Prussian Society of America

Prussian Society of America #racist #sexist #conspiracy #dunning-kruger

[From "Caucasians are Poised to become #2 on the list of most brainwashed and subverted Race, only second to Negroes"]

Caucasians of all varieties are being poised to fall in the history books as the most easily able to be influenced and brainwashed race, second to that of the Negro

The worse position of this fate, is the fact that Caucasians have become the World Conquerors and have maintained this status of being true World Civilizers through different eras, for many thousands of years

The large majority of them demonstrate just how eager they are to give up their role[…]
Perhaps no other race but Caucasians have demonstrated the highest level of willingness to discard all Primal Instincts[…]deceiving their tribe and to show a ridiculous level of empathy for other races[…]
This trend is pretty much irreversible[…]
Even Brazilian Women and Russian Women have far surpassed value of over 90% of Western Women, and that is not only extremely dangerous[…]they will inevitably lower the standards of quality and never be able to forge First World Standards[…]
While Asians generally have the highest IQ’s in the world, they are much quicker to mentally calculate and process information compared to any race on earth except the Jews, the Asians, like the Jews have nearly no empathy whatsoever[…]
For so many decades now, and under the direction of the Vatican’s influences and standards of Marriage, the large amount of people who have been procreating come from Psychopathic, Greedy, Money-Oriented family[…]
Men were prized on their ability to grow fine hair[…]
All of this changed once phrenology became written off as “Psuedo-Science”[…]
There is almost no genuine interest for Good Eugenics in the world anymore[…]
Most Women in US, UK and Canada are either openly or discreetly lesbian or asexual[…]so they can sleep with Men on one hand to have access to his wallet

Prussian Society of America #racist #conspiracy

[From "Putin Commits To Long Haul War"]

It became very obvious to us early on from looking at every angle of the situation and outbreak of WW3 for what it really was, and we saw imminent factors that the conflict in Ukraine would be dragged out as long as possible[…]
I believe at this point they have gotten people bored to tears with the conflict so as to keep the naive for the carnage and bankruptcy of the West of which this war and economic factors have played a massive role along with COVID Lockdowns

Ukraine[…]could be used even within this confined territory to finally drag the rest of Europe down, and America of course[…]
Putin is completely obedient like a dog to his Zionist masters, so he is performing a slow-burn of Ukraine insteiad of Conquering it

Make no mistake, slow wars are occupations. Conquering or reclaiming land is done quickly

One must understand what kind of Man Putin is, given his background and upbringing, and that he is a Man who has both vested interests in Russia but also cares to line his pockets[…]
Putin may be a smart Man but also not all that smart, as is often the case with Slavs. He is obeying his Jewish Masters like a good goy

He could very well deploy his more powerful weapons and take Ukraine overnight, but he does not because he is going along with the Israeli script

The Slav can never be trusted or relied upon when it comes to the Jewish Question, not only because many of them are even sometimes mixed with Jews, but that their desperation and behaviors have historically always relegated them to aggressively defending and protecting them. This is true not just in Russia, Ukraine or Poland, but even in partially Slavic countries like Albania, who protected the Jews and Albania became temporarily a hotbed of Jewry [refugees] in and after WWII

As such, the Jewish Question remains permanent a German problem and of which only Germans can offer a solution to it

Prussian Society of America #wingnut #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #racist

[From "Ukraine is not worth one drop of German Blood/NATO Framework is Anti-Prussian"]

The only thing valuable about Ukraine is the Soil and Geographical position in the Crimean Peninsula, and Definitely not its people[…]
Ukraine and the Crimea have been strategically a policy of Lebensraum, but as the ambition had never been achieved in annexing it for Germany after the Reich fell, the prospects for obtaining it are not in the cards for the current German Era

One may try to argue whether or not the Ukrainians have value on the basis that they are some of the least vaccinated people in Europe, but it is exactly why the conflict there was roused[…]the March deadline for Vaccination of the West has been approached[…]
There are rumors floating now that NATO is in such desperation that it has been flirting with the idea of transferring NATO’s Leadership over into the hands of Europe[…]not a gift but a Trojan Horse[…]
The Prussian Society of America has its own Foreign Policy, and which is the only correct one for Germany and Europe’s position, if there is a truly sincere desire to survive and come out better positioned in the process[…]
Seeing that nobody in the West took much of any legitimate measures for trying to attack and bring down both the Leaders and Medical Officials in their countries for imposing COVID Tyranny upon them

We should have seen houses of Mask Wearers and Vaccinated people blown up, and Medical officials yanked out from Hospitals and hanging on Lamp Posts…[…]
I believe that securing the German Reich also means sealing off all Nordic Lands from Slavic Lands, as history demonstrates that Slavdom has been a great liability towards European Stability[…]
Russians would do well to honor what rightfully belongs to Germany and what should be restored to Germany[…]
Jewish Problem and Jewish Question are of primary concern to the matters of Europe being saved

Prussian Society of America #sexist #conspiracy #homophobia #transphobia #racist

[From "Every Father who has ever sent his daughter off to College / Encouraged Her, has Committed a Crime"]

Every Father who has prodded and promoted the notion of his Daughter becoming “Educated” and “Independent” and to promote their “Careers” has done great harm, and committed an eternal crime against his Racial People

It may be today that such things are not seen or understood to be the crime for what they are, but the tomorrow is on the Horizon for when they will be regarded as criminals and sorry excuses for Fathers

No Real Man who has born Healthy, Primal, Full of Wisdom and Esoteric Spirit would ever dream of sending his daughters off to University, but instead would take the time and effort in securing to make sure she is with the proper Husband

The Baby Boomer generation is the most guilty of this crime, and the fact they will never confess is that they promote their daughters to go to school out of lack of responsibility to have them make good life decisions or to educate them in seeking a valuable partner for life
All of course, are part of the Communist Party Platform of establishing their system in place

Honorable Men loathe the idea of a Career-oriented/College-educated Female

Such females have absolutely no value
Career-oriented and College-educated Women only serve the interests of Financial Capitalists. As such, these Women are property and cattle, of these Financial Hyenas
All Women who attend Universities are far much more likely to also engage in and promote subversive activities such as miscegenation, International Missionary Work for Barbarian Nations, and promotion of the LGBTQ activities
It is for this very reason that Prussia asserts itself as a Power to regulate control over the bodies of its citizens, and that it instructs its Men to seize their rightful position as having complete ownership over Women, Mind, Body and Spirit

Only Men are to be Sovereigns

Prussian Society of America #sexist #dunning-kruger #racist #conspiracy

[From "Capitalism shuns Natural Selection between Women and Men, based on Appearance"]

I like to expand upon this topic from different angles[…]some Races seem to have a much wider gamut of “Physically Attractive” people, usually at least up to 90% of the population[…]
The worst countries by far are definitely America and England[…]
Germany had been the Nation of Europe which has held onto its racial integrity the longest compared to many other countries[…]
Homogeneity is not always the indication of Pure or Good Race either[…]
Latin American Nations are perfect examples of it, since a very vast majority of Latin American countries have admixtures of Sephardic Jewish blood in them, and some which come from very undesirable barbaric tribes[…]
Convincing Women to “like” or “learn to like” Men they do not actually find attractive, based on whether he may be wealthy, socially acceptable or agreeable to her peers and society at large or trendy. The trendy factor promotes Caucasian Women to sleep more with Negroes[…]
Rearing people to ignore their biological instincts of what they are attracted to is a major SIN[…]
Christians loves to make Men and Women to both feel guilty for desiring a partner on the basis of physical looks[…]
The Capitalists benefit even further because since there is a shortage of beautiful and attractive/in-shape Women, they have created Women into being “markets” that any Rich Man can buy[…]
Ugly filthy Jew former Treasurer Secretary of the US, Steve Mnuchin with his wife. An autistic nerd which has every undesirable trait that no normal human would want to see introduced into the population, who has a wife that excels his appearance to an unimaginable level[…]
I am not trying to suggest that ugly and unattractive people should not exist[…]There is a natural reason and instinct for desire to prolong desirable traits for the majority of the species

Prussian Society of America #racist #dunning-kruger

[From "Why Immigrant Cultural Contributions are often worthless"]

Some Barbarian Races may cook great food, or have certain traits about them which may seem admirable from time to time, but they can be potentially destructive to the landscape of your country[…]
Very few races are capable of improving and innovating upon another culture[…]
We have a lot of problematic immigrants in America who are not just among Blacks and Hispanics, but there are many problematic people like Albanians, Syrians, even some Romanians and others as well[…]
Many of these Races lower the standards and quality of European Civilization, if even they may also have European or Aryan ancestry or origins of some sort, because they have higher tolerance for corruption[…]
Arabs and Persians for example, many are disgusting two-faced liars, they lack honor and very few Islamic Clerics today will speak the truth of how degenerate their people have become[…]
Many Races love to be people pleasers, ESPECIALLY if they gained an immigration foothold on suspicious terms[…]
The differences and nuances among various races are too great to be ignored

Civilizations which bring in all kinds of immigrants from all parts of the world, even if they do not miscegenation, it still causes dissonance[…]
Societies which bring in immigrants from many parts of the world become less trustworthy and more anti-social[…]
America did bring in better elements from Europe, from countries like even Greece, Italy or Poland[…]these effects were very short-lived[…]
Some Empires throughout history have attempted atomized multi-ethnic enclaves, such as the Ottoman Empire did[…]
Albanians have some of the lowest levels of empathy, shoddy and shallow[…]
The best policy for Caucasians to mitigate claims and cries of Racism from Non-Whites is to unashamedly and brazenly show one’s Racist Attitudes

Prussian Society of America #psycho #racist #conspiracy #wingnut #dunning-kruger

[From "In coming days/weeks, Pragmatism, Politeness, Diplomacy and Professionalism will be revealed as the farce it truly is."]

All of these etiquette behaviors are Jewish/Commercial Mind Programming which are used to disguise thievery, corruption and other nefarious activities even by the most Innocent seeming governments, Officials and diplomats[…]
The German Nation [at least under Prussia] may be the only form of governance on Earth, even under the Monarchy, where Barbarian Nations found us to be the most loathsome and blunt, rude, bullying, outrageous, reckless beasts and yet cannot comprehend how we at the same time manage the Height of Discipline and Order[…]
For many centuries of our history, the objective has always been to demoralize and break down German will to make us forget our legacy of being a Nation of the most valuable and unique people on Earth[…]
In days of German Glory and Supremacy, Barbarian Nations walk on eggshells in the presence of a German, should a lie ever be discovered[…]
The future of the world, whatever survives of it as it does may mean a hypnotized approach to the outside world in dealing with Germany on any level, but they must be at our mercy whether they like it or not, whether they respect us or not, if they want to be left alone by us

Even the most stoic leaders of state have a breaking point, as we have seen that reached with Putin and Lavrov, we see it erupting in countries like India and Pakistan. The Chinese are the most stoic and indifferent[…]
The more a Nation is Sovereign and wholly owned by its people with the best ruling, instead of vested money lowers and third parties, the easier we warm up

The curse of the Swastika reigns over every Nation on earth at this time

Russians now taste what they and the Polish And others did in launching their aggressive and pervasive Hate Campaign against Germany

Prussian Society of America #sexist

[From "Men Must Guard Themselves Around Modern Women II/PRUSSIAN vs. ISLAMIC LAW"]

The Modern Woman[…]is a liability, a dangerous threat and an ever-increasing problem that is becoming like a plague and vermin among us, irreconcilable even at the behest of the survival of our species
I see so many Men who allow their wives to control every aspect of their lives[…]whether a Man is “permitted” to stock up on charcoal or whatever commodity
Women who throw away the possessions of Men are part of the “Cluster C Type Personality Disorders”, but it is also a trait of Passive-Aggressive Behavior in these cunts
When the Woman gets to throw an item way, it makes her feel happier and elevated because she has been able to undermine something a Man may have sentiment
Modern Women are also trashing our civilizations and permitting Barbarians in our lands
Our Prussian decree, whereby we forbid the rights of Women to own Property and Bank Accounts, only personal possessions
Most Educated Men of History recognize that the downfall of the West in which Men’s Sovereignty became threatened occurred when Women received the right to vote, and it also by no coincidence that this right suddenly appeared in Germany out of nowhere in 1918
Muslim Men do not have things as good as they may claim even about their Women
Islamic Countries require their Men to be involved in a regulated form of “salary sharing” in which the Man must forego a certain percentage of his salary to the Woman, in addition to other demands, such as giving regular percentages of wealth to the homeless
The Prussian State does demand that Men be proper providers for the Wives, but we do not make laws or regulations on how he is to appropriate his salary. We leave such decisions up to the Man, and that he should use his best judgment for what allowance or stipend he may give to his lady

Prussian Society of America #fundie #racist #sexist

Q: Are you a Christian Order or Religious Organization?

A: We are NOT Christian and our Entire Society is also Not Christian. We are a Pagan Fraternal Order and do not believe in organized forms of Worship, such as the Abrahamic Faiths do. In our view, Christianity is an aberration of Spirit. A foreign influence that has encapsulated Europeans in general, but our focus on its destruction lay more on the effects it has brought people of Germany and Baltic Nations. We encourage our Volk to return to their Pagan roots in accordance with Nature’s Demand, away from Manmade Belief systems which have unnatural philosophies and with fake morals and fake hearts which teach philosophies which can only be innate in an individual, but never learned. Return to our Pagan Spirituality is the natural course of Evolution and Renaissance of our Volk.

Q: Does the PSA Promote Odin [WOTAN] or other Norse Religions?

A: Our Society does not Promote Odin Worship, Asatru, or any of these Norse Religions.

Norse Belief systems are at odds with our Practices and Beliefs, because they promote Equality with Women, and sometimes, the Women having a higher status over the Man.

Q: Are you Atheists?

A: No, we are not Atheists, as we do believe in God. However the God-Force and Concept of God in general that we believe in is completely different than Abrahamic Religions, as well as the Buddhists and any Manmade Religion.

Q: Can Atheists join your Organization?

A: Atheists are not welcome into our Society. We view Atheists to also be a religious cult in and of itself, and that they have a worldly agenda of their own, especially in their aim to promote World Communism. Our Society does not promote religious dogma to our Members.

Prussian Society of America #conspiracy #crackpot #fundie #racist #sexist

Q: Are you Freemasons or do you have Freemasons among your Membership?

A: No, and Absolutely Not! Freemasons are not only expressly prohibited from Membership and any Involvement with our Society, but they remain as our most grave world enemies and rivals, but also they are the enemy of Mankind. Even a former Freemason will never be tolerated among our ranks. Anyone who is found to join Freemasonry or any Christian or any other unauthorized society which is against the interest of our Society, will be considered as having committed “treason” and is subject to punishment.

Q: Are Women Welcome to be a Supporter or Member of your Organization?

A: Yes they are. The only conditions you have is that as a Woman in our organization, you will not be permitted to be in occupancy in ranks of Leadership or Political Decisions, or anything pertaining to Militaristic Affairs.

Q: Do you believe in Evolution of Humanity?

A: We do not believe in the Evolutionary Theories, they are all false and are easily debunked.

Q: Prussians were always fervently religious, what causes you to break with the Prussian Tradition of Protestant/Lutheran creed?

A: We recognize all forms of Christianity to be antithetical to our Real Heritage and the proper development of our people. Abrahamic religions belong to the Hebrews. If you are not of Hebrew Origins, believing in their religious paths makes you spiritually a Hebrew. Modern Germans must decide whether they are a Hebrew or a German, and to follow their native religion. Today, the people who are descendants of Prussians are not aware of the Prussian Spirit and how it makes us different from other Germans and world’s people, so they are not aware of the significance.

Prussian Society of America #racist #elitist #dunning-kruger

[From "Only 2% of Americans have value, and about 8-15% of Europeans have value, Depending on the Country"]

As I’ve stated repeatedly, after true assessments of these Western Nations, the United States has some of the most worthless people in the world, and that Europe does not fare a whole lot better

These numbers are based on critical analysis of the population based on all kinds of factors and what is known about the quality of such populations including their DNA and genetic quality, assuming they are still of good racial stock

These factors do not account for anything to do with personal net worth or basing quality on the basis of poverty

In Germany, it’s roughly 11%
Before WW1, Germany had well over 50% value in the population, and while I cannot assess this information accurately, about 80-90% of the German population may have had value and viability

This should show you just how rapidly the West has decayed from the onset of the last century, between the arrival of Bolshevism and Two World Wars, and all kinds of technological advances
In America, there still exists well over 60 Million White Inhabitants who never have been born, due to Abortions

Unlike European countries, however, America has never had a majority of valuable population even from the earliest Colonial Days

As time presses on and the West deteriorates further, I believe that more and more people will take this message seriously and come to recognize just how real and wide the implications and reality of it are

The easiest way to detect if someone is worthless without even knowing them, is they constantly lick their lips for no reason as a nervous tic

Prussian Society of America #racist #wingnut

[From "The New Prussia must become Intolerant and view the Outside World as “Alien” and “Barbarian” In contrast to Prussia – Germany"]

Prussia, having basically been the inheritor and rival of the former Greco-Roman World, has formerly risen to its place of being the Primary Defender and Spirit of Europe
While the Greeks and Romans have previously established the designations of Non-Greeks and Non-Romans respectively as “Barbarian Peoples / Nations”, the German Nation has not as rapidly adopted this designation
Some of this, is likely in part to our former pride of “Tolerance”
While all other Nations may be considered “Barbarian” in our worldview, it does not necessarily mean that we specifically treat them across the board as “Barbarian”

But, a Barbarian Nation is legally defined and also a spiritual platform of which we identify ourselves over Nations we consider, at least inferior in some respect or another
The Modern World no longer accepts the usage of these terms, such as “Barbarian”[…]Modern Europe might be too Modern for its own good to be adaptive as much as we like to our Old Ways
With the return of Prussia, means the great legacy of the world we once had will come back, including all the great forms of ways we used to speak which have been long lost after the 1800’s had passed
A Barbarian Nation must know and respect its place in the World Pecking Order. And the Barbarian Nation must recognize that a Happy Germany is also the means for a Happiness of their Nation

The French know this, the English know this, even the Polish know it
Modern Germans who refuse to accept these measures[…]need to get out of our way at once

Prussian Society of America #wingnut #conspiracy

[From "Prussia’s Treason on July 20 1944 Plot/Operation Valkyrie"]

A very complicated topic, and one which has so many different angles and reasons behind this event that have to be discussed in order to explain the July 20, 1944 Assassination Plot on Adolf Hitler
There was still a very stubborn streak among most Prussians, who were inundated with Christian values, and still made thought processes and decisions on the basis of these Christian values, and under the idea that they have Divine Right as the superior ruling class
They believed that as Hitler being the Reich Leader, who was not a Prussian and yet born in Austria, was justified as “illegitimate” in their eyes, particularly when it became so obvious that Germany was losing the war
Many of these Staff Members had maintained secret loyalties to the Masonic Lodges not only within Germany but also especially with that of England
I do not see the Führer from any inferior position whatsoever, and never have, considering that he is of Austrian descent and did not come from an influential background[…]The Prussian Spirit flourished all that much more during his reign, not being bogged down by Christian Moralism or Ideas
Many Prussians also were reluctant to accept the Racial Doctrines
Some of these Men had great philosophical statements or vision, had inverted their wisdom to criticize the Führer[…]Deviant elements inside Germany like Wilhelm Canaris are what destroyed Germany!
When a Prussian Leader like Wilhelm Keitel proved loyalty and allegiance to the Führer, he was ridiculed by his Prussian Peers as being a “yes man!”

Prussian Society of America #racist #psycho

[From "Barbarians are Intellectually, Emotionally and Spiritually Inferior"]

The Barbarian is always daft and inferior in his faculties[…]compared to Every German

At no time should a German ever assume that Peoples of a Barbarian Nation have equal or similar types of sentiment and cognitive reflexes as do Germans

Just as no other Nation strives for the highest sense of Idealism and Morality, at the same given time no other Nation Hates like the German Nation Hates
Look at all[…]other Researchers involved who debate, intellectualize and try to psychoanalyze Germans, especially what type of business we had taken care of in the 20th century
Germans playing music and celebrating while exterminating trash!?!? Nobody can explain our delight!
No other Nation will ever share the highest level of contempt and lasting hatred that we do against all of our enemies, particularly the main tribe which is the greatest danger above all else
Just as much as this reactionary response of Hatred in the Barbarians entered them, so too it could exit, as they are always quick to make exceptions for the so-called “good ones”. How many English and Normans proudly make friends with Kosher Mafia!?
I trust only a fellow German first, and the Arab second for his hatred of the Kosher Mafia

But even most Arabs these days are weak and hypocritical in their approach to the JQ, because their Islamic religion brainwashes them to accept these people as “brothers”
Democratic Nations are even less reliable in their Hatred

Prussian Society of America #wingnut #crackpot #sexist #racist

[From "Old War Heroes teach a French Woman a Lesson in WWII History"]

Should this video ever be taken offline, as other links to it have in past years, please contact us personally so we can e-mail you the video file

[i]World War II justified by former German soldiers[/i]

If only more Modern Men, particularly our German Men could feel and exhibit the virility that is even still existent in these Brave Old Men, who still possess the wisdom that used to be unchallenged and unparelled in Germany, including all manners of German thought
Men with virility and masculinity in them do not “speak in code”, that is an effeminate traits. These Men would not even have the time of day for it. Calling people “Red-pilled” or a “Chad”, such ridiculous language!
I have an overdue Entry on that topic alone which, I hope to get around to this fall, relating to the Dangers of becoming consumed with “Success”. The obsession with chasing success leads to bad morals in a given population, and this is of course most notable with the Americans

We only can insist that Germans all around the world rediscover their roots and reconnect with this German Spirit that our Ancestors had never had a debate nor second thought over

Listen to and Watch these Men, compared to what we have today in Germany…

A time when Women were also much more dainty and were not Men in the bodies of a female
This video serves as a great example, in ways that need not to be said, in just how much has been lost for Germany and Europe, and how apathetic the majority have been at resurrecting the past
In the next few years, the last remnants of the Greatest Germans will have disappeared, and all the stories of what they witnessed will also long be forgotten

Prussian Society of America #sexist #racist #psycho

[From "Still Wondering Why Whites are in Decline?"]

"I hate men"

This is your average Western White Female of today, and this is not some kind of exception either

This is your run of the mill Anglo-Saxon/Celtic Female
Those who have a trained eye, you can tell between her eyes, lip movement and jaw shape that she has severe mental illness
This is the type of “blood” that is dominating the White Majority right now, and is why we need a cleansing
In Good Times, a girl like this would be stripped naked, have her head shaved and dumped in a ditch, to be consumed by dogs or other animals

But I also have an even better idea, in that a girl who hates Men to this degree, along with other followers of hers who try making false claims of being “raped”, ought to be banished & deported, sold as a slave to an Islamic country for the natives to have their way with her. Then they can appreciate for themselves just how much they hate White Men
Genetic Specimens like this present a grave danger and threat to the Racial Integrity of a Healthy White Gene Pool, and unfortunately, these are the types of breeds which for a while have been breeding and replacing out the Superior Races
It is no exaggeration to say that the majority of the White Race – such as specimens like these – are under a total Meltdown Mode, as I have spoken of as being something that will only increase, from a previous article

Prussian Society of America #sexist #racist #ableist #dunning-kruger

[From "Prussian Policies Towards Women"]

Prussia shall make no policy, law or procedure which views or treats “Women” in any way as a disadvantaged sex
Policies geared towards Women must ensure that Women receive balanced treatment in terms of how they are relegated to their duties and responsibilities as a Woman, in Service to her Father, Husband and the Vaterland
Women under the Reich are raised and educated in everyday life to appreciate, love, cherish and respect Men, and they come to learn that her own internal happiness comes from her eagerness to Please and Satisfy the Needs and Desires of the Man whom she will one day devote her life to
The German Race[…]is a higher race, intellectually and spiritually, where one can enjoy relations with the opposite sex on a greater realm than only primal or materialistic values
Women[…]are forbidden to heed the advice from her friends as “superior” to any advice or trust/faith she puts in her significance other or Husband
Women cannot use their bodies, beauty or charm and manipulations to get their way through life[…]Such Women who attempt such behavior will be sought out for punishment
Activities like “flirting just because one can” or “flirting to test the market” or “flirting just for fun” needs to be behavior (from both genders) that is considered intolerable and shameful
The State does not take a personal interest in the treatment or discipline a Man may use towards his spouse
Rhesus Negative blood type is automatic grounds for Abortion[…](even if it against the will of the Mother or Father)[…]If someone has Rh- Blood, this means that they are Jewish
Distinct Labor Positions for Women will be made available
It has been scientifically proven that once a Woman has given herself unto a Man, she will never be able to properly pair-bond with a New Man

Prussian Society of America #racist

[From "Germans have the right to be Arrogant, Barbarians Do Not"]

Only the German is worthy and righteous of having Arrogance

The Barbarian Races have always proven themselves, time and time again to abuse the privilege of Arrogance whenever it is expressed, therefore they are not entitled to it
What that means, is that the Barbarian is always looking for the upper hand every single time on German Generosity and Labor. The Barbarian is always testing the waters with a German to see what they can get away with
The English are the perfect example of this type of Barbarian
Other Races want to live the Germanic Sense of “Freedom” and “Sophistication” without any of the responsibility or hardness, and none of the discipline to maintain it

A German, no matter what Nation he/she lives in, is ALWAYS under scrutiny by the Barbarians whether you recognize it or not
We also seek to demolish Nordicist Propaganda, which is commonly spread by the Scandinavians, particularly Celts and Vikings, who represent an effeminate energy
At no point must a German ever see a Non-German as an equal, and to always remember that the spirit of the Barbarian is very different. Even if you respect or love that Barbarian Nation
The Barbarian is to be in obedience to the German whether he/she likes it or not, and regardless of what kind of pride must be smitten off their face
We have examples of this in our history over and over, and the Axis Agreement was the perfect example why we should wish to confine ourselves more. The last thing Germany can withstand is even a slighter weaker ally

Prussian Society of America #wingnut

[From "Nazi Tattoos including Swastikas will not give Brownie Points towards the German Reich"]

We find it, quite frankly, amusing how many Neo-Nazis believe that tattooing themselves even with a Swastika or other sacred symbols in defense of the German Cause or that for Europeans in general, would in our view be deemed acceptable or permissible, at least as a sign of loyalty the cause

Oh, quite to the contrary!

No matter how much the tattoo supports the allegiance to the German Reich, we continue the legacy of the major Punishment of those who mark their bodies

Under Prussia and later under the Third Reich, tattoos maintained a very consistent attitude as something belonging to the criminal underworld. Even a tattoo of the Fuhrer or a Swastika would land you in the concentration camp

Under the Third Reich, Body, Mind and Soul are properly of the State and of the Fuhrer
The only exemptions of Tattoos are relegated to the SS blood group marks for identifying Blood types under the arms, or a tradition in which sailors or Navymen marked their arms with an anchor to indicate if they’ve been lost at sea

The appropriate punishment for the marked individuals are the concentration camps and slave labor

It is despicable that today, Germany, Italy and America are the most tattooed countries in the world
Even worse are the women who tattoos themselves

Let it be known that any Man or Woman who tattoos themselves is immediately unqualified from being considered of Blood Purity

Prussian Society of America #racist

[From "There is No Rest For the Wicked – Germans Need to become More Racist and Hateful"]

Only the German is capable to understand and empathize with fellow Germans.

The Non-German Barbarian is always hateful, critical, suspicious and inferior in his/her emotions or thought processes to understand the German Mind and Spirit
The COVID-19 Agenda and its aftermath has brought many of the already unsettled social and related issues to the forefront of hot issues
Tensions are building very high in this regard, even as much that the eruption of Civil Wars are likely even in countries like France

A good sign that at least is becoming more and more apparent by the day in Germany, is that Germans are beginning to realize the true enemy that America is, and we must hope and strive for this movement to build up to a point where Germans fanatically begin to slander and work towards ruthless elimination of American influences and propaganda, including Hollywood Films, QAnon, and American values of any kind, need to be completely pulverized
Germans should also never fly an American Flag, or even a Confederate Flag, but should hoist only the Imperial Flag, the proper colors of our people, and DAMN EVERYONE who opposed our Imperial Flag, which is currently under further attack in our Vaterland
The True German Nation is not a land of Democracy Lovers, and every Democracy Lover is an absolute foe of the German Nation, and in particular the German Reich!
The Filthy Barbarians simply do not understand how to ACT CLEAN. They cannot ACT CLEAN, they cannot THINK CLEAN, they are worse than animals, because at least most animals know when they ought to bathe

Prussian Society of America #conspiracy #dunning-kruger

[From "6 Feet Apart versus 6 Feet Under"]

What Tribe do you think knows and utilizes all the magical properties of the Number “6”?

No less, the tribe that still claims 6 Million of them were killed, and also have a 6-Pointed Star
“Distancing” is actually a part of a CIA Torture program

Every Human Being resonates with an Electro-Magnetic current, which also houses the “Aura”
For better or worse, we are all affected by the Energetic Interactions with people we come into close proximity too. Social Isolation[…]plus the fact that you are not recharging this Energetic Field becomes prominent when purposely trying to keep 6 Feet apart from people, especially for long durations of time
The consequences for distancing include Vast shortening of one’s life expectancy along with severe cognitive decline, depression, low energy and other psychological problems
The Distancing measures are designed, hand-in-hand with the virus fear and trauma induced mind programming effects, to prevent people from rioting or being more likely to revolt
So in essence, many people have been staying “6 Feet Apart” instead of ending “6 Feet Under” not as a result of some invisible boogeyman, but of these possible encounters which would have otherwise erupted
Even in best case scenarios, the “6 Feet Apart” thing has become a behavior and habit which will now remain permanently etched into the mind of nearly everyone on earth except for cave-dwellers
Remember what I have said about people who belong to the COVID Cult? They are USELESS, WORTHLESS and DANGEROUS
One should not have any compassion or empathy for them, even if they are family or friends

It’s time to dispose of them
This serves the perfect measure of the Normalization process the Hebrews are trying to achieve in their measure of Implementing World Government and Population Reduction

Prussian Society of America #conspiracy #psycho #racist #sexist


There are numerous agents all around us who have been trying to deprogram you and everyone else from fighting back. Suggesting things like “Non-Violent Action” in every form
While it may seem like government agents would be more likely to encourage you to commit violence, the contrary is actually true when it comes to large-scale schemes which have civilization-changing implications
Part of the problem with the general populations, is that they do not understand or see the world from the viewpoint of the Intelligence Agencies, because either they are always thinking the government agents will always use more aggressive tactics to trap them
In terms of civil wars and disobedience, they have much larger implications, and the controllers of this world have needed much time and patience to get their ducks in a row and use all kinds of means of programming people to not fight back
Intelligence Agencies throughout the world, know YOU better than you know yourself
Most people even if aware of things that the controllers do not want them to know, they are still Programmed Automatons without souls, therefore they are not mobilized for action or putting up a fight, because money and their reputation among others is at stake
These Agents who promote Non-Violence often resort to using “Religious Dogma” or putting a “Religious Twist” onto things, especially the Christian religion
It is also no coincidence that for example, Dr. Anthony Fauci is a Jesuit Agent
Most people are so detached from reality that they do not understand why a Civil War is Necessary even before all of this Racial Obsession coming from Non-Caucasians, and the COVID Agenda began
A Civil War has been INEVITIBLE for many Decades between Men and Women

Prussian Society of America #sexist #psycho

[From "Civil Wars Between Men and Women are soon to Commence. Women WILL NOT be protected"]

I have a series of articles I am working on, including our Prussian Policies and Standpoints towards Women

Unlike the Christians, who would do nothing but Shame Men into an even further degree of Slavery to Women, we recognize that there are problems beyond repair, especially in so far as they concern the White Europeans, and that there has been large spillover of those issues into the Non-European World
Woe to such Men who fear handling women in harsh ways!

Women are the ones who initially declared this war against Men
Men -who protect unjust Women (which are the majority), have committed High Treason – at the behest of endangering other Men – are not Real Men
The only language you should deal with when it comes to Women is the Language of Force and the Methods of Cruelty. This will absolutely be the way forward[…]and if you disagree, conditions will manifest which will force you to take no other route

Women will not be protected, and I do not advise any Man to protect Women in these times, except if it is someone you are with or family members who rightfully deserve it. Make your decisions in this regard, wisely

For the Protection of Men and also youth, many Women will need to face impoverishment and also be purged if not banished from society everywhere. Many of them will commit suicide

There will be very very few Women who will be treated with (or whom deserve) protection
It’s mostly over for the majority of European Nations, and especially more so for America & all Anglo-Saxon Nations, along with Western Europe

Prussian Society of America #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #psycho #homophobia

[From "Don’t Expect the Americans, particularly “Conservatives” to give up their ideas of Civic Nationalism and Egalitarianism"]

Most Americans are so stupid they don’t even know the difference between a Revolt/Civil War and a Revolution[…]Americans are too much of pussies to even stage a Revolt against Masking or Vaccines even at this late point

What makes you think they will ever awaken to the Jewish problem and deal with them?

Never going to happen. The Americans are in love with Jews, and even the ones who pretend to be aware of the JQ, such as David Duke, always have no problem with embracing the Jews because they consider only “International Jewry” or “Zionism” to be the problem
Americans seen “Conservatism” as a strategy, therefore it is not something innate
At this stage in American History, Conservatives are more liberal than even the way Liberals were in their early stages
The average American Conservative/Right-Winger does NOT accept the idea of Racial Segregation and Separatism[…]because American Whites are not racially conscious whatsoever

But what the American Whites fail to recognize, is that the Blacks, Hispanics, Asians or others whom they choose to embrace in their political activities “ARE” VERY well racially conscious
From the earliest of age, I was raised in a racially conscious family and we never were concerned with seeming “Racist”
There is also a sister equivalent statement to this when bringing up the subject about gay people, it goes “Are they gay? Oh but not that I have anything against them being gay or anything!”
Muddled in their egalitarian delusions, the Americans are too stupefied to even realize that they will not get their former life back from 2019 and earlier and that the only way to do so would be to react with violence! This violence should have taken place no later than June 2020

Patrick Scrivener #conspiracy

The Wright Brothers were 2 "bicycle shop mechanics" turned aeronautical engineers. They are credited with inventing and building the world's first successful airplane and making the first controlled, powered and sustained heavier-than-air human flight. The brothers were called the "Bishop's Boys" because their father was a "Bishop" in the Church of the United Brethren in Christ. He never read the verse in Genesis that says that "spies are despicable" (Genesis 42:31).

The "Bishop's Boys" were 2 British Secret Service agents licensed to ground U.S. and French airplanes.

They were as phony as "Discoverer" Christopher Columbus and "inventor" Thomas Edison.

Unless you are a born genius like Nikola Tesla, invention takes years and years of trial and error.

The Wright brothers reported to 2 men in London: Baden Fletcher Smyth Baden-Powell and Patrick Young Alexander. Baden-Baden Powell was "Mr. British Empire" personified and he was the brother of the Boer War Colonel Robert Baden-Powel–founder of the Boy Scouts Movement. He was extremely interested in developing the airplane as an instrument of war for expanding the British Empire.

Baden-Baden Powell was a British officer in the Boer War and he realized the military implications of the airplane.

He was determined to keep French avation grounded at all costs.

In 1902, he dispatched his spy, Patrick Alexander, to Dayton, Ohio, to give the 2 "bicycle shop mechanics" their marching orders!!

Here is an excerpt from an address given by Major Baden-Baden Powell to the British Aeronautical Society on December 4, 1902:

In his address Major Baden-Powell, speaking as a professional soldier, also offered the company his opinion of what the future might hold when a "practical flying machine" was developed at last. He said: "One can scarcely imagine any invention which could have a greater effect on the conduct of warfare ..."
In the audience on that December evening was a curious and remarkable man. His name was Patrick Y. Alexander, a prominent member of the Aeronautical Society of Great Britain. Patrick Alexander made it his business to investigate personally the latest developments in aeronautics wherever they took place, in any part of the world.
He was so interested by what Major Baden-Powell said about the Wright brothers that he left London, almost upon the instant, and travelled to Dayton, Ohio, in order to interview Wilbur and Orville Wright about their experiments. Such was Alexander's ardour and keenness in the matter that he actually called upon the Wrights in their home in Dayton during a family holiday on Christmas Eve, 1902, only three weeks and one day after Baden-Powell had spoken of their latest achievements in his Presidential Address to the Aeronautical Society in London.
As a result of this singular initiative Alexander was now able to tell his friends in the British Army what the Wright brothers had actually accomplished, and what they planned for the future. (Golin, No Longer An Island, pp. 26-27).

It is plain for anyone to see that both men were working for expansion of the the British Empire.

In December 1903, the Wright brothers brought their disassembled "airplane" and a catapult from their bicycle shop in Dayton, Ohio, to Kitty Hawk in North Carolina.

From Dayton, Ohio, to Kitty Hawk, North Carolina is a distance of about 680 miles (1,090 km).

A "real plane" would have flown in Ohio, saving them the long arduous trip.

The "plane" was just a glider plagiarized from Chanute and Langley.

Before setting out, the brothers consulted the U.S. Weather Bureau about the area's steady winds and they found out that it was the perfect location for gliding....They also valued the privacy provided by the location, which in the early twentieth century was remote from major population centers.

Supposedly, the first manned flight took place in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, on Dec. 17, 1903.

In reality, a catapult launched the "plane," it glided for a few feet for the photograph to be taken, and that was the world's first powered flight!!

No newspaper reporters were present for an independent verification of that epochal event. It never occurred to the 2 bicycle shop mechanics to put WHEELS on their aircraft in order for it to take off as a powered flyer . . . and not as a glider.

In 1904, the brothers hired a patent lawyer named Harry A. Toulmin and asked him to file a patent covering every aspect of manned flight . . . except wheels. All they had to show the lawyer was the phony photograph from Kitty Hawk.

Lawyers can be deadly and they never invented anything to improve the condition of the human race.

One such lawyer was Harry A. Toulmin, who filed the Wright brothers patent in 1904.

Toulmin patented the idea of manned flight to cover almost every aspect of manned flight.

Toulmin also filed the Wright brothers patent in England, France, Germany, Austria, Italy, Russia, and Belgium:

The application Harry Toulmin filed with the United States Patent Office in March 1904 would set the course of American aviation for the next thirteen years. Rather than simply specify the elements of Wilbur's wing-warping system as a mechanical construction, Toulmin expanded the notion of wing warping to cover any system where the angle of any device at the wing tips varied the "lateral margins" in opposite directions from the angle of wings at the centers. Thus Toulmin altered the patent from seeking exclusivity for a device to seeking exclusivity for an idea, the principle of lateral control itself. If such a patent was granted and ratified by the courts, it would apply to configurations that the Wrights themselves had not employed or even conceived of and so virtually no aircraft could subsequently be flown without licensing by Orville and Wilbur, precisely the breath they were seeking. (Goldstone, Birdmen: The Wright Brothers, Glenn Curtis, and the Battle to Control the Spies, pp. 86-87).

The stage was set for a monumental international legal battle that would delay aviation development in the United States . . . and France.


By 1910, France desperately needed a bomber to reach Berlin!!

By 1910, the French Republic was threatened with invasion by "Kaiser Bill"–the grandson of Queen Victoria. What the French needed was a few bombers to reach Berlin and threaten the Kaiser with retaliation. The Wright brothers patent suit delayed the development of the aerospace industry until after the war started in 1914.

Brazil-born Alberto Santos-Dumont was a naturalized French citizen and a brilliant aviation pioneer.

He was the first person to circle the Eiffel Tower in a dirigible.

In 1906, he flew the Demoiselle over Paris

Louis Blériot was another brilliant French aviation pioneer with so many firsts in his repertoire.

Louis Blériot was another brilliant French aviation pioneer.

He invented the monoplane and he was the first man to cross the English Channel in an airplane.

Unfortunately, his company was also grounded by the Wrights' patent.

Incredibly, the Wrights' patent was also enforced in France:

The preliminary injunctions issued by Judges Hazel and Hand gave the Wright brothers an effective monopoly in the flying-machine business in America for the first six months of 1910. Even when the restraints were removed in June of that year, the Wright patent suits continued to threaten American pilots and aircraft builders. Having forced the Herring-Curtiss Company out of business and placed Glenn Curtiss and other competing aviators in legal jeopardy, the Wrights, through their foreign licensees, launched a direct attack on their European competitors.
Late in 1910, the Compagnie Générale de Navigation Aérienne brought suit against six rival aircraft manufacturers (Blériot, Farman, Esnault-Pelterie, Clément-Bayard, Antoinette, and Santos-Dumont) for infringement on the Wrights' French patents. The case was tried before the Third Civil Tribunal, composed of three judges and a substitute, a state's attorney boasting special technical qualifications. (Crouch, The Bishop's Boys: A Life of Wilbur and Orville Wright, pp. 415-416).

At the very time that the French Republic was facing her greatest peril, aviation development was stalled in the French courts.

Queen Victoria's grandson would never have invaded France in 1914 if that country had an air force capable of bombing Berlin.

The cowardly Kaiser would have hesitated before starting the war if he knew that his palace in Berlin would be bombed.

According to experts on the pioneer days of aviation, the Wright brothers' lawsuits in the United States and France delayed the development of aviation by at least 5 years in the crucial years before World War I. It was only the defeat of the British-Prussian axis that allowed the aviation industry to soar once more in France and the United States.

savagesusie #fundie

This is social engineering-—pure Marxism to remove Reason and Natural Instincts from people. The top sodomite elites (satanists) are herding and controlling and literally REMOVING Natural Rights (based only on God-Given Rights and RIGHT REASON and “JUSTICE” (Christian Virtue) if they adhere to our CONSTITUTION (which was removed by the 60s which is unconstitutional. Christ was literally BANNED as they promote Satanism, Marxism and all other “faiths” and religions-—particularly Satanism (earth worship and sodomy rites).

To destroy Rationality in children, the schools/TV have to erase Free Will (choice) and destroy Reality, so that “snow is black” (1810). They did this by design by the pseudo-science “Psychology” (Wundt/Pavlov) (APA)——to destroy (program) little children’s moral compass on purpose, to destroy their ability to “think” critically. The whole Prussian system of “kindergarten” was to destroy the Natural Family-—remove children from their true educators/role models-—put them in a system of mass indoctrination (dehumanization) in artificial systems which embed dependency and stupidity (illiterate peers are role models and embed their psychosis—esp. if they have no father and are abused at home).

We used to understand how evil orphanages were-—and now we make it “normal”-—for children to be raised by the State (curricula removed of all Classical Christian curricula which formed the minds of the Founders/up until 1900 when the literacy rate was 97%).

This is to collapse Western Civilization. Destroy America from within-—to destroy Christianity. (Without Virtue, there is no possibility of Freedom/Socrates/Founders).

That which created the Minds of Newton, Galileo and Modern Science—(Free Will and Individualism) destroyed for a collective “mind” which is Fichte’s wet-dream-—happy slaves of the State (obamaphone emasculated “ladies” (no difference bet. males and females—no “mother” and “father” concepts——like in Orwellian novels and Marx’s Manifesto.

You can make “normal” anything to young children—that is why God designed a mother and father to bond and protect the Mind as well as the body so the child is NOT emotionally crippled. You should not sacrifice your 5 year old to the State to program them and make them into emotionally destroyed programmed bots who believe boys are girls and sodomy is a Virtue-—(muslim ethics) — artificial reality (programed (dehumanized bot).

You need to KEEP your children in your HOME/the Natural environment-—for Individualism (Free Will)-—not in front of SCREENS which program into artificial realities, where their brains are FRIED (The destruction of the mapping of the brain, incapable of integration of the Left/Right parts of brain.) Literally retarding the development of the brain.

They have to PRACTICE THINKING==build pathways in the brain by DOING and THINKING FOR THEMSELVES WITH QUIET—NO WHITE NOISE__NO DISTRACTIONS, (no hundreds of kids which elevate stress always) SO THEY BECOME CREATIVE HUMAN BEINGS-—BEING SELF-RELIANT-—USING THEIR OWN BRAIN CELLS—not afraid of “group-think” and not fear disagreeing with the masses (group Bot-(non)-Think).

Having REAL LIFE HUMAN INTERACTIONS, LEARN REAL CLASSICAL HISTORY (tools to “think” with), so their brain and emotions are integrated and can be controlled BY THEMSELVES and they can have a coherent worldview (not the outside/State brain)-—not some TV TUBE which programs irrational desires and vile, evil thoughts (envy/hate).

The “schools”/MSM/Legal System-—all are to control and herd now-—there is no “Justice” in our twisted, evil laws-—and as Cicero stated-—when a law promotes evil, vice and slavery—it will destroy civil society.

That is how these evil Leftists took over-—they destroyed our “Legal” system-—made it a cartel system-—which makes the evil filthy wealthy so they can own all the politicians/judges-—the whole system-—and write the curricula to control the “thinking” (lol) of YOUR children and grandchildren.

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