Masonicon #conspiracy #crackpot #wingnut #dunning-kruger #elitist

Hello everyone! My name is Masonicon, I'm high school graduate that very fond of crossovers and I'm studying Conspiracy Theory and other things outside Mainstream Science and Current Consensus Reality as Real Life(as opposed to Current Consensus Reality) are more Sci-fi than any sci-fi stories and more fantastic than any fantasy stories and despite this, I'm lot healthier than conspiracy kitchen sink believers as people like them are believes every single Conspiracy Theories are true(including those that I despise like Zecharia Sitchin theory about Humans created by Anunnaki with Genetic engineering technology instead Allah creates us and 2012 End of the World crap)


My Dislikes:

Political Correctness(divides people by it's Skincolor, eating Habits, and so on), anyone that believes anything Pseudoscientific, Paranormal, and Supernatural are all but fictional(unless when they are pro-Capitalism, Pro-Globalization, Pro-Zionism, and/or the like, they are (Somewhat) fine), Conventionally Accepted Science and History(makes Real Life Dull, Boring, and Mundane, plus to make this even worse, most people thinks they represents Real Life and Reality(Alongside Mainstream Media) not to mention they thinks the only straightforward solution for any problems in the world are costly and requires decades of research), Global Warming(ever since Al Gore makes An Inconvenient Truth TV movie, They Makes Global Warming the world's biggest dilemma yet all that they give to everyone for solving this dilemma are Energy-Efficient appliances, Hybrid Cars, 'Renewable' Energies that has not so powerful output, and other not so effective solution, yet the only straightforward solution for this dilemma Aren't around until at least 50 years later(according to Mainstream Science) and to make this even worse, they blamed everyone that walks on the planet for this and they are always pretends to be part of us when they blamed all of us), War on Terrorism(makes people Hates Islam and I mourns so much over loss of Iraqis), David Icke when he bashes EVERY Single religions of the world in his Conspiracy Theories(I like him as Psychologist), Zecharia Sitchin, Computer and Internet problems, and just anything Overrated and Overhyped like Hannah Montana, High School musical, Jonas Brothers, Twilight, and Justin Bieber plus the like



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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