
mickey #fundie topix.com

No one has ever observed evolution. A bird that changes its beak size according to what region it is in is still called a bird. There is no proof of it in the fossil record. Just because you see a dinosaur in a fossil it doesn't mean it turned into an elephant or hippo. Where is the record of all the changes that supposedly occurred. THere is none. IF there were they would be in a museum somewhere.

Wow_here we go again #fundie topix.com

Your an idiot... spelled IDIOT!!!

When i was in school the jews BlTCHED about saying the pledge of allegiance to our country flag...

As for you and your darwinian stupidity...

Your a true moron... if you believe if darwins saga... then you bleieve in slavery... because your ancestors are in cages at the zoo...

So pick one idiot... slavery or god...

mickey #fundie topix.com

I think there should be less time spent on teaching evolution anyway. It is only someones opinion on what may have happened. Unless one is planning on being an evolutionist I see no benefit of it being taught in the first place. It's not going to bring about a new vaccine for cancer or fix our social problems.

Alexandra #fundie topix.com

Alexandra wrote:
<quoted text>
You can't call yourself a Christian if you don't even believe what the Bible says. To say that you're a Christian and don't believe the Bible makes you a LIAR.
Forcing him to remove the Bible is UNCONSTITUTIONAL.
BTW Bush is not a Christian OR a conservative.
How can people ask God to bless America when we allow these nutjobs to suppress Christianity!?

mickey #fundie topix.com

(in regards to the state bill in Florida)

"We're not talking about religion, we're talking about the right to critically analyze evolution," she said.

I think the teachers and students should be able to critically analyze any topic studied in class. It teaches the kids to better analyze a situation and think for themselves. And lord knows they need it.

Besides evolution is still a theory and will probably remain that way. After all it does not explain how life started in the first place. Maybe there was an intelligent designer who kicked it off. Maybe an alien nation started it off. But I guess that's no more of a stretch than saying God started it all. Something started it right. According to the laws of physics things don't just appear magically by themselves.

Think about it.

ibizian #fundie topix.com

[after being told that America wasn't founded on christianity]

Why am I so wrong?? WHAT ARE YOU SO AFRAID OF?? Besides I am not saying these things they are quotes from other people, like this one!

" You do well to wish to learn our arts and our ways of life, and above all, the religion of Jesus Christ. Congress will do everything they can to assist you in this wise intention." George Washington

Um so if THE founding father of our nation does specifically mention Jesus Christ where does that leave your arguement???

Go fight for a real cause and leave the Bible alone.

I'm activly doing something for the right to not care what you think or say..
What are you doing???????

ImNoMonkey #fundie topix.com

How does that prove anything? It's just big words and a lot of numbers? You can "prove" anything using long words nobody understands and a lot of numbers to make it look like you know what you are talking about. Answer me this - after the mother monkey gave birth to the fist person, who or what did this person breed with?

JBT #sexist topix.com

In reply to a LONG running thread about homosexuality this one said this.........

"To me it is also gender-related. Example: female homosexuality is way more natural than homosexualuality in men, and my argument is this... men do not breast feed their sons, but mothers (most) breastfeed their daughters. Now this may seem like a strange argument, but just think about it. The act of breastfeeding is not NECESSARILY a sexual experience or expression, but there is a stimulation of the errogenous zones of the baby's mouth and the mother's nipples during breastfeeding."

Truth #fundie topix.com

<BloddyViking: You seem to think that you can just Choose to believe something.
A challenge: Start believing in tiny pink unicorns who live on socks stolen from the laundry. They are sneaky, fast, and very good at hiding.
Well, do you believe in them? Can you choose to do so? If not, how can you call anything requiring faith a choice?>

Pagan do you belive in shadow people???? Have you seen them?????????? If you have........How can you deny Christ???????

Knit and Pray #fundie topix.com

[Bitner wrote:
Yes, I know Yahweh was testing Abraham. It was a sick, sadistic test that any self-respecting Deity should be above making. If Yahweh knows every hair on a person's head, as you claim, and knows what is in their hearts, and is omniscient, such testing wouldn't be necessary. He'd already know what Abraham would do.]

god DID already know what was going to happen, You see God is all knowing, which includes the future. He wanted to test Abraham.

Melton #fundie topix.com

My parents, who are now deceased, were in a prophetic ministry. My Father pastored several churches and was also a traveling evangelist. When my parents were in their twenties they were baptized in the Holy Spirit.

At night, when they would first go to bed, an Angel of the Lord would enter the room to teach them God's Word. My brother was a little boy and shared their room at that time. My brother would see the room light up with a white light. My parents would see the angel. They described the Angel as being so tall that he would have to bend over to fit in the room. They said he was nine or ten feet tall.

The angel would explain scriptures to them and answer their questiones. My parents ministered from the 1950's thru the 70's. America was visited with a mighty move of God's Spirit in the 50's and 60's, after that the church entered a lukewarm state.

Scott #fundie topix.com

"Hmmm...that last line is exactly what Laura Mallory said. I just noticed your ISP. Are you Laura? Her husband? A relative?
I call BS, you didn't read any part of them (the HP books)."

Never met her. Wouldn't know her if she slapped me in the face. There is a silent moral majority. We rule this country and we will rule the universe. We are heirs and co heirs with christ. And we are already seated with Him. That's why we often sound the same. For we often speak by the same Spirit.

scott #fundie topix.com

<when asked if he's ever read the Harry Potter books he's so gleefully bashing>

I've read and seen enough to know they are trash and harmful. I don't have to look at an xxx rated movie to know it should be avoided. Same with the potter series.

Truth #fundie topix.com

The Proof that God exists is that without Him you couldn't prove anything..........

I am not saying that professed unbelievers do not prove things....... The argument is that you must borrow from the Christian worldview, and a God who makes universal, immaterial, unchanging laws possible in order to prove anything........

In logic, this type of proof is called 'transcendental logic,' or 'the impossibility of the contrary,' where God is the basis for any rational thought........ Only the Christian worldview can logically support rationality........

knit and pray #fundie topix.com

[Responding to the notion Pagans use human sacrifices]

So why might I ask would you believe in a religion that has sacrificed millions of people ?

And please do not bring up the Crusades, your pagan religion has killed many more people. How many wars have Chrstians started? Not any in the past several hundred years or even more than that.

Janice #fundie topix.com

i dont see why someone would believe in darwin but not belief in the devil, the devil is real and you can see what evil he reaks on this world everyday. the devil makes war and desease and famine and yet you claim darwin made this? how does darwin explain evil and how it comes to this world? He cant because he didnt know because the devil is real and darwin isnt. Satan was proably working through the devil to test the faith of christians well i stand strong behind my faith, its the only real thing darwin is just made up

Wayne #fundie topix.com

Witch, you have no idea of what Christianity is. That is why atheists are stupid. You can take your Wiccan beliefs and put em where the sun don't shine. Go ahead and smirk. Satan is jumping for joy because he has so many of you deceived. Worship him, that is what he wants most, is your worship and every time you deny God you are bowing to the devil. I hope you are happy in your self delusions.

LiteralChristian #fundie topix.com

To all you fake Christians go back and read the Bible and I pray you understand the importance of following all of God's laws. We're so far away from it. Our laws on rape, slavery, stoning disobedient children, and vineyards are very antiGod.

Rose wood #fundie topix.com

Romans 12:2 says, Be not conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of the mind. In th Biblical days they stoned homosexuals. This generation is way more than conformed to this world and Christians are so accepting to what they know is wrong. Gays are running all the entertainment fields and no one wants to get on their bad side. It's ridiculous! In Iraq they kill gays, because they aren't as conformed as us. That's why so many countries can't stand us, because of our immoralities.

LiteralChristian #fundie topix.com

God clearly does advocate slavery with rules and I think if you follow God's rules for slavery it could be a very joyous and mutual relationship. As for rape, no God clearly does not advocate rape. He says that if you rape a married or betrothed woman you and the woman will be put to death, but the betrothed woman will be spared if it's in the country. He says if you rape an unbetrothed, unmarried woman they have to marry and never divorce her.

Freedom4All #fundie topix.com

How blind, dark and evil you really are. Christians are the people who fought and died for the freedoms we enjoy today, NOT ATHEISTS. It was a Baptist preacher standing at the side of Maddison insisting on the Bill of Rights, NOT ATHEISTS. And if, God forbid, we ever had to fight for our freedoms again, it would be an overwhelming majority of Christians who would be fighting and dying for our freedoms AGAIN.

I get so sick and tired of atheists and others acting as if it were them who is responsible for our freedoms when it was about 99% Christians who fought and died for the freedoms we enjoy today, NOT AHTEISTS OR ANYONE ELSE. This country was also built and ran by a population of about 99% Christians for a very long, long time. Now that there are a small percentage of atheists in this country today, it is beginning to go downhill big time. Atheists cannot take credit for this country while it was great, but they certainly can take credit for the way it's going downhill now.

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