Confessions of the Illuminati, Ask and I Will Tell What I Know
I'm tired of humanity and wish to get the ball rolling so here goes...
Here are some of the numerous things I wish to confess:
1. In the 70s and prior, members of the Illuminati used a certain item to identify themselves. If you had a male relative with a basement full of any one item and you didn't know why, now you know. I'm not talking a few shelves, I'm talking at least a room-sized section of the basement full of nothing but the same item. It would be a type of item that is easily purchasable. Whenever the member needed to gain access to events, they would show the item in their possession to gain entry. They were involved in so many clandestine operations that they were unable to possibly consume the many packages they bought. Hence, they would store them, out of sight, in the basements of their homes.
I know exactly what particular item was used. I don't wish to fully disclose now, because I would like to see if anyone comes forward with that information on their own.
This same item has popped back up on the store shelves with the very same packaging that was used in the 70s which leads me to believe it is very possible that it is being used as an identifier again.
2. The main mission of the Illuminati is to find those of the bloodline from the York Rite. The York Rite has the ability to procreate freely while the Illuminati do not.
Many of you have been correct in your assessments of who the Illuminati are. Most do not understand why they are not able to procreate though. There are many tales within our families of why this is so. The most often passed around is that after the Flood, part of the DNA that allowed inter-species replication was "shut off" by God.
Our mission has been to locate anyone of pure York Rite ancestry and create a hybrid being that can allow us to propagate the earth once again.
3. The main means that we are using now to "smoke out" those of the proper ancestry is the rampant and often incorrect use of symbolism. The Illuminati has tried many other means in the past and are now getting desperate.
Many books are being written about the "lost symbol". What is incorrectly assumed is that it is the symbol itself that is needed. The truth is that it is the person who is in possession of the symbol that is sought after.
It is common knowledge that many families have passed artifacts down as inheritance. Even more so for those in the elite families, regardless of the line. These items contain symbols that have never seen the light of day correctly displayed. We know this and have sought to "smoke out" anyone willing to correct our incorrect use of symbols. So far, the York Rite have proved to be a very clandestine group and have educated their offspring well on keeping these items hidden.
5. One of the most important symbols is the single pyramid. Most of you know at least 100 meanings for this symbol. Here is the most important:
The single pyramid represents reproduction. We use the pyramid structure because, unlike the square, the path to the apex is definite. It would probably be easier to illustrate the point which I may be able to do at a later time. Just imagine you start at the bottom of the pyramid and travel upwards, you will always end up in the apex. With a square, however, you really have no way of knowing which is the final point you need to arrive at.
The pyramid shown with it's capstone removed, represents the ability to reproduce freely being removed from us through the "shutting off" of parts of our DNA.
6. We seek those who have the mirror image of this pyramid structure on artifacts passed down to them from family. This symbol has never been seen presented the correct way. It's a very common symbol as well but it is deliberately changed to try to "smoke out" those that know its true meaning.
I will give you all a very big hint: Hitler used it frequently. He wasn't the only one though, not by a long shot. Most of you will never guess what the significance of this symbol is because it has never been presented in the correct way.
Any other confessions depend on what you guys ask me.