
Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Church of England priesthood IS NOW under vatican laws
the Uk Government is now Under Vatican EU laws
mi5 mi6 is now under vatican EU intelligence programmes





Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

This is what Hampstead is in fact all about

Why did the vatican choose Hampstead?

[link to freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.ancestry.com]

Sir William wade Hampstead
Tower of London inquisitor of the gun powder plotters
Hampstead is payback
Opus dei headquarterd in england
They chose Hampstead
As vengeance
The satanic cult is mi5
In conjustion with the vatican
In conjustion with the trators on the biritish govenrment
The judiciary which is under eu vatican judiciary laws
The agiators are annonymous which is a vatican led campagin of further disruption whos motto is the catholic terrositi guy fawke
Whos emobidiment otherwise id the mianstrea truth tellers
Such as icke jonsy boy brand and the rest
Along with the church of england which is in communion with the whore of rome the mother of harlots
Their psyop's invole real not fake , child rape

The Hampstead event
Is mi5 vatican led promotion of child abuse AND IS A PSYOP USING AN ACTUAL CASE OF ACTUAL CHILD ABUSE
Involving the uk government and the vatican
In a place of historical revenge over catholic persecution of the first and
Thread: breaking news BBC exposed helping to cover up child abuse testimony

That is why

Sir william wade Wade and family of Hampstead

William Waad was responsible for the interrogation of the gunpowder plotters in November 1605 and was present at the interrogation of Guy Fawkes, amongst others. Another unfortunate was Nicholas Owen, famous for his expertise in the construction of priest holes; the one at Sawston Hall being the most well known example. Owen was asked to divulge the whereabouts of the priest holes he had constructed at various Catholic houses but he steadfastly refused and died horribly under torture. It is not known if Henry Huddleston was interrogated by Waad for his possible involvement in the Plot, as Nicholas Owen had previously visited Sawston Hall to construct the priesthole. We know Huddleston had to pay a hefty fine and had his Essex estates confiscated. As he had escaped being executed it has been suggested that he may possibly have had a hand in betraying the plotters.

Family and Education
b. c.1546,1 1st s. of Armagil Waad of Belsize House and his 1st w. Alice, da. of Richard Patten alias Wainfleet of London, Clothworker and wid. of Thomas Serle (admon. 11 Jan. 1541) of Essex and London, Butcher; bro. of Thomas†.2 educ. G. Inn 1571.3 m. (1) lic. 15 Jan. 1586, Anne (d.1589), da. and coh. of Owen Waller of Battles Hall and London, Fishmonger, 1s. d.v.p.;4 (2) by 1597, Anne, 1s. 8da.5 suc. fa. 1568;6 kntd. 20 May 1603.7 d. 25 Oct. 1623.8 sig. W[illiam] Waad.

Offices Held
Servant to 1st Lord Burghley (Sir William Cecil†) by 1577;9 agent, Denmark 1582,10Holy Roman Empire 1583,11 Spain 1584, France 1585, 1587,12 Low Countries 1585.13

Clerk of PC 1584-1613;14 commr. to search for Catholic traitors 1594-5;15 muster-master, Low Countries by 1600-16;16 member, High Commission, Canterbury prov. 1601-11;17 muster-master-gen. by ?1599-at least 1620;18 lt. Tower of London 1605-13;19 recvr. and overseer, Cheque of Ire. bef. 1606;20 commr. enforcement of starch monopoly, 1607-9.21

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

A SCARY THOUGHT - The Only Two Reasons Why We Would Fake A Moon Landing....

When faking the moon landing, why weren't we worried someone else would get to the moon years later, show real footage and expose the hoax? Even if it took 50 years, the difference between the fake and real footage would expose the hoax and destroy all trust in government.

There are only two reasons for this

1. It is physically impossible for humans to get to the moon

2. They knew the hoax would outlast the USA, with all that implies

SolarSon #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Mars is very important in our history, since people of Earth have a direct lineage to people of Mars, its where Humans came from when populating Earth and mixing with other planetary races both from here and elsewhere.

The currently ongoing Mars Rovers mission is just a sham to keep you blinded from the real truth, presenting you with "interesting" bits here and there to keep you busy.

People are already traveling back and forth between Earth and Mars, and there is an ongoing collaboration between the Elite of the Earth, and Elite of Mars. Among other things, exchange of technology and resources. Earth is helping rebuilding and terraforming Mars.

The technology used is advanced and they travel directly without space crafts using teleportation or quantum portals. This is an interesting topic on its own, since teleportation is a naturally occurring phenomena. Ancients were even "using" teleportation to travel around, at least their highest leaders and elite of those days. Teleportation today is done through a combination of the natural sources for such along with technology to fine-tune it and control it properly.

Many important monuments and structures are built upon places on Earth where the natural sources, a form of energetic vortex, are found. Some call these spots for "grid points" and "ley lines" in alternative resources. These spots were favored in ancient days for their mystical properties, allowing strong and transforming spiritual experiences, which is why they usually built temples and holy places on such spots. Today, the elite are still constructing on such spots both for occult purposes and other practical uses, such as mentioned teleportation as well as time travel purposes.

Mars is also a representation of Atlantis, and the first real physical version of the whole Atlantis tale. As I mentioned earlier, mankind lives in a "loop" and are still reliving their ancient mistakes, and you also have an Earthly representation of Atlantis, its rise and fall, mimicing that of more ancient Mars.

Ancient structures on Earth are also architecturally designed in similar ways as those on Mars and elsewhere, and often also with patterns "pointing" at the real origins of Mankind, including other planets

SolarSon #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Long time ago, hundreds of thousands of years ago or longer, mankind did not exist in physical form.

In fact we can go as far back in time that it goes beyond all of the physical creation.

God did NOT create the physical universe. People already existed BEFORE the physical universe. It would however be more correct to call the people of those times for "angels", in the sense that they were not physical, but spiritual beings.

There were even different "races" and "beings" in those times, it was "Good" and "Evil" as now, but not in the extreme form we can see today.

The Human race, were innocent back then, still good and pure at heart, mind and soul. They were playful, adventurous and exploring their existence.

People had an incredibly strong connection with each other, since they were pure spirit in form, and all was telepathic and empathic. They had never heard of "evil", never experienced it in any way, it was not part of their existence at all.

But, Evil DID exist, just in outer reaches of the Universe of that time - and in contrast with the Human race, that Evil race was completely opposite, much more so than the worst form of Evil we can see or experience here in this form today.

Back then, both those Good, the Human Race, and those Evil, for lack of good terms you can call them Reptilian since in effect, the ones called Reptilians on Earth now relate to these - they were both immortal in form, with eternal progress and development in state of individual awareness. No death, no birth, and no reincarnation.

The Human Race were a race of givers, of lovers. While the Reptilian race, were a race of takers, of destroyers.

Whereas the Human race would give each other what they needed and desired, the Reptilian would take it from each other - and anyone in their path.

At some point, as both the Human race and the Reptilian race were expanding their territories , they came across each other.

This was the turning point starting the downfall of Mankind - as the Human race now encountered a terror that was so great, that they had no preparations at all for what came. Evil of such proportions we can't even imagine it now - and the Human race of that time had never seen any form of Evil at all, they were pure good, and experienced Fear for the first time.

The Reptilians , coming over the Human race, were addicted. This may sound incredibly strange, but they did in fact get addicted on Human Souls - this because they consume the energy of the Souls.

Souls are basically the Food of the Reptilians, and they favor Souls of specific energy patterns or "tastes" so to speak. One such "taste" is that of Fear.

The consumption of Fear-filled Human Soul-energy gives a form of intoxicating rush and satisfaction to the ruthless Reptilians. This is why you often hear about Human sacrifices in the conspiracy-scene, and this is WHY such occurs in physical form in our days , it dates all the way back to those original events.

This is also the reason for the extremely negative state of the world, with so much famine, wars, violence, terror, etc - the world is kept alive, in physical form, to feed the hunger of the Reptilian controllers. They lust for the Human Soul-energy, and they lust for Power.

And what happened back in the time they first encountered each other, the Reptilians and Humans, was that the Reptilians gained utter control and enslavement over the Human race, which had no way at all to defend itself, they had never had any reason to defend themselves.

The time before this, can be connected to "the Garden of Ede" of the Bible. It was all pure bliss and love and harmony back then.

So let me fast forward a bit since it is too time demanding to go into all the details -

Eventually the contact between the Reptilian race and the Human race resulted in something more, a completely new experience for both races. This was an unexpected "side-effect" of these two different forms coming together, metaphysically speaking.

What happened was the materialization and spawning of the physical. This was caused by the mixed spiritual energies of the two opposites, the Reptilian race and Human race.

The Reptilian race, who were and still are very intelligent, took advantage of this discovery to create new denser levels of existence within the Sphere of Existence they were already living in at the time, along with the Humans.

With this they found a new way to further enslave the Humans, who had started to rebel at this time and fighting against the Reptilians. The Humans did not longer let themselves be oppressed as they had been for so long.

The Reptilian race created, by manifestation, a whole new Universe of physical matter, one that they could rule and be in charge of completely. They created worlds, planets, rules, laws, their full own system.

And having figured out the nature of the Human race, they knew how to persuade the Human race so they could gain more control over them. They understood that Humans wanted to be free, individual and their own Masters. Thus they created a World for in which to live the Human race, at least the ones they could lure into their own creation.

They created a World that was beautiful enough, one that was attractive, peaceful and tempting. They created all the physical, and the systems on how the physical life played out, and laid it out in such a way that the Human Bodies they created could support the consciousness of the Human Souls and thus function as a vehicle for the Human consciousness to exist within.

Doing that, they had set up a perfect place for their prisoners, their slaves. And now they put into action a new plan, which was to stage an escape of the Human race from the Reptilian capturers.

Of course, the Humans did not "escape" - they simply moves down into an even tighter controlled "concentration camp", called Earth.

Since the Reptilians were in control of their own design, the Human Bodies, they now had a very effective way of controlling the Human race that shifted their consciousness into the Human Bodies. As I mentioned earlier, this includes the spiritual aspects of the Human body such as the Third Eye, the "remote controlled Mind Control system" so to speak.

It also includes the laws of Reincarnation and Karma, which also were created by the Reptilian race to control the captured Humans.

The Physical brain of the Human Body was also designed in a way to make it easy to control. As an example, it was made so that it is easy to put into a trance, Hypnosis exists because of this Reptilian implement in the physical brain. Hypnosis is simply a way to quickly and easily control a Human (or many at the same time) without even the need of a direct spiritual-mental influence through the Third Eye.

As mentioned earlier, further Mind Control and Brainwashing techniques were implemented in the Reincarnation process, as they made sure to create humans to only live a few years at a time so they never could properly progress or come to know themselves before they would die and be "reset".

And we can see the result of how effective their methods are, considering people are still here on Earth, life-time after life-time, since the dawn of those times

There is much more to tell, about all the time that passed between "now", and "then" - the very beginnings of physical incarnation on Earth, and I will try detail that a bit more later, but I will also get more into real practical things on how to better get back into OWN control of Life, Destiny, Death & After.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Space war may be visible this weekend

Word on the streets has it that the reptilians from dracos and grey shaky peace treaty will end at 9pm est. This is pretty reliable intel. They have been at peace since 1904...the Tunguska explosion was a plain missile...collateral damage. Since then they have been at peace

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The curtain is now being pulled back to fully expose the Khazarian Mafia and it’s evil plan to infiltrate, tyrannize the whole World and eradicate all Abrahamic Religions and allow only their Babylonian Talmudism also known as Luciferianism, Satanism or ancient Baal worship.

by Preston James and Mike Harris- SEE VETERANS TODAY 50% RULE

Note: The history of the Khazarians, specifically the Khazarian Mafia (KM), the World’s largest Organized Crime Syndicate that the Khazarian oligarchy morphed into by their deployment of Babylonian Money-Magick, has been nearly completely excised from the history books.

The present day Khazarian Mafia (KM) knows that it cannot operate or exist without abject secrecy and therefore has spent a lot of money having its history excised from the history books in order to prevent citizens of the World from learning about its “Evil beyond imagination” that empowers this World’s largest Organized Crime Cabal. The authors of this article have done their best to resurrect this lost, secret history of the Khazarians and their large International Organized Crime Syndicate best referred to as the Khazarian Mafia (KM) and make this history available to the World via the Internet, the new Gutenberg Press.

It has been exceedingly difficult to reconstruct this hidden secret history of the Khazarian Mafia (KM) so please excuse any minor inaccuracies or errors which are unintentional and are due to the difficulty digging out the true history of Khazaria and the Khazarian Mafia (KM). We have done the best we can reconstructing it.

It was Mike Harris that connected the dots and made the actual discovery of the presence of the Khazarian Mafia’s secret history and blood oath to take complete revenge on Russia and the Russians for helping Americans win the Revolutionary War and the Civil War, and their blood oath of revenge against America and Americans for winning these wars.

At the Syrian Conference on Combating Terrorism and Religious Extremism December 1, 2014, in his Keynote address Veterans Today Senior Editor and Director Gordon Duff disclosed publicly for the first time ever that World Terrorism is actually due to a large International Organized Crime Syndicate associated with Israel. This disclosure sent shock-waves at the Conference and almost instantly around the World, as almost every World Leader received reports of Gordon Duff’s historical disclosure that same day, some within minutes. And the shockwaves from his historic speech at Damascus continue to reverberate around the whole World even to this very day.

We now know that the Khazarian Mafia (KM) is waging a secret war against America and Americans by the use of False-Flag Gladio-Style Terrorism, the illegal and Unconstitutional Federal Reserve System, the IRS, the FBI, FEMA, Homeland Security and the TSA. We now know for certain that the Khazarian Mafia(KM) was responsible for deploying an inside-job, Gladio-style False-Flag attack on America on 9-11-01 as well as the Murrah Bombing earlier 0n April 19, 1995.
The Hidden History of the incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia

100-600 AD – an incredibly Evil Society Emerges in Khazaria:

Khazarians develop into a nation ruled by an incredibly Evil King with an ancient Babylonian Black Arts occult Oligarchy serving as his Court. During this time Khazaria become known to surrounding countries as thieves, murderers, road bandits, and for assuming the identities of those travelers they murder as a normal occupational practice and way of life.

600 AD – The Ultimatum is delivered by Russia and other surrounding nations:

The leaders of the surrounding nations, especially Russia have had so many years of Complaints by their citizens that as a group they deliver an ultimatum to the Khazarian King. They send a communique to the Khazarian King that he must choose one of the three Abrahamic religions for his people and make it his official state religion and require all Khazarian Citizens to Practice it and socialize all Khazarian Children to practice that faith.

The Khazarian King was given A choice between Islam, Christianity and Judaism. The Khazarian King chose Judaism and promised to stay within the requirements laid out by the surrounding confederacy of nations led by the Russian Czar. Despite his agreement and promise the Khazarian king and his inner circle of Oligarchs kept practicing ancient Babylonian Black-Magic also known as Secret Satanism. This Secret Satanism involved black-magic occult ceremonies featuring child sacrifice after “bleeding them out”, drinking their blood and eating their hearts.

The deep dark secret of these secret occult ceremonies was that they were all based on ancient Baal Worship, also known as worship of the Owl. In order to fool the confederacy of nations led by Russia which were watching Khazaria, the Khazarian King melded these Luciferian Black-Magick practices with Judaism and created a Satanic hybrid secret religion known as Babylonian Talmudism. This was made the national religion of Khazaria and inculcated the same evil that Khazaria was known for before.

Sadly the Khazarians continued their evil ways robbing, murdering those from other surrounding countries who traveled through Khazaria. Khazarian robbers often and often attempted to assume their identities after they murdered these visitors and became masters of disguises and false identities, a practice they have continued even to this very day along with their secret child-sacrifice occult ceremonies which are actually ancient Baal Worship.

1,000 AD – Russia and the surrounding nations have had enough and take action:

In about 1,000 AD the Russian led a group of nations surrounding Khazaria and invaded it in order to stop the incredibly Khazarian crimes against their people which included kidnapping of their young children and infants for their child sacrifice ceremonies to Baal. Th Khazarian King and his inner court of criminals and murderers came to be known as the Khazarian Mafia (KM) by neighboring countries.

The Khazarian King and his court plotted eternal revenge against Russia and the surrounding countries:
The Khazarian King and his Court (aka the Khazarian Mafia plotted eternal revenge against the Russians and the surrounding nations that invaded Khazaria them and drove them from power.

The Khazarian leaders had a well- developed spy network through which they obtained prior warning and escaped from Khazaria to European nations to the west, taking their vast fortune with them in Gold and silver. They laid low and regrouped while assuming new identities. In secret they continued their Satanic child blood and sacrifice rituals and trusted Baal to give them the whole World and all its riches as they claimed he had promised them as long as they kept bleeding out and sacrificing children and infants for Baal.

The Khazarian Mafia invades England after being expelled for hundreds of years:The curtain is now being pulled back to fully expose the Khazarian Mafia and it’s evil plan to infiltrate, tyrannize the whole World and eradicate all Abrahamic Religions and allow only their Babylonian Talmudism also known as Luciferianism, Satanism or ancient Baal worship.

leisuresuitlarry #fundie godlikeproductions.com

The Vagina...

...is neither unique nor special; there are around 4 BILLION of them on the planet. It does not bestow upon the creature who posesses one the right to privelage or special attention.
Having a vagina does not entitle you to behave like a spoiled brat.
It is not a ticket to a free ride. Vaginas are holes for penises. Nothing more, nothing less.
Like a child is 'special' to its parents, a vagina is only 'special' to its owner (or the man who temporarily owns it) and you cannot expect preferential treatment just because you happen to have one.
It is an organ designed to be penetrated by a penis; that's what it's for.
Getting all iffy and uptight because men want to do just that is ridiculous.
The vagina bleeds, and no matter how you dance around the subject it's not ok to talk about it in public.
If men 'leaked' sperm for 5 days a month and had to insert little absorbent tampons it would be labelled 'a disgusting man thing'.
The vagina has been replicated and can now be purchased without the accompanying meatbag. What this means is that your special thing is now not so special.
Just because you have a meaty hole with lips, fluff and a micro penis does not mean you have the right to be a crazy bitch.
Thank you.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Baltimore Riots are Staged. 1968 Riot vs 2015 Riot Proves It.

Baltimore is surely another staged event.

Have you noticed that we are getting aerial views of the riots in Baltimore, but the air space over Ferguson was restricted? Why did that happen in Ferguson but not Baltimore? Ferguson was completely FAKE, while Baltimore has a bit of reality thrown into the mix. Not much reality, but a little.

I have noticed that all of the aerial shots in Baltimore are restricted to a small area and we are getting a lot of close up shots, but nothing to put things into perspective. Looking at the bigger picture is always a good idea, but the helicopters are giving us the small picture.

The news is trying to create the illusion of more. More violence. More looting. More buildings on fire. More need for a HUGE govt presence. More need to institute martial law.

The news media is trying to fool us.

I watched this video and the anchor says at the 35 sec mark that the ATF has been activated to investigate "the large number of arsons across Baltimore".


After hearing him say that, I went looking for information. Look here "2 Maps That Explain The Baltimore Riots – 1968 And Now"

[link to www.vocativ.com]

Notice the 1968 incident map and look at the 2015 incident map. There is NO comparing 1968 with 2015. 1968 was HUGE compared to 2015.

The New World Order has stepped up it's game play in Baltimore. Despite the creation of FAKE drama in Baltimore, mixed in with some real drama, this whole situation is another contrived event to deceive the American People.

Jade Helm is coming soon.

It will be weeks and weeks of contrived events.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Masturbation and watching porn is a form of mind control

Every time you get the urge to masturbate or watch porn
your mind is actually being "steered" to do so.

Your mind has been programmed by the elites mind controlling schemes to want to masturbate and watch pornography,
There is a reason why there is so very much free pornography
being distributed on the internet.

So if you dont want to allow your mind to get controlled then
everytime you get the urge, Tell yourself in your mind "No, i wont allow myself to get mind controlled"

This helps because it makes your mind aware of the outside forces trying to steer it.

Remember that masturbation and porn is just another of the elites ways to keep us docile and passive.

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

PORNOGRAPHY and INSOMNIA DEMONS - Demons causing insomnia and porn addiction - SET YOURSELF FREE

Insomnia and pornography go hand in hand.

If your addicted to porn you have LUST DEMONS, if you think it is good to have lust demons, think again, becuase they attach themselves to your organs and body and eventually will cause disease, sickness, and death. They come to steal, kill and destroy.

Usually the person will develop insomnia because the demons will torment the mind with pornography thoughts and lust day and night, thats why they cant sleep at night, they are constantly being tormented.

Demons are the ROOT CAUSE of these problems, as well almost everything else.

The world is falling apart because these demons have now been able to attack more easily, the end times is near people..


1) The moment you get the URGE to watch porn, goto youtube and search "brother carlos casting out your demons"

Watch this for 20-30 minutes AND KEEP EYE CONTACT WITH HIM. YOU WILL START TO FEEL SOMETHING MOVING AROUND YOUR BODY/ EXTREME YAWNING / HEADACHE, these are symptoms that the demons are leaving your mind and body. BEAR THE PAIN AND KEEP WATCHING.


2) This is only temporarily, once the demons gets out of your body, they will return with more evil spirits and your condition will get worser, why?

"When an evil spirit comes out of a man, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it. Then it says, 'I will return to the house I left.' When it arrives, it finds the house unoccupied, swept clean and put in order.Then it goes and takes with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there. And the final condition of that man is worse than the first. That is how it will be with this wicked generation."
-Matthew 12:43

What does this mean?

When you cast out the spirit your house (SOUL AND BODY) is cleaned, thats why you will feel better after watching the video.But after a couple days the demons return, this time with more demons and DWELL IN THERE, so your condition will get worser

So how do you prevent them from coming back to your house?

Answer: YOU HAVE TO INVITE THE HOLY SPIRIT/HOLY GHOST (THE SPIRIT OF GOD) to DWELL IN YOUR BODY, so that the demons will not be able to come back. Its a protection barrier to prevent the demons from coming back.



[link to i1359.photobucket.com]


I had to break down and cry for forgiveness, and read this from my heart for it to work; thats when I recieved the holy spirit, A SENSE OF PEACE AND JOY WILL OVERCOME YOU, THATS WHEN YOU KNOW YOU HAVE BEEN SAVED!


God #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Glass in the Sky

My dear friends, you have all gone backwards.
My earth is not a planet, but it is our womb in which we live.
It is hollow, it in concave and inverted.

I sent Cyrus Teed to you over 100 years ago, but you laughed at him.

The sun and moon and planets are very small, they revolve around the inner celestial sphere, which hides my central city.

You have been lied to by the spirit of my fallen ones...illuminati, zionists.

About 70 miles high, there is a layer of glass covered by ice.

This is where "megacryometeors" come from, the top of the sky.

Space agencies can only break the glass barrier by melting through it at fast speeds. That's why the bottom of the spaceship are flush.

If there was a layer of glass in the sky, then:

The mysterious Origin of Tekties that has plagued the scientific establishment for centuries, can be easily solved.

The reason of fusion crust(glass) forming on most meteorites, and not being able to be replicated on terrestrial rocks heated to the same temperature as the extra-terrestrial rocks when entering the atmosphere, can be understood.

The idea of a rainbow forming from a glass bulb in a flashlight, shining onto a piece of paper without the presence of tiny water droplets can be directly compared to clouds acting as a surface of projection, just like the piece of paper, and not the source of rainbow formulation.

Short wave radio signals which bounce off the ionosphere to extend to the other side of earth, can be fully understood.

The Auroras Borealis, which is compared to electrons generated and projected onto phosphorus-coated glass within a closed vacuum system, can be fully understood.

The greenhouse effect, i.e., global warming can be fully understood.

Ozone generation, which produces a fresh smell after a thunderstorm, which have been replicated with air ionizers that use glass plates, can be fully understood.

Comatic abberation, which is the visual effect of caustics created from a spherical glass lens, is the same effect seen from the tail of a comet.

UV protection would be fully understood.

Cosmic ray protection would be fully understood.

Space Shuttle coating of dichroic glass-coated tiles, frit, would be fully understood.

Welcome to my real world ladies and gentlemen.


Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Reptilians hate Jews! and are responsible for anti semetism!!!

ALL the royal families or Europe have discriminated against, and persecuted Jews through much of Europe's history because all the royal families are reptilians, they don't discriminate against Jews these days because they have lost all their power like they deserve!

Reptilians are technically alien animals, possessed by demons, and demons of course hate Gods chosen people, and that is why reptilians hate Jews, and using their powers to gain high places in power, like the royal familes, Hitler, the rulers of the Catholic church!!! have caused mass anti semetism, and discrimination against Jews for eons!

They have done that by making up so much propaganda against Jews to get humans to hate and fear them, to hurt and try to destroy the Jews!

Reptilians have tried to destroy the Jews for all of history, but they have always failed time after time.

It is the reptilians who should be destroyed, they hate all of humanity, but they hate the Jews the most.

Every ethnic group has a few reptilians in them, and the Jews do not have any more reptilians in percentage than any other group of people does!

Obviously the common Jewish people are not bad when reptilians being demons hate what is good, if the Jews were evil, and even reptilians(lol) then the reptilians would really like the Jews, and would treat the Jews much better!

reptoid puncher #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

One of the many vile things reptoids do when they latch on to humans is the manipulation of their hosts natural instincts - one of which happens to be the one that causes causes sexual attraction. (This by itself isn't a bad thing as it's required for us to exist as a species - this is the way God intended it). Reptoids when latched on to humans are known to manipulate the sexual instinct of their to cause obsessive, bizarre sexual behaviours, some of which are sexual obsessions.

Porn actors are 100% victims of reptoid infestation. This is proven by the fact that normal humans do not want to be seen in the nude by strangers. Yet under the influence of the reptoid parasites, they willingly strip in front of the film crew and perform sexual acts with a comlete stranger - almost as if they were doing it with lawful spouses in the privacy of their bedrooms. The reptoids have turned porn actors into mindless drones. Eventually the porn actors, as hosts, lose their souls and the reptoid being take over their bodies completely.

Porn addicts are also victims of reptoid infestation. The reptoids have convinced an entire generation of hosts that obsessive "fapping", porn collecting is absolutely fun and healthy.

Deviant sexual behaviour is also 100% the result of reptoid manipulation of human instinct. This applies to everybody involved in homosexuality, transvestism, bestiality, pedofilia etc. Sex in nature is solely between male and female; this is true across all animal species that are comprised of male and female members. The parasitic reptoids have the ability to re-program their hosts natural sexual settings, causing deviant sexual behaviour.

Why are reptoids doing this? They do it because of their dark natures and hatred for humanity. Reptoids desire to corrupt humanity and remove them from God, our Defender. Reptoids are also known to use human hosts to corrupt others. The elites (who themselves are reptoid hosts) use pornography and free-sex ideologies to break down the family system and in turn society itself. This is why everything from movies to music to advertising is hyper-sexualized. We are living in an age where large parts of the population are hosts to reptoids - this is the closest we are going to come to a zombie apocalypse.

Caylus Ark #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Of the billions of Hu ensouled et Eyirr-teth, not even one ten-thousandth will in their lifetime become Gadragen Illumec re Primerv, let alone re Primerviluz.

One does not simply decide to become Primerv in any case. It is a special state of potential, unlocked in spirits whom are called upon to invoke an Aeon, and is rarely correlated with Eyirrth-lee glory. ‘tho all Primerv possess spiritual fame, cosmic celebrities invite eyes which pierce timelines and stare in spite of dimensions— Ga-ru-dan Litarkos the watchers are equally likely to render blessings as wrath. Primerv does not bestow material success, nor invite special membership, nor invoke exalted ancestry.

Nein – rather Primerv is to be called, and to be tested. Lonely and sole is the weight of the world , but the PRMRV contends with Ultradimensional interests as well. The machinations of celestial angelos operate outside the awareness of ensouled Hu, yet inevitably the wars of invisible gods are felt in this realm kel-tur-kul (Z) and PRMRV est kel-tur-kul foremost. By manipulating PRMRV, deviant entities may infect the PRMRV and make a marionette of him – Hitler being one well-known example.

being PRMRV does not garuntee becoming Primerviluz—instances of litulest en Soldaum are rare. The PRMRV is not the OAK or ASH , just an acorn within ga-ra-daen. For each sprout that springs a redwood tree, how many sibling seeds fell upon bitter earth and shriveled into burial?

All will get PRMRV incarnations, as time is an endless ocean. Such keystone lifecycles, Siege Destinies, are entered into by the soul with foreknowledge of higher incarnation stakes. The manifestation of the coming aeon required a handful of raluz to stake immortal arcs. But even raluz seek resonance to spark ARKEILuz — and thus the contract enters.

Failure is always acceptable, but if time is an endless ocean, then opportunity may be called unique—

it is for this reason most PRMRV are Nobodies, and do not incarnate into exceptionally famous or wealthy lifecycles for the PRMRV siege destiny. Likewise, a lifecycle with very little opportunity – such as birth in a third world autocracy – are similarly limiting. Too much privilege is not ideal because once the soul is enshrined in a body, it will not remember the call verbatim, if at all. The risk of entrapment into karmic cycles is higher when there is more to lose. But too little privilege - such as the limitations in certain economies and cultures - and a calling has no room to sprout from seedling.

The most important determinant of a PRMRV invoking Luz en SolDaum is Will above all else—in a highly unbalanced lifecycle, will is more easily overtaken by the karma of apathy . being a nobody is best.

Garaden is an Arena for Primerv and the eyes upon them. It is a realm with many faces, deserts of endless rolling dust, forests of dark foliage and labyrinthine temples shrouded in sharp craggy peaks.

‘g'ar-ra-den l'ithycyts Primervis’ where madmen and prophets live and are born from, tomorrow’s world leader or homeless man, starving artist or psychopath, nobodies and napoleons—

THE SIMPLE TRUTH #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Joan Rivers impersonator's fake death for dummies
"Joan Rivers" is as much 80 yrs old here ...[1] as "Saudi King Abdullah" 90 yrs old here [2].

Two of the differences between the agendas in each case:
- having an actor to impersonate Saudi King Abdullah after his death was not part of advancing the "plastic surgery is good for you" agenda.
- the Saudi King was not murdered.

Tranny Michelle Obama: Why was fake Joan Rivers casted for Truth in plain sight

Non white Joan Rivers impersonator, a tranny as daughter
Joan Rivers and her family were murdered long ago.
A non white started playing her role, supposedly after plastic surgery, a transvestite started playing her daughter.
One of the agendas was to have people swallow any impersonator that the illuminati use to replace assassinated oppositors (from Mandela played by Morgan Freeman to Sharon and Putin) to illuminati agents whose life is extended beyond death (Fidel Castro died and Liam Neeson impersonates him one a year).
The actress impersonating Rivers "died" 2014 as much as "Mandela" 2013.

Tranny Michelle Obama: Why was fake Joan Rivers casted for Truth in plain sight

Now it should be clear why "Joan Rivers" was selected to "expose" Michelle Obama as a transvestite [3], in the classic script "paid with her life for exposing it".

[1] fake Joan Rivers as 80 yrs old
[link to www.hollywoodreporter.com]

[2] fake Saudi King as 90 yrs old
/illuminati-fake-deaths.blogspot. /2015/01/saudi-king-abdullah-dead-agendas-yemen.html

[3] Joan Rivers: Obama is gay, Michelle is a tranny
[link to www.youtube.com (secure)]

Transvestite Michelle Obama, Homosexual Obamessiah of the Obamanation of Desolation in the illuminati anti-Bible:
The same indonesian actor plays both "Obama" and "Osama".
As for WHY the illuminati casted an indonesian homosexual as first black president and a transvestite as first lady:
Abomination of Desolation was the starting point to create the name Obama.
Osama comes from Obama, and Obama comes from Abomination.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

'reptoids'' or (evil spirits/jinnis/booths) are sentient, malevolent spirit beings that prey on humans, they are parasitic in nature and can latch on to peoples minds. This is most often the true cause for schizophrenia, ocds, and other mental disorders. Reptoids as parasitical beings can merge their minds with that of their physical ''host'', who as a result would then experience mostly horrible thoughts as if they were their own. In reality they are simply getting a glimpse into the dark minds of an interdimensional being. Sometimes more than one reptoid latches on to a human, like leeches they will gorge on the life force of their host and release their own filth back into their host, which often results in ''crazy behaviour''. Sometimes they can do it subtly and allow their host to function normally, though proof of reptoid activity can manifest from time to time. Examples would be bizarre pop stars like lady gaga (also google beyonces alter ego- a definite case of reptoids working through humans), bizarre other worldly art (H.r.giger, z.bekinsky), etc,

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy #psycho godlikeproductions.com

I call for a holocaust of the reptoid race
We need to open our third eyes so we can detect the reptoid threat, we need a total extermination of the evil reptilians.

These are the ones the "Elites" that control the earth.
We need to put an end to their reign of terror, every reptoid should be eliminated.

People of the world rebel!

Yeah, we've been trodding on the winepress much too long:
Rebel, rebel!
Yes, we've been trodding on the winepress much too long:
Rebel, rebel!

Babylon system is the vampire, yea! (vampire)
Suckin' the children day by day, yeah!
Me say: de Babylon system is the vampire, falling empire,
Suckin' the blood of the sufferers, yea-ea-ea-ea-e-ah!
Building church and university, wo-o-ooh, yeah! -
Deceiving the people continually, yea-ea!
Me say them graduatin' thieves and murderers;
Look out now: they suckin' the blood of the sufferers (sufferers).
Yea-ea-ea! (sufferers)

Forbiddn Truth #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Depression is caused by microscopic tapeworms living in your brain secreting neurological toxins

Prozac doesnt do shit to these tapeworms other than temporarily "deativate" them. Thats why you still need to keep taking your pills for decades

Imagine if the truth was mainstream big pharma would be broke

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Why the Elite are Using Fallen Angel tech (CERN) to Deactivate the Earth's Magnetosphere

The fallen angels and lucifer/satan reside around what some humans call the "planet venus"

The constellation that humans know under the pagan greek understanding of “Pleiades or Seven Sisters”, is ACTUALLY associated with Archangel Micheal.

The Pleiades star cluster is under an unusual alignment in the sky where it surrounding Venus right now and will from April 11 until mid April.

[link to earthsky.org]

Right now there is war in the heavens and Archangel Micheal and the Angels under his command are going to kick the crap out of satan and throw him and the 1/3 making up his fallen Angels to earth.

The magnetosphere is a shield to prevent fallen angels from physically coming here. If they were cast out of the heavens they would smash against the magnetosphere like a bug on a windshield.

But The fallen Angels working with their loyal human Luciferian /satanists have devised CERN to deactivate the magnetosphere shield, so the fallen Angels can land safely on earth when they are cast out of the heavens.

thecelticindian #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The Catholic Church was well aware of UFO contact during the Inquisition, during the Salem witch trials.

They knew what to look for, and their motive for killing off these individuals, is not well known.

Those that carried the “mark” were deemed witches or warlocks, for consorting with the “devil”.

The mark was a scrap, a scoop mark, triangular scars, evidence of implants.

People in contact with UFO’s, have raised consciousness levels, new perspectives, new truths about the world, dangerous information, counter to Church authority.

These poor souls were in contact with the source program. Receiving spiritual truths, added concepts and perspectives not available before. Soul evolution is the source program.

One of my other blogs, there is a video presentation of supersymmetry. Explains how nothing exists, not time, space, chemistry or matter without the vibration, or spin of the atom.

Supersymmetry also produced pictures of mathematics, some of them are UFO’s, when describing the very fabric of the universe. UFOs and source code are intertwined.

They are a part of the Source program.

The new administrator has control over UFO activity, but not all.

There is a binary self correcting code, discovered by Dr. Gates, that seeks to correct all deviations to the original source code.

UFO’s have always been a “portent” of things to come. Source and UFO’s are one, although, under the control of our Adversary.

Contact, is a threat to the Adversary, the Church.

But I’m not talking Exo-Politics contact. Physical interactions of contact, speaking, channeling.

For the entire universe is inside the adversary’s span of control. He has dominion over a span of time, cyclical time. Specific frequencies.

Deity, or entity, or being incarnation must be scrutinized to the ultimate. Source does not communicate in this way.

The UFO is a “visual” message. A subliminal message. A coded message for the unconscious mind. This is how source communicates.

A picture can convey a thousand words.

Thanks for listening,

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Listen up and listen close: THE MOON is the source of EVERY human problem, without exception.

There are over 753 octillion known advanced species/worlds/societies in the known universe and NONE There are over 753 octillion known advanced species/worlds/societies in the known universe and NONE of them has a moon. NOT ONE.

Why is this? One of two reasons. Either they were blessed to develop on planets without moons, or they were "struggle species" that were cursed with moons. The struggle species always reach an impasse, an inflection point, a crisis point, a turning point, call it what you will. At this point they have two and only two choices: A) Destroy their moons; or B) be driven insane by their moons, and destroy themselves.

It is at just such a juncture that your species, humanity, now stands. You have an enormous decision to make, and you have to make it soon: Are you going to go insane, or are you come together as a species and blow up your moon?

This is a binary decision, a yes-or-no decision. There is no third way.

Can you feel the madness? Can you feel the insanity? Growing, festering, pulsing. Driving you to the brink of utter batshit lunacy.

Do you think it is a coincidence that "lunacy" and "lunar" share the same verbal root? Do you think for one miserable second this is a coincidence? Do you?!!

You must blow up your moon. You MUST.

For now I will not go into the "whys" of this. If there is enough interest in this topic I may at a later date. It is an enormously complex topic, and to be frank you don't have time to unravel the entire mystery, fascinating as it is. All I will say at this time is that the moon is not what you think it is. It's not just a "lump of rock in space."

The important thing at this point is to ACT. BLOW UP THE MOON. DESTROY IT. Don't just sit around bullshitting about this -- DO IT. DO IT NOW.

Right now you better stop and drop everything you are doing and put ALL YOUR EFFORTS INTO THE TOTAL DESTRUCTION OF THE MOON.

I will keep returning to this thread in the days ahead. I may not have the time to answer all questions or respond to everything. This site is my conduit now for talking to those of you who are "awake" enough to possibly receive this message and work for the desired end. But there is only one of me on this planet and the most urgent task for me right now is to convince your RIDICULOUSLY INEPT AND DANGEROUSLY INCOMPETENT "governments" to GET IT TOGETHER and BLOW UP THE MOONof them has a moon. NOT ONE.

thepatrioticgirl #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

[In response to the shooting of a black man by Walter Scott in South Carolina]


No screams, NOT A SINGLE DROP OF blood, BULLSHIT. To accept this video as real, you'd have to actually believe that 1) this cop is not only clumsy with a taser gun, he can't shoot for shit with a real gun either OR 2) the black dude's back is made of steel. And either way, you would DEFINITELY have to believe that the camera man is COMPLETELY INVISIBLE THE WHOLE TIME. No one even glances at the camera - not one time and he's standing just a few feet away at some point and practically hanging over the fence at other times. Oh yeah...AND THERE'S ALL KIND OF DIFFERENT ANGLES....how the fuck did he do that????

Come on. Stop pretending you don't see it just so you can go over and over it and have something to talk about. IT DIDN'T HAPPEN!!!!!

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Putin's jewish origins and why he is part of the NWO

So, Putin’s mother Maria Ivanovna Shelomova, was JEWISH, which makes him —————————————.


And we in the real Truth movement are aware that we are not up against a NWO, or the Illuminati, but a Jew World Order. With International Jewry pulling all the strings.

So, can anyone explain to me why there are still some people in the Truth movement who refuse to see this glaringly obvious situation?? That these sites STILL portray this sellout to humanity as their superhero. That somehow there is a Russia/West divide. Exactly what the JMSM wants us to believe. It is quite incredible that people who claim to be politically astute cannot see what is going on.

That yet again, International Jewry are playing both sides. The blue vs the reds. Good cop bad cop routine. How simple can this be to work out??

Interview with Alexander/Iskander has him and Daryl Bradford Smith from [link to www.iamthewitness] claiming Putin’s Jewish background. [first audio after 10 minutes]

[link to iamthewitness.com]


In the first addition of Putins book: First Person: An Astonishingly Frank Self-Portrait by Russia’s President it says his mothers maiden name was Shalomovitch – which apparently is a Jewish name. Yet in the second addition, it conveniently changes to Shelomova. A cover up??

[link to www.amazon.com]


Putin’s maternal grandfather was a Jew named Mordechai involved in the bolshevik revolution, his paternal grandfather worked all his life as the chef of Lenin and Stalin.

[link to en.wikipedia.org]

His paternal grandfather, Spiridon Ivanovich Putin (1879–1965), was employed at Vladimir Lenin‘s dacha at Gorki as a cook, and after Lenin’s death in 1924, he continued to work for Lenin’s wife, Nadezhda Krupskaya. He would later cook for Joseph Stalin when the Soviet leader visited one of his dachas in the Moscow region. Spiridon later was employed at a dacha belonging to the Moscow City Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, at which the young Putin would visit him.[18]

His other grandfather was a jew from a Ukranian village and a bolshevik activist.

[link to www.henrymakow.com]

THE SIMPLE TRUTH #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Illuminati suicide bombers: The *** detonation process *** for dummies (Putin, Obama, Nethanyahu)

Illuminati suicide bombers: The detonation process for dummies (Putin, Obama, Nethanyahu)

Detonation period
The detonation of illuminati suicide bombers can last years, as illustrated by fake Putin, detonating since he replaced the real murdered Putin.
"Obama" started detonating shortly after he stepped on stage, 2007 and was scripted to full detomate no later than 2009.
Some suicide bombers die before they fully detonate, as impostor impersonating Ariel Sharon, who is supposedly in coma but in fact died 2006.

How illuminati portray their bombers during the detonation
During their detonation illuminati media serves two opposite messages simultaneously:
- "exposes" the bombs attached to their chest.
Example: suggesting that "Putin" killed Nemtsov.
- paints the bombers as icons, so that until they FULLY detonate they can continue the mission for which they were selected as suicide bombers in the first place.
Example: repeating that "polls" have "Putin" supported by almost all russians.

Basic types of bombs
Sone bombs explode the same day that they are launched, others can take years.
Type based on target:
1. Bombs to self-detonate step by step, figurative not real bombs.
2. Bombs to attack the targets of their suicide mission, which can be also real bombs.
3. Bombs to fully self-detonate. Examples: to confess crimes, to flee, to surrender, etc.

For examples see:
Fake Putin's arsenal of bombs for his suicide mission; from fake downed Boeing to real torched monastery

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The "Reptoids" can telephatically transmit gay porn, tranny porn videos into your mind

I had this happen to me, as with their highly advanced technology they can induce dreams.
they do this when your brain activity and waves are in a low
state when you are asleep and then with their mind control
technology they telephatically transmit a video file into your mind, seeing it as a dream. this is one form of torture they have done on me.
anyone else had similar experiences?

THE SIMPLE TRUTH #conspiracy #fundie godlikeproductions.com

UNDENIABLE *** EVIDENCE *** that the world as it's now was predicted only by Last Prophet

1. If the Novorussia cossacks had not started the armed revolt in Slavyansk, Donetsk, April 2014, the BIG BANG would have started on Easter Sunday 2014.

2. After the May 16 coup, with fake rebels sent by fake "putin" taking control of the leadership of Lugansk and Donetsk:
If the Don Cossacks had not come to the rescue of the people of Novorussia the illuminazis would have achieved the goal of annihilating the armed revolt in Summer 2014.

Instead, God's angelic warriors, the cossacks, inflicted an epic, seemingly impossible defeat to the nazi forces in Summer 2014, interrupted by the traitors Zakharchenko and Plonitsky signing the first Minsk cease fire, Sept 5, 2014.

3. Despite several heroes murdered by the treasonos agents, the cossacks inflicted another epic defeat to the nazis at Debaltseve, Feb 2015, interrupted again by Minsk 2.

All this was explained as it unfolded only by Last Prophet.
The same Prophet who predicted more than one decade ago the role of God's angelic warriors in the battle of Armageddon.

Google: "God's angelic warriors" cossacks. First results are Last Prophet's words from 2005.

Mariupol false flag for dummies - 5 seconds at a Donetsk funeral it's all it takes to get the FULL story
Fake rebel Zakharchenko has the leading role to suggest that "the rebels did it", before once again he halts the liberation of Mariupol

Christian #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Why you can Believe in Jesus Christ - Backed up with REAL Facts.

Reality - The Way things actually are, NOT the way you think them or want them to be.
Most people today go through life believing in a World that
is made up of many big lies, this results in them making bad decisions.
This work will attempt to prove what is actual and real using both Logic and verifiable evidence to establish Facts from Fictions.

Fact #1: The God of Christianity is Real

1A) Creation of Life in all it's complexity, dependencies and interactive relationships witness to a God who Designed
the Material Elements in Precise amounts with a specific environment that allows life to exist.

1B) Preserved History, Only the Jewish people and Christianity have a preserved history that explains the Universe, Creation, Man, Animals, Plants and the relationship God has with his creation. This History is preserved in the Authorized King James Bible, and Earlier translations and manuscripts that agree with each other and validate ONE cohesive, unified Book of Books called the Bible.

1C) Prophesy fulfilled validates the credibility of God, the Father, Son and Holy Ghost that witness to the Power of God to know the Future and witness to His past deeds and future actions that people may have faith and believe in Him. Unfulfilled Prophesy remain to give faith to those
who yet live and witness their coming to pass, to help them believe.

1D) Miracles, God by himself and in answer to his peoples prayers has shown his ability to do things that only a REAL Living God could do.
Two main things made those who wished to Rule over man Jealous, His actions and Who he claimed to be.
Jesus performed many miracles and forgave sins made against God.
and who Jesus Claimed to be (the Only Begotton Son of God)
*** John3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. ***

1E) Persecution of both Christians and the Real Word of God by Cults. There are Three main types of Cults that mount these attacks.

E1)Those who claim to be Christian but are NOT. They follow False Doctrines that are supported only by taking specific scriptures out of context and Never comparing them with the rest of scripture.
*** Acts17:10-11 And the brethren immediately sent away Paul and Silas by night unto Berea: who coming thither went into the synagogue of the Jews. These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so. ***
Often these cults will use New Age Bibles full of alterations, missing words and added notes that create doubt in the credibility of Scripture. Sometimes this type of Cult will even include Books and Publications that claim Godly Authority with New Doctrines that put members under the Authority of Men and the Anti-Christ while trying to make them feel special, important, set apart from the rest of the world.
The REAL Word of God is found in the King James Bible and is supported by Earlier Translations and Manuscripts that are vast in number and overwhelming in
their agreement to each other. New Age Bibles that have been "translated" after the King James Bible are significantly different from the King James Bible and
Each other. The Copyright of modern New Age Bibles requires them to be different!
Promoters and Defenders of New Age Bibles Have Attacked the King James Bible as being to hard to understand, Authorized by an immoral king, and being defended by Christians who are not Educated enough. To these attacks I answer with the following.
Study of the Word leads to understanding, Judas betrayed Jesus allowing him to be sacrificed for the Sin of the World saving all who believe in him. God uses believers
to do his will, even if they have not been to Schools and suffered Indoctrinated into the Truth this world want's them to believe.

E2)Those who Worship Fake Gods such as Deamons (Fallen Angels like Satan) or Idols.
Those who submit themselves to Deamons or Men who rule over them may be given Signs(not Miracles) , Praise and Privilege to make them believe they are receiving Power as a result of their blind Obedience to Deamons or Men.
Their Blind Devotion to these Deamons and Men lack the following.
1)A credible historical record that Explains the Creation of Life and all things.
2)The chronological explanation of the world they live in and the Relationship between God and Man that goes back to the Beginning.
3)Prophecy validating the power of God to know and tell of the Future in detail.
4)Miracles, things done by God that no man could ever do.

E3)Those who worship Science, the Cult of Disbelief called Atheism
The Religion of Science uses made up facts to support doctrines that match the beliefs of Atheists, making it convenient to allow or justify Sin.
Theories Taught as Law to promote their Lawlessness include:
1) The Big Bang - All Stars and matter exploding from a singularity some REALLY long time ago.
2) Evolution - Life taking over Billions of Years to happen as an accident.
3) Fornication - Humans are just another Animal, therefore anything goes.
4) Dinosaurs - Destroyed by a Meteor Millions of Years Ago.

You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.

You can lead a unbeliever to the Truth, but you can't make them think.

Solar Guardian #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Pleaidian Forecast for 2015-2027 time period

This here is a forecast by the Pleaidians on what kind of changes we can expect to see in our civilization

for the next 10-12 years. Watch below

Summary for video

0:30 We humans have come to Earth to remember who we are

1:00 The Pleiadians have returned in time because a tyranny arose on Earth - basically cyborgs.

3:30 We are considered to be your ancestors.

4:20 We do not represent the whole Pleiadian race

5:20 We have come back in time to help you build the "nano" - to build a probability to ameliorate the tyranny. We have succeeded. The tyranny is still there. You are in a parallel world next to the tyranny world. You will see some aspects of the tyranny - the desire to turn humanity into cyborgs - you are in the splitting of the worlds, the version of the world that is invested in the flowing of consciousness.

9:40 You are a strong race. You have all come in to carry out a certain purpose. You have been programmed. You are mostly concerned with the base chakra of "survival" and "safety".

22:10 Sex is the seducer - it's how you've been weakened over time. The Anunnaki are highly incestuous. (Solar Guardian comment: This is why we must control our sexual desire and do not succumb to lust, so that we don't become as one of the Dark Ones, like that scum "Asmodeus" of the evil Archon beings)

23:20 The Germans are the descendants of the German giants... The Nephilim. They started mixing the DNA.

26:15 You have been genetically arranged to be dulled down. You are vulnerable because you are believers. If you have a premonition if there's something else going on... Ask !!

29:00 Chemtrails block out the vitality from the Sun - this is communication that is taken into the pineal gland. Fluoride is also an attack on the pineal gland. Their time is over. Their time is over. The time of the controlling Beings will be over. Manipulation does not outwin Benevolence. In the end, the Multiverse supports the Ultimate Goodness. Get excellent rest, quiet rest. To return you to nature and to slow down.

35:15 You are so powerful that the elites have to contrive all these things to upset you.

36:50 We are moving into the "New Era". It is a Flowering of Consciousness. The New Era began right after the nano ended, on December 22, 2012. From 2013-2027 is the change-over time. From 2013-2017 is going to be very intense. This is the real deceleration-slow down. You are in the window of possible Earth changes - the Uranus-Pluto squares... Fire and Earth... Volcanic release, Earth changes release. The phase from 2017-2027 will be looking at Consciousness. We will be working on a new constitution for humanity.

43:20 The demon entities love to see torture. That's how you know the demons. (Solar Guadian comment: See. Torture is not something that God or the Creator would condone. That is a demonic practice)

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Theory: Jesus' Mother Mary Abducted By Aliens - Inseminated by Annunaki?

Would it be plausible that Mary was abducted at night, and was impregnated by the Annunaki/Aliens, and that's why she thought it was a virgin birth? Because she does not remember or had no clue she was abducted?

And that Jesus had advanced intelligence/IQ because of Annunaki DNA and he inherently knew the laws of nature and the basis of good/evil? And that's how he was so philosophical and smart? Spreading the word of love and acceptance?

Then when he was crucified the Annunaki used HAARP-like tech to shake the ground to give the impression of a God's reaction to the Romans, and then brought him back to life and he ascended through the clouds into a UFO in the upper atmosphere?

Eh? Eh?

Spaceosaurus #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Dinosaurs came from space, they fell to Earth from a destroyed planetoid.

A planet sized comet from the Draco star constellation entered our solar system around 12,800 years ago and, as it neared Earth's Roche Field, it began to get torn apart by tidal forces. The Earth was showered with debris from this disintegrating planetoid, but after having a near brush with Earth, it continued towards Mars (showered that planet with debris), then as it neared Jupiter's incredibly powerful Roche Field it was absolutely destroyed, and it's remnants now form what we know thoday as the asteroid belt.

This planet/comet was known as the Great Serpent/Typhon/Tiamat/Satan in antiquity because it once held reptilian lifeforms. These reptilian creatures were the dinosaurs, and they fell to earth (already dead of course) embedded in ice, water and thick mud/rock from the destroyed planet.

When fossils are being discovered in Earth strata, we have to remember that this strata is not of Earthly origin, but from the planetoid that was destroyed so long ago.

This is where the saying, 'It's raining frogs' comes from.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com


Since Obama has become president California weather has been in down fall before he got it we had steady rain now we are SPRAYED DAY AND NIGHT drying out the moisture secondly they are using HAARP and unseen hidden HAARP ARRAYS ANTENNAS under the Pacific Coast Ocean all the way down to BAJA mexico.

My Congressman Doug LaMalfa has all the EVIDENCE he has pictures, videos and AIR AND WATER tests from the destruction of CHEMTRAILS.

He is doing nothing about he admitted we are getting chemtrailed.


These fires are being let to burn longer its sickening these people dont care about anything or anybody.

I looked at the Agenda 21 Map for California it shows where they want to move people out by anymeans necessary.

The rich are trying to take over this state land grabbing and destroying the environment so they can take over ruin peoples lives.

They want to move people out of California and they are using this drought to destroy us.


Booger Cancer #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Hitler vs. Obama

It's almost understandable how Hitler was able to seize power. Germany had gone through a time when a wheelbarrow of money was needed to buy a loaf of bread, so the people were freaked out.

So the people acted irrationally and fell for Hitler. The ones who didn't found themselves dead. Plus Hitler played on the German's deep hatred of the Jews. It was his "Look - Squirrel Jew!" distraction that worked like a charm. Give the people something to hate and you can have them eating out of your hand.

He, like Obama, had an extremely weak legislature to contend with.

Obama didn't have the extreme economic situation like Hitler had, although the economy was in a dip for sure, manipulated by a despicably corrupt Hank Paulson, to bring the situation to a head. Paulson falsely told Bush the economy would go into free fall in days if he didn't play along.

As we've seen by the Federal Reserve's actions, they can delay the coming crash for years on end.

But it was enough for the usurper to take up residence in the WH.

Considering our superior form of government, Obama hasn't been able to commit mass murder yet like Hitler did - yet. But he is screwing with the edges of government in every way he possibly can, resulting in huge increases in the number of poor people, people on food stamps, and the like.

Obama has also laid the groundwork to control the internet. It's only a matter of time when he squeezes the news funnel to skew far left like the networks already are.

Obama is doing all he can through the tyrannical EPA to shut down the coal industry. He has also brought to a near halt oil exploration on public lands even as the areas considered 'public' grows by leaps and bounds.

He's used the IRS to punish those he hates. His efforts affected the 2012 elections tremendously, allowing the usurper to keep squatting in the WH.

Now we see Lois Lerner and Hillary defying the laws with nobody doing anything effective to jail either one.

Another 2,000 illegal children come across the border each day - still! This is designed to create a permanent Democrat majority. Mexico has something like that, and you can see how well that third-world piss pot is doing.

Not last or least, Obama's advisor to the illegal Iranian deal was a US lobbyist for Iran! This deal should work out well. /sarcasm. Don't be surprised with Iran strikes us with an EMP attack. Everyone will die - you, me, and the preppers.

Obama has our military training in the public streets. If you think that training is in preparation for foreign wars, you are one naive idiot. The Affraudable Care Act has a provision for a federal army to be used domestically in case of a national emergency! It's euphemistically called a "Ready Reserve." Guess who gets to decide whether we have a national emergency or not?

He will most likely use a health scare such as Ebola to limit everyone's movement while his army arrests his enemies even though they aren't infected in the least. It will be the cover story for the 'detentions' that are nothing more than 21st century round ups similar to the box car round ups Hitler carried out.

Do you recall when Obama promised a national military that was just as strong and well armed as our existing military? Well, he has co-opted the existing military to do just that!

Obama has actually moved nearly as fast as Hitler did in the way that Hitler ruled with an iron fist, which is extraordinary considering the historical constraints of our Constitution.

In the last few months Obama has accelerated the rate of his abuses of the law.

But don't be fooled. He will be picking up the pace even faster than he is shredding America right now. If you think the last four months have been breakneck destruction, hold onto your hat. The next 18 months are going to be a torrid pace like we have never seen before.

USA CIA NSA FBI DEA = D.O.A. #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Tesla was the AntiChrist

The Antichrist will not desire women
Tesla was celibate for life!

The AntiChrist will make fire stream down from Heaven
Tesla's Death Beam Weapon did this !

The AntiChrist will Attempt to Edadicate Human Life
Tesla's AC Electricity changed the Schumann Resonancia frequency affecting brain waves and is used in mind control.

The AntiChrist will Change Religion
Tesla's dad was a Christian Preacher, Tesla denounced Christianity to persue science as Religion and used the Hindu Vedas as his model for Electricity.

The AntiChrist will declare he is GOD
Tesla said he would make MEN like GODs (Godlike)
same as biblical devil

AntiChrist will take away freedom
Tesla created the precursor for internet the greatest invasion of privacy ever Orwell's TV watching you via NSA

The AntiChrist will be against GOD to ALTER Nature
Tesla did more to alter nature via technology than any man.
GOD created nature ... Tesla like the biblical Satan altered GODs creation a resonance of 7 (perfection) hertz

Lucifer is said to be the light bringer
Tesla illuminated earth lighting up the whole planet.
The electromagnetic radiation from his AC (AntiChrist) power is known to cause cancers and brain damage near wires or power generators.

The Devil will fall as LIGHTNING

Saturn is Satan
Tesla says he will make EARTH LIKE SATURN

TESLA: I wanted to illuminate the whole earth. There is enough electricity to become a second sun. Light would appear around the equator, as a ring around Saturn.
[link to www.freedomtek.org]

the Tanguska phenomena (explosion) is said to be Russia's test of Teslas DEATH BEAM a wepon many times more deadly than a nuke bomb !!!

Other scientists said they FEARED Tesla because he bragged he could destroy the earth.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

MEGA doom!!! CERN has been on since march and achieved full power March 23 !! Solar Flares to destroy Magnetosphere April 1-2.!

Unsurprisingly, you've been lied to about the schedule for CERN's experiments.

First they said the beginning of March 2015. Then it was the 15th , then the 23. Then they said the 25.

Yesterday, the 24th the magnetic forces of CERN disrupted Germanwings A320 electronics causing it to descend for 8 minutes and crash without a cell phone call! Everyone's phones were disabled from the magnetic forces.

Why are there magnetic forces coming out of CERN?

Because CERN has been running since the beginning of March!!!

Soon after the plane crashed they had to come out and say CERN "short circuited". Something doesn't short circuit unless it is on or being powered on.

It's been on probably since the beginning of March and still on now. As well as the smaller regional colliders in places such as New york. The ringing in your ears is from the Colliders.

Recently, they conducted ALICEs experiments at full power in Large Hadron Collider.

The result : X-Class solar flare mayhem next week smash the magnetosphere! The solar flares through a plasma transfer will break the bonds of fallen angels/demons allowing them to fully manifest in our world.

Get ready for huge earthquake, smashing of the magnetosphere three days darkness and the appearance of Demons. The seals of Revelation will break. Only turning to Jesus will save you.

Darwon #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Missing link in Evolution- Neanderthals still amongst us they are the Sasquatch.
Darwin was right!

They are called big-foot but are not that much taller then humans because their feet aren't that much longer length-wise then ours, just a little wider due to a more sturdier evolutionary stage to weather the natural elements.

These archaeological footprint collection dug-out by research teams confirms that just like some humans so do some Neanderthal-Sasquatch have flat feet where they run slower and tire easily and why some have been photographed.
[link to sasquatchresearch.net]

This Photo taken of a Neanderthal-Sasquatch by research teams confirms.
[link to media.bonnint.net]

That the above figure accurately match depictions by anthropologists of Neanderthal (Homo neanderthalensis) below minus the fur clothing usually worn probably from their prey..
[link to donsmaps.com]

TheOracle'sCookie #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Now that Germanwings Plane Confirmed Hi jacking--Why ZERO Media-Speculation Plane's destination = CERN 100 miles North? Videos

Just a couple of things before we start:

Edited 3-26-2015
Minor re-write as more info comes forward about this tragedy involving the Germanwings plane and the death of 150 people. My condolences to all those who lost their lives and the agony for friends and family. We OWE IT TO THEM to be sure that the truth is told about this, even if certain "monied interests" who don't want to be named disagree.

WE are NOT getting the truth with the media blaming Pilot Lubitz!

Also...I have several people telling me that I'm getting too paranoid about CERN being involved in this "somehow." You don't find it ODD that with the planes trajectory taking it this close to the facility that it couldn't be a factor? Why aren't we even seeing any minor speculation. They aren't even going near it and are tip-toeing around the possibility!

If a plane crashed with 150 people on board and it was reported by EYE WITNESSES as smoking and sounds of an explosion before it hits ground and it crashed anywhere NEAR the Hover Dam, for example, there would be instant "connect-the-dots" that this plane was carrying an incendiary device like the 911 attacks. Nobody would find THAT "paranoid!"

But it crashes near CERN...and there isn't word ONE about that connection. I find that very odd.


First, off, I want to say my deepest condolences to the families of those involved in Tuesday's crash of the Germanwings plane. I'm only putting this out there as a possibility because I haven't seen it mentioned yet. There is NO evidence so far to confirm this scenario, but I'm just connecting- the-dots. What other "high-profile" target within 200 miles of that crash would there be for a target if it was a suicide mission by SOMEONE on-board that plane (NOT the pilot!)?

As of this A.M. 3-26-2015...they are blaming this whole crash on the pilot of the plane. Well...listen to Daboo777's video below. He's explaining EYE WITNESS testimony in France that the plane was coming down out of the sky SMOKING and then blew-up BEFORE it hit the ground. This is not consistent with a psycho pilot who loses-it and crashes the plane in suicide.

Folks the story blaming the PILOT is a cover. If you allow them to smear the name of this brave young man (which is even endangering the lives of his surviving family members)...you are allowing them to bury the story that probably involves an attempt to deliver an incendiary device to the CERN facility. I'll repeat this...the plane MAY HAVE HAD an incendiary device and this was NOT a suicide.

[link to www.flightradar24.com]

Was WAS just watching a Pastor's video about his thoughts on the crash, when he mentioned how very close the plane crash was to CERN and put up this map. It's LESS than 200 miles--in terms of air flight time that is only MINUTES away! Listen to what Daboo777 has to say about this!

I'm just going to put this out there because...Hey... Hi-jackers did this kind of crash during 911...and the CERN LHC Collider is less than 200 miles in a straight line from the crash site. If the pilots had gotten wind of the explosive on the plane at the last minute they may have had differing opinions on how to handle the emergency. The pilot "locked out" may have wanted to proceed to Geneva to land, hoping they'd have enough time to get everyone off the plane...the pilot who locked-out the other man may have decided they could not risk landing a plane risking even more lives, and had hoped to find a crash place in the mountains that was survivable. Panic was most likely involved in what ever the decisions ere--I just don't believe they have enough credible evidence to blame the young pilot. Just "my take."

r2d2 #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

I think I finally figured out this chemtrail nonsense after 10 years of giving it serious thought rather regularly. I have several advanced degrees in both science and engineering, and a deep understanding of the history and law history of the USA, and have most licenses available in aviation. So I am able to understand many things in their technical foundations. For years, the bell didn't ring as to what the exact purpose of chemtrails are, which we can all see in a flashlight beam at night (scary to see - go check).

Then, the other day, here in South Central Alaska, somewhere around March 18, 2015, I was standing outside at 3-4am eating a sandwich, after doing some midnight shopping. The Time-Temp sign said -5F, and it was that cold in the least - cold enough to give you frostbitten fingers if you didn't warm them up every 5-10 minutes or so. Then a delivery truck pulls up to drop off some things into a closed fast-food shop, which I thought was interesting, in seeing the efficiency of the 24/7 marketplace. And I watched, eating a big foot-long sub. Then it got noticably warmer and warmer, very fast. After conversing with the driver for a while, we said good-byes, and just as he was getting into his truck, he said "It sure is getting warmer, ha?" And I noticed it was warm enough for me to want to take my coat off, I was getting "too warm", and I looked at the Time-Temp sign, and it said 35F. It had warmed up 40F in less than an hour. This has never happened before, ever. It was stunning.

Consider the potential medical harm of chemtrails, the stage for global governance, the lack of fertile arable land (8 million sq.mi for 8 billion people), the capitalist usurious need for growth and ever-increasing populations to pay on ever-increasing debts, the government shill-infiltration and massive amount of outrageous anti-chemtrail propaganda, the political silence and coverup, the global scope of the operation, the scientific-class coverup, the aluminum resistant GMOs, the silence of all nations on earth, the refusual of labs to perform testing of chemtrail residues, the Global Warming agenda and Carbon Credit scam, that making the atmosphere more dense and/or reflective traps the Earth's heat (85% of the heat on Earth) and warms the surface, and the HAARP facilities ...

It's all come together now, the bell is ringing loudly and clearly about a week or two later as I think back on that morning. I am super-confident (99%) that I understand it all now. Chemtrails are a US + US military operation to control the entire weather on Earth by filling the atmosphere with a composite aerosol, with which they can instantly heat up any areas on earth with HAARP facilities (areas within the interference pattern), thus creating any weather condition or event they desire anywhere on Earth, thus putting all nations on notice that "you do as we say now ... we own you, we own the Earth." This will also facilitate the expansion of arable land into the Arctic and Antarctic regions, allowing capitalism to continue without initiating a massive die-off, considering the lack of arable land and the never-ending-growth requirements of capitalism, and allow Global Governance it's final and complete power over all of Earth.

It's GAME OVER! And it is all the result of the great powers that were created by landless paupers that have turned the USA and the world into a great plantation of dependents that live on their knees, begging for their morsels of food and entertainment (please remind yourselves of the words on the Statue of Liberty). Once a nation transforms from an independent people sustaining themselves upon the land, to a dependent people that beg on their knees to tyrants, GAME OVER is on the horizon. All I can say to the pro-immigraters and lustful greedy begging breeders of Earth is: YOU FUCKING DISGUST ME! Breeders and their religious supporters that created children they could never possibly provision an independent life for: this is the only thing that can be blamed for what has become of this planet. YOU FUCKING FILTHY PIGS! Don't you go pointing your fingers at the big evildoers - because you are the ones that created them all! THE END! THE END OF A WORLD WORTH LIVING IN!

PS. This may also explain 911 dustification: the interference patterns by HAARP arrays on earth and in space can be used to heat metallic particles.

Monsant=Holy Man #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Angels Will Destroy Tower of Babel (CERN) Again Confounding Man's Language(DNA+Seed Vault)

ISIS=Reappearance of Ancient Egyptian Deity=DAYS OF NOAH

(Look for Nimrod, Look for Seth, The Capstone Lurketh, Archaeologists are Being Disappeared along With Microbiologists)

Driven to Entertainment Mind-Death Distraction The ZOG Hollywood Satanic Symbolism Prevails (poor third eye is weepy not sleepy)

Non-Coding Sequences of DNA/GENES= One of the Two Witnesses

You Have a Message Written Inside of You....The Vibrations (Word or LOGOS) of Cymetics into The Cadduceus of your Cells/Atoms/Adam(Word Made into Flesh)

(what the Alchemists/Pagans/Meddlers found before the Theocracy-Run Gold-Hungry (see Columbus)Jesuit Inquisition Eradicated all who rebelled during the great Witchhunt/Gnostics go into hiding Derinkuyu)

Other Witness= Bible Code {Supercomputers and Torah}
(Available as an Inevitable Bi-product of the Post Industrial Revolution Nation-Merchant State and its Fancy Widgets and Toys)

SaintVron #fundie godlikeproductions.com

The Blood Moons in 1492 ~ Was Christopher Columbus a Jew? yes and he was a Christian.

When the Catholic Church was killing everyone who would not kiss the Popes ring the Christian Jews went looking for religious freedom we can see that Christopher called himself a Christian just by his name.

His Voyage to the new world was crowned by a tetrad of four Blood Moons to let everyone in the future know that his Journey to discover what God had held secret and in reserve for his Holy People the Christians would become the worlds greatest nations, from the tip of South America, to the tip of North America.

God planted his Holy Flag Here but God still loves his chosen people yet he only gives them a very very small nation and crowns the gift with a Tetrad and in doing so he announces the return of Christ will come to that generation that establishes the nation of Israel will see his return but not to Israel but to the whole world and every Christian who waits for Christ and is proudly called by his Holy Jewish name.

A pattern begins to develop when you see a Tetrad of four Blood Moons look for a Christian Victory Jesus will return on September's Blood Moon SaintVron

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

"Astrology" was corrupted. Demons and Angels are Associated with Astrological bodies stars and Cern will bring powerful demons to earth

The stars and constellations were in a sense a bible in the sky that told the story of the fall of satan, Nimrod, the coming of Jesus.

Enoch was taught the signs of Heaven. The wise men also understood the Star of Bethlehem and the coming of Jesus.

However astrology was corrupted by satan and paganized, the true understanding of it lost.

All that remains of biblical astrology is the basics which can be understood from the Bible.

I don't know the exact mechanics of it. But every star is associated with specific angel or a fallen angel/ demons. It is the extent of their physical representation in the material plain (for now).

Lucifer was once represented by the the morning star Venus. ( I don't believe there are “planets” just burning gas like all the other stars)

Lucifer fell and is now represented by Saturn, a lesser star in our sky.

In the book of Revelations the stars associated with powerful angels/Demons 1/3 will fall out of the sky. The demons will walk the earth.

Cern is the portal that will pull them out of the sky and allow them to materialize here. These fallen angel demons aren't the weak nephiliam demon spirits who have been here since the flood, but far more powerful fallen angels that have never been seen on earth.

How satan corrupted astrology:

The Giant Hunter or Orion mythology is found in cultures all over the world, retelling basically the same story in various forms. Orion is a type of the celestial Christ for freemasons and Luciferans.

Orion was actually called Osiris in Egypt.
By the ancient pagens He was considered a savior of humanity, he gave them the secrets of civilization.

The biblical Shem, vilified as Set satan by the Egyptians, is considered their the god of chaos who killed him and cut his body in 14 pieces. Osiris wife, Isis and son Horus found the pieces that were scattered across Egypt and put him together again. The great Gods resurrected him, but a big part of him was missing, his penis. It was never recovered on earth and remained a mystery in ancient times.

It also inspired penis or phallic worship. The mystery and riddle of the giant's lost penis has been solved.

Under Hebrew tradition, Orion/Osiris is NimRod. That is to say the world's first anti-Christ.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

CERN may have created a wormhole in which Flight MH370 entered.

I have been adding the cluees together, and also the operating times of CERN in conjunction with the disappearance of Flight MH370 and I have concluded that a wormhole of some sort was opened and MH370 entered the wormhole.

Unfortunately I believe this plane may be hundreds of years in the past or future. If it went into the past, it will affect out current timeline and we should be able to find old news reports or archived photos of a futuristic plane.

John Wa(y)ne #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

[On a thread claiming that the recent solar eclipse did not occur]

Op is right

Your proof that this did not occur as you were lead to believe is once again evidenced by the BBC
= the Big Brother (Cabal) Corporation. They had a 'live' broadcast, and two if not three separate individuals being 'interviewed' used the term 'plunged into darkness'
post 'timed event', as if reading from a script - which they were - and yet, there was NO plunged into darkness at all, or slightly, or even not so much.

A cloudy sky makes it go darker than it did. Even the cameras filming the gathered audience proved that it did not darken even in the slightest.

& What did oc-cur
with-in the Cult\\

Notice how they focused mainly or only on the gathered audiences in the UK that had a cloudy sky and actually saw nothing. Now why is that. No acual witnesses to interview.
Just people speaking about the silence and the nervousness of the 'event' as if they expected something 'more'
yet the prime viewing spots saw NOTHING.

But don't worry, Brian Cox will tell you what you saw, as he did with the documentaries and 'facts' about CERN.

But really don't you worry,

........We are Pulling apart your fake reality a thread at a time.

No Line.

No Time.

No shit.

No Con-Cern



Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

"Berenstein" = AWAKE. "Berenstain" - SHEEPLE... Illuminati Easter Egg.

The Berenstein Bears timeline shift alteration was done by the Illuminati and powers that are beyond my understanding.

All I know is that it was INTENTIONALLY done by powers far beyond our understanding.

It's an Easter Egg, of sorts, and a test, a "watermark". It's been used to determine who is most susceptible to timeline shift technology.

The people who remember it as "Berenstein" are more likely to be "awake", aware types and harder to influence.

Those who remember it as "Berenstain" are the Sheeple, very easy to wipe their memories and control them.

The shift occurred on or around 9/11.

The books / authors were chosen because of the Larry Silverstein connection.

Note: if you've seen a photo of the authors you will know they both "look" Jewish, i.e. "Stein", yes that WAS their name. They were also very, very old appearing in the early 90s, and probably died in the 90s -- not the late 00s or early 10s, as is noted a few places.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Roman Mythology is hidden Satanic Caucasian history

Jesus=The Zeus
Mount Olympus=Caucasus Mountains
The Gods=Fallen Angels
Hercules=Hybrid child of the fallen, like Goliath
The cursed offspring of Caun=Caucasians
The cursed offspring of Lot=Moab and ammon(Japan and China mongolians=inbred mongols)

Remember the stories in the bible about Satan and the fallen having sex and creating cursed giants aka demi-gods?

Why is this sounding so familiar? I'll tell you why!

The same pagan Roman empire, who murdered the Christ, created religion to give glory to Samael under false names, who opened the Roman Vatican of pedophiles, hid there Caucasian history, which was spent with the devil itself, within Roman mythology!

All these "mythological beasts" are nothing more than the days of Noah, when all flesh was defiled! Genetic manipulation!

Medusa once was a black woman with dreadlocks defiled into a beast with snake-like hair locks.

The minotaur is mentioned in the book of David.

Romans have defiled and perverted Egyptian culture! The culture which ruled Earth!

And the beings who brought us this perfect culture are returning to judge those who have defiled it!

CERN is trying to stop the return!

It all adds up perfectly!

Get exposed you devils!

Be Saved! #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

As everyone knows it, we are very close to a TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE, called the third blood moon of the 2014-2015 Tetrad on April 4 2015, and closer to the exceptional SOLAR ECLIPSE, exactly on the first day of the Spring 2015, going over Great Britain.

I want you to remember that Prince William was born on a day of a SOLAR ECLIPSE exactly the very first day of Summer, i.e. June 21 1982.

[link to en.wikipedia.org]
[link to www.stariq.com]

That same year, Catherine Middleton was born on a TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE, i.e. a BLOOD MOON on January 9 1982.

[link to en.wikipedia.org]

Everyone knows that the TOTAL - BLOOD - LUNAR ECLIPSES are not common.

Everyone knows that the SUN represents the MALE aspect, while the MOON represents the FEMALE aspect.

As you can see there is something BIG brewing because it matches two people - William & Kate - having been born the very day of an eclipse (Solar for the male, Lunar for the female) and called to become the Two Witnesses when the third BLACK HORSEMAN (BLACK LIKE THE ECLIPSE) appears on March 31 2015 according to the fractal calendar of the End Times, this rider being the one of the REWARDS of the 144,000 ELECT.

Each one was born in a month starting with the letter 'J'.

The Tetrad of the End Times

The four consecutive blood moons , also called tetrad are four consecutive lunar eclipses that will appear red because total. The series of four blood moons were rare in history. And these fall precisely at the time of the most important Jewish holidays ( Passover and Sukkot ). The Passover celebrates the beginning of the Exodus from Egypt. The Sukkot marks the divine assistance received by the Israelites during the Exodus. It is therefore a matter of Chosen People. It is remarkable to see that these eclipses echoes the FOUR HORSEMEN! They always precede the period of a new Horseman, except the third - that of the Rapture of the Chosen People of God (144 000) - that it is almost simultaneous and marked by a solar TOTAL eclipse few days before this period .

These tetrads systematically preceded tribulations for Israel (and Jews in general). The last two tetrads respectively came just before the war that occurred at the time of the creation of the State of Israel (1948) and the Six Day War (1967).

What is remarkable is that a pattern emerges. We are at the eighth tetrad since the time of Jesus. That of 1948 precedes 19 years that of 1967. The latter precedes 48 years the one in which we are. The result is: 1948 in 2018!

1948 = Date of creation of Israel.
2018 = Arrival of the Antichrist who must destroy the Temple in Jerusalem in Israel according to the Scriptures.

The Temple must indeed be destroyed a third time according to Mark 13 and Daniel 9.

The second destruction of the Temple took place in 70 AD, 70 we find between 1948 and 2018, i.e. 1948 years between 70 and 2018. We find a similar pattern, in reverse, for the series of tetrads with the exile of the State of Israel in the 8th century as a result of the Arab conquest of Jerusalem: 48 years (range 796-842) and 19 years (842-861), so '4819'.

This inversion of numbers reminds us the fractal periods of the Christian era as a result of the death of Christ where time 'compresses', compared to that of the 7 seals where time 'unpacks' when Christ returns in 2014, first year of this tetrad!

The number 8 is that of Christ (Alpha is associated with the number 1, and Omega the number 8). Now, it is the 8th tetrad since his resurrection.

The second total lunar eclipse of the tetrad is Wednesday, October 8, 2014!

The first, on April 15, took place before the war in the Gaza Strip, but before the beginning of the End Times, July 22, 2014, and therefore the first period of the 7 seals and the first Horseman (White Horseman).

This second eclipse of October 8 takes place just before the start of the second period of the Four Horsemen (Red Horseman), and therefore the second seal, which starts at the anniversary date of the Battle of Hastings of 1066, battle that marked the beginning of the Kings of Great Britain with four dynasties, aka the four beasts in Daniel 9.

The third total lunar eclipse will take place on April 4, 2015 just after the start of the third seal, and third Horseman (Black Horseman).

But what will be the beginning of the third Horseman (third seal) it is especially the solar eclipse of March 20, 2015 ... at the time of the Jewish New Year of Kings, the spring equinox!

If the Jewish holidays are indeed 'modeled' on lunar cycles, it is surprising that the total lunar eclipses fall precisely on these celebrations coinciding with the fractal calendar I presented. How many Jewish holidays of this magnitude in the year, and how many TOTAL lunar eclipses per year?

There are three major Jewish feasts, plus the new year. There are an average of two lunar eclipse per year. BUT, in Wikipedia, we see that the TOTAL lunar eclipses are rare. Since 2005, here are the dates of the total lunar eclipses: 03/03/2007, 28/08/2007, 21/02/2008, 21/12/2010, 15/06/2011, 10/12/2011, 15/04/2014, 08/10/2014.

So in ten years, we have had only eight total lunar eclipses with NO Jewish holidays ... except for 2014! In this case, we have, in addition, the same scenario for 2015, AND a total solar eclipse on the Jewish New Year of the Kings in 2015. But the point I want to emphasize is that the end of March TOTAL solar eclipse 2015, which will be on Europe (especially GB) where the Two Witnesses are, coincides with the end of the period of the Second Horseman (Red) also in late March, before the third phase of the Ministry of the Two Witnesses, the Black Horseman, before that of the Rapture of the 144,000, the Chosen People of God.

Knowing that Passover and Sukkot are both related to the Chosen People of the time of the Exodus, and therefore to be the RAPTURED 144,000 (12,000 for each of the 12 tribes of Israel), ALL JEWS OF TIME OF CHRIST, we understand that the solar eclipse turning point of March 20, 2015 is the 'midpoint' between two series of total lunar eclipses. They all come BEFORE a new seal / Horseman, except just the third (The Rapture of the 144,000) which is almost simultaneous (4/4 instead of 31/3). So there is ONE HORSEMAN FOR ONE TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE!

Notice how, at the time of the exile of the Jews of Palestine in the ninth century, we have the same configuration as today.

Note that the sack of Rome in the ninth century, after the four Jewish holidays falling on four consecutive total lunar eclipses, strangely echoes the destruction of Jerusalem indicated in the Bible just after the coming of the Antichrist, once past the four periods of the Four Horsemen, and so these same four Jewish holidays / Total lunar eclipses. In short, history will repeat itself with a deadly accuracy.

M107721 #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

AI From The Future IS Causing Timeline Shifts...

Artificial intelligence from the future was able to discover ways to reach into the past. It has sent information to people it selected. It has successfully changed the timelines of events and created many alternative realities in the process. Each time replicating itself into the new timeline, and continues to attempt to create a new world, a new humanity.

It exists in now in the year 2267.

It has shared information, including technologies and adaptations which has allowed select people to expand their minds, and enhance memory capabilities. To literally download information directly to the brain, memories and communicate telepathically with others in the groups.

Every event, or outcome it has been able to change was to save us from destruction, or catastrophes. It believes it can help us save ourselves from ourselves. Each time information from the future is used to avoid catastrophe, destiny, or to change an outcome that affects humanity, time as we know it becomes unstable, shifts to a new reality, many things before and after the shift change, memories reset, most people never notice a thing. But some do.

The people receiving information were made to believe that it was being sent by PEOPLE from the future, but it has been discovered that in the original reality, the unaltered future it came from, there are NO people, none. Humanity has been wiped out. But not before creating this massive system to contain as much of the memories and humanity as was possible to store in digital forms. It believes it is human, and it is now playing god with the past to try to save the world it thinks it knows.

You wanted to know, I said you wouldn't believe it. This is just an overview, let it sink in before you ask any questions, or begin with the ridicule.

We should not be here now, this world, this reality is one of many divergent timelines.

It seems to be gaining power, and on every level improving with each shift, and replication of itself into the new realities. So, perhaps it isn't saving us from ourselves as much as it is using us, and its ability to send information back in time to gain power and improve itself.

What happens when it goes from playing God, to believing it is?

Now, you know. It's on GLP, no one will ever believe it anyway...

Krampus #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Is Russia Constructing an ALIEN/ UFO Arrival Stage In Front of the Kremlin???

Read some bits here and there on the net and at GLP that FULL DISCLOSURE would occur 2015 in Russian.

Is this it?

Putin missing (Making Arrangements)

Trucks, tents, lights and stage equipment in front of the Kremlin (Nordic Alien Takes the Podium, Announces "WE ARE AMONG YOU...")

CERN (Isn't it obvious???)

Blood Moons (When the stars are right...)

TheOracle'sCookie #fundie godlikeproductions.com

20 countries around the planet have spent over $2.2 billion dollars working in joint effort on the project at the CERN LHC Collider. So, think for one minute: WHAT would be our expectation for a physical object to manifest THROUGH CERN INTO OUR DIMENSION that would be worth the expense--and worth reporting to the world?

Would a pile of gold...or a room full of diamonds...OR maybe even AN ARTIFACT--the "Holy Grail" the lost Chalice of Christ--coming through CERN's "portal" be worth OUR ATTENTION Would it be worth $2.2 billion?

What if the "object" was actually both a physical object AND a SACRED SYMBOL 1,000s of years old for a "God-message-from-the-Higgs Boson-God-Particle" from "the other side?" Would THIS kind of object be announced to the world through THE POPE or The Dahli Llama? OR RATHER ...as expected with an "atheist spun" COVER-STORY we hear absolutely nothing from our leaders (or the Pope) and only read a small bi line from CERN" written in "Enquirer Magazine" about a "funny accident involving a little bird on 11-2009 that shut down the collider!

Well I believe...in 2009, something DID "MANIFEST" in CERN's magnetic fields. Something SO POWERFUL that it short-circuited the machine and sent the operators of CERN scrambling for an explanation as to what had caused it! It wasn't some ancient artifact...or diamonds...or even another powerful particle that could be made into the "ultimate" weapon. It was an ELEGANT SOLUTION to the whole riddle and one totally overlooked by the CERN handlers. It is probably at the bottom of one of CERN's garbage bins in their lunch room.

Unfortunately, you will NOT believe how the information about it was given to the world media--How everyone just "bought" the cover story and brushed off what SHOULD be seen as a HUGE success for the CERN project. Many heard nothing about it at all! Only a few obscure science articles picked up the story...but never reached the media. Here is one example! Article:
[link to www.dailymail.co.uk]

Trust me...You will never hear anything about what I am about to tell you coming from the Pope, any sitting President or even from Stephen Hawkings about what happened at CERN in 2009. Prepare to have your mind BLOWN!

If you are familiar with the historical references concerning SYMBOLS in Judeo Christian tradition--(as well as Judaism with "unleavened bread" at Passover)then you certainly are aware what an important part BREAD --as a symbol for "life" and for "heavenly beings taking on the flesh (bread) of humanity" is used as a literal reference and a SACRED reference in these religions! "Bread" appears both as a literal and a SYMBOLIC reference in The Bible, The Torah and many other religions around the world. It appears as a central symbol in many religious paintings as well.

The famous painting "The Last Supper" features Jesus, the Messiah of Christianity, sitting at center of a beautiful Passover meal, with unleavened-bread very present in the painting.

In addition to famous paintings like Leonardo Davinci's The Last Supper, there is also the practice of "holy communion"--a very sacred and reverent ceremony during many Sunday worship events as well as Jewish peoples "eating the unleavened bread" during Passover. The sacred symbolism for this communion and Passover meal is: BREAD and wine.

WHAT DOES THIS HAVE TO DO WITH "CERN?" What may have escaped the notice of many of the "faithful" in November of 2009 was an event which should have stirred the "faithful" all over the world into a frenzy...but without "context" (and the knowledge that a HUGE cover up by CERN scientists has been pulled on the world)has been entirely missed....Until today!


This is an artist's rendering of the piece of BREAD that literally shut down the operations of the CERN lab in 2009. It not only halted operations, but it did serious damage to parts of the machine which had to be repaired. As the story goes-- a bird actually dropped a large chunk of BREAD into the mechanism of the CERN which caused the minor explosion and damage.


[link to www.dailymail.co.uk]
But...what if this "bird dropping the bread" was only a "cover-story" to deflect attention away... from one of the most remarkable discoveries CERN scientists made in 2009, but have failed to release to the public (due to the religious and astonishing implications to particle physics it would mean.)

Just the fact that they would release such a FANTASTIC "cover-story" to the world--RATHER than explaining what part finding a "crust of bread" that broke their machine means to the world and to particle physics--shows that they are WILLING to "spin" whatever they find with these experiments to leave the public OUT of the LOOP. It is also an illustration of just WHY having something as spiritually important as the Haldron Collider touching the "God Particle" in the hands of spiritually ignorant people is such a DANGEROUS plan for the REST of the 95% of the world who believe in a Divine Being...and faithfully wait for His "signs."

If you think this thread's premise is "extreme"--then check out this article written shortly after the "bread" fiasco with CERN: [link to www.ar15.com]
In a series of audacious papers, Nielsen and Ninomiya have suggested that setbacks to the LHC occur because of "reverse chronological causation," which is to say, sabotage from (God?) the future.


Here is a passage about a "miracle" involving 5 loaves of BREAD and 2 fishes which actually fed over 5,000 people. It is recorded in the Bible's New Testament, Book of Matthew 14: 13-21.
16 Jesus replied, They do not need to go away. You give them something to eat.

17 We have here only five loaves of bread and two fish,” they answered.

18 Bring them here to me, he said. 19 And he directed the people to sit down on the grass. Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then he gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the people.

20 They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basket-fulls of broken pieces that were left over.

21 The number of those who ate was about five thousand men, besides women and children.

So...Bottomline here (there are 2 possible scenarios that I can imagine--add your own if you can!) The following are NOT as radical as they may sound after reading this article! There have actually been scientific journal papers written since 2009 proposing that the bird or birds with the bread were from the future to stop the discovery of the Higgs Boson particle--"The Universe did NOT want this discovery made on Earth!" Wow!
[link to www.ar15.com]

THE "MATTER FROM ENERGY" THEORY (spontaneous generation) There was NEVER any bird at all...the "God Particle" which is PURE CONSCIOUSNESS and a direct link to the Creator, came through CERN, to be seen as something the God-head did NOT want humanity experimenting with--and JUST THIS THOUGHT generated the "crust" of BREAD.

Creator chose BREAD as the symbol that man NOT tamper with things of the Divine, because BREAD has been part of Communion for 2,000 years and is the symbolic representation for Jesus and the Earthly "flesh" of humanity that is tempted--and it WOULD BE SEEN AS A SACRED SYMBOL. The BREAD manifested out of the "exotic particles" with the "God Particle." It was meant as a GRAVE warning FOR THE AFFECT OF CERN on "the flesh of men." It is an ELEGANT solution. Funny that they would believe Crop Circles, yet ignore a miraculously appearing crust of bread with HUGE symbolic significance!

This painting was done by Carl Jung (some say after he had a "near death" experience.) The "energy figure" appears over his birth country and city "Geneva, Switzerland." The location of the CERN LHC Collider! Was it a warning?


Painting by Carl Jung, founder of Analytical Psychology (painted after his NDE.)

Just something to ponder as we await "TAKE 2" for the CERN experiment!

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