
Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #fundie #transphobia #wingnut facebook.com

There’s only 1 other explanation for offending every Christian in USA on most holy day of yr…Dems know they’ve rigged election…so they’re just laughing at us. They can say & do anything they want, because it doesn’t matter. They already know results.

FOXNEWS.COM Trump demands Biden issue apology over 'blasphemous' Trans Visibility Day on Easter Sunday: 'Appalling'

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #wingnut facebook.com

Why are so many celebs sick w/cancer, dying, or dead? And at such young ages? What a “mystery.” Dramatic “mysterious” explosion of cancer only started at moment vaccine was introduced. What a coincidence! I wish Princess Kate a full & fast recovery. But we KNOW she had it. There is pattern.

TELEGRAPH.CO.UK As Princess of Wales reveals diagnosis, doctors warn of mysterious cancer ‘epidemic’ The disease is affecting fit, younger people more often – and researchers do not yet understand why

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut facebook.com

Bible already gave the warning: Those who bless Israel will be BLESSED…those who curse Israel will be CURSED. Kamala & Democrat Party are cursed to hell. Perfect. Same radical extreme Marxist TRAITORS who hate God, America, Constitution & capitalism.

DAILYMAIL.CO.UK Kamala Harris breaks from Biden and calls Gaza Strip a 'humanitarian catastrophe' and said a ceasefire must happen to end the 'suffering'

Wayne Allyn Root #wingnut facebook.com

My gut instinct #2…Get ready for Michelle Obama as Democrat presidential nominee. Can’t be Biden- he is brain-dead zombie wearing diapers. Can’t be Kamala- she is dumber than door knob. Can’t be Gavin or Hillary- can’t skip over Kamala w/white man or woman. Has to be Michelle.

Wayne Allyn Root #fundie #wingnut facebook.com

I’m a Jew (but different kind of Jew- I took Jesus as my savior 33 yrs ago). Which makes me Messianic Jew. Amazing that U.S. Jews don’t appreciate Donald Trump. Same exact attributes- Trump persecuted like Jews. Trump is relentless in face of persecution like Jews. Trump is warrior for Israel- which Bible says makes you blessed. Trump is successful in business & greatest Prez for economy & jobs. For all intents & purposes, Trump is “First Jewish President.”

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #wingnut facebook.com

FACT: FOIA request shows 11,000 politicians & “elites” (rich & powerful) in New Zealand got “EXEMPTIONS to never take Covid vaxx. Why? Thought it was “safe & effective?” Thought criticism was “misinformation?” So…why did they force u to take it…while they said NO? If you’re not asking that question, you’re a sheep. P.S. Lets find out how many politicians & elites got “exemptions” in USA.


2NDSMARTESTGUYINTHEWORLD.COM SHOCKER: FOIA Request Reveals 11,000 INSIDERS (& Politicians) Received DEATHVAX™ Exemption

Wayne Allyn Root #wingnut facebook.com

LET “THE GREAT NEW YORK BOYCOTT” BEGIN. I was born & raised in NY. It’s now dead to me. You want to lynch President Trump? There are 100 MM Trump supporters. No longer vacation there. No biz trips. No purchases from any NY-based biz. Not 1 red cent ever again. Drive NY into bankruptcy. We don’t support communists or Gestapo. We don’t support lynchings. NY will now go the way of Bud Light.

Wayne Allyn Root #wingnut facebook.com

Best week EVER for President Trump. Democrat fools & frauds tried to financially assassinate him…a modern day LYNCHING…NY proved it’s no different than Russia…these cases are so absurd they would be rejected by Saturday Night Live…and Fani Willis performance was pure comedy. “All black women keep cash!” Her father the Black Panther actually said that! These people are frauds, clowns, criminals, communists, assassins, immoral perverts. Americans see it all. Democrats so clueless & dumb they’ve GUARANTEED Trump’s election.

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #wingnut facebook.com

Whole world shocked over death in prison of Putin’s political rival. But that’s NOT story. Story is USA under Biden no better. This is exactly what Dems trying to do to Trump. Make him die in prison…for no crime…because he is biggest threat to power.

DAILMAIL.CO.UK Alexei Navalny's distraught widow fights back tears and gets standing ovation as she tells Putin 'you will answer for what you did to my husband'

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #wingnut facebook.com

For all the clueless dumb Democrat frauds out there: Did you think Kansas City Chiefs won Super Bowl last night? Nope. San Fran 49ers got late TD in lockeroom in middle of night- with no refs present. So 49ers are Super Bowl champs. Isn’t that exactly how you win elections?

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #wingnut facebook.com

Our own govt is so evil it’s shocking. New book out proves our govt & Deep State murdered Martin Luther King. And OF COURSE we all know our govt assassinated JFK. How many others have been murdered by US govt? Will they try to assassinate President Trump before he wins election?

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #wingnut facebook.com

80% of GOP voters agree 2020 was rigged & stolen. But few “experts” talk about one of main ways Dems steal elections- illegal aliens by millions are voting…& making THE difference in states like Nevada & Arizona. That is why Dems want open borders. More illegal votes. Millions more. Eventually no Republican will ever be elected again.

Candace Owens #conspiracy facebook.com

Sharing a personal story about the time I was injured from the Gardasil vaccine. This is what set me on my journey to learn more about vaccines and ultimately resulted in me choosing to say no to vaccines for my children.

I know this is a heated topic of debate but I think if you hear this story, you will at least understand why I am so passionate about this particular topic.

Please watch this before adding any negative commentary! Xx

YOUTUBE.COM Episode 1: Gardasil and HPV

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #wingnut facebook.com

All the dumb leftist morons who listened to Big Pharma like Koop-Aid drinking Stepford wives are dropping dead. RIP. I don’t want ANYONE to die. But how could u be so dumb & gullible? Really sad part is…I can never say, “We were right. We told you so.”

THEGATEWAYPUNDIT.COM Journalist Who Tried to Cancel Novak Djokovic for Being Unvaccinated Collapses and Dies Suddenly at Australia Open By Jim Hᴏft Jan. 20, 2024 6:40 pm1862 Comments

Wayne Allyn Root #wingnut facebook.com

I’ll bet you below zero weather Monday night in iowa favors Trump. Only Trump supporters would walk through hot coals for the mega-celebrity & billionaire who sacrificed his incredible life & fortune to save us. No one is that excited for Nikki or Ron. They’re just politicians.

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