
Christos Avatar #ufo #magick #crackpot #conspiracy #mammon patreon.com


The Multiverse Time Matrix Alien Races Diagram

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The Multiverse Time Matrix Alien Races Diagram is a Quick Study Reference Guide for learning information about our reality, including the 5 different Universes of Matter, the different levels of Consciousness and Spirit, the different levels of Khundalini energies, the different time periods, info about Adjacent Earths, Parallel Earth, Inner Earth, the Angelic Human lineage, the original 12 Starseed Tribes, the Indigo Holy Grail Tribes, the Anunnaki Races, the Reptilian Races, the many different hybrid extraterrestrial races and much more. This is a digital download, so you'll get instant access to your diagram.

DOWNLOAD INFO: The diagram image is not suppose to look blurry or distorted. It is a big image file (18mb) that enables you to zoom in very close and is very clear and easy to read. A few subscribers have reported blurriness or distortion, but that problem only occurs depending on what type of device you download the diagram file with. Some devices optimize the image file, which makes it a much smaller image - which is NOT what you want. It is best to download this file with a computer or laptop.

Skyler “Sky Life” Cowans, Isis Indriya & cult, Melanie Kirchdorfer #magick #quack #ufo patreon.com

(Submitter’s note: re-arranged into chronological order)
Ancient Egyptian Magick, Oracle Divination & Feminine Leadership with Isis Indriya

Isis Indriya is the creator of the "Academy of the Oracle Arts," an original mystery school that honors ancient Egyptian magick practices....

The Oracle Divination Board with Isis Indriya

The Oracle Divination Board is a divination technology that came to Isis Indriya in a dream and a vision....

Ritual with Isis Indriya at the Mesa Altar

This is the extended version of our ritual at the Mesa Altar with Isis Indriya and her clan....


My Parasite Cleanse

I got sick upon returning from Mexico and had to do a parasite cleanse to get better. Here is what I did....


Messages from the Cosmic Cauldron

Here's a little message that came through while on a solo trip into Yellowstone National Park. Full video is being posted on YouTube tomorrow!

Melanie's Abduction Story

This is the extended interview with Melanie Kirchdorfer describing her alien abduction experiences....

Theoryman #wingnut #psycho patreon.com

[Describing conversations about "American Civil War 2" at the official forum of science fiction publisher Baen]

A moderator with the username Theoryman wrote, “As I’ve already pointed out, rendering ANY large city is uninhabitable is quite easy... And the Left lives in cities. The question is just how many of its inhabitants will survive...” Theoryman later in the thread suggested shooting transformers in cities with high-power rifles to make the cities “uninhabitable until restored,” adding in another post that “The point is to kill enough of them that they can not arise for another 50 years... or more.”


In a thread titled “Who killed Ashli Babbitt?” users discussed the Capitol police officer who shot Babbitt as she broke into the Capitol. [...] When a user in the thread pointed out a recent news article saying the officer was unlikely to be charged, Theoryman responded by saying “Which is why the guy needs doxed... After that, the problem will take care of itself.”

Let’s be very blunt about what Theoryman is saying: He is urging people to kill a police officer who defended the U.S. Capitol once they learn the officer’s name. And yet again, this user is a moderator for Baen’s Bar, meaning the publishing company selected this user to monitor and manage discussions on their forum.

Andrea Hardie aka Janet Bloomfield aka JudgyBitch #sexist #psycho #mammon patreon.com

Janet Bloomfield is creating
shit that pisses feminists and other fascists off
Why yes, I am the judgy bitch you've heard about!

I'm a writer and blogger who discusses gender issues in a way that includes men and boys and women and girls, and considers them all equally worthy of consideration, respect and assistance.

I think feminists are a pack of cackling witches, choking on a daily diet of hypocrisy, double-standards, victimhood and hate. Feminism is an ideology that seeks to privilege women at the expense of men, considers children the personal property of women and takes as a central thesis the mind-boggling assumption that men are 'obsolete'.

Is clean drinking water obsolete? Infrastructure? Food? Technology? Transportation? Communications? Security? Energy? Natural resource extraction? Those things are provided to us almost exclusively by men.

I believe in genuine equality. I believe in gratitude. I believe that some humans just suck, and a lot of those humans are women. I believe that feminism is the most destructive force in nature.

Supporting me means you'd like to see feminism banished to the garbage bins of history, too. It's time for a new conversation about gender and equality - one not controlled by spoiled white women with dismal educations and severely impaired abilities to deploy logic, reason, evidence and rationality.

JudgyBitch: the radical notion that women are adults.


$11 of $800 per Videos
While I don't take threats against my person very seriously, I have taken the precaution of arming myself with several bows and have ample arrows throughout my home. I have compound, recurve and longbows, but I don't have a cross-bow. I don't need one - I can defend myself against anyone posing a legitimate threat to me or my family, but I'd really like one!

Levi Quackenboss #conspiracy #quack patreon.com

[From "Seven Silver Linings of the Pandemic"]

A few weeks ago, as I was desperately looking for an upside to a national shutdown, a post about the Earth healing from pollution came my way. The world’s air was cleaner, the water was getting clearer. That was nice, I suppose. That was something to hold on to in such a crap situation. And then people finally started washing their hands for the first time in their lives, which was a miracle in itself, hopefully that habit will stay. Then homeschooling and homebirth came to the masses; both significant sub-movements of the health freedom and parental rights movement. As long as one has money to put food on the table, it’s lovely being home in the evening to go on a sunset walk and read books to your kids and tuck them into bed.

I try to hold onto these thoughts because this shutdown has been more divisive—in my personal life and in this community of ours— than the 2016 election. I have felt friendships die. I have read accusations that I don't think I'll ever get over.

But it’s been three weeks now and I’m happy to report that my relentless optimism has bounced back three-fold on this wild ride, and I want to give you all my seven major pandemic wins to bounce around in your brains while you wander from your pantry to the sofa and back to the pantry again.


3. Infants are missing vaccination appointments and SIDS rates are dropping.

Not every infant, don’t get me wrong. Pediatricians are doing a full court press begging new parents to keep their “well baby” appointments as an essential reason to leave the houses. Do you remember what it was like to have a two-month-old in your house? Would you have taken your precious baby to a doctor during a pandemic? Me neither.

Some will, some won’t, but here are the facts: 3,500 babies die of SIDS each year. That’s almost 10 babies lost per day, every day of the week. If half of all new American parents skip the two or four-month vaccination appointment from March 15 to May 1, that’s 221 babies who don’t die in those 45 days. If more than half skip, that’s more babies who don’t die. If all parents skip, it’s 442 babies saved in six weeks.


4. The Average Joe is facing mandatory vaccination and it doesn’t look good for the CDC.

The numbers of our movement are about to increase exponentially if states attempt to require this dangerous vaccine. We’ve all seen Paul Offit, Ian Lipkin, Peter Hotez, and finally Anthony Fauci himself warning the public about the “paradoxical immune enhancement” caused by an early version of the coronavirus vaccine, which is a common reaction with respiratory virus vaccines. It means that if the vaccinated person encounters the virus in the wild, they get far sicker than average, and die. Who the hell wants that vaccine?


Then what will happen if people are hurt or killed by this coronavirus vaccine immune enhancement phenomenon? The entire vaccination program will implode, just like it did in the Philippines after the dengue disaster—that’s the only reason Paul Offit is losing his mind over fast-tracking this vaccine.

5. The Gates Foundation got exposed conducting tobacco science.

We all know that science has been for sale for decades, but this revelation couldn’t have come at a better time. The Gates Foundation is conducting a study on people sickened with COVID-19, to see whether hydroxychloroquine, the darling of the pandemic, is more effective than a placebo at saving lives. But guess what the placebo is? It’s vitamin C, which is, in itself, has been a successful COVID-19 treatment! Gates has all of his eggs in the vaccine basket, naturally, and is attempting to defeat hydroxychloroquine in the media, so stay tuned for the results of his study to be released in a few weeks or months.


6. Immunity badges are going to destroy the adult vaccination tracking system.

Surely you’ve seen this outrageous Bill Gates idea being parroted in our Congress: people are supposed to IgG test for past COVID-19 infections, and then obtain “certificates of immunity” or “immunity badges” before being allowed to return to work “with confidence.”


7. America is learning the importance of not eliminating the control group from the population.

How often have we said that states like California and New York have eliminated exemptions in attempt to eliminate our healthy control group from society? A parallel story is playing out in Arkansas, Iowa, Nebraska, South Dakota, North Dakota, and even in Sweden and Belarus. They have refused to lock down, not that most people aren’t taking the virus seriously. The seriousness of the situation isn’t the issue; stripping people of their freedoms is the issue.

But the "control group" is why you see the media screaming about how the center of America isn’t threatening their citizens enough. It started with Bill Gates a few days ago, and was quickly picked up by his minions.