a very small human population.

We envision how our self energy contained turbines are going to be able to benefit small towns of Africa and other pore third world countries where they are going to be able to have a turbine producing their electrical needs. We envision how all of the pore people of the world that live in small far away towns are going to be able to have an electrical source and how this could improve their living conditions.

We this newly discovered method it should be possible to build and spin turbines that are going to be equal in size or bigger than the ones that are used to day by other facilities. We also envision how our turbines could be used to produce electricity on other planets when and if the time were to come where humans are able to produce long term other planet explorations.
There is no doubt in our minds that these types of self energy contained turbines are going to be beneficial to the human race on many other forms that we have not yet though of.



The main reason of how we made the turbine discovery was do to the interest that we had towards researching the invisible energy that we know of as gravity. Our extensive gravity research opened the doors towards the discovery of the self energy contained turbines because we were able to reach the point where it allowed us to be able to simulate or duplicate the energy produced by gravity. Once we were able to make this amazing discovery on how to simulated the mechanical working of gravity it did not take long before we were then able to use this gravity mechanics towards the use on how to spin turbines that could be used as an energy source.

In other words, our discovery on how it could be possible to spine any type of turbine technology is based on the ability to simulate of duplicate the very same invisible gravity energy that not only makes this planet spin, but also the very same invisible energy that spins solar systems, galaxies, the universe and beyond. So technically, we are in essence spinning our turbines with the same invisible energy that is also spinning this planet.

We would also like to mention that we are in need of financial assistance to be able to make the dream of helping pore people throughout the world with an electrical source of an investor(s) or angel(s). At this point we have an electrical engineer ready to take on the challenge towards the creation of a much larger self energy contained turbine that will finally reveal what the racial of energy intake and the production of electricity the turbines are going to be capable of producing.

With the creation of a much larger turbine, and the racial of electricity production we will then be able to calculate the amount of electricity that would be needed according to the project that we might have in hand. We are curtain that the cost of much larger turbines are going to cost a very minimum amount of capital and the return should be of great profit. With your help we would be able to provide an electricity source to all of the small town within the world that might have such small populations as just a few hundred people through this economical system that they would be able to offered and maintain.

For those of you that might be interested in our offer or if you were to need more information, please contact us at:

[e-mail address removed]


When it comes to the simulated or the duplication of the energy of gravity, it is not only beneficial when it comes to making a turbine spin, but we quickly also notice that the simulated gravity energy source could also be applied in the science of aviation towards the creation of several different types of flying machine discoveries that are still unknown within the aviation science of man kind that should, in return, open the doors towards an aviation revolution that could potentially benefit the lives of all people within the planet.

We are revealing a brief video of some of what we have to offer so you could see the future of aviation.

Our aviation mission has reached the point where we are able to reveal nothing less then an affordable and practical flying craft that should allow people to fly to their destination instead of driving on the time consuming ground roads. We are claiming the discovery of an aviation concept that should finally be able to bring flying cars to humanity and that they should even be less expensive than some of the new cars that are produce today.

Our flying car design is so different and unique and with such scientific aviation breakthroughs that it carries new technologies that could allow it to be used as a car type transportation machine that could be driven on the ground and it could also be used as a helicopter type system and also as an airplane type of device.

The creation of a flying car could be of great significant towards the improvement of human life because it could open the doors on how people could be more productive if they were to fly in the air instead of driving on the roads when reaching their destinations. If people were to fly they would be able to take a strait rout towards their location instead of taking the long ground routs with the so many delays of lights and traffic and this flying possibility will also be able to save time, energy and money. The amazing anti-gravity breakthrough that will allow for this to happen was based on how I was able to stabilize the use of your basic airplane gas motor propeller system so it could then be able to use with this type of aviation concept.

The gas motor system that we referring to is basically the use of the front end that are used on basic propeller driven air planes. If any one were to try to experiment with this type of basic gas motor airplane propeller system it would be very apparent that it is very difficult to find control once it is in working action because it tens to go to any one and all directions without any type of stability or control.

In fact, the ability to control this out of control actions when using the basic gas motor propeller system in running action is the main reason of why we able to produce the so many different types of anti-gravity spaceships that are still unknown to the aviation science of man kind because no one in the history of aviation has ever done this type of work either in the past or in the present.

The ability to control the gas motor propeller system by the use of a simulated gravity energy source is going to allow us to manufacture the production of more practical and affordable flying machines over not just other type of flying crafts, but it should also provide competition to even car manufactures because, at the end, it is going to be cheaper to buy our flying machines over the price of some types of new cars that are produced today.

At this point, the best transportation method in the planet that is capable of quickly taking you from point A to point B is the helicopter and it actually is the only aviation technology that is capable of providing any type of competition to the vehicle and the only reason it is not being used as much as a car is because they are expensive and complicated enough where not just anyone person is able to pilot them.

On the other hand, my flying machines are going to be serious competition to not just the helicopter market, but also to car manufactures because the flying car is going to be able to be piloted by almost any one person in the sense where if they are able to drive a car on the ground, then chances are they too would be able to pilot the flying car because the flying car is going to have the easy ability to hover, go forward, and to go up and down without any effort of talent to make it do so.
In fact, based on the GPS systems of today, it would be possible to set in place on a computer your destination and the flying car machine should be able to take you to your destination without the need to do any or no flying at all.

When it comes to the flying car technology it is also going to be a very economical to produce in mass quantities because they would not only be simple to assemble, but also because they are going to require basic and inexpensive materials and this is, in return, should also produce a high ownership demand.

If you were to think of the idea of a flying machine that would be able to perform equal or better than a helicopter with the need of lesser talent to pilot the craft and taking in consideration of how less expensive it would be than some vehicles that are out in the market of today, we think that it would be possible to get the attention from that of any military agency.

Think of the idea of which anyone soldier would be able to have the potential talent to learn how to pilot a flying machine while doing their work. A machine such as this would allow the triumphant of any military in action. So any type of military contract would not only be of great profit, but it would also be a great support to this nation. I could envision how my flying cars could not only make the work of anyone soldier easier, but also safer than any other type of ground transportation system within todays market.

We would also like to mention that we seek either an investor(s) or an angel(s) to make the flying car dream come true and this is why we are pointing out that we would be able to produce this type of amazing flying car concept with the use of left over aviation parts from that of an airplane junk yard and this would also show how very inexpensive and easy to make. Based on this information, it would mean that your investment will be to a minimum and the results could be of great financial benefit.


We are revealing these next two videos so you are able to see that we have a great potential knowledge in the science of aviation.This next video consist of our very first aviation spaceship experiments but they did not performed as planed. In other word, they are our bloopers of aviation and we want you to also see that we have nothing to hid and that we do not mind releasing a video like this.

Please keep in mind that all of our anti-gravity flying spaceships are all hand made. We designed them, bought the material to build them, and they were also tested by us and we did not buy any types of kits towards the creation of anyone spaceship. We are also revealing these videos to show that our work was not easy to produce and that there were a plenty of mistakes that took place before we were able to reach our anti-gravity aviation potential. Enjoy.

This next video is also based on our very first anti-gravity experiments but they performed a little better than the one from the above video. Again, enjoy.

Our financial needs has also given us the idea of making a reality show based on our anti-gravity aviation technology and then use the profits to make much larger man size spaceships so our work could continue in a much larger format. The idea is to seek a network that might want to produce a reality show where the concept of the show would be for their cameras to be right there filming the crew as we design, build and test several different types of flying spaceships that would be unknown in the aviation history of man kind and at the end of the first series the recently built spaceships would be revealed in a large stadium size event where they would be flow in front of thousands of spectators.

We have the believe that our aviation science is so one of a kind where there should be plenty of people with the interest potential towards wanting to know more about our flying spaceship work that we have to offer and this should, in return allow us to produce large stadium size events through out the world in every country where the stadiums should be filled to capacity.

JenJen #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Could Hercolubus, The Red Planet be what Jade Helm is for?

Yes, this is just a theory, but we are not going to war with any country anytime soon. Saber Rattling is what is going on, but nothing will come of it.

I was shown by an Angel of the Lord a couple of months ago, of a Red Planet sitting between the Moon and the Earth. The Angel took me in a Vision up high into the sky, and pointed very sternly at the Red Planet.

Experts are now saying that Hercolubus does exist, and will pass by Earth sometime between 2014-2015.

As Hercolubus comes closer to Earth, we will see more INTENSE Earthquakes and Volcano Eruptions and many other signs.

Now, this is just a theory on why Jade Helm is prepping, I might be right, I might be wrong. We will just have to wait and see.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Satellite Hoax - Satellites Do Not Exist!

Satellites are purely science-fiction. All supposed images of satellites in orbit show fake CGI "satellites" orbiting a fake CGI "ball-Earth." First conceived by Freemason science-fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke in 1945, they claim satellites became science-fact soon after. This is impossible for many reasons outlined in the following video, however, including the fact the melting points of the metals used in satellites are far lower than the temperature in the "thermosphere" where satellites supposedly are. Satellites, space stations, the Hubble telescope and space travel in general are absolutely the biggest hoaxes of the century, and NASA the most successful propaganda organization in history.

Whatisallabout #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

(THE DOPPELGÄNGER CONSPIRACY: Are some celebrities and powerful ppl clones of ancient people??)

Mummification was early cloning procedure, almost as if the mummies were supposed to last until they could be discovered. Once found they can be cloned, you can clone something from just a hair. I would think that some celebrities/powerful people are clones, but not all of them, some of them are just energy vampires.

I have a bit of a theory on more of this, which doesn't include physical aliens from another planet - rather interdimensional entities which take the appearance of the mainstream idea of an alien because their servants are here giving us these ideas about them.

SylverTyger #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

CERN Interdimensional Gateway Opening Fifth Dimension Portal

As many of you have felt, something really strange is occurring now. You have sensed the "doom" encroaching upon this Earth for many years... but the Evil Cabal in control of everything, and I mean everything has managed to bring their ancient plans to fruition and construct an interdimensional gateway, under the guise of science and the CERN Large Hadron Collider.

THE LHC is now operational again and is ramping up energy to achieve a collision at 13 TeV, (that is thirteen trillion electron volts). It is no coincidence that 13 is the key number.

Here is a link to the CERN Control Panels:

[link to meltronx.com]

You can watch in real time as the Machine is preparing for the big event. It is in the process of building energy, and you can see that there are energy spikes occuring as they ramp up the beam.

These spikes always result in an EQ nearly exactly afterwards:

[link to earthquake.usgs.gov] zoom out from US to see whole world.

here you can see the wind and temp patterns on the "misery" index:

[link to earth.nullschool.net]

Volcanoes can be monitored here:

[link to earthquakes.volcanodiscovery.com]

I have not yet observed coinciding sun changes but that can be monitored here:

[link to sohowww.nascom.nasa.gov]

For comprehensive gloabal incidents delayed 24-48 hrs including disease outbreaks and amber alerts:

[link to www.globalincidentmap.com]

To see real time attacks on the internet: [link to map.norsecorp.com]

Monitor this stock:

OTCMKTS:CURN - just type that into google.

More information to follow. The rift to the fifth commences.


As the portal opens both the light and the dark will receive an influx of energy.

Those who are of the light will suddenly see their true face - and their latent power will be accessible.

Those of the dark will also gain power.

Look within. The fifth is indigo, your DNA holds the key to the unfolding evolution. You are the creator and the created.

Do not fear what is to come. Safety exists on the 30th parallel, 153E


Lying dormant in your DNA are codes to interact with fifth dimensional energies. These codes have been blocked for many centuries... All your stories of people with "superpowers" point to the resultant activation of these codes.

Look within. Go deep into your cellular structure and learn (quickly - you have not much time) to feel your unique code, and feel it evolving, guide this evolution with your intention and your deepest ancient knowing... all life's knowledge lies within your DNA.

The dark knows all this.. the knowledge has been hidden by irrelevant religious dogma...

They know that the activation of the portal will allow the light to access their powers also... but unlike them the light is unprepared... however that means their power is hidden, ready for an ambush.

The world is set to pop. Stay calm, seek peace, and follow your intuition. They seek to access Shivas power. Shakti will save. The AEON is the only power worth seeking, balance of light and dark.


Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com


Reptilians can hear your thoughts, and see your visual thoughts also!

When you are around reptilians think anti evil thoughts to get reactions from them!!

For example think that evil and reptilians are worthless scum, that evil is worthless sh*t, and think about how evil will be completely destroyed!(since it will).

Reptilians basically always have noticeable neck creases! They are usually big and deep, and they usually have 3 or more!

Here are picture of that so you know what to look for in public!


When reptilians turn their heads to the side commonly a whole bunch of creases and FOLDS OF SKIN appear!

For example Megan Fox.


Dease #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Pope Francis Will Visit White House September 23 - Will Become Leader Of One World Government

Yes, that's right. Pope Francis will be visiting D.C., and meeting with President Obama September 23,2015. This will be only days after Project Jade Helm is completed (September 15).

For those of you who don't know, Jade Helm is a military exercise in Texas in which they are practicing detaining civilians, and implementing martial law. Actors pose in civilian clothes, and "resist" the government, as they are led away into unmarked white vans.

Several Wal-Marts in the areas of Jade Helm have suddenly been shut down due to "plumbing issues". These Wal-Marts have been surrounded with police, military trucks, and UN trucks (Yes, you heard that right).

The pharmacies have remained open, and one brave insider managed to get photographs and footage of one of the shut down stores. The shelves have been gutted, and barbed wire has been placed all around the roof. Isn't that what all businesses do when they have plumbing issues?

I was not attempting to get off track, but wanted to make sure everyone knew what Jade Helm was. Jade Helm will be lasting two months (July 15 - September 15). So basically, Pope Francis will be meeting in DC with Obama and Congress eight days later.

Some people claim Jade Helm is NOT a drill. The more I learn, the most I am considering this possibility. This just might be the real deal.

I have seen several commentators claiming that Pope Francis has a "message for America", that it will be "memorable" , etc. I can't help but wonder just how memorable it will be.

If Jade Helm is the real deal (and not a false flag), and some catastrophe brings the public to its knees so that they're begging for martial law, wouldn't this be the perfect time for Pope Francis, and Obama to sign the one world government into order?

So, what catastrophe might cause the public to actually want martial law, and accept Pope Francis' role as the leader of the one world government? Extraterrestrials would be my guess. The Vatican has made several statements as of late suggesting or hinting at alien life. Maybe they've been preparing for this. I feel like the threat of aliens invading Earth would create both the right levels of fear and global unification to support this theory.

Also, this will be right around the time of the fourth blood moon, which is sign of the last days. God uses the heavens to communicate with us, and four blood moons in a row is a sign. If you look back in biblical history, four blood moons have always correlated with something significant happening. Not to mention , the 23rd is a Jewish holiday, another sign from God. Research all of this for more info.

It seems quite likely that America will not be recognizable this Fall. We may be under martial law, and/or the new one world government. We may be enduring a bloody civil war. Be ready. Know Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Jade Helm preparation for false flag, and ensuing massive draft of all males 18-65

they ain't looking to round you up for concentration camps fools, something even better.

you will get to go murder other white people in Eastern Europe for the jews, well you will do that or be killed.

Most of you are so evil and stupid you will probably do it with minimal coaxing and seduction and stupid lies.

All they gotta do is tell you Russia is Satan and hates baby Jesus you will probably volunteer.

Tell the homos Russia hates queers they are all on board.

Tell the women Russia makes women mop floors.

same old shit, lying fags and jews and their concentration camp guards will keep you all in line.

Americans had lots of guns during Vietnam war, they never shot anyone trying to come carry their children off to war cuz they thought it was glorious to be drafted into a stupid war and go kill people for freedom though.

how many parents of children protested, why was it only young people protesting? cuz they thought they wouldn't get drafted, lol.

not the case this time, you old fucks gotta go too. You're gonna be a burden in a few years, social security baggage.

TheOracle'sCookie #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The "Blue Bell Ice Cream Trucks" are Re-painted Functioning Emergency Ambulances?

Blue Bell trucks in a military convoy

There are all kinds of threads on the J.H. Exercises.
But this new little "tidbit" about Blue Bell Ice Cream
Trucks being seen in military convoys has received
some "buzz" on the internet. Not sure if anyone has
come up with this theory or not...but it is worth a

My first thought is that the whole "Jade Helm Exercise"
is a cover-story by the military to avoid public panic.
...SOMETHING really bad is coming and they KNOW IT!

IMO there is some kind of a natural or un-natural 'event'
about to take place which they have a "heads-up" about.
They know that this is to be a very major "event" with
damage and many casualties (victims.)....THIS is an
effort to position emergency troops, equipment and
ICE CREAM TRUCKS where they can be easily available.


Look at the SHAPE of the "ice cream trucks." If you just
change the paint job...you would have the EXACT SAME

American Ambulance
Screen-shot of Blue Bell Ice Cream

It would be much easier to just RE-PAINT an already
functioning ambulance (with some "friendly image" like
ice cream to AVOID the public panic of seeing a dozen
RED AMBULANCES in the same convoy as military vehicles)
...than to take out all the medical equipment OUT of
an ambulance which you would need and put it
in another military vehicle. So...that's my "take!"

The "Blue Bell" ice cream trucks are fully equipped
and functioning ambulances, ready to be used during
a horrific emergency. Also...the "ice cream trucks"
that ARE REAL ICE CREAM TRUCKS are refrigerated units
capable to transporting victims who have "passed away"
out of an area where they don't want anyone seeing
victims (for whatever reason THAT would be...who knows?)

Helpful #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The secret MEANING of Lake Mead's shrink and rise...

I know to those driven by logic, this will make little sense. However, those outside the box will understand that there is no such thing as coincidence.

Several years ago I came across a "secret code". It's called the Strong's Concordance. The Strong's Concordance are numbers assigned to each word in the Bible, both in Greek and Hebrew. I began using numbers in the news (like the missing plane 370 which means WHERE? in Hebrew) to "decode" a message in every newsworthy occurrence.

Here is what happened at Lake Mead.

See water loss/gain here: [link to lakemead.water-data.com]

The water went down by -1.65. 165 in Greek Strong's means "Aion" or AGE. 165 in Hebrew means "Where will be".

Then it went down -6.38. 638 in Greek it is "drowning" and in Hebrew it is "also".

Then it came up 8.73. 873 in Greek means separating/making boundaries and 873 in Hebrew is "evil".

The message is: "Age where will be drowning and also boundaries made separating evil."

Now that you have read the sentence, check out this artwork featured at Hoover dam, the water bearer coming out of the water and separating the wheat and tares through a boundary of water. To really understand this one would ideally have an understanding for Dagon, John (the water barer), age of Aquarius, Ninevah, etc.

[link to www.pinterest.com (secure)]

In addition, the water amounts from May 22nd to the 24th make perfect sentences as well.

1007.48 in Greek = Birth to purify. There have been lots of videos on YouTube about Hoover Dam and the "Birth" of the New Age. I myself do not subscribe to any of the fear-mongering, I am simply an observer who accumulates the collective hive-mind information to make a "map" or "grid" out of what I observe. Some people love this guy, others hate him, but ignore what his "spin" is long enough to see how the Dam is related to a birth:

[link to www.youtube.com (secure)]

The next water level is recorded at 1075.13: Greek and Hebrew= Genealogy of the firstborn will become destruction.

Here is a link to the first word "aion" so you can conduct your own study using this Strong's Code. You can even do your birthday, house address etc.

[link to biblehub.com]

TIPS: When decoding numbers, a decimal always represents a new word. The number 200.60 would be 200 in Hebrew and Greek and then 60 in Hebrew and Greek, giving you 4 words. When I decode, I use both the Hebrew and Greek, but you can use only one or the other.

I hope this makes sense to someone. I've been dying to share this info but not many seem to "get it".

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Ufology and Science


The essence of science is to analyze the data and observations. Why do scientists not do it? Because they are afraid of ridicule, and for their careers. Why? Because it is a field of investigation that the secret services have made theirs, while conducting massive smear campaigns to discourage scientists to care. Again, the snake biting its tail!

Yet this is the cross-analysis of the data that allows a synthesized image of faculties and characteristics of UFOs and aliens. By listing all these features through a composite sketch we can establish what are genuine ships, and genuine aliens, and deduce that the physical laws, as accepted today, are incomplete, because these features must be scientifically explained!

In doing so, we seek ways, responses beyond (not outside) the classic patterns of science. In doing so, it necessarily puts into question the theories to have a broader picture of the reality.

This is exactly what the Fractal Time does.

What secret services want is ufologists confined to mere collectors of catalogs of observations, that many people suggest them to be precisely! What should you expect after these catalogs of detailed observations are full like an egg? Simply continue until exhaustion?

This is exactly what happens to ufology!

The ships and aliens to be studied are exempt from public view to avoid panic. The system is more important than the truth.

Many people believe that time and space are an illusion while this may be the exact opposite: the matter is an illusion, and we just observe expressions of different space-times that cross each other.

General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics begin defaulting each other. That is why it must be changed. We face deceits in mathematical expressions of the models.

It is not that some equations must be changed, it is a new epistemologically point of view that must be observed. The equations are only expressions of the representation of ideas that experiments and observations approve (or not) partially or completely. Since science can not explain paranormal phenomena among which is the bizarre behavior of UFOs , then science is incomplete.

The vision, often prevalent among ufologists, according to which the ETs who would come to us to change our scientific point of view, is truly delusional, especially anthropocentric. When they come it will not be to upset our scientific knowledge, since they are already doing it for thousands of years, especially since the nuclear age, through the inspiration.

When they come it will be to upset the whole civilization and destroy it for the Elect can settle on the earth in the New Jerusalem. There will be no technical progress or scientific debate on new equations to write. It’s too late, thanks to people like the majority of scientists who put the head in the sand and did not recognize their presence while there was still time.

What this blog is doing, is to give inputs that can satisfy intellectual curiosity of everyone. But it is mainly to raise awareness of the very short time available before the rescue of the Elect who have so little time to become one. When Jesus comes for the rapture it will be too late. So there is no question, when Jesus will come, to change the minds of some people.

Besides, it’s probably the opposite that will happen. Christ will be booed and will be taken as an alien invader by some people for not having read the Apocalypse and some passages of the Bible. Remember what happened to him 2,000 years ago, while he was Son of God!

The ETs have nothing to tell us or show us right now. They have done it since thousands of years. And even through the ‘Do You Wish That We Show Up‘ world referendum. But we took them for ‘angels’ and ‘God’. They have continued to do miracles, and stand in the sky continuously.

They have not stopped to alert and prevent. But we have not stopped taking their messengers as mere nuts. Since society has to be changed, they will not come and give evidence to the skeptics to destroy them next. The Secret Services, they know things. But you have to see or know who they work for —

Science is broad and undefined. There is just scientists who are making science since many do not agree from each other. In science, there are those who admit and those who do not confess, or greatly minimize mysteries and puzzles speaking up when it comes to claim certainties, ignoring the assumptions sometimes untenable, that these claims hide.

The history of science has shown that no theory is ever complete. Everyone contributes more or less critically. But what matters is to instill to a scientific community a new perspective.

A secret is no longer measured as the number of people who share it. To share it must be seen, read or heard. In the mass of information available on the Net, how will you know whether information is secret or not? You can have 1,000 people who know for 7 billion who do not know. So secret is relative. The Anglo-Saxons have a very eloquent expression: a cover up in plain sight!

That’s what this blog is!

Many want evidence. More evidence. But, for example, UFO pictures are blurred DUE TO the technology used in the ETs vessels. They are surrounded by a temporal field that makes them look like a fast moving object. There is also clearer photos. But do not expect that the ETs offer a vessel to study it. They will not shoot themselves in the foot either. They do not seek to satisfy our curiosity, but to fulfill God’s plan.

Therefore, in terms of ufology, it is recommended to know the techniques of the anti-UFO propaganda which will deny the precautions and advices that this blog brings about the End Times, in particular the Rescue of the Great Multitude in white robes.

Here is an excellent summary of the means used to bring us into the ranks — to destroy us when the time comes:

Gargle with abstract theoretical arguments to avoid considering the facts.

Make believe that the scientific world is opposed to beliefs.

Use the prestige of an authority to distort the truth.

Despise the evidence that is presented in underestimating it.

Reduce the unknown from the known to the price of denial of a significant part of a fact.

Indicate that common sense is the best advisor. What is historically false.

Use and abuse the principle of parsimony or Occam’s razor, of ignoring scientific proven contradictions.

Say that the evidence, even very numerous, are irrelevant while scientific experiments are either testimonials.

Say that the truth is in existent phenomena while it is scientifically impossible to prove the non-existence of a thing.

Make systematic amalgams between doubtful cases and others that are not.

Ask questions based on unfounded truths and from simplistic beliefs.

Attack the entourage of a proponent of the paranormal if he is unassailable.

Attack a person instead of responding to the relevance of its arguments.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Re: BREAKING: John Nash - immortalised in Beautiful Mind Movie Dies in Crash

We live in a planet controlled by Archons and manipulative aliens, where millions of people are abducted, tortured, microchiped and memory-wiped, many since childhood, even in dreams and out-of-the-body events. Where mind-control religions, secret societies, occultists, gate-keepers and necromancers keep a permanent open door between our 3D dimension and other planes where astral parasites and interdimensional vampires can possess and torment people as they please.

"Schizophrenia" and all the other psychiatrist terms are made up by image doctors, in order to make people believe that there's something wrong with them, not with this world.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Re: BREAKING: John Nash - immortalised in Beautiful Mind Movie Dies in Crash

Schizophrenics = illuminati, just without the respect. His only sin was talking about what he experienced instead of covering it up like many people do.

You know it was those scientologists, not the jews. Nash was probably on psych meds, and now they'll blame the psych meds for his problems.

Go forward 20 years they'll find out the time loop of causality. Time travelers went back in time to try to beam their images into his brain and his hallucinations were actually a quantum holographic chip. Maybe it was a descendant of a nemesis in college.

I find it disturbing that so many normal/average people cannot refrain from using his diagnosis to relate to his ability to live. He was a mathematics person, not a schizophrenic, in daily life; he was a schizophrenic at the hospital. Try to remember that.

Oh and his wife was in the accident too, but the psych-wall prevails in the news.

arctourist #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

chemtrails are not even disputed!

the only questions are,what's in them,and why!
well,there are many other sensible questions,okay-still,the reality
of the program,the operation,up there cannot be denied!
and i know,most of you know this already
none of us are immune from or untouched by these poisons
and unknown substances
why,did you know,there has been found human blood in some samples- even diseased blood!
-it's obvious that they mean us harm-whoever's behind this ongoing operation,which for well over a decade and a half,i have been talking about,and pointing out to people,
now,let the deniers make themselves known,and shown for what they are--either liars or fools!
sorry! there is no other possibility!

Mr Max Ratt #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Duck Dynasty Star Phil Robertson is really Hollywood Legend Gene Hackman playing a role NO JOKE!!

Phil Robertson is not an ignorant hick. He is Hollywood Acting Legend Gene Hackman playing a divisive role as a bible thumping, right leaning, duck call manufacturing, wealthy swamp dweller with an intolerance for gay ppl and so called liberals. And the TV Worshiping Moronic American Public just gobbles down this ridiculous story whole! The Brain Dead American Sheeple don't even bother to chew their Propaganda anymore. They just swallow this nonsense whole!

The Discoverer #fundie godlikeproductions.com

666: Fuhrer(6 letters) Adolph(6) Hitler(6) was reincarnated as George(6) Walker(6) Bush Jr.(6)

Fuhrer(6 letters) Adolph(6) Hitler(6) was reincarnated as George(6) Walker(6) Bush Jr.(6). Hitler committed suicide on April 30, 1945 along with his wife of one day Ava Braun. Bush Jr. was born on July 6, 1946.

Ronald(6) Wilson(6) Reagan(6) was the "1st Beast"/Antichrist. Bush Jr. was/is the "2nd Beast"/Antichrist. United(6) States(6) Dollar(6) is the "666 mark of the Beast". Google all that.

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

[In response to same-sex marriage being approved of in Ireland]

Dublin carried it for the homos.

No secret that the cities are where the
greatest number of sinners are. Banks,
Corporations, and Politicians all were for it.
They pressure the country or state economically.
We've seen it in the US.

Regardless, understand that these Civil ceremonies
are not necessarily going to bring the wrath of God,
because God allows the tares to grow alongside the
wheat before the harvest. But be wary.

Pray for them, because if they die unrepentant and
not changing their ways, they will be condemned.

People do you realize if Jesus really DID raise from
the dead and do all the things Bible and Saints and
paranormal witnesses say He did, then our bodies are
going to be raised from death, our spirits will be
enjoined back to our bodies and every single man and
woman will see how they have defiled their body which
is a creation of God. When homosexuals sin with each
other in this terrible way, it is like doing the same
to Jesus Himself or to the Blessed Mother !!!!

They will be raised and judged and CRY CRY CRY
to hell with Satan and the demons !!!!!

Look at their faces, they know they are committing sin
but will not stop because they are possessed !!!!!

The Epistles and Letters of the New Testament are FILLED
with warnings about this exactly.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Cats are in fact surveillance devices for aliens

All through-out history the cat has been a merry companion to the human being, from Egyptian times to the modern era. Some might beg to ask the question however, are cats really just surveillance devices for aliens?

Strictly from an alien perspective, this biological living entity is perhaps one of the greatest to use in light of the stupidity of current humanity and its limited science.

theoretically speaking, the more advanced a species is - the less tangible evidence that it will leave of itself. For example at one point in the mid to late 20th century it's well documented that we (the human species) developed the ability to build a chip that can control human thought, but then in the late 70's we developed the ability to do this remotely, without a chip.

There were even the legends of the KGB psychic's who could also influence thought.

The point is that the more something gets advanced and developed, the more convenient we want to make it, right.

So in that understanding, we can see that cats are the perfect vehicle for an advanced alien technology to keep humanity under surveillance.

I guess a better question to ask is, did we choose cats or were cats merely woven into the tapestry of humanity by "the aliens".

This is an important question because it reveals clues about the identity of "the aliens".

In the first scenario (we chose cats): The aliens had observed what I term a "vulnerable variability" which is anything that can be used to exploit humanity, in the same way a virus enters a computer system. This clues into the intentions of the possible aliens species.

In the second scenario ("cats chose us"): We can take the former into this equation, however we must also consider the meaning of the cat species, and what "the aliens" were implying (by choosing the cat species).

This leads to many answers, far too many to be covered here. As fantastic as the possibilities may be, it's only a fantasy driven theory.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Operation jade helm is not about takeover ,but cover for nibiru preparedness

Once nibiru is visible, there will be mass panic. The reason why mil is being excersizing in border states is to allow refugees from central america to be dispersed to usa and canada which will not make it when the great event happens. There is a reason for the Chinese ghost cities, fema camps and 34 million green cards being issued by the govt.

For more info read the glp thread "incoming celestial object"

Thread: Incoming celestial object
Thread: Incoming celestial object (Page 76)

What is coming is both terrible and marvelous. All governments are fully aware and engaged. The "ghost" cities are located where they are for a purpose. They will be filled before the end. The Central Americans are being brought to North America to be saved.

Be prepared. The start will be a great earthquake in California. Move in and away from the seas when it happens.

Since November I have had the opportunity to converse with Zoramheahel and meet his father Nephiel. Nephiel relates that a promise was made by the Marvelous beings to the ancient inhabitants of Central America two millennia ago that their descendants would survive the coming event that is to impact the earth. Thus – the governments of the earth have agreed to bring them to the United States and disperse them throughout North America (including Canada). Fully one-third of the Earth’s population will not survive what is coming. The sixth and final cycle of mortal Adam upon the Earth is closing upon us.

You will not have much time -- less than a few hours -- to make it to safety once the great earthquake of California occurs. Be fueled, stocked, packed, and good to go if you live along the coasts -- any coasts.

Question: What happens when the earth stops rotating?
Answer: The equatorial bulge releases its water.

Question: What make the earth stop rotating?
Answer: The same event that causes the great California earthquake

Question: What is the event?
Answer: The Marvelous beings recapture the Moon and begin to return it to Mars.

Question: How does Ebola play into the events?
Answer: Those going to Mars have already migrated to their homes inside of the Moon.

Jason did not return from his mission. Location unknown.
Status unknown.

God speed.

The moon is being repositioned around Mars as this is how the Marvelous beings compensate for the entry into our solar system of a giant planet and mini solar system. This entry will push Mars closer to the Sun and pull the Earth away from the Sun. Mars will begin to team with the life that is dormant beneath the surface in vast underground oceans and the Earth will enter another ice age. Life will continue on Earth as it has in previous ice ages until the final event.

The final event will transform Earth and it's inhabitants into a new and eternal realm. This includes those who have previously lived on Earth.

Marvelous beings will be among us and assist the human family in meeting the coming event.

Greg B #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

It's all about Polarity.

Look at Genitalia. Males are external (Positive) and Women are internal (Negative)

One gives, one Takes.

Now match the polarity against the Sun and the Earth.

The Sun Gives, the Earth Takes.

Women are of the Earth, Men are of the Sun.

Men are Positive (Spiritual) Women are Earthly (Material)

When Mankind "Fell" (Eve eats fruit, convinces Adam) the polarity became reversed.

Man, who was positive, became negative.
Woman, who was negative, became Positive.

Therefore, in this dispensation, man obtains a return to Polarity Positive by seeking sex (Negative, Earthly Material act) with a Female. (A Man becomes a man again) or mathematically expressed - x - = + While for the Woman it's + x - = -

The Woman becomes negative again in the process.

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com


They can't control your thoughts but they can alter your body chemistry to manipulate your moods and emotions. Have you ever lacked the motivation to do something very important and your life was altered because of it? That was them. Have you ever been extremely upset about something minor which caused you to make a life changing decision? That's how they push you at the path they decided. Almost every time you've felt an unfamiliar or surprising emotion, it was them controlling you.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com


Velociraptors lived in caves to avoid the larger dinosaurs, just like how early man lived in caves. However, no wood hut could keep out a hungry T-rex, so unlike early man, the velociraptor continued to live in caves and dug deeper to expand them.

When the asteroid hit and wiped out the other dinosaurs, the velociraptor survived because by then they were living in massive underground cities.

After millions of years underground, their eyes adapated to permanent darkness and became sensitive to light. Shunning the day, their only time spent on the surface is at night. They are the real reason we fear the night and are the source of vampire stories and of stories of Hell being below ground.

Our number system is based on the number 10 because we have 10 fingers. 10 ---> 100 ---> 1000 etc.

So why are so many things based on the number 12? For example
1 Dozen = 12
12 Hours on a clock
12 Months a year
12 Dozen = 1 gross
360 Degrees = 12 X 30

The number 12 has been used in human culture for thousands of years. This obsession with 12 is something you'd expect from a creature with 12 fingers, not a creature with 10.

A creature with 3 fingers on each hand and 3 on each foot would also use 12 as a base (as 6 is too small for a base).

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Disney is a factory for creating MK-Ultra controlled slaves.

Sick thing is, their parents sell out their children to satantic programing for so cash.

Good catch on the freemasonic Black and white pin strip- jail bar suit on Robin Thicke as he stands behind a bent over Miley Cyrus.

This is a suit actually used by Mk-Ultra programmers, during programming sessions. And yes, the point of Mk-Ultra is to implant demons or demons into the host body which becomes the "alter personality".

Miley Cyrus is a victim , her father had to be part of the Luciferian bloodlines to sell his kid to Disney. Pray for her.

Walt Disney himself was a pedophile and a 33 degree freemason.

That's why, Walt Disney's Club 33, is a member-only restaurant.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

When Planet X is visible for the entire world to see martial law will have to already be in place

The reason Jade Helm 15 is occurring is because it’s a final dry run to deal with pending global catastrophes which could occur as soon as the spring of next year due to Planet X coming in.

As Planet X gets closer, it is supposed to have an effect on the Earth's crust, hence the increase in earthquakes, volcanoes, sinkholes, floods and the weather in general.

They must have martial law in place before Planet X is visible in the sky and before all the thousands of amateur astronomers begin to realize that the 'red dot' in the sky is getting bigger and bigger with each passing day and is in fact an exceptional celestial object.

All the extremely bizarre behavior of governments worldwide is in preparation for the re-arrival of this inbound brown dwarf star which will soon make ‘climate change‘ extremely apparent.

The significance of the closing of these large department stores coinciding with the large-scale Jade Helm and Maple Resolve operations is the fact that the military will use these stores as military distribution installations.

Icebear #fundie godlikeproductions.com

A proof or disproof is a kind of a transaction. There is no such thing as absolutely proving or disproving something; there is only such a thing as proving or disproving something to SOMEBODY'S satisfaction. If the party of the second part is too thick or too ideologically committed to some other way of viewing reality, then the best proof in the world will fall flat and fail.

In the case of evolution, what you have is a theory which has been repeatedly and overwhelmingly disproved over a period of many decades now via a number of independent lines reasoning and yet the adherents go on with it as if nothing had happened and, in fact, demand that the doctrine be taught in public schools at public expense and that no other theory of origins even ever be mentioned in public schools, and attempt to enforce all of that via political power plays and lawsuits.

At that point, it is clear enough that no disproof or combination of disproofs would ever suffice, that the doctrine is in fact unfalsifiable and that Carl popper's criteria for a pseudoscience is in fact met.

The educated lay person is not aware of how overwhelmingly evolution has been debunked over the last century.

The following is a minimal list of entire categories of evidence disproving evolution:

The decades-long experiments with fruit flies beginning in the early 1900s. Those tests were intended to demonstrate macroevolution; the failure of those tests was so unambiguous that a number of prominent scientists disavowed evolution at the time.

The discovery of the DNA/RNA info codes (information codes do not just sort of happen...)

The fact that the info code explained the failure of the fruit-fly experiments (the whole thing is driven by information and the only info there ever was in that picture was the info for a fruit fly...)

The discovery of bio-electrical machinery within 1-celled animals.

The question of irreducible complexity.

The Haldane Dilemma. That is, the gigantic spaces of time it would take to spread any genetic change through an entire herd of animals.

The increasingly massive evidence of a recent age for dinosaurs. This includes soft tissue being found in dinosaur remains, good radiocarbon dates for dinosaur remains (blind tests at the University of Georgia's dating lab), and native American petroglyphs clearly showing known dinosaur types.

The fact that the Haldane dilemma and the recent findings related to dinosaurs amount to a sort of a time sandwich (evolutionites need quadrillions of years and only have a few tens of thousands).

The dna analysis eliminating neanderthals and thus all other hominids as plausible human ancestors.

The total lack of intermediate fossils where the theory demands that the bulk of all fossils be clear intermediate types. "Punctuated Equilibria" in fact amounts to an attempt to get around both the Haldane dilemma and the lack of intermediate fossils, but has an entirely new set of overwhelming problems of its own...

The question of genetic entropy.

The obvious evidence of design in nature.

The arguments arising from pure probability and combinatoric considerations.

Here's what I mean when I use the term "combinatoric considerations"...

The best illustration of how stupid evolutionism really is involves trying to become some totally new animal with new organs, a new basic plan for existence, and new requirements for integration between both old and new organs.

Take flying birds for example; suppose you aren't one, and you want to become one. You'll need a baker's dozen highly specialized systems, including wings, flight feathers, the specialized system which allows flight feathers to pivot so as to open on upstrokes and close to trap air on downstrokes (like a venetian blind), a specialized light bone structure, specialized flow-through design heart and lungs, specialized tail, specialized general balance parameters etc.

For starters, every one of these things would be antifunctional until the day on which the whole thing came together, so that the chances of evolving any of these things by any process resembling evolution (mutations plus selection) would amount to an infinitessimal, i.e. one divided by some gigantic number.

In probability theory, to compute the probability of two things happening at once, you multiply the probabilities together. That says that the likelihood of all these things ever happening, best case, is ten or twelve such infinitessimals multiplied together, i.e. a tenth or twelth-order infinitessimal. The whole history of the universe isn't long enough for that to happen once.

All of that was the best case. In real life, it's even worse than that. In real life, natural selection could not plausibly select for hoped-for functionality, which is what would be required in order to evolve flight feathers on something which could not fly apriori. In real life, all you'd ever get would some sort of a random walk around some starting point, rather than the unidircetional march towards a future requirement which evolution requires.

And the real killer, i.e. the thing which simply kills evolutionism dead, is the following consideration: In real life, assuming you were to somehow miraculously evolve the first feature you'd need to become a flying bird, then by the time another 10,000 generations rolled around and you evolved the second such reature, the first, having been disfunctional/antifunctional all the while, would have DE-EVOLVED and either disappeared altogether or become vestigial.

Now, it would be miraculous if, given all the above, some new kind of complex creature with new organs and a new basic plan for life had ever evolved ONCE.

Evolutionism, however (the Theory of Evolution) requires that this has happened countless billions of times, i.e. an essentially infinite number of absolutely zero probability events.

I ask you: What could be stupider than that?

Fruit flies breed new generations every few days. Running a continuous decades-long experiment on fruit flies will involve more generations of fruit flies than there have ever been of anything resembling humans on Earth. Evolution is supposed to be driven by random mutation and natural selection; they subjected those flies to everything in the world known to cause mutations and recombined the mutants every possible way, and all they ever got was fruit flies.

Richard Goldschmidt wrote the results of all of that up in 1940, noting that it was then obvious enough that no combination of mutation and selection could ever produce a new kind of animal.

There is no excuse for evolution to ever have been taught in schools after 1940.

Lole Ibn Plutoon #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

ISIS ARE NOT muslims, they are private security mercs, who have scooped up soldiers in Yemen, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, UAE etc. The US 'ISIS' firms have been involved in training and arming militants for the last ten years, and began staging operations in Jordan 2009, coinciding with the CIA's release of al-Baghdadi, and the "exit" of Federal US Troops from Iraq- replaced by Merc's (much like blackwater) to stage this next wave. They are robbing banks and taking over Oil Refineries. You can watch the 'elite' get rich on Brent Oil Futures over the last month, as the crisis unfolded. (when i say elite, this is not exclusively Uhmerikan, Saudi Kings/Princes are involved, Zionist Israel is involved, MI-6 is involved etc) This is an infiltration, and heist of the highest order, much of the motivation lies in drawing Iran into the Conflict, and the destruction of Palestine by Zionists. Iran and Syria (and formerly Iraq) have rejected Rothschild Central Banking. Again, Salafist Islam, and Wahhabist Islam were created by Luciferian Influence (Masonic/Magick/Zionist/Kabbalist Orders) in the 17th-18th centuries as a way to dismantle the Ottoman Empire from the Inside. House Saud has systematically destroyed Holy Places and Murdered 1,000,000's in the last 150 years, in order to overthrow and subvert those unwilling to be drawn into this "staged Armageddon" I can run circles around western propaganda. For instance, Muslim Brotherhood was formed by Hasan al-Banna an ex-Nazi loyalist, who escaped prosecution with help from the Vatican. The M.B. is who the US State dept uses to do their dirty work (covert ops) As the US have always been NAZI sympathizers (IE: Operation Paperclip, ODESSA etc)

I could go on..

"The Muslim Brotherhood is a London creation, forged as the standard-bearer of an ancient, anti-religious (pagan) heresy that has plagued Islam since the establishment of the Islamic community (umma) by the Prophet Mohammed in the seventh century. Representing organized Islamic fundamentalism, the organization called the Muslim Brotherhood (Ikhwan al-Muslimum in Arabic) was officially founded in Egypt, in 1929, by the British agent Hasan al-Banna."

"The founder of the Muslim Brotherhood was a Freemason, Hassan al Banna, born in 1906, who developed from the influence of the three Salafi reformers, Afghani, Abduh and Rida."

In order to understand where we are today, you need to know the last 300 years of history, the British and Uhmerikan Secret Societies involvement in turning every religion against itself, and the systematic looting of ancient artifacts/banks/gold/oil.

I'll stop now. But understand this: ISIS is a proxy army. There are even Russian members of ISIS, because at the top, they all work together to get rich and keep the slaves working and dying.. What the commoners experience as 'news' is simply theatre.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Is Jade Helm really the basic training program for Obama's domestic army composed of Walmart employees ?

Connect the dots.

Weapons and ammo bulk purchases.....Walmart closures.....employees being layed off.....Jade Helm starting up.....training begins for Obama's domestic army.....FEMA camps opening.....martial law.....gun confiscation.....population reduction....collectivism.....soclialism.....communism.....NW?O

comet cometh #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Deep Impact and Jade Helm Anyone

OK I don't believe that movies and TV would 'hint' future events, simply because there are too many movies made, you can pretty much pick a random one and call it 'prophetic'.

That being said, I bumped into a Youtube video about the uncle intel of comet impact, then her second vid about groceries stores closing (below). Then I bumped into this dude 'montagraph's youtube vid, he pointed out some connections between the movie Deep Impact and the rumoured 'comet impact' in September. Quite interesting to say at least.

So I went back and watched the movie Deep Impact again, and saw many bits and pieces that do appear very much like what's happening now. Black president, zip code, impact coordinates, the word 'The Power That Be' and 'New World' appeared several times, etc. Now the president's measures listed below, you can decide whether it's connected to Jade Helm or not. I can't really believe a 'market carsh' will need all those measure.

According to the black president,

1: Massive underground tunnel system built in preparation: Check
2: Stocked up food and supplies for years for millions of people: Check
3: All plants on earth will die within weeks: Svalbard Seed Vault, Seeds stored in underground facility, Check
4: Declaring a state of martial law: Jade Helm?
5: Armed Forces and National Guard are working with local law enforcements: Jade Helm?
6: National Curfew: Jade Helm?
7: Stay off the road after sunset: Jade Helm?
8: Crimes against personnel and properties will be dealt with swiftly and harshly: Jade Helm?
9: Titans (ICBM) will be launched with Russia as last stab: In Lyn Leahz's vid she said there are more countries.
10: You will pay your bills, there will be no hoarding, no sudden profiteering, freezing all prices: Enforced w/ Jade Helm?
11: On TV it says 'looters continue to set fire to abandoned stores. The fires have been left to burn since many firefighters have been called to help prepare shelters. Jade Helm?
12: Also the movie showed lots of people protesting outside underground military base. In real world people will do a lot more in order to get in. Jade Helm?
13: Civil Defense Team formed in every town with more than 5000 population, they will distribute supplies and organize shelters in underground parking and other appropriate facilities: Jade Helm and Walmart?

Oh and if you win the lottery and are allowed to go into the bunkers, will you?

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Jade Helm and the Texas Power Grid

This isn't uncle intel but friend intel. This information comes from a friend I grew up with all the way from elementary school to high school and beyond. We're both in our 30s now, and I would trust him with my life. We've both been following the Jade Helm news very closely.

My friend works for ERCOT, and if you don't know what that is it's the Electric Reliability Council of Texas and they manage the Texas electric power grid. For those that don't know, Texas is the only state in the U.S. with it's OWN power grid ( [link to www.slate.com]

My buddy told me that the military sent representatives to ERCOT (he witnessed them there himself), and when he asked his boss what was going on he was told that the military was trying to get permission to run drills at various electric utilities. That's when it hit me that Jade Helm is not about preparing for a foreign country, they're preparing to take on Texas, and to take out Texas it's vital to take out the independent Texas electric grid.

Have you wondered why there are wooden shoes in the Jade Helm logo? It's because they represent sabotage. The word sabotage comes from the Netherlands in the 15th century, when workers would throw their sabots (wooden shoes) into the wooden gears of the textile looms to break the cogs.

Jade Helm is about sabotaging vital infrastructure in Texas, especially the INDEPENDENT TEXAS POWER GRID.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

(BRITAIN has gayest parliament in the world)

It is because gays are really easy to become sexually entrapped, so their blackmailers can control their actions while in politics.

This is why most politicians are gays/paedophiles. It's almost impossible to blackmail straight men and women who value a traditional society and it's laws.

Britain is a very important country on the world stage, hence why controlling it's MPs is a priority on the agenda.

This is the same reason why the POTUS is a gay raised by pedophiles. He is completely under the control of the shadow government.

Anonymous Coward #homophobia godlikeproductions.com

(BRITAIN now has the highest number of gay politicians of any government on the planet.)

what a surprise, ass fascination cuts through the full strata of society

The amount of gays who are absolutely VILE people actually get jobs working with people.....INSANE

They think they are entitled to be 'awful' on account of their sexuality....they try to ape women in that respect

so so so so so so true whether you like it or not, so true i'm gonna copy paste it a few times to ensure the right people see it and expand their tiny fucking minds

They think they are entitled to be 'awful' on account of their sexuality....they try to ape women in that respect

They think they are entitled to be 'awful' on account of their sexuality....they try to ape women in that respect

They think they are entitled to be 'awful' on account of their sexuality....they try to ape women in that respect

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

(And thats not counting the pedophiles who love their little boys an girls)

Pedophiles and gays are synonymous.

And now you know why the world is so evil.

You guys need to educate yourselves on Hitler's Death Squads. They were all made up of queers. When he needed the deviant shit done, like boiling people alive, he used the queers because no one has the capabilities of being truly emotionless and evil like a gay guy, because of their brain damage. It's a sickness.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

On November 28th, 2012 the moon was 405492 km away.

Currently the distance is 384,400 km Feb 2015.

From all recorded science on the subject the moon only moves an inch away every year.

Converting Kilometres to miles;

13106 miles of 'movement'

830396160 inches.

553,597,440 years.

Half billion years.

//science on how the moon moves.
[link to www.astronomy.com]

How did it happen?

CERN opened a black hole on earth in 2011...a half billion years ago by accident. It's been getting bigger and bigger over time consuming other systems. Eventually we're going to have guests from the other systems the black hole they made consumes more and more and more.

Where are you all?

Dead in a black hole that in relative terms three years has passed. Outside in the physical universe, half billion years. Most everyone has moved on to where they need to.

All the money, stuff, power, government has all been gone for a long time. It is about as pretend as it gets. All the bad ideas you see floating around out there is part of a government project setup prior to the blackhole opening called 'Dreamland'. Basic run of the mill brainwashing of a bunch of 20-30 year olds to 'maintain' their way of life. I know, so stupid. As a result. There are less than 2 billion left out of the 7.2 billion that started three years ago. Everything else here is all fake. Money, gold, silver...all of it is completely phony.

This -pokes wall- is shared memory. All of our collective memory that keeps the construct rolling along. We all create this by our mind keeping all the bullshit of the past running in our memories. For some, they were programmed (monarch, dreamland, whatever...) thankfully they are just breaking and dying 'the true death' taking all their dumb ideas with them. And no, no one is going to help them. (They are all on their own here for thinking it would work in the first place. Best for them to let go and move on)

To help yourself

You need to purge all the bad ideas these idiots considered 'normal'. Means cold turkey from all media. Unplug. Use it only as a reference. Don't listen to the news, you've already noticed that it's all bait.

Steps in this order

1) Unplug
2) Go follow your dream.
3) Seek beauty.
4) Find a faith/pantheon/belief you can agree with.
5) Let go and go there. Or join those kids doing the mindcraft thing and go with them.

Again. Let go. You are all dead. It's not a threat. It's just the situation.

LostReality33 #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

With orgone blasters you can keep negative entity interdimensional beings away from your orgoned areas. Aliens hate it, shadow people hate it, UFOs cant operate around it, and its more powerful with our magnetic copper wire we just started adding...I went out and orgoned a Fermilab base, Father took care of the rest...orgone, THIS orgone, is truly a powerful weapon to use against the NWO. One of the best and most effective defense and offense weapons. Which is why they'll attempt to BAN it someday, just like they came after Reich.

Orgone blasters do what other orgone pieces do like mitigate harmful EMF/ELF waves and knock out chemtrails, but these will be able to melt and kill zombies and giants. For everyone who actually wants a REAL weapon against these things, congrats, you just learned about it. So at least now you cant say you didnt know you HAD a weapon to fight them off with.

Its the only orgone known to man capable of doing all these things and more. Its the superior orgone in the sea of all the different kinds.

tandym #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

JADE HELM - WORLD WAR Z connection

We were watching World War Z again this evening, and twice when they said the word 'Zombies' towards the beginning of the film -- I got goosebumps. It might not mean anything, but thought I would bring it up since I tend to pay attention to those kinds of things.

I only saw one blatant display of Illuminati Symbolism - in the grocery store, when Pitt's character is trying to get the albuterol -- his wife is attacked and he rushes out to save her, and as he is running, over his shoulder you can see the word PHARMACY with a giant EYE. It appears twice.

Let's also not forget that this movie pushes the vaccine agenda for a do or die scenario.

And most important of all, is the connection between the THE AARP video about JADE HELM with the martial law soundtrack? Guess where they lifted that sound reel from? YEAH, WORLD WAR Z. You can hear it in the beginning, in the kitchen, while breakfast is being served.

Let's not forget the vaccination agenda being pushed by World War Z.

And TEXAS sure is getting A LOT of rain lately....

And we DID have the FIRST EBOLA patients.

Whatever happened to that family?? We never did see them again.

And on my way home from work over the last week or two, a new billboard has gone up for this company:

[link to www.mosquitonix.com]


INTHELORDSNAME #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Fallen angels are demons who are being forced out of the heavenly realms they currently unlawfully dwell in!

They're being forced down to earth as a result of the power the Lord Jesus Christ is generating, in order to bring about the resurrection and translation of His followers!

I believe this is why the Lord is allowing CERN

Portals only open if both ends are activated at the same time!

In order for these demons to get away from the increasing torment being caused by the power of God, they're inspiring those at CERN the to open a portal from this end, so they can come through!

These demons, over the next 7 Years [2015 - 2022] will end up in the Abyss, along with the men and women who've joined themselves to them, through the practice of wickedness,
violence and sexual corruption!

"...These [that is, demons and men] shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of His power, when He comes, in that Day [on the 17th of July 2015], to be glorified in His saints..." [2 Thess.1:9,10]

This was how it was in the Days of Noah just before the flood!

"Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually...The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence...And God said to Noah, “The end of all flesh has come before Me, for the earth is filled with violence through them; and behold, I will destroy them with the earth." [Gen.5,11,13]

To the the rest of the World it's business as usual. Their wickedness and corruptions prevents them from believing that they're on the brink of being destroyed! And so they carry on living as if all is normal, just like the Lord said they would!

"...as it was in the days of Noah, so it will be also in the days of the Son of Man: They ate, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all." [Luke 17:26,27]

The Lord destroyed the earth in Noah's Day with water, this time around He will do it with fire!

Words in red are my explanation of the following passages of the Scriptures:

"...the present heavens [that is, the realm of evil spirits] and earth, having been preserved, are being kept for fire until the Day of Judgment [17th of July 2015], when ungodly people will be destroyed...However, the Day of the Lord [17th of July 2015] will come “like a thief [to the ungodly].” On that Day [17th of July 2015] the heavens [the realm of evil spirits] will disappear with a roar, the elements will melt and disintegrate [because of the portal CERN will open from this end, these evil spirits, whose place of abode would have then been destroyed by the glory and power of the Lord Jesus Christ, will start manifesting on earth], and the earth and everything in it will be burned up. Since everything is going to be destroyed like this, what kind of people should you be? You should lead holy and godly lives, as you wait for the Day of God [17th of July 2015] and work to hasten its coming. That Day [17th July 2015] will bring on the destruction of the heavens [currently the realm of evil spirits] by fire, and the elements will melt from the heat; but we, following along with his promise, wait for new heavens [that is, a new dwelling place in the heavens, for the glorified saints, from the 17th of July 2015] and a new earth [from the 29th of July 2022. This is the Day of Pentecost, when the Lord will return to earth, with His glorified saints], in which righteousness will be at home..." [2 Pet.3:7,10-13]

MessengerInTheLastDays #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Something that just came to me was if you look at the Mayan Calender [link to i264.photobucket.com] it looks just like CERN [link to i40.photobucket.com]

What if the Mayans were not telling us when the End of Days was but they were telling us what would cause the End of Days?

I mean they look the same...

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Was Metallica's Original Bassist Cliff Burton Sacrificed??

We've all heard of satanism in the entertainment industry. Metallica started out as young guys who just wanted to play heavy metal. While recording their second album Ride the Lightning they were sharing a studio with well known satanic band Mercyful Fate. Perhaps the guys in this band opened doors to Metallica they had not seen before. Once Master of Puppets is released they become bigger, therefore catching the attention of the higher ups in the music industry. This also is the time where they are forced to make a decision.

Did the music industry's elite offer fame and fortune to Metallica in exchange for a sacrifice? Flemming Rassmussen, producer of several of Metallica's earlier records, recently stated that Cliff never really fit in with the metal scene. He didnt say anything negative about him but made it sound like he was the odd man out of the four. Maybe the four guys were presented with a contract and Cliff wanted out? Was James, Lars, and Kirk's lust for greed so strong that they were willing to kill their friend and bandmate?

As fans know, Cliff was killed in an alleged bus accident on September 27, 1986. The bus crash details are sketchy. Even James Hetfield had his doubts of whether the bus actually skidded on some black ice. Could Cliff have been killed by some other means and then the bus crashed intentionally. I believe that in these situations, the people that control it dont reveal when, where, or how the event will occur. This would make the rest of the guys in the band to actually think he died in the crash. It wouldnt be until later that they might start piecing it together.

Jason Newsted recently had an in depth interview about joining right after Cliff was killed. He claimed that the Metallica guys were drinking non-stop thru auditioning new guys. He said they were grieving and didnt know how to handle it. Did they feel guilty? Were they drinking their guilt away? The only way they could feel better and move on is to hire a new bassist and claim the fortunes that were guaranteed to them? Within a few weeks Newsted was in as the new bassist. Within the next five years Metallica became one of the biggest rock/metal bands of all time. They have remained that today, even with another bassist.

I found it interesting that Jason Newsted said the day he decided to leave Metallica was September 27, 2001. Was Jason forced with the same type of contract that would take Metallica to another level? Granted he's still around but just got back into the music scene recently. Metallica however are bigger than ever. Within the last ten years they've even got into the movies, another step for financial success. I still enjoy their music but have often wondered what steps they actually took to get to where they are today. There are many more talented metal bands without half the success.

Kavita Iyer #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Video that shows co-relation between CERN and Nepal Earthquake

In the video titled “7.8 Quake Strikes as CERN Powers Up Beams”, the author in his words shows how at the same time a huge beam spike happened in CERN which resulted in a multiple system protection beam dump at the facility resulting in Nepal’s deadly earthquake and aftershocks. It seems that it did not occur around the same time but at the same time.

Below is the youtube video which has a conspiracy theory for your view:


On April 25, 2015, Nepal was hit by a 7.8 Ritcher scale earthquake killing more than 7,000 people and injuring more than twice the number that occurred at 11:56 NST. Its central point lay in Barpak village of Gorkha district and its underground focus point was at a depth of approximately 15 km (9.3 mi).

It was the most powerful natural calamity to hit Nepal since the Nepal–Bihar earthquake in 1934. Adjoining areas of India, China, and Bangladesh also reported casualties.

The earthquake brought about an avalanche on Mount Everest, killing at least 19 making it a bloody day on the mountain in history. It also brought about another huge avalanche in Langtang valley, where 250 people were reportedly missing.

Aftershocks continue to occur throughout Nepal, with one shock reaching a magnitude of 6.7 on 26 April, 2015 at 12:54:08 NST. The Himalayan nation is also at continued risk of landslides as well.

This along with other data shown on the YouTube channel has raised questions whether or not CERN has the irrational power to effect the boundary between Earth’s magnetic field and the solar wind. The question whether humans play a role in natural disasters or not still remains a huge mystery.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Church of England priesthood IS NOW under vatican laws
the Uk Government is now Under Vatican EU laws
mi5 mi6 is now under vatican EU intelligence programmes





Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Alzhemimer's is HERPES in the brain.

Due, in old people, to the loss of the ability to digest vitamin B12.

Vitmin B12 combines with other vitamines, minerals and amino acids to make an enzyme that keeps herpes supressed.

TPTB know this. Herpes virus is in all the vaccines. They make big bucks off Alzeimers while knocking off old useless eaters.

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