
RadiantUpstairs #sexist

Re: Lifefuel for rapecels


Women are so fucked in the head lmao

former normie, failed out due to disfiguring accident, had a couple of gfs in college.
You have no fucking clue how fucked in the head they are. It's insane, especially sexually. And then there's the lying, the insanity, it's just...I'm not going to say anyone is better off not getting laid, but, holy shit, unless you're Chad the price is very steep.

ExDota2Player #sexist

[lifefuel] I finally realize women have nothing more to offer than their bodies and wombs to society.

There are no female philosophers. All female billionaires are either heiresses or ex-wives, they sealed their wealth from the mind of a man. Society is for men where women are meant to be our assistants, and has been that way for millennia. Womens rights revolution was a scam, and the feminist movement is a cope for ugly women. Women never fought a war, even with the adoption of sophisticated weapons, and they freak out when the shit hits the fan anyway. Also you should never let a foid drive a vehicle when you're present unless you want to die. I am finally enlightened.

CuckCuckITChicken #sexist

[lifefuel] farted on a pregnant foid

A pregnant foid winked at me in a full metro as she chose me to stand up and let her sit down

Little did she know i’m Gymmaxxxing and have eaten at least 15 eggs the past days. I was holding it in since the ride was packed, however I smiled and just allowed the eggo protein fart to burst out.

I caught a whiff of the terrible pugnant smell as I walked away.

She will think about this next time she selects the ugliest male to annoy :)

wizardcel #psycho

[LifeFuel] We already have antibiotic-resistant STDs

This is a tremendous lifefuel. Go bacteria, go, go go. If normies are against us, at least God ( nature, universe...) is in our favour. If we consider the dumbing down of education and the decline in IQ scores [ article], it is safe to assume that there are less intelligent people working in scientific fields, thus research toward the development of more potent drugs will be affected. Science needs talented, or at least above average people, to progress.

"The CDC says that gonorrhea is among three diseases called “urgent threats” for their potential to become more widespread. This means that many of the antibiotics once used to treat it no longer work. Currently, the CDC recommends only one cure: a combination of two powerful antibiotics." :feelskek::feelsgah::feelsgah::heart::heart:

"Other STDs, such as syphilis and chlamydia, have shown early signs of antibiotic resistance." :feelsautistic::feelsautistic:

"Eventually, health officials fear, current antibiotics will no longer be effective against gonorrhea." fear? this is joy, good tides Indeed.

I shall leave you with the article:

If you are sad, that article will make you happy. It's full of life fuels.

Wizardcel #moonbat

[LifeFuel] Foid defends transagers. This is the first step toward recognition tbh.

As everyone here knows, I have recently come out as a transager incel. That's right! I am now 16 years old. The only problem is that I'm not legally allowed to change my age :( :cryfeels:

Right now, incels and transagers are the most discriminated minorities on the planet! this means we have a lot of work to do. I believe full recognition and acceptance of transage and incel folk is possible. After all, we are only people. We're not harming anyone when we identify ourselves to be a certain age.

I have been doing a lot of research in the last few days about this topic. There are many people who have come out, but we are not yet in great numbers to fight a legal battle. That's why I ask anyone here who identifies as incel/transage to come out. Do not be afraid, do not fear the judgement of ignorant people; they do not have love in their hearts.

Anyway, I have found this very interesting article and I want to share it with the community: Trans-aged individuals are just as entitled to anti-discrimination protection as transgender individuals. (Submitter’s note: link is non-functional)

"The Obama administration has championed special protected classes of citizens, but the government is still ignoring one deeply oppressed group: the trans-aged." :feelsgah:

"Trans-aged individuals are just as entitled to anti-discrimination protection as transgender individuals. "

"Think of the 12-year-old who self-identifies as 19, but is stuck in a middle-school classroom. "
>>>>>> Lifefuel tbh

A new day is on the horizon, boyos. Better days shall come. We'll ride this storm together, and when we have left inceldom, we'll look back at this dark period of our lives and smile.

wizardcel #homophobia #psycho

[Serious] If I had a son, I'd want him to be a lolicon instead of a degenerate faggot.

Imagine how sad it must be for a father to be told that his son takes it in the butt. For it's written that " Thou shall not lie with man, as with a woman: it's an abomination."

On the other hand, we have a tremendous lifefuel straight from God above. I quote " ... Kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him, but all women children ( JBs), that hath not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves."

God approves of men of culture, but he condemns men who like to smell other men's poop.

Mainländer #sexist #psycho

[LifeFuel] Why Islam?

I notice a lot of western people have a negative image of Islam. Allow me to demonstrate how Islam is actually the only hope of the West with some simple, quick (I'll try to be succint) points:

Fact 1: As I explained here, completely removing women's rights and freedoms is the only way to satisfactorily solve inceldom.

Fact 2: The only viable way to do it within a reasonably fast time frame is Islam reaching majority and imposing Sharia Law in western countries.

Let's be realistic: white nationalism taking over all Europe and North America (possibly southern South America and South Africa as well) has 0 chances of happening anytime soon in 2018. A fourth Reich has 0 chances of happening after Germany's loss in WWII. A rollback to XIX century West has 0 chances of happening as well.

Meanwhile, Islam is spreading rapidly throughout various western countries, especially in Europe, and would spread even faster if white natives started to convert en masse. Islam has the blessing of the status quo and even from liberals/cucks while anything right wing or traditionalist in a western manner is vehemently opposed by it, including by the elites of the world (banksters, etc).

Fact 3: To nationalists who may associate Islam with "sandniggers": Islam has no race. Many people immediately associate Islam to Arabs, but the fact is, even though Islam originated in nowadays Arabia, only a minority of Muslims are Arabs nowadays. The biggest Islamic country in the world is Asian, we have plenty of Islamic blacks, we even already have Islamic whites. People of any race can convert.

Fact 4: Contrary to ignorant @justincelthings claims, Islam does enforce women's submission to men, marriage at young age, fidelity to one man, maternal duties, etc. He linked this, furthering the idea that "The Quran does not specify specific gender roles for women".

Little does he known that Muslims are not only supposed to follow Quran text, but also the Sunnahs, which are (from Wikipedia):

"...the body of traditional social and legal custom and practice of the Islamic community, based on the verbally transmitted record of the teachings, deeds and sayings, silent permissions (or disapprovals) of the Islamic prophet Muhammad, as well as various reports about Muhammad's companions."

Muhammad (may the peace be with him) married a girl who was between the ages of 6 and 13, and all Muslims are, through the aforementioned Sunnahs, encourage to follow his every step. How do IT and @justincelthings cucks respond to it?

An analogy to conclude: in a fight, it's very often better to go along with your opponent's attack and use his own momentum against him than to try to defend/resist the attack. This is the principle of Judo for example.

The elites want to use Islam to destabilize Western countries and increase their power, and they expect us (western men with healthy doses of testosterone who don't want to accept having their people wiped out) to act like "dumb racists", trying to protest it, become radicalized towards alt right or even national socialist views, etc. It pains me to say so but we are playing in their hands by doing so.

We must turn the tables on them by embracing Islam and purging degeneracy, feminism, LGBT shit, AoC cuckoldry (women are supposed to marry young and reproduce as soon as they're bodily matured for it, not "go study and have a career" while fucking tons of Chads and just then settling with a betabuxx to have low-quality children genetically), banksters (Islam is against Jewish supremacy and usury abuse), etc.

And especially purging the plight that is women having freedoms, authority, sexual emancipation and a say on who they marry with. THIS IDIOCY is the main reason of our inceldom and of our societies' downfall.

Thank you very much for your attention, Salaam Aleikum!

Some incels #sexist

Re: I just found out that my crush, the love of my entire life, is Chad’a slut. I didn’t want to be blackpilled but now I have no choice.


I am a broken man right now.

I’ve known for some time that I’m not the most aesthetically pleasing of men. I’m short and naturally very skinny and scrawny. I’ve never had female attention like peers. I’ve known about this subreddit for a year now but I was always hesitant to follow your beliefs. This was because of one reason: her.

I’ve loved this girl for as long as I’ve known her. If I’m being real with myself, a big part of why is because I saw her as equal to me- both lookswise and personality-wise. She’s chubby and like they always say, “the equivalent of a short man is a fat woman”. I figured that like me, she didn’t get a lot of attention from the opposite sex so I truly thought I had a chance. Besides that, she was extremely sweet, really funny, pretty in the face [but I personally loved her body too] and loved the same shit I loved. We would watch seasons of anime together in a day’s time and she owned even more comics than me. She never missed a single con and hand-made her own cosplays. She was a geek, she was different from the rest. At least that’s what I thought.

When we were hanging out today, she gave me her phone to look something up while she went to cook some food. After a few minutes, a message popped up from this dude who’s in one of our courses. I knew it was him because he has a unique name. Tall as fuck, mixed-race, fit, good looking. I was confused because I never saw them interact at all. Out of curiosity I opened up the message:

“Such a dirty girl”.

This might have been wrong but I scrolled through the rest of their messages. What I saw and read made me sick to my stomach. Pics of her tits and ass, her telling him “I miss the feeling of your fucking big cock inside me”, telling him how perfect his cum tastes, him saying “you’re the tightest pussy I’ve fucked, I can’t stop fucking you”. I stopped at a point because I thought I would throw up on the spot, literally light headed. I pulled myself together enough to bullshit her by saying that I forgot I had a test I need to study for (even though we have the same major so the same classes). She didn’t buy it but I was insistent on needing to leave, and I did.

I feel like a shell of a person. I have no choice but to be Blackpilled at this point. Even the most “not like other girls” girl is JUST like other girls. I’m not looking forward to seeing her in class on Monday.

I love these stories, because they show the part women don't show to the world. It's also why I love the internet. You get to see what people are really like. When I first stumbled upon incel stuff, I really liked IncelTears because it was a great LifeFuel. But then I went and searched through the other comments from the people int that sub (the comments they made on other subs, you know, when they were not virtue signaling), and it was filled with BlackPills.

For example, I'm going to IncelTeras right now and find a double face bitch. One second.

Ok, I found one on random. The user is mermaid_mama_2015, she posted a comment in IT 11 hours ago

She has previously virtue signaled stuff like:

"This. I had plenty of guys wanting to have sex with me in my 20s, but I wanted a meaningful relationship, and because I was naturally flirty and very pretty, none of them really considered me for that. Got passed over so many times, I was intolerably lonely."

"I know, right? My nerdy friends circle is full of guys like that."

"Word. Like, yeah, I had sex sometimes on my 20s."

"The only man I had casual coital sex with was ...."

She also has comments where she talks about how hard it was having ADHD, and how never had many friends, and how she was always a nerd and awkward, etc etc. I know right, sounds like a damsel in distress, poor girl.

But then, if you dig further into her profile you find comment like these:

"Sure, he had an absolutely massive cock and it was pretty much the reason I agreed to fuck him"

"You sound like I did at 28, after three solid years of orgies, casual non-coital sex and a messy relationship that never quite got off the ground"

Remember I found this just right now. The real BlackPill is what people don't say. The stuff they do is the Real BlackPill and the internet is good for finding what these "virtue signalers" are really are like inside.

Youre mad that she....... has sex?? Whats your point

He JUST became a BlackPill, give him some time. He's still a bit shocked that the girl that made everyone think shes a virgin, a fat shy girl that can't talk to guys and doesn't have high standards, was riding Chad's cock (on the low) like an equestrian about to win the Kentucky Derby. Eventually seeing "virgins", the "I don;t date assholes" and the "I'm not like other girls" girls orbiting Chad's cock will become so common to him, that he won't even notice anymore, like all of us.


Brutal realisation that almost all "not like the other girls" are deep down like the other girls and just try to be perceived different because they can´t compete with classic Stacys. The few Stacy tier "not like the other girls" are usually fucked up mentally and try to compensate for that with this whole charade.

When it comes to mating, except a few ultra rare ones everyone be it male or female ticks in the same way.


"This. I had plenty of guys wanting to have sex with me in my 20s, but I wanted a meaningful relationship, and because I was naturally flirty and very pretty, none of them really considered me for that. Got passed over so many times, I was intolerably lonely."

Absolutely meme gender. She kept going after Chads and Chadlites and got depressed because they didn't want to commit to her and instead pumped and dumped. Meanwhile her looksmatch probably roped, because she refused to give him the time of day, preferring to chase the cock carusel.


All women are degenerate cumdumpster trash.

They play innocent so that dumbfucks white knight and pine after them.

If you can't get a virgin you shouldn't play the game.


Getting a virgin is impossible. Even the ones that say "I want to save myself for marriage" will eventually succumb to Chad's dick. There's only a small percentage that will actually save themselves for marriage and those are the ones that I actually respect.

Dirlewanger and MayorOfKekville #sexist #psycho

[Comment under "[LifeFuel] <[Lifefuel] should be renamed [Schadenfreude]"]


Schadenfreude has negative connotations. LifeFuel is just a reason not to rope. Seeing foids suffer is a good reason to stay alive.

That is not suffering. My namesake made women suffer, the “suffering” in lifefuel threads is women whining about every tiny injustice or unpleasantry to befall them, usually as a result of their own incompetence or bad judgement despite life being handed to them on a silver plate. That’s why women are so fucking stupid, the only way you learn about life is through pain. Most of us have experienced years, of not decades of severe (non-whore) depression, repeated rejection, isolation, alienation, and extended periods of despair and being mocked the whole way through both intentionally and not by the rest of society. That is suffering. Many have even suffered physical abuse at the hands of normalfaggots (I’ve been stabbed) and some even killed themselves. What do whores know of suffering?
When they are “raped” they fucking enjoy it because chad is doing it. They even seek it out by going for primeval savages instead of real men. They have no need to face material deprivation as the state provides for women first and they always have priority in hiring. Families help women first. The justice system is almost entirely rigged in their favour and women’s prisons are a fucking joke where they get to fuck even more chads in comfort while innocent men get mauled and raped by drug addicts in real prisons. Women do not suffer. Not at all.

HumanTrash #sexist #psycho

[LifeFuel] Every second a foid dies somewhere in the world

Just thinking about this makes me feel so much better, right now when you are reading this a filthy chad-worshiping cunt dies somewhere :feelsautistic: Doesn't matter if it's a baby or a 120-years old granny, they are all whores and they will all die.

Wooperrrr & StatusDisciplineKY #sexist

Major lifefuel. Chad ruins rostie's family just by being an alpha. Also the 16 year-old roastie is pregnant.


I bet the teen is the one who pursued the chad

From what I can gather, they have had full on penetrative sex, among other things. While I don’t blame my sister, it did seem like something she was...excited about? I believe that she has had a crush on him for several years (always innocent teenager girl stuff to me) and this was something my husband obviously took advantage of.

My moms reaction was just pure shock, my dad was just disgust. We all agreed that they would confront my sister just the two of them. They did talk to her about it when she got home, and confirmed that yes, they had sex. She says that she is in love with him.

My sister was involuntarily committed to an inpatient behavioral center late Tuesday night after she harmed herself. She is physically okay, and she didn’t do any serious damage to herself. My mom called me Friday night to tell me that she had been alerted by my sisters doctor and therapist that she is pregnant. She said that she found out and tried to contact my husband, he wouldn’t respond to her and she wanted to commit suicide because she knew my parents would “force her to get an abortion”. My husband is the only man she’s had sex with.

Imagine being so attractive that, even after you stop responding, the teenage girl is willing to die before aborting your child. Imagine how good this guy's genes must be.

Imagine having such power over women that you drive two of them mentally insane. Just from virtue of being attractive. This guy is what every man dreams to be.

On the other hand, imagine being this girl's father. Raising your two daughters with love and care, just for Chad to come along, take their virginities, impregnate both of them, leave them mentally unhinged and destroy your family. It's the ultimate humiliation, and all he did to deserve this was simply "Have two daughters."

This is what's waiting for you if you ascend. Having daughters is the ultimate cuckold.


she wanted to fuck his brains out

he took advantage of that

Female hypoagency. Its always the foid that's being "taken advantage of" for getting exactly what they want, while backstabbing their sister in the process, no less.

At this point I'd be willing to believe that Chads literally have mind control powers over women, that they'd do this, but realistically, mate poaching high status males or willing to be in threesomes or "open" relationships just to have a chance to fuck a high status male, all are things that are just natural female behavior.

She's trying to make her sister out like a victim instead of a slut and a backstabbing cunt.

JucheforWhitePeople & Swole_Prole #sexist

Re: Lifefuel for mentalcels, we are more likely to commit suicide and leave this degenerate world


Ugly mentalcels are the biggest trucels. You're basically fucked for life if you're autistic and ugly. You're doomed to spend your life as a social retard without any friends, much less a gf.

Nobody wants to help you. Worst of all, autistics foids and Chads will live normal lives because people wanted to befriend them.

Although I’m not autistic I have strong autistic tendencies, you could say, and I don’t feel like social engagement is in any way made easier for me even though I am not ugly.

I am still a friendless loser and outcast of sorts, even if I don’t have the same crippling social inability I had years ago. I take it in its stride though, mostly, but I often feel like an alien among humans.

boomoopoo, Hellpoemer & AwareCel #sexist

Absolute fucking lifefuel. This is the great awakening brothers. Found on the front page


"handsome by society's standards"

What's up with this bullshit that attractiveness is a social construct?

Obviously the foundation of what’s attractive is genetic (jawline,muscles,height,etc). But considering that back in the 70s, men who would be tormented and Incel today, could not only get laid, but be sex symbols- it just goes to show that people’s perception of attraction is malleable. This also helps provide evidence of hypergamy as female definitions of “attractive males” keeps shifting more and more towards a hyper masculine, 90% percentile height, man.

It fills me with joy to see people awakening, but let's suppose everyone swallows the blackpill, what benefits it will bring for us? I mean, we are still going to be ugly and people can't force themselves to love somebody they don't find attractive. Maybe the awareness will make such a stir in society that people's beauty filter will worn out with the time like a vestigial organ?

We can make political demands like no questions asked euthanasia and universal basic income once other incels realize how many of us there are and how much power we collectively have.

040211092616, crackheadkyle, Administrative_Worth #sexist

Heard a group of Chadlites bragging about cucking dudes today

I wish I recorded that shit, it was Blackpill gold. The first thing I heard was one saying “I asked her ‘what about your boyfriend?’ and she said ‘FUCK HIM!!!’” The whole group erupted in thunderous laughter. Then another one said “chicks are ruthless” then another one agreed and told a story about calling a girl’s boyfriend while she sucked his dick and she didn’t even talk, just kept loudly sucking his dick. They practically cackled at that. Then one said “I don’t even feel bad, if they satisfied their girlfriends they wouldn’t be so quick to cheat with us” (proving that they’re bluepilled in their own way) then one agreed and said he told that to a boyfriend who tried to fight him. Then said he laughed in his face because he was 5’8 and thought he could harm him. It was BRUTAL.

Slight lifefuel two cute foids looked at them with slight disgust. But probably virtue signaling and wanted to fuck them

The girls with looks of disgust were probably getting turned on deep down. I would be perfectly fine with women wanting to fuck hot guys if they were just open about it, what’s the point of breaking a guys heart and humiliating him to other people like that. Seriously

Yeah legit, before I became a disabledcel I was a little like this, although nowhere near as bad. Before I ascended I was a mentalcel from a lot of childhood trauma and thought this was how all sex havers lived, just fucking as much as they could.

WHat they are getting off on is the power and humiliation of feeling superior. It's fucking sad, and honestly only small men feel the need to do it.

A true chad, something to aspire to, is someone who tries to spread positivity and love. Not going out of your way to bully, mog and humiliate others.

Sadly though standards have been thrown out the window and this is how a lto of the "elite" act. With thiss disgusting air that they are "untouchable" and no morality exists but getting the most kicks out of life. It's one major reason society is breaking down, anger and depression is rising. Is this narcissistic worship of self vs compassion. If a girlfriend cheats with you. Sure great, you fucked a girl. Bit ethically iffy on your part, she's the one ultimately at fault, but you shouldn't be then using it to humiliate the guy. That's just bullying.

But shame on any cuck who sticks by a foid who cheats on him in a relationship.

Howd you became disabled? Also , i agree.

Spine injury. Took years to recover form now. 24/76 pain for the first long while, hardly able to walk or move. That was a horrific 2+ years of treatment, pain, loneliness. I didn't see the sun for like 6 months after it happened. I could only fall asleep at about 7 am from passing out from exhaustion due to the pain, and I'd wake up around 3:30 to a whole new day/Night of hell when the sun would be setting.

I've got these dark rings under my eyes now, (Which I kind of like as they remind me of what happened and what people are really like when you're weak and vulnerable) ANd I don't think they'll ever go away. Even when I did sleep, people would tell me I was groaning in pain every 5 minutes

It was like 2 years of hardly any rest, just pain and positions of less pain, and a burning desire to experience life again, and the hopelessness of this torturous maze of pain. And extreme isolation. Really shows you who in your life cares about you. Which evidently was almost next to no one for me.

various incels #sexist

Re: TwoXChromosomes kicks out only actual woman mod for saying transwoman have an advantage in sports over biological ones.


Trannies are based af, they get into foids spaces and make them as miserable as possible

They close the sociopolitical foodchain. Men - black men - women - trannies

The only way for a cute incel to have any influence in anything is to become a tranny jfl

Trannies should work for us as infiltrators.


I know you're sort of joking but like... why aren't they getting more flak for that? I thought TwoX was meant to be progressive lefty shit and accept tranies. Why isn't IT all over them?!

they are very ((progressive)),all the mods are trannies and they banned the last female mod for saying that trans women have an advantage over cis women in sports


I just wanted to post this again:

World Cup-winning USA women's team suffer 5-2 loss against Dallas academy boys

lol at posing for pics with 14 yr old chad after. You know he ficked the entire US womens team that day

whenever these things are posted on social media especially on left-leaning pages it's amazing how suddenly all the feminist bots and retards who comment on gender things disappear.

these same idiots will rage at you if you dare suggest that female police officers are a bad idea. there's no direct 'score' in male vs female officers so they are able to use their rat tactics of complete denial of common sense to argue.

The absolute irony in women cucking themselves in favor of LITERAL MEN is so insanely delicious. Nothing screams being in favor of women's rights like allowing literal males to call themselves women and then silencing and shaming actual women for pointing out biological realities! YYAAASS, you go (male) queens, so tolerant and progressive!! Trans women are women, sweaty!!! Honk honk, welcome to clown world y'all, hope you enjoy your stay, be careful with what you say or you'll be banned for transphobia :^)

When SJWs eat themselves

Trannies should be our allies. They're men completely fucking up feminism and SJWs by out-victiming them. It's pretty funny.

Lifefuel. Our agents are infiltrating the foid spaces and destroying them from within, all the effort protected by the raving lunatic PC mobs.

The foids will know pain

Trannies are a protected people, only below Jews, blacks and black Muslim lesbians which are the highest echelon of the virtue signal pyramid.

Cutecells need to go tranny asap. You will go from being an absolute wretch of society to be treated like a demugod by the left.

I don't understand how twoXC can make the statement that men are welcomed, in a sub that is clearly deliberately designed to alienate, exclude and/or disenfranchise men on reddit. If everyone is welcomed, then don't make "twoxc" your base identity.

OccidentalRebel #sexist

[LifeFuel] Female Suicide Rate Is Rising

[tears of joy smiley][laughing smiley][stuck-out tongue smiley]

In both the states and Canada the suicide rates of women are absolutely soaring, starting to overtake men lmao! Its ridiculous because whores are so fucking privileged but it fills my heart with such happiness. I love the idea of some stupid fucking bitch bawling her eyes out at the sight of her dead fellow slut lmao, stupid bitches. The moronic foid who slashes her throat and then immediately regrets her decision as reality kicks in but its too late for the stupid bitch and shes fucked. For the stupid whore who hangs herself but then regrets her decision as she struggles and dies from asphyxiation with true terror and remorse coursing through her lmao!

Its time for the score to get evened out baby.

Call me callous but we males have suffered enough and I'm elated the pendulum is swinging.

How happy are you about this?
- delighted
- euphoric
- estatic
- joyful
- cheerful

NeetSupremacist #sexist

Re: Poland wants to let in 100 000 Filipinos

Whites are digging their own graves, they thought by liberal philosophy and leaving the church they could advance become more civilized and yet these ideas of liberalism, freedom, gender equality and feminism is killing them. Birth rates are lower than ever, Polish sluts go to the west and ride Chad dick and Tyrone dick and doesn't marry. Traditionalism doesn't exist anymore and it will only go down from here on, you destroy the family structure then you will destroy your own kind. The family is EVERYTHING, when you destroy family you destroy heritage and ancestry. JFL

If you can't to go to SEA then bring SEA into your home, lifefuel for crackercels, ngl. Poland is going to have a tsunai of gook pussies, you all are gonna ascend boyos, celebrate.

It is lifefuel for Polish subhumans tbh, but don't forget that when these SEA sluts discover their true worth in Europe they will run hypergamy to a new lvl and will only allow Chad to fuck them. JBW only works when whites go to certain countries, it does not work in their own countries when the competition is to high.

some incels #sexist

Daily reminder that women are virtue signaling sociopaths


I ran across this whore on TwoXC where she was ranting about incels. Her post history contains stuff about how she was a huge whore growing up and how people shouldn't call women sluts kek.

She also had a child and gave him up for adoption and then sterilized herself because she doesn't want to "ruin" her body by having (more) kids.

This mentally ill whore is the perfect example of how much as a society we have declined. The fact that a parasite like this is allowed to thrive in our society is the surest sign that we as a species are fucked.

Thank god she sterilised herself, fucking horrible of her to not do an abortion and instead just create a human being and give it away to let it fend for itself. Foids truly have no empathy

Being so intensely narcissistic and sociopathic that you give up your own child into the horrendous adaption/foster home/orphanage system is such a disgusting act to me that I honestly don't see this foid as human. She is like cattle. An unthinking piece of meat who gorges herself and does little else in this world.

Pure fucking filth

15 thousand upvotes and gold for saying dating a girl in her 20s is wrong lmaoooo these fucking old roasties are maaad

That's 1500 women who think men in their 30s should man up and settle with a woman his age.

Not jealous of younger women btw.

Jealous post-wall hags. I bet almost ALL of them were wanting an older Sugar Daddy when they were in their 20s, too.

Yes, because men in their 30’s, who have grown and experienced the world, developed wisdom, and (likely) secured resources would be the worst candidates to father a child from a woman in her reproductive prime.


Women in their 30’s, on the other hand, who are reaching the end of their reproductive window are best to secure a young man who has a callow response to human interaction, little self-knowledge, and has likely not accomplished much in terms of what could be offered to his own offspring.

Great ideaaaaa!

It’s always lifefuel to see middle aged roasties get triggered over this. The real fact that pisses them off is that Chad chose a younger foid that’s still in her prime over a used up roastie like them


Since when it's 20s barely legal?

Since she hit 30 hahaha.

She's trying to shift the goalposts to bring herself closer to the "socially acceptable" dating age. Literally coping.

None of this surprises me. It is mentally ill minority women controlling the narratives to shame, manipulate, and alter the dating world in their favor or for their ideological goals.

Ever notice how most single mothers hate the everliving fuck out of men?

And what happens? you get NiceGuys from those single mothers and sociopathic whores like OP from those same single mothers.

People need to stop being swayed by pretty faces spouting opinions as if they're reality.

That's why we got in trouble. Foid's opinions are always being treated as objective reality. Even if they're lying, sadistic, manipulative cunts like OP.

Various incels #sexist

[LifeFuel]JFL: Void sleepwalks off of a balcony after meeting up with 5 random chads to be gang sexed

final moments of British holidaymaker Kirsty Maxwell, 27, show her return from hen do then lie in bed... two hours before she fell to her death from Benidorm hotel balcony

• CCTV footage has captured the final moments of British woman Kirsty Maxwell
• She is filmed staggering along a corridor in the Payma Apartments in Benidorm
• The newly released footage was taken hours before she plunged to her death
• The chilling video has been aired on a BBC documentary called Killed Abroad

The real suicidefuel is that her husband is like a 6-7/10 and basically her inbred Anglo-gene looksmatch. And she was getting gangbanged to death and now her betabux husband has to stand up for her after her death. JFL at this existence. This is what ascension looks like boys.

please tell me theres footage somewhere of this cavernous roastie splattering on the pavement :feelskek:

Submitter's note: According to the article, the five men from whose balcony the woman fell do not seem to have interacted with her much. No mention of gangbangs. Yes, they are making juicy scandalous embellishments to the bloody Daily Mail!

SchrodingersDick #sexist

The collapse of civilization is happening in your lifetime. Feminism caused it. There is no coming back from this. Long post.

Expanded upon another post of mine in another thread.. been meaning to post this for you all. I kinda suck at writing so it might be all over the place. There’s a TL;DR down below but I put a lot of effort into this so I’d appreciate if you took the time to read.

For the cucktears lurkers, before you shit on this, Take a step back and look at the world in the context of just another sexually dimorphic mammal species to understand the following.

Civilization is inherently a patriarchy. They are the same thing. One cannot exist without the other. In order for a civlization to exist, female sexual nature (hypergamous genetics-based mate selection) must be kept in check, for men to be treated equally and fairly, to allow for all members to have hope that if they contribute, they can be rewarded with guanrateed breeding right over a female of their choosing. In this sense, it is necessary for the success of a civilization that women be sexually oppressed.. this developed world is a man’s thing and will only ever cater to men. It is our creation for the benefit of all, but mostly genetically subpar, men. It’s all built at the expense of women’s vaginas. Any society in which women have free mate selection can not function. In tribal times, there was 1 sexually successful man for every 17 sexually successful women.. assuming a 100% female sexual success rate, that leaves 94% of men sexless. This is important. If it weren’t for this fact, we wouldn’t have a problem and this site wouldn’t exist. We need to replace genetic currency with something else in order to appease all men and make it possible for everyone to contribute and build something great.. Money was invented. Money must represent survival in order to be worth anything. It must replace the baseline definition of survival meaning a big strong male able to kill other males in a fight. Well we have a police force for that now so no need to worry. But most importantly, it must be able to be used as leverage to purchase pussy under the guise of survival. That’s the only way to keep the male population happy. Without it, women have to reason to mate with subpar men.. This system is inherently oppressive to women. Unfortunately for them, this system favors survival over reproductive success. Everyone survives and procreates but at the expense of females carrying and birthing inferior DNA. Survival is not enough for them. The idea of 1:1 male to female mate pairings guarantees that all the females not paired with a high SMV male with be with a low SMV male and produce genetically poor kids (which is why they are repulsed by low SMV men, which is why rape only exists with low SMV men, but you knew this already, no need to expand), something that disgusts them on a primitive level. It’s a system they need to get rid of.. hence the sexual liberation, fighting for rights, fighting for a right to work, etc. no matter how hard men try to keep a society strong and prosperous, women will actively try and tear it all down.

This snowball formed when women were given rights.. it started a snowball effect. Now there are several things that compounded with each other make for a nightmare scenario for the world.

1: women in the work place. Women earn their own money now. A Man’s resources cannot be used as leverage to purchase reproductive rights with a female. Thus his contributions to the tribe are meaningless as his reward holds no value.

2: genetic misrepresentation and contraception. Estrogen frauding Makeup, plastic surgeries, gym to build a high estrogen ass.. all these things are being used to falsely elevate women’s sexual dimorphism, perceived serum estrogen concentration, age, fertility, etc. notice how every foid does makeup the same way. Thin narrow nose bridge, shadows under the zygos to show zygo projection, rounded chin makeup, eyeliner to fraud thick eyelashes (health indicator).. women are walking around looking like top tier specimens the likes of which would make your caveman ancestors balls explode. Tbh they should bow down to partiarchy that they’re able to walk around like this alone and not immediately be gangraped when they step out of the house looking like they sweat pure estrogen and fertility. And lastly contraception.. things like birth control, condoms and abortion make casual sex and being a whore consequence-free. It’s the reason the cock carousel exists.

3: easy access to a global sexual market. The tribe is no longer a handful of guys and girls with the top guy doing all the fucking. Smartphones, Tinder, Instagram, cars, planes, buses, etc all help make the sexual marketplace a global thing.. in essence it’s an 8 billion member tribe, with easy access to all types of chad dick. Far more competition among males and a far lower sexual success rate among the male population.

4: destruction of religion. Religion isn’t really a thing anymore. It was once a powerful tool to convince women that 1:1 mate pairings are what’s to be expected, no sex before marriage, shit like that (had other reasons too. Keeps men’s testosterone at bay, thou shall not kill, steal, etc. keeps things civil) .. They had a reason to abide and ignore their primal instincts. It did a pretty good job.. now that’s gone, and there’s virtually no way of enforcing monogamy and chastity. Which funny enough, is also the only prerequisite for a woman to get married.. just be a virgin. They can’t even manage that yet a bunch of captain save a hoes are quick to wife em up, and these hoes will wear white on their wedding day symbolizing their purity.. jfl

Compound these 4 new phenomenon together, and you can quickly see that the sexual market is fucked, and a society with a SMP like this cannot sustain itself.. This is a world that belongs to women now. This world automatically excludes all men unfit for reproduction. In this case, it’s likely over 99% of men. What will these men do once they realize money doesn’t buy pussy? Once they realize that if there’s truly no hope for them, they can rely on government assistance, or work a menial bottom tier job just to make enough to survive. If these men even have the drive to go to work, they will have no drive to innovate, get promotions, invent something, become millionaires, etc. you’ll have a lot of complacent men with no motivation to contribute anything. Best hope automation can replace the entire workforce, and if not, then you got a work force made up of 99% women and just lmao if you think that’s gonna take us anywhere. Women have no incentive to make money other than to rid men of their only leverage and open up their prospective mating options. Same deal with them.. they’ll just aim to make the minimum amount to survive and genefraud enough to land 6’4” chad.

This results is a catalysmic shift of the world as we know it.. there will be a total collapse once the number of men who drop out of society reaches critical mass. But until then, you will see a shitload of people dependent on government assistance, the rich being taxed out the ass, who now have even less incentive to keep perusing high paying careers, more people coping with drugs/alcohol, a spike in suicides and mass shootings, high SMV men forming harems, etc.. basically 2018 x10.

For this to happen, It’s not even necessary for the masses to swallow the blackpill.. it’s only necessary for them to realize money doesn’t mean anything anymore. That’s all it takes. Put simply, one’s contributions to society are no longer worth the effort. It’s basically slave labor at that point.

So there you have it. All the causes are there and cannot be reversed.. things have already been set in motion. just wait till the effects of them become painfully obvious. This cannot be fixed since nobody is gonna accept that women’s vaginas are the reason for this. Maybe next time around men don’t fuck up and start the civilization off strong with commoditized pussy. This will all go down in documented history so a mistake like this likely won’t repeat itself. That’s the good news.

This should be lifefuel for you all. You are witnessing the collapse of the most successful civilization on earth in YOUR lifetime. Pretty cool. So ditch your ER plans, untie your ropes, and Sit back and watch the world burn.

TL;DR; a couple rights here and there and a few apps destroyed the world. Patriarchy, religion, and commoditization and sexual oppression of women are paramount to the existence and survival of any civilization. We lack all 4. It’s over. Bunker up and stockpile food and ammo. We’re going back to the jungle.

Redpill Robert #sexist

[LifeFuel] Having a daughter doesn't mean you have to be a cuck

(video showing a Texas judge savagely beating up his daughter, uploaded by her; for more, see this quote)
As an oldcel I randomly remembered when this was all over the news back in 2011. I laughed my ass off re-watching it. For those too lazy to watch it's a Judge from Texas who beat his daughter's ass for getting on the internet when she was told not to. At 3:45 he drops a blackpill on what computers have done too.

THIS is the way to deal with an attention-whoring social media-addicted teenaged daughter. Most cucked left-wing dads not only would have tolerated this, they'd have also gone out and bought magnum condoms and gave them to the daughter for all the Chads and Tyrones she would be sleeping with.

Crustaciouse #racist

I punked out some niglets today. Being alpha male is the best lifefuel.

So I was walking today and there where two Dominicans in front of me (for anyone that doesn't know, Dominicans are basically heavily African mixed latinos). The two looked about highschool age but where skinny as fuck, about half a foot shorter then me and where wearing some trashy sound cloud niglet garbs.
There was a small opening in between one of the guys that was walking and I was in a hurry so I tried to squeeze in to get infront of those slow pokes.
But he swayed my way and I bumped into his arm, he said "damn say scuze me" under his breathe.
And then the other guy (who I assume was his brother) started talking shit to him and said "your such a pussy" and the other kid said "I'm not a pussy".
Damn my gymceling and natural height and muscle advantage as well as my ogre appearance is really pulling through. Im usually a pussy, but punking out other men is an amazing feeling, no wonder there are so many bullies.

refmd #fundie

[LifeFuel] why don't we start dressing like slutty women

govt's are only going to bring about laws to regulate what women wear if men start doing it, cause then it will be "why doesn't somebody think of the children"

I'm going to go out in yoga pants with a raging erection, I'm sure no one will complain right, how dare they slut shame me

Izayacel #sexist

[LifeFuel] Foids cant Play RTS, those types of games litteraly never get invaded by foids bc they need iq that they obviously dont have

(video "Strike Tactics Browser RTS - Easy , Fast Win")

thats to boring for them
make an ultimatum ( as chad )
lern how to play an rts or fuck off

they may do it lululul but their to high inhib to lern what isnt in

btw strike tactics is a cool browser rts everyone here should pick up, we could make tournaments and such


(video "Strike Tactics Browser RTS - Easy , Fast Win")
thats to boring for them
make an ultimatum ( as chad )
lern how to play an rts or fuck off

they may do it lululul but their to high inhib to lern what isnt in

btw strike tactics is a cool browser rts everyone here should pick up, we could make tournaments and such

look at my apm lol this game sadly dont have building hotkeys to switch between them if your offscreen...

bluecollarCEL #fundie

[LifeFuel] I'm so glad I was in HS before Social Media took off. How did you youngcels make it without roping.

I graduated HS right as Myspace was starting to become popular.

Not that many kids were on it. And cell phones were shitty as fuck so I didn't have to worry about getting pictures taking of me.

I remember overhearing conversations of the parties that went on over the weekend that I wasn't invited to. If I had to see pictures of those same parties on FB/Instagram I would of lost my fucking mind. It would of been so much worse.

I got picked on everyday. I never got my ass kicked but I was verbally abused pretty bad. I can only imagine if smart phones were around no doubt some kids would of took pictures of me walking in the hallway, eating lunch by myself, and created fake FB/Instagram accounts to rag on me. "My name is bluecollarCEL and I like to play WOW/Watch Star Trek/and Jerk off to anime."

Of the 2 girls who did be nice to me. If we had Social Media back then would of instantly realized I was a friendless boring no social life loser and would of avoided me like the plague.

How did you guys do it.

various commenters #fundie

[LifeFuel] Man beats a woman to death in public and no one tries to stop him [NSFW]

Men would kill women if it wasn't for sex.


wtf that was so random too, they were just like talking and then he fucking beats her to death.

insane normies are very strange to me, its like a switch flips in their heads.

Beating up people is low IQ.

beating up women is high IQ as fuck

seems like a bad idea in china, they already have a population imbalance of males.


Knew it'd be in China before I entered the thread. Reminds me of that video where some Chinese guy just starts kerbstomping a 4 year old for no reason.

No, that's just China. Liveleak is full of Chinese videos where they just don't give a fuck when someone was beaten, ran over or just died in some random way.

Lmao fucking sociopaths


Dis some research on this. The reason people don't want to help is to avoid being scammed, if you help someone in china they can easily blame you for hurting them and you will be forced to pay alot compensation

Killing people is wrong but she probably left him for white Chad or Chang

This. She most likely announced she was seeing Chang or something, otherwise I don't see a reason for him to flip out.

It's basically against the law to intervine in those situations. In China, you should let people lay down and die. Trying to be a good samaritan can cause you a penalty or even time in prison.

Asians are high T.

(hehe xd)
thats just overpopulated distressed chinks, avg chink is soyboy level T in the west

various commenters #fundie

(Note: They are reacting to r/AskReddit thread "What age did you lose your virginity?")

[LDAR] Daily reddit suicidefuel

“What age did you lose your virginity

Didn't read, but I'll wager the average age there is 7 to 12 years old.


>12 with a 17 year old at the time, he was such a sweetheart. Looked him up on Facebook and found out he died of pneumonia :(
>I was 13. We were suppose to be working on some project in grade 8. I took his student ID and put it down my panties, told him to go look for it. We were just getting to the good part when my mother came to see if we need snacks.
>I was 10, not sure if this counts as rape because I enjoyed it


First one is lifefuel I suppose.

just kys if you're a virgin after middle school



LOL. I almost roped after I lost my virginity at 24 to a hooker (told myself I didn't want to be a 25yo virgin). Felt so empty and dirty afterwards, and ashamed that I had to pay to a rather ugly femoid to (badly) pretend to be sexually interested in me. Literally didn't leave the house for 3 days and drank myself into stupor from morning till night, would barf, pass out and drink again.

I was such a naive faggot back then, I look back and wonder if it was really me.

When I kill myself I'll get 72 virgins, so probably then.

inbeforecell #sexist

[OP of "Lifefuel: Revenge thread"]

It is natural for incels to want women to suffer. It is natural for incels to want to hurt women.

Don't get me wrong. I am opposed to anything that violates any law because I don't want to go to prison. I do not condone illegal activity, in particular violence.

That said, what are some (relatively innocuous & legal) stories you guys have of revenge on women?

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