Christian Gomez #wingnut #conspiracy #fundie #pratt

[From “Make America STATES Again”]

Ominous storm clouds loom over our sovereign states. But unlike most storms that move from west to east due to the jet stream, this one emerges from the east — just over the Potomac River[…]
•The U.S. Department of Education and its use of federal funds to promote disastrous one-size-fits-all indoctrination schemes (e.g., evolution, sex education, No Child Left Behind, Common Core, and critical race theory)[…]
•Required jabs of “emergency authorized” mRNA gene-therapy-based products and “vaccines”[…]
Voters have repeatedly heard calls to “Make America Great Again,” “Make America Wealthy Again,” and “Make America Healthy Again,” but one you might not have heard is “Make America STATES Again”[…]
Madison so strongly believed that the people and state governments would never tolerate federal encroachments on their state’s authority and sovereignty that he predicted all the states would rise up to confront the federal tyrant[…]
State governments no longer have any representation in Congress, and their direct influence in the federal government is therefore neutralized. A full repeal of the 17th Amendment and a return to state legislatures electing their states’ U.S. senators[…]is vital
Upholding the natural right to keep and bear arms, as protected by the Second Amendment, is paramount to making America states again and preventing a federal standing army from becoming tyrannical[…]
An armed citizenry is a bulwark against any standing army. All federal gun and arms-control laws curtailing an individual’s natural right to possess weapons are unconstitutional, because such “laws” violate and interfere with the states’ ability to maintain their militias[…]
This widespread belief stems from a misunderstanding of Article VI and what has long been erroneously called the “Supremacy Clause”[…]
Nullification is deeply rooted in U.S. history — particularly of the American people expressing their collective interest as states



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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