
Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Sports champions reduced to *** human cattle ***, same as almost everyone else

"Farah backs Coe to save crisis-hit athletics" - for dummies
Farah illustrates to what lengths human cattle refusing to see treason goes.
It's with "Lord Coe" as president that the current two greatest athletes, Usain Bolt and Mo Farah, will be falsely accused of doping.

Sebastian Coe and Sergei Bubka: suicide bombers part of the agenda to totally destroy athletics.
Coe and Bubka are two athletics legends who sold their soul to the illuminati, same as the rest of the IAAF "directors".
All they do is to execute orders, part of the agenda of destoying athletics:
- from the most important weapon, the doping BIG LIE
- to the sabotage of athtetics broadcasts in TV, from athletes not presented to bombing the marathon.
While Coe's boss staged the fake Boston bomings, Coe is officially responsible for the blackout of all decisive moments, 1:30:20 to 1:55:10, using the heptathlon series as alibi.
As for turning its time plan upside down, moving it from very last event to very first event: the bomb was officially planted before, by the previous IAAF president.

"Farah backs Coe to save crisis-hit athletics"
[link to news.yahoo.com]

Feb 2014 - Sergey Bubka forced to laugh at his own humiliation.
Renaud Lavillenie Breaks Sergei Bubka's 21 year-old Pole Vault WORLD RECORD: fake height for UNPRECEDENTED Illuminati THEATER:

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

CERN + time + space + earth

The vacuum of space is filled with electrically charged plasma and currents of moving particles called electrons between planets, which is the natural state of the universe defined by Tesla.

Tesla had stated that he was in communication with entities from another realm and later on in his life with evil entities, which is how he developed his technologies. In the beginning, it was for the benefit of humanity, but near his later years developed weapon technologies. He stated that the ether is alive, aware, and sentient, and consciously aware. TESLA got the message from those he was in contact with that if you can discover the theory and applications of the numbers 3,6,9 then you could unlock the mysteries of the universe.

A plasma physicist during the 1950’s was researching with electrical plasma. He got scared to death and ceased all research. He stated that the plasma is alive, described it as demonic, and it wanted to enter our realm of existence to kill us, Alfred North Whitehead, a panpsychist, put forth his belief that all matter has some mind associated with it. Such that, as matter complexifies, so mind complexifies

In Mayan belief, a serpent rope emerges from the center of the galaxy, symbolized by an 8-rayed or 8-spoked wheel. Cosmic sap oozes from this world tree or cosmic cross

This cosmic sap that they are referring to from this world tree or cosmic cross, are the Strangelets, which are being produced at CERN, because Strangelets are also referred to as liquid quarks.

If you take a look at the ATLAS detector at CERN, you can see the similarities between the 8-spoked wheel/8-rayed and the detector.

According to researcher William Henry, the ancient Egyptian object named Ta-Wer aka “Osiris” device, was a stargate machine. It was capable of opening wormholes or dimensional openings used by Seth and Osiris to “travel across the underworld.”

Schrödinger's Cat:

A cat, along with a flask containing a poison and a radioactive source, is placed in a sealed box shielded against environmentally induced quantum decoherence. If an internal Geiger counter detects radiation, the flask is shattered, releasing the poison that kills the cat. The Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics implies that after a while, the cat is simultaneously alive and dead. Yet, when we look in the box, we see the cat either alive or dead, not both alive and dead.

Basically, the cat, as long as it remains in the box without an observer, remains in a state that is both alive and dead at the same time. Once the box is opened, it is the observer that collapses 'probability' and creates the actual reality

when CERN goes full power, the Pope will be speaking at the UN on the same day


Manchu Dong #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

GODZILLA: Were the Creators of Godzilla Movies Trying To Tell Us Something?

If you watch the original Japanese Godzilla movies, it shows Tokyo in flames. It can't help but remind one of the incredibly destructive firebombing of Tokyo and other Japanese cities by the U.S. Air Force during the latter half of WW2.

Why would the Japanese seek to create a movie with such a strong reminder of the horrors inflicted upon it by USAF firebombings during WW2?

Unless they were trying to reveal something...

Could it be that the Japanese creators of Godzilla were revealing to the world the true power behind the country that wreaked such damage upon them barely a decade earlier? The destruction wrought by Godzilla upon Tokyo is unmistakably and eerily reminiscent of the fiery destruction of Tokyo barely a decade earlier wrought by USAF firebombing.

But why a giant lizard?

What is a lizard? A reptile. Reptilians.

And how did Godzilla -- this reptile, this lizard -- get to be so big? From the radiation of nuclear bombs, which, at the end of WW2, only the U.S. possessed.

Were the Japanese creators of "Godzilla" trying to reveal that they were defeated in WW2 by a country ruled by Reptilians -- the U.S.?

TheOracle'sCookie #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Is the Naming of "Mt. McKinley" to "Denali" an ANAGRAM? Why "Denial" is Important for September 2015!

This thread is presenting REAL, professionally researched information about a certain pyramid close to Mt. McKinley in Alaska (based on the 6-years research of respected Emmy-Winning documentary producer, Linda Molten Howe.) Please do NOT confuse this thread with the one at this link--we have TWO different "takes" on this issue!

Thread: Denali is the code for evacuation, prepare now!!! (Page 42)

You can find Ms. Howe's video on Page 1 post #2. There have been 3 threads up tonight (and I am sure more will be coming...) that claim there is "news that President Obama is traveling to Alaska, to a pyramid, in order to meet with Reptilian E.T.'s." THIS IS total B.S.--and most likely "damage control" to make the thread appear "lunatic fringe." It is NOT. At NO TIME on my thread have I mentioned Obama or anyone else meeting with E.T.'s and the only reference to "E.T."s at all is that the underground pyramid --FOUR TIMES the size of the Great Pyramid at Giza --is an "archeological discovery" sometime back in the 1940's, with research info breaking to the public sector around the year 1975. Whether or not there is "active E.T." associated with the pyramid --or activity in the region is just speculation. The only evidence I am providing on this thread is the 2012 video by Ms. Howe and I am NOT suggesting an "E.T. Contact" of any kind. I will up-date this thread as more information is available--IF EVER. Thanks for NOT MIS-QUOTING this information.


QUESTION: "...Did you feel THAT? What the hell was that, and earthquake? An asteroid hit? ANSWER: "...Oh, that? No, that was the Jaw- dropping reaction of 1,000's of Americans this weekend to President Obama's signing a Presidential "edict" that changes Mt. McKinley's name to "Denali." ...WHAT is he thinking?

There are several threads on the Forum today that are concerning President Obama's decision to rename the highest mountain peak on the North American continent, and a "proud American Symbol" of freedom (named after President McKinley in 1917)...to "Denali." Here are a couple of the GLP threads on the renaming: Thread: Denali is the code for evacuation, prepare now!!!
Thread: The Mountain will be named after ME - Denali is an anagram of Daniel
(Silly thread, but the reference to the "Book of Daniel" --a "doom prophesy" is an interesting "take!")
Thread: Breaking: Mount McKinley "officially" renamed Denali
Thread: Major Up-date Page 11: NASA: "Tsunami Energy-Waves" caught by Voyager 1 In-bound! Is This First Sign of "The Wave?" Video
(This is a thread I composed in December 2014...when NASA announced that "...An Energy Tsunami Wave had been detected by Voyager 1." It was later altered to report that the "waves" were from our sun, not in-bound.)

What is blatantly obvious to this OP...is that it is a simple ANAGRAM for a VERY important word we should all be thinking about as we go into the September "doom dates" we have been hearing so much about--it seems to be everywhere!

The ANAGRAM for "Denali"...is DENIAL.

The timing for this action for renaming one of America's long-held iconic mountains is interesting as well. Just last week, the Smithsonian Institute was accused of ..."destroying thousands of skeletons found in N.America of "GIANTS!" (By the way, "Denali" means "Great One" or could be translated as "Giant!")
Thread: Smithsonian Admits to Destruction of TENS of Thousands of Giant Human Skeletons in Early 1900s
Based on this article:
[link to seeker401.wordpress.com (secure)]
(This is just ONE of dozens of archeological and mythological "proofs" that our TRUE history has been manipulated and given a huge "back story"...are we about to see this policy of "denial" changed?)

While this isn't "big news" to some that ONE example of our "manipulated HISTORY" has been proven (December announcement that Smithsonian has been ordered by the Supreme Court to disclose "archeological cover-ups") However, IF COMBINED WITH Obama's changing Mt. McKinley's name to "Denali" (as an anagram for "denial") does give one pause. Could Obama be "struggling against his so-called "handlers"...to give the American people a "heads-up" about some info about to be revealed, and using this clever timing and method (thru "Executive Privelege") to get his "message" out to the world? U DECIDE!

Lacuna Zone #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Aliens at Mt Denali Underground Pyramid..Denali=Denial

Seems that we are up againt another gov coverup and it is vital we get the truth out there befor its too late...In case you havent put the pieces together yet, our dear leader is headed to Alaska to rename mt McKinley to mt Denali and talk climate and film somekinda show with that one guy...but the truth is is that he is meeting a Alien species classified as a Type 4 Biological Android.. who has been living underground in a ancient alien pyramid about 20 miles from the base of the mt....our gov have made contact through somekind of rf transmission and is bringing our leader to make contact...They are renaming it per mj12 instuctions to denali..wich is brainwash for Denial...
Now these Biodroids are know to be extreamly hostile and not to be trusted..however our government has know about the pyramid, but not the alien presence, wich leads me to believe they have recently arrived.

DragonKiller #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Look Like DOOM Will Happen in September... WE ARE FUCKED

From the looks of it, i am now 110% sure of both financial collapse and some other event happening this September after reading this thread (link below)...

Thread: Denali is the code for evacuation, prepare now!!!

There is a chance OP isnt trolling, but if he isnt, then may God save us. With everything that is going on, i dont think he is trolling.

Its seem that all of the pieces of the puzzles are coming together... there is no fucking way this is just a coincidence. The 5 BIGGEST clues that tells me something is going down are: Jade Helm ending on the 15th, stocks are crashing, the 9/23 dates shown in movies, when that French Foreign Minister said that we have '500 Days to Avoid Climate Chaos', and the scene from the trailer "Tomorrowland" which shows alot of bad events happening.

However, what worries me is that i dont know what this climate chaos is going to be.. is it a hurricane that will hit the entire US or a big earthquake? can anyone shine a light on this?

Another thing that puzzles me is that why isnt Obama and his buddies going to New Zealand??? New Zelanad is the PERFECT place to be during SHTF.. So why is he going to Alaska instead??

Brian8888 #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

WHAT IF THESE POPULAR DEATHS ARE ALL FAKED? Scientists and doctors included...

These people may be heading underground to the bunkers...
Getting ready...
That's my feeling..
It is 2015...not 2000....
Seed vault...
Jade helm...
Blood moons...
You name it ....we are bleeding...
Who fucking cares?

Good doctors are not wasted...
Rich people are not dumb...

Your not needed in the bunker...
Don't be " DUMB"...
Neither am I
These suspicious deaths...aren't even believable...
Just happening...
Top of their fields..
Dead at 50----60

Personally I feel a nuclear event coming on...
Possibly a nuke in Puerto Rico...?
Never know unless I live and they tell the truth on tv/ radio...
I know they want too....
The bunkers are ready and operating...
Maybe it's just their turn...to post-up

You must take into account that the media only slightly tells the truth.
It tells you what you want to hear..
Just puts a little spin on it...jazzes it up...spice!
There's a whole mess of truth that never makes the media spotlight..
The media shapes your vision
Plain and true...
They are all in on it and they don't even know...
All so eager to "SHOW"...
You know..
Be accepted...a part...welcome..
Tell the tale...
Bigger than life.
My house and my wife?

Black budget?
Where have you been?
Well I've been here and I've been there and ive been in between ...
Agenda 21?
Georgia guidestones....Druids ?
Bohemian grove?.
Atlas shrugged?
They will attempt to hide beneath the rocks...
It has been foretold....
Hasn't it ?


They are going to force the apocalypse ....
With nukes...

that would kill our electrical grid...
Globally we would lose the ability to maintain our nuclear stations...
They would all meltdown..
America has at least 75 of them....

That's why they call it power...
It holds our lives in balance
Life or death...
Nuclear power=death


Underground cities have been around for a long time now...
The " FLOOD" taught humanity much humility...
And defiance ...

How many scientists and astronomers killed before their prime?

Lost Watcher #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

They are coming..

The watchers are coming. This will play out like this;

- Financial collapse (sept)
- Lots of chaos will follow (no food alot of people die)
- They will arrive at the perfect time as our 'saviours'
- They will pretend too be good
- They will give us knowledge about healthcare and free energy etc etc too gain trust
- Their leader will be the antichrist
- 95% of the population will be deceived and harvested by them
- NWO will be put into place
- Our leaders will be rewarded for making the deal complete,
they sarcrificed us too them too create the NWO with less population too make it easier to control
- Earth will still be harvested by them
- You will probably still be harvested as they have their reincarnation system in check (ie the moon) You will return without any memory and you already did this cycle a million times its just that you dont remember.
- Also don't go on their ships, also if you die (your physical body) dont go into the light!!! go as far away from it as you can as that is the reincarnation system you will go into.

Stroked #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Had A Stroke Yesterday - Chemtrails

I just had a stroke yesterday, and lost almost all sensation and strength in my right arm. I was having an argument with my neighbor, interestingly about chemtrails, when I felt a pop and the cool rush of blood in my brain, at the lower right rear base of the skull, just above the hairline on my neck. I was showing him the blizzard of particles and aerosol in a high-power LED flashlight, and got upset from his constant and insistent delusional denial that it was "chemtrails". Then pop. I can't write anymore, and can only type with my left hand. This is not a joke story, it is not funny, and I am not going to argue with idiots that debate this. After looking up "chemtrails" and "strokes", there definitely appears to be a strong correlation. I am only 40, I eat perfectly healthy (brown rice, some cheese, vegetables), drink only filtered water and coffee, slim and formerly very athletic. I never drink or do unhealthy things. I have never had any health problems at all until this.

[link to www.google.com]

I know this is killing us. Enjoy. I am not going to comment further, unless I see a legitimate question. I was the planes all night - they have shifted from a mix of day/night spraying, to just 3-5 during the day, and about 20 at night (all in the same flightpath). I do not live in an area where any commercial jets have any routes at all. Everyone is going to pay a heavy price for this, guaranteed.

mike #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

I think our creators are super advanced aliens from another dimension and i believe they are evil...

Some of their fantastically advanced creations we call our rain,wind and snow...

I think those evil aliens occasionally adjust the wattage of their super advanced,holographic light bulb we call the sun with some kind of remotely operated,super advanced computer controlled dimmer switch,creating advancing and retreating ice ages in the process and so those diabolic entities are directly responsible for our mass extinctions and natural disasters...

Whenever they get bored playing with certain species, obliviously living and dying beneath an artifical sun thats suspended above the aliens massive petri dish,human soul farm terrarium science experiment we call earths biosphere...

Just like we do with the heat lights that so many of us hang up inside our little glass tanks,shining down to illuminate and warm the oblivious little pets we like to keep trapped and controlled within them...

And that holographically projected artificial sun up there in the holographic sky is a lot smaller and much closer that we are misled to believe it is...

I believe that those who rule and control us,the royal bloodline elites throughout the ages,were and still are are well aware of whats really going on and they know whos running this show we call life and death on earth and those elites are implicitly involved in aiding and abetting the super advanced evil aliens,who command our human leaders to harvest ever more human souls through fabricated wars and orchestrated genocides...

and unfortunately,that very well may be the brutal truth of our unknown reality...

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com


I've been a NASCAR fan my whole life. So I understand it and understand the things that are going on in the sport and the file berate destruction of the sport, the fake killing of Dale Earnhardt Sr, and the audacity it them to say we can't bring a Comfederate flag to the races. I think they forgot who started NASCAR??? Southerners!! This is a conspiracy that I have thought about ever since Kyle Busch got this sponsor a few years ago. Kyle Busch sponsor in Xfinity and Cup and Kurt Busch both using the Monster Sponsorship and Monster is 666... Ok stay with me here.. Kyle Busch's number is 54 in Xfinity races, and 5+4=9... So with his Monster 666 logo and his car Number 54, you get 6669.. The number of the beast and the number of completion. And on Kyle Busches Cup car, he is 18.. You can add 1+8=9, you can also do 1-8=7... And so he has the number of The Beast on his Xfinity car and God's number 7779 on his cup car because the number is on the two sides and the roof. And also, the Busch brothers are from Las Vegas (Sin City).. Coincidence?

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Virginia Shooting and the esoteric agenda behind

We all know what is a ritual, a staged act that refers to an archetypal fable wich represents a real forgotten story, A ritual serves the purpose of bringing back the feelings associated to something deeper wich are of course connected to an archetypal figure.

In August, the month of the Lion, we saw the killing of Cecil the Lion. Now we're entering the Virgo sign, and of couse, there's a killing in Virginia.

Now take a closer look at the reporter's left leg.

She's crippled, like Haephestus, the greek old god of fire wich represents old age, senility (a lot of elderly people are crippled and/or need a staff to walk around or a wheelchair).. and of course, when the sun approaches the autumn equinox, now, the sun crosses 4 equinoxes, solstices: christmas (death/rebirth), spring (youth), summer solstice (adulthood), autumn equinox (old age) and again christmas.

Now, about the video, do you realize that he misses the shot from 6 feet right? Do you see the reporter running away? is that normal? How many murders by gun do you have ever seen in tv or youtube? did you ever see the victim running away like that?

mcafee #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

the trumpets blown and the two witnesses
Hello everyone do you guys know about the youtube videos where people was hearing strange noises coming from the sky worldwide. Okay when I lived in Detroit in a townhouse there I said I know that wasn't the..... and I didn't finish My sentence because in my head I was thinking I know that wasn't the trumpets and I received a vision Immediately about the angels that were sent to the four corners of the Earth. Can you people really tell me if that's the trumpets that's been blown because the two witnesses could be on this Earth now and I want to be ready for my father's return.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

did the moon block the sun during ice age?

Was just reading about the possibility that the moon was built so to speak. If this is true and it was put into orbit at the exact place to cause eclipse is there a chance the moon blocked the sun during the ice age for whatever reason.....

CuriousG #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The Blue Beam Project is taking effect! September watch

[link to rationalwiki.org]

Step One

Step One requires the breakdown of all archaeological knowledge. This will apparently be accomplished by faking earthquakes at precise locations around the planet. Fake "new discoveries" at these locations "will finally explain to all people the error of all fundamental religious doctrines", specifically Christian and Muslim doctrines.

This makes some degree of sense — if you want to usurp a current way of thinking you need to completely destroy it before putting forward your own. However, religious belief is notoriously resilient to things like facts. The Shroud of Turin is a famous example that is still believed by many to be a genuine shroud of Jesus as opposed to the medieval forgery that it has been conclusively shown to be. Prayer studies, too, show how difficult it is to shift religious conviction with mere observational fact — indeed, many theologians avoid making falsifiable claims or place belief somewhere specifically beyond observation to aid this. So what finds could possibly fundamentally destroy both Christianity and Islam, almost overnight, and universally all over the globe? Probably nothing. Yet, this is only step one of an increasingly ludicrous set of events that Project Blue Beam predicts will occur.

Step Two

The sky projections will appear to people as their god.
Step Two involves a gigantic "space show" wherein three-dimensional holographic laser projections will be beamed all over the planet — and this is where Blue Beam really takes off. The projections will take the shape of whatever deity is most predominant, and will speak in all languages. At the end of this light show, the gods will all merge into one god, the Antichrist.

This is a rather baffling plan as it seems to assume people will think this is actually their god, rather than the more natural twenty-first century assumption that it is a particularly opaque Coca Cola advertisement. Evidence commonly advanced for this is a supposed plan to project the face of Allah, despite its contradiction with Muslim belief of God's uniqueness, over Baghdad in 1991 to tell the Iraqis to overthrow Saddam Hussein. Someone, somewhere, must have thought those primitive, ignorant non-Western savages wouldn't have had television or advertising, and would never guess it was being done with mirrors.

In general, pretty much anything that either a) involves light or b) has been seen in the sky has been put forward as evidence that Project Blue Beam is real, and such things are "tests" of the technology — namely unidentified flying objects. Existing display technology such as 3D projection mapping and holograms are put forward as foreshadowing the great light show in the sky.
This stage will apparently be accomplished with the aid of a Soviet computer that will be fed "with the minute physio-psychological particulars based on their studies of the anatomy and electro-mechanical composition of the human body, and the studies of the electrical, chemical and biological properties of the human brain", and every human has been allocated a unique radio wavelength.

The computers are also capable of inducing suicidal thoughts. The Soviets are (not "were") the "New World Order" people. Why NASA would use a Soviet computer when the USSR had to import or copy much of its computer technology from the West is not detailed.
The second part of Step Two happens when the holograms result in the dissolution of social and religious order, "setting loose millions of programmed religious fanatics through demonic possession on a scale never witnessed before." The United Nations plans to use Beethoven's "Ode to Joy" as the anthem for the introduction of the new age one world religion.

There is relatively little to debunk in this, the most widely remembered section of the Project Blue Beam conspiracy, as the idea is so infeasible. Citing actual existing communication technology is odd if the point is for the end product to appear magical, rather than just as cheap laser projections onto clouds. This hasn't stopped some very strange conspiracy theories about such things popping up. Indeed, the notion of gods being projected into the sky was floated in 1991 by conspiracy theorist Betty J. Mills. And one US general, Edward Landsdale, actually floated a plan to fake a Second Coming over Cuba to get rid of Castro.

Step Three

Step Three is "Telepathic Electronic Two-Way Communication." It involves making people think their god is speaking to them through telepathy, projected into the head of each person individually using extreme low frequency radio waves. (Atheists will presumably hear an absence of Richard Dawkins.) The book goes to some lengths to describe how this would be feasible, including a claim that ELF thought projection caused the depressive illness of Michael Dukakis' wife Kitty.

Step Four

Step Four has three parts:
Making humanity think an alien invasion is about to occur at every major city;
Making the Christians think the Rapture is about to happen;
A mixture of electronic and supernatural forces, allowing the supernatural forces to travel through fiber optics, coax, power and telephone lines to penetrate all electronic equipment and appliances, that will by then all have a special microchip installed.

Then chaos will break out, and people will finally be willing — perhaps even desperate — to accept the New World Order. "The techniques used in the fourth step is exactly the same used in the past in the USSR to force the people to accept Communism."

A device has apparently already been perfected that will lift enormous numbers of people, as in a Rapture. UFO abductions are tests of this device.
Project Blue Beam proponents believe psychological preparations have already been made, Monast having claimed that 2001: A Space Odyssey, Star Wars and the Star Trek series all involve an invasion from space and all nations coming together[4] (the first two don't, the third is peaceful contact) and that Jurassic Park propagandises evolution in order to make people think God's words are lies.

The Flood Waters Discovered #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

ONE REAL Reason NATO/US Bombed Libya was to cover up Proof of Noah's Flood by verification Primary Water the Fountains of the great deep.

Libya - Muammar Gaddafi Murdered by US/NATO backed Action 08/20/2011

Ge7:10 And it came to pass after seven days, that the waters of the flood were upon the earth.
Ge7:11 In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.
Ge7:12 And the rain was upon the earth forty days and forty nights.

[link to www.youtube.com (secure)]
Libya's Great Man Made River by Muammar Gadaffi | A Short Film

[link to humanrightsinvestigations.org]
NATO bombs the Great Man-Made River
July 27, 2011 — 80 Comments
It is a war crime to attack essential civilian infrastructure. 95% of Libya is desert and 70% of Libyans depend on water which is piped in from the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System under the southern desert. The water pipe infrastructure is probably the most essential civilian infrastructure in Libya. Key to its continued function, particularly in time of war, is the Brega pipe factory which enables leaks and breaks in the system to be repaired.

NATO has admitted that its jets attacked the pipe factory on 22 July, claiming in justification that it was used as a military storage facility and rockets were launched from there.

The Great Man-Made River

Libyans like to call the Great Man-Made River “The eighth wonder of the world”.

“If part of the infrastructure is damaged, the whole thing is affected and the massive escape of water could cause a catastrophe,” leaving 4.5 million thirsty Libyans deprived of drinking water.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Masonry is deeply rooted in Islam.

The wole world, including the media and churches, is a big setup for a massacare. Most of you are still on he wrong side of history.

The government bought 10,000 guillotines for a reason. To chop the heads off of evil men who place any law above God's. Including Jesus's laws.

They believe Jesus was the Antichrist, and they are right. They also believe he is alive today, a Muslim, and is going to lead them in a major purge of evil that will result in a global shift and new world order. They are right.

Get right quick, before it's too late.

Sam Fox 76 #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

When we look at CERN on the surface it seems like it is just a large machine used to increase our knowledge of particles and the universe.

CERN is the worlds largest and most powerful particle collider.

Now let’s dig deeper into what it really is and what it is about to do to our planet.

1) The scientist of CERN stated that, “they are seeking inter dimensional portals.” ( [link to veteranstruthnetwork.com]

Now this is not what we have been told about CERN.

2) Have they achieved this goal? In 2008 they did open a portal. ( [link to pirkles.net]

3) What happened when they raised the energy levels of CERN. They opened a portal to let demonic entities in our world. [link to www.youtube.com (secure)]

4) Now they are getting ready to open the force. What is the force? “The Force is what gives a particle physicist his powers,” said CERN theorist Ben Kenobi of the University of Mos Eisley, Tatooine. “It’s an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us; and penetrates us; it binds the galaxy together.” [link to home.web.cern.ch]

5) What do they expect to achieve? “It is seemingly well on the way to nailing ‘dark matter’.” ( [link to secondnexus.com]

6) What does Stephen Hawking’s state that CERN can do? “It could destroy our universe.” ( [link to www.newsmax.com]

7) Now is CERN a particle collider or something worse?

[link to search.yahoo.com (secure)]

Just look at their logo. It has the number 666.

The statue that is in front of CERN is the God of Shiva. The God of Shiva is known as the God of destruction. [link to cerncourier.com]

8) If you were colliding particles would you want the God of Destruction anywhere near where you will be conducting these experiments?

9) The truth about CERN is that it is a portal to Hell. When this goes full speed on September 23rd you better make sure that your spiritual life is right with God. Once these demonic entities enter the physical realm everyone is about to have a rude awakening if their life is not right. This will also cause major disasters on earth.

10) What can happen when this goes full speed?
1) It can cause major earthquakes
2) It increases the gravitational pull of this planet. Any meteor’s that was projected to miss this planet can get pulled into this planet.
3) People can go insane from being exposed to dark matter
4) It can cause radical weather changes
5) Demonic entities can torture people and harm them
6) Dark matter can cause changes within a person’s dna
7) It can cause drastic changes within our planet

11) Have we been warned?

This is my last statement John 3:16 and John 14:6.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Was Black Live Matters Created by The KKK ??

Think about it; If you TRULY hate black people and wanted to kill hundreds per month without news coverage or blame - THIS is the PERFECT model.
While you are protesting for a one worthless person (a thug) you are stepping over 100's of dead black bodies that will NEVER make the news. The KKK has DREAMED of this for decades.

If you TRULY hate black people and want them dead - you should SUPPORT Black Lives Matters - it is actually a two prong attack on blacks - #1 it allows the SLAUGHTER of blacks with no blame or news coverage #2 it creates a police force that will not want to protect you and would rather sit back and watch rather than get involved - So the outcome will be massive black slaughter with no news or police involvement!!!! The Grand Wizard must receive a report daily with the numbers!!!!

For the record I would like to see black people improve their culture and way of life.

Lil Sis #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Since the MSM make so much fun of tinfoil hats, does that mean they really work?

I mean, think about it. The things they ridicule, the ideas they ridicule, all too often turn out to be the truth.

So does tinfoil hats fall into this category?

Do they really work?

Has anybody tried one?

CHRISTiAN #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

You Live in a EVIL Country run by Satanists if:

Injecting Viruses with a cocktail of harmful added ingredients and unknown components into babies and Adults to prevent disease is Promoted as HEALTH Policy.

Killing Unborn Babies is Promoted as a Choice.

Tolerance of Fornication and Perversion is Promoted as a Virtue.

Millions are killed and Lives Destroyed by Countless Wars, Sanctions and Overthrows of Foreign Countries, Justified by Lies (False Flags)
to profit the Banking and Military Industrial Complex without ever providing any proof.

Deadly Toxic Rx Drugs are approved to Treat Disease caused by malnutrition and Toxicity.

Deadly Genetically Modified Organisms GMO's Foods and Herbicides are promoted as SAFE and Healthy.

Chemicals are put in the Water, Food, Air in Levels regarded as safe by the FDA.

Artificial Sweeteners that poison the Body are approved by the FDA.

Cell, WiFi, and Microwave Radiation are NEVER Ever considered Harmful.

Just This side of Pacific from Fukushima, The EPA releases the Single largest Toxic Spill of Heavy Metals into the Water Supply of four States that provides water to Millions of People, Animals and Crops.

Fluoride a known Neural Toxin and Cancer agent is added to Public Water systems, Toothpaste and Mouthwash.

Microsoft, Cell and Communication Companies all collect ALL your personal Data for the NSA.

Laws are passed letting the Government Link all NON Cash Purchases to your Records in Their Database.

Your Towns pass laws forbidding you to feed the homeless PEOPLE.

if you can get arrested for fishing or hunting without a license, but not for being in the country illegally

As a minor (under 18 years old) you can get an abortion without your parent’s permission but you need permission to go on a field trip or to take an aspirin in school.

No I.D. Required to Vote for who runs the Government, but required to board an airplane, cash a check, buy liquor or check out a book at the Library.

Government gives 20 F-16 fighter jets to the crazy leaders in Egypt after aiding Regime Change there, but want to ban you from having a Gun that will use magazines with more than ten rounds.

IN NYC you can buy two 16-ounce sodas, but not a 24-ounce soda because 24-ounces of a sugary drink might make you fat.

If your government believes that the best way to get rid of trillions of dollars of debt is to spend trillions more.

Hosting a sexual exploration or diversity class in grade
school is perfectly acceptable while a seven year old boy can be thrown out of school for saying his teacher is cute.

99 weeks of unemployment checks and no requirement to
prove they applied for but cannot find work.

Military Trained Soldiers are required to be unarmed on Base, and Guns are banned from many, many places so that mass shooters do not have to risk return fire when they come off their SSRI Drugs and start shooting people.

Your Country imposes sanctions on another for trying to make Nuke Bombs, while being the only country to ever USE Nukes in WAR killing Hundreds of Thousands of People by Using Nuclear Bombs.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Prince George is the Antichrist, future king of one world government

Monday, March 22, 2010
Why The Rapture May Occur 2014 - 2016

...Those are some interesting conclusions and thoughts; as already mentioned and documented in his article, he believes these Star of David alignments signal troublous times, have a “birth pang” connection, and that the 13th will have significant prophetic implications. Thus the 13th alignment beginning on 7/22/13 may be a very important prophetic time marker. With those ideas in mind let’s consider some other pieces of prophetic data....copy all this up, first link on google.

7/22/13 was born George
maybe...oldWO was relig., and now is coming NWO...but they all working together...and more, cant tipe now, too much in my brain.

last time pope resigned(lightning strike), now Obama_seeds_pope, what is next?

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

2006-2008 CBS TV Show Jericho had False Flag Nuke Attack on 23 Major USA Cities to be blamed on Foreigners.

To respond to this FALSE Flag type Warning to blame attack on Russia, lets look at this TV Series Jericho where this same exact type of event took place, and was blamed by the USA Government on Foreign Enemy, but was in fact done by Domestic Government on the people of America, in the TV Series Jericho.

Running time 43 minutes
Production company(s) CBS Paramount Network Television
Junction Entertainment
Fixed Mark Productions
Distributor CBS Television Distribution
Original channel CBS
Original run September 20, 2006 – March 25, 2008

Jericho is an American action-drama series that centers on the residents of the fictional post-apocalyptic town of Jericho, Kansas, in the aftermath of nuclear attacks on 23 major cities in the contiguous United States. Produced by CBS Paramount Network Television and Junction Entertainment, with executive producers Jon Turteltaub, Stephen Chbosky, and Carol Barbee, the show was broadcast in more than 30 countries.

The show ran on CBS from September 20, 2006 through March 25, 2008. It was canceled after its first full season because of poor ratings. While a fan campaign was able to convince the network to bring the show back for a seven-episode second season, it was canceled for a second time after that run. In November 2008, TV Guide reported that The CW would air repeats of Jericho to replace the canceled series Valentine.[1] In 2007, Jericho was ranked #11 on TV Guide's Top Cult Shows Ever.[2] In 2009, plans were
announced for a possible feature film version of the series[3] and a continuation of the Jericho storylines in a comic book series.[4][5] IDW Publishing released a new comic book series for Season 4 in August 2012.

[link to www.godlikeproductions.com]

It is VERY important to remember that that there are currently 25 MAJOR CITIES WITH SMALL NUKES SECRETLY PLANTED somewhere within. We know that this will be the excuse to start a nuclear war. The MH17 false flag was nothing other than an attempt to make Americans think Putin would do the utmost evil things imaginable to them. Of course, millions of stupid Americans have no idea what’s going on and believe that Putin shot down the plane. What a joke— As I see it, one of these nukes will be detonated. It’s just a matter of time now. The disgusting NWO will do anything to further their agenda.

When the incident happens, it is important for ALL PATRIOTS to make sure to be watching the fake mainstream news and recording. We need to catch them in lies and mistakes if we are to wake up the rest of the sheep. Always ask, who had the most to gain from downing MH17? More importantly, who would have the most to gain by blowing up a nuke in the US? Certainly not Putin. Be careful my fellow Americans. Danger ahead.

From the King James Bible book of Joshua
Jos 06:01 Now Jericho was straitly shut up because of the children of Israel: none went out, and none came in.
Jos 06:02 And the LORD said unto Joshua, See, I have given into thine hand Jericho, and the king thereof, [and] the mighty men of valour.
Jos 06:03 And ye shall compass the city, all [ye] men of war, [and] go round about the city once. Thus shalt thou do six days.
Jos 06:04 And seven priests shall bear before the ark seven trumpets of rams' horns: and the seventh day ye shall compass the city seven times, and the priests shall blow with the trumpets.
Jos 06:05 And it shall come to pass, that when they make a long [blast] with the ram's horn, [and] when ye hear the sound of the trumpet, all the people shall shout with a great shout; and the wall of the city shall fall down flat, and the people shall ascend up every man straight before him.

History repeats itself

1962 Operation Northwoods planned False Flag - a plan for a series of false flags from within the United States government but were rejected by the J.F. Kennedy The plan called for the CIA or operatives, to commit perceived acts of terrorism in U.S. cities and elsewhere to be blamed on Cuba to create public support for a war against Cuba that recently become communist under Fidel Castro

1964 Gulf of Tonkin, False Flag - Fake Intelligence and the Decision for War in Vietnam Evidence Proves Only August 2nd Battle, Not August 4; Purported Second Attack Prompted Congressional Blank Check for War Johnson-McNamara Tapes Show Readiness to Escalate, Even on Suspect Intel; but Welcomed Justification for Vote

June 8, 1967 USS Liberty was attacked in international waters by Israeli forces Killing 34 Americans and wounding another 174. The Johnson White House Covered up that the Israeli attack was made with full knowledge that USS Liberty was a US Navy ship.

The Gulf War 1 (2 August 1990 – 28 February 1991) codenamed Operation Desert Storm (Jan 17 1991 – Feb 28 1991) was a war waged by a U.N.-authorized coalition force from 34 nations led by the United States, against Iraq in response to Iraq's invasion and annexation of Kuwait.

Feb - Aprl 1993 The Waco siege and massacre a siege of a compound of religious group Branch Davidians by Federal, Texas state law enforcement and Military between Feb 28 and Apr 19, 1993 killing 76 men, women, and children

1993 Feb 26 World Trade Center Bombing False Flag, The FBI Gave the Terrorists the "real" Explosives using a foreign operative and Let it happen.

1995 Oklahoma City bombing False Flag attack pinned on Lone Wolf Bomber using Truck Bomb while Explosives inside Building did not detonate leaving half of the building standing.

9/11/2001 Terror Attacks False Flag- Regardless of who was behind the attacks, The Federal and NYC Governments Destroyed Evidence, Endangered peoples Health in the Clean up, and Covered up Evidence of Controlled Demolitions of 3 Building with 267 floors of World Trade Center Buildings being destroyed at free fall speed. Blamed on Osama BinLadin by the NWO Media before even the First Tower was brought down.

Foebia #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The comet hit earth in the movie "Deep impact" the Same day Morgan freeman sacrficed his mk ultra step granddaughter

The coment hit earth on August the 16/7 in the film "Deep Impact" The same day the 33 degree freak mason' MORgan FreeMASON" who is 78/15 yrs old the sum of 6 as he sacrficed his MK ultra beta sex slave E dena Hines who was "33' also the sum of 6. I looked on the Jesuit 2013-2014 Calendar/Kalendar" the same ritual occult dates are the same for August, September,October i Know so far. es, Morgan Freeman sacrficed his step granddaugher, who was also his beta sex slave. I checked the "Jesuit Calendar/kalendar" which is the same dates for this yr. And yesterday was the "16" which is 7 was highly occult,rituality day to the elite. Also the "New York Lottery came out on the very same date as " 666' which adds up to 18 and is the sum of "9.He/freeman always plays gods in films and the so called black president when the shit hits the fan. was this some diabolic ritual? 666 played this evening for NYS Numbers game and the granddaughter of Morgan Freeman who played God was sacrificed during an exorcist!! He owed dues to the elite and she was his offer. Morgan Freeman’s step-granddaughter fatally stabbed in ‘exorcism’
The granddaughter of acclaimed actor Morgan Freeman was stabbed to death on a Manhattan sidewalk early Sunday during what law-enforcement sources and witnesses described as an “exorcism” at the hands of her ranting boyfriend.
“Get out, devils! I cast you out, devils! In the name of Jesus Christ, I cast you out!” the killer yelled as he plunged a hunting knife into 33-year-old E’Dena Hines’ chest, ACCORDING to George Hudacko, who witnessed the 3 a.m. attack from his apartment WINDOW in Washington Heights.
was attacked on West 162 Street near St. Nicholas Avenue
"Police were called around 2:54 a.m. a building on 162nd Street near St. Nicholas Avenue
E'dena Hines -age - 33
2:54 a.m. 2+5+4=11
162nd -> 1+6+2=9
date: august 16 2015 -> 8+1+6+2+1+5=23
saint nicholas - gematria value-> 144= Y'all also see the" 9/23 "September 23 symbolism?
age 33, their favorite number , check, she got stabbed in the heart, at "3 am.' which is 12/21 and our souls weight 21 grams.
they call it an exorcism, while in fact it was a bloodsacrifice.
the 11, and 9, we know to wich cycle it points, if you don't,happy digging.
Morgan was born in "1937" which adds up to "eleven' and E dena was born in "1982" which also adds up to "11" Also u see that 9/23 September 23 which is autumn equinox date in this occult ritual . date: "august 16 2015 -> 8+1+6+2+1+5=23
"saint nicholas - gematria value-> 144=9

Leeda #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

My MKUltra Programming As A 4 Year Old.

It's wrong and evil to say that death is not the enemy.

You clearly don't know what i'm talkign about.

From experience death is an enemy.

Also i'm sorry for having such a good time that I wanted to live forever. Youth is intellect. I had a passion to live forever as a child. As a 4 year old in kindygarden one day I gave the command to eternal life burning all bridges as you had to.

Then only afterwards to find the command wasn't the full word, I had been deceived, and with my command the enemy sprang to life that had been dead, with all it's forces it had been amassing in the dark, thay gaining life from my command.

These forces surrounded me and killed me. I made a last stand and did maximum amount of damage to them but there were just to many. By max dmg I mean there wasn't any more that could've been done. If I was using bullets there were no more bullets and every bullet hit a mark.

I think there was mention of having a second life, born again in righteousness. Now with knowledge of the full word, sustaining using the full word. This enables fluency and ease of use of the word command. It builds and becomes edified and shrinks the size of what you have to say by using as sustaining rather than just giving the outright command initially in the beginning. You learn shortcuts. Um. It makes it less cumbersome as you progress. Also it no longer gives life to the enemy unless you choose to.

Now as a four year old in kindy the books we read had text about two inches high and the teacher pointed at a word and the class read it.

I did all this before reading the bible. Now as most havent read the bible well I was basically in exact imitation of Paulos of the bible.

Romans 7:10 I found that the very commandment that was intended to bring life actually brought death. Around there Romans 7:10 etc.

Now a mkultra program or something could explain my knowledge and my understanding as a 4 year old of giving a command unto life and specific copying of the bible.

But i'm still in adherence to the Bible and imitation of Paul even if it is Mkultra. And like I was 4 in 1982. You would have to be pretty evil to mkultra mind controll a 4 year old in kindy.

My intellect and study as a 4 year old lead me to know in a command given to myself that would lead to immortality or life.

Every human has this ability to give themselves this command in them.

Death is an evil understand enemy. You fail to understand evil.

We are command machines.

We give commands to ourselves through words.

A The full complicated yet being simplified word command can lead to life immortal and not give life to the enemy. The full word and not the word the enemy teaches in deceit, which is but an appearance of the full word.

Anyway I seem to be in agreement with the bible after mkultra programming.

I can't get past the bible sorry.

It's my programming.

This has been my programming as a 4 year old from MKUltra back in 1982.


Wingedlion #fundie godlikeproductions.com

How to identify a Satanic infiltrator in a Church

Years before I got involved in spiritual warfare, I was a minister in a home church that ministered to hard core sinners. I wanted the worse of the worse to teach the deeper aspects of the Christian life to ; so that they too could find release from heavy bondage to sin. I did this under the belief that "sinners make the very best Christians".

During my years of ministry, I ministered to homosexuals living with AIDS; Prostitutes, Drug addicts, and Generational Satanist that were trying to escape the abuse of the occult and of their covens.

This presented it's own set of pecularities, like demon possession. I didn't have anyone who could counsel me on how to counsel to others, so I had to get on my knees and get my answers to how to minister to such from the Lord Himself.

As I began to be proficiant in deliverance ministry, I then tried to "disciple" those who I helped to be delivered from the occult by taking them to my conservative Baptist Church that I attended. But one Sunday, I had this one young lady get aggitated during the service, then she became scared, finally she got up and ran out of the service never to return again.

After two weeks of trying to find this girl I finally was able to set up a meeting by a mutual friend who had oridinally invited her to our group. As I asked her why she ran out, she was shaking like a leaf, and what she told me ran through me like a cold steel sword to my heart.

"The most powerful Satanist in town are at your church...and they are running it." "And they recognized me, and I them, and if I go back to Church with you I will be in danger and they will kill me." This was the greatest shock of my life. I had no idea that the conservative Baptist church that was the flag ship of the bible fellowship that it represented had become infiltrated by a group of Satanist, let alone were running the thing. I had to do some research, and sure enough, the girl was correct. And, they weren't just in my church, they were in every Church.

These are a few things that I discovered that one may use in identifying these infiltrators. They are crafty and they are able to hide very well but these things will help you in discovering what took my by surprise; but let me fore warn you, once your eyes are opened, you will never be the same again. So let us begin...


The scriptural prescedence for infiltration is found in Matthew 13:24-42. Also, the early church had to deal with infiltrators too, the descriptions of their activity can be found in the book of Jude and also in II Peter chapter 2.

Infiltrators do not infiltrate the general population, they were known in the early church as "false prophets and false teachers" They will infiltrate positions of authority and of teaching so they can spread their influence properly.

1.) Infiltrators take positions of authority: Pastors, teachers, choir directors, alter workers, deceans, etc. They come in with lots of money and lots of political influence and they throw this around like candy when first infiltrating a church. This money and influence buys them a position of authority and power in the church.

2.) Infiltrators identify themselves with symbols: This can be done mostly by jewelry or clothing. They do this to identify their position of power to other infiltrators who then get behind them and support them in their efforts to destroy the Church from within. The most common is that of the:
a. Ring worn on the middle finger: The middle finger is a finger that is associated with Saturn, which is anagram for Satan. A ring of any sort worn on the middle finger signals that they have magickal power in their bloodline. Occult practices are divided into two groups; left hand path, which is more of a satanistic type of occult, and the right hand path that is more religious and Luciferian in manner. Which hand they wear the ring on will identify which path of witchcraft they practice.
The plain gold wedding band is the most powerful symbol of all. It signifies that their bloodline can produce an anti-Christ, and it also signifies a "bride of Satan" position of power. A plain gold wedding band worn on the middle finger is a "bride of Satan" symbol that signifies their authority in Satan.

B.) Another symbol is the wearing of red:A red dress for the ladies and a red tie for the men. It is in homage to the "Beast" that is described in Revelation as being a red seven headed dragon. Also, Sunday is the high witch day for power. Notice when ever a state function is broadcast on TV, how many red ties and how many red dresses there are. These are symbols that Satanist use to identify themselves one to another.

That is enough to get started, let's see how much reaction this gets, and I assure it will get plenty of reaction. One cannot reveal the devil's secrets without paying the price, let the fireworks begin...

The "Am I Being Detained" Award

Sir, Am I being Detained? SIR!

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Christ detained by Satan 6 centuries prior being Jesus?!

I wonder why nobody wants to address the detention of Christ with the 'king of Persia'?

Read this first (short masterpiece reading):

Thread: BOMBSHELL: Christ was on earth before being Jesus!

Dan 10:13

But the prince of the Persian kingdom resisted me twenty-one days. Then Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, because I was detained there with the king of Persia.

Christ was detained WITH the 'king of Persia', together, as stated in Dan 10:13.

Except that history never reported such detention of the king of Persia which was Cyrus the Great at the moment Christ met Daniel.

[link to en.m.wikipedia.org (secure)]

Why did the prince of the Persian kingdom resist Christ 21 days?

What could the word 'resist' means?

Who was the prince of the Persian kingdom at the time of Cyrus?

The son of Cyrus the Great was Cambyses II.

[link to en.m.wikipedia.org (secure)]

Bardiya is said to be an imposter who ruled few months.

[link to en.m.wikipedia.org (secure)]

20 So he said, “Do you know why I have come to you? Soon I will return to fight against the prince of Persia, and when I go, the prince of Greece will come;

This is not the king but the prince of Persia that Christ would fight against.

Why would Christ fight Cambyses II in the End Times supposedly being the moment Christ returns to defeat Satan.

Who else could Christ fight against?

Is the Son of God involved in minor fights against minor princes?

There is another version that could well be the real one.

Nebbuchadnezzar was the king of Babylon who invaded Israel and subdued its king who was deported to Babylon. Daniel was a noble from the royal Israelite family. He wrote his book from Babylon in captivity. He cites Nebbuchadnezzar and Belshazzar, son of Nabonidus.

In Daniel's book, some kings are missing between Nebbuchadnezzar/Belshazzar of Babylon and Cyrus the Great, then Darius I, of Persia. These missing kings are:

[link to en.m.wikipedia.org (secure)]


and Nabonidus, particularly known with the Nabonidus Chronicle.

[link to en.m.wikipedia.org (secure)]

Nabonidus was king and father of Belshazzar cited by Daniel in Dan 8 as king of Babylon, instead of his father Nabonidus!

Why is Nabonidus forgotten?

While the three first kings after Nebbuchadnezzar (42 years of reign) ruled only for 4 years (3 kings in four years), Nabonidus, having left the capital for a long period, ruled
17 years through his son Belshazzar, staying in Babylon, for a while.

Wikipedia says about Nabonidus: Last Mesopotamian king of Babylon, originated in Harran in Assyria. Was not a Chaldean, often left rule to his son Belshazzar.

So, remember that Nabonidus was the last king of Babylon before the invasion of the Persian king Cyrus the Great while Daniel was in captivity in Babylon.

In the page of Wikipedia about Cyrus we can read this:

[link to en.m.wikipedia.org (secure)]

It is probable that Cyrus engaged in negotiations with the Babylonian generals to obtain a compromise on their part and therefore avoid an armed confrontation. Nabonidus was staying in the city at the time and soon fled to the capital, Babylon, which he had not visited in years.[62]

Two days later, on October 7 (proleptic Gregorian calendar), Gubaru's troops entered Babylon, again without any resistance from the Babylonian armies, and detained Nabonidus.

Here is more about Nabonidus:

[link to en.m.wikipedia.org (secure)]



On October 29, Cyrus himself entered the city of Babylon and detained Nabonidus.

After taking Babylon, Cyrus the Great proclaimed himself "king of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, king of the four corners of the world" in the famous Cyrus cylinder, an inscription deposited in the foundations of the Esagila temple dedicated to the chief Babylonian god, Marduk.

What the links provided say is that Nabonidus has been downplayed by the Babylonians priests of Marduk and Cyrus himself, considered as a Messiah in Isaiah's texts by the Jews.




The point now to understand is why the Jews mistranslated Babylon for Persia. Is it to follow orders from Cyrus the Great to better hide the presence of Christ with Nabonidus in prison because of Cyrus WHO WOULD BE THE PRINCE OF PERSIA WHOM CHRIST WILL FIGHT AT THE END TIMES AND RESISTED CHRIST 21 DAYS?


In case I wasn't clear enough, the point is that:

1) the Prince of Persia was Cyrus the Great, KING OF PERSIA. He resisted Christ for 21 days. Cyrus the Great was actually Satan that Christ must fight in the End Times.

2) the King of Persia was Nabonidus, actually KING OF BABYLON. He was actually detained by Cyrus the Great just before the latter become King of Babylon. The detention with a king that Christ speaks about is therefore REAL.

3) The mistranslations - king of Persia instead of King of Babylon (Nabonidus) as well as Prince of Persia instead of King of Persia (Cyrus the Great) - reflects a purposedly smear campaign against Nabonidus by Cyrus the Great seen as Messiah by the Jews through Isaiah's words, to better confuse the readers and make Nabonidus forgotten.

4) Since Christ was detained by Cyrus the Great WITH Nabonidus, King of Babylon, it means that Christ was incarnated BEFORE being Jesus for the detention necessarily occured on the physical plane!

5) the point 4 above explains why the angel Michael had to set Christ free. Christ should have been abducted by an angel - only supporter of Christ at that time according to his own words - and freed from his incarnated body (Daniel saw him in his glorious body in Dan 10) like Christ was freed from Jesus' body when John saw Christ in Rev 1.

6) the abduction of Christ should have occured like the ones reported in numerous cases of angels' interventions as stated in this thread:

Thread: The RAPTURE is UFO related.

7) Christ's incarnation in Daniel's time remains a mystery...but should be related to Nabonidus' detention. Who was Christ (incarnated) to the King of Babylon? One clue lies in the mysterious and supernatural handwriting on the wall in Dan 5 intended to Belshazzar, Nabonidus' son:

25 “This is the inscription that was written:

mene, mene, tekel, parsin

26 “Here is what these words mean:

Mene: God has numbered the days of your reign and brought it to an end.

27 Tekel: You have been weighed on the scales and found wanting.

28 Peres: Your kingdom is divided and given to the Medes and Persians.”

30 That very night Belshazzar, king of the Babylonians, was slain,

31 and Darius the Mede took over the kingdom, at the age of sixty-two.

Here we see how historically wrong is this last verse for the new king of Babylon was Cyrus, NOT Darius who came well after Cyrus the Great almost ten years later after two other kings.

The same way, Belshazzar is presented as the son of Nebbuchadnezzar instead of Nabonidus in Dan 5.

Again an attempt to dismiss Nabonidus and confuse the readers.

I believe Christ being close to Nabonidus who was far from his son. One must ask why...

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

We're food for the aliens

There are no benevolent aliens, unless you think that the crabs we eat think we're good.

You see, we're like Bering Sea crabs to the aliens. They let our number grow, then they arrive and start harvesting us. Just like the guys on those ships, they drag us up and take us to processing in their giant space traveling food processor ships. We're stunned (if we're lucky), sliced and diced into convenient bits, and packaged into cardboard boxes for delivery. Human flesh is known for its taste throughout the universe. We're the premium stuff. We're farmed here on earth by a family dynasty who has owned the planet for aeons. We reproduce slowly, so they harvest us only rarely (in our terms). Only occasionally the pluck up a specimen or two for quality control. We know that as alien abduction.

They don't consider us sentient beings any more than we consider crabs, cattle, or pigs to be sentient. They'll just harvest us, chop us up without any empathy and eat us.

Those who worship and wait for the aliens are the truly deluded. They expect to be greeted by space brothers but they'll end up - just like the rest of us - as the main delicacy. Goddamn idiots.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com


After carefully poring over the images, it is now obvious that the actual epicenter of the explosion was nowhere near ANY WAREHOUSE AT ALL, and in fact happened across property owned by more than one shipping company. Ruihai was supposed to be blamed for this, but it is obvious at this point that they were not responsible for the blast. Now I really think it was a kinetic weapon that did this, because the big crater happened in the middle of nowhere at all, and targeting is probably very difficult to get perfect with that type of weapon. One thing is certain, this surely was NOT a warehouse blast, the closest warehouse was approximately 100 yards away.

The explosion was actually closest to their security gate and whatever other shipping companies surrounded Ruihai. The explosion was so massive that many many buildings have completely vanished, including all warehouses and storage areas owned by Ruihai and surrounding shipping companies, with only a concrete office building remaining (1 of 2). All others are completely gone without a trace. Selective deletion of buildings (based on what they are made of) is a hallmark indicator of a nuclear weapons type blast, and if this was a kinetic weapon, results are similar.

One thing is made obvious by the very up to date "before" image: there was nothing at the epicenter that could have exploded, something other than chemicals did this. And the scale of the blast proves it was definitely a multiple kiloton range blast, achievable ONLY BY A SUPER POWER NATION.

Now the only thing up to speculation is exactly why a superpower attacked China. Was it the currency devaluation? Hillary's espionage story in need of burial? You guess, at this point it is irrelevant, an attack is proven.

BLOCKBUSTER: LATEST IMAGES SHOW THE BLAST PRODUCED A THREE ACRE LAKE! The new lake in China proves a 5kiloton blast, possibly nuclear or possibly from a space based "rod from God" (pictured to the left) weapon DEPLOYED BY THE SPACE PLANE, DING DING DING DING DING!.

At first I doubted the "rod from God" because I have no explanation for how one could drop out of orbit and actually fall, but evidently this system is real and they solved that problem. That would make the rod from God the prime candidate here, because the Chinese could easily trace down a nuclear blast.

UPDATE: ANOTHER BLOCKBUSTER: Blasts were NOT RELATED, blast 1, the small blast, happened on the West side of the container lot, and was the crater everyone first saw with containers laying in it, thinking that was from the big blast. It was not. Blast 2, the lake making nuke type blast, happened on the East side of the container lot. The fire happened to the South of both blasts, approximately centered between them, and was ONLY A FIRE, there is no conceivable way it could produce blasts on both sides of a container lot, separated by over 200 yards. The materials in question simply could not do it. The warehouse that was supposedly holding whatever exploded was erased by the large (rod from God or nuclear) blast, as was everything else around that blast.

[link to www.popsci.com]

The crater pictures people posted previously were from the small blast, not the big one, a new picture which clearly shows where the big blast went off just got released by China. After looking through the images of the soviet nuclear tests, the new lake in China appears to have been made by a slightly sub surface burst of at least a 5 kiloton nuclear bomb. There is no way the earthquake from this was in the 2's. Take a look at the pond made by a test of a small nuclear weapon ground burst in Russia and compare it to that new lake in China, which is many times as big as the pond made by a nuclear test in Russia!

Now we have limited options for this blast, since nothing stored there could have possibly done this.
This was NOT an accident and the fracture pattern around the crater proves a sub ground burst. If it was a sub ground burst,then a small nuclear weapon is a possibility because once a nuke has to push dirt, the blinding flash will not happen. A slightly subsurface detonation would explain why camera sensors did not get strange artifacts. And if it was not a nuke, it was something else incredibly huge, the fracture patterns around the crater (now a lake) also support a meteor type impact, (rod from God) but not a fuel air bomb because fuel air bombs will not leave craters.

A little bit more of a detailed explanation: If the blast happened at ground level, almost all of the energy would go upwards and the blast would not have made a large deep crater, especially one large enough and deep enough to make that lake. If you look to the right hand side of the lake, you can see fracture patterns in the earth, which were caused by the earth being compressed sideways and not downwards. This would only be done with a sub surface blast. After the blast, the earth bounced back towards the center of the lake, which opened up the cracks.
Look closely at the ground around the lake. Those who claimed it was not a nuke cited the fact that if it was, everything around the crater would be vaporized and wiped clean. Now that we have the real crater pic from the big blast, YEP, it matches that perfectly. Take a look at the containers laying in the lower left corner of this picture - they have no paint or color, which means they had the surfaces incinerated by intense heat only a nuke or other super weapon would reach. If this was a carbide blast, they would be black or have their original colors to some degree, complete color change to only gray proves this explosion was FREAKING HOT.

That type and size of blast crater will only happen if a massive bomb goes off a few feet underground, such as a tactical nuke in a drain pipe which leaves scant few alternative options (see Rod from God), No chemical blast did that, PERIOD. The building that is still standing in the upper right hand side of the frame is a typical example of what is left after a nuclear test, concrete buildings seldom get leveled, but they do get gutted by nuclear blasts. Just look through pictures of the soviet nuclear tests and you will see this. Bottom line? The aftermath is completely consistent with a nuclear blast.
I think a glue fire was started as an excuse for this huge blast, which came considerably later. And who knows what made the first big blast, or smaller blasts that led up to it, but I am confident it was a show and not an accident. They wanted this filmed from all angles and set up the show to make sure people would be recording when the big one went off. If there were lots of little blasts before that, why was there not a single small blast after the big one? That is when I would think the small blasts should have started if this entire scenario was not contrived from the start.

What would be the motive for this attack? I don't buy the currency devaluation, but something else very tasty was going on that a distraction was needed for, SUCH AS:
You cannot "professionally wipe" a server and then hand it to ANY American intelligence agency, Hillary is BUSTED

The only way you can secure a hard drive that is actually in the hands of the NSA is to either incinerate it or shred it down to dust. It won't matter if you use Norton Clean Sweep or some other app to purge it, even if a full write was done to the entire drive several times, enough stray magnetic data remains from past writes for the NSA to do a deep analysis of and extract - with errors, but they will at least know what is there, and THIS IS WHY THEY KNOW:


The tribe controlled MSM is trying to pawn off the worst proven case of espionage in America's history as a "mishandled mail box!" The fact the NSA never found that mail box before Hillary gutted the nation also proves that spooks inside that organization covered it all up!

In case you did not know: To shut Trump up, they called him to jury duty and the trial will probably be stretched until after the election. That is how corruption functions, there is no legitimate election process in America.

The message window has not changed since the Hillary espionage story because that was the cutoff, incoming messages have been blocked. I have tried to resolve this but know the answer already: The espionage/China blast stories are so on the mark that they have to stop the message stream because they don't want any whistleblowers getting through with worse stuff. AND NOW THEY ARE (probably) HAARPING UP A VOLCANO IN JAPAN FOR THE PUNCH LINE.

Explosion in Tianjin China #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

China's CERN project.

the blast was another attempt by the Saudi/Bush Mafia Cartel (CIA)
to damage China's economy.

Just Like 9-11.

The building directly to the South has an underground nuclear lab facility connected to China's CERN project
[link to www.google.ca (secure)]
... so the e4xplosion was NO accident.

If China completes its CERN project the earths axis will be at the mercy of Chinese control.

The CIA has a long list of contingency plans to STOP China from finishing the project including using Tesla's electric pulse weapon from space on China ... this weapon is several hundred times stronger than the Tzar Bomb.

That would make this Explosion in Tianjin, China look like a fart in a hurricane in Hades.

Truth IsCrazier Than Fiction #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

DEEP OPS Insider: The Huge Explosions In China And Russia Is an Exotic Advanced Weapons Warning/Display By The US: Scalar Interferometer Display

China and Russia may rightly be preparing for WWIII because they are pissed about economic and proxy military aggression from the west. But what they do or don't realize is that they will be getting in way over their heads. The very reason the west is so aggressive is because the west knows it has superseded Chinese and Russian military technology by leaps and bounds. The west is 50 years ahead of both of these countries and that
is why the west is being so aggressive. Consider this... nuke tech is 70 years old and we developed that a-bomb with no modern tools or computers. Just imagine, if you will, what we have now. I've seen a glimpse 20 years ago and it is so exotic you wouldn't have a reference to even understand it.

The west has literally been spending 20 times the amount of these countries combined in black op and military R&D.

Ben Rich:
[link to en.wikipedia.org (secure)]

Ben Rich quotes:

"The U. S. Air Force has just given us a contract to take E. T. back home."

"We also know how to travel to the stars."

"Anything you can imagine we already know how to do."

"If you've seen it in Star Trek or Star Wars, we've been there and done that."

"We have things in the Nevada desert that are alien to your way of thinking
far beyond anything you see on Star Trek."

[link to home.web.cern.ch]

[link to www.dwavesys.com]

Now let's talk scalar interferometry. This is when you pulse two longitudinal, (NOT TRANVERSE waves, as in normal EM waves, ex. microwaves, radio waves). You have a computer figure out a firing solution to what you want to target with a burst of energy. The beauty of these longitudinal waves is that they don't interact in 3D space-time until they intersect. A firing solution is computed, and this can be anywhere. The two waves are fired for different locations and aimed so they can intersect anywhere. In a fort, 5 miles down in a bunker. It doesn't matter. The two waves don't lose energy because they don't react with matter until they intersect. But once the two waves intersect they will literally fry something from the inside out.

This is 35 year old tech. The west would never show it's hand with the latest stuff. But the two explosions were demonstrations of S.I. tech on 'protected targets'. There was a 3rd demonstration on an underground Chinese bunker to drive the point home that wasn't reported in the news.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

CERN activate on 15 August 2015 of planetary alignment to prevent the coming energy till mid September.

On August 15, 2015 there will be a planetary alignment (The Planetary alignment is Earth, the earths moon, Venus and the Sun, all aligned in a straight line) allowing even more intense Divine energies to inundate Earth.

At the same time the Powers-That-Be plan to activate the Cern Hadron Collider in Switzerland to prevent this.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

cern is being funded by the Khazars (aka. rothschilds, rockefellers etc)

they are zionists and not jews, many different last names but the same bloodline, they made a pact with the devil a long time ago to completely own this planet

now they will use CERN to smash a hole into time/space to allow for Satans dimension to be connected with ours so that he can return and rule together with them as they had originally promised him

hence all of the blood sacrifices over the years, also why the Pope will be at the UN during the Blood Moon in and around Sept 24-28

Alpha Draco #conspiracy#ufo godlikeproductions.com

The Reptilian Gods are returning.

Humans needs to know the truth.

The Reptiles were ruling the world before us humans.
But we humans who were created by the Annunaki, we took over the planet and killed almost all reptilian beings. The Reptiles being who were carnivores represented a danger for the human slaves who were digging gold out of the earth for the Annunaki Gods.

The few reptilians who are still alive need to live in secret. Else they would have been exterminated by the Annunaki who invaded this planet.
The few reptiles who survived the genocide evolved. Some of them became venomous, some submerged themselves under water, some built a shield around their body and some developed biological camouflage. All the dinosaurs were exterminated. It was harder to kill flying dinosaurs because they were flying. So it took longer in times to kill the flying dinosaurs.

But now the Reptilians no-more want to live in fear.
Some of them even lives among us. It could be your neighbor or your children school friend. Since 2012 Human beings have reached a higher realm of consciousness. And because of that Humans are now more open to accept and live with other beings.

On the 23rd of September bloodmoon the reptilians will make their coming out to the world.

Lord Kayle #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Nostradamus Warned/CERN will be the Destroyer.

"Leave, Leave Geneva (that's where CERN is located) every last one of you.

Saturn from Gold to Iron will be exchanged.

The opposing RAYPOZ (Positron Rays?) will exterminate all.

Before it has started the sky will show signs."
(Remember the Norway Spiral?)

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Nibiru/Planet X will be the closest to Earth on August 17

John Moore says Nibiru/Planet X will be the closest to Earth on August 17 and is scheduled to leave on our solar system September 26, 2015.

This is why CERN are cranking up their acceleration ... to gain knowledge and guidance from inter dimensional beings regarding the imminent destruction of planet earth

YOUCITY #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com



If you take a look at the logo for the The Most Noble Order of the Garter you will see it is exactly the same as the logo of Fordham University. May I remind you that all the SCOTTISH clans also use this logo as well such as clan Kerr which is connected to the mighty power of the Catholic Howard family of Normans who’s head is the Duke of Norfolk and a powerful figure behind the Archbishop of Westminster. The logo is representative of witchcraft with the buckle symbolizing a coven of a Magus or a witch.


TRUMPS mother is from SCOTTLAND

SCOTT WALKER announced that he's running for PRESIDENT days after the EL CHAPO/TRUMP feud began

The day before TPTB let EL CHAPO escape prison there was another big part of the RITUAL taking place when a HOTEL HEIRESS "HILTON" married a ROTHSCHILD

Revisiting John Todd: "Rothschilds Rule with Druid Witches

The COUNCIL OF 13 meets eight times annually on the "Witches' Sabbaths" (incl. Halloween) when millions of occult practitioners engage in orgies, which sometimes involve human sacrifice.- John Todd

John Todd, the highest Illuminati defector in history, a Witch High Priest, a member of the Council of Thirteen, and part of the Collins Illuminati bloodline that brought Witchcraft to the US in the 17th Century. -

In 1987, Todd was framed for rape and sentenced to 30 years.

Todd was arrested in May 1987 for the rape of a University of South Carolina graduate student. After his arrest, he was additionally charged with sexually molesting two children who attended a karate school where he worked. He was convicted of the rape in January 1988 and sentenced to 30 years in state prison.[16] In 2004, Todd was released, but he was put in the care of the Behavioral Disorder Treatment Unit run by the South Carolina Department of Mental Health.[17] On November 10, 2007, Todd died in the institute.[3] - Wikipedia

"The only problem is that most of the people in the Illuminati aren't Jews. Their founders were Jews by birth, but not by religion. But most of its leaders, except for the Rothschilds, are Gaelic: SCOTTISH or French Gaelic" - John Todd


The Supreme Council was founded in Charleston, South Carolina in 1801

The Supreme Council, Ancient and Accepted SCOTTISH Rite, Southern Jurisdiction, USA (commonly known as the Mother Supreme Council of the World) was the first Supreme Council of Scottish Rite Freemasonry. It claims that all other Supreme Councils and Subordinate Bodies of the Scottish Rite are derived from it.[1] Its official full name is "The Supreme Council (Mother Council of the World) of the Inspectors General Knights Commander of the House of the Temple of Solomon of the Thirty-third Degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry

DONALD TRUMP he even has his own TAROT CARD

The Tower (tarot) card
The Tower (XVI) is the 16th TRUMP or Major Arcana card in most Italian-suited Tarot decks. It is used in game playing as well as in divination.
[link to en.m.wikipedia.org (secure)]



DragonKiller #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Jon Stewart and David Letterman Fleeing United States?? September DOOM?!

Im sure most of you guys have heard that both of these talk show host have retired this past few months... I HIGHLY doubt this is just a coincidence.. Not only that, both of their shows are based in New York City..... Coincidence?

Im guessing they retired so they can leave the US before the SHTF in September..

Factoring in Jade Helm, the 9/23 date from movies, the martial law pre-predictive programming commercial from AARP, possible cyber attack, asteroid, WW3, earthquake and the cell phone outage from a few days ago. Also Fat Man Jones leaving the US. The signs are getting bigger and bigger. Something is going to FUCKING happen in the next 2 months.

This shit is not a fucking coincidence.

S_MPLE T_UTH #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Athletics: 1 out of 3 medalists on drugs: - "impossible result" series at the end of the show - for dummies

Coe and Bubka accepted a pact with the devil
Sebastian Coe, a former 800m world record holder and two-time Olympic gold medallist at 1,500 metres, is in the same boat as the REAL pole vault world record holder Sergey Bubka.
Both play suicide bombers im their sport, participating in the manhunt for athletics champions falsely accused of doping.

Athletics: 1 out of 3 medalists on drugs: - "impossible result" series for dummies
Same as these 3 "impossible results", staged by Illuminati Grand Master at the end of show and within 5 months of 2014:
- "Superbowl: Seahawks win 43-8"
- "World Cup: Germany humiliates Brazil with 7-1 victory"
- "Renaud Lavillenie beats Sergey Bubka's record after decades at Bubka's home stadium of Donetsk".

Coe's scripted lines at the end of the show:
Mocking the audience, denying the countless previous suicide bombs detonated by the IAAF treasonous leaders:
"There is nothing in our history of competence and integrity in drug-testing that warrants this kind of attack."
Passing truth hidden in plain sight. Hiding it resumes to simply placing now what started with Ben Johnson at Seoul 1988:
"It is a declaration of war on my sport. Athletics is the most fundamental of all sports and the way the world sees athletics influences the way it views all sports,"

New doping claims against athletics are a "declaration of war" on the sport, British Olympic great and International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) presidential candidate Sebastian Coe said
Coe, is vying with former Ukrainian pole-vaulter Sergey Bubka to succeed Lamine Diack, the head of world governing body the IAAF, in an election on August 19.The doping claims came to light following the leak of an IAAF database.
It allegedly shows details of over 12,000 blood tests between 2001 and 2012 that revealed "extraordinary" levels of doping, with over 800 athletes producing suspicious blood tests.
Six-time world champion Bubka, 51, has called for athletics to stiffen its resolve against the scourge of doping.
[link to news.yahoo.com (secure)]

Brazilians virtually slaughtered by Germany, one year after the real slaughter of brazilians by the illuminati at the Santa Maria disco.
Neymar and two defenders blackmailed to participate.
All staged by Brazil's treasonous government, nazi agents executing illuminati orders.
The impossible result: Symbolic score was supposed to be 7-0 with 5-0 at half time and 4 goals in 7 minutes.
Why the script wasn't exactly fulfilled
** end-of-show.blogspot 2014/07/

Doping conspiracy echoed by NOBODY ever since it was exposed in the web, 1999:
Doping improves performance in running and jumping" is a lie sold by the illuminati through false accusations to the champions.
Goals include:
- Marketing the chemical industry, the agenda of increased use of drugs, or in other words fulfilling the illuminati religion's "Black is White";
- Discourage youth to get into athletics, destroying the principle of "healthy mind in healthy body", required to totally brainwash youth;
- stage justice, again with the illuminati religion's "Black is White": the biggest deceivers in human history (illuminati, black) combat fraud (justice, white);
- Divert attention from the fact that humans reached the physical limits, part of various agendas, starting with "theory of evolution" (hoax created by illuminati).

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

My civilizational planetary theory...

1. The asteriod belt is the remains of the human species "home planet" which was destroyed in a devastating war and or catastrophe.

2. Earths wobble, orbit and it's moon are some of the many artifacts of this planetary calamity.

3. Earth and Mars were habitable during the epoch of the Homeworld but not as nice or large as ts he one that was destroyed creating the vast asteroid field.

4. Later, Mars was also devastated by a great war making it uninbabitable, but humans had not advanced to the point that they had previously to be able to literally blow the planet apart.

5. The war on Mars also created impacts on earth which caused extinctions and mega earth changes.

6. Humans now foolishly attempt to harness the powers that their superiors failed to control or contain.

7. Earth civilization will fail as did the Mars and Homeworld civilizations in a less spectacular manner.

8. Our galactic neighbors will be glad to be rid of us.

The Creator used GOD=7_4 #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Atheist scientists are liars and hypocrites! They often criticize the religious for "being dogmatic and ignoring evidence" yet that's exactly what they do when faced with the evidence of GOD/God-incarnate, intelligent design, purpose, the after life/reincarnation, nonlocal cause-and-effect, and extraterrestrial visitation.

The 1st part of Seal #1 is...

"The Big Bang/Bit Bang (a supermassive white hole) 13.8 billion years ago was the result of a supermassive black hole in another universe. Our universe & that SBH share the same event horizon. That SBH & SWH formed an Einstein-Rosen bridge (wormhole). This duality combines these two singularities in a birth-life-death-rebirth cycle within The Conglomerate of universes (multiverse). This 'simple' cause-and-effect explains infinite space and eternity. Self-replication is the simplest plan for everything from a cell to a universe to a mind."

Earth is ~4.567 billion years old. Humans appeared about 2 million years ago. Every human has a common ancestor - the mitochondrial DNA 'Eve' - who lived ~200,000 years ago. About 6,000 years ago, the extraterrestrial 'God-guy' appeared in the Tigris-Euphrates River Valley. He cloned himself to produce Adam and then cloned Adam to produce Eve. These three most important souls and their offspring then interacted with the humans East of Eden, they were reincarnated over-and-over again, and the rest is his-story.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Over 2 billion people were replaced by reptilians in 2012!!!!

This happened to almost all of China and all the other East Asian countries!!! a lot but not all of the Netherlands, most or all of Paris, ALL of California Arizona Washington Oregon Ohio, and many other places where the humans there are all or mostly all demonically possessed since reptilians are unable to replace normal non possessed humans!

They replaced a lot of possessed humans in other places but a lot of places they did not replace all of the possessed humans, like in Africa they replaced almost half the population, but I guess that is because not all Africans are possessed as opposed to the people in East Asia!

Not all south east Asians are possessed but all East Asians are, and places where there are some people who are not possessed that results in a lot less people being replaced there!

That is what the Mayans were really predicting for 2012! The replacement of like over 2 billion people(all demonically possessed) with reptilians, and that is what is the beginning of the end of the world! it's the first phase towards the NWO which IS the end of the world!

The NWO will never happen though but over 2 billion people being replaced by reptilians is the first phase of what the reptilians plan to be the end of the world in other words the NWO.

ShockJock #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

European Weather Satellite Accidentally Shows Earth has CHANGED SHAPE, from circular to almost egg-shaped. Explains weather changes/earthquakes

When former Secretary of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano, gave her farewell speech several years ago, she made clear her successor would face "a natural disaster the likes of which we've never dealt with before." Despite being questioned about this several times later, Ms. Napolitano never clarified what she meant.

It appears we have now been (accidentally) shown exactly what this "natural disaster" is going to be: A shift in the shape of Earth!

Yesterday, August 4, 2015, the European Space Agency publicized the first image sent back to it from Europe's newest weather satellite. The image, in full color and high definition, is quite beautiful. It is also very peculiar, and provides us with explanations about the wacky weather we've been having, the drought in the western USA, the eruption of so many volcanoes planet-wide, and the massive earthquakes that have been taking place: The earth's shape has changed!

The image, at the link below, does not show earth as being round. Instead, it shows the planet has changed its shape to more of an egg-shape, with the larger part north of the equator and the narrower part south of the equator!

See for yourself: [link to www.esa.int]

There is only one thing that could cause the planet to change it's shape this way: The molten iron core of the planet is moving northward. There is only one explanation for that taking place: Something is exerting a massive magnetic or gravitational pull on the molten iron core from above our normal orbital plane.

The only thing that could exert such a magnetic or gravitational pull large enough to affect our entire planet, is another celestial body!

It seems to me that the presently ongoing military "drill" called "Jade Helm" - has another purpose: To pre-position US military assets in or near the areas which scientists feel may FRACTURE as whatever is affecting our planet, reaches its maximum pull!

I know this is a long shot, but folks, it all "fits." And thanks to the European Weather Satellite image released publicly, I believe we now have a very good explanation for all the strange weather taking place around the planet, the drought in the western US caused by the earth bulging outward, thus deepening the water table, the volcanic eruptions taking place worldwide and why our government has placed massive numbers of troops in certain locations.

Your thoughts?

ASAP!! #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The Jade Helm Logo has a hidden message. The mystery of the shoe has been revealed. The secret message means incarceration in a concentration camp for those labeled as enemies of the state. Just like the prisoners during the holocaust, incarceration and work camps will be in the future of dissidents. Whether or not Jade Helm goes live, the logo reveals the eventual future of America that includes tyranny, Martial Law and Hotel FEMA.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Ownership of the Portal: Brotherhood of Saturn, Chronos, & the Linear Time Trap. Saturn is a device & the Illuminati know. TRUTH is HERE NOW

The series i want to share here has 4 parts. i want to start with the 4th in the series so you can hear about the reality of Saturn and what role this device has in our universe. It suggests that Saturn is not a planet, but rather, a hyperdimensional portal or device of some kind, that basically is the regulator of our linear time.

the solar system looks as though it was constructed as a "time trap." since the entities are so interested in governing this portal, i would be willing to postulate that this is the device that brings back Christ. they do not, of course, want this to happen.

Christ uses this portal to return. the device is destroyed. liner time is no longer imprisoning us.

we are locked into linear time, but it is only temporary. this is why the illuminati want control of the Linear Time Device.

Kubrick revealed many of these important facts. the elite know. Kubrick was murdered for trying to tell.

Then i think its important to go back and watch the whole series from start to finish. It clearly profiles the Saturnian cults which are Satanic and how the illuminati are involved.

Afterward, there are a couple of additional videos regarding the Kubrick leaks in Odysee, AI, Eyes Wide Shut that lend data to this subject.

Not all of this is "new" info, but it is "now" info, and important none-the-less.

Krixer #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

September 2015. Everything that points toward that month.

Just thought I'd collect all the information pertaining to the end of September as something that will change the earth.

1- The Day of Atonement happens to be on the 23rd of September.

2- The Pope's visit to the USA which happens on the 23rd.

3- Jade Helm's conclusion which falls on the 15th.

4- There's something in the Jewish religion which is called Shmitah. Rabbi Johnathan Cahn noted that the Shmitah in 2001 caused the stock market collapse at the end of September, and then in 2008 the Shmitah also caused the economy trouble. The next Shmitah happens to be at the end of the 29th day of Elul this September.

5- According to Thomas Horn in his book Petrus Romanus written in 2012 he notes the following about Daniel's prophecy and specifically this verse "Know also and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to cause to return and to build Jerusalem, unto the Anointed the Prince, shall be seven weeks."

Jerusalem was reclaimed by Israel during the Six Days War in June of 1967. Recall that in the seventy-weeks paradigm, the “seven” is seven weeks of years which is (7 x 7) forty-nine years. T. W. Tramm explains a remarkable concurrence:

June 7, 1967 falls in the Hebrew year 5727, adding forty-nine prophetic years to this date we arrive in the Hebrew year 5776, which is 2015 on the Gregorian calendar. Interestingly, if one counts exactly forty-nine (360 day) prophetic years (17,640 days) from the June 7, 1967 date of Jerusalem’s recapture, we arrive at September 23, 2015—the Day of Atonement! Coincidence?

6- The Bible has a verse called the Parable of the Fig Tree, and it says that when you see the budding of the fig tree, you will know that the kingdom of God is near and that this generation will not pass until all things are fulfilled.
Now the average generation lasts 67 years, and some people have linked the budding of the fig tree to the birth of the Nation of Israel in 1948. So if we add 1948 and 67 we arrive at the year 2015.

7- There's a guy in Puerto Rico called Efrain Rodriguez I think who's saying that a huge meteor will fall near Puerto Rico this September in the Ocean and will cause huge tidal waves that will affect the east coast of the US.
Interestingly some other people are also reporting about an asteroid or comet on collision course with Earth this September.

8- The date September 23rd appears in tons and I mean tons of movies and TV shows, and history has shown us that movies contain a lot of dates and predictions and symbolism about future events look it up on Youtube and you'll see a lot of videos pointing it out.

9- Some french politician or scientist said in 2013 that we have 500 days to avoid climate chaos. Coincidentally these 500 days end on September 24.

10- A very revered Jewish Rabbi has been recently announcing that the return of the Messiah (which we know as the Antichrist) is imminent, and he's calling all the Jews to migrate to the land of Israel.
Here's an excerpt from the article "When asked about the timing of the Messiah’s arrival, Rabbi Kanievsky answered, “At the end of the Sabbatical year.” Several people have asked the Rabbi to verify this and he has given the same answer each time. This year is the Sabbatical year and it will be ending on the 29th day of Elul, which, by the Gregorian calendar falls on Saturday, September 12, 2015."
Link: [link to www.breakingisraelnews.com]

11- A lot of Muslim clerics are predicting the return of their Mahdi in September this year. Also interesting to note is a prophecy of old written by the Islamic prophet Ali Bin Iben Abi Talib which says that just before the coming of the Mahdi, a tall black man will rise up to take command of the West and he will command the most powerful army on earth. Knock knock Obama?

12- The Blood Moon tetrad which started in 2014 will end with the final Blood Moon on September 28th 2015.

These are the major points hinting that in September of this year something HUGE will occur that will change life on earth as we know it.

Now I have to admit, that previous doom predictions were all insane and there was no chance of them happening. But this September is different, all the signals are pointing toward it, I can feel it, a lot of people can feel it too, and I have listed too many points about this September. This is too big to be just a mere coincidence.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Who wants to know the secret behind Alex Jones and why the Illuminati picked him to the Anti-NWO mouthpiece

The Jesuits picked Jones because Alex Jones was previously incarnated as the Nazi Ernst Rohm


Mister Jones.. and the NWO.. tell each other fairy tales..

[link to en.wikipedia.org (secure)]


Ernst Rohm and Himmler did NOT get along

Trin there is a reason why you and AJ don't vibe

It goes back to a previous life relationship

Global Agenda #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Cecil The Lion Was A Big Pharma Blood Sacrifice

Connecting Cecil The Lion psy-op with the recent murders of several Holistic Doctors. Did Big Pharma protect their 'domain' with a ritual blood letting? Doctors killing Doctors and Dentists killing Lions. One is a hoax and the other is bloody real!

Copernicus was a Fraud #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The Heliocentric Hoax

About four hundred years ago a great debate challenged the Catholic world and it has still not recovered from the crushing blow of heliocentrism. Aside from the intrigues of the Judeo-Masonic Conspiracy, Nicholaus Copernicus (1473-1543), Galileo Galilei (1564-1642), and Albert Einstein (1879-1955) are three of the most prominent architects of this New Age hoax.

Copernicus, who taught the theory that the earth both rotates on its axis once a day and revolves around the sun once a year, rejuvenated this ancient Babylonian myth call heliocentrism. This re-hashing of the error of Aristarchus(1) was actually nurtured by astrology for generations, and most scholars acknowledge that those who embraced this deception after the death of Christ were Bible-hating pagans. During the Life of Copernicus this novelty was sustained via the network of Freemasonry. This satanic craft, shrouded in symbolic sophistry, has as its main objective the destruction of Christ’s Church (Truth).

The renowned Catholic historian, William Thomas Walsh, in his bibliography, Philip II, examines an unfinished article from that period entitled The New Atlantis. This work, by the revolutionist Francis Bacon, was a veiled description of the Freemason machinery as it operated in Europe around the 1500’s and is claimed by modern Masons to be their own. Bacon’s piece acknowledges that subversive "members of the order control medicine, science, astrology . . ."(2) Even today, according to the revisionist historian Ralph Epperson, Masonry claims the sun as their symbol!

It was not, however, until Galileo that heliocentrism was used to subvert the Roman Catholic world view (geocentrism). Solange Hertz, a contemporary Catholic historian, reveals that Galileo, usually in need of money, "was easily inspired and financed by the group of revolutionary spirits who clustered about Cosimo de Medici II in Florence."(3) Perhaps because of their influence, Galileo lied to the Church and College of Cardinals and resumed teaching the theory as a fact. He, "the wrangler", had a tendency to mock his opponents and to overstate his case.(4) God’s Providence, it seems, arranged a Saint and Doctor of the Church, Cardinal Robert Bellarmine, S.J., the Master of Controversial Questions, to refute the Galileo heresy. Despite Bellarmine’s impeccable refutation, the lack of viable proofs submitted by Galileo, and the failure of modern science to verify heliocentrism, Galileo has become the "light" and "Father of Modern Science", while the Church, our Mother, appears "dark" and defunct.

Modern science texts to this day, dominated by secular humanists, state that Galileo proved the Copernican sun-centered theory. The fact is, he proved nothing. Alexander von Humboldt (1769-1859), who sought to formulate the known facts about the universe into a uniform conception of nature in his Cosmos (5 Vols, 1845-1862), said quite candidly: "I have already known for a long time that we have no proof for the system of Copernicus . . .but I do not dare to be the first one to attack it."

Bernard Cohen in Birth of a New Physics, 1960, concurs: "There is no planetary observation by which we on earth can prove the earth is moving in an orbit around the sun."...


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Nicolaus Copernicus was a Freemason who is held in high regard for creating the the Heliocentric Hoax which was further perpetrated by another freemason Icon, Galileo Galilei.

Lodge Copernicus - 246 was Consecrated in 30th Apr 2011 to honor him.

The Book of Enoch contains the truth about the geocentric Earth and it's relation to the sun and moon.

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