@Speakeasy #84356
How about anthropophagous dead caused by gods? To expand on what I meant with my reference to Babylon, in the Epic of Gilgamesh, after being rebuffed by the title character, Ishtar demands that Anu send the Great Bull of Heaven after him. Anu’s pretty reticent at first, as the Bull is disaster incarnate—just being on the land will result in seven years of famine, with more problems to come. Ishtar shrugs it off on account of all of Uruk’s reserved grain, and besides, if the Bull isn’t an option, she’s already got a Plan B: smash the gates of Ersetu (i.e. the realm of the dead, like the Hellenic Hades) so an army of shades can get out. Hungry-for-human-flesh shades.
Anu doesn’t take long to agree with Plan A after that.
It’s true we’re talking shades, not actual corpses, but the conceit seems the same to me.