Interesting how, when clicking on the quote link, in the comments section there’s that by David:
I have always found her very interesting and sometimes a bit out there. The problem with her is the same issue I have with most “Truthers”. Where is the evidence. DUMBS being cleaned out. Where is the evidence? Trump has passed due to cancer. Where is the evidence? Ivana Trump pushed down the stairs. Per Kim, but other truthers are saying Ivana Trump was placed in protective custody because Dead Donald Trump is about to release major “Something”. Who to believe. Kim comes on around once a week with these stories that sound fascinating. But again. Where is the evidence? Now the Earth has been pushed closer to the sun. Okay record high temperature. But again who has that kind of technology? People we need proof!!!
A reply to that is by a ‘Pete Mitchell’ which is copypasta’d to most of the commenters there. That name links to sovcit woo. There are other comments which links to a Thai porn site.
I bet Kim would find it Impossible to prevent your s(h)ite being spammed like this if you can’t, OP.
David is right indeed: if ol’ Kimmy is so ‘amazing’, we need proof.