Funny. Every “compromise” I’ve seen has been something along the lines of “We will not legally oblige citizens to kill you on sight but we sure as hell aren’t going to prosecute it like it was an actual murder if the mood strikes them.” Funny. After laws that are supposed to “protect” the cishet population are put in place it’s IMMEDIATELY the people we supposedly need protection from made prey to kidnappers and torturers with legal sanction to “convert” them and their legal recourse denied, tied to fences and tortured for hours until left to die and it shrugged off as a mugging, beaten to death in bathrooms matching their birth gender not because they don’t “pass” or because they ever once in their lives tried to get into the other bathrooms but because the social clique knows who they are by name and knows that bullying will be quietly commended, shot by police on pretext that strains credibility, left to die by rescue workers on “moral” grounds, stripped of medical autonomy and job security and the right to free congregation and the right of habeus corpus. Funny. We talk so much about a “clear pattern” of criminality and abuse of trust… but all the evidence runs the exact opposite direction. Funny. How we’re the ones who are threatened and persecuted by the mere existence of the “other” but we alone hold the privilege of deciding who is entitled to the protection of the law and whose corpse will be left on public display to be jeered at and spat upon as a quiet warning of how we will “defend” ourselves from even if they obeyed every “compromise” put upon them. They will simply be the filth who didn’t deserve that chance and failed to prove otherwise by being so unpleasant in the eyes of the good and just and innocent that those people felt driven to remorseless violence. And to encourage their children to remorseless violence because it’s okay, those people don’t belong here anyway. With another, even quieter reminder that if our children become those people we wouldn’t blink at doing the same to them.
Funny. So funny it makes me forget what laughter or joy feels like and agonizing numbness is a pleasant break from what horrors are being pushed as the norm for humans.
But then, for anyone who pays attention to what those who wish to legislate “morality” have to say that is not at all suprising. From advocating the summary execution of troublesome children, to constantly rolling back and working around the age of consent - and CONSENT as a concept - to give adults the ability to trap children in marriages they do not understand or wish for, to the extremes of neglect and endangerment and even deliberate malicious harm inflicted upon children fought desperately to be protected by an impenetrable blanket of “parental rights” that supplant and deny their human rights, to the rolling back of protections for children against abuse in the home and in preparation for forcing them into the workplace. Those who preach morality are not protecting children. The children are a resource - an ENEMY - to be brought to heel under threat in their eyes. Those who respect children as human are the greatest danger to this perverse system and that is why any sight of true human equality is met with a savage, murderous backlash and the victims put on trial for their right to exist.
And you, the depraved hatemongers who can’t even admit what you are. Preaching the superiority of your biological gender while dragging it through the mud and presenting yourselves as utterly incapable of functioning in a natural setting when it suits you. Reducing women to defenseless incapable children that need protection from reality. Reducing the very concept of “men” to some threatening abstract that ceased long ago to have anything to with physical biology, social expectation, the inherent flaws of a system designed to favour one group over another - absolutely nothing to do with anything except to be an abstract threat - the exact same way nobody can fucking tell you what “woke” means, it’s just a word to throw out when you don’t have a single coherent point to make and just want to have a “shut up, I win this argument by default” button because appeasing your indignation is more important than having the facts on your side or a coherent premise. You just want to stand atop all others, beyond reproach, and scream down how the masses you’re standing on and stamping down are actually holding you back from everything your version of “blood purity” makes you think you deserve. And you can’t see otherwise. But you can’t see it because you think of it as a “male” trait, and not something that can apply to you. It has to come from “men” even if it means breaking down the definition to meaninglessness. You might as well say “the Deep State” it means exactly the same thing.
Funny. So funny. It hurts it’s so funny. When will the fun stop?