Be humble, swallow everything we say. Oh, and vote for the most extreme narcissists!
But since I was raised in a cult, I'm also very familiar with their "pride" straw man, people who they do not consider to be subservient, "faithful" enough are constantly said to be full of pride, of refusing "God's direction" (actually just misled, as well as misleading humans, claiming to represent the divine), sometimes they're even called mentally diseased, or are claimed to serve Satan. When they simply may have very good reasons to leave and will actually be healthier for it. To make that harder, in the cult I was raised in, they add pressures to keep people captive, like shunning. To them, evolution denialists, an understanding of biology means being a victim of Satanic propaganda and trust in the limited human intellect, because of course, some flawed modern interpretations of origin myths what some ignorant people wrote thousands of years ago are unquestionable, sacred authority. Despite the overwhelming evidence for it, that they want people to not be aware of and be blind to and that they're too ignorant themselves to know about.
Adding: "pride" there is ironic, because what real science has shown humanity is that they are not the center of the universe, even though we still didn't discover extraterrestrial life. That Earth is just one planet in one solar system in one galaxy, was the followup of other discoveries like that old geocentric beliefs were also wrong. The same about evolution, although we are obviously more intelligent and intellectual, we share a lot with other animals. Ancient people imagined whatever was convenient to justify their ideology, when science attempts to do the opposite, discover what is real and adapt knowledge and teaching to that (something that is actually humbling). It's also not for nothing that narcissists who hope for a lot of power are also making references to the divine, that old kings claimed to be gods on Earth, that they are rejecting knowledge in favor of myths and narratives, that the Bible contains power-justification pseudo-genealogies, etc.