LordDuckzz21 #sexist reddit.com

Women are literally the most privileged people to have ever existed. Women literally spend their whole lives never having to work for anything. They don't need to get a job because daddy and their boyfriend/husband finances their whole life. The only reason they even go to college is to be a whore. Their never lonely because they have thousands of men and women willing to interact with them on a daily basis. Any woman, no matter what she looks or acts like, can go outside for less than 5 minutes and get a boyfriend and hundreds of friends instantly.

On top of all that, the entire world bends over backward for women. A woman could fall and scrap her knee and have hundreds of people checking on her and asking if she's okay. If I guy were to fall and scrap his knee, no one would notice or care. The only time women have any problems is not being able to choose which Chad they should spread their legs for tonight.

And having a bunch of people interested in you is absolutely a privilege. You will know what it's like to go years without someone's touch. You will never know what it's like to have an accomplishment and no one to share it with. You will never have nights crying yourself to sleep because you know one will care if you killed yourself tonight. Foods get to live their whole lives, knowing they're loves and care for without having to do anything to earn. Foids are handed perfect lives for just existing. So yes, you Foids are privileged.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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