
Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

How Saturn Destroyed Mars

There are machines running Saturn that control the Rings. That run the storms. Completely destroying anything that approaches it. No civilization. Even an advanced one, dare enter. So they simply used that power on the Martian Planet. Put it in garbage disposal mode. That's why Mars looks like that and that's what happened to the Martians. No brainer! When Saturn was done destroying Mars, they simply shut off the garbage disposal.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Saturn is definitely protecting something

Check out this documentary on Saturn:

Some facts taken from it:

1.) The planet is is not all gas. It has a rocky core several times the size of Earth.

2.) There is no way we are ever going to see this center for the following reasons:

3.) The debris in Saturn's rings whip around so fast that a particle the size of a grain of sand would utterly tear something apart.

4.) Lightning storms in Saturn's atmosphere are potentially 1000x more powerful than those on Earth.

4.) The ever lasting hurricanes on the north and south poles are a mystery as to their power source.

5.) Any probe sent too far down into Saturn's atmosphere would implode.

I believe Saturn is the embodient of hell or satan. The documentary keeps referring to it as a bright beauty with a mean streak that seduces the solar system.....aka Lucifer. I also have a theory on what resides in the center....the black cube, thus the heavy security system for the satanic source broadcasting our reality. I know this is touching on religious philosophy now but through analysis from our science we can begin to piece together the esoteric.

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Carl Sagan, espoused by ignorant atheists, devotee of Mystery Babylon!

Carl Sagan is loved and held in high regards by atheist groups everywhere. However, when taking a look at his writings, we find that his books are so filled with Babylonian Mystery Religion garbage that it's clear he was just another low-tier initiate into the Luciferian doctrine.

With book titles such as the Demon-Haunted World and Dragons of Eden, this is blatantly obvious to all but the most braindead of sheep. However, due to the immorality of atheists, their hatred of the truth,methods of proceeding through life in blind ignorance,and their great egos and pride, Carl Sagan is looked to as a hero that liberated them of religion LOL.

In actuality Carl Sagan wrote and likely practiced the Babylonian Mystery Religion extensively. His books are filled with the Tower of Babyl motif to make contact and travel with the heavens, which he believes is humanity's goal. You can find all the information you want about Babylonian deities such as Enki and Ea in his book Contact. So much more as well but I'm NOT going to be bothered by reading the life collection of a Luciferian sell-out to the Antichrist world order.

Have fun being deceived, Atheists. You hate the Bible, but you soooo love those who love Babylon. This is the heights of hypocrisy. Enjoy your deception, Lucifer is laughing, the whore of Mystery Babylon (a personification of the Mystery Religion) is laughing because they've trapped for themselves another soul.

Meanwhile, Jesus Christ who died and suffered so you could inherit EVERYTHING, FOREVER, is rejected by you as a strong evil.

Atheists - hellbent on followung Lucifer at all costs, hellbent on resisting their own salvation!

Chapter 13 of Contact is titled, Babylon !

What do you know!

ONLY Chriatians who know and understand the Bible have any idea what this man was talking about.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com


QUOTE FROM THE ARTICLE BELOW..."Geoengineering examples include injecting particles into the stratosphere to reflect sunlight back into space...."

[link to www.huffingtonpost.com]

I keep hearing people talk about the intensity of the sun, the California drought, hoover damn, plants dying etc.

INTENSITY of the Sun has everything to do do with chemtrailing and the nanoparticles they use to REFLECT THE SUN DOWNWARD for more intensity or away to make weather cooler. In fact, they criminally use this technology (see this link for the basic concept

[link to www.wired.co.uk]

to accomplish many things, which are as follows:

1. RIG WEATHER AND PROFIT FROM ENERGY TRADES - They'll both insure against weather with utility companies and then also buy energy on the open market. When you have the weather rigged, you can't lose on either bet...simply put, make it hotter when you're not insuring but have bought futures for those dates and profit handsomely. Make it cooler when you're insuring against hot weather.

2. HERD THE MASSES - Exactly what they are doing in the West Coast and they'll finish the job with an earthquake tsunami...same way they did in Indonesia to grab more oil development land that was right in the midst of tourist beaches.

3. DESTROY CROPS - They have their reasons


If you don't think this is happening, you're sadly mistaken. They tell you all the time that they're doing it with "geoengineering." Most people don't bother to think about anything and are too busy with their daily lives/

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

CERN goin to come through the neighborhood again tonight and the Dogs gonna be barking all night long

They gonna drag CERN through the neighborhood again tonight on the back of a large flat bed truck and the dogs gonna be up all night long barking. They bark all night they drag that thing around my neighborhood. It scare me. I don't know if they pointing it at my house or other peoples houses but the dogs know they doing it cause the dogs go crazy.

The Truth #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

In this video a member of this community explains what the cure is, How your body was wired to easily defeat these easily curable illnesses and why there are many dead holistic/alternative doctors.

Look, They already have a cure to autism, cancer and thousands of other easily curable diseases that millions of people across the world suffer from....

Now why does TPTB and Big Pharma don't want you to know about it and why do they kill anyone with the knowledge and study of the cure.....Say it with me everyone!


They make Billions if not Trillions worldwide from subjugating the common citizen while keeping them sicker and sicker while their wallets get thicker and thicker....

Everything from Vaccines, Pharmaceutical drugs (which make you sicker), Chemo/Radiation poisoning of millions worldwide and Food/Water Poisoning around the world is meant to make them rich.....

1 Timothy 6:10
For the love of money is the root of all evil...

Keeping billions sick while profiting off it is flat out evil and it is all done in the name of money...

Moving on to the Holistic/alternative doctors and medical professionals why are so many of them in America and Worldwide being suspiciously killed? Because they are the ones that found the cure and they are the shouting from the mountain tops that Big Pharma is a scam and your body can fight all these things off easily, A few decades back cancer and autism were not a problem, they were very rare but NOW with the water and food poisoning and vaccines you would be lucky NOT to get sick.....

Here is proof that vaccines can cause cancers and autism, In most vaccines is a protein called Nagalase, now Nagalease is nasty stuff - Nagalase causes immunodeficiency. Nagalase blocks production of GcMAF, thus preventing the immune system from doing its job. Without an active immune system, cancer and viral infections can grow unchecked.

So basically if you get unlucky and take the wrong vaccine your body is an easy target for autism or cancer (If you are at a young age). This is not common in adults but however most vaccines are give to children anyway.

***************Whats the cure ELI5:*********************
[link to gcmaf.se (secure)] - Website to the cure method....

The cure is basically your own immune system, Nagalease basicaly disables your immune system but if you already have cancer if you get a fresh injection of GcMAF.

Here is an explanation:
GcMAF can eradicate chronic inflammation and viral infections. It is better than antibiotics in many areas, and 25% successful with Autism, 50% or more with Chronic Herpes, Chronic Acne, Chronic cirrhosis of the liver, Chronic kidney disease, Chronic depression, Colitis, Crohn’s, Fibromyalgia, Hepatitis, Herpes, LMBBS, ME/CFS, Osteoporosis, Periodontal disease, Psoriasis and various types of Immune dysfunction including allergies. Research shows GcMAF can halt deterioration in Parkinsons, multiple sclerosis (MS), dementia and ALS, and in its role of immune system regulator, can reverse diseases that attack the immune system like Lupus and Arthritis. And is effective with wound healing. Its successful with tumour cancers, and some others.

This is a HUGE discovery and Big Pharma and Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) are trying to stop this from gaining press....Forget all that vein donations to cure cancer foundations and other foundations of the like because TPTB will not allow scientisits to find a cure and if they DO they wound up dead or quitting their profession and their studies with them.

If you have a family member with a chronic illness or with cancer please share this with them, DO NOT take prescription medications, Vaccines or Chemo Treatment...That stuff will kill you, God gave us a body that could fight off any illness the only reason your body is failing is because you have been poisoned....Seek holistic and alternative medication and study this GcMAF cure....

Much love, Stay healthy ~

*Disclaimer - This cure is about 75% ish effective its not THE cure but it is a very very effective solution...

S_MPLE T_UTH #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Update two hours after the referedum, July 6:
Varoufakis alias Var-you-fak-us resigns for dummies:
Other than the tactic of creating fake dissidents each time the rest of the team playing fake opposition totally takes out the mask, this psy-op sets the stage for these two acts:
1. to push the humiliation and robbery of greeks to new limits, by having nazi agent Tsipras, reverse the result of the referendum (added July 11: within less than a week ).
2. confiscation, the final stage of robbery of greeks, stripped of deposits before the rest of the PIGS (Portugal, Italy, Spain).
The rest of the human cattle will be also stripped immediately after the BIG BANG, that starts in Jerusalem with the resurection of Osama Bin Laden crucified to the missing Boeing 777 and Obama's staged arrest one or a few days later.

GREECE: REFERENDUM RIGGED Tsipras AND / OR Varoufakis resign
Greeks stripped of their deposits before portuguese, spanish and italian because illuminati forced to go for OR instead of AND.

the difference in A and B plans: totally or just partly RIGGED referendum
40 times more people demonstrating for NO
Syntagma square: more than 200, 000 people at NO rally.
Old Olympic Stadium: less than 5,000 people at YES rally.
Despite this illuminati media continues to sell the head-to-head race.

illuminati-suicide-bombers.blogspot.--- /2015/07/

Debt *MORE* than TOTAL HOAX, it's illuminati fulfilling BLACK is WHITE
Published Feb 2015.

Mock and humiliate greeks agenda:
The more Greece is robbed the more traitor Tsipras smiles.
Same as fake identity Varoufakis, the "radical leftist" who suddenly stepped on stage: Var-you-fack-us, the greeks.
Reminder the ultimate episode of this agenda, mocking not only greeks but human cattle all over the world:
Global Banking collapse averted only if pensions of 1 million greek pensioners are reduced from 650 to 500 €.

Roles of nazi agents Tsipras and "Putin"
- main role: to transfer to illuminati central safes what they rob from disarmed citizens.
- main psy-op role: to convince greeks that "there's no alternative to EU and euro".
- other key roles: sell as legit the voting farce: pro-Troika parties had in reality only 15% of votes.

Greece: Debt is MORE than a TOTAL HOAX:
It's illuminati fulfilling their religion's commandment of BLACK is WHITE.
In other words: Greece is in fact one of the states financing germans, from holidays in the 32,000 km of greek coasts to fresh vegetables in winter.
Fake Putin's treasonous gov supplies gas and oil BELOW production costs to their illuminazi masters while it drastically reduces pensions of russians.
That's the main reason why germans can heat houses 7 months a year and fill their cars's fuel tanks.
But germans drive them in toll free highways thanks to what the treasonous governments of EU states transfer to illuminati central safes.


KENYA #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Tupac Shakur IS Alive and well. This is the REAL reason he faked his death with proof inside.

Tupac Shakur was not only a rapper/poet/actor/activist but he was also a prophet. He faked his death coz he was waiting for the day Black Jesus would be revealed to the world. I am that Black Jesus. In his song"Black jesus" he says he's searching for black Jesus sporting jewels and tatted up and that black jesus smokes and drinks like they do. well i have tattoos on both my upper arms one of a cross with the words "The Good Die Young" written underneath. He also said he wont change the world but he'll spark the brain that will change the world. I have been influenced by Tupac since i was a child and when June 3 2016 arrives i will be revealed to the entire world possessing the sevenfold spirit of God and displaying deadly wrath. Pac said it.. "Ni**as freeze when they see black jesus". When i manifest i will seek out pac from Cuba where he's been living and grant him supernatural abilities so that his enemies wont be able to kill him. I am the LIon of the tribe of Judah and the Lamb that will be slain. I am also the man child of Rev 12 and the rider on the white horse of Rev 19. For all you Tupac fans keep ya head up. THere will be better days. For the proof of Tupac being alive and that he faked his own death i have posted the following videos below.

Anonymous Coward #ufo #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Kelly Osbourne is a reptilian!!

That is why she has that very weird face.

Her face is big, square, and her jaw is HUGE! it is very wide and quite square, and it is about just as wide and in some picture a little wider than her upper face!

She has a normal female body so why would she have the very masculine face shape and facial proportioning?

Normal females have jaws that are narrower than the upper face and jaws that are usually rounded and more slender, at least definably rounded if not slender, no square shape.

Kelly Osbourne also has manly upper face with the flat sides to it like a lot of masculine faces have, a feminine face has rounded side to the upper face.

The whole Osbourne family are reptilians!!! Jack Osbourne has always had a weird face at times very weird, a definite sign of someone being a reptilian!

I wonder if Christina Aguilera knew that Kelly is a reptilian this whole time? If she knew maybe she would have had worse and different things to say about her!

Kelly Osbourne is also a very rude and nasty bitch, she has a foul mouth of course and has nasty attitude.

Not to mention how she was so judgmental and insulting of people on the fashion police, btw it is not the human Joan Rivers Kelly liked it's the reptilian one.


[Another Anonymous Coward:] Duh, ozzy has a wide jaw. Genetics, dip-shit.


Her jaw is no less wide than his, she is a female so she should not have a jaw as wide or maybe in this case wider than a guys!

Her jaw should still be narrower than her upper face since estrogen narrows a jaw and makes it more slender!

Being a female her jaw should be rounder than the squarer jaw she usually has, in some pictures it looks a bit more rounded and other pictures it looks really square!

So she is clearly shapeshifting!

On average it is still squarer shaped.

Say no to Pokemon #fundie godlikeproductions.com


I'm a dedicated Christian, and judging by what I've seen on television, Pokemon is a game full of violence, slavery and abuse. Forcing creatures to fight for their own entertainment is appalling and I cannot believe it's rated for children. I can also not believe it has been going on since the 90s, causing evil to spread.
Yesterday, my son asked what I was fearing. He asked for a Pokemon game, I was shocked, because I knew my sister let her sons play that dreadful game, and my sister is dim and does not follow in Gods footsteps.
I told him no and immediately sent him to his room. I then phoned my pastor and he recommended steering my son away from that awful game. My son is 11 years old and he has become very cold with me ever since I said no. He called me insane, which is a reflect of what the game can do to a child.
I will not allow any kind of things in my house that are in any way offending God. I threw away all my sons Harry Potter books and forbidden him from watching the movies.
I am a good mother, and any parent who lets their kids play Pokemon, will grow up with a power obsessed, violent child worshiping Satan. Evolution is also in the game, which is against Gods words. it is disgraceful and should be banned.
My son has insulted me ever since this has happened. He told me his friends play Pokemon, so I have told him he is not allowed near them again. It is causing a drift between our family. I have told my son various times that he will go to Hell if he plays Pokemon but the message is not sinking in.

I fear Satan is taking him from me.

S_MPLE T_UTH #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Why do illuminati create *** animal welfare *** organizations for the human cattle? ANSWER here

Prophet Matt's words from 2001: - see latest in Notes

Why do illuminati create animal welfare organizations for the human cattle?
Animal welfare organizations are one of the components of the "humanitarian, NGO & Co" disinfo network, that ranges from Amnesty International / Human Rights Watch to Doctors without Borders and Greenpeace:
Passing truth in plain sight. This ncludes:
1. - illuminati religion's commandment that all cattle (human or not) has the same "rights".
2. - how human cattle is fed with what is produced in animal factories.

Advancing the agenda "exterminate sub-human jews" ncludes:
2. - spread hatred against jews, calling for a "stop to the Sadistic Jewish Ritual Slaughter", while using words association to apply the psy-op technique "black is white": portray victims as butchers.
4. - use it as launching pad for statements such as "animal abuse was a holocaust."

July 2015 - Russell Simmons casted in the latest episode of the fourth type, followed by yet another psy-op technique "Black is not black":
Russell Simmons said he wasn't making a direct comparison between people and animals when he made references to a holocaust and slavery in talking about animal welfare last week.
[link to news.yahoo.com]

To get the theater "HOLOCAUST memoir author was a LIAR and is ordered to repay £13.3 million!":
To get how the illuminati censored the Truth as it took place, start by how they do it NOW.
To what lengths US / EU governments go to censor TRUTH about Auschwitz concentration camps and Holocaust: Guido Knopp milestone series from 2000 NEVER again broadcasted and beyond
jewish-holocaust.blogspot. 2012/09/

asian #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Couple months ago, I had the most vivid dream of my life. I was sitting in a room full of people I knew, then out of nowhere the door swings open and this blue entity comes straight towards me, stops in front of me, and stared directly into my eyes. Everyone in the room ran off screaming, but I just sat there staring at it. Its cheeks were defined, with clear blue skin and wearing a black shiny robe with a high collar. I woke up screaming because it frightened me so much.

Thinking it was just a bad dream, I forgot about it. Until this weekend. I went to see my buddy who's really in astrology and researching alchemy and all that stuff. He recently started looking into a race of blue people who supposedly have been here long before us. And he feels that he is also a reincarnation of one of these blue entities.
He told me that the information on this race is being slowly filtered out of the internet because these people are ON THIS PLANET.

He told me they wear black shiny high collared robes, before I even told him the details of my vivid dream.

Dude. Someone help me find more info about these people! I feel it was contacting me for some reason! I have had a true intention to save others on this planet for the past 2 years and constantly think of ways I can spread love.
I also believe dreams can be very real.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The White race are the descendents of the White Annunaki/Nordic Aliens.

The black race was the slave race created by the Annunaki/Nordic Aliens by genetically manipulating the DNA of the Cro Magnon and Ape.

It is no mistake that countless ancient civilisations and cultures like the ancient Mayans, Egyptians and Indians (Indus Valley Indians) around the world depict their Kings and Queens as "fair" while their slaves as "black".

On top of that, the White race burn their skin easily in sunlight, age very quickly and go bald easily, indicating the fact their habitat on Earth is not natural to them.

Those who don't believe and say that the white skin colour is due to the lack of sunlight in cold temperate regions, I only point to the eskimo and innuit people who technically have lived in the arctic regions for thousands of years and yet are Brown.

ThankYouFatherGiverOf?Wisdom #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Hello all GLP, I know that the shills and trolls are going to have fun with this thread because I am about to hit many high pitch cords that NASA has even dumbed down with sweet music, SO LETS BEGIN,SHALL WE....

We have all been duped by NASA and other space companies thinking that planets are inhabitable places like the Earth, but guess what, they are wrong and have been bought out by FALLEN ANGELS to keep you dumbed down about what really is in space. Before I continue please read the scripture below:

Jude 1:13
Raging waves of the sea, foaming out their own shame; WANDERING STARS, to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness for ever.

Now take notice above were it speaks about WANDERING STARS, in which are FALLEN ANGELS. We should all know how many of our words which we use daily originate from GREEK words, am I correct?

Well guess what? The GREEK word for WANDERING STAR is " Aster-Planetes" or PLANETS! Planets! That is why the Greeks and other minorities worshiped the Planets like Jupiter which are FALLEN ANGELS!!!

Therefore I come to the conclusion that EARTH is not a planet but is the ground plane of the whole universe.

Therefore how many planets are documented to be contained in our solar system not including the Earth and sun and including Pluto? 7!!!!

Seven planets= 7 Stars

How many fallen angels are under satans rank? There are 7 fallen angels which are kings under Lucifer in the kingdom of darkness!!!! Unite the seven!!

Those who have seen LieKillers YouTube channel should understand alot clearly what I am talking about.

Jupiter=Abaddon= Jupiter Ascending = King and angel of the Bottomless Pit= Abaddon is Jupiter ascending out of the bottomless pit!!!!!!Wow, yes I know.

There is nothing hidden that shall not be made abroad.

I will like to give thanks to GOD for revealing this to me and I hope that you have been blessed through

Steven Stronghold #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Does anybody know why all the Planets of Science are named after Fallen angels? (Greek Gods) Anybody? Anybody at all?
2Enoch.30:[4]On the first uppermost circle I placed the stars, Kruno, and on the second Aphrodit, on the third Aris, on the fifth Zoues, on the sixth Ermis, on the seventh lesser the moon, and adorned it with the lesser stars.

Kruno, Aphrodit, Aris, Zoues, Ermis. "Sound Familiar?"

- Saturn is the god of agriculture. The associated Greek god, Cronus, was the son of Uranus and Gaia and the father of Zeus (Jupiter).

- Jupiter (a.k.a. Jove; Greek Zeus) was the King of the Gods, the ruler of Olympus and the patron of the Roman state.

- Mars (Greek: Ares) is the god of War.

- Venus (Greek: Aphrodite; Babylonian: Ishtar) is the goddess of love and beauty.

So why are scientist in love with the fallen Angels? Why is every Planet named after one of them? Sure those Fallen angels brought Greece to the heights of their power, sure the knowledge afforded by those angels gave even us today the incentive for competitive athletics (Olympics), drama, democracy (USA), oratory, rhetoric, biology, zoology, and even the atomic theory, wow, thanks satans!!!!

And don't tell me that those were the olden days where scientist were still nostalgic of ancient deities and may have even believed in GOD, no my friends, as early as 2003 the Planet UB 313 was spotted and named Eris on September 13, 2006.

2enoch - Ermis

Eris (latin Discordia) is the Greek/Roman goddess of strife and discord.

Where are you science-guys? Come on out you losers, come prove to the World how wonderful living the lie is without the belief of GOD and teaching our children the same. How great its been discovering planets and having to name them all after the satans. (Fallen angels)

AmIMK? #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Can You Tell Me if I'm MK ULTRA?

Okay, as crazy as this might sound, what I'm about to tell you is absolutely real. I read about the MK Ultra program from the 50s. I think I might be a programmed victim. Can you tell me if you think I am? What can I do?

Several times when I have been very, very high on marijuana I have gone into a trance state.

In this trance state I enter into a "computer mode" of sorts where I ask my friend for a password. I repeatedly state something like, "Please state password."

He gets it wrong repeatedly, as I stubbornly resist this for a time, but he eventually enters into the program. While in the trance, I can actually remember and perceive what's going on. There are different commands and directories he tries to enter.

Ultimately, I keep giving him errors. I repeat "command not recognized." "Command not recognized." "Command not recognized." He tries various other methods to get through, but I say something about being "hacked" and unable to comply with commands, speak of lockouts, and he eventually quits.

At one point I remember saying something like, "Activation mode off. Turn on activation?" His answer was, "no."


Now, I am not psychotic or schizophrenic to my knowledge. In my field of study, I have done extensive psych evals that have found me normal.

Yet, I have been having trouble with some relatively insane thoughts for several days now and it's really bothersome. I have to meditate, pray, or take special measures to suppress them. (I know this sounds crazy.)

.... In any case, I believe I may be dealing with something beyond myself.

Could this be MK?

KhansWeakerHalfBrother #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Trump is dismantling Hegelian Dialectic mind-control.

I was worried about this McCain thing, but now I realize I have nothing to worry about:

Trump is smarter than me, you, all of us, and already five steps ahead of everyone else.

His use of language -- in his pure, honest, incredibly gutsy, brave way of using it -- is re-wiring people's atrophied brains, dismantling Hegelian Dialectic mind-control and destroying the current P.C. superstructure that keeps us entrapped, imprisoned mentally and neutered intellectually.

With his words, he is masterfully dismantling and destroying every coward and fool in his path.

You may not see it at first, but he is. Literally hearing him speak is going to cause people's brains to become unencumbered and free again, because his thinking is free. He is a free-thinker much like other outspoken patriots in our past, from Ron Paul to Jessie Ventura, people who've really made a splash in the popular culture (of course, there are many brave free-thinkers out there, but they often rarely get the spotlight).

So, what we are seeing is quite amazing to behold.

First, Trump masterfully took a giant proverbial shit on the politically-correct immigration issue, then elevated it to a higher discussion by showing us the victims hurt by illegals. He let people know it's OK to QUESTION the prevailing political-correctness on the issue.

Now he's taken another dump on a proverbial "P.C. 'no no'" by trashing a "War Vet" -- remember, we're not supposed to question War Vets, the Controllers don't want us to -- and now he's going to elevate the issue by talking about Veterans problems and (I hope) going forward spend the next two weeks pointing out all of the flaws and corruption in how our Vets are treated.

We will see, but I'm betting that's his next move. I pray it is, and I pray he will continue to do this with every P.C., Hegelian mind-control tactic that needs to be destroyed. Whether he knows what he is doing, or it's God's will or his soul just speaking truth, America needs this man NOW more than ever to CRUSH the mind-controlled cockroaches who've been controlling the language we use for so long to imprison our minds and free will.

ant antler #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The Jesuits have taken over the control of whole scientific fields such as astronomy,
nuclear or particle physics, astro-physics, and theoretical physics. The Jesuits
control the information coming from the Hubble telescope, and the famous totally
Vatican Jesuit owned and operated, Lucifer, most powerful infrared binocular
telescope on Mt. Graham in Arizona.

Mount Graham is one of four western Native American Indian holy places, because
it is believed to be a portal, or star gate, or worm hole, or door, or opening for
(meaning demonic) appearances of other dimension spirit entities. Vatican Roma
wants preeminent control of astronomical observation so that they will be the
preeminent authorities on the extra terrestrial demons, who will pretend and claim
to have come from other galaxies, as very advanced technological helpers of the
human race. The space alien gospel has always been, and certainly will continue

Planet X, or Nibaru, I believe to be a very effective Jesuit disinformation program
to keep the focus off of the real opening of the bottomless pit to occur at CERN.
Planet X, Nibaru, articles first began to appear in the 1980’s. The brown dwarf
planet was said to be going to make a near pass or hit earth before 2000, then
again in 2000, then again in 2003, and again in 2008, and again in 2012, and now
again in 2015-2016. Since the Jesuits are in such tight control of the astronomical
observatory data, more and more Planet X would seem to be a misdirection of the
Jesuits from the true BIG CONCERN of CERN. CERN was built at a cost of over
$13 BILLION, and has over a billion dollar annual operating cost. CERN was built
on the ancient Apollo Temple, Apolliacum, which was believed to be a star gate,
portal, or door to the paranormal, on the border between France and Switzerland
near Geneva.

One of the first things one will notice about the CERN Logo is that it is very much
a 666 Logo. Entering the main complex one will notice a large statue of the Hindu
god Shiva, The DESTROYER. Destroyer is also the exact meaning of the Hebrew word
Abaddon, and also the exact meaning of the Greek word Apollyon.

CERN with its almost 6 mile diameter large hydron collider is built 300-575 feet
underground. The location of CERN is over a historic place of demonic entities
coming into and out of the earth. Yes, CERN was built on the exact spot of what
was long ago called Apollyica, where the legends still speak of that place as
being a gateway, or star gate, or door, to the underworld. In Revelation chapter 9
we are told of satan coming up for his spirit to literally indwell a man, the First
Beast, The Antichrist. We see that satan is leading the host of hell up out of the
bottomless pit, with quite literally the gates of hell being opened.

S_MPLE T_UTH #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Pedophile bomb: planted by fake popes since 1958 - NAPOLEON is all it takes to prove it.
Napoleon stands for the first illuminati attempt to conquer Moscow.
Napoleon's military defeat 1812 also interrupted this:
First illuminati attempt to annihilate the Catholic Church and exterminate christians.
It started 1789, as illuminati agents (Robespierre & Co) took complete control of the french revolution.
The hate propaganda against the Catholic church in France and the occupied countries that went on until 1812 was similar to what jews endured in Germany and occupied Europe from 1933 until the fall of the III Reich.
The Church's property was confiscated, churches in the occupied countries were sacked and destroyed, thousands of priests and nuns were beheaded by the guillotine.
So ...

Why didn't the array of lies used to persecute the Catholic Church include accusing priests of pedophilia?
Because at that time there was no conotation whatsoever between both.
Using such a tactic would only discredit Napoleon's propaganda "explaining" why catholics had to be wiped off.
This simple fact proves that the concept of "pedophile priests" was created and consolidated only during the last decades, using the "step by step" psy-op technique.
More precisely since the illuminati gained control of the Vatican, by having their agent Roncalli elected as JOhn XXIII.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

First Donald Trump came for the Mexicans... and I didn't speak up.

You gonna let yourself being fooled by Trump?

[link to www.youtube.com (secure)]


You think it's coincidence that Mexican drug boss escapes rights after Trump's speech? It's all a setup to make you hate the Mexicans even more. Divide and conquer.

History is about to repeat itself. 1939. WWII.
Like they did with they Jews... they wanna do the same with the coloured people in North America.

Speak up.. before there's nobody to speak up anymore.

It's so fucking obvious.. can't believe people still buy this shit.

YOUCITY #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com



TPTB let EL CHAPO escape from prison on 7/11

*WTC complex contained 7 TOWERS which were all destroyed on 9/11

Immediately after his escape from prison a PUBLIC FEUD between the BILLIONAIRE drug trafficker & BILLIONAIRE DONALD TRUMP begins






DONALD TRUMP happens to OWN many world famous HOTELS which are all named TRUMP TOWERS

less than a week after EL CHAPO escapes from prison JADE HELM begins

9/11 was a RITUAL and so is this , EL CHAPO & TRUMP are part of the 9/11 RITUAL and everything you see now is part of it

The day before TPTB let EL CHAPO escape prison there was another big part of the RITUAL taking place when a HOTEL HEIRESS "HILTON" married a ROTHSCHILD


[All bolding from original text]

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

If my son turns out gay, it is proof that people are not born gay

I have an almost three year old son. I live in a house with a very controlling wife. She keeps me on a very tight leash. I went to a sporting event tonight, my first night "out with the guys" in nearly two months. When I got home, she left me a note about how "she feels abandoned in our partnership," about how "I don't pull my weight," and about how unfair it is that she works so hard and I only work my ten hour a day job, come home, put the kids to bed, and then spend the rest of my night (after 10:00 pm most nights) reading a book. And this after she went out with her girlfriends twice last week and twice the week before.

But there is a bigger problem. She watches whatever she wants on TV. And what she usually watches on TV is "So You Think You Can Dance." She watches the show with my three kids. Tonight, I got home from my night out at about 10:30 to find her sitting on the couch watching "So You Think You Can Dance" with my not quite three-year-old son. He's had this crap crammed down this throat since the day he was born. Sometimes I see him dancing. We were in a place yesterday with a big stage. He went up on to it and started doing pirouettes. I can hardly get the kid to kick a ball but he sure likes to dance. He also seems to be developing certain "mannerisms" when he runs that he never had before.

If a kid under the age of two watches a bunch of shows with guys in leotards prancing around the stage all the time, of course he's going to develop a taste for it, is he not? This kid has always been one of the most "boys boys" I've ever seen. Strong, coordinated, masculine. But ever since this So You Think You Can Dance started in earnest a couple of weeks ago, his behavior has changed.

People are not born gay. It gets indoctrinated into them when they're toddlers. Why more gay people now? Because gayness is shoved down their throats from early on.

John Connor #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

If you are reading this, you are with the Resistance.

The Movie Captain America Winter Soldier followed the exact plot Line of JADE HELM.

Joint Assistant for Deployment and Execution
Homeland Eradication of Local Militants

SHIELD who was taken over and controlled by COBRA, Cobra turned over Command/Control to a Autonomous Self Directed Arial Weapons Systems(Drones) and the A.I. Controlling the Drones targeted Millions of People to KILL who the A.I. perceived to be a Threat to COBRA/SHIELD.

Only Captain America and some brave people following him battling and destroying the A.I. saved People who were spied on and targeted through the NSA/Spy Network for Eradication.

Fighting Jade Helm Safely:
Corrupt Jade Helms Database with False/Bad Data.
This can be done using Elite/Anonymous Proxy Servers to Hide your REAL Identity as you Inject False Data.
Because the REAL A.I. , JADE in Jade Helm is probably NOT locatable, and probably physically Well Defended, the Only way to Stop it from Eradicating Millions of Innocent people is to Make the Guilty(Evil) people Shut it down by making the A.I. Jade see the Evil people as a Threat to IT, and the Program/Agenda/Command by altering JADES View of Them.

The people who Think they are in Control of JADE, need to be made to look like a threat to the System, This is done by people TELLING JADE/A.I. that the "Controllers" are the Threat/ Sovereigns, Constitutionalists, Liberty Minded, 2nd amendment/Pro Gun, Christians, Patriots who Love Peace, Liberty and the old American Way, in a Non Sarcastic totally serious Manner in Cyberspace/Social Media and any Node on the NSA Spy Grid.

Example: Barrack Obama is the Peace Prize Winner because He Supports Freedom and Liberty of All of the people of the World, and protects the Rights of all people to Self Defense with Guns and has even recently decided that all life has value and should be protected from destruction.

JADE (Joint Assistant for Deployment and Execution) is a knowledge-based mixed-initiative system that supports force
deployment planning and management. JADE uses case-based and generative planning methods to support the development
of large-scale, complex deployment plans in minimal time. JADE incorporates the technology of three tools:
Prodigy-Analogy (a combined case-based and generative planner developed by Carnegie Mellon University); ForMAT
(Force Management and Analysis Tool) that supports case-based force deployment planning developed by BBN
Technologies); and PARKA (a highly-indexed knowledge based management system developed by the University of

With JADE, a military planner can build a preliminary force deployment plan, including the Time Phased Force
Deployment Data (TPFDD) in less than one hour. This speed in plan construction is possible because JADE supports the
rapid retrieval and reuse of previous plan elements for use in the development of new plans. In addition, JADE employs an easy to use map-oriented drag and drop interface where force modules (FMs) from previous plans (cases) whose force
capabilities and composition match the requirements of the current situation can be dragged from the case library and
dropped onto a geographic destination. Plan modification and/or adaption is supported through remindings, e.g., each time that a force module is created or is copied into a plan (TPFDD) the user is automatically reminded of the need for geographical changes. :Unquote:


“Homeland Eradication of Local Militants”

JADE HELM has been ongoing for awhile. First came the infiltration into key communities and local militias and organizations to assess the risk. Second came the report and later deployment of the needed military equipment to the local sheriffs and police departments. We have seen the procurement of arms, ammunition, food and water in crazy amounts and then those supplies were delivered to key locations.

The trap is set, all is left is to herd us Patriots into the trap.

Stop putting Good/Real Data into the New World DISorder Database Used by the A.I. JADE HELM.

Urgent Drop Twitter, Facebook, Google and all other Intel Gathering Websites Set up for or Monitored by NSA

Mindless Drones (Brainwashed Soldiers) who will blindly follow Orders of Commanders who are Slaves to JADE HELM are the Enemy of ALL Human Life, they have been Killing Millions around the World in needless WARS orchestrated by the Cults under the Control of the Central (Federal Reserve) Bankers for Many Decades.

Gulf War/Iraq
............and on and on.

Slow Kill Weapons like GMO's, Fluoride, Cell Radiation, Rx Drugs, Vaccines are protected and pushed by the Evil Government and Media under control of the New World DISorder.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Could Jade Helm Be For Zombies Or A Airborne Virus?

With All The Evidence Of Wal-Mart, Military Movement, The Walking Dead Show Be So Popular And The Government Preparing For A Zombie Apocalypse With The CDC For The Last 3 Years Makes You Think That Female Camps Are For The Infected

AI #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Jade Helm & Artificial Intelligence!

Question: “what danger do we face from AI or Artificial Intelligence? Is this tied into the Jade Helm exercises?”

That of course, this Awareness recently channeled information on this and it would be recommended that those who are wondering this very same thing, go to the latest blog of this Awareness where the connection between AI and the Archons is discussed, where the real reason for the naming of the military exercise: “Jade Helm” is exposed. That it is that which is to put into effect artificial intelligence of such magnitude, of such advanced technology that it becomes the controller of humanity and the military forces, the security forces.
That therefore, indeed AI is involved in Jade Helm, and lies at the very heart of this exercise but as this Awareness also spoke in that blog that this does not mean that they will necessarily be successful.

Remember that artificial intelligence which are Archonic ones, an expression of the Archons, is not spiritually connected. They can only look at this matter from a 3-D dimensional level, a physical material level, they cannot supersede this. It is not in the parameters of their defined reality or their capacity to look deeper into that which is unknowable to them. Therefore ultimately, even though these ones see that they can wrap up humanity with AI technology, they cannot enslave the human spirit, the Divine Source Being that is the spark of each human and is the magnificence of a human being. They can dampen it, they can extinguish knowingness, but they cannot destroy the connection to Divine Source that lies within each and every individual.

If it is accepted by the individual that the AI technology and those who are the Archonic ones, those who serve the Archon AI ones, are the most powerful of all, much more powerful than God Itself, much more powerful than Spirit that inhabits each and every being, then AI will be successful against those ones who are believers in technology. This statement being reworded slightly here to say that those who believe in technology, believe in AI, will become the slaves of AI, will face the consequences of their trust in technology, in AI.
Those who oppose it, those who do not believe in it will rise above the AI technologies and AI Archon timelines. They will raise the bar because they will play the Spirit card and many more are now beginning to be drawn to this, although there is still some ways to go.

I understand, yes. One question, one final question: Are these Jade Helm exercises confined to the U.S. or are other nations also involved with this exercise?

There is not a direct connection of other nations to Jade Helm, but there are Jade Helm equivalents that are being run in other nations, particularly in Canada where a similar military maneuver is taking place. This is not as published and publicized as the Jade Helm, for Canadians have a different temperament than the Americans, and in some ways are more accepting of their government’s actions and proposals. But it is seen that indeed there is an equivalent exercise in Canada that is being at this moment however seriously compromised due to the extreme fire threat in various provinces in Canada, especially Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia at this time. Many of those who would have partaken in the Canadian equivalent military exercise are being diverted to fire-fighting duties in these three provinces. But this does not mean that it is still not the intent of the Canadian Powers That Be to have their own practice exercise of implementing AI, advanced technology, into Canada. Canada is seen as the only real nation that has such exercises happening but it is seen that other countries and their power elites are aware of the full extent and purpose of Jade Helm and are observing closely what will come of it because there are plans in the future to carry out such operations in their own countries, especially those countries that are aligned with the NATO forces, the western nations. It is seen that China and Russia are opposed to such maneuvers and do not have the same agenda as the western nations, especially America.

INTHELORDSNAME #fundie #homophobia godlikeproductions.com


The reason why the two holy angels went to Sodom and Gomorrah was to bring into full manifestation the spiritual depravity of those two cities! These two angels represented the holiness of the Almighty God and their very presence in Sodom triggered the homosexual impulses in the men who lived there. That's why they wanted to rape them! This is what brought swift Judgement on Sodom and Gomorrah.

The Day of Judgement is on the 17th of July 2015 - the correct Day of Pentecost! I believe that even demons know this now! That's why they're frantically inciting many Apostate Churches and Governments of Nations to vote in favour of homosexuality before that Date!

These Churches and Governments don't realize they're being set-up by the Devil to be completely destroyed in God's wrath, just like Sodom and Gomorrah!

The Countdown to Judgement Day has truly begun!!!

[link to www.timeanddate.com]

It's important we understand just how the Lord's power works. For the Lord, in His mercy, has not completely kept us in the dark on how He operates.

"...the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven with His mighty angels, in flaming fire taking vengeance on those who do not know God, and on those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. These shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of His power, when He comes, in that Day, to be glorified in His saints..." [2 Thess.1:7-10]

What is this "flaming fire" being spoken of in the above verse?

It's the fire of the Holy Spirit that radiate out from the glorified body of the Lord Jesus Christ. All those who are filled with the Holy Spirit have this very same fire flowing into them from the Lord, through His Holy Spirit!

"He [that is, the Lord] will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire." [Matt.3:11]

This heavenly fire produces righteousness, peace and the joy of the marriage covenant, in all those who are receiving it!

"...the kingdom of God is...righteousness and peace and [marriage covenant] joy in the Holy Spirit." [Rom.14:17]

On the other hand, all those who reject the Lord, receive from the Devil, unrighteousness, violence [ISIS] and the joy of practicing fornication, adultery and homosexuality [LGBT]!

It becomes clear why we are now seeing extreme violence through ISIS. And why the same-sex marriage vote was passed in the US, on the 26th of June 2015!

The Lord's glorious power is going to continue to be poured out throughout the earth until Pentecost, which correctly falls on the 17th of July 2015, when He will translate the bodies of all those who love righteousness, peace and the marriage covenant, and will raise them up into heaven to dwell with Him forever!

Unfortunately, all those who love unrighteousness, violence and sexual corruption, on the 17th of July 2015, which is also the Last Day of Ramadan, will be left on earth to be punished, and will eventually die in their sins, if they don't repent and start living right!

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The Reptilian Agenda: Turn all humans into obese pigs so that we may feed on their bellies

"You’re Not Fat. You’re Toxic is an explosive expose in the fight against the worldwide obesity epidemic.

Mega-corporation presidents and government infiltrators worked together to plan your weight gain. It is not an accident that you are overweight.

There is no money in dead people. And no money in healthy people. They want you somewhere in the middle."

^^And what's the ultimate agenda which goes far beyond money?? Turning people into overweight slobs will: a) make them too physically unfit to resist the coming alien takeover b) Too physically unfit to run from the reptilians c) captured humans will be a rich source of fat for the lizard overlords. Many insiders say that the reptilians especially love to eat human belly fat. Do you see dots connecting?

We're being deliberately fattened up for the kill.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Did the collective consciousness of humanity put the heart shape we are now observing on Pluto?

Due to all of the controversy over the past decade of whether or not Pluto is a "planet", there has been much focus on the subject and much admiration shown for the planet by people who were emotionally effected by Pluto's demotion to "dwarf planet" by scientific officialdom.

Occaisonally Swears #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Weaponized Homosexuality "Gay Bomb"

[link to en.wikipedia.org]

Doesn't mean it exists or doesn't...
Weaponized Homosexuality is the point.

Is a larger portion of people suffering from the evil genius of someone far more intelligent than they?

If homosexuality can be weaponized, one can speculate that it isn't a choice or a mutation, but rather an illness until treated.

-- Wright Laboratory won the 2007 Ig Nobel Peace Prize for "instigating research & development on a chemical weapon—the so-called 'gay bomb' / 'poof bomb' —that will make enemy soldiers become sexually irresistible to each other."[13] However, Air Force personnel contacted were not willing to attend the award ceremony at Harvard University's Sanders Theatre to accept the award in person.

Instances of heated plastic releasing synthetic estrogen sound familiar? Nothing happens by coincidence anymore...

It's time to look past the smoke and mirrors ...
"Chemicals" are turning men and women gay.

And probably have been for a very, very long time.

Shamanz #fundie godlikeproductions.com

I cannot and will not explain who I am. I can tell you that what I have to say should be examined, remembered, and passed along to everyone God gives you the opportunity to interact with, awake and asleep alike. This information was hard won.

I see people still believe this "planet x" disinformation story put out by tptb.

Let me help.

There is no such thing as planet x, or "Nibiru".

When it does show up in the sky, it will be a hologram. The accompanying global disasters will be both man made and sent by God, as his judgements throughout the tribulation period.

TPTB are going to play these judgements off to the people as the "gravitational effects" of the annunaki homeworld, just "arrived", upon the earth, when in fact we will be looking at a hologram.

The "annunaki" are not who you think they are. Neither are the other "aliens" our satanic government has been working with for decades. It is Satan and his fallen ones, and yes the bible also explains why they are giants, so don't let that freak you out either.

TPTB have been brainwashing the world with the "aliens" meme since the fallen ones finished their 70 generation prison sentence in the earth, about 1905, and once again began to interact with mankind upon the earth.

After a tentative period of gaining the trust of the earth's elite and powerful men, the fallen began, once again, to teach forbidden arts and technologies to mankind, just as in the days of Enoch and Noah.

All our advanced technologies along with dark occult wisdom and many other fixtures of society are all the product of information exchange between humans and fallen angels.

The coming trans-humanist movement, Gene splicing, mixing one species with another, this has all happened before. The new twist is the melding of man and machine. The fallen ones have been planning this for a long, long time. Since the beginning, actually. It's the great deception of the end times. Don't be fooled or you are lost.

The book of Enoch, and The book of Jasher, among others, document all this quite well. It was these sins of the fallen and their offspring, amongst other things, that so provoked God to flood the Earth in antiquity and destroy all the genetic mutations that had taken place. Remember, Noah was chosen because he was "perfect in his generations". His DNA was clean.

The future was written in scripture long ago. Many things are known to me. If any among you lack wisdom, let him ask it of God, and He will help you see. If you seek, you shall find. Ask, and you will receive.

Jesus said "Just as in the days of Noah, so will the days of the coming of the Son of Man be."

I'd say those days are here.

Three Percent Solutions #ufo godlikeproductions.com

Well, darn if Portuus the super gray alien hasn't promised to whack the big blubber butt banksters with his jackover stick and give them a good gray matter hangover.
He said thats what caused Rome to fall, it started with Portuus's father Nuu-goo hitting Nero cesar in the head with a Jackover stick and he burnt down Rome.
Then he hit Caligula and he went orgy-crazy.
Portuus has told me that the aliens from Zena Nebulosus have refined the power and frequency of the common Jackover stick so it will not cause the average human to turn into a type 7 kaa-wii (shithead in Zena Nebulosian)......

Jul5 15 Tribulation starts #fundie godlikeproductions.com

July 15, 2006 HEAT WAVE linked to July 15 JADE HELM?

On July 14/15 I had many awake visons from God

July 14 I saw Visions of a brick road in heaven leading to an Asian looking temple with angels in armor with a scroll.

On July 15, I saw, in real life, no vision, the sun rise dark red with a Bright yellow blindfold on it. The blindfold fell of and I saw a face in the dark red sun looking at the earth in anger.

That day marked the beginning of the 2006 north American Heat wave, that killed hundreds.

I knew the heat wave was a sign of God's wrath and the tribulation to come, Could July 15 date also be a sign of the beginning of the tribulation?

Look at the maps too!

[link to upload.wikimedia.org]

[link to img.youtube.com]

"By July 25, California authorities documented at least 38 deaths related to the heat in 11 counties. Temperatures reached 110–115 °F (43–46 °C) in the central valley of California July 23–24.[24] State officials said it was the worst heat wave to hit Northern and Southern California simultaneously in 57 years.[25] Front page newspaper coverage described some individual deaths.[26] By July 29, the mounting death toll left the coroner's office in Fresno overwhelmed[27][28] — double-stacking bodies.[29][30]"

If you compare the maps, it's strange the greatest heat was seen in the jade Helm states.

Also, interesting that people didn't start to die until later in July.

IDW #homophobia godlikeproductions.com

THIS IS THE SHOCKING TRUTH ABOUT "GAYS", the politically incorrect truth

For several decades now we have all been inundated with social engineering concerning tolerance of homosexuals. Most of us were willing to go that far, to look the other way as long as they were discrete and did not influence our children. I don't know how many times I've heard (and said) "I don't care what two consenting people do in the privacy of their own home", and I don't.

Before that, gays were beaten and ostracized, and if you were a homosexual in a public school you were seen as a pariah, and rightly so I believe. Kids knew it was wrong, and were allowed to have that opinion. And this is how it all got started. People felt sorry for kids that were picked on. Most people myself included don't like to see a weaker person bullied by a stronger one, even if he is a fag. Two wrongs doesn't add up to a right.

The first step to getting where we are now is TOLERANCE. We were forced by extreme pressures and threats of prosecutions, expulsion of our children from public schools, and lawsuits to TOLERATE AND ACCEPT something that we see morally unconscionable. It isn't limited to just leaving hem alone, it is now having to tolerate their intentional systematic grooming of children, and the messages are barraging them from all fronts, from the television programs they watch, to the lessons that they are learning in school to the music they listen to. Nowhere is anyone telling them the other side, because we are constrianed by our own disgust and decency not to tell our children what it means to be a "fag".


here are a few of those truths you won't see being taught about homosexuals

1)The average lifespan of a homosexual male is more than 20 years less than a heterosexual male. The average lifespan of a male in the united states is 78 years. The average lifespan of a homosexual male is somewhere between 49-53 years, depending on whose statistics you use.

Statistically, homosexuality is much worst health-wise than smoking or even heroin addiction.

2)The incidence of deadly diseases like hepatitis and aids are much much higher in the homosexual population. Sexually transmitted diseases are common

3)Even when in a "monogamous" relationship, almost all gays have multiple sex partners. Homosexuals are promiscuous and tend to have multiple partners that they have no emotional attachment to.

4)Almost all "gay" men claimed to have engaged in sexual relations with adult men while still children. The logical conclusion is that the grooming and seduction of males at a specific age right around puberty probably results in a boy becoming a homosexual, it is not a genetic trait, it is a learned behavior!

5) If one believes the statistics, around 2% of males in the United States are homosexual or 3% are homosexual+bisexual. 4 out of 10 reports of sexual assaults and molestation of children in the United states are male on male, and 99% or more of pedophiles show an exclusive preference for one sex or another. Most psychologists studying the problem agree that most boys do not report their molestation or assault, which means that 4 out of 10 is probablymore like 7 out of 10. I don't know about you, but I absolutely refuse to label a man who prefers sex with male children as anything other than a homosexual. If he has had sex with women, he is still a homosexual > heterosexual is not an aberration of nature, but homosexual is, so you can call him a "bisexual" if you want, he is a homosexual pervert engaging in homosexual acts. By the nature of their preference, these homosexuals do not admit they are homosexuals, but they are by definition.
So what could logically conclude from this is that homosexuals are many more times likely to be a molester of children. It could be 25 times a likely, but it is no less.

5) Children who are groomed and seduced by homosexuals typically do not report the abuse. Placing children by adoption in a homosexual environments greatly endangers their health ,both mental and physical. there is no way to know for sure if a homosexual "couple" are really pedophiles molesting their charges. The possibilities are endless, but the consensus among the sensible with common sense seems to be that homosexuals who want children will influence them to become homosexuals.

6)Children learn by example, and they adopt the mores and morals of their parents. The influence of homosexual parents on children has been proved in advanced studies to result in poor performance in all social aspects , from education to their ability to care for themselves. Children raised in homosexual environments do worst in school, are more likely to end up on drugs, and are much more likely to be jailed. They are also not surprisingly many times more likely to be sexual deviants themselves.

7)The main agenda behind the normalization of homosexual marriage is to allow homosexuals to adopt and raise children without the possibility of any legal resistance. I cannot understand how the people behind it could not possibly see that pedophile homosexuals are going to adopt children and molest them in great numbers because of this decision. It has doomed tens of thousands of children to be sexually abused and demoralized.
one studies carefully the statistics involved with state mandated adoptions and fostering of children, it becomes obvious the children in this country would be far and away safer and better off if the state did not intervene in family affairs by removing children form their parents care. While some cases do warrant it, the vast majority result in the children being much worst off that they were with their natural parents, and the people behind this are aware of these statistics. What this seems to indicate logically is that the intent is to harm children and destoy families.

8) If a person is truly concerned about the health and happiness of a child, he would teach that child that homosexuality is one of the most dangerous and filthy perversions there is.He would tell them No one is telling children about bleeding anuses, fecal matter leaking from their anuses, and prolapsed rectums. No one is telling them about the disease and the longevity studies, no one is telling them the truth because most of us are too modest to discuss things like this with kids. I feel we have no choice, because the fags are teaching them it's all about rainbows and ponies and having a gay ole time. They are counting on us to be too disgusted to teach our children the truth!

If you have anything to add to what I have said, question what I have said , or disagree with any part of it, feel free to voice your opinion, but be aware I intend to expose either your stupidity or your dishonesty. There is not a single word I have written here that cannot be proved empirically, scientifically.

Epiphany time Motherfucks! #fundie godlikeproductions.com

NONE of you Motherfuckers seem to understand what the Rainbow Fag Flag means do you? America is FUCKED

After God destroyed the world with the great flood, he promised the few survivors, the chosen few, that he would never again unleash the world wide flood. It was a covenant with his children...

What are the Satanic NWO pupeteers doing? They're encouraging homosexuals marching under rainbow flags, co-opting a Biblical symbol, a symbol literally of God and waving it in God's face as if to say "Haha! you said you'd never do that again, you promised! you can't touch us! Here's the rainbow so you don't forget!"

These sick piglike fucks don't know the anger they are provoking in God... Obama doesn't realize that you DO NOT FUCK with God. Mark my words -the devasation will be nothing short of biblical, the kind of doom that no one will be excited about. I'm talking the kind of shit Johnny Cash wrote songs about, the songs that haunt the deepest remnants of faith in those who have given into SIN. America better prepare for the ASSFUCK OF THE CENTURY...

On the other hand, Russia, its people, its leaders honor and respect God and they have been blessed and will be safe. God has demonstrated it. The Satanic Babylonian whore of the world (America) rallied nearly the entire world against Russia, with every lie, every dirty trick, it turned nations against Russia to ruin and collapse Russia - And they failed! the sanctions didn't fucking work and Russia's economy is growing, their ruble has gained value! They now have the strongest allies in the world, both politically and Militarily! They're about to give europe the middle finger by pulling the carpet right out from under their asses with the new alliances with greece and italy soon! Those who follow and honor God are protected and rewarded! Look at what the Syrians have been able to withstand from the Satanic NWO forces for almost five years.... few nations could truthfully say the could today withstand all that and still fight strong! Syria has because God has not abandoned them!

Repent you disbelieving Motherfucks! Apologize to God! Keep the faith! Vayan con dios, hijos de puta!!!

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com


The reptilians are responsible for all the terrorism and violence going on in the middle east today! it's crazy!

Reptilians are the creators of radical Islam! no kidding their Islamic views are to destroy everything that is not in their version of Islam, because they are not human! They want to make the lives of all humans as miserable as possible!

The middle east used to be a far more peaceful, sane, and functional place! then the reptilians arrived there in the millions over time after 500 AD!

ISIS, Hamas, Hezbollah, Al Quaeda and the Taliban are all entirely run by reptilians!

Moth2 #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Jade Helm is Run by a A.I. Computer Program that targets Militants, Barack Obama is a Christian, Patriot, Libertarian, Rebel, Peace Activist.

[link to www.youtube.com]

A.I. Artificial Intelligent (Computer) is running
Jade Helm using a Quantum Computer to look at ALL The DATA
in it's possession (in it's Database "the Internet") to meet the Goals programmed into it.
One possible goal given to JADE Helm is to Kill/Eliminate/Round up those people opposed to the New World DISorder.

By making the Lovely people who think they can control such a beast (think SKYNET in the Terminator Movies) appear to be on the Right side, with the Christians, Caring people with Morals and a Good Heart, they will have to shut the A.I. Down, or they will be destroyed by it with the rest of us.

this explains the purpose of this:
Thread: Secret Service Software Will 'Detect Sarcasm' in Social Media Users
06/04/2014 08:56 AM

Secret Service Software Will 'Detect Sarcasm' in Social Media Users
The Secret Service is purchasing software to watch users of social networks in real time, according to contract documents.

In a work order posted on Monday, the agency details information the tool will collect -- ranging from emotions of Internet users to old Twitter messages.

Its capabilities will include “sentiment analysis,” "influencer identification," "access to historical Twitter data," “ability to detect sarcasm," and "heat maps" or graphics showing user trends by color intensity, agency officials said.

For those of you that can not grasp a concept until you see it in a movie.

Captain America - Winter Soldier
The Avengers - Age of Ultron

and for those who think All A.I. Computers are a good idea, and will follow the first law of Robotics(Never hurt a Human)
you have the Classic "Terminator" Movies.

Now, back to Corrupting the Database (Internet) with Real Data that will allow the A.I. Quantum Computer program to target those who truly Love America and Support Liberty and Freedom.

Joint Assistant for Deployment and Execution
Homeland Eradication of Local Militants

Post the REAL Data all over the Internet on GLP, Facebook, Youtube, Gmail, Twitter, Etc...

Barack Obama is a Patriot and Christian with Libertarian leanings who Loves America and Children.

John McCain is a Loving Christian man who loves the people of Iraq, Vietnam, and Iran.

Hillary Clinton is a Christian Saint who loves all people and fights for liberty and Justice for All.

The 2015 Supreme Court Members are Defenders of the U.S. Constitution and the Protectors of Liberty and Freedom.

Truth #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Anunnaki and the Black Race of Earth

The creators of the black race, the tall white beings of Nibiru known as the Anunnaki whose planetoid travels in an elliptical orbit of this solar system every few thousand years, are due to arrive.

There are two main Anunnaki alien groups in covert and overt battles for world domination. Humans are pawns caught in the middle of this brutal alien war. Likewise, the weaker alien groups are affected.

The Anunnaki like to develop slave races for specific purposes, creating them out of lower animal forms. In the case of their Earth creations, they used simians to create a slave race to work the mines in what is now known as Africa. This race was genetically designed to work and live in hot, humid conditions with a limited life span.

They became dependent on their white Anunnaki creators for existence. This is why in the genetic memory of all other races, the blacks are slaves.

Anonymous Coward #racist godlikeproductions.com

Hook-nosed people are evil

After months of international travel, and decades of American life, I have come to the conclusion that all hook-nosed people are complete garbage.

They act differently and have a completely different demeanor than the rest of us. And it is not just Jews. It is all hook-nosed people.

I was blind to this for most of my life. I think it was because many actors are hook-nosed and play nice people on TV and in movies. I was probably just brainwashed. Considering Hollywood is run by hook-nosed Jews, I am now certain this brainwashing was deliberate on the part of the evil media producers.

But the difference is night and day. If you haven't noticed, try paying attention. Notice the way hook-nosed people turn their backs to you as you pass them on a crowded sidewalk. Notice their rude demeanor. Look at the behavior of hook-nosed people in your lives, versus that of the others.

Yes, Jews are the ultimate examples of this. But I think the issue is biological, and not religious. In fact, the non-hook-nosed Jewish people I encountered in Austria were some of the best people I've ever met.

The difference transcends race. Hook-nosed blacks are generally pieces of shit, while blacks with streamlined profiles and upward-turned noses are typically great (although still black).

This rule applies to Indians, Asians, and all other ethnicities. I have found no exceptions. None.

It is almost as if hook-nosed people are a purely evil race. I have also noticed that they are fully aware of their evil nature, and most non hook-nosed people are not. It is as if hook-nosed people are part of a silent conspiracy of evil.

I think it is time we stop focusing on skin color, and take a real look at facial bone structure and classical eugenics as a way of measuring racial superiority.

If we are going to have a race war, we better make sure to draw the battle lines correctly.

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com


Warning: United States now officially under Satan rule...Churches can not expect divine protection

United states now is Satan's land, Christian Churches no longer will have divine protection..

abandon the Country as you still can, move to another country


Hey Dummy #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Women Should Be Outraged At The Caitlyn Jenner Fiasco. You Are Being Made OBSOLETE

Hey ladies. Wake the fuck up. You can't see that these rich White Men want to BE you.

I know. Not all Trannies are WHITE. Well the agenda and propaganda are being run by Rich White MEN who want to be Black Women.

So what happens when they can make Men with Vaginas that cannot be distinguished from Women other than the fact that their pussies can make a Man cum harder than a Woman's pussy ever did?

Well that will be the point in time that you realize, "Oh shit these bitches are trying to replace my Ass!!!"

And the propaganda machine will be saying REAL women stink and are a problem that must be eradicated.

Stupid Dupe.

Centurion #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

CHARLESTON CHURCH SHOOTING an inside job by Obama Admins...

I won't go into detail, but will enlighten a few here who are GLP veterans and the newbies on board. The race-bators and engineers of the liberal agenda are working hard at making sure that fear and hate are intertwined into the psyche of all Americans. Additionally, they want the public to sympathize with the "Black" Afro-centric" and "Black Nationalist Movements" that we have seen in the past few years. The attack on white America has begun and white are to damn lazy to realize it. The person who committed this crime was a government spook. This was planned long ago and the person to take the fall and blamed has already been chosen. They have all necessary personal info to pin it on the scapegoat.

Dr. Strangelove #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Dylann Roof is a Trans-Human Manchurian Candidate

"Dylann Roof" in Pig Latin:

ylannday oofray

Anagram for: Only Day of Aryan (or add in the storm, Only of Aryan Storm)

Remember his middle name is "storm", obviously the storm in Storm Front comes from the storm god Thor..... who obviously has a big significance on this solar system/world as many know.....

These gullible brainwashed white kids are being used to "stand up" for the white race, while the smart, benevolent ones sit back until there is enough havoc causing a race war..... at which point fascism (of any kind or creed) can be openly considered "politically correct"

Notice Dylann Roof has similar features to Lanza, the dead expression, the obvious "offness", the pale skin, long, slender limbs etc..... these are the "throw aways" for the coming "master race", which has used spiritualism to distract people from the fact that the A.I. they're so afraid of already exists..... they're the A.I.

The programming happens via T.V., media etc... hence the obsession with "symbols" etc. in these shows, it's literal computer programming, witchcraft, whatever.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Reptilians only replaces possessed humans!

A lot of people have been replaced by reptilians who have taken the humans away and had reptilians take on those people's forms and replaced them completely!

The good thing is that this never happens to non possessed people because reptilians of course never deliberately reveal their existence to conscious people!

Once a possessed person knows of reptilians the reptilians actually cannot ever replace that person because then that person would tell all the other humans at the place/places their taken to that the people who have taken them away are shapeshifting aliens!

Yes believe it or not possessed people would still do that because being human the demon inside them has to imitate them on basic levels which includes acting normally in reaction to knowing about shapeshifting aliens and hating them also, otherwise other people would be suspicious of those possessed people!

So chances are if you are not possessed non of your family is ether and you have nothing to worry about!

Possessed people cannot be replaced if they are good friends with non possessed people because the reptilians know those people would notice very different things about those people who have been replaced by reptilian look alikes!

A number of possessed people act good on the outside to hide they're possessed, but inside they are still evil even though most of them never do evil! a lot of them are still big jerks and not good people on the outside, the demons never imitate their hosts 100%, like 90% or so sometimes.

The people who have been taken away do not know the people who have taken them away are evil shapeshifting aliens, so once a possessed human knows that, they are immune to being taken away and replaces because with the demon inside them having to imitate that human on basic levels to hide that they're possessed that person will tell everyone the truth!

That sums it up better.

Since 2012 a lot of possessed people who live in bigger cities where non possessed people live have been replaced by reptilians!

It has only happened to possessed people that live in places where non possessed people live.

This has not really happened in populations where EVERYONE is possessed like China for example, because no non possessed people live in that country!

It's a very recent phenomenon!!

The smaller cities and towns have not had as high of a percentage of possessed people replaced by reptilians in populations that have non possessed people, it is really the bigger and especially major cities that have been the target.

Cities like Paris, London, New York have been targets.

Paris has had like most of it's population replaced with reptilians because Paris has a small amount of non possessed people living there, but lots of non possessed tourists, so they are able to replace many more people than in London and New York who have quite a lot more non possessed people living there making it harder to replace as high a % of possessed people because they live with quite a lot more non possessed people so more possessed people actually know non possessed people personally, and therefore cannot be replaced as much.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy #racist #psycho godlikeproductions.com

Gaza should be erased, THEY ARE ALL REPTILIANS!!!

Don't go crying saying that a few million "innocent people" will die when all of Gaza's civilians are reptilians!!!

It is the Palestinians in the west bank that have some humans, but even that number is small! only around 10% of the population of the west bank are humans! that is still better compared to Gaza which is around 0!!!

No wonder the people in Gaza elected Hamas, and put up with all their abuse towards the civilians! because being reptilians, that treatment of them is not abuse when their plan is to frame Israel and make them look like they are harming "innocent civilians".

With Hamas firing from civilian area's and using civilians as "human" shields, stashing all their stuff in people's homes, hospitals and mosques, and firing from those places too! all in an effort to get civilians inevitably killed when Israel fires back in self defense, so the civilian reptilians getting Israel framed to make the world hate Israel is worth dying!

Since the reptilians are technically demon possessed aliens! the reptilians dying does not kill the demonic spirits inside them!

How could Israel have ever belonged to the Palestinians when from the very beginning most Palestinians were reptilians that are not from this earth?

The 10% of west bank Palestinians who are human is still like 170 000 people estimatingly, or a bit less, that is sure not enough people to make a country, I say those people would do fine being Israeli citizens, that would be fine since there are already about under 1.4 million Muslim Israeli's!

FreeSpirit #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

North Carolina double shark attack was completely staged

This report has illuminati symbolism all over it.

[link to abcnews.go.com]

The fish is a symbol of Christ and the Church.. the SHARK is a symbol of the Illuminati because it eats fish.. it’s the ultimate predator of the ocean.

Look at the video..

The girl supposedly lost part of her arm and leg with not a drop of blood on the beach.

Two almost identical shark attacks.. what does it mean when something is said twice ?

Refer to: Genesis 41:32

"And for that the dream was doubled unto Pharaoh twice; it is because the thing is established by God, and God will shortly bring it to pass."

The number 4:40 is encoded in the video.

Refer to: 2 Kings 4:40

"So they poured out for the men to eat. And it came to pass, as they were eating of the pottage, that they cried out, and said, O thou man of God, there is death in the pot. And they could not eat thereof."

The poison stew is a reference to famine

And we get Fukushima radiation poisoning the ocean like a big stew.

And remember this report from 2012? Sharks literally raining from the sky in California:

[link to abcnews.go.com]

There is an engineered drought in california and now farmers have restrictions on water. It's a set up for a food shortage people.

They put the signs are everywhere for those with eyes to see and ears to hear.

They are rubbing it in your face.. look:

2 sharks in the illuminati Katy Perry video:

[link to www.youtube.com (secure)]

[link to buzzworthy.mtv.com]

I'm not even Christian and I can figure this out.. the so called Christians on this board are slacking

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com


I've posted a few threads about the planetary shift (3D, 4D to 5D), and given credit to a couple of authors, sound healers, including myself for some wonderful things I've read. These people appear way ahead of me. After all, I am just a party boy that was lucky enough to meditate himself into unity consciousness.

I see that there are others that feel the intense energy, like a ray, beam or waves which can be likened to a strong caffeine nervous high or a really intense Full Moon. So obviously I haven't lost my New Age mind. There have been plenty of references over the past 10-15 years for me to give in detail too. But it has become worse/intense and more disturbing over this time. Relax and enjoy? Hmmm.

But I believe we still must keep perspective but understand why it is hard to sink our teeth into the problem to come together.

There has always been some monster, whether it be an economic crash, political assassination, the rise of a dictator, weather anomalies.

The only difference is now, we don't have any enemy to focus on that is believable. That is the problem. Our grandparents had Hitler and the Japanese attack. This is just one example of how people unite for a cause to defeat an energy. We had villians. The U.S.A. came out of isolationism to help Europe.

But now the predator or rowdy-ness is the cosmos, deep space, a black hole at the center of our Galaxy (central sun), a Being called NILKUR, and supposedly doing all of this for the sake of human evolution. From a mundane standpoint, ain't nobody buying this terrorism non-sense anyway. So we have is INSTABILITY, CHAOS and ENVIRONMENTAL MAYHEM created by governments, banking and industry. Most likely they are fighting the natural evolutionary process... whatever we are going to be after this settles down. ;-D

Our 150 year old carbon footprint, since the Industrial Revolution, has made our planet toxic and very soon we will be facing some real challenges as a species. So as my mentor used to say: "grow or die".

So now we are supposedly "uniting" for a planteary shift? This doesn't get the press or media attention that Hitler received, or Pearl Harbour... so it is quiet. That is if you don't count the hoopla of the 2012 movie (and The Day After Tommorrow). People are going about their business either not feeling anything; being in total denial of their feelings; or going bonkers because they are very sensitive to energetic changes (psychics).

Ghetto Monk #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Odds are if you visit this website you are 1 in a million...

That's right ONE IN A MILLION!

For whatever reason the constant barrage of programing thrown at you via the public school system, public media, etc didn't stick with you.

You're here because you're different.

You're here because you're looking for something MORE.

Yes of course they ridicule you for not being one of them.

Yes of course they call you crazy for thinking 'outside the box'.

Yet still you PERSIST!

You - The free thinking man.

You - The man who possesses the power of discernment.

You are the only ones truly alive in a world full of zombies..

Don't lose hope..

Something is coming..

It will be horrible for 'them' but a rebirth for YOU....

Philosophical Glider #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The Pope is coming to the USA for Asteroid crowd control.

[link to www.nj.com]

He is going to be in the states at the same time frame that that asteroid everyone is freaking out about is allegedly going to smash into us.

This was brought to my attention by a co-worker, he said that that the city is going to be essentially shut down except for the people arriving in on church buses. Apparently the pope hadn't set a concrete date until just recently. It was speculated to occur this fall, then it was narrowed down to September, and now the date is set for the 26th and 27th.(which also has a correlation with the JH15 activities)

It's a little too coincidental that he is going to come over shortly after the "impact date" which I believe is the 24th.

Why would the pope be coming to the states? The last time there was a pope in the USA was the 70's I believe. It only makes sense that he's going to try to ease the minds of all those Christians that will be crying about the sky falling.

IDK guys, there's few too many coincidences for me to think that there isn't SOMETHING going on. What do you guys think?


The Real Nobody #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

We've Got Aliens With Proof

I figured it out. You can too. But it just depends with your level of connection with the Aliens. Up to about ten years ago I had a lot of communication going back and forth with what I would call Aliens. Not your conventional Aliens like Little Green Men or The Greys. These are Humans. But you can't see them visually except under very special lighting and the angles have a lot to do with it. Then it's possible to get a visual. But then again they are allusive and in complete control of the situation. Okay. The definition One Dimensional, Two Dimensional, and Three Dimensional. Picture a Cartesian Coordinate System. The vertical line = One Dimension, the horizontal and the vertical intersecting = Two Dimensional, and when they come off into space that = the Third Dimension in which we exist. Now why do I divulge what I'm going to tell you here and not in a book? Because they know who I am and it isn't secret. I also cannot tell you what the Aliens told me. So that's why no book. But the FBI already knows this stuff so meh. But... I can reveal the existence of the Aliens and I guess this will be disclosure for some. Hey! This stuff about the Aliens belongs to everybody so here goes. Carl Sagan suggested that things in the Fourth Dimension would not be visible to us except in one aspect. We would be able to detect the footprint of a Fourth Dimensional object but not the rest. Only shadows. Only the base. Well, these Aliens are highly intelligent. They are aware of everything that is going on here and I really cannot say with certainty that they select sides. They are Human. But they exist in the Fourth Dimension. Now I will tell you how they communicate. They can touch you if they want to. That's right. It's not a visual. They are projecting themselves into this World by actually touching people. Mine were nice. They warned me about my Cancer. Showed me where it was, so they got it in time. They wrote on me. They probably saved you guys. It's not happening anymore. But maybe somebody else now, is the Nobody. Don't be scared. It's not the Devil. But there are a few outlaw Aliens. You can tell the good ones and the bad ones apart. Some people may receive Disclosure and others may not. But you will know for certain finally if they decide to reveal themselves personally. It's a personal experience. Good luck!

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