various commenters #wingnut #conspiracy #racist #homophobia #transphobia

( @Trouble_Man )
I love the ideals of America, it’s founding documents, it’s great European men, it’s rich culture and heritage.

I hate what America is today. A den of vipers pillaging our land, enslaving our people to debt, defiling our ancestors and promoting degeneracy straight from the pit of hell.

( @wearefodder )
@Trouble_Man We'll be fine. The gay dog mask wearing military will save us. Along with the politicians. Nothing to worry about. Abortion laws are in place, while millions of illegals flood the border breeding natural born citizens. Voter fraud is rampant and no bats an eye. Billions were funneled offshore to Ukraine. WE ARE A-OK.

What are you talking about? America is fine. The politicians will save us. The Military will save us. Nothing to worry about brother.

( @Allan_Cruz )
@Trouble_Man Yes, the current enemies of this land deserve a fate so cruel and unforgiving that it will make others think twice before they kill, destroy, and loot the country's heritage and people again; in other words, let an example be made for all with eyes to see, mainly globalist Jews and other traitors.

( @shitkimchi )
@Allan_Cruz no, no. the jewnited prostitutes of israel, jewsa, is a collapsed finished shitland. totally controlled by israel. communist education. schools is just fag propaganda lgbt mafia, trans pedos and praise the african and joo God. anti white culture of mass media in Jewsa. just fag rednecks and trans pedos. a complete ethnical racial replacement of africans hispanos. a criminal land controlled by israel with all jew values of lying , ethnical replacement, holohoax lie, all sorts of lies. schools full of browns and faggots. a complete dead shitland of collapse and shit. fraud elections and communism. all working for the israeli master. violence poverty feces in the cities. with a growing majority of furious and violent africans. welcome to the Jewsa, the jewnited prostitutes of israel.

( @socalmike17 )
@Trouble_Man their called"jews".

( @Malignant )
You should conduct a poll.
“If rounding people up, deporting them and/or putting them in labor camps would fix this country would you support it?”
Yes no



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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