Why are men literally so obsessed with their rape worms?
Imagine how much better society would be if males had their sperm harvested at one time, stored, and then they were all castrated.
Waiting for some butthurt lurker to screenshot this comment acting like it's unreasonable when it's fucking not lmao.
Just lol if you think a woman would go on reddit, much less go there to write about the boring political topics
Reddit is mostly neurotic, receding chinned male rejects who want to deny their subhumanity and distract themselves from it, just like this place basically
Touch my man’s privs and I’ll rip your fucking throat out with my own teeth.
And yet again you try to charm reality to your agenda. What you are saying is that no woman ever goes on reddit to fight over political topics when most of us know personally at least a couple who do. You’re really hell bent on acting as if your insane little alternate reality is the baseline for actual human beings, despite being offered all the fucking evidence to the contrary time and time and time again…
Tell me, incel, what is the definition of insanity?
@Nomates :
I’d tell you to go fuck yourself, but I think you’re so unfuckable, even if you cloned yourself, you’d both reject one another.
Most incels know at least six ways to unknowingly communicate to others “I am a cannibalistic humanoid underground dweller, and you’d be best served bullying the shit out of me figuratively and literally.”
@Nomates #32398
Nah dude, insanity is to insist on a worldview which has been debunked time and time again. Your single-minded insistence on us (or alternatively one guy specifically of us, which is even scummier) only wanting to ‘get a women wet’ with what we do here (which is frankly hilarious given that I’m gay, Skide is in a stable relationship and people here are quite different from each other, with many different backgrounds and philosophies) is madness and most likely projection on your part. But Incels and their likes aren’t really interested in reality, prefering their illusionary victimhood, trying to drag everyone else down with them. Not gonna happen buddy.
reddituser39682: “Imagine how much better society would be if males had their sperm harvested at one time, stored, and then they were all castrated. [Commander Fred Waterford] ‘Better’ never means better for everyone ![/Commander Fred Waterford]”
@ChrisBP747 #32408
Straight male nerds are still the majority of the internet, especially on these kinds of websites
Even here in the arab world most men who support secularism and women’s lib are just bullied subhumans who think they’ll get laid out of it, and the anglo jewish media has no problem giving them false hopes ofc
@Nomates #32419
Straight male nerds are still the majority of the internet, especially on these kinds of websites You fail the demographics of FSTDT forever
Wow! I wasn’t aware I was a Straight male nerd!
Well, I may be straight (with maybe some Bi-Curious feelings) and may lack a social life and enjoy Star Wars …but I’m fully cis-female with two X-Chromosomes, a vag and two boobs.
@Nomates #32419
Straight male nerds are still the majority of the internet, especially on these kinds of websites
What, did it suddenly become 1994? Straight male nerds might be the majority on alt-right "girls have cooties" manopshere loser sites like the ones you frequent (when you're not trolling sites like this one) but guess what, that's not universally the case. Women use the net too, and using the Web being nerdy? In 2020? Hilarious!
You know, it really pisses me off when these homophobic transphobic misogynistic straight cisgender boys start acting like they own the Internet, and other so-called "nerdy" things like video games or anime fandom. Sorry, but gay people, women, and other non-straight people and non-male people like that stuff too. And we're not going to go away, no matter how much you want us to.
Even here in the arab world What country, specifically? Just asking out of curiosity.
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