
evidence #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

jade helm..agenda 21

anyone that knows any other person that is under said GANGSTALKing. has been deceived... this is not gangstalking and its not v2k. period. i have four other people i know directly. non of which i hang out with or even talk to but rarely under this said gangstalking......have you heard of the georgia guiudestones....... keep humanity under 500 million.... depopulation agenda... hears exactly what i know for 100 percent fact...jade helm is behind the said gangstalking. this agenda. targets anyone who experiments or is a meth addict.... than they start stalking you to try to scare you into a heart attack.....or scare you to commit suicide or to believe your family and friends are in on it.... murder.... they use satellites and a program called heartbeat 3000. to manipulate your brain... they call it brain water...i beat this piece of shit program. now i have a bunch of pissed of ass wipes. bye the way dave from the f.c.c. is on this remember the 500 lawsuite's filed against the f.b.i. for not investigating the people doing this.... cause they cant. there in on it. puppets like all other government... even your military...JADE FUCKING HELM. directly the ones implementing this shit....homeland terrorism.... organized crimes. violating f.c.c. regulations. putting children's lives in danger. these are only a couple of charges that should be handed to the ones in control.... see when it started i noticed three trucks back and forth with texas tags. ......texas...wheres jade helm at....INDEED...texas. i have one guy that i have questioned say he was followed for weeks by vehicles with texas tags... jade helm is agenda 21. united nations plans for a new world order. like i said i know of four people under this same shit. im tired of being terrorized by this piece of shit government. my constitution says when your government isnt working do not be afraid to overthrow them and start a new.i personally sent the white house a message talking about this shit. and i have a letter telling me to go see a doctor....what i didn't tell the whitehouse is that im not the only one. they dont know i have four witnesses who also have witnesses about there actions and personal accounts of this said gang stalking.....far as i know gang stalking doesn't see thru your eyes it doesn't monitor your heart rate or any other muscle movement in your body.....they bend your perception to make you scared and paranoid... rfid in the pills used to make meth.have it checked out....the program was designed to connect to the frequency that your brain gives off during meth usage. i urge anyone that knows or is directly under this said gang stalking to start posting everything that they realize.... tell me this how do you get thirty seconds to a minute or so ahead of real time.... something between satellites space and time. they have an advancement. do not fear them just like gang stalking they cannot engage due to the simple fact that would be putting there people in the middle physically and they do not want it compromised. homeland terrorism folks homeland terrorism....HOMELAND TERRORISM... is exactly what this is. i have plenty of evidence. get your head checked for spiking. get your brain checked for brain damage from tyhe microwaves. there killing us off... i admit drugs are bad but does that mean you should have to die for being an addict or even just experimenting.

Once4All #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

President 0bama did it! {Published 2-1-18} <-- Says the Lord Jesus Christ --> 0bama was the one who said to do it! {Fulfilled}

Guess who has their hand caught in a vice?

Justice Approaches!

This decision to spy on Triumphant Trump

goes all the way to the former President's Desk.


President 0bama manipulated the “Intelligence Community” for his own political gain!

A deception that blew up in his face!

I wonder how “they” are feeling about him these days?

Will he save face? Nope!

Will 0bam's blunders take down Clapper and/or Brennan?

They can't be too happy with him.

In fact, they may be as mad as hell.


The FBI made several missteps also.

The American people see their corruption!

Our government is corrupt at the highest levels.

Would "they" silence 0bama to save face?

Comey is coming off like a real liar.

Can any of these men or women be trusted?

What a tangled web these spiders weave!

Clinton, Lynch, Rice, Yates...


The Women are just as corrupt as the men!

The darkness of Eve shines just as bright.

The darkness of these women do Satan's bidding.


What is the CIA to do with this mess?

How would they serve justice in this situation?

Would 0bama turn on Killary?

Or Killery on 0bama?

Who will repent and go down with the ship?

Is she now a threat to him?

Or is it he to her?

It was like a game of Musical Chairs while they were all in Power.

They tested the Almighty.

Their crimes were hid from the American People.

But now the music has stopped.

Who gets knocked away from their chair & hits the floor?

Who can't play any more?

The plot is exposed.

The trap has snapped empty.

They have dirt on their hands & egg on their faces.

What will Deep State do with 0bama now?

Is he an asset or has he become a dangerous liability?

I said I was wiretapped

& you didn't believe me!

Jesus Christ #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The Most Hateful People Are ''Gay''

Gay = Happy ?
I know personally of 4 attempted rapes of children by Gay Men.

I also believe the Military is behind this

Rape was a tool used in Psyche Warfare.
I'm unsure who started this but the LGBTOMGWTFBBQ community appears to want to violate love, ruin the country, bring in adopted foreign kids from ugly countries, and destroy TRADITION EVEN AT THE COST OF SELF-DESTRUCTION.

The military [church of Rome] has abused so many women by hoarding wealth from virtuous people who must join their mafia before receiving a place in the matrix to have a family with a woman who hides the secret of hosting the demons of guilt inside, from previous abuse.

I've never seen a military man love a woman, the love is lost in the chain of command [follow orders] so the woman is like the Greek story of the caged bird.

Yes the Military industrial pharmaceutical corporate monopoly IMV has destroyed women as a hobby of conquest.
As a game, as a joke.

And homosexuality [after studying this psychology many years] is the product of the military.
Putting bunches of men together to sleep snore fart and shower incites a strange/queer mentality.

Wherever there is war there is cross-breeding, mixing of races as troops rape and pillage where they go, leaving children without tribal loyalty.

The LGBTOMGWTFBBQ is brought to you by the military unlite. The invasion of ethnics too, it is military corporations selling off lands and assets to foreign control at civilians expense.

The Media will blame everyone but the guilty because
they are owned and until a person will live without money telling bankers to get lost the blame will always seek some scapegoat.

You are now surrounded by foreign invaders and LGBTOMGWTFBBQ and look no further than the alcoholic
Sergeant Pecker's Lonely Old Farts Band for the responsible party.

Loveless, creating loveless ...
so the corrupt can say "WE ARE NORMAL"

it is sickening ...
i see drunks, queers, ugly immigrants, females with rectangular not hourglass shaped bodies, men with doughnut/beer bellies like a basketball, perverts,
dope-heads, genetic-malformaties and in general monsters
where once humans existed.

and hate is everywhere.
depression, doomlust, fascism, and spite instead of understanding.

the military did this, and they will fix it, its their mess,
love walked out the door.

KABOOM THE MOONS #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

New Enormous Global Deception In The Works! Robots, Reptilians, Grays, Demons, Vampires, Aliens Etc Are All Humans In Disguise!

Just came across this video
Left this comment

"Did you expected the sick fucks who rule this world to create good robots? It reeks stinky evil human smell all over those robots.
Nice way for the elite to turn the attention of the masses off of them."

From oblivion with tom cruise

-That is one pissed off weapon.(robot)
-No, it's just a machine. I'm the weapon.

By the way i bet there's humans hiding behind that robot just like in kasparov's chess match against ibm's best computer where was revealed stinking humans were hiding behind that computer and manipulating it throughout the entire chess game.


[link to www.chess.com (secure)]

After Kasparov lost the second game of his tournament match against Deep Blue, he was surprised by the computer’s human-like playing style and requested copies of Deep Blue’s previous chess games, but was denied.

After the loss Kasparov said that he sometimes saw deep intelligence and creativity in the machine's moves, suggesting that during the second game, human chess players, in contravention of the rules, intervened. IBM denied that it cheated, saying the only human intervention occurred between games.

The mre guy on youtube exposing dudes posing as women/trannies made me aware the sick elite that rules this planet can apply this method/strategy into all kind of things not just turning men into women and reverse.

You think the science, chemicals, hormones etc that modifies men into women stops there?

Now i suspect those notorious reptilians, grays etc to be humans/dudes also converted into those kind of things.

It would be so hilarious when those freaks become common walking among us in the future and a new mre youtube guy comes along exposing them as humans disguised in those forms just like the trannies hahaha!

Same exposing can be done for the humanoid robots as note in movies like robocop was shown the corporations/elite etc to hide humans/brains etc within those robots!
And the freaking matrix, dollhouse attic/super computers etc in those movies were powered by millions/billions of brains/humans sleeping in suspended animation in pods and using their minds/brains/consciousness etc to power up and animate the computer world and everything that comes with it AI, NPCs, robots etc etc.(Imagine agent smith being animated by an actual human sleeping in a pod and him being unaware of it just like all of us.
Thread: Mr. Nobody 2009 Movie Decoded - We're All Sleeping In The Moon Dreaming Human Life.
What machines, what computerworld, it's all human consciousness doing all the work hahaha).

In short robots, reptilians, grays, insectoid aliens etc etc is the scam/trannies of the future!


SPREAD THE WORD GUYS, AND LET THE MRE YOUTUBE GUY KNOW TOO. Would love to see him exposing in the future reptilians, grays, robots etc just like he does with the trannies today hahaha!

By the way similar thing was shown in hellraiser 2 movie too of this elite's strategy/pattern being used all the way to religions demons,angels etc, all stinking freaking humans/dudes in disguise!

Oh and lets not leave god/satan/lunar boss etc out where the elite with jesus revealed subliminally of him to be a human too hahaha!

The intel of him making us in his image exposes also that he is a human/dude just like us!

KABOOM THE MOONS #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

We Live In The Belly Of The Beast Hallucinating Human Life!

Satan is also Cronus in ancient literature who Zeus slaughtered and freed all his brothers and sisters/family he had consumed.

In short the moment someone kills the beast that's when we get out of here.

We should find a way to kill the beast ourselves as doing nothing and waiting for saviors benefits the beast.

Cutting the food source of the beast is a hell of a way to start killing it!

Maybe our savior/ancient family/brother zeus/radish from dbz outside the beast/cronus/hades/medusa needs our help to get the job done.(like in gog vol 2 the guardians had drax fighting the beast from the inside while they were fighting it from the outside!)
So to put the show on the road we the food might have to make the first move!
Or if the show is already on the road we might have to do our part too in order for the job to get done

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Jeremy Corbyn played the Baddie in a 1970`s James Bond Film

British Labour Party Leader Jeremy Corbyn played Baddie a Bond film in which Moore battles a rogue Communist arm of MI6.
In the big finale Corbyn unveils his plan to fake evidence of global warming, paralyse industry and destroy capitalism, but instead Bond shoots him and quips ‘You’re a good Commie, now you’re a dead one,’
Similar to his role as Communist leader of the British opposition, then.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Organic foods and chemtrails

We all know that gmo/Monsanto foods are sprayed excessively with poisionous round up and pesticides, but what about your non-gmo and organic foods.

Have you ever considered that chemtrails are lacing your organic foods and the soil that they grow in with poisonous toxins?

This years worst flu hit areas were seeing massive chemtrail spraying the same week as people in the area were becoming severly ill with the "flu".
Was it really flu? or was it something else?

Chemtrails do not stay in the sky, they fall upon the grounds of the areas they're being sprayed.

Organic farms in Hawaii found chemical residue on their organic ponds after being heavily chemtrailed, and their soil
ph levels were rising to almost unusable levels. The nano metals being sprayed are getting into the soil and causing excessive alkalinity. This is making the organic seeds almost impossible to grow, while the raising ph levels are prime for Monsantos GMO seeds.

So, is there a conspiracy there?

Could a major GMO seed supplier be behind chemtrails?

Who benefits from this?

Who has funding to spray the chemtrails on such a massive scale?

And most importantly, is your Organic foods safe after absorbing the chemtrail pollution?

If you care about yourself, your loved ones, and the future for the children of this world, then you need to start thinking and stop being idle while you're being poisoned.

Make others aware.

Research and share what you find with everyone you care for.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Why they attacked Trump all along

Their agenda is to take the guns away from American people, in order to advance Agenda 21 (land grabs) and the NWO. They knew when Trump won the election that he was never going to take guns away from his OWN VOTERS, so this halted the Rothschild-dictated totalitarian sprint to a tiptoe. They are pissed. They needed that decrepit cuvt Hillary to win, because that knee-jerk reactionary disease would be banning guns by now.

So on with the feminist agenda - a work around to the "problem" they have by using women in positions of power at the local level to guilt trip men into giving up their guns and confiscating them outright.

They always want women in power because gynocentrism and a matriarchal society is their quickest route to the one world order.

What they want is women in power
What they want is women in power
What they want is women in power
What they want is women in power
What they want is women in power
What they want is women in power
What they want is women in power
What they want is women in power
What they want is women in power... to take the guns away

Obnoxious Pakistani UK #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Is #metoo really a cover for the Deep Paedophile State to divert attention from its dirty shenanigans?

All paedophilic activities of members of the Deep Paedeophile State, which is not a country per se but anyone and everyone who partakes in promoting and protecting paedophilia: high up politicians, religious leaders, singers, actors, sportsmen all the way down to your seedy school caretaker, all of this #metoo stuff has really played into their hands.

Its a bit convenient, don't you think? The conversation has shifted away child abuse and paedophilia specifically to the more generic behaviour of men towards women.

I don't have a problem with #metoo if its about protecting women, but just an observation, its preoccupied with the historical behaviour of men towards women, largely grown adult women, ok some girls but the focus is not specifically on paedophilia.

This movement has gained massive momentum towards the end of last year and into 2018, and while people are preoccupied with it, paedophilia as a crime in its own category has started to take a back seat in many ways.

The International Deep Paedophile State is very strong, no doubt about it. It protects itself at every turn and is constantly coming up with new ideas in which to deflect attention away from its satanic activities.

As late as the 1970s and 1980s there were groups openly espousing Paedophilia in Europe and the USA, but slowly these groups were forced underground but you can sure as hell bet they never disappeared.

I'd say this network is as strong as any. Its one that will protect you regardless of your background and colour and race and religion, as long as you promote, partake in, or believe in the satanic perversion of paedophilia.

You can bet your bottom dollar this network will go to any length to protect their interests, and infiltrating causes like #metoo, and dare I say it, maybe even lighting the touch paper in order to control the narrative is actually a walk in the park for them considering the power and influence they wield.

Is it not strange how the Westminster (UK) Child abuse Scandal, the UK soccer abuse scandal which may even have affected other European countries (we shall never know), the Hollywood paedo rings, all the other cases in America and everywhere else around the world.

Is it not strange how people seem to have moved on from all that now, and do you not notice how the narrative very subtly shifted?

Okay thanks for reading!

Punisher (A-new Day) #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Chemtrails prove the ISS is a hoax!

The reason why chemtrails linger in the skies is the reason why the ISS is a hoax. Chemtrails linger because The atmospheric pressure at higher altitudes is greater than the thrust exiting the jet nozzles ergo the contrails are longer contained than at lower altitudes where the air density is lower and thrusts disperse quicker. Commercial airliners flying under the clouds produce ZERO trails.

Low altitude = low air density.
High altitude = Hi air density.

All Space Shuttle launches did a pitch maneuver soon after take-off, and later seen flying almost horizontal. No vertical launch has ever been recorded. Air gets too dense at higher altitudes and would run out of fuel trying to gain more height, fall. The Russians got the brilliant idea in 1957 of getting Sputnik (satellites) high enough for it to remain suspended (orbit) and why satellites don't exist! You'll never see footage of satellites from the ISS because the ISS is a hoax, and why no videos were ever recorded during its construction except CGI.

No camera-satellite piggy-backing on a rocket has ever reached the heights needed to film itself in orbit or the ISS during construction. This is not an endorsement for FE. FE is CIA.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Whats Donald Trump biggest mistake? Alliance with Tall White Blonde Aliens? Aryans? Global Economic Reset and Gesara!

Trump's coming war against the UN and his alliance with the Aryans-Tall white aliens AKA White Hats Alliance.

The Reptilian faction George Sorus, Bush, Obama, Clinton, Bin Laden controlled Islam network vs Trump Ashtar Command, New Age, Global Economic Reset, Gesara.

5th Kingdome come.

Hello folks,

The background war continues between the falling Reptilian regime run by the Illuminati Nazi bloodline families such as the Pope, Soros, Clinton's, Bush's etc...vs. the Knight Templars represented by President Donald Trump.

It really is baffling about the news associated with the Vatican kicking all Masons out of the Knights of Malta since they're all Masons...everyone in the Illuminati is a Mason. Another thing is they make it sound like it's a Mason vs. Jesuit war when even Donald Trump's father and youngest son are Jesuits...Trump himself could be a Jesuit.

So if you're getting lost in all the rhetoric, so is everyone else.

So let's just kick the rhetoric to the curb and look at what's really going on.


The 13 Illuminati bloodline familes are Reptilians. Often called lizards as well, it's the same thing. These are the German faction dominated by the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Soros, and George Bush Sr. They are dominated by bloodline to the Reptilian-lizard-snake faction of Lucifer's fallen angels.

Donald Trump represents the new Regime taking over that I've always referred to as the New Age Alien Agenda. This agenda is represented by the Ashtar Command, Galactics, Tall Greys, New Age Ascended Masters etc..everything New Age. These are dominated by Lilith's offspring in space known as the Tall Greys. The Tall Whites are also associated with them...such as Mt. Shasta (Tall Whites).

So it's basically the Reptiles vs. Tall Greys.

The Tall Greys take on human manufactured bodies so they look human. This includes Sananda, Maitreya, St. Germaine, all the Ashtar Command, also known as Ascended Masters etc..

We're seeing the Reptilian regime fighting to stay in control of the western world such as USA, AUS, Canada, GBR, Europe etc...

However the New Age regime is establishing it's footholds and taking over with the election of Trump as president. It's a Regime changeover and the battle has been fierce amongst them.

The reptiles are kicking and screaming. They dominate the Democratic Party and Republican Party...which is why you see both of them seeming to work against President Trump. This has nothing to do with politics but associations and regimes. Most of the Democrats and Republicans had aligned with the Reptilians just to get in Congress and get their jobs. With their regime going down and the New Age taking over, alot of them see the end of their own careers.

Many working with the New Age Alien agenda are referred to as White Knights, or White Hat politicians, or White Hat/Knight news reporters etc..

The Illuminati bloodline fascists/socialist regime is now being taken over by the NESARA/GESARA platform which is the worldwide economic platform of the New Age regime's.

I have websites on it at [link to www.nesarasucks.com] and [link to www.omegansareliars.com]

You can also check out my many articles and videos exposing the New Age Alien Agenda and their plans for the world at [link to www.sherryshriner.com]

One regime has died, the other is rising to replace it.

As children of the Most High we should not be supporting either of these groups. Both regimes are evil, neither of them Serve the Most High...they all serve Lucifer, they're just different branches of his (Satan's) tree.

We are heading into the times of Great Tribulation folks.

The Antichrist and False Prophet are from the Ascended Masters group, Maitreya and Sananda (fake Jesus).

As Trump aligns with this regime, and already has, it will bring about the events of the Tribulation Period as we will watch them unfold.

Anyway I just wanted to give a brief overview of what's going on and who is who and who is what and where.

Until next time everybody,
Yah bless,
Sherry Shriner

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

(He's talking about PornHub)

As someone who used to frequent the site. Its all about perverting the masses and normalising disgustingly imoral shit.

Like any guy I like naked chix. But I started noticing a trend in the suggested videos. They would become more and more disturbing.

Whoops a gay vid made it past their filters oh then a tranny one, chix with dix, then for a solid 3 months they would recommend incest porn, step brother step father step sister shit.

Then taboo stuff, Id never watch any of the shit but they start pushing on guys.

They want to make you immoral. To destroy your sense of right and wrong.

Raymund Reddington #conspiracy #ufo godlikeproductions.com

CERN Plans Perilous Experiment

They want to open a portal and suck in an alternate reality where the Nibiru system does not exist ...

A New Delhi based physicist formerly attached to CERN says the shadowy scientific conglomerate is attempting to supplant our reality with another in which Nibiru does not exist.

nythinker #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Wild conspiracy about our reality! What if...

We all died and our consciousness was spawned into a simulation. And now its corrupted and degrading...

Crazy right!

Its just crazy how in the past few years diseases and mental illness are at an all time high!

Everyone young and old are either developing cancer or ADD anxiety autism dementia alzheimers.

Its like humanity is just degrading. Not just morally but organically. And perhaps its a system degrading but to us in here it looks like illness and insanity.

And nothing makes sense anymore. Its like "glitchy"

A couple years ago I had a strong sensantion of "I need to get out of here. I dont belong here." It was strong and scary.

Sometimes I truly wonder if the reality we know....isnt actually real.

Either that or I need to stop watching stuff like "Black Mirror"

Tiaka9 #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Is the global cabal planning a MASS SACRIFICE at this year’s SUPER BOWL in Minneapolis?

We all know that they like to broadcast their dark plans ahead of time, because they think that if they warn us and we don’t notice then it is our own fault and they incur less karma. That’s how their sick, twisted minds work.

Take a look at this video released on January 18, 2018 and tell me that is not the Minneapolis skyline at the end?

There are so many subliminal messages in this, it’s hard to detail, but ones I caught were a police car on fire, automatic weapons, a loudspeaker THUN-250, a brain scan followed by another with adrenaline. The overt all-seeing eye capstone being lifted off the pyramid with lasers coming out, whilst people worship it is very clear.

A child says at the end, “Die already. Just leave.”

And then there are the lyrics.

DIE DEEP $TATE, DIE YOU M.FK #fundie godlikeproductions.com

We are the ones being freed from the oppre$$ion of the N.W.O. cabal of evil "illuminazi$" by our 'Moses' President Donald J. Trump! Trump is protected by God Almighty, the deep $hyt $tate is starting to UNRAVEL BEFORE OUR EYES!!! Just as predicted by Mark Taylor and many other religious prophets, seers and even PSYCHICS!!!

rod777 #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Liberals: Are They Even Human... Or A Different Species ?

Liberals...They Are:

Weinstein, Bergdahl, Snowden, Alinsky, Antifa, Manning, Hillary, The Media, The DNC—

Always those who Kill Babies, and The Elderly. Without Regret, or Excuse, Continuously Anti-America, Anti-Family, Anti-Right.

They Stand For Nothing, Refuse to Submit to Anything Except Their Own Desires, Always Choosing Against, and Not For, Never on the Side of Right, Never Duty, Honor, Country.

Confused About Evil, Ruled by Fear, the Solution Always Appeasement, and Surrender. Never Pride in Country, Allegiance to No One, and to Nothing.

Empty Carcasses With No Direction. Full of Hate, Despising Everything, Good For Nothing.

Liberals They are Not Like Us, They are a Different Species, Dangerous, Evil, Without Compassion, Deceitful, Liars, Corruptors of Good, Everything They Touch is Soon Ruined. Serpent Seed.

Unable to Change, Unwilling to Be Transformed. Unable to Co-Exist.

Leaving Our Survival as a Nation, Country, Culture, Neighborhood, and family, One Choice, Their Eradication.

They Have Infiltrated Your Schools, Your Government, Your Churches, Your Institutions.

They Have Soiled Your Children, Stolen Their Innocence, Robbed Them of A Glorious Past, and Left Them Without a Future Filled With Hope.

Vote Yes...It's them or us..

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The BIBLE is about the CYCLE of NIBIRU.

Job 22:14 Thick clouds are a covering to him, that he seeth not; and he walketh in the circuit of heaven.

Psalm 19:6 His going forth is from the end of the heaven, and his circuit unto the ends of it: and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof.

Malachi 4:2 But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings;

Isaiah 33:17 Thine eyes shall see the king in his beauty: they shall behold the land that is very far off.

what is "covered in clouds"...
works in "circuits"
brings "heat"
resembles a SUN with WINGS
as is described as "LAND VERY FAR OFF"


get ON the ships

they are coming

Anonymous Coward #sexist godlikeproductions.com

In my opinion a lot of black women have better qualities for a LTR than a lot of white women

Obviously I talking about black women who have their shit together not ghetto hoodrats and strippers.

But it seems to me like black women have not been hammered to death with Feminism in their upbringing like white women may have been. Black women still value things like cooking for their man and displaying unconditional loyalty to him. Black women who have their own career still look after their home life and make sure the family eats decent nutritious meals. Many white women will rather order takeout so they don't have to cook. They want a man that is perfectly fit and in shape but rarely get off their ass to improve THEIR HALF of the relationship. Decent Black women get up and attend the gym with their man so they can both strive to improve themselves physically as a couple.

Many black women still go to church and even though they might not be religious they still carry some of the morality from their Christian upbringing with them into the modern day.

Things like homosexuality are openly condemned by black women while for a lot of white women homosexuality is perfectly acceptable and even promoted. Many black women are awakened to issues that affect our daily lives such as the big pharma agenda, gmos, monsanto, cures for cancer being deliberately held back from the public, etc I see black women discussing that stuff all the time.

How many decent black women do you see covered in hundreds of cheap looking tattoos and piercings? These days it's hard to find a normal white women who doesn't look like a trashy amateur porn star.

Just my opinion but it seems to me like strong, decent black women have a lot of stuff in common with the strong white old school women in how they view family, loyalty and morality. The strong white women with firm beliefs and old school tendencies are extremely hard to find, but i do come across plenty of black women like that especially on dating sites.

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Parents - Do not teach your children organized religion - It is Satanic and causes demonic possession!

The churches have potions, witches, travel to hell and all sorts of Satanic influences. Most Christian research points to it being a conduit for demonic possession.

If your children are playing the Mine Craft, please delete it immediately and seek help from a member of the church.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Pamela Anderson - CIA "Butterfly Attacker" ???

Last year, Pamela Anderson was shown visiting Assange and bringing him lunch at the embassy. Strange that I never knew these two were friends. Today, I came across this strange tweet showing a tattoo on Pamela's finger that supposedly indicates some representation of a "butterfly attacker."

[link to twitter.com (secure)]

After a quick search, I came across this file....

[link to wikileaks.org (secure)]

Anyone ever heard of this group before? Is Pamela Anderson working with Raytheon as some kind of CIA "butterfly attacker" asset? More importantly, if she is working for the CIA, this would be more evidence that Assange is nothing more than a CIA actor too. This has meaning particularly now, since there is so much hubbub about him being "freed" as of yesterday and rumors of him being pardoned by Trump. Was this entire WikiLeaks/Assange thing a total CIA scam pulled over the masses? It doesn't make any sense, as I thought the CIA was part of the swamp that wanted Clinton in place as POTUS, and yet it was WikiLeaks/Assange that played a major role in exposing a ring of crimes she supposedly led. If all this has been a circus act to distract the masses, why would the lead actors like the Clintons, Comey, Huma, Weiner, etc., agree to be part of this? What is going on here?

Anonymous Coward #sexist godlikeproductions.com

Famous women possessed by the Jezebel-spirit

Signs of Jezebel-possession: argumentative, dominating, outspoken, proud, flaunting, sexually uninhibited, career-oriented, feminist, resisting man's natural authority, and so on.

* Hillary Clinton
* Arianna Huffington
* Jennifer Anniston
* Khloe Kardashian
* Jessica Simpson
* Ellen Degeneres
* Janet Yellen
* Loretta Lynch

And many more.

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Let's accept the Bible as inerrant in the sense that it has come to us in the form that our Creator has intended that we should have it.

This is to say, let's all agree that any Being Who could generate and sustain this universe could create it in 6 actual days as we experience days, or view from a relative perspective the creation in 15 billion years as 6 days, or have it be True in some other sense we cannot comprehend.

Also, Let's all agree that an Entity of such power could create an actual angelic being that could turn evil, or it could be True metaphor, allegory, figurative personification of the evil destructive chaotic forces in the universe.

Why do so many have trouble putting faith in the Scriptures? Let's all just assume that this universe is a testing grounds and that providing information in a form that is any more undeniable would be the equivalent of the teacher writing the answers on the blackboard just before the test. Logically, it would defeat the entire purpose of the exercise.

With these points granted for the sake of the exploration, let's proceed...

The universe is created in 6 "days". Mankind is created during the sixth "day". Mankind exists in a cruel savage wretched insane state because it follows the brutal impulses and evil lusts instead of natural Law that elevates and produces conditions of decency and pleasantness.

The Creator rests for a "day", and ON THE EIGHTH "DAY" generates an improved version of man. The Creator forms the new man from pre-existing "dust" and "clay". Dust is microscopic bodies and clay is dust in a water solution. An example of sixth day man(666), a MALE, provides the DNA to be reworked into Adam. Adam now has a set of VASTLY improved chromosomes. Adam IS A MALE WITH XY CHROMOSOMES. This new type is far less inclined to evil and far more receptive to the Spirit, innocence, and higher thought. Our Creator takes a sample of Adams cells and removes a couple of the X chromosomes and replaces a couple of the Y chromosomes in Adam's other cells. XXEve is the result.

All is going great. The pair have perfected bodies of health and strength and perceptiveness. Childlike lustrous skin, no unnecessary body hair, perfect form and beauty...

...Then one day a stereotypical example of 6th "day" man comes strutting into the Garden. He's in good shape. He has to be to survive 5 minutes in the world of the 6th day types. He is from the same region as Adam, so there can be no questions of race. He also has the animalistic spirit of his type. A shrewd manipulator and scammer, driven by the basest and most cruel lusts. He is psychopathic in a mad world. To the extent he has faith, it is in Luciferian entities including the perverted elevation of hermaphrodites into examples of demigods.

He jive-talks Eve into letting him sample the fruits of her garden. The little skank resents that mean patriarchal OverLord and his stupid rules. He gets to "know" Eve and she calls in Adam and has him "know" her and "know" Mr6. The rest are not curses of The LORD but an allegorical description of the natural consequences of their actions. The Serpent will be down on his belly sucking up the slimey "dust" all the time, Eve will give birth with pain and desire her husband to help her, Adam will have to labor constantly to provide, and they all get kicked out of Paradise. Cain is an example of what happens when paternity is highly suspect.

We have XYAdam, XXEve, and the savage cruel vomitously depraved unhinged psychopathic type driven by the most evil and base lusts and impulses. Those dominated by the 6th Day Man Spirit will even elevate "transsexuals" and hermaphrodites to examples of enlightened superior man.

Normal natural healthy masculinity is actually the hermaphrodite. He is XY and more well-rounded. XX Femininity is compensated with a double portion of the best chromosomes.

The cruel psychopaths and their nasty willing psychopathic tools impose all their horrors on the world in pursuit of Baphomet insanity and domination.

Black Knight #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Did you ever visit that site that is no longer available called "Escape to the Philippines"?

It was detailed there at least 10 years ago. Keep in mind however, that Global Warming, which morphed into Climate Change, will easily be changed into Global Cooling or New Ice Age.

In the end, all they are trying to do is screw the chronically stupid out of more of their dwindling incomes. Nothing can stop THAT!

Shustah #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

I teach preschool and can tell you that I have observed both vaccinated and non-vaccinated.

First let me say the ones that vaccinate especially with the flu shot I can guarantee they WILL be sick every month, I've even documented it.

The kids that aren't vaccinated are rarely sick. Hope this helps. Kids not vaccinated are very quick minded, and literally can read minds. I had one student at 6 test with a 146 IQ, NOT vaccinated.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

This is not surprising.

As the 'actual' reason for vaccinating is to disable higher brain functioning, and keep the population as dumb and controllable as bricks. 'Royalty' for example, are never vaccinated.

As a bonus, your children will also be much healthier with stronger immune systems.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Mandela Effect Red Alert:UNCLE SAM’s hat TURNED White! No RED Stripes!

[link to youtu.be (secure)]

Everyone I have questioned is mandela effected.
I find false memories in this current reality vector in everyone.
The difference is when someone realizes the past has changed, and this happens when a very strong memory suddenly no longer matches the current history.

Uncle Sam has a white hat.

A possible key to the riddle is residue.

Solve it and there’s a Nobel prize waiting for you

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy #racist godlikeproductions.com

Hurricanes very commonly hit places with lots of very very abnormal reptilians living there!!!

By abnormal reptilians I mean reptilians who are abnormal for reptilians in countries like the U.S and European countries.

These reptilians can be reptilians who are secretly Canadian and get by not being discovered to be an extremely abnormal reptilian(which all reptilian Canadians are very extremely abnormal and those reptilians make up over 99% of the Canadian population) by how they all hire non legally existing reptilians who can COME OFF as normal(unlike those people who are the true legal belongers to those secretely Canadian people's legal identities) to cover up what that there is anything not normal about the people who are the true legal belongers to those legal identities with those people who are secretly the true legal belongers to those legal identities being in large numbers in America, Mexico, Carribean Island people like Cuba etc and they are secretly Canadian by them or their recent ancestors being secretly adopted from Canadian families.

So how Florida is getting hit by hurricane Irma maybe there are a lot of people who are secretly Canadian there! maybe that is why they put Disney Land there! since Disney land is packed with secretly Canadian people with how they retardedly kill off the parents of so many Disney movie characters and put in vile sexual references in childrens movies and I mention that because only Canadians are fucking retarded enough to do things that extremely stupid proving they are secretly Canadian!!! so the secret Canadian citizens who appear to be all American citizens wanted a Disney land in Florida because there are so many of their kind there!

So how Los Angeles has the most bizarrishly freakishly retarded writers and producers with their offensively childishly sexually perverted and potty humored movies proves that those writers and producers are Canadian meaning there are MANY people who work in Hollywood who are secretly Canadian so how Hollywood is a major hot spot for secretly Canadian citizens of the world then there could be many people living in Los Angeles who are secretly Canadian!

There are a lot of red necks in the southern U.S states, who knows how many of them are secretly Canadian since Canadians are the DUMBEST people on the face of the earth so who knows how many of those really stupid red neck southerners are secretly Canadian!

and the few who are publicly intelligent are ether the few who Canadians who are not reptilians, OR they come off as intelligent because their seemingly normal back ups are the ones doing all the intelligent stuff for them! if not then those Canadians are not saying intelligent stuff out of their own intelligence, THEY ARE TAKING THE INTELLIGENT WORK OF OTHERS AND COPYING EVERYTHING THOSE OTHER PEOPLE HAVE SAID AND DONE! so they are not intelligent themselves.

Cuba is definitely ran by people who are secretly Canadian by them or their recent ancestors being secretly adopted from Canadian families when them or their ancestors were in the zygote stage so their real mothers were never seen with pregnancy bumps! I say that because Cuba is ran by complete and total retards and only Canadians are that damn stupid!!!! so it's very possible that Cuba has a large very extremely abnormal population just like Canada(especially the prairie provinces) does!!!!

The reptilians create the hurricanes to scare people away from places with abnormal populations so abnormal they are trying to avoid normal people observing their super abnormal behavior and actions, but sometimes these hurricanes get disrupted and get sent to reck havoc on those places with the abnormal populations resulting in those very horribly abnormal people getting scared away from those places and never coming back resulting in much more normal like reptilians replacing them permanently making the populations of those places much less mentally unstable(since those super abnormal reptilians are very extremely mentally unstable when things they don't like happen, like being discovered to be very extremely abnormal), instead of going close to those places without recking havoc just to scare people away from those places.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com


They use very advanced technology to alter weather patterns to cause a cold front that otherwise would be more mild, to cause a heat wave that otherwise would be more mild!

They do this all over the world!

They cause MASSIVE downpours when otherwise it would be just a big downpour, REPTILIANS CAUSE HURRICANES WHEN THERE NORMALLY WOULD BE NO HURRICANE AT ALL!!!

Hurricanes only strike area's where hardly or NO full blood humans live, and the full blood humans never die from the hurricanes due taking more precaution than the careless reptilians! It' true!!!

Reptilians cause MASSIVE earthquakes when there otherwise would be no earthquake at all! That also only happens in area's where hardly to no full blood humans live!! and you will not hear of any human fatalities of the full blood humans!

Reptilians will cause snow falls in places like Edmonton Alberta in APRIL and MAY when there otherwise would be no snow falls and colder weather causing the freak snowfall!

REPTILIANS CAUSE TORNADO'S when there otherwise would be no tornado at all! all the tornado's strike where no full blood humans live, or area's where they are not in the area currently!!

Reptilians also cause DROUGHTS!!!

They use very advanced technology for this!

If the word gets out enough it can be STOPPED!!!!

Large area's of Russia East of Moscow are GREATLY affected by reptilians altering the weather!

In places like Sibera for example just ONE part of Russia reptilians make 5 degree's to MORE than 5 degree's colder, they make the winters MORE than 5 degrees colder on average than it otherwise would be!!!


That is why you see all those larger trees there that are dead, it used to be wetter there and then reptilians started to cause drought in the outback of Australia!! making the large tree's die!!

I meant to type REPTILIANS for the title! not RETPILIANS!


I'm still getting used to my new keyboard!

Reptilians are causing the drought in California, they also therefor causing the torrential rains and flooding in Texas!!

None of the Caribbean hurricanes are natural, they are ALL caused by reptilians!!!

Same with tornado valley! if it was not for reptilians, there would never be a SINGLE tornado in tornado valley!!!

Freak snowfalls would be VERY rare in May in central and especially southern Alberta where I live!!!

Rampant Fox #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

I Still Think Trump is Using Time Travel or Looking Glass

Future proves past.

How did he know about the Bangladeshi bomber?

How did he know about the terrorist attack that was planned for St. Petersburg and notify Putin ahead of time?

Same with the attempted assassination attempt on Theresa May?

Why do I think so? Because I knew it would take someone with this ability to defeat the cabal.

Donald Trump has direct a connection, by way of his uncle John D. Trump, to Nicola Tesla. Tesla was working on time travel. (can't post the link but easily found) John Trump, was given Tesla's papers after Tesla's passing.

Finally, the Trump/Tesla/Bush connection

George Scherff, George Bush's father, was Tesla's accountant and George HW would rifle through Tesla's papers, which Tesla found highly annoying, dubbing little George, "Curious George" and later this moniker became the title of the famous children's book. The author of this book died through suspicious causes right before it was published.

However, as I was searching for the source (easily found,) I stumbled across this:

Raytheon Patents Bush & Trump

The documents were released, via FOIA, in April, 2016. (you will have to search under the title above, as none of the links I've tried putting in will post.) P.S. It's a Death Ray.

Finally, I have had the theory that Trump was a time traveller tucked in the corner of my mind ever since he put his hat in the ring for President. I remember the Titor posts. It was an amusing theory, but I didn't really believe it until I started watching Trump with the question of what if? in mind. Everything he did, even when he said "You'd be in jail," to Hillary during the debate, was perfectly timed. Everything he said was proven right, even when the press tried to mock it. He never makes a fatal misstep. It can't be genius alone. Although I do think he's a genius.

Anyway, I just wanted to get that out.

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Real Christians follow Jesus Christ and worship Jesus Christ's Father, the God of all Creations.

Real Christian's follow the Gospel of Jesus Christ, not an agenda interprating JKesu chist's words and steering you off a cliff.

Why would Jesus Christ say it is not what you put in your mouth (food) but what comes out of it that makes us dirty?

Yet the Catholics say no meat on Friday until they said, OK meat on Friday. They have an agenda and it is not Jesus Christ's nor our Father's agenda.

The Catholics said no birth control for decades, now anal sex is cool. PERVERTED BASTARDS NEVER Apologize FOR ANYTHING, PRICKS!

Where is the Catholic week of remembrance for all the victims of the Spanish Inquisition? Tthey have a holocaust remembrance every year. Why? Garbage, they are garbage.

Follow Jesus Christ and read His four Gospels.

SiniXster the Dread #racist godlikeproductions.com

Any soldier deployed to the Middle East knows what the adult male population does to their young men. The young men are not allowed to have beards until they've been sodomized enough and reach a certain age that they're no longer desirable to the fag pedo adults. Only then are they allowed to grow their beards and become the rapists themselves.

ProjectFightChemtrails #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

I live in the outskirts of the city and am frustrated with the bombarding of chemtrails! I heard on youtube that spraying vineger into the air disolves chemtrails. At first, I thought it to be a crazy idea and wouldn't work, but then I thought what do I have to lose? I bought 4 gallons of vineger and soaked some rags and put some plastic bins full of vineger outside (until they froze), and to my amazement the chemtrails began disappearing! So I got my little vaporizor out and filled it with vineger and put it outside and left it running through the night, and today clear beautiful blue sunny skies! I haven't seen skies like this in I can't remember when??

I see and hear the planes attempting to fill the skies with their disgusting chemtrails and their attempts at blocking the sun is making it somewhat hazy. Their attempts are proving to be futile!!! The skies remain cloud free and sky blue!!

If we can get enough people to participate, I believe we can have our skies and sun back!! I got to thinking though, I'm sure they will eventually end up banning vineger, but then it will surely prove to We The People what they're up to in the skies above!

We need to spread the news, because I'm running out of vineger, and if I purchase too much I'm afraid suspicion will set in! Time to fight the NWO Elites back!

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Nordic aliens warned humanity about race mixing and 3rd world population explosion

The 50s contactees seemed to report that the majority of the saucer pilots were "Aryans" - long-haired, blonde, tall beings from Venus or other planets in the solar system. The "Aryans," when not warning humanity about atomic war, often gave messages promoting race harmony, but softly warning against racial intermixture and the "population explosion" of the Third World masses...

There has been a lot written about the UFO-Nazi connection. Some of the Nazi elite are thought to have held the theory that there was a hidden race deep within the Earth (the masters of the Vril [Agartha?]) which they could make contact with through the poles. One of the early theories about UFOs was that they were craft piloted by Nazis who had fled after WW II and made contact with this race within the hollow earth (an idea that Ray Palmer, UFOlogy's "father," often assented to.) Today, there are groups of neo-Nazis who believe that the different races of the planet were "seeded" in various geographical locales by different alien groups, and charged with competing for planetary dominance...

These Neo-Nazi groups are obsessed with the idea of extraterrestrial "bloodlines" in human groups. Many think that "star seed" people are descendants of the Celtic races - Basques, Irish, Welsh, Bretons, etc. - and that one of the hallmarks of their extraterrestrial origin is the Rh Negative blood type. The migrations of the Celtic peoples were a result of "racial memory chromosomes" implanted by their ancestors. Some of this neo-Nazi literature suggests that the other "lower" races were the result of genetic experimentation by the aliens - attempts to crossbreed "pure" Aryan types with animals and other lifeforms.

[link to www2.fiu.edu]

senji #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Why dogs really bark for "no reason" and are a good sense of character

They run on a different sensory vibrational frequency range so could be responding to the presence of entities that are out of our usual frequency range that we can not perceive. higher vibrational beings(angels) and lower frequency beings(demons) of which we can only perceive in times of great love and great fear(the only baseory emotions) or through mastering the aspects of body, soul and spirit. Also possibly why cats where so revered in Egyptian culture and have a good sense of human character.

Anonymous Coward #sexist godlikeproductions.com

I come from a family of 6 aunts all who chose beta males because they do whatever they say. I was born and am a Chad. My aunts treat me so different. They see how women throw themselves at me and it is what it is. Trust me its better to be Chad. If you want to have a family kids and a crazy wife yelling at you and telling you what to do go for it. Some men need that sort of thing. Ive always been rebellious and got my way with whatever woman I wanted I barely even have to try. Its kinda boring sometimes.

Anonymous Coward #racist godlikeproductions.com

do the jews dictate a false reality within which our govt is constrained to operate?

do they pretend the holocaust happened ?

to advance our imterest the govt must use the most accurate representations of events possible otherwise we are like a blind man or say a man wearing glasses which distort his vision

where there is a chasm he sees a smooth path and falls in

do they pretend the uss liberty attack wasnt premeditated murder?

you would think at the highest most classified levels all veils are lifted and the cold hard facts are dealt with

but now i begin to think we are so enslaved its forbidden for any official recognition in any part of the govt to discuss actual truths

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

when the CIA briefs the president do they pretend 9/11 was not a false flag?

israel duped some gyos namely cheney perhaps bush rumsfeld some pentagon etc into letting them pull it off

and now our govt has to pretend internally it was real?

no wonder we are completely fucked

Anonymous Coward #racist godlikeproductions.com

Covertly not wanting dindu staff

This thread was inspired by the veteran that was neglected by dindu nurses at the nursing home. I would never want a black nurse or doctor. I covertly or low key ask for a white, Asian, Indian Dr or nurse I don't care as long as the person isn't a dindu. I don't trust them in my home neither. I would never trust a family member in the hands of a dindu. Not even with my food (I NEVER eat fast food, staff is usually all dindu)

Dindus are as racist as anyone else is. I generally avoid them as much as possible

Anonymous Coward #sexist godlikeproductions.com

Social media is a tool women use to gauge how socially adjusted a man is

Facebook and Instagram are the main tools women in today's society use to appraise a man's level of social adjustment and status. She expects that a proper socially adjusted male will have 1000+ friends and a 40+ likes on every photo(Instagram) and 20+ likes on every status he posts. She also expects to see other hot/decently cute girls chasing him and commenting on how good/hot he looks in every pic. This is extremely important to women.

The reason why most 5-7/10 guys fail with women(aside from looks) is lack of social proof and almost always a poor social media standing. We see it time and time again even on this site. All the good looking guys on here are incel because they have no social media. The halo from social media(ig/fb) is what most average joes(5-7/10s) rely on to attract women.

Anonymous Coward #sexist godlikeproductions.com

She has to make sure he's fucking STUPID enough to have his whole life on CIA book. God forbid the guy be smart enough to have NOTHING to do with any of that garbage.

These idiots are only attracted to men that a thousand other socially engineered idiots are attracted to. And then they wonder why the guy cheats on them, and claim there "are no good men left".

Women are "victims" of their own idiocy.

Women are so unbelievably brainwashed and stupid, it defies description. They are the real reason this nation is in SERIOUS decline, men are not men any longer, and freedom is on it's way out.

Anonymous Coward #sexist godlikeproductions.com

It Is Not Possible For Women To "Be Empowered."

1.) Wimmim mistakenly think reality is within their chatty talk. Not so.

2.) There is no power in their wobbling heads, blinky pretty little eyes, and huffy little emotions.

3.) Women are unable to listen to and comprehend words plainly spoken directly at their face, but can only react to "How He Seems To Be."

4.) Women think math is "Just Something The Men Do," and are clueless of the power of math. Lol.

5.) Wimmin have minds needlessly occupied by the nonsense of relationship drama, and are clueless about the Big Picture. They are full of small ideas. Just listen to Oprah, Wendy, The View, and Ellen.

6.) Even if Wimmin do have some power, they are not able to productively use it. Their periodic hormones and intuitive little "needs" enslave them, just like Black people who cannot handle freedom.

7.) Wimmin with the power of the electoral vote cannot even unite within a common bloc.

8.) Women never can actually figure out what to do after they march, demonstrate, organize, shriek, protest, and bitch. They just incessantly yap.

9.) Wimmin do best with ongoing direction and leadership from men, who by nature understand power, authority, and accountability.

10.) Women are so mindless, they think all things must be nurtured.

Anonymous Coward #racist godlikeproductions.com

That's fine in a nation of European descendant people. We are independent minded in general.

Most all other ethnicities are tribal minded and work together in a "diverse" society for the good of the tribe, because that is good for individuals within the tribe. Whites have no tribe like that.

FlashBuzzkill #fundie godlikeproductions.com

The politics of the Left have been to divide in every way possible an exploit those divisions with ideological narratives of victims and oppressors. Ex: Blacks live under the constant oppression of "white privilege".

It has now gone beyond the realm of believable to the absurd and ridiculous. Most everyone can see through it like the Emperor's new clothes. The pendulum is swinging back the other direction to freedom of association and truth about history.

The recent craze of Confederate-hate and White supremacy is dying away with the lies it was based on. We the people will not let the globalists tear our families and communities apart - let alone our country. God bless the USA and fuck the communist slackers. There is no free lunch bitches!

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