
Koen #racist realjewnews.com

Einstein was not just a plagiarist, he promoted incorrect physics like Voigt’s relativity theory on purpose, in order to fool the goyim.

The world wide acceptance of “Einstein’s” theories prevented the development of liberating technology based on correct physics already proven experimentally by Tesla before the deception of “superior” Jewish science.

A small energy device was made by T.H. Moray that generated 25 KWatt ‘out of the blue’, perfectly explainable by means of corrected physics based on longitudinal superluminal aether waves (De Broglie’s pilot waves) without Einstein barrier, observed by hundreds of people, examined by several PhD people who all concluded it was not a hoax.

It was destroyed by Felix Frazer from REA (Rural Energy Agency).

The Master Race #racist realjewnews.com

Jews as the master race is a topic that deserves much coverage. Lots of Jews have talked about their “superior intellect.” There are many examples of Jewish Supremacy. Jews who wrote the Protocols of Zion bragged about it.

Jews may be more intelligent or may just be more connected to their father the devil. Lots of Jews view intelligence as the most important quality there is for choosing who leads and who follows. Jesus viewed lots of other traits as more important such as love, faith, hope, charity, honesty, mercy, forgiveness, humility, patience, kindness, the fruits of the Holy Spirit.

There probably isn’t even one verse in the Bible that emphasizes intelligence as the most important quality. Jesus emphasized love and faith repeatedly, especially love, but not intelligence. The example of Satan shows that intelligence isn’t the main criteria. Satan may be a million times more intelligent than any human yet Satan is extremely evil. Like many things, intelligence can be used for good or evil.

When Jews decry white supremacy, anti-semitism, white privilege, and similar propaganda they created, they do it to hide their own guilt and blame their victims for what Jews are guilty of doing themselves.

Sowing & Reaping #conspiracy realjewnews.com

It’s probably apparent to most Jew-wise Christians that the Zionists are setting themselves up for a horrible fall with their many evils.

Our government and military are supposed to defend its citizens and its borders from invading hordes. But the Jews have their puppet politicians using military bases to aid and abet the invaders.

The Jews banish Christianity from schools and government, instigate wars, migrant floods, perversion, LGBT, pornography, transgender toilets, riots, race wars, stock market crashes, depressions, recessions, 9/11, and practically all that is evil.

The Protocols of Zion explain how the Jews plan for these evils to weaken the gentile nations and make them so miserable that the world will be eager for the “King of the Jews” to take over the government of the world and change the misery into joy.

God seems to have different plans.

Prophecy in 2 Thess 2 which says the “man of sin” will be revealed seems to mean that Zionism will be exposed, that people will finally see who is behind the evil worked against them.

Zionien #racist realjewnews.com

California is the real guinea pig state, I mean NYC was pretty much born with evil Jewry, while California, they were imported. They’ve think they have a real handle on things in Ca. Just Fool the millennials, attack our gun rights, impose MORE taxes, offer our $$$/services to ILL-legals, rig elections, etc. but they rest of the NATION is watching.

I mean it’s like a mother who just warned her disobedient/spoiled child not to take a cookie from the cookie jar, as he smirks and tries to act cute while disobeying. Time for a rat trap, after all. It’s an ethical thing, but Jews don’t concern themselves with troublesome guilt ridden ethics.

Will the rest of the nation put up with it knowing their turn is just a matter of time? I wager people, the gullible fool millennials, fooled yidiots from a bygone era WILL wake up! It’s time to Wake Up! Wake Up! When We Wake Up — Their Jig is Up!

Ashcan #fundie realjewnews.com

A shop can turf you out for any reason. It is private property and you are in it at the owner’s pleasure. No reason needs to be given. How that pans out for civil rights is that the owner can then be sued for civil rights violation if it can be proven that it was a civil rights issue and not a personal objection to the customer.

The store owners civil rights are protected as well by law and this extends to being allowed to decline to serve any customer but with the above proviso and which must first be expounded upon and then proven. It is not even a matter of religious liberty.

Some people find homosexuality disgusting without any religious underpinning for their reaction. This is a natural reaction to a perverse and unnatural act. That is why it has been illegal and even punishable by death for most of human history. This current phase of history is not even human.

THEY "jew'd" OUR FOOD DUDE!!! #fundie realjewnews.com

Go Bake Cakes - Wormy Snow Flakes! Typical Libera-holeism thinking! They want what they want regardless of any imposition/oppression, because they know better than everyone.

WOW such spoiled children of the devil! Go Bake Cakes - Wormy Snow Flakes! They DONT really care about anyone else being “hurt”!

They are appalled that they couldn’t corrupt another human being by forcing him to abide by their evil lifestyle/will which in turn gives them a notion of less deviation between normal & queer, Good & Evil placating their disgusting free will choice to be gay!

Glory B. #racist realjewnews.com

America is completely Judaized and unable to take direct action against the Jewish oppressors. Jews dominate the media, the movies, the financial and educational systems, and the government, and pour their poisonous pro-Israel propaganda down the throats of American gentiles. Consider the practice of circumcision in America. The Jews created the system where every newborn boy, no matter what religion, is routinely circumcised at birth, IN THE HOSPITAL, unless the baby’s parents specify otherwise.

Most Christian parents are unaware that they have the right to protest, and therefore don’t say anything when doctors — mostly Jews — mutilate their sons’ sexual organs. The Jews have done this so that it is impossible to tell, when looking at a male’s penis, whether he is Jew or Christian. Unlike Europe, where Christians don’t circumcise their male babies, in America virtually ALL male babies are “cut.” This is the Jewish way of protecting their men, because when every male is circumcised, there’s no way of picking out the Jew-boys by pulling down their pants.

Yes, the Jews still have their bloody circumcision rituals, where the “mohel,” or cicumciser, cuts the infant Jew-baby’s penis, then licks the blood off the penis of the screaming boy-child. Kikes love to watch blood and suffering, even of their own kind. But it’s much more enjoyable for the Jews to watch Palestinians suffer and die, so they think nothing of murdering Palestinian nurses and doctors who are trying to help the wounded victims of Israeli aggression.

It’s about time that the gentile world realizes that the Jews are really sadists at heart and act against these Jewish criminals. All Jews are guilty of the murder of Jesus Christ, and they are intent on killing the non-Jews, to usher in the Jewish age of world rule. Christians it’s really up to you, whether you stay or if it’s the Jew!!!

Koen #racist realjewnews.com

Make Israel ‘great again’, meaning: the world population will be killed by the Luciferian Jews.

That is what this is all about. But Lucifer will spare no one, not even the Jews, since play ground ‘Earth’, where God’s creation can learn its valuable lessons of life, must be destroyed completely, otherwise Lucifer will loose control over his soul collection.

When do Jews understand they have become a devil’s tool? At the very end perhaps, when all is lost.

IRONKRAFT #racist realjewnews.com

Jews were told long-ago, that: You are a stiff necked people, hard to deal with”. And also, that: “you are of your father, the Devil”.

Those, plus the turning over of the tables the “Money Changers” were doing business on in the Temple, are what make Jews hate Jesus.

One of the traits more prevalent in Jews from every era, is their burning vindictiveness. Thus, they are what they have always been.

The Enemy Within #racist realjewnews.com

The remark about “the enemy within” at the end of this video well describes who the real enemy is.

Only the Jew-wise realize who the real enemy is. The vast majority of people still don’t realize that the Anti Christian Anti White (ACAW) Jews view non-Jews as enemies to be destroyed. Relatively few realize that the immigrant floods are really just Zionist-inspired invaders who the Jews media falsely labels as refugees. Few are even aware that Zionist Jews exist, which is just how the Zionists want it.

Relatively few realize that Oakland’s Jew Mayor Libby Schaaf of sanctuary city infamy and similar Jews in high places are ACAW Jews obsessed with destroying Christianity. Relatively few realize that Chuck Schumer and Jews like him want to disarm Americans and confiscate their guns to make them helpless against Zionist oppression. Few realize that Zionist Jews are behind all the other ACAW evil that has ruined the world over the last 100 years.

The wars, perversion, pornography, transgender toilets, fags, loss of civil rights, federal reserve scam, IRS oppression, migrant floods, banning Christianity from schools and government, practically all that is evil, is due to Zionist Jews. These evils are intentionally inflicted by the enemy within, Satan’s Zionist Jews, to replace the old Christian order with the Jew World Order.

benzion kook #racist realjewnews.com

Trump is a crypto-commie controlled by Jews.

His new “financial advisor” is a cud-chewing phony news fossil from the Manhattan schist.

Mossad murders Skripal, Britishers say Russia did it & steal all their money according to protocol. Nothing new there.

The plan is to get the self-fooling Jews to overplay their hand, then watch them self-destruct.

Henry Ford Was Right! #racist realjewnews.com

The Jew doesn’t like Free Speech - he is the enemy of freedom and a collectivist tyrant to the core. He always has two sets of rules-one for him and his cotribalists and one for the ‘goys’.

For him and his tribe it’s corporate nepotism, a rigged kangaroo court where his synangogue and Masonic lodge buddies pull the levers, easy loans, ethnocentricism in culture, ethnic pride with his own ethnostate regime that his immensely strict immigration, preservation of the nuclear family and a modicum of morality. But for the goys, it is corporate oppression/wage slavery of the masses via his control, a rigid and toxic bureaucratic system of tyranny in a corrupt legal system the Jew and his goons run, usury and corporate graft in all financial transactions.

For goys, it is the lie of diversity/mass immigration/white genocide implemented via political correctness mind control, destruction of the family and the proliferation of degeneracy against the goyim with Jew promoted garbage like trannys, drag queens reading to little goys in public library’s, feminism, racial interbreeding, and anything else to destroy the goyim using cultural subversion.

Koen #racist realjewnews.com

And they are ALL complicit to mass murder of innocent people.

The Zionist militia with their military killer gear and Gaza Strip training (the REAL murderers in Florida, and so many other places on planet Lucifer), the Jewish fake news people, the orchestrated protesters, the Jewish psychiatrists and mind controllers of little boy Cruz.

They are ALL responsible for all these mass shootings on schools. What to do with these Jewish fake news people, who play an important part in the attempt to DISARM the American people, when they stick a mike in your face?

They are ALL Lucifer’s most useful and most Jewish idiots, who cannot and will not survive Lucifer’s plan for this planet: to make Earth as dead as possible, such that the most arrogant and sickest of all spirits do not have to come here anymore to learn his lessons.

My only hope is that Lucifer’s most useful idiots, aka the JEWS, will realize they have been SETUP by their own false G-D, LUCIFER, and that they all will end up DEAD as well.

Wake up, little Jewish boys and Jewish girls, you mass murderers are chosen by G-D to be whipped out as well in the end.

AJ #racist realjewnews.com

Great article once again—

And isn’t also true that most of these alleged shootings or hoaxes are committed by the Jews themselves? Jewish operatives within U.S. intelligence, in coordination with MOSSAD, seem to be the likely culprits, and not these kids.

For why would any person, even a young man who was somewhat disturbed, carry out a mass shooting knowing his own life would be over when he was brought to justice?

Jews have been carrying out these kinds of crimes for centuries throughout the World. They committed the 9/11 attacks. It’s basically the same M.O. they have always had. They committed massacres throughout Europe in the 19th and 20th Centuries to destabilize Europe and exterminate White European Christians.

They got away with most of it because of their control of World Finance and the media. With their World control, they can commit all of these crimes with impunity while they shamelessly blame others (these bogeymen could be anyone - “disturbed” kids supposedly on psychoactive drugs, Muslims, other nations/leaders, etc).

Americans will never give up their guns so the Jews would actually be smart to cut the crap because they are being exposed more and more here and elsewhere.

benzion kook #racist realjewnews.com

Trump is another patsy being used by Jews. The non-federal, non-reserve, never-audited “what’s the problem” Jew-owned private “central bank” & the illegal, never ratified by a single state “16th Amendment”-enabled Israel Revenue Service are nothing but Jew con games run on the “goyim.” if nobody pays, they will go away.

More 20th century explained for dummies:

Communism — the Jews own all the dachas, Mercedes and gold, and the “goyim” own NOTHING, because there is no “private property” for them, only for their Jew slave masters.

When they come for your guns, give them the bullets.

Uylleses #racist realjewnews.com

Jewish politicians and policemen from New York and California want to take the guns away from Christian, conservative, hetero white males.

The United States Constitution is a toothless, rat-bag piece of toilet paper without guns to back it up, and the Jews know it.

That’s why all the young men with leadership potential are becoming “felonized.”

Ted Gorsline #racist realjewnews.com

I can see Israel being annihilated in a matter of days but that doesn’t solve the problem. Until the rich Jewish banking families are separated from their money, in whole family units, like the Jews did to the Romanovs, the wars will continue. Money from New York destroyed Germany in WW2 before there was ever a state of Israel.

I am suprised that Middle Eastern Arab countries don’t go after the big jewish banking families hiding in their safe havens and tropical islands in the west. The jews have been killing the Iranians and the Arabs all the time. A book was just published listung 2,800 Jewish murders.

I have actually been waiting for the light bulb to go on in the Arab world, and thought maybe the Sherman murders in Toronto, any maybe other rich Jew murders in recent years, were related to the start of a Jewish cull but maybe my gut instincts are wrong.

The reason the US is trying to keep a base in Syria is to control the oil wells to keep the cash from the wells going to Assad from the wells the state owns. You would think the people suffering under the Jewish yoke in all countries would see the solution to world peace does not need big wars that kill lots of people - just financial surgical removals.

Citizenfitz #racist realjewnews.com

The Jews obviously believe there are lots of dumbbells in Goyburg - and are doing their all to keep it that way. Unfortunately, we give them ammunition. I remember reading once about actors who were confronted by people who thought they were actually the characters they played on TV or the big screen. Larry Hagman, who played evil JR Ewing on Dallas was a particular target of this stupidity. Denver Pyle, who played the sheriff in the movie Bonnie and Clyde, had to wear a disguise for a while whenever he went out.

None of this is lost on the Jews. Looking at it from the Jews’ POV they probably think of it as a form of “Jewdo,” using their adversaries’ own stupidity to throw them to the ground. Hence their never ending efforts to cultivate gullible liberal types: crybabies, womyn, myn, Blacks—.

But there’s stupidity of this sort on our side of the aisle too: people who foolishly think Trump and/or “The Generals” are going to come riding up on white horses to save them. Sorry bud, it ain’t gonna happen. Rather than foolishly looking for men to come save you, get on your knees and beg Jesus to save you, He’s stronger than the world; but mankind gives him little to work with. In the end He WILL win - and win big. But as always there will be a body count first.

Steven Rowlandson #racist realjewnews.com

The Jews defeated Hitler not just by their diabolical cunning, networking and spying but by the use of nearly unlimited goyim for troops and war production slaves, unlimited money and vast reserves of energy and natural resources to supply a well developed industrial base.

When you control the secret societies, media, banks and governments in much of the world, all of this is fairly easy and of course you can make your slaves believe what ever you like before, during and after the war.

After all who are the goyim to doubt their masters any way?

benzion kook #racist realjewnews.com

Jews do not want to live in harmony with the world. They want to control it. Look on the bright side: Netanyahu & his crew of idiots are so stupid & evil they undoubtedly will eventuate the total destruction of Israel — again. Nothing new there.

Trump, like his dad, is basically an innkeeper, gone viral, not nearly Jew-wise or resistent enough. Anything built on lies eventually dies, including jew mega lies. there will be more dead in WW3 than WW17, but 17 will have a higher percent of dead than 3. Hard to replicate when you’re radioactive waste.

Eileen Kuch #racist realjewnews.com

Mike S. King’s book, “The Bad War” says it all.

Adolf Hitler never wanted war; he had gone through the hell of WWI, so he knew exactly what another war of this type would be like. The Germans even dropped leaflets with the text of his peace speech before the Reichstag over London, hoping the Brits would call the war off, but the warmongering Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, would have none of it, and the war went on.

You’re spot on, Br. Nat; we’re in a very sorry state due to the Jews winning WWII. Jewry did, indeed, destroy Western Civilization and annihilated what was once known and experienced as Christendom. Europe’s a huge example, with 3rd World (mostly Muslim) migrants pouring into the continent daily.

God bless you forever.

Seek The Truth #racist realjewnews.com

Makes me very angry what the Jews are doing to the olive trees, as olives are one of my favorite fruits.

The rich Jew gangsters are in serious need of a true holocaust — not anything like the holocaust of poor Jews opposed to Zionism during WWII, but rather a true righteous holocaust because only the Devil is pleased with their work and they’re totally useless to the rest of mankind.

I would suggest starting at the Supreme Court Building in Jerusalem because they won’t judge the wicked but only the good in that building. No need to wait for Jesus to return to deliver the “coup de grâce”. Let’s see if a modern Samson can do the job.

Geoffrey #racist realjewnews.com

Instead of WWIII with battle ready China and Russia, Trump has within his power the ability to smash Jew power with a few simple strokes. There is no need for 51% of whites to first be convinced, because this will never happen. This can be done the sneaky Jew way. Russia was taken over by about two hundred Jews invading the Winter Place – a nation of 130 million people. The (((Menshevik))) Government did not resist and were, as fellow Jews, most probably in on the (((Bolshevik))) plot. Nobody remembers the Mensheviks these days. Widespread pacifism and defeatism helped the Bolshies win, so this could also help Trump.

Very few young men want to die for any Multicult Nation these days. As I see it, all Jew power emanates first from the creation of money, rather than ownership and control of the media for example. I have had the idea for a long time that trillions of Fed dollars have been stolen and handed direct to Jews for wasting in buying up media assets and making money losing propaganda movies at Hollywood.

One jew start-up after another creates instant Jew billionaires such as Uber, which somehow rides roughshod over the rights of licensed taxi drivers in every nation – without a peep from the local Governments. I do not believe in this miracle and I think that stolen Fed money (i.e. new taxpayer debt) is behind a lot of this instant success and wealth. E.g. bribery of politicians worldwide.

Any President can smash Jew power, and should, else all of civilisation will be destroyed by the (((wreckers))). First, declare a State of Emergency. One minute later, surround all Federal Reserve buildings with Federal Troops and or Police. Arrest all Fed workers, and especially the Gang of 12 (The 12 regional Governors of the Fed who are mostly Jews). Also the Gang of 7 which has almost entirely jews in its ranks, the Overseers.

Also arrest the chairman who is currently (((Janet Yellen))). Any “owners” of the bank are also to be arrested if they are within USA jurisdiction. The value of the bank is to be set at zero, and zero compensation is to be paid to the “owners”. Interrogation of the workers will reveal the true extent of the Jew plot against the USA. These results are to be made public in the new media. All US taxpayer debts to this phoney Jew bank are to be cancelled with the exception of any bonds owed to genuine non-Jew investors and foreign Governments. All other interest payments and capital debts are erased immediately.

The Fed is thus nationalised and dismantled. All fed tasks are handed to the US Treasury, including the ownership and running of the IRS – the taxation system where Jews have been robbing US citizens for 105 years. Jews elsewhere will crash the US dollar and stock market. However, this is worth the cost, and the end of paying interest on counterfeit money will make all US citizens richer. Trump commands the most powerful military ever known and there are very few Jews who join this military. They know where the real power is, such as Wall Street, the Media and the Fed.

The same day the Fed is ended; all media TV stations are also to be occupied by US forces. All Jew owners are to be forced to sell by auction to non-Jews, and no Jew will be allowed to run any media outlet bigger than a radio station. No TV and no newspapers. The Hollywood cartel is also to be be busted up. All this is easy once the Fed is gone. All Jew talking heads on TV, and Jew journalists, are to be arrested and imprisoned. There will be no Jews allowed as media commentators.

The above sounds like a pipe dream but would actually be quite easy to accomplish by a determined President. Congress and the Senate could not stop him. All 500 lickspittles of them are in the pay of the Jews, they are loyal only to a foreign nation, not their own nation. All NeoCons to be arrested and jailed along with Mad Dog Mattis. Anyone “influential” who has publically called for foreign wars this Century to be jailed – including George Dubya Bush and his cronies. 911 to be investigated for the first time, and the truth published afterwards.

Open Air #fundie realjewnews.com

2018 will see the exhibition of the original stone tablets of the Ten Commandments.

Kept hidden since the time they were given on Mt Sinai, especially for this time.

Now we understand the current gravitas.

Satan’s full blown attack on the Ten Commandments is the 666 microchip which is his replacement for the laws of God and this is why God has reserved them for this time as tangible proof, along with a video of them being removed from the Ark of the Covenant.

The whole world will be shown the truth of the Bible in spectacularly simple fashion and they will be given the choice of Gods Commandments over that of the devil.

Choose life.

Awaiting #racist realjewnews.com

The mentality of the Jews is one of barbarism and base human instincts. It is as primitive as fallen man himself, and as self perpetuating.

The desire or belief in the ‘messianic’ right to rule the world is the most basic expression of this primeval delusion, and is the very antithesis of ‘civilisation’, personal and social development, and planetary progress. If these maniacal, primitives really want enlightenment, then they should best look at the progress of the world and their place in it in terms of joining the human race, rather than destroying it. You receive what you give. if this is good, thats what you get back. if this is evil, this is what you get back.

These Zionists cannot come to grips with the basic fundamental laws of life. This is because they have never really understood them. This goes back to their rejection of their own Torah and the Prophets to begin with, followed by the rejection of the source of all Truth and all Life, Christ, who is God himself. So they really have gotten off on the wrong foot right from the beginning.

They lag behind in moral development; they lag behind in spiritual development; by 2000 years at least, even further.

Having trashed the Palestinians out of their land and washed them out, in a flood of blood and tears, not out of any real power of their own, but with Gentile enablement, which maintains them even today, they presume to see themselves as rulers when they are nothing but parasites and have always been nothing but parasites.

Their wealth is not of their creation but ours. They see no other way, and this lie even to themselves, the most dangerous of all, by which they live only has a limited shelf life. Only the truth is worth having and will survive when all else is dross. This is because they have always denied the truth when it was given to them, to the point now where they cannot grasp it even if they wanted to. They are slaves of their own self perpetuating destiny, and this is the crushing part, that destiny is hell itself.

If they want real life. If they want real power, they should study the lives of the Christian saints, who were able to do great things, great miracles, as part of their normal everyday life. And this power, this great life giving power came not from magic, the occult, which is soul destroying and a negative black antithesis of the power of life. This real power they possessed came directly from God with whom they were in constant communion, in a constant state of grace, a constant state of joy, and all this simply by abandoning themselves to God and carrying the cross of the constant mortification of their fallen human nature, and thus to the development of the real potential of their god given soul.

If you are a Jew and you do not subscribe to the destructive philosophy described above you are still the chosen of God. The apple of his eye, remembering that since the birth, death and resurrection of the Son of God. Christ, there is no more need for a chosen race. Its purpose is redundant and you are chosen by virtue of faith. This you share with all who follow or seek after truth.

Soon Christ will return in the great Second coming, but beforehand He will prove tot he whole world He is God. Be prepared for this revelation so you may choose the right path, whether or not you now believe.

Seek The Truth #racist realjewnews.com

Jews want to take over the entire Middle East for their Father the Devil.

The top Jews take direct orders from the Devil and pass those orders to “lesser” Jews. The main directive is to take over the world for the Devil.

Naturally, these Jews want to demonize all of the Middle East countries except Saudi Arabia because it’s already run by Jews.

Any country that bucks the Rothschild Jew usurious banking system is put on the extermination list by the U.S. military and Mossad/CIA and its political hacks. This is why Iraq, Libya, Iran, Syria, Afghanistan, Venezuela, North Korea, Russia, Japan etc. have all been targets. They resisted.

One might say that the U.S. military is the whore of Babylon (modern Israel). But I claim that the dragon (Devil) is a two headed Jew dragon ( Communism and Zionism) and breathes fire on any country that resists.

Brother Nathanael Kapner #racist realjewnews.com

Jews are obnoxious creatures and become even more so with their insistence that their security is sacrosanct. It is not. Jews enjoy security, safety, and high standards of living throughout the Diaspora yet they constantly whine about “Antisemitism” and have even created special government bureaucracies in America and Europe addressing it.

Jews pose as the eternal victim while driving Cadillacs, living in gated communities, and stealing other people’s lands claiming “God gave it to them” while they don’t even believe in God.

We have to begin by addressing the problems in our domestic and foreign affairs by blaming the culprits: JEWS. I do just that and am struggling more than ever to get a hearing. Why? Because Jews decide who gets heard and who gets censored, what gets said and what gets silenced. Who said, “Jews are our misfortune?” It was said in the 1800s, and now I say it loud and clear: JEWS ARE OUR MISFORTUNE. I despise these people and they must be stopped.

John Nada #racist realjewnews.com

We need to have a “Holocaust Denial” or “Holocaust Revisionism” day.

If millions of people celebrate Holocaust Denial in creative and humorous ways on May 14th - it will go viral, like the ice bucket challenge – and millions more might join. The Jewish shtick of jailing Holocaust deniers does not work if millions of people do it. Making it go viral will bring it to the attention of more people.

Setting up a particular day for Holocaust denial, and letting it play out, maybe it will spread like wildfire. Even if the first edition gets a certain exposure, the second edition a year later may attract even more people, then the third year it will go even bigger.

Either way— the Jews cannot jail everybody.

Sam Nelson #racist realjewnews.com

Benjamin Freedman, RIP, your hope continues:

Using the word Jew will not suffice, what must happen is the total destruction of the Jews “Holocaust” myth. The Banker King, ie, King of the world, owns Reuters and the Associated Press, from which all other News and other Media get their talking points, and, world history. As long as the lie that is the Jews’ Holocaust lie, ie, there were/are no blue stains on any of the walls of the so called gas chambers, therefore no gassing could have taken place, using Zyklon B, or any other gas.

No blue stains, no residue, still the Press and the talking heads in Hollywood and on Television say six million Jews, gassed to death, by the white Germans, WW2? We, who are the truth tellers, we, must cry out even louder: NO JEWS’ HOLOCAUST. We must cry louder, longer, until the whole world hears our cry, then the Liar’s back will be broken, humanity’s freedom from the Jew insured.

As it is with the Jew-owning the discourse, every chance and I do mean every chance the Jew gets, somewhere in every documentary, in every movie, in every conversation, always the lie of the “six million” pops up, comes out, is maneuvered into the stew. The stew white children eat up like it is Mom’s home cooking.

Little children are taught this lie until they learn to hate their own kind, so they run off with other species of humans not like their own, so they become self-haters, so they deny their own gender, so they trumpet the lies of the Jews as if the lies are the truth. The first step to freedom from the liars that are the Jews, and the Gentiles working for the Jews, is separation from the Jews’ Holocaust lie. After that, the Jew has nothing left to hide behind.

Separation begins with the children, a generation of white American children not burdened down by the lie that is the Jews’ Holocaust lie, would go a long way toward breaking the hold the Jews and their Gentile Politicians and Judges have over US and other nations wherein white people are the majority.

As long as the Jews’ Holocaust Lie prevails over all the world, the whole world will be under the foot of the Jewish King in England. As long as this, there can be no justice, there can be no justice without truth, all the truth, nothing but the truth. Without Justice, there can be no freedom, this should be so clear to any concerned about the future of their children and, the future of the world. Liberty, finds its soul in Justice, the right to tell the truth, is the epitome of Justice.

I ask of every writer, of you Brother, I ask, we all do like the crooked Jews do, we too should mention the “six million” as the lie it is and in everything we write, find a slot to slip it in, teach the truth as they teach the lie. Swamp, not like draining the swamp, swamp, as in filling the swamp, filling the swamp with the truth about WW2, proving the “six million” lie to be a lie, in every other sentence we write, pound it, drive, wear it out and then start again, until the whole world of people know: WE, HAVE BEEN HAD BY THE LIE THAT IS THE SIX MILLION—

We, like the destruction of Jericho, we must surround the lie that is the six million and blow our horns of truth until the walls of the fortress they hide behind, that is, the Jews’ Holocaust Lie, falls down to the ground, the enemy inside, his chest laid bare, his lies proved to be lies, his very heart outside his body, easy to cut off and cut up.

We must tear their house down, their house is the construct that is the Jews’ Holocaust Lie. If we go into the schools, willing to face the Judges who are along with the Police, the Jews’ executioners, if we do it in a way that there are just too many of us to jail, that we are too persistent to resist, that we fill the schools with the sweet taste of truth, until the children beg for it.

Then and only then will we have Liberty, then and only then can we be Free, then and only then will this ship of lies that are the Jews and their six million lie, be turned around and headed toward a better port, a port wherein we, the people, can have Justice — and by Justice we will find our Liberty, again. We don’t need the Politicians to do this, we just need to do it.

Oona Craig #racist realjewnews.com

Discussing the Jewish drive for World Domination in terms of Religion instead of Biology does not get to the heart of the issue.

The Jewish Crime Syndicate should be discussed in terms of what we see everywhere in Nature — Predators and Prey. Jews are Alpha Predators; Goyim are Prey.

The Tribe is to Goyim what the Venus Fly Trap is to plants, the Anaconda is to Mammals, and the hyena pack is to the wildebeest — or lion.

Jewlywood movies unsurprisingly dwell on predatory themes: cannibalism (Hannibal Lector), vampire-ism, disease, genocide (Kingsman), death, incest, murder, serial murder sprees, war, adultery, torture, drugs, blood, gore, rape, chainsaw massacres, human sacrifice, zombies — HUMANS EATING OTHER HUMANS.

No doubt Israel will be a hellish place to live — after Israelis have fully digested the Palestinians.

The Crowd Cheered On #racist realjewnews.com

Moving Israel’s capital to Jerusalem is a big step toward Zionist headquarters being set up at Jerusalem in fulfillment of Daniel 11:45 and 2 Thes 2:4. Unlike past presidents, Trump didn’t sign the waiver to keep the US embassy in Tel Aviv. Trump announced that the US embassy is to be moved from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Trump recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

Immediately after Trump made these announcements promoting Zionism for Jerusalem, Trump gave a big speech in Pensacola, Florida denouncing NAFTA, TPP, globalism, the sub-ordination of the USA under the UN, and similar MAGA verbage. And the crowds cheered on. There are video collages with clips of Trump saying the Clintons are great alongside clips of Trump saying the Clintons are terrible. Trump lies and contradicts himself more than any politician I can remember, even BS Clinton and Obama ben Lying.

Trump made a big move promoting Jew World Order, one world government, by recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. Jerusalem is touted as the “International City.” Think international as in global as in global government headquartered at Jerusalem. Immediately after Trump announced that the US embassy will be moved from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, Trump gave his anti-globalism speech in Florida denouncing NAFTA, globalism, etc. Trump’s statements on globalism are just opposite his actions on globalism.

Trump does the opposite of what he says. Trump says he will stop the migrant flood, but that must mean the migrant flood will continue, because Trump does opposite what he says. Trump said great sounding stuff at his Florida speech, but his speeches are made to hide his true plans. If Hillary Rotten had been elected matters would only be the same or worse. Donald and Hillary were both selected by Rothschild agents. Satan and his children are leading the world down the road to the great tribulation and Armageddon.

Brother Nathanael Kapner #racist realjewnews.com

As I’ve informed you all before, JEWtoob put a fellow monkey-Jew on my back EVERY TIME I upload a Video. JEWtoob has threatened to SHUT ME DOWN with TWO STRIKES against me and ‘three strikes’ you’re out.

This NEW Video is hopefully “Kosher for not being PASSOVER-ED.” But yew never know with a JEW monkey on your back.

Jew-censors may not eat Pigs and keep kosher but to NO avail. They ARE Pigs and full of all uncleaness! May their own wickedness fall back on their OWN Jew-accursed heads and quick.

AND, that Goyim Shill, Eric Schmidt, has to be one of the most CONTEMTPABLE shilsl that works for the Jews, who actually said that he will “de-rank” RT.com for “misinformation.” What is ‘misinformation’ Mr Jew-pleasing Schmidt? It’s TRUTH that is sorrowfully misplaced on a JEW venue, JEWgle and JEWtube.

bruce dimo #racist realjewnews.com

The Jews will play a huge role, in the destruction of the planet, for the sake of evil in the end days. They will eventually get their ovens, and drag us all in with them.

But, I know Jesus. Keep telling the truth, Brother.

Michael Mazur #racist realjewnews.com

I emailed the Simon Wiesenthal centre with this:

Rabbi Cooper, I saw a clip of you on C Span speaking about anti Semitism on campuses. Look, this is beyond stupid, there’s everything healthy in being opposed to Jews — let’s not be coy by calling it anti Semitism, for your guys are the biggest mass murderers of all time.

Solzhenitsyn wrote of the 66,000,000 Russian Christians your guys mass murdered between 1917 and 1957. You know the truth of this, but you still have the chutzpah to impose on our natural magnanimity just so you can spout your imagined, or otherwise fake grievances, as if you’re the eternal victim.

You can only continue to intimidate people like this only because too many still believe The Holcaust b/s, which you know is exactly that, as you would know that your very own renowned historian of his day, Jacob Marcus, wrote in the 1950 edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica that ’several thousand Jews died in the war’.

I also well know that during the first 39 years of the last century the US mainstream media carried 15 stories about the alleged plight of Jews in Eastern Europe, already regaling the reader about the ‘extreme suffering’ — yes, the actual expression used, of 6,000,000 Jews, each of these 15 times.

All fakery, but you then had your chance to stick the 6,000,000 to the Germans, who were in no condition to refute your lies, having had 22,000,000 of their finest mass murdered in a war you had declared on them on 24/3/1933, but fought by duped others on your behalf. I’m heartily sick of the lot of you, just get your parasitical carcasses — including Weinstein, and hundreds like him in Hollywood, out of our lives. Go to Mars, terrorform that planet, as you’ve ruined ours already.

Ted Gorsline #racist realjewnews.com

Perhaps the ugliest aspect of Jewish culture is its persistent drive to not only control all media, in all countries (See Gordon Duff’s articles about Google jigsaw), but to deliberately shut down freedom of speech in every Country where they set up shop.

As a culture they invaiably wilt under the glare of public scrutiny and try their best to hide in the shadows. That is why they always strive shut down freedom of speech. They have already killed freedom of speech in Germany, Austria and Canada.

Controlling all media and killing freedom of speech is one thing they know how to do well. The Palestinians are true Semitic people and the Ashkenazi Jews that kill them and rob their land on a regular basis are half-Caucasian.

I don’t mind criticizing Caucasians because I am one of them. The issue has never been race and anti-Semitism. The issue has always been bad behaviour and nobody does bad behaviour better than the Jews. Just ask Barney Frank and Harvey Weinstein.

Allegedly these men had an ungodly liason and Mr. Frank is now said to be pregnant. Rumour has it that they will soon have a Caucasian Jewish baby and will name him Frankenstein.

If the world really wants to fight anti-Semitism the first thing it has to do is start fighting the Jews.

Ted Gorsline #racist realjewnews.com

There is a fantastic story on the Veterans Today website by Gordon Duff who as usual gloms on to other people’s videos. It’s must viewing and the first video of the three confirms everything Bro Nat has been saying about Trump and the Jews.

The story is called “Breakthrough Case For War with Israel over 9/11!” It’s a must watch.

The very first of the three videos proves that just as Bro Nat has said, Trump is mired deep in Jewish doo doo. The swamp of which he speaks is a lot cleaner.

Trump is truly mired and standing on his tip toes in a Jewish sewage lagoon with foul smelling liquid already up to his nose, and hoping Bibi or Sheldon or Bloomberg or Chuckie Schumer or Diane Feinstein or Harvey Slimestain or any of the many other Hebligans don’t come roaring up in a motor boat and make a wave.

VT has included diagrams showing just how Israel, the Jewish state, or in other words the Jews did 9/11, thus formerly declaring total war on the United States (almost 3,000 dead), Canada (160 dead), and Britain (60 dead) by attacking these thousands of their innocent citizens in the World Trade Center.

The attack on America was a cookie cutter repeat of Pearl Harbour in its intensity and death toll, but fortunately the Pearl Harbour attack did sprout a workable template that can now be used against Israel since it did work on Japan. Just do whatever works. No need to make a new plan.

The template is this.

1) Nuke Tel Aviv and Haifa instead of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

2) Bomb Israel into rubble until it resembles Hiroshima, Dresden or Syria.

3) Occupy Israel for 70 years and put all the Jewish leaders on trial accoring to standards set by the Rothschild family in their castle at the Nuremburg Trials.

4) Starve to death millions of Jewish soldiers as was done to German soldiers at the end of WW2.

5) Round up and put in concentration camps everyone in the Western world that has an obvious loyalty to the savage Jewish war machine, beginning with well known personalities such as Wolf Blitzer and Christina Anampour.

6) Make baseball Israel’s national sport (It became Japan’s National Sport following WW2) to keep the Jews busy while the land is returned to its rightful Palestinian owners.

7) Set up Indian reservation-type accommodations for the Jewish People on the melting Ross Ice Shelf in Antarctica allowing them to live in tepees and come and go from the reserve on the same basis they now apply to Palestinians.

In other words treat Jews the same way they treat other people. Applying Jewish values to Jews ought to work.

AJ #racist realjewnews.com

Our leaders today clearly have no moral courage. It’s outrageous that Republicans and conservatives are not loudly defending Roy Moore against the almost certainly false accusations.

Even Trump is wishy-washy when he should be using his bully pulpit to shout down Moore’s accusers. Although I don’t agree with many of Moore’s political views it’s indefensible how the Zionist Jew press is trying to destroy his career and reputation.

In their arrogance the Jews will invent the most ridiculous lies and think the public will fall for it. The made up Trump story about him dumping a whole box of fish food into a koi pond while in Asia is the latest laughable example. Trump needs to fulfill his promise of opening up libel laws against the press when they knowingly publish false news articles. Lawsuits are a wonderful thing, and Trump should pursue massive legal action against the Jewish run press for libel.

Koen #racist realjewnews.com

Zionist Jews have total control over everything, money, oil, China, North Korea, America, England, Saudi Arabia, exact science, etc, etc —

WWIII is slowly starting up per design, just like WWI and WWII. NK will be invaded, then the Saudis start a war with Iran, together with Israel. Oil prices will sky rocket, all Western countries will face the worst economy ever. The power struggle in the Saud family is a bad omen; the anti-Israel family members who still hoped for peace are gone now. But the real control factor of importance here is the SCIENCE OF EINSTEINIAN PHYSICS, which prevented the development of superior energy technology, according to the research by Tesla and T.H. Moray (50KWatt of electric power from a small box, day and night, observed and declared as true by several patent office clerks and PhD in physics, who all signed affidavits).

Obviously we are too stupid to turn back a century of Jewish meddling in Western Christian exact sciences (aka Classical Physics). It is “modern physics” now, based on Einstein’s mesjogge relativity theory (which he stole from other bad physicists) that was promoted by the Jewish controlled press for obvious reasons. Jews work as a team on all levels.

According to the Jewish version of physics, the energetic cosmic waves Tesla and Moray talked about, don’t exist. So the solution to all our problems is all around us, but we are too blind to understand how to convert this cosmic energy into electricity.

B #racist realjewnews.com

The Jewish Zionist often repeated biblical claim that Jews have the eternal right to control today’s land of Israel because God promised it to them in the Bible (Torah), never mentions the likely possibility that it was God (and not really the Goyim) who actually caused the recently ending Jewish Diaspora to occur.

This Jewish Zionist claim of the eternal Jewish Zionist ownership of Israel never mentions the possibility at all that God has the right and ability to force all the Jews out of Israel. No evidence is ever given that it was not God who caused the recently ending Jewish Diaspora to occur.

Bad Mob Rising #racist realjewnews.com

Even in ancient times, 2000 years ago, the Jews worked up the mobs to scream: Crucify him! Crucify him! The Jews used chaos, madness, and mob action against Jesus, Stephen, Paul, and other leading Christians as documented in the Holy Bible.

As is often discussed on this site and is related in the Bible, the Jews aka Mystery Babylon are responsible for the blood of the saints, the wars, and those who have been murdered. Wars are large groups of mobs organized and incited by Zionists to destroy or murder. It’s no accident God refers to Jews as rebels in Scripture. Jews have thousands of years of experience and collective knowledge with inciting rebellion, mobs, wars, and government overthrows. The children of the devil, as Jesus called the Jews, are the false shepherds which the Bible warns would rip and tear the flock.

Now, Zionists are organizing people into opposing mobs all over the world in anticipation of ovethrows and rebellions against old order governments. Races, religions, political parties, have been organized and set up to fight or destroy each other. The Protocols say that one Zionist plan is to use global chaos, madness, perversion, riots to make goy governments look so bad that goys will gladly trade their government for peace, stability, law, order, to escape mobs, madness, murder, and mayhem.

This last desperate attempt by Satan and his children to establish their Jew World Order looks like the recipe for the Great Tribulation. The Protocols for Zionists to establish their JWO look horribly similar to prophecy about the Great Tribulation and the end time terrors.

Jews vs Jesus #racist realjewnews.com

NBC delayed broadcasting Jewish journalist Lisa Meyers’ interview with Juanita Broaddrick linked below, about Bill Clinton raping Broaddrick, until after the Senate voted not to remove Clinton from office. The Jews’ media hid this Clinton rape from the public as long as possible. People who knew about it kept asking why is the media so intent on hushing up the rape of JB.

After the Jews’ media cover-up and silence on this Clinton rape became a big scandal in itself, NBC finally aired the toned-down, damage-control interview with JB linked below. BUT the Jews delayed broadcasting Clinton’s rape until AFTER the Senate voted not to remove Clinton from office. Just as the Jews’ media strategically timed the JB rape broadcast for AFTER the Senate voted on Clinton’s removal from office, the Jews’ media has now waited until just BEFORE the vote for Roy Moore in his election.

The Zionist Jews hate Moore because he fought against removing the Ten Commandments from the courthouse and because Moore strongly opposed pro-queer laws. The Jews’ media covered for Clinton, did all they could to protect Clinton from his very serious charges on sex crimes. But the Jews’ media is now doing all they can to destroy Roy Moore for his far less serious allegations.

The Jews media attacks on Roy Moore have nothing to do with justice for women and everything to do with preventing a sincere Christian from being elected. It’s all about the Zionist destruction of Christianity and nothing else. Zionists don’t want Christians in power, in political office. FoxJews has jumped on the Jews media bandwagon to destroy Moore. Fox guarding the henhouse news occasionally shows their true colors like with this. FoxNews pretends to be pro Christian while they broadcast their subtle poison by helping the rest of the Jews’ media poison the election for Roy Moore.

The worst accusations to come out against Roy Moore so far is that he touched a woman over her clothing. But of course the Jews’ media reports it as sexual assault trying to make it seem like something Bill Clinton did. If Moore was accused by somebody besides Jews’ media stooges, it might be something to take serious. But the media has a wicked history of protecting evil doers like Clinton while smearing squeaky clean Chrisitians like Michele Bachman.

Whether Roy Moore even saw or knew the so-called victim 40 years ago is anybody’s guess. The mass media attacks on Moore imply that he really is a Christian. Otherwise the Jews media wouldn’t attack Moore so viciously. It goes without saying that the Jews media did all they could to limit the damage to Slick Willie in the rape interview with JB.

Frank PentangeliR #racist realjewnews.com

Jew-S-A. Jew-S-A. Jew-S-A. It’s all Jews all the time. This country is over. It’s too late.

Trump was Jewed in all the time from the start. It was a reverse psychology operation on the public. This had to be the biggest dupe of all time. However, wasn’t this brilliant? They had the press attack Trump and even the Congress only for it to fall right into their hands in the end. Ha.

It never deceived me and I’m sure others saw right through it. It’s a one party system masquerading as two — and Trump and his Jews just figured out a different plan!

Zebo #racist realjewnews.com

The Saudis has been installed with the help of the Anglo-Saxon (=ziopuppets) and the originally ruling family has been kicked out of Mekka.

That’s why we see Jews being best butt-buddies with them.

And these guys are masters in weaving webs of secret power structures-be it with freemasons, think tanks, NGO’s, the Federal Reserve, IMF, Bolshevik Revolution, disintagration of the Ottoman Empire(destroyed by the Jewish sponsored Young Turks and Donmeh + Lawrence of Arabia); or the Jew Philipp Goldberg who helped breaking up Yugoslawia (and later Yugoslawien president has been protested out of government by George Soros Spring protesters) and then went to Bolivia to do the same(but was kicked out soon enough).

And I wonder how many of those hippie leaders in the USA (in Europa it was the pedophile jew Cohn Bendit who led student protests in France & Germany and promoted Jewish Marxism, Jewish Frankfurt School and Jewish Polymorphic Perversion(S. Freud) were Jews, and wether a Jew had coined the term “flower power” which then was promoted by the gong show-run by a jew?

And I’m pretty sure that the next Jewish puppets (result of Spring protests) in the Orient will be the Kurds. Jews are helping them to become independent and in return turning them into zio buttkissers as the Saudis, Kuwaitis and most countries of Europe already are.

(One just need to find out who is buying most of the Kurdish oil in Syria & Iraq).

Lebanon and Armageddon #racist realjewnews.com

War and trouble between Lebanon and Israel during the end time seems likely based on prophecy about Armageddon. The town of Megiddo, near Israel’s border with Lebanon, is where the word Armageddon comes from. Megiddo is located in northern Israel about 35 miles south of Lebanon’s border with Israel. Armageddon is translated from the original greek scripture as hill of Megiddo, valley of Megiddo, or something similar.

Various books of the bible speak of this region around Megiddo in discussing end time prophecy. This region is also known as Esdraelon and Jezreel. It is said to be a strategic military location; that the army which controls this region has a big military advantage, that many battles have been fought there over the ages. In light of Zionist plans outlined in the Protocols of Zion and the end time horrors prophesied by Daniel and Revelation, it appears that Satan’s Jew World Order will be what causes the great tribulations; that one bitter fruit of the JWO will be the great tribulations.

Satan knows his time is short and it’s only getting shorter. After Satan subordinates the nations under his JWO government it won’t turn out any better than it did with the 90 million Russians who were murdered by the Bolshevik Jews after they slaughtered the Czar and his family and seized power. Stalin showed us what to expect from JWO rule. Prophecy says the power of the holy people (Christians) will be completely shattered at the time of the end. It sounds like Satan’s JWO will be in something like a fight to the death against Christianity, even though most Christians may remain blind to who is destroying them.

Man will become as scarce as fine gold. Seven women will pursue one man - which suggests most men will die in war. No flesh would survive unless Jesus returns and cuts the tribulations short.

Megiddo (Armageddon) being on the northern edge of Israel toward the Lebanon border hints at hostilities between Lebanon and Israel during fulfillment of propechy about Armageddon.

End time prophecy about the last ruler / king / kingdom to fall before Jesus returns: He will establish his royal headquarters on the holy temple mount between the Mediterranean sea and the Dead sea. Then he will be destroyed and no one will help him. Dan 11:45.

It sounds like the JWO head will fall partly because gentiles will learn the truth about Zionism so that they won’t HELP cut their own throat any more. You will know the truth and the truth will set you free - John 8:32. The net spreads info much better than anything previously. Newspapers and TV are one-way broadcasts transmitted from Jews to the masses. But the net lets goys transmit info to the masses, like with this post. Well, maybe not to the masses, but maybe to hundreds or to thousands.

Smart guy #conspiracy realjewnews.com

Israel was behind ISIS a most in-human war machine which was also supported by the US CIA. The president is not in control of the CIA. Support for Saudi Arabia which was responsible for 911 is treason. The President’s support for Israel now makes him a traitor to the US. He made a campaign promise to sever ties to Saudi Arabia who are known to support terrorism.

We now have to engage in massive civil disobedience refusing to allow any weapons to be sent to Saudi Arabia. If Saudi Arabia goes to war on the side of Israel they will not get any support from the citizens. Neither will the president get any support from Americans to fight on the side of Israel which also carried out 911.

Johann #racist realjewnews.com

Shame on the wicked Jews for trying to shut down your jewtube account. Why can they not stand to hear the truth like normal human beings can? Has it something to do with the fact that their father is the Devil, the father of all lies?

Why do they still refuse to listen to the words of truth coming to us all from 2000 years ago from Lord Jesus Christ? God Bless you Brother and your ministry.

Cavalier #racist realjewnews.com

I have heard that perhaps the main reason for the Balfour Declaration was International Jews had promised to put pressure on Woodrow Wilson to get America involved in the war.

Germany was winning and had offered generous peace terms, but the arrogant English had to maintain world dominance. Of course after 2 ruinous wars the British Empire is no more and even England itself may fall to Communist inspired Third World immigration.

AJ #racist realjewnews.com

Jews have destroyed much that was once great about American society and culture. I don’t even watch TV or go to the movies anymore. Everywhere you look the quality of American culture has been debased and infused with secularism, liberalism, feminism, lewdness, etc. For many years I noticed the decline in American culture from when I grew up in the 80’s, when we still did not have as much pervasive Jewish influence, especially in television.

Then the Jews took over creation of nearly all the TV shows and their influence increased even more in American cinema. The antiChrist, anti-American agenda and mind-control was something I detected in our popular culture from an early age, but it wasn’t until later I discovered the source.

Irene Bonney Faulkes #racist realjewnews.com

Yes, Jewry is a people, who have made themselves a seduction, a fictitious romance, particularly to the hundreds of millions of Christian Church attendees. They say they are entitled to a ‘Holy City’, Jerusalem, a revered people even god-like and without a doubt such are filled with pride and arrogance. One of their books suggests ‘God adores the Jews’. Such blasphemy. Instead of the True God being adored, He, the Holy One, adores them who are the very antithetical.

Their Pharisaic Judaism is a swindle, a hoax, of mammoth proportions. There is inbred within them a mentality that can be classed as that of the egomaniac and arrogant from demon gods. With certitude it can be said that there has been a bequest from centuries of Rabbis, with their internicine squabbles and infernally confused thinking surrounding every possible point of their supposedly based Scriptural beliefs. But of course, their beliefs are not based on the actual Pentateuch of the Old Testament is a falsity. Their Torah is not of the Old Testament.

It would be a grave error to wipe them off as harmless. They have masqueraded as the Jew of the Bible, and even that name ‘Jew’ is not found therein. Rather just as they have paraded themselves as ‘the Chosen People of God’, so have they formulated for themselves in English, a name that had not existed until it was done in the eighteenth century. Rothschilds alone would know the part played by then in this regard. These Jews have composed for themselves a mystique imposed upon Christendom and even on the world that as a result is afraid to even mention the Holocaust for fear of their vengeance.

Indeed, what is the world fearing at their hands? Whence this fear? It is the throttle-hold upon not only a multitude of churches but on mankind as a whole. Obeisance is performed to such because, unknowingly to the majority of both those in churches and outside, the occult rules our world. One may well laugh but think of the power of Yoga with which many Westerners consult. They remain, those Jews, of whom one of their eminent Statesmen said: ‘A Jew is whoever calls himself a Jew’, a mirage on the road, a will of the wisp, never appearing in the basic reality.

They themselves, relate their own story to those who find it, as a motley crowd, dispassionate, hoaxers, fakers, pretenders, collaborators, factional, deceivers, sexual deviates, with sex gods and a sex goddess blasphemously called Shekinah, or Lillith, with their androgynous Demiurge and his female part. So why, you millions of Christians, are you afraid to act in no other way than to bless today’s Israel or its Jews who are not Hebrews or Israelites? The blessing and curse was given, in any case, only to Abraham and not to the nation that would come out of his loins.

The Christians in particular, have been hexed and so also has the whole world. This is the reality of our earthy existence. Those who know India, as an example, confront on many occasions, the depth of demonic sway over a nation. Why were the Beatles so enamored of that Eastern world? The Mantras of Yoga are powerful. Like Brother Nathanael, we do not hate the people as people but the evil. Just as we do not make a friend of an ongoing robber and murderer, neither do we choose to have one of the present kind in Jewry, as a friend.

We would rather give them the gospel of peace in Christ Jesus. Possibly in the main, they will never know Christ except on the Judgment Day when they will all be resurrected to face Him and his wrath. But there are those who may. I have a friend from a Christian Church who follows Christ it would appear, but loves the Jews, and then she discovered she was a descendant of the Rothschild dynasty. She is still my friend but at a distance because ‘How can two walk together unless they are agreed?’

Recently a person contacted me, being of Jewish descent from his Russian grand-parents who escaped that land. He now loves the Lord Jesus and is in amazement at the present Christian adoration of Israel. Yes, there are others, and there is Brother Nathanael, whom we love in truth. To us he is one of those called ’saints’ by Paul, in ‘To the saints who are at Ephesus’, all the true believers. There is much hope that some of them even through this site, will come to be known of the Lord Jesus.

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