
Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

You probably believe the bunkers have something to do with continuity of government in the case of a world war. LOL, how gullible you are. The reality is that those bunkers act as secret clone farms, kept far from prying eyes. Each TPTB member's bunker houses at least three dozen healthy, well-fed, genetically identical clones of themselves, raised in captivity from birth.

Every time Cheney's heart starts to fail again, he has the healthiest clone in the farm slaughtered, and the corpse's heart is then transplanted into his own body. All DNA matches perfectly: Zero chance of organ rejection, zero chance of incompatibility, and zero chance of failure.

Liver, kidney, or pancreas failing? Have lung cancer? Not a problem for these guys. They each have an endless supply of perfect replacement organs.

You don't hear about it much, but complete spinal cord and brain-swapping surgery is also completely achievable, and has been performed successfully in experiments on animals many times in the past century. The animal always survives as long as the brain is kept on ice and the surgery is completed in less than 90 minutes. Granted, the animal still dies within a week, but that is just because it's a completely different animal's body. That isn't a problem for Cheney and Kissinger, where their clone's host body is genetically identical to them.

Once these guys get old enough that their entire body has fallen apart beyond the capacity for repair via these patch jobs, they'll simply have their brain and spinal cord directly transplanted into an 18-year-old clone's body whose brain was removed. They'll start over with a completely new identity. Nobody would suspect that a guy who looks vaguely similar to a teenaged Dick Cheney is actually, in fact, Dick Cheney.

WHO DAT???? #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com


California is under attack by Obama the State Dept they are destroying and destabilizing the environment taking away water and land in the process.

The UV up here is over 10 and higher you are cooked by chemtrails and solar radiation when you are in the sun its so obvious they are targeting this state to make a CRISIS!!!!

They are making a drought over the state so they can put us into MARTIAL LAW.

Obama and his minions are want to move 28 MILLION PEOPLE OUT OF CALIFORNIA!!!!!


Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Shuttle Challenger in 1986 versus shuttle Columbia in 2003: Typology of Illuminati Theatre
Disaster of the (model of) Shuttle Challenger in 1986 and "disaster" of the "shuttle Columbia" in 2003 are two examples related to the fraud of the" International Space Station " ISS (1), illustrating the same category of theater, from the point of view of frequency and duration: both had a special representation only. (2)

Interestingly from the perspective of the classification depending on whether the first act is staged or not, shuttle Challenger in 1986 and shuttle Columbia in 2003 do not belong to the same base category:
- NASA had to stage the "death" of "astronauts" in 1986, due to a real first act, the explosion of the rocket after being launched. The goal of staging the "death of astronauts" act is obviously to cover up the fraud. Reminder: the "Space Shuttle" visible on launch attached to the rocket is only a model, with no "astronaut." In fact the interior is completely empty.
- In the case of Columbia in 2003 it was staged by NASA from the beginning, the goal of of the screenplay was to sell the credibility of the fraud, by adding hazards to the hoax. Reminder: the Space Shuttle is only packaged as a special airplane, the public can not attend the landings because it is necessary to cover-up the noise of the jets.

(1) Angel Vladimir Putin, sent by God, and end the fraud of the ISS in the words of the Prophet of the End of the Era:
[link to nasa-hoaxes.blogspot.com]

(2) More examples of using the ISS hoax to illustrate categories of theater in terms of frequency and duration:
[link to illuminati-theater.blogspot.com]

don,t follow the sheep #fundie godlikeproductions.com

EBOLA, you realy think that eating flesh is good for you

150 Billion animals worldwide are being slaughtered each year,

do you think your Creator is happy about this,

are you one of those who say , "well if i stopped eating flesh it would still happen",

wake up. you've been programed,

when you eat flesh, you are taking part in an satanic illuminati ritual.

they have you all following the sheep infront,

The Creator has sent a cure, and he will not stop until all the flesh eaters of this planet have left,

i mean, use your individual logical comon sense,

if you eat flesh, you have dirty robes,

if you don't eat flesh you have clean robes,

now all you flesh eaters, will get angry about this,

but thats understandable,

because it taste good,
you can't live without it,

you need to make a choice,

abhie #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

ICE IS COLD - Stay Alert America . ISIS is an Illuminati creation.

Stay alert people. The ICE bucket is cold. ICE IS COLD . ISIS COLD. ICE KILLS as in firemen being electrocuted. Coming out from the cold.
What did you see? Celebs all over drenching themselves in a bukcet of ice. What is your mind connecting that with? If you are a Christian, you know the answer: baptism. Celebs leading the world through baptism.

Lots more in there. Subliminals.

Probably a HUGE false flag coming up into the US. Planned months back. Everything is a set up. Actors to the core. THink Superman movie. Double trident. Diagonally opposite locations. Check the threads on MH370.

Don't let your guard down.
WIll post if I come across anything. I am in temporary hibernation.

Abhie #fundie godlikeproductions.com

The Christians are by far the most superior humans on Earth, based on character, second only to the Buddhists monks. Christians, I have seen, radiate love. Hindus are cautious and defensive. Muslims create a shield of non- approachability. Buddhists are present, aware, ever encompassing. Jews have a red light flashing above their heads.

SarahC #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

[Re. Muslim student in my children's Christian school?]

Probably an ISIS parents spy, to see how easy it would be to get educators changed, and have the educational regime altered.

Pay special attention to what your kids learning!

If they start telling you there is nothing higher than God, and that capitalism is bad, and that the West is sick... you may have found a terrorist training cell for young kids!

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

False flag ? Girl that fainted behind Obama is Adam Lanza in drag ??

The "Girl" that fainted behind the President today looks a lot like Adam Lanza < the whack job that murdered all those children in a school shooting.
Is it just me that thinks this ? they could have kept him on med's and let his hair grow out, her hair looks all wrong, in my opinion , they dress him in drag , a bra , dress and some tissue paper boobies.
I have no idea why they would do such a thing, but I do enjoy the speculative conspiracy theories and the 'disaster actors' thing is interesting too.
I invite you to observe, comment and compare pictures.
What if I'm right ? Yikes!

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

I propose that extraterrestrial lizards (hereinafter called "aliens") are talking to us through the tires on our cars. These aliens lack vocal cords, so in order to communicate with us through sound, they shape shifted into highway construction workers and cut grooves into sections of highways so that our tires would produce a particular sound. When you go different speeds, your tires make different pitch sounds. The aliens cut the grooves into different patterns with different gaps between the grooves. Both speed and groove arrangement affects the words the aliens say to us through our tires. Wake up and LISTEN!

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

I always laughed at the whole idea of Elvis being alive, thought it was one of the more ridiculous CT's...

Then yesterday I saw a clip of Lisa Marie Presley on Larry King and he asks her something to the effect of "Do you ever feel like you're channeling your father?"

The bitch goes squirrelly instantly, she's almost convulsing in her chair shes so nervous and caught up, shes stuttering and stammering then finally says I don't wanna answer the question or something like that... then King says "it's ok you're not in a court room." and they quickly move on.

Based on her reaction alone, I know he didn't die that day, the way it is stated. If he's alive still to this day is anyones guess, but I believe strongly based on her reaction there's far more to the story. I was NEVER a fan of Elvis, I have zero emotion attached to this like most people.

Peach #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com


Could this be why the moon's appearance has been noticebly different lately?


Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Remember, they could poison the chemtrails (even more than they are already) with any virus or disease they want to and no one would ever be able to stop them.

Here's how it would go: cover story begins to break that parts of world are hit by Ebola. It's actually fake news, but it gets the cover story out there.

Then, Ebola or some other shitty disease is inserted into the chemtrail recipe, and millions become infected. Our corrupt Nazi leaders then simply blame the spread of the disease on "close contact" that citizens are having with each other.

YOU DON'T THINK THEY'RE CONSIDERING THIS? You're naïve, and you're wrong.

nmhaupt #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Here are some unexplained anomalies about the "Space Program"

1. The 1969 F1 engine used on the Saturn V are considered the most powerful rocket engines every built.

What's the other technology that peaked in 1969?
The one thousands of people worked on poured in billions of dollars of research, design and engineering and we still can't beat what we did in 1969?


In every field of technical endeavor 1969 is far in the past. Except for "Space Flight."

This is your first clue that Space Flight isn't real.They tried knowing it wouldn't work, it didn't work and they faked the mission and stopped development.

2. Where are all the rocket scientists?

I can name a dozen Chemists, Physicists, Nuclear Scientists, Automotive pioneers and aeronautic inventors but when it comes to people who have built rockets that have successfully traveled in space the only name that comes to mind is Wernher von Braun. That's it. All those missions, all those rockets and only one name.

You would expect to see more names bandied about if building space rockets were a real thing. Places like M.I.T. and Caltech don't offer degrees of Doctorates in building rockets. They are supposedly man's greatest achievements and nobody wants to work with them?

Wouldn't it make the career of a scientist to build a new type of space rocket? But no smart young people waste their careers on a technology that only exists on TV and the Movies.

The smart people know rockets don't travel through the vacuum. It's actually fairly easy to prove but the post gets deleted.

smokingmirrors #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

MH17 , Boston bombing, Sandy hook, all of these events have one thing in common, SLOPPYness. Like that one guy with his leg blown off in a wheelchair in Boston, crisis actors. MH17 he passports are in perfect condition, and the bodies were supposedly decomposing as if they had been there for a month. Bottom line here is, whoever orchestrates these false flags ALWAYS does a very sloppy job and it is easy to see through. You think for how supposedly "powerful" these people are that they could do a better job with these false flags.

Walter White #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Hello, my name is Walter and I reside in Maryland, United States. Last night something happened that changed my life forever and possibly will change yours. I won't write an entire essay and I will keep it short and get to the point. To begin with, this is a true story and it is your choice to believe it or not. All I ask is you keep an open mind. It was about 7:11 yesterday and I had decided i should cut the grass before it gets dark. It took me merely a hour to cut the grass and by the time it was done, It was pretty much dark. As I'm putting away the lawn mower and gardening equipment, I hear a high pitched tone followed by a bright light. The light was coming from my backyard and as I went back there to investigate I saw it. It was about 5'6, had multiple arms, and 4 eyes. It looked really weird as nothing ive ever seen before. As I approached it, I felt at peace. Like there was nothing to be afraid of. I wanted to call the police but with some kind of telekenetic force, it communicated with me. The next thing i know im on the floor and i wake up 30 mins later with my pants down to my knees. I am not clear what happened but it was a terrible night

-GLP-Christian- #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

There's no coincidences when it comes to the black arts, and comedy is an integral part in seducing a population into the black arts.

Maybe that Williams guy woke up from the seduction he had done and those crappy ideals they used him to spread, like sodomy, cross dressing, pro abortion crap etc. so they took him out, by staging a suicide.

WHO DAT???? #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

[On the death of Robin Williams]

Robin was murdered folks here is the numerology to back up my claim.

Look at the date GLP. 11 august. 11 is prime occult number by the Illuminati so you are correct. Williams was pronounced dead at 12:02 p.m. (1+2+0+2=5) , it said. He is age he died was 63 (6+3=9)
The Numbers of the Serpent Occult Religion.

The most venerated occult numbers are: 3, 6, 9, 11, 13, and multiples thereof, especially 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77. A triplication of numbers is also considered sacred (possibly even more sacred) to the occultist: 111, 222, 333, and so fourth. The number 5 is the number of Death; also, an extremely scared number is the double 11, as in 11:11, or 11/11/11.

The number 7 and 12 are also an extremely important number universally. Seven is a number of complement and is considered a Divine number. Seven days in a week, seven colors to the rainbow. The occult will also use this number 7, but their favorite numbers are 11 and 6. The occult avoids using the numbers and multiplications of 4, 8, 10, and 12, unless they correlate with their numbers.


LionWarrior28 #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Weird Al Becomes an illuminati Puppet—.So Sad

I just lost all respect for Weird Al—this dude—I was a big fan of his for a long long time but now—.he can go fuck himself.

In his parody called ''Foil'' parodying Lorde's ''Royals'' he says in some of the lyrics this:

[Song Lyrics]

See this is what I hate, all the rest of what he said was cool but when he put the aluminum foil gage into the mix I'm like what a dick—cus he is trying to make anyone who is against the illuminati or NWO look crazy.

Fuck Weird Al, lets make a parody making fun of his ignorance lol.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Hilary Clinton is interested in life out of earth and you can see her reading a book about it on any search engine image results.

Now here's some more shocking detail and further PROOF Hilary Clinton is either one of these numbers; 1) A hyrbid extraterrestrial
2) An extraterrestrial abudctee 3) She has secret connections with a Secret Society in the deep know.

Hillary encouraged husband (who is a former President) to declassify UFO information and there is evidence the Clintons discussed ALiens and UFOs with a BIllionaire.

I'm not talking about crazy people online ranting on internet blogs, real government ET conversations by real politicians.

If Hillary Clinton gets elected as president do you think she will do anything to investigate the UFO phenomenon?

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Is our planet being terraformed using radioactivity.

You would have thought after the recent incidents that radioactive nuke stations would have been outlawed as there is the potential to kill everyone on the planet.

Could it be possible our planet is being terraformed to cater for an alien race that requires higher levels radioactivity to survive comfortably. It is a possibility i think, it may not be the case but its best to be open minded and not tunnel visioned.

We believe some aliens have no hair at all, this could be a result of high radiation on thier home planet(s).

If nuclear power is not outlawed globally we are all gonna be killed and we all know it. If we know this radiation will eventually kill us then so do TPTB.

This paradox leads to only three posibilites

1. TPTP have an escape plan and can get to another planet. Thus avoiding the radioactivity.
2. TPTB are alien and are terraforming our planet for thier own speices.
3. TPTB are happy to kill themselves along with us eaters. (not likely!!)

We know its not money related because they have all the momey in the world!

Each of these possibilities is disturbing


Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

I'm sure every good shill has read about Kaysing and René (though it's doubtful many have actually read their work, just the info-pack) but frankly all we have left from Apollo is poor-quality footage (original lost) and some transcripts. The original data and plans were all sadly lost by the geniuses at NASA who were too busy "doing science" to preserve their findings.

Seriously, the moon hoax is now widely exposed and recent polls show that a full third of Americans no longer believe in the moon landing fairy tale. I expect this percentage to climb rapidly as the Boomers (the most brainwashed generation in American history) die off.

All the proof regarding the hoaxed moon landing children's tale has been out there for decades. Read a book and shove the Mythbusters up your ass.

Next up, the ISS hoax exposed.

monkeytine #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Anyone remember the Berenstein Bears? Proof of PARALLEL UNIVERSE???

I just found a video on YouTube explaining how the name "Berenstein Bears" had been changed to "Berenstain Bears," sometime in the last few years even on old, vintage items. This could be proof of a parallel universe if it really has been changed. If you do a search for it, everything comes up as "Berenstain" on the books and/or items, but most of the listings are for the "Berenstein" Bears, as if the sellers or posters remember how it USED to be spelled.

I 110% remember it as "Berenstein," ALL my co-workers including parents who have bought the books for their children also remember it with an 'e,' but perhaps we could all just remember the spelling wrong?

What could be the reason behind changing the name (even in the past) if it, indeed, has been tampered with?

Shuracane #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com


Heres why, they hijacked MH370 then while the bullshit story of
They flew it to UKRAINE landed it covered it over then waited till
the right time then blew it up. And no one knew because the transponders were switched off, so no one could track it going to UKRAINE
This explains why no smoke trail, it was blown up on the FUCKIN GROUND. Thats why MH370 was hijacked and never found. It was hidden
in Ukraine. Very suspicious the video guy was filming as it blew up but got no footage of it hitting the ground. FALSE FLAG GUYS
If there is a runway or large road near where it supposedly hit
then 100% confirmed it was landed there and covered up

MrE #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Rep. Gabby Giffords is an actor. She was not shot in the head. 100% fabrication.

Anyone who is just coming to this thread or anyone who says "well it was going good until I watched this specific part, etc," PLEASE WATCH THIS VID.

It is showing how the entire Gabrielle Giffords shooting is a complete hoax and a fabricated event by DHS. Giffords in an actor. 100%

When you get shot in the head there is a tremendous amount of blood. In all video and pictures taken at the shooting, there was no blood whatsoever.

Watch this 5 minute clip and you will see it is all a hoax.

Wake up, welcome to the fake reality our puppet masters want us to accept.

Em18966 #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

If you look around the globe, there is a lot of very good real estate that is simply not being touched by humanity. Areas that have been designated as national parks, reserves, military bases, etc.

In general, sightings of UFOs and USOs concentrate heavily around these areas.

And you can't tell me that they have been left alone by our capitalist, greedy human governing officials for the good of the planet. That doesn't make any sense.

UFO's have been documented pretty much throughout all of recorded human history in one way or another, whether in art or ancient writings or religious beliefs.

I think that the global elite, the leaders REALLY pulling the strings, have probably always been in some kind of contact with these beings, or aware of them in some way, but I believe things REALLY got mixed up and tied together between humanity and these beings recently, like around the time of Roswell and Eisenhower's reported California conference with some ET's.

I'm not 100% sure of the relationship between these dudes and humanity, but I'm fairly certain that we are either their science/genetic experiment or slave laborers or a combination of both. I wouldn't be surprised if they have been manipulating our genes and breeding us to their specs for quite some time.

My truest epiphany on the situation came when I realized that in virtually all recorded sightings of Greys, witnesses report them as being nude. That doesn't really make sense if they came from somewhere far away - that is more something you would expect from a terrestrial being.

Not to mention the fact that their physical features are characteristic of what you'd expect to see in creatures that evolved in caves or deep under water - with the large eyes and pigmentless skin.

It also doesn't make sense to me that the most intellectually advanced life-form on planet Earth would evolve on it's surface. It just doesn't make sense. The surface of the Earth has been subjected to repeated and extreme climate changes, asteroid impacts and mass extinctions. All of our knowledge about evolution and the fossil record indicates that the species that survived were those that lived in the depths and underground.

I have a feeling that the whole Orson Wells 'War of the Worlds' broadcast was the original psy-op. Chances are, our government was beginning to realize that with human civilization expanding, people were going to be seeing more and more things that they couldn't explain. If they got martians on the brain, they would presume that what they were seeing came from somewhere other than Earth.

And because every LOGICAL and REASONABLE person knows that there's no such thing as martians, anyone who saw something or was abducted or bore witness to something that they couldn't easily explain could easily be labeled crazy and their stories dismissed as absolute lunacy.

Why the push for secrecy? Maybe our government wasn't given a choice - they are likely far more technologically advanced than we are and may have threatened to wipe us out. Or maybe our government didn't want the human civilization status quo messed with.

I do believe that they work in some kind of collaboration with humanities leaders, maybe exchanging tech for secrecy or something else entirely.

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com


Remember, the birth of Prince George last year was on 22/7 (day/month in the UK standard time).

22 / 7 = 3.14 = PI

This year 2014, we have again 22/7 = 3.14.




Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

They didn't come to my bedroom, but I saw them back in 2010. It was in the middle of the woods. I saw a light fly overhead and followed it. I saw it land on top of a hill, and as I made my way up to it, a fear overtook me. I was paralyzed for a moment as I heard the footsteps draw closer. Two beings came to me from either side. They had gray skin and big black eyes that pierced into my soul. I stared into those eyes and I lost consciousness. My next memory is picking myself off the ground. The light was gone and I was alone or so I thought.

I heard a whisper in my ear. The voice spoke about the new age to come. It told me the human race was about to experience a change. It told me the new world order was going to bring peace and understanding to all mankind. I was happy because they told me the aliens would soon come and show us a new way to live. However, I felt fear return. They kept speaking to me.

The voice changed to something dark. It told me such terrible things. It was raspy and full of hatred. It told me my soul would belong to them. It told me to kill myself and join them in another dimension, but I resisted. I laid down in the fetal position as this voice continued to speak. It told me there was no hope and I would burn in everlasting flames. I was so scared and I became hopeless. Time seemed to stand still and I knew there was no escape.

Finally, an idea came to me. I decided to pray to Jesus and I begged him to protect me from this voice. As soon as I did this, the voice changed to something beautiful and angelic. It told me all I had to do was accept Jesus as my lord and savior and he would protect me. I did just that and finally time started moving again. I became a christian that night and gave my life over to Jesus.

I know many won't believe me, but these grays are EVIL. They hate us and want to drag us to the pits of hell. This new world order is the kingdom of Satan manifested on the earth. My advice is to not invite evil into your life, but set your eyes on Jesus Christ, the only one who has power over all the darkness of this world and the one beneath us.

Don't be deceived. The grays are here and they are aligned with Satan. They are the enemy of God and of mankind. They are nothing more than demons and fallen angels. They want to convince us they are aliens who are here to help, but this couldn't be further from the truth.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Obama designed sandy hook school

Anyone interested in the Truth
Will only talk about the two dates
13 and 14
Cache date
That's it
Anyone Who carries on and on serves to confuse the public
With the psy op plethora of media scripted inconsistencies which go nowehere as evidence
And are deniable as mistakes
Anyone interested in the truth
Will repeat and repeat the dates only
That way the public will not be confused by the media news bullshit inconsistencies
The dates cache dates
are the concrete proof
That is un breakable evidence that convince
And adis
Ell any other bullshit that the perps throw out such as death cents etc
The dates are the only real evidecne
Hook sprung bee article cache date
And that is it
You want to make videos for hours long repeating the scripted lies of the news that made them advertising money for the peak script as tv slots go ahead
But it info
And they want they evetyone to know sandy hook was fake by the way
They want to see if they get angry or continue to worship big brother

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

I have noticed a change in the localization of Australia. Which I clearly remember was distant from other countries with exception of New Zealand. I almost passed out from shock when I checked the map, and noticed Australia had moved.

I also noticed Cuba has increased in size. And bahamas is now very close to Florida. South America used to be south america, it used to stay in the south, not southeast like it's now.

I also remember that Hitler had 2 children, I excelled in history, Its not a matter of bad memory. Now in this current timeline, he had no children at all.

Plus I also remember Billy Graham dying in the end of 2006.

It seems many people came from the same timeline and remember the exact same things.

I'd love to know any explanation for this phenomena.

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

I have recently had an epiphany about dinosaurs that makes perfect sense! You would have to be spiritual minded to see it so I suspect many scientific minded people will tell me I've lost it...that's okay.

Here was my idea, just as the fallen angels have manipulated with genetics to claim their own creations (and to piss God off), I suspect they took God's creation of birds and genetically altered them to make their own creation. That is why scientists claim dinosaurs evolved into birds because so much of the genetic code of birds is in them. They need a life form they can inhabit but God has designed a soul for each of his life forms that they cannot trump...for example, a foal is born and the spirit of a horse enters into it, a child is born and the spirit of a man enters into it; however, if you genetically combine the two and form a centaur, neither the spirit of a horse nor the spirit of a man will enter into it thus the fallen angel has its vessel. (Tom Horn explains this best but he doesn't take it to the "dinosaur level")

I believe they have been tampering with God's creation for so long. It began with dinosaurs (which God wiped out by some means...further evidence that He didn't create them), then the Nephilim (which God wiped out with Noah's flood) and now, I'm convinced, these "alien" abductions which seem to always have some sexual tampering attached to them, is the fallen angels, once more, taking God's creation and manipulating it's DNA genetically so they can make a near match and claim their own "creation" that they can inhabit. That's why people here talk about "shape-shifters" and hybrids. I believe they DO exist as an affront to God! We should expect His Divine Judgment to occur very soon, imo!

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

It is a totally different story.

Face it. Demons are real.

There is massive activity on the astral-planes.

The more a girl/woman is not in touch with their inner core being (trauma,addictions,etc.), has no true loving relationship, the more the fantasies become sicker and sicker on an individual level yes.
This is happening on a collective scale.
Read "Demons of the flesh" from the daughter of LaVey.

There a traumatized girls out there who masturbate on:
-getting rapped by nasty Orcs from Lord of the Rings (this is no joke !)
-sick brutal stuff rape with a knife
-they will keep it a secret

Porn industry is full of abused abusers.

Anonymous Coward #racist godlikeproductions.com

just a factoid from history.

Hitler banned porn in Germany and
the SS had regular book and magazine
burnings in the streets.

It was Jewish produced porn, most of it.
Just like today in America.

He tried to clean up Germany and you
killed him for it.

fvckin hypocrites

NO SECRETS #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

It will be exactly one year since the [Sandy Hook] Hoax. It's a time to reflect on the year and what positives and negatives there are as a result of the hoax. Have our freedoms diminished. Did they succeed in their objectives? Maybe not.

More and more people are waking up. Maybe this is a victory for the people. What do you think.

Will they try it again. When? Where?

We have to try and stay one step ahead of them.

centrist77 #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Well the jumbo jet that landed at the wrong airport yesterday I beleive it was. Especially at night, this happens more than people would think in the aviation world. Have you ever looked down from a plane, you could be flying over the town you grew up in and not reconize it. The pilots that made this error were flying a super jumbo which means they have 1000's of hours logged in the air, probably north of 7000 hours.

So how did some muslim dudes manage to look out the front windows and get three if their airliners on 9/11 to the target. Lol, this story is getting so easy rip apart now.

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

I'm also starting to see some merit in the theory that receiving the 'mark of the beast' (likely through an implant in the hand or forehead)will result in the DNA upgrade so called ET's are always talking about.

They make it sound like they are just helping us to improve our lives and evolve.And indeed those that take it may have much expanded lifespans and other superhuman abilities.

But in reality they are merely turning mankind into nephilims and corrupting our DNA from the image of God it was intended to be.

When the earth was infested with these hybrids before God had to nearly exterminate mankind because almost all flesh was corrupt besides noahs.

After the mark of the beast is instilled and men start willingly turning themselves into hybrids God will cleanse the earth of the curse of the fallen one last time.

Perhaps thats why the judgement against those with the mark is so harsh and swift.Gods mercy is only for the sons of Adam.Those who freely accept the bloodline of the fallen will receive the judgement of the fallen.

ChalkBodyOutline #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Re: what where the pyramids used for??

Time travel.
The basic concept of a time machine is that if we built one today, thousands of years from now we could travel back to today. But we could never go to yesterday, because the machine didnt exist yet. So we could never go back to dinosaur time. This is why they were built to last forever.
Giza Power Plant by Christopher Dunn shows the energy source/drive required to bend time like this.

uscrusader1 #racist godlikeproductions.com

Why are negroes to uncivilized to have a mall? Perhaps it is something unique to thier sub-species.
The latest DNA research indicates Homo erectus left Asia/Levant and met up with Neanderthals at least 1,000 generations ago. Sub-Saharan negroes have 10 generations or so since they left the primitive native conditions of Africa as slaves.

That same DNA research indicates all races of current civilized H.sapiens have Neanderthal DNA except the Sub-Saharan negro.

All races(except Australoid) with the H.sapien/Neanderthal DNA blend have average IQ's of 90-105, Sub-Saharan negroes average IQ is 70.

This is not so much 'flash mob' or 'gang' activity as instinctive primitive native predation behavior, defenseless caucasions/automobiles beware... YOU are the prey!

It's either the lack of +990 generations of civilized/social living or the Neanderthal DNA blend that is the cause.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

footnote: Rothschilds founded the "B'nai B'rith" comasonic org, of which ADL is a branch. BB website admits to "overlap with freemasonry" (BB can assume high position in any lodge).

ADL is behind the new laws against freedom of speech and press and religion and info internationally. Questioning holocaust numbers landed people in Germany and Canada in jail.

But Rothschilds didn't sweat the holocaust, they helped Hitler via Rockefeller puppets Prescott Bush and JP Morgan. Top nazis were jew names; Eichmann and Borhmann, for examples (secret society jews) Vatican supported Hitler also, the agenda being to get rid of TORAH jews (not secret society jews).

Rothschilds also funded the Scofield Bible zionist footnotes, imposed via arranged celebs such as Hal Lindsey and Hagee. Zechariah 11:10-13 explains that the covenant is broken when 30 pieces of silver is paid (by high priests to Judas).

UNtypical USer #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

You know, it ought to be SO OBVIOUS by now.

Our human leaders have already been taken over, had their minds possessed by NON-HUMAN ENTITIES.

Why does this surprise you? Why would you think they would attack OVERTLY?

How dumb!

Can't you see US leadership is ALREADY GENOCIDAL, GLOBAl and committed to wiping out the human race?

Don't you think it's TIME you learned how to JUST HIDE?

Videobarbs #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

How about the German Reichstag fire in 1933 as an earlier example, like 9-11, of a government sponsored "false flag" to swing the sheeple? Of course, people are still successfully selling the Brooklin Bridge. I cannot believe the fluoride induced stupidity and apathy. That's the real scary stuff IMO.

Zaloias #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The Masons are the Masters of Space (mathematics/form)

Saturn is the God of Time.

Time is Space. Space is Time.

The Masons are therefore the Masters of Time and therefore followers of Saturn: The Free-Masons are the Cult of Saturn, the Cult of Destruction, for it is through time that all returns to nothingness.

Furthermore, the very word "mason" is the eymological origin of the word "mass." And all mass (physical substance) is ultimately composed of space, contorted and shaped.

The number eight is significant because 8 is the number of cubes that bound the surface of a hypercube which is probably the ultimate conceptual representation of fourth dimensional space. Although, some might say that the hypersphere or simplex are more apt symbols of the higher spheres.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Confessions of the Illuminati, Ask and I Will Tell What I Know

I'm tired of humanity and wish to get the ball rolling so here goes...

Here are some of the numerous things I wish to confess:

1. In the 70s and prior, members of the Illuminati used a certain item to identify themselves. If you had a male relative with a basement full of any one item and you didn't know why, now you know. I'm not talking a few shelves, I'm talking at least a room-sized section of the basement full of nothing but the same item. It would be a type of item that is easily purchasable. Whenever the member needed to gain access to events, they would show the item in their possession to gain entry. They were involved in so many clandestine operations that they were unable to possibly consume the many packages they bought. Hence, they would store them, out of sight, in the basements of their homes.

I know exactly what particular item was used. I don't wish to fully disclose now, because I would like to see if anyone comes forward with that information on their own.

This same item has popped back up on the store shelves with the very same packaging that was used in the 70s which leads me to believe it is very possible that it is being used as an identifier again.

2. The main mission of the Illuminati is to find those of the bloodline from the York Rite. The York Rite has the ability to procreate freely while the Illuminati do not.

Many of you have been correct in your assessments of who the Illuminati are. Most do not understand why they are not able to procreate though. There are many tales within our families of why this is so. The most often passed around is that after the Flood, part of the DNA that allowed inter-species replication was "shut off" by God.

Our mission has been to locate anyone of pure York Rite ancestry and create a hybrid being that can allow us to propagate the earth once again.

3. The main means that we are using now to "smoke out" those of the proper ancestry is the rampant and often incorrect use of symbolism. The Illuminati has tried many other means in the past and are now getting desperate.

Many books are being written about the "lost symbol". What is incorrectly assumed is that it is the symbol itself that is needed. The truth is that it is the person who is in possession of the symbol that is sought after.

It is common knowledge that many families have passed artifacts down as inheritance. Even more so for those in the elite families, regardless of the line. These items contain symbols that have never seen the light of day correctly displayed. We know this and have sought to "smoke out" anyone willing to correct our incorrect use of symbols. So far, the York Rite have proved to be a very clandestine group and have educated their offspring well on keeping these items hidden.

5. One of the most important symbols is the single pyramid. Most of you know at least 100 meanings for this symbol. Here is the most important:

The single pyramid represents reproduction. We use the pyramid structure because, unlike the square, the path to the apex is definite. It would probably be easier to illustrate the point which I may be able to do at a later time. Just imagine you start at the bottom of the pyramid and travel upwards, you will always end up in the apex. With a square, however, you really have no way of knowing which is the final point you need to arrive at.

The pyramid shown with it's capstone removed, represents the ability to reproduce freely being removed from us through the "shutting off" of parts of our DNA.

6. We seek those who have the mirror image of this pyramid structure on artifacts passed down to them from family. This symbol has never been seen presented the correct way. It's a very common symbol as well but it is deliberately changed to try to "smoke out" those that know its true meaning.

I will give you all a very big hint: Hitler used it frequently. He wasn't the only one though, not by a long shot. Most of you will never guess what the significance of this symbol is because it has never been presented in the correct way.

Any other confessions depend on what you guys ask me.

Holy_Diver #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

"All those books [about ancient aliens] you mentioned are based on them too and have all been debunked because they contain no peer reviewed, scientific research or genuine archaeological findings."

Peer Review = Liars in collusion to uphold agreed apon Lies

Scientific Research = Established people provided only findings and evidence that will support the Liars in Collusion to uphold agreed apon lies

Genuine Archaeological Findings = Those things that are not squirreled away and hidden from the public

IF you argue that these definitions don't hold any water, you are naive and have not been exposed to the dozens of examples where this sort of thing has gone on.

Now run along.

AUSSIE FARMER #conspiracy #ufo godlikeproductions.com


I wanted to tell my story on a forum that understands the alien world.

This has been going on since mid January.

We are farming folk and our farm is 200 miles from the city.

My wife goes to town once a month for groceries and provisions shopping.

about 75 miles from the farm we have a very long stretch of road straight and flat, and it happens on this road.

There is hardly any traffic and sometimes you don't cross another vehicle for 20 minutes or more.

She sees a very bright silver light on the horizon and it gets bigger and bigger.

She thinks it is a truck coming with headlights on.

Then there is like a metallic clunk and the radio goes dead and the car stops.

That's all she remembers, then her mind goes blank and when she regains her senses the car is stopped on the side of the road.

She has no normal visual recollection of anything but somehow, subconsiously she feels that she has been raped by some form of alien men. She can recall in her mind eye 2 men of caucasian appearence but about 2m tall and with dark skin and very light blond hair, almost white.

Good looking men but fierce and strong.

There is physical evidence of sexual interference because her panties are torn and the vagina has been used.

She wants to go and see the doctor and submit to an examination and she wants to have the fluid tested to see if it is like human semen, but I fear being made the butt of jokes in our small community once the story inevitably gets out.

Do you think it is some kind of alien abduction?

But why nobody else has reported similat events?

and why do they wait for my wife every month?
They must be able to track her car and arrive at this lonely spot in a very short time???

I am stumped.

[Cue even the crazies at Godlike Productions openly mocking him]

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

A genuine atheist should have no problem at all proving their convictions by committing suicide at a moments notice.

A true atheist has no intrinsic value for life by definition. So are you truely denying a higher order or are you just an antagonist?

Prove it by suicide.

13th-Century #racist godlikeproductions.com

I have a different perspective on this.

I believe white women are sexually stimulated by black men because many white women in our society, just like the men, have been totally messed up by pornography.

So in their sick little nerve endings down there, they are turned on by humiliation.

Being with a black thug, instead of a decent white man, turns them on because they have become masochists.

White women pretend to have it all together, but they are desperately confused. They chase after money, because they have lost all sense of what gives a woman true value and true self-respect.


So they hook up with these failures.

Then they give birth to half-breeds.

Then they are surprised by domestic violence.

Then they get court restraining orders.

Then they are murdered.

It happens over and over again.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

9/11 was a holographic hoax

The twin towers were never brought down but are still there cloaked by a hologram to make it look like there is now a memorial there.

Over there is a secret door hidden by an optical illusiom. If anyone ever gets past door 11, the password is 3666, and then you will find your answer.

enki2012 #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The Vatican knows the truth, the Anunnaki created man and spent Millions on telescopes to see the return of Nibiru & the Anunnaki. Jesus was a hybrid implanted into Mary and born in the human form so we would accept him. His miracles were advanced sciences that we are only now starting to understand. The US has been in contact and worked with ET's for years, we as the human race have been genetically upgraded 65 times to get to the current mindset and physical form we are at now. We are looked at by ET's as "containers" containers of our trans-dimensional beings or soul. We can learn from our ways and progress or will be reborn in human form and try to learn life's lessons to ascend.

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