Eskimocel #sexist #crackpot #psycho

SuicideFuel [ChameleonPill] Its over time, time to go home lads. Chameleon pill kills me.


TranscriptOn average, a chameleon's tongue is roughly twice the length of its body. In humans, that would be a tongue about 10 to 12 feet (about 3 to 4 meters)

Which means he can give the best oral, keep in mind the vagina is only 4 inches deep. Which means he has more length than your penis, a sharper tounge to inflict more pain(because femoids love being killed) also scaly skin which can be used a vibrator. Or pussy rub shall I say.
His tounge is also long enough to enter the vagina and touch the clit. Double stimulation which is harder for men since its hard to multitask during sex as they are so focused on one thing.

Why do femoids choose a chameleon over us?
1.Reusable, if the other one gets lost in your pussy you can get a new one.
2. You can force it to have sex, no "headaches".
3. They have no emotions towards you.
4.They blend in with your skin which can mimic chads cock.



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