Oh donnie-winkle, as usual you spout lies & just keep repeating them about good Christian folks to make yourself feel less of a filthy pervert sodomite sinner that you are!
But donnie-winkle, there's no whitewash that can cover up your abominable sodomite sin before GOD, Who sees through all your vain efforts to lessen the burning conviction of your conscience!
You know that you are sinning against the very nature of Creation with your buggery.
Is it any wonder that:
***you're slowly dying of AIDS,
**you can't go out in public because of your constant gay bowel disease,
**you always smell like feces,
**your children shun you because they don't want their families to catch HIV from you,
**your grandkids think you're disgusting for putting your pee'er in other men's poo'ers,
**100 of your ex gay lovers are out looking for you because you gave them HIV,
**you're so thin from AIDS your pants never get up above your knees,
**your only life consists of trying to convince yourself that you're a Christian & hoping you convince God not to send you to hell with your lousy internet essays!
One day soon donnie-winkle will wake up burning in the hottest flames of hell for his sodomite sins - unless he/she repents at the feet of JESUS CHRIST - which ain't likely!