HappyNewsMan #crackpot #wingnut #ufo #transphobia #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com
Hello everybody.
I want better news. Therefore I’m creating it.
Today everyone is being good and loving amen.
The military is taking off Biden’s mask and bringing Trump back now amen.
Everyone in the media is now telling the truth amen.
Everyone is being sane and staying the gender they’re born as and keeping all their body parts intact amen.
Everyone is maintaining their current family size and we are making earth safe for everybody amen.
Everyone is being nice to the animals and eating a vegan diet.
We are not reptiles we are humans amen.
Charlie Ward is making some worthwhile videos again amen.
Everyone’s revealing the currency exchange and medbed appointment info now amen.
Have a great day everybody.
Make some better news and tell it to everybody and fix earth now amen.