“The rod and rebuke give wisdom, but a child left to himself brings shame to his mother” (Proverbs 29:15).
Using Proverbs probably isn’t the best idea, considering that there are quite a few entries that flatly contradict each other. Judaism doesn’t treat it as authoritative, anyway, certainly not compared to the Torah. Besides, the rebuke can be enough; no need to drag the rod in.
What is this monster that is within your child? The Bible tells us why humanity has such a propensity to do evil. It is because “There is no fear of God before their eyes” (Romans 3:18). If there is no fear of God, then there is no fear of the consequences of sin…there is no fear of Judgment Day or of eternal damnation in Hell.
Do you truly believe everyone yearns, in TVTropes-speak, To Create a Playground for Evil? What is the point, anyway, once you cut God out of the chain of logic? What joy does cruelty give that love and its ilk cannot?
I’d also like to know how getting an understanding of what Good and Evil entail—as in, what they entail without having to use God as a reference point—is supposed to create a malice elemental. (And no, disobedience and malice are not absolute synonyms. Have you perchance heard of Chaotic Good? Or Lawful Evil?) Certainly a question of how God avoids that fate from your perspective.
So, reject the world’s philosophy, and instead embrace the biblical viewpoint. Again, God’s Word says that there is none good. Not one. Your child isn’t good. He is like the rest of us. His heart is evil. Face the ugliness.
I don’t think there’s but one philosophy governing the world. Or Christendom, for that matter.
Besides, have you considered that Isaiah was using hyperbole?