Im pretty sure no-one is racist in today's world... Jst some people who use victim card for sympathy
@Shirogane #214799
StinkFart* (Well, that’s my bargin-bin anon-e-moose nickname for it. This includes: The Daily Stinker, Cantsaythatwordmania IQofachimpmania/IQofachimpout) (Then again, the last 2 are pretty dang mean to chimpanzees)
“Im pretty sure no-one is racist in today's world...”
Did you see that guy? One of the J6 idiots? THey tracked him down and arrested him in the airport. He didn’t get a chance to ‘cooperate fully.’ They just knocked him to the ground and started chaining him up.
I’ll remember him for a long time because he did NOT shout about the constitutionality of the arrest, or the justification, or anything. He screamed, “You’re treating me like a black person!” Had him quite incensed about it, too.
Or did you ever notice the incredible upswing in death threats while Obama was in office?
You don’t want to see racism, you don’t have to. But you look fucking foolish.
I know of several racists in my very own family. I’m guessing OOP is one as well.
Richard Spencer
David Duke
Dylan Roof
Peyton Gendron
Andrew Anglin
Stephen Miller
Tucker Carlson
Megyn Kelly
Bill O’Reilly
Steve Bannon
Steve King (R-Iowa, def not the writer)
Charles A. Murray
Stefan Molyneux
Charlie Kirk
Peter Thiel
Kid Rock
I know there are plenty more but I’m mentally tapped out now.
They’re probably defining “racism” as only the most extreme aspects like cross burning and lynching. Even those haven’t completely gone away, but it’s so rare that one can be forgiven for believing it has. But not forgiven for using words differently than most other people and expecting others to acknowledge it as the only valid interpretation and/or the one true reality.
Im pretty sure no-one is racist in today's world...
…but 650 currently stewing in some of His Majesty’s prisons would like a word with you after a former Director of Public Prosecutions proved they were due to perpetuating a lie .
Was it non -racist people who started that resulting in several days of riots by white racists…?!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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