
C.R. #fundie barbwire.com

Most who claim to be Christian--are Godless pagans. Most who are Biblically Christian--are Marxist Secular Humanists. They are very ignorant of God's written word--they are not heavenly minded--they are worldly minded--they are a disgrace. They in large measure are why America is in such a terrible place now--which will become much worse.

As for the 'pastors'--most of these have not been called by God to pastor a church--and a large percentage of these are not even Biblically Christian. Many of these, e.g., Rick Warren, Rob Bell, Bill Hybels, etc.--are Godless change agents--turning people away from the Gospel.

Bradlee Dean #fundie barbwire.com

When a sodomite confronts a county clerk for not handing out state licenses in violation of Gods Moral law and calls it bigotry, homophobia or hate, we, as Americans, need to realize that they are willfully ignorant or just plain wicked. And the wicked are those who know the truth, but choose not to obey the truth.

“And their iniquity (lawlessness) is found to be hateful.” Psalm 36:2

Those who have not wickedly departed from their God (Psalm 18:21) must deal with the wicked in righteousness, and that in accordance with written law and obedience to God.

As you exit the chambers of the Minnesota Supreme Court, which I mentioned above, a sign reminds you, “Where the law ends, tyranny begins.” Tyranny is the last thing anyone in their right mind would want. Therefore, we must all Kiss the Son (Psalm 2:12) and agree to His government to understand real freedom (John 8:36), liberty (2 Corinthians 3:17), and unity (Ephesians 4:3).

Friends, we are given the choice between war and honor. If we choose to dishonor God and His moral Law, we can be assured that we will have war. So whose side are you on? (Exodus 32:26)

If you fail to recognize the problem at hand, then know that the tyrant your forefathers warned you about will rule the day and all will be lost. We are all in this together. But I ask, whose side are you on?

Matt Barber #fundie barbwire.com

Today, Federal Judge Bunning ordered Rowan County, Kentucky, Clerk Kim Davis to be taken into custody by federal marshalls and to remain in jail until she agrees to issue licenses for same-sex “marriage” bearing her name.

The plaintiffs did not even request incarceration, but Judge Bunning said that financial fines were not enough and ordered her to jail.

Mat Staver, Founder and Chairman of Liberty Counsel, said, “Everyone is stunned at this development. Kim Davis is being treated as a criminal because she cannot violate her conscience. While she may be behind bars for now, Kim Davis is a free woman. Her conscience remains unshackled.”

howard bell #fundie barbwire.com

What they really want besides the destruction of your church, is your children, the boy scouts, the public schools, any type of environment that a homosexual
pedophile can hide in, they will.
They are from Satan and must be stopped.

Ted Olivas #fundie barbwire.com

The homosexual community's insidious demanding of acceptance stems from violating one's own conscience and ignoring the shame and guilt that result from doing so. Because they choose to turn from the truth they believe their shame, self-loathing, guilt, suicide and so forth are the fault of society, therefore society must be changed. The increasingly rabid homosexual agenda will never be satisfied until all echoes of conscience are silenced. With the promoting of actions that war against one's own mind they will usher in further delusions upon a spiritually ignorant society. The searing of one own conscience is the true suicide.

Gina Miller #fundie #homophobia #transphobia barbwire.com

I have repeated myself over and over again for years now. The homosexual movement, including its related perversions like “transgenderism,” has nothing to do with “equality” or marriage (other than to destroy it). It’s about the destruction of freedom, and specifically, the destruction of Christian freedom. Truth does not change, and the truth about homosexuality does not change. Homosexual behavior is sin. It’s destructive and dangerous. It’s unnatural. It’s immoral. It’s a gross perversion of God’s design for human sexuality. It’s naturally repulsive to those who retain a functioning moral compass. The same goes for “transgenderism.” People who imagine or pretend that they are members of the opposite sex are in open, degenerate rebellion against God, reality and nature. Whether this is due to mental illness or not, it’s still dead wrong.

The God-haters in this movement and their fellow travelers in positions of power will not stop until Christianity is criminalized. At its heart, this is a manifestation of the battle Satan has waged against God and His people. It is demonic influence that drives these homosexuals to target Christians, in order to crush their freedoms. This county clerk in Kentucky is a target because she is a Christian. These Godless degenerates now have the force of bad law on their side. Bad law—immoral law—is tyranny. Tyranny is what Satan desires over humanity, and he will get it, as the Bible has forewarned us.

The radical homosexual movement is one of the foremost tools the devil is using to topple our freedom, and if we had a thousand county clerks like Kim Davis stand up to this lawless edict from the federal courts, we might stand a chance of beating it back. But there are not many Christians of such courage today.

Dark times are falling on this nation, and there are numerous fronts of evil that are working in concert to destroy the Godly foundation of freedom upon which the United States was founded. Barack Obama (or whatever his name is) is an enemy of all that is right and true, and he is certainly a treasonous enemy of our country. He is a strong supporter and pusher of the militant homosexual agenda. He is part of God’s judgment on this wayward nation that has forcefully expelled God from the public square. Whether it’s the communistic “global warming” agenda, the homosexualist agenda or even the lunatic “black lives matter” racist agenda, all these are heads of the same tyrannical hydra. They all seek to bring tyranny down on the American people.

While these agents of Satan may have awful success here in the short term, in the very end they will lose in a big and terrible way. While we can and should resist their devilish efforts to turn America into a third-world hell-hole of despotism, those of us who belong to God through Jesus Christ know that Jesus has already won the war at the cross. Our spiritual enemies now stand forever defeated, although they still have great power for a short time until the Lord’s return.

Matt Staver and Dr. Paul Church #fundie barbwire.com

One of the doctors stood up and pointed out the hard cold facts of the physical dangers of homosexual contact, and the increased diseases and bodily harm by it. He made the point that a medical center should not be actively pushing unhealthy behavior.

The board then fired Dr. Paul Church for his statements saying nothing more than medically proven truth.

One of the most important things to protect is a doctor’s ability to speak honestly about physical consequences of the patient’s actions and, in this situation, a doctor lost his job for speaking the truth.

Larry Tomczak #fundie barbwire.com

The Antidote to Miley’s Mess

Miley Cyrus, you are treading on dangerously thin ice. You have a heart condition, tachycardia. The very shoes you tie in the morning could be untied by an undertaker tonight. You admitted to anxiety attacks that were so severe you used to avoid driving a car. Is the therapist you’re seeing resolving the emptiness inside? Is your new friend, Caitlin Jenner, offering any help or adding to the confusion?

When your father repented and turned back to God he said, “God sent His Son to this earth to save people like us.”

We are praying for you, Miley, because we love you. Underneath that sexually-charged persona is a little girl looking for love that only Jesus Christ can give you.

“There is a God-shaped vacuum in the heart of every human being that cannot be satisfied by any created thing, but only by the Creator Himself, in the Person of Jesus Christ.” Blaise Pascal, French philosopher, 1600s.

Bryan Fischer #wingnut #homophobia #fundie barbwire.com

[Rentboy.com, a gay escort site, was taken down by the US government.]

Why would Obama suddenly bring the hammer down on homosexual prostitution?

Maybe, in the wake of the Ashley Madison hack, he wants to get all the client information from this website in federal custody to protect the identities of his political and social friends who may be customers.

Or Obama believes, with homosexuality being the flavor of the year in the world of sexual abnormality, this is the moment to haul homosexual prostitutes into court and get some federal judge to rule that prostitution cannot be made illegal under the United States Constitution.


And his best chance to get the favorable ruling he wants, given the current cultural zeitgeist, is if the defendants in courts are homosexual prostitutes rather than heterosexual ones. What politically correct judge today would dare to rule against the sin of sodomy anywhere at anytime?

In other words, Obama is pursuing this action not because he wants to punish homosexual prostitutes but because he wants the Supreme Court to exonerate them.

Matt Barber #fundie barbwire.com

“We must confess we are shocked at the violence and servility of the Judicial Revolution caused by the decision of the Supreme Court of the United States. We scarcely know how to express our detestation of its inhuman dicta, or to fathom the wicked consequences which may flow from it. — This decision has sapped the constitution [sic] of its glorious and distinctive features, and seeks to pervert it into a barbarous and unchristian channel — Jefferson feared this Supreme Court, and foretold its usurpation of the legislative power of the Federal Government. His prophecy is now reality. The terrible evil he dreaded is upon us.”

As many of us warned, this opinion is already being used to crush Americans’ constitutionally guaranteed freedoms. This was not lost on the Tribune, which added, “To say or suppose, that a Free People can respect or will obey a decision so fraught with disastrous consequences to the People and their Liberties, is to dream of impossibilities. No power can take away their rights. They will permit no power to abridge them.”

The New York Tribune was equally dismissive: “The decision, we need hardly say, is entitled to just as much moral weight as would be the majority of those congregated in any Washington bar-room.”

OK, I’ll come clean. The above quotes are not in reference to Obergefell. But they might as well have been. These quotes addressed the Supreme Court’s equally illegitimate 1857 Dred Scott decision. Whereas, in Dred Scott, the justices defied natural law and presumed a “right” for whites to own blacks, the court’s 2015 Obergefell decision likewise defied natural law and presumed to deconstruct and redefine the institution of marriage.

Both decisions are illegitimate, and here’s why. For the U.S. Supreme Court to justifiably overturn some law duly passed by the United States Congress, its opinion must be deeply rooted in one or more of the following:

A clear reading of the U.S. Constitution;
Some prior court precedent;
History and the Common Law;
Our cultural customs or traditions;
Some other law enacted by Congress.

As the high court’s four dissenting justices rightly observed in Obergefell, the “five attorneys” who invented this newfangled “right” to “gay marriage,” failed, abysmally, on each and every requirement.

The same was true of Dred Scott.

And so both opinions should be summarily ignored.

As President Andrew Jackson famously quipped of a Supreme Court opinion he thought usurped his executive authority, “[Chief Justice] John Marshall has made his decision; now let him enforce it!”

After the Dred Scott decision was released, Sen. William Pitt Fessenden, R-Maine, who later served as Abraham Lincoln’s secretary of treasury, said this: “[It is charged] that I am undermining the institutions of the country by attacking the Supreme Court of the United States! I attack not their decision, for they have made none; it is their opinion.”

MichaelVWilson and Thisoldspouse #fundie barbwire.com

MichaelVWilson: Turn the other cheek is the most misunderstood and misapplied statement in all of Scripture. It’s easy to demonstrate:

Most people (the vast majority) are right-handed. In order to strike someone on their right with your right hand, you have to backhand them. Backhanding someone isn’t an attack in the conventional sense of the word, it’s an insult. So Jesus was saying, if someone insults you, let them insult you again.

But when someone attacks you, you are perfectly free to defend yourself, else why would Jesus have told His disciples to go buy some swords the night He was arrested? It wasn’t to attack the mob that came for Him, it was to protect themselves. Furthermore, Jesus and the Father are One, so when God speaks in the Old Testament, telling people to go to war against this group or that, it was Jesus speaking.

Tristan is correct when he says the attack on Aaron and Melissa wasn’t from a personal enemy, or merely an insult against them specifically. It was part and parcel of an ongoing war against God. But right now, only one side is fighting.

It’s time for Christians to “suit up and show up”, or to, as John Wayne might put it, “Stand up on your, hind legs, and, fight for what you claim to believe, pilgrim.”

Thisoldspouse: There was also a standing admonition to expel the heretics and those causing dissension in the Church. Surely that includes physical force against the unwilling heretic. You have a right to clean house - by force, if necessary.

Tami Jackson #fundie barbwire.com

Remember, we are bloodied but not beaten.

My dad always told me, “I don’t ever want to hear about you starting a fight. But if some bully is determined to pick a fight, you better finish it!”

That advice should be directed at US, patriots who love America and her Constitution.

The bullies are the Progressives/the Marxists who would prefer to remake the Constitution or toss it entirely.

We flyover folks have been busy doing the right thing: raising families, serving our country, paying too much in taxes, working to support ourselves rather than living on the government dole.

The Progressives started this fight. Now it’s our turn to get fired up and finish it.

Robert Knight #fundie barbwire.com

A day does not go by without some new outrage. You know what I’m talking about — stories about fresh surges of illegal immigrants over the border despite the American people’s mounting anger that we’re losing our country; the Boy Scouts welcoming openly homosexual men as troop leaders; the federal debt soaring past $18 trillion and counting; Planned Parenthood getting caught dissecting live babies for organs and brains; the White House announcing the first openly transgender staff member; Pentagon officials rushing toward putting women into all combat units, including the Navy SEALs. I have yet to see a reporter ask how this will enhance the SEALs’ ability to conduct and survive dangerous missions.

Meanwhile, under President Obama’s nuclear “executive agreement,” Iran is pursuing an electromagnetic pulse capability that could plunge America into a dark age. Christians in Iraq and Syria are being beheaded, raped and sold as slaves while the Obama administration blocks Christian refugees and puts a welcome mat out for Muslim asylum-seekers. How much more disturbing can the news get?

At the movies, the Motion Picture Association of America gives an inexplicably lax R rating to “The Diary of a Teenage Girl,” about a 15-year-old having an affair with a 35-year-old man, complete with several nude scenes. The film’s director says she hopes to help young girls get over the “taboo” against being sexually active. Just when we thought we’d run out of broken taboos. People like this used to hang around schoolyards in creepy raincoats. Now they have big budgets and sophisticated cameras, and get warm reviews in major newspapers.

This is fifty shades of statutory rape, like former Subway pitchman Jared Fogle’s guilty pleas this past week for crossing state lines to have sex with underage girls and possessing child pornography. The “Diary” filmmaker gets away with it by having a 23-year-old portray the teen girl.

With the political world reeling from crisis to crisis and a media culture more decadent by the day, it’s more imperative than ever that people shed their apathy, get involved and push back the darkness. But in between battles, it’s not a bad thing to unplug and take in a ballgame.

At the very least, it’s good to take a drive in the real America. You can escape the evil media matrix — for a while.

Onan Coca #fundie barbwire.com

Atheists and liberal activist judges have once again teamed up to undermine our Christian heritage, values and philosophies.

This time, their battle took them to Mississippi where the atheist secularists found a judge who had been appointed by President Obama to do their dirty work for them. In 2013 a single student sued the Rankin County School District for violating their First Amendment rights.

The district settled the law suit, acknowledging that they had “violated” that student’s rights, but recently, after a Christian pastor delivered a prayer at an awards ceremony, Judge Carlton Reeves decided to punish the district again, ordering them to pay thousands of dollars in fines.

“Defendants are permanently enjoined from including prayer, religious sermons or activities in any school sponsored event including but not limited to assemblies, graduations, award ceremonies, athletic events and any other school event,” the judge’s order read.

In the face of this scrutiny from an evil and openly hateful magistrate the district decided to root out Christianity from their district, essentially eliminating any possible connection to the Christian faith from their schools. Sure, the vast majority of the students in their district may be practicing Christians, and sure there may have only been one or two complaints over the last decade— but the fascist atheist movement will brook no disobedience from the faithful. They will use every means in their power to enslave the majority with their politically correct anti-God behavior.

Michex #fundie barbwire.com

[Judge rules that school in Mississippi should not promote Christianity]

There should be a mass prayer every day by students on the grounds of the high school.

They should burn a dummy made to look like this judge, who is himself a dummy.

The cross should be displayed on every locker, and on every book and computer.

The students should create flyers about this nasty judge and pass them out to the judge's neighbors, as well as all local churches, shopping centers, etc.

Photos of the judge with a Hitler mustache should be passed out.

Dr. Don Boys #conspiracy barbwire.com

Naïve, confused, closed-minded Americans say, “The President would never declare martial law and incarcerate mass numbers of his critics.” No, it hasn’t happened here but it has sure happened elsewhere. Why can’t it happen here?

Tomorrow morning a dirty bomb may explode in the heart of Dallas or Washington revealing the fact that some suitcase bombs are circulating in Muslim circles. A mushroom cloud does not portend a normal life for anyone in America. But then, “It’s never happened here.” Yet!

It may only be a natural disaster that destroys your city rendering you without utilities, food, employment, etc. But that disaster might ignite your normalcy bias that ends up killing you or your family. It is better to prepare and not need it than to not prepare and need it.

Hope is not a plan. Wishful thinking is stupid thinking.

Remember, it wasn’t raining when Noah entered the Ark!

RCQ_92130 #fundie barbwire.com

[Answering a commenter who criticized Josh Duggar]

You are not very up to speed on this, are you? The "little girls" are all grown up and have gone out of their way to speak about the events they were not even aware of as children. They are OK; not to worry.

YOU do not get to demand payment. So sorry; I realize those who promote HomoMarriage (like you) think you should be empowered as judge/executioner of all other living souls ... but you are not.

Bill Muehlengerg #fundie barbwire.com

I am an outcast. I am an untouchable. I am a leper. I am the scum of the earth. Why, what did I do? Sexually abuse a child? Torture kittens for the fun of it? Murder my own family? No, something far, far worse. You see, I actually believe that marriage is between a man and a woman.

And even worse, I actually believe every child has a right – as much as possible – to be raised by his or her own biological mother and father. Yes I know: to have such outlandish and radical beliefs makes me pure evil, and I should be driven from polite society.

outcastOK, so banish me now. Exile me. Or jail me. Or even put me to death for my dastardly beliefs. But no matter how demonised and abused by the homosexual statists, I will never refrain from speaking up for truth – and for marriage and children.

I have long noted how incredibly bizarre all this is, with persecution arising for simply affirming marriage and the wellbeing of children. Who would have thought the new clampdown on freedom and democracy would come from those rainbow warriors who have declared war on marriage and family.

Truth Offends #fundie barbwire.com

As someone who is more concerned about the Kingdom of God than the kingdoms of this world, this is who I would say Scott Lively is:
Scott Lively is a pastor of a very small church, and a minister to an unknown number of people who read his columns and/or watch his rare interviews on TV in which he boldly proclaims the truth (Jesus) about the powerful and truly evil pro-homosexuality movement. He is a man without any political power or authority. And only because of his bold, unapologetic, courageous, and humble witness for Christ, he (not any of the "mainstream" pro-family groups) is facing “the accuser” in a United States federal court--a court that is more than happy to cooperate with the accuser. (Scott Lively is being accused of “crimes against humanity!” because of WORDS HE SPOKE.) Scott Lively is a man who Christians owe a great deal of respect and a debt of gratitude.

Luka Ladan #fundie barbwire.com

For those entering college from a faith background, surveys show that more than half of them will walk away from their faith by the time they leave.

As twenty million young people start college this fall, higher education has not only never been more liberal, it has also never been more expensive.

In the past fifteen years alone, attendance has gone up more than four fold, but the past five years have seen the cost go up by more than seventy percent. The average length of completing a degree has gone from the standard four years, up toward five and six years depending on the state. No longer can students count on finishing by their early twenties and beginning their career with a fresh start. Student loans are at an all-time high, with students averaging in the ball park of 33,000 dollars owed to the federal government.

A federal government, mind you, that is well known for its competence at handling money.

I found myself where so many conservative young people find themselves. With all the costs of time and money, and knowing that it goes to support a brazenly liberal environment, I found myself asking the unthinkable question:

Is it worth it?

Now of course I know as well as anyone that college is no small matter in the modern economy. I have two degrees myself with another one in progress, and I have no doubt that my education has contributed vastly to my still-budding career. The debate need not be about whether to go to college, or even how much education to get.

The debate for my generation is not college versus no college. The debate is spending the best time of our lives at an old-fashioned liberal indoctrination camp versus exploring the dynamic new world of alternative higher education.

The information age has created more options for education than our grandparents could have imagined. From high schoolers trying to get ahead to senior citizens trying to raise their ceilings, online classes, CLEP tests, AP courses, DSST exams, and a whole world of test prep and other specialized websites and publishers are working to make it possible to cut the liberal gate keepers out of earning our degrees.

Take for example, CollegePlus, a Christian company that exists solely to guide students through the process of earning a college degree in less than three years, for the cost of one year of traditional college.

Students in CollegePlus and similar programs have discovered schools such as Liberty University and Thomas Edison State College, which award fully accredited bachelors, masters, and even some doctoral degrees to students who never set foot in a classroom.

My own story, and those of thousands of my generation, started with finding myself in high school, intimidated by how big the whole college question was. I thought about going to school locally, like my parents had. I thought about paying an arm and a leg to attend private school where I could get a conservative environment. I thought about skipping the whole process entirely and going the way of Jobs, Gates, and Zuckerberg to start a business without needing anybody’s piece of paper to validate my self-taught education.

I decided to do none of those.

Instead, I took the initiative in high school with CLEP Tests and DSST exams. I researched institutions that offered accredited degrees for online study. When I graduated from high school, I never went “off to college” because I was already a senior in college.

I started work full time at a job directly relevant to my field (professional conservative activism, actually), continued my online classes, and geared up for law school. Not only was the cost a fraction of what it would have been to attend on campus for four years, I was able to start my doctorate without debt at 19 and continue working.

In the end, conservative young people of my generation have a multitude of options. There is nothing wrong with getting the traditional college experience if that is the best fit.

Pamela Geller #fundie barbwire.com

Here is legislation that should be supported by every freedom-loving American. A Texas Republican congressman, Rep. Brian Babin, last Wednesday introduced the Resettlement Accountability National Security Act, H.R. 3314, which would immediately suspend Obama's disastrous and dangerous refugee resettlement program, pending a complete review of its federal, state and local costs.


The social costs are incalculable. Obama has been importing hundreds of thousands of Muslims under the Refugee Resettlement Program. Despite the spike in jihad plots and attacks in the U.S. and the genocide of non-Muslims under Shariah, Obama remains unmoved. Under Obama, it's a world where arrogance rules.


Refugee resettlement is a euphemism for importing whole Muslim communities, importing jihad. Under the Refugee Resettlement Programs, Muslim communities in their entirety are imported into the United States from jihad nations. I have long documented the targeting of gateway cities (smaller cities) that are overwhelmed with Muslim refugee immigration from countries like Somalia - cities like Emporia, Kansas; Nashville; Greeley and Fort Morgan, Colorado; Lewiston, Maine, et al.


This will forever be a bloody stain on an anti-American, anti-freedom, jihad-aligned presidency. It is more of the poison fruit from the party of treason.

Bill Muehberg #fundie #homophobia barbwire.com

When Orwell’s 1984 appeared in 1949, Stalinist Russia provided much of the fodder for his dystopian vision, and for the menacing Big Brother. Well, the Soviet Union is no more, but we can argue that Big Brother totalitarianism is still alive and well in the West today.

And without question the militant homosexual juggernaut is nicely filling in for where the Communists left off. The homosexual militants are using the coercive powers of the state to crack down on all disagreement and opposition. And it gets uglier each passing day.

I recently wrote a book documenting nearly 200 cases of people directly being impacted by the new pink totalitarians. Ordinary men and women who run afoul of the homosexual agenda are losing their jobs, being fined, and even jailed. And this has simply escalated big time since then.


Well, he took his case to an appeals court, and the decision has just come in: Phillips must bow to the activists and violate his conscience – end of story. Wow, so does that mean a Jewish baker will be forced to make a cake for a neo-Nazi social function?

Will a Muslim t-shirt company be forced to print t-shirts for Christians with the words “Jesus is God’s Son and Saviour” on it? Will homosexual florists be forced to cater for an anti-homosexual marriage function? Will atheist entertainers be forced to perform at Christian worship services?


And if you think that is a bit of a stretch to say people can be severely punished for hurting someone’s feelings, simply recall the recent case of a bakery in Oregon run by a Christian couple. They were fined $135,000 for causing ‘emotional distress’ to a lesbian couple for not making them a wedding cake! I wrote about that mind-numbing decision.

Make no mistake about it: Big Brother is alive and well, and he comes in six colours of the rainbow. Goodbye freedom of conscience, freedom of speech, and freedom of religion. Welcome to the Brave New World of homosexual totalitarianism.

Peter Labarbera #fundie #homophobia barbwire.com

According to a Pew Research study in 2013, Fox News ran more stories that were biased towards homosexual “marriage” rather than against it (see Page 2). And Fox News also funds the advocacy-oriented National and Lesbian Journalists Association (NLGJA) every year; Kelly and other Fox journalists have attended NLGJA fund-raisers in support of the homosexual organization.

In the days leading up to Thursday’s prime time debate in Cleveland, Fox News anchors had been telling us how hard they were laboring to prepare penetrating, specific questions that would prevent their GOP targets from being evasive.

Electoral politics led by media pundits is pretty much a “biblical morality-free zone”–at least on the issue of homosexuality–as journalists obsess over the political “horse-race” rather than right versus wrong. Many journalists and even some conservatives have become cheerleaders for the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Transgender) cause, while others simply bow to the prevailing political correctness.

So I was prepared for the worst as I sat down Thursday night to watch the main Fox News GOP debate, and, well—here is an excerpt of the key prime time exchange on same-sex “marriage,” posed to Ohio Gov. John Kasich by Kelly:

KELLY: Governor Kasich, if you had a son or daughter who was gay or lesbian, how would you explain to them your opposition to same-sex marriage?

KASICH: Well, look, I’m an old-fashioned person here, and I happen to believe in traditional marriage. But I’ve also said the court has ruled —

KELLY: How would you — how would you explain it to a child?

KASICH: Wait, Megyn, the court has ruled, and I said we’ll accept it. And guess what, I just went to a wedding of a friend of mine who happens to be gay. Because somebody doesn’t think the way I do, doesn’t mean that I can’t care about them or can’t love them. So if one of my daughters happened to be that, of course I would love them and I would accept them.

Who knew that the toughest question that the Fox News brain trust could come up with on homosexual “marriage” could have been penned by the Media Department of the Human Rights Campaign?! Some LGBT activists and liberals must have been checking their TV remotes to make sure they weren’t watching MSNBC.

It was telling that the Fox team directed its “gay’-sympathetic query not to a strong social conservative candidate like Ted Cruz, Mike Huckabee, or Dr. Ben Carson–who likely would have vigorously defended traditional marriage and religious freedom, and assailed the SCOTUS Obergefell ruling—but to “moderate” Kasich, who pathetically boasted about attending a friend’s “marriage” ceremony based on a sexual sin. Coincidentally (or not), Ohio’s U.S. Senator, Rob Portman, a Republican, changed his position in 2013 and backed homosexual “marriage” to support his homosexual son–a theme echoed in Kelly’s debate query to Gov. Kasich.

Now, it goes without saying that parents should love their children unconditionally–Kasich got that part right. But the governor offered no reasons behind his stated opposition to homosexual “marriage”–typical of GOP politicians who avoid discussing immoral homosexual behavior like the plague.

Peter Labarbera #fundie barbwire.com

I realize I’m entering dream-world here, but there are so many other important “social issues” questions the Fox News team could have been asked at the Fox debates, for example:

Do you think it’s right that the votes of millions of Americans to preserve natural man-woman marriage–in some red states by landslide margins as high as 75-80 percent—were cast aside by five Supreme Court justices? Don’t the votes of “We the People” matter?
What will you do to reign in SCOTUS power and what sort of judges will you appoint as president?
What do you think about the Boy Scouts’ recent decision to allow adult homosexual Scoutmasters—even though the Scouts have been sued by victims from the numerous predator “perversion” scandals in which adult male Scout leaders molested boys in their care?
To Chris Christie: are you concerned that the bill you signed into law in New Jersey banning ex-”gay” “Reparative Therapy” for minors abridges individual freedom and parental rights?
What will you do to make it more difficult for American youth to access pornography, which is ravaging our nation, corrupting our souls and putting young women (and men) at risk?
Should God bless America when Americans cavalierly ignore the Creator’s moral law and embrace sins (e.g., homosexuality, pornography, fornication and abortion) in the name of civil- and constitutional “rights”?

Mario Diaz #fundie #homophobia barbwire.com

Two recent reports spark this reflection that America is sinking into darkness. First, in an August 7, 2015, advisory opinion, the Ohio Board of Professional Conduct served notice to any judge with authority to perform marriages who has deeply held religious beliefs that prohibit him or her from participating in a same-sex “marriage” ceremony that they must either violate their conscience or polish their resumé and find a new line of work. Here is what they wrote:

A judge who exercises the authority to perform civil marriages may not refuse to perform same-sex marriages while continuing to perform opposite-sex marriages. A judge may not decline to perform all marriages in order to avoid marrying same-sex couples based on his or her personal, moral, or religious beliefs.

Apparently, “Christians need not apply,” must be the first line of the job description for Ohio judges from now on.

Second, as Todd Starnes of Fox News reported this week, the Kentucky Department of Juvenile Justice revoked Chaplain David Wells’ volunteer credentials as an ordained minister because he could not sign a document promising he would “not imply or tell LGBTQI juveniles that they are abnormal, deviant, sinful, or that they can or should change their sexual orientation or gender identity.” To reiterate, according to the government of Kentucky, a Christian minister cannot read the passages in the Bible that say homosexual conduct is a sin for they would be in violation of the state’s “sexual orientation” and gender identity policy.

So, Christians need not apply to help young men in prison, either. All in order to appease a few radical homosexual activists and in clear violation of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. How twisted is that?

We can add judge and prison chaplain to the growing list of professional areas that Christians with a traditional view of marriage are being forced to abandon in the new and improved USA: photographers, wedding caterers, bakers, t-shirt makers, adoption agencies or health care providers, fire chiefs, etc. The list grows daily.

Paul Hair #fundie barbwire.com

Obama and his fellow autotheists (self-worshipers) are vigorously defending the sacrificing of babies, and this combined with the autotheists’ evangelization of same-sex relations means they share beliefs with Satanists who also hold these two evils as their most sacred tenets.

People chanted, “Hail, Satan!” in support of abortion in 2014. They weren’t ashamed of this, either. Indeed, National Journal rushed to defend both those chanting in support of Satan and actual Satanists.

And then in 2015 Satanists sued on behalf of abortion.


Obama is also passionate about abortion. Many people remember he wanted God to bless Planned Parenthood in 2013. But he also said in 2012, “But if the price of peace in Washington is cutting deals that will kick students off of financial aid, or get rid of funding for Planned Parenthood, or eliminate health care for millions on Medicaid who are poor, or elderly, or disabled, just to give a millionaire a tax cut, I’m not having it.”

Even as videos pour out showing just how demonic abortion is, Obama and his fellow autotheists remain united in supporting Planned Parenthood and the slaughter of babies. Likewise, Satanists remain steadfast in their support for abortion.

Then there is the same-sex agenda. Autotheists and Satanists share common ground on this as well. Evangelizing this evil is one of the top priorities of Obama, with the U.S. focusing on spreading it through the world. Meanwhile, deviant sex is so important to Satanists that they view it as a “sacrament” and they engage in it when unveiling satanic statues.

There is a war going on in America. Obama, his fellow autotheists, and Satanists have declared there is no price too steep to pay for their tenets of abortion and deviant sex.

Alan Keyes #fundie barbwire.com

[On the GOP failing to defund Planned Parenthood]

Of course, given the treacherous record of the GOP quislings, the cloud of sincerely well-intentioned witnesses being stirred against the hardness of heart inevitably engendered by Planned Parenthood’s promotion of evil will probably turn out to be a deceitful fog generated by the GOP’s quisling leaders to obscure their continued complicity in the regime of lawless, anti-constitutional edicts that purports to legalize that evil, licensing those who practice and promote it. Like so much else in the increasingly depraved legal and political culture engendered by the elitist faction’s twin party sham, this smacks of the self-idolatry that motivates the elitist faction’s implacable war against God.

SouthernPatriot #fundie barbwire.com

Judgment from God may have already begun, and God always starts with His people, in this case, those who "name the name of Christ." Numerous primarily and solely black churches near and around and throughout the country have burned recently. Some by lightning strikes, others by electrical wiring shortages, another by a black racist arsonist and via undetermined causes.

FBI agents conducting investigations have stated that the remaining burned churches did not happen as a result of arson. When pressed farther, an agent offered "spontaneous combustion" as a possibility. Could it be that God has removed his hand of protection from these 100, 120, and 130 year old churches? Could it be that God was so unhappy about these churches, their leadership and membership supporting the most ardent sodomy and abortion-centric president in U.S. history?

Bryan Fischer #fundie #homophobia barbwire.com

The Boy Scouts have made a fearful and fatal decision to allow homosexuals to serve as mentors to young boys. This will be and should be the end of this once noble organization.

Why? Because of the well-established link between homosexuality and pedophilia.


Now we may freely stipulate that heterosexuals offend against children as well. But when we see such an alarming imbalance in the ratio at which homosexuals offend against children, it is the height of irresponsibility to deliberately place homosexuals in positions where they have frequent access to young boys. It is inexcusable and virtually criminal.


I predict the LDS church will bolt the Boy Scouts out of a desire to protect the young boys in Mormon families and to keep themselves from being bankrupted. If the LDS church allows homosexual scoutmasters, they will be in court until the end of time.

No father who is thinking clearly would put his young son in proximity to an adult homosexual. [...] Every dad who is aware and informed will flee the Boy Scouts and head for the refuge Trail Life USA affords. And they will do it today. Dads, you don't have a moment to lose. Protecting the sexual integrity of your young sons is just too important.

Dr. Michael Brown #fundie #homophobia barbwire.com

[The Chicago Theological Seminary, a LGBT-inclusive seminary, had openly gay professor Ken Stone give a pro-LGBT speech in commemoration of its 150th anniversary. It also handed out some condoms for a pride event.]

In the case of this seminary, which has long departed from biblical foundations, there's another lesson we can learn, namely that the embrace of homosexual practice is not so much an advance in "tolerance" as much as it is a plunge into sexual anarchy, as demonstrated by the condom distribution event.

This is a major point I make in my forthcoming book Outlasting the Gay Revolution: Where Homosexual Activism is Really Going and How to Turn the Tide.

There I note that:

"We are more accepting of homosexuality today because our sexual morals our lower, not because we are more enlightened. Put another way, the gay revolution is not the successor of the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s; it is the successor of the sexual revolution of the 1960s. Getting a grasp on this, we get a grasp on where our culture is really headed, helping us recognize that our embrace of homosexuality (even the more committed, less promiscuous kind) is part of our larger descent into sexual anarchy."


This means that what is happening at Chicago Theological Seminary is not taking place in a moral and spiritual vacuum. Instead, all these branches of sexual anarchy go back to the same root, namely, the rejection of spiritual authority. We think we know better than God!


To repeat: Contemporary America's embrace of homosexual practice is part and parcel of America's descent into sexual anarchy, which not only includes the full embrace of fornication, cohabitation, and having kids out of wedlock, but the celebration of polygamy, polyamory, and "swinging" on reality TV, not to mention nude dating shows and the like.

The good news (which forms Principle #3 in Outlasting the Gay Revolution) is that "Sexual Purity Trumps Sexual Anarchy," and if we walk in holiness and live in purity, by God's grace and empowerment, we and our families will thrive while those who participate in the culture of sexual anarchy will gradually defeat themselves.

As for Chicago Theological Seminary, one thing they will not do is produce world-changing disciples of Jesus, unless they make a truly radical course correction.

Stranger things have happened, have they not?

Michael Bresciani #fundie barbwire.com

We are witnessing something far more sinister than the ancient pagan world's excursion into the offering of children to be burned in the fires of the idol known as Molech.

Today's version of the "fires of Molech" is more sadistic and wicked than the ancients could have imagined, because it is now done under the cover of "law." One man out of a band of nine cast the deciding vote for Roe v. Wade in 1973 and since then the waves of unborn children have met their doom to the grand figure of 55 million and counting. This is the "law"? If Molech were actually a real and living deity - he would be delighted.

The rest of the world's nations mandate abortions out of fear (overpopulation) but they are no slouches in honoring the idol of Molech. In China, it is reported that upwards of 336 million abortions have been performed since 1971. The latest twist from the Orient is reportedly eating the remains of aborted babies in a soul which is thought to rejuvenate youthfulness in those who practice this kind of cannibalism.


In the East it is abortion and sterilization to avoid overpopulation. Is the West's answer homosexual marriage, how many children come out of that perverted arrangement?


Hidden under the mounds of dirt called "politically correct speech" and "cultural diversity" can be found fossils of human wisdom and better judgment. Let's dig there - because political correctness, compromise and election rhetoric are lousy substitutes for a real conscience.

No one, including Donald Trump, who is not willing to make a full frontal attack against all abortion and perverted same sex marriage, is any more than a paper tiger vying for our votes based on a better deal than Barack Obama. America needs more than a substitute for Obama; we need a first class statesman with a full blown conscience.

Lawrence Mayo #fundie barbwire.com

Many people are under the mistaken impression that the political battle lines in America are Democrats vs. Republicans. Some even erroneously believe the battle lines are Liberal vs. Conservative.

But if you wish to understand modern politics in our country — if you want to make sense of the seemingly-irrational behaviors of both parties — consider the reality that the battle lines are actually Elitists vs. The People.

In 2014, Republicans were swept into office in the midterms, ostensibly to turn back Obamaism. Obamacare was to be repealed, or, at the least, relief was to be offered for the suffering the program is causing. Iran was to be denied resources for developing a nuclear weapon, or, at the least, slowed in that development. Obama’s penchant for going outside the bounds of the Constitution by sidestepping Congress with overreaching and illegal Executive Orders was to be halted, or, at the least, censured. Illegal alien invasion was to be stopped or curtailed, and violators were to be prosecuted and shipped back to their countries of origin.

Instead, the establishment Republicans re-elected the the Crying Cheeto John Boehner and Yertle the Turtle Mitch McConnell to head the two legislative bodies. As an aside: Have we ever had such freakish House and Senate leaders?. Led by those two feckless elitists, we got the following results:

On Obamacare, many repeal votes have failed. Most recently the Senate vote for repeal failed.
Per Iran’s quest for the atomic bomb, there has been no action by either party to stop an illegal “agreement” that went outside the bounds of the Constitutional treaty mechanisms. Though they claim to be “irked”, there is no followup action.
As regards Obama’s lawlessness and failure to heed the Constitution, no one in either legislative body has taken to the podium to denounce Barack’s dangerous behavior.
And on illegal alien invasion, not only are the House and Senate not forcefully demanding that illegal aliens be deported, they cannot even agree to deny illegal aliens drivers’ licenses and only barely rejected allowing illegal aliens into the military. Any student of the decline of Rome knows how bad an idea that would have been.
As a bonus — and even after videos surfaced that showed Planned Abortionhood ghoulishly selling the body parts of dead fetuses — the Senate blocked a vote to defund the ghastly enterprise.

The Republicans are acting in a manner most reminiscent of Democrats. It appears that there IS no difference between the two parties— none at all. That is what informed me that those are not the battle lines. That is not the divide. The two parties agree on most of the major issues we face today.

In the Republican grassroots, there was great frustration when the lack of opposition (by the establishment Republicans) to Democrat policies became apparent. There still is. There are murmurings of discontent on the far-left, as well, that the Democrats are only paying lip service to their important issues.

It has become quite clear that the real fight is that of Elitists against The People.

This explains the vigorous support and consistently-meteoric poll numbers that Donald Trump is seeing. Whether he is truly a Populist remains to be seen, but at minimum, he is speaking as one. This seldom-heard speech in Washington is appealing to a large number of people who feel ignored by the Elitist Party, be they Republican or Democrat. Donald Trump is even appealing to the Democrat-coveted minority population.

Ronald Reagan won as a Populist. He fought the Republican establishment, won the primary in 1980, and went on to become the most anti-big-government, anti-communist, pro-ordinary-citizen President in modern history. His sweeping re-election in 1984, capturing nearly every single state (including liberal ones), showed that Populist policies are popular even in liberal bastions. Of course, there will always be liberals that cling to Elitism, and those are usually the ones who favor Socialism or Communism.

I do not mean to compare Trump to Reagan in any way except to show that Trump’s populism is a winning strategy. It appears that — whatever Trump’s other faults, such as a recent political change-of-heart and his many personal issues over the years — Donald Trump does understand where the actual battle lines lie. His repeated disregard and dislike for the propaganda outlets called the ‘news media’, his brutal honesty, and his stated positions show a Populism that has not been seen in national politics for more than twenty years. This explains why many of us regard him as a breath of fresh air.

Elitists like Planned Abortionhood. That group helps to reduce the ‘surplus population’, as Ebenezer Scrooge once called it in Dickens’ novel. Elitists like Obamacare, with the Death Panels poised to deny treatment to ‘useless old people’. Elitists like Communism and/or Socialism, with its control over the masses and the tendency to gather wealth at the top. Elitists like big government and fascist police-state controls, to better keep the populace from rising up in anger.

Elitists like illegal alien invasion (and have encouraged it not only in America, but European nations), because that form of invasion dilutes national identities, erases borders, and leads the world to a nationless overall government. Elitists are using Islam’s threat to increase the police-state tactics in nation after nation. Elitists like Agenda 21, with the stated purpose of herding us into vast cities, where we can be more efficiently worked and better controlled.

If you have signed up on the sides of the Elitists, you have many choices, foremost among those being Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton. If you are on the side of the people, your choices can be only Ted Cruz or Donald Trump.

Matt Barber #fundie barbwire.com

Christian Universities: Will They Obey God or Man?

It's by design. As I, and others, have repeatedly warned, the establishment of so-called "gay marriage" as a newfangled federal "right," and the free exercise of religion as guaranteed by the First Amendment simply cannot coexist in harmony. Things diametrically at odds cannot possibly occupy, with any coherence, the same time and space.

The secular left is tripping over itself right now trying to prove my point. In wake of last month's Obergefell v. Hodges opinion - an opinion that somehow divined a top secret "constitutional right" for Patrick Henry to "marry" Henry Patrick" - liberals are now demanding, as both Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Samuel Alito predicted, that Christian universities immediately abandon recognition of, and obedience to, God's unequivocal natural sexual order, and adopt, instead, the new pagan orthodoxy.


Christian universities must come together and facilitate homosexual sin, or lose, at once, both tax-exempt status and access to all students who choose to fund their education via federal loans and grants (which is most of them).

This presents quite a conundrum. It's also a test. Christian universities must either obey God, disobey man and suffer unsavory temporal consequences, or obey man, sell their souls for mammon and suffer a-little-more-than-unsavory eternal consequence.


It's really not that complicated. The Christian university that chooses the path of least resistance and conforms to the world - that is, disobeys God and adopts the world's morally relative (read: unbiblical) standards (or lack thereof) on sex and sexuality immediately becomes at enmity with God. The Christian university that intentionally turns a blind eye to sexual immorality of any kind, or otherwise allows and recognizes sin-based "same-sex marriage," ceases to be a Christian university and, instead, becomes an apostate university - a university better identified as "Christian in name only."


If Christian universities wish to remain faithful, they must, instead, become pariahs.

They must obey God.

Daniel Greenfield #fundie barbwire.com

Fixed truths have been deconstructed and routed through a complex array of relativistic values. A decadent understands that murdering this baby right here is wrong, but can be taught that it is acceptable to trade parts of dead fetuses. For decadents in an information society, definitions are very important. Decadents and barbarians have an empathy that is triggered by cultural signals.

For barbarians, these signals are honor-shame kin-based. For decadents, the cultural signals are more complex group-based signals that are routed through complex intellectual justifications. These justifications naturally create their own unrecognized hypocrisies. Enemy civilians killed in a Republican’s war are a horrific atrocity. Those killed in a Democrat’s war don’t exist.

Groups are politicized and every moral code is routed through an identity politics based on insecurity. There are no morals, only sides. Responses are emotional to shortcut rational reasoning. Decadents function like barbarians, not because they are barbarians, but because their minds have been wired in complex ways by brilliantly dishonest men in academia to reduce them to barbarians.

A major difference between vigorous and decadent civilizations is objectivity and long term thinking. Decadents are incapable of either while vigorous civilizations thrive on both. If decadent civilizations could engage in long term thinking, they wouldn’t be doomed. If they could engage in objective reasoning, they wouldn’t be slaves to the media machines under a lawless tyranny.

The barbaric and vigorous civilizations speak little of sex and yet have high birth rates. Decadent civilizations are obsessed with sex and have few children. Perversions multiply in decadent civilizations, especially among the elites, who have the fewest morals, the most wealth and the greatest need for new taboos to violate. This is not a cause. It is only the symptom.

Gay marriage, like so much else, is the symptom of a decadent elite that confuses its own power and privilege with civil rights, that wants to legalize its illicit behaviors even though it only embarked on them because of their illicitness. In its perversity, it must find new taboos to violate each time an old one becomes socially accepted, before then embarking on a civil rights struggle to make its latest taboo socially acceptable so that one day it’s gay marriage and the next it’s men in dresses.

Barbarians have large families and a tolerance for limited personal space. They speak loudly, are more casual about the deaths of their children, and view success in terms of power. Decadents speak softly, have a high need for personal space, have small families while playing helicopter parents and view success in terms of their own unattainable happiness. Vigorous civilizations have medium sized families, speak loudly, view success in terms of personal accomplishment, are not too concerned about personal space and value their children while allowing them to take risks.

Decadents want emotional rewards without commitments. As a result they are constantly unhappy. They pursue happiness as if it were a quality that could be permanently obtained through the right techniques, rather than a shifting response to the rigors of daily life. The more decadents do this, the more unstable they become, obsessively self-medicating and attempting to otherwise set the conditions of their happiness by controlling its application, and blaming others for their failure.

The more deranged decadents search for those who deny them their right to happiness by failing to accept them, reward them or otherwise please them until they find meaning only in attacking others. Behind their venom is narcissistic self-pity, they are searching for revenge against a cruel world when they are the authors of their own unhappiness.

The decadent civilization senses inwardly that it has no future. It becomes obsessed with apocalypses. Its people are always fixated on the next great threat to their health individually and the next great disaster that will bring their civilization to its knees. While vigorous civilizations boldly stride forward into the unknown, decadents are nervous and unsure. They veer between comfort zones and ritualized displays of destructive behavior that accomplish nothing except the illusion of freedom.

AJ Castellitto #fundie barbwire.com

Kill the Disney Channel.

Blow up the Illuminati Propaganda being fed to the young and impressionable. Mind seducing cartoons like Gravity Falls, which provides a light-hearted portrayal of “summoning” and is loaded with a plethora of Illuminati-style symbolism: owls, floating eye balls, pyramids, masonic stained glass and Fez hats, is seemingly all the rage these days.

They’re not even hiding it anymore.

Grandpa’s Woodstock acid wasn’t brown
President lit up and passed it down
The days of outrage have all gone away
I bet that Disney’s spinnin’ in his grave

What on earth is happening? This is some sick repugnant ‘you know what’ being produced and mass distributed by a network devoted to children’s programming. Is there anything we will we not tolerate in our day?

The minds, hearts and souls of our children are on the line. When is enough— enough?!?


We must insulate our children with sound doctrine and loving truth. We must shield them from a depraved culture that glorifies all things (i.e. sex, drugs, deceit, violence, lasciviousness, idolatry, witchcraft, wantonness and the like) ruinous to the body and the soul. Our loved ones are highly vulnerable and the demonic snares abound like never before!

Laurie Roth #fundie barbwire.com

Obama has condoned, paid for and approved of abortions in America through out his whole and compromised career.

Millions of us scream out about the murder it really is against the innocent, but millions more yell ‘rights’ and choice for women. They and their political sell out demons turn cold murder into a “choice for women” speech. It isn’t murder, but just a blob of unfeeling mass. Though no one likes abortions, they must keep Government off our bodies. It is even a form of racism and terrorism to be prolife.

Prolifers are indeed a brand radicals who are anti-women, pro-big government, “acting out machines” at our core who blow up clinics. Prolifers must be stopped, not the murderers.

As with all “wordsmith” games to cover crimes and evil—so the abortion world has bought in. Now, not at all surprisingly, over the last few days and weeks we see that Planned Parenthood has been caught in even further evil.

Now we see organized crime — selling off body parts of the murdered babies. It is big business making people throughout this “Sanger-Eugenics-inspired organization” multi-millionaires.

Don’t sit there all smug with yourself thanking God you are aren’t like that, because you and I get to pay for it.

We have all been manipulated and forced into this criminal cartel by us funding it with tax dollars year after year. Many times the House has voted through legislation to stop the federal funding of abortions through Planned Parenthood but it has never passed through the Senate. Thus, we continue to pay for murder and crimes.


What do all these cartel doctors and Planned Parenthood types do with the definition of life? The bottom line is they give the middle finger to God and the Holy Bible, which defines life from conception on. The US Constitution which says that all Americans have rights, even the unborn – 5th and 14th amendments. They even deny science which defines life as starting from conception.

As with all evil leaders and tyrants, life is always redefined away from someone treasured by God and unique, to a useful and expendable widget on a game board. If the people don’t do what the dictator says and wants, they are punished and/or destroyed.

Since Obama and his progressives all believe there are too many people on earth for the food and energy supply, abortions must increase, along with killing off our seniors, via the death panels in Obamacare.

Maybe the next set of whistleblower videos to roll out will capture the body parts of our parents and grandparents who have been put away in American nursing homes. Perhaps many have had “help” dying there. After all, body parts are big money and if we make it harder to make money with the babies, our seniors will be next on the list.

Planned Parenthood is criminal, evil, and it is unforgivable and unspeakable that the majority of God-fearing Americans are forced to pay millions into it.

If God, science and our U.S. Constitution believes life is unique, protected and precious then that is good enough for me.

Planned Parenthood can go back to the fire of hell it came from.

Michael V Wilson #fundie barbwire.com

I will not "go along to get along" because the religious reason is the reason for my opposition to homosexual "marriage". With apologies to the Terminator movies, I say this:

I'm a Christian. I can't be reasoned with, I can't be bargained with. I won't compromise or surrender. And I absolutely will not stop...ever...until Jesus is Lord of all.

Barbwire #fundie barbwire.com

(commenting on an article discussing Hilary Clinton's nefarious Latino 'power grab,' and what the GOP should do about it...)

Cliff, I could not agree more. The Republicans are wasting their time pandering to the Hispanics. They need to focus on White Christians and Conservatives. They should even focus on blue collar Americans, with the argument that the Demoncrats are taking away their jobs by allowing in the 10's of millions of illegals. Never the less, I fear the worst for this next election. Either Hillary gets elected, or Jeb Bush gets elected. (I am supporting Trump). Either way, both are in Lucifer's back pocket, and which ever one wins, this country is doomed. But, on the bright side, maybe the Wrath of God and Rapture will happen within the next few years!!

Matt Barber #fundie barbwire.com

The push back has begun. Christian business owners, lawyers, parents, judges, county clerks, organizations, universities, hospitals, adoption agencies and other individuals and groups have been given an ultimatum by five unelected, unaccountable liberals in Washington, D.C.: "You must now obey us and disobey God. You must pretend, with us, that sin-based same-sex 'marriage' is an actual thing."

To which we say, "Not on your life."

"Or our own."

Absolute truth is a stubborn thing. Attempts at marital alchemy notwithstanding, the highly contentious, wholly contemptible 5-4 "gay marriage" opinion (and that's all it is, an opinion) released last week by five pagan extremists in black robes is altogether illegitimate and should be treated as such.


This opinion, which has been branded "the Dred Scott of marriage," has not changed, one iota, the fixed and immovable reality that the institution of marriage, an institution as old as mankind itself, is, and shall forever remain, centrally defined by its binary male-female requirement.


Many of us have long warned that this day would come, and it has arrived. In the Spirit of Daniel the prophet and MLK the reverend, we Christians must now engage, as relates our peaceful response to the imposition of counterfeit same-sex "marriage," in widespread civil disobedience. It's the right thing to do. In fact, it's a sin if we don't.


In the ongoing culture war, it seems there are no rules of engagement. The secular left will accept nothing short of unconditional surrender. That is to say, the pagans demand that we Christians abandon the biblical worldview altogether, and adopt their own.

This will never happen.

In his "letter from the Birmingham jail," Martin Luther King Jr. famously declared, "One has not only a legal, but a moral responsibility to obey just laws. Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws."

"A just law is a man-made code that squares with the moral law or the law of God," he explained. "An unjust law is a code that is out of harmony with the moral law."

An unjust law is, in point of fact, lawlessness.

One can imagine nothing more "out of harmony with the moral law," than the twisted and oxymoronic notion of so-called "same-sex marriage."

Bryan Fischer #fundie barbwire.com

[On New York City's linguistic diversity and the problems it raises]

One of the forms God’s judgment takes is a confusion of languages. According to Genesis 11, when a monolingual people became consumed with pride and arrogance, and intended to “make a name for (themselves)” by “building a tower with its top in the heavens,” God intervened by making it impossible for them to communicate with each other.


Their ability to collaborate together for evil purposes was broken by a babble of languages, and they soon scattered. Their plans, because they were not aligned with God’s, came to nought.

The lesson here may be that, when a nation turns from the humble worship of the true and living God to hubristic self-reliance, God may judge that nation by making linguistic communication impossible.

Bottom line: God may not need to judge American by confusing our language. We’re doing a pretty good job of that all by ourselves. Or perhaps, this is the way a sovereign God is bringing his judgment on a land that has turned its back on him.

AJ Castellitto #fundie barbwire.com

May Jesus rightly be deemed intolerant of the original and actual sin and propensities of fallen mankind? Could it be said that he practiced a form of 'spiritual conversion therapy'? Should he be considered one who attempted to force his own spiritual morality upon the people?


By today's standards Jesus would most probably be deemed an intolerant radical, regardless of the mercy and kindness he bestowed upon the multitude. The PC police of our day would swiftly label Jesus a bigoted hate speaker for promoting himself as the only true source of redemption and for expounding on the consequence of sinful rebellion.


If Jesus walked among us he would be completely rejected. Sin, in particular, has become a foreign concept deemed too offensive for mainstream, secular society (and even many churches of today).

Shawn Meyer #fundie barbwire.com

Understanding Christian Behavior: A Guide for the Curious Secularist

Secular friend, I realize you are perplexed by us. You aren't one of those who wants to feed us to the lions.

You just want to figure us out. We are a mysterious bunch. Why must we stubbornly resist the cultural flow?

Why can't we just get on board and bake some cakes, arrange some flowers, snap some photos and otherwise celebrate so-called same-sex marriage (SCSSM)? After all, wouldn't our make-believe God show us a little understanding now that the Supreme Court has given us every excuse we could have hoped for?

If you really want to understand the behavior of Christians, you must start with our convictions. Christianity is about convictions, not preferences.


[W]e are forced to trust God on the question of ethics. Many secularists think Christians won't jump on board and bake cakes and take pictures for same-sex couples because we hate homosexuals. It's not that at all. In general, we love homosexuals and, in many cases, we even like them. Theoretically, and for all anyone really knows, some Christians might even like the idea of SCSSM while opposing it with all their strength. I certainly do naturally like the idea of living for myself, being greedy, and striking someone on the cheek if he hits me first. (At least part of me does.) But all of these things are off limits according to the God I am convinced exists and has spoken. And so is baking a cake to help celebrate that which God declares morally wrong.

Don Felder #fundie barbwire.com

In a way, the SCOTUS marriage decision is worse than Roe v. Wade. A thriving right to life movement sprung up in its wake. The ruling wasn't used to punish those who refused to bake cakes and create floral arrangements for abortion clinics.

The Court's edict in Obergefell v. Hodges will be used to further the persecution of believers whose conscience will not allow them to go along with the travesty. The "gay marriage" drive has always been about punishing dissidents. That's why Christian businesses are specifically targeted.


The Obergefell decision is a milestone of the Sexual Revolution - a cataclysmic upheaval that's brought falling fertility and marriage rates, spiraling rates of divorce, sexually transmitted disease, cohabitation and fatherless families.

But it’s not the culmination of the revolution. As Antonio Gramsci, the father of Cultural Marxism, wrote in his “Prison Notebooks,” the final stage is the abolition of the family and the church.

Batten down the hatches for the next what’s-next.

Bryan Fischer #fundie barbwire.com

The Supreme Court's unconscionable ruling released on Friday, which imposes recognition of sodomy-based marriage on the entire United States, will have devastating consequences for our nation.

Our first national sin was slavery. It took a civil war and 600,000 American deaths before we turned as a people from that abomination both culturally and in our national public policy.

Our second national sin is abortion, which the Court embraced on our behalf in 1973. We have yet to turn from that pernicious form of evil. God's justice demands an accounting for the shed blood of 57 million innocents.

Now the Court has added a third national sin to the list by embracing sexual perversion and ordering everybody in America to accept it or else. Who knows what kind of national catastrophe it will take to humble us as a people and persuade us to turn from the wickedness of murdering the unborn and engaging in sexual perversion?

If it took a civil war to compel us to deal with slavery, I shudder to think of what awaits us.


The Supreme Court on Friday jeopardized the eternal souls of millions of Americans by justifying the sin of homosexuality. The Court has used its considerable authority to communicate the exceedingly dangerous message that homosexual marriage is not a perversion to be renounced but a constitutional right to be celebrated and promoted.

Thus the Court has moved millions of impressionable Americans one giant step further from repentance and eternal life. Who knows how many of them will use the Court's ruling to defend their own behavior. The liberal majority will have much to answer for on The Day.

Daniel Greenfield #fundie barbwire.com

Republicans are still trying to figure out a truce on gay marriage. They retreated to civil unions, then accepted a full defeat on gay marriage and then acted baffled when Christian bakery owners were dragged into court for refusing to participate in gay weddings. When the left insisted that gay marriage was a civil rights issue, they refused to take them as their word.

Now they're wondering how an accommodation can be made with tranny rights. A brief look back at gay rights will show that the only possible accommodation is one in which men in dresses have a legal right to use the ladies room and every single closed female space and event. And yes, that means your business will be shut down if you object to Steve using the female locker room.

After a few skirmishes, some fundraising and angry letters, the accommodationists will find ways to accommodate that and we can look forward to conservative activists eagerly crowing about the first gay Republican presidential candidate around say, 2024, and the first Republican man in a dress in the Senate around the same time.

Of course by then it will be something else. Maybe pedophiles. Gay rights activists don't like the analogy, but their movement and its assorted allies, particularly in Europe's Green parties, have a long history of advocating it. The same pop culture methods that were used to sell gay rights and Bruce Jenner can easily be flipped around to sell NAMBLA.

By 2024, the Republican gay and tranny candidates will be dismissed as tokens while the media oohs and aahs over a vocal and charismatic campaigner for some other love that dare not speak its name.

Mark Shephard #fundie barbwire.com

Just as we in the United States were preparing for the annual celebration, marking the most amazing national experiment in liberty, our nation was mortally wounded.

But make no mistake about its source as it was administered by our own hand and is far more devastating than any external adversary could inflict. The very center of our nation raced to embrace ideas completely contrary to the created order. Those entrusted with the stewardship of our government, drank a lie and have now drunkenly dragged our entire nation into deception branded as truth.

Twice in one week our highest court, having no authority to make law, twisted clear meanings of words to create law out of thin air. When words in law are allowed to take on any meaning, none of our rights as Americans are secure. Truly, we live in an “ends justifies the means” time. Our founding documents were not forged to guarantee particular ends, but rather the means by which we may live free lives to forge our own, individual ends. Yet as of last week, the clear meanings of the laws defining our liberty were thrown aside by an “all-powerful” government of humans presuming themselves superior to nature and nature’s God.

A few thousand years ago our Creator God cast a rainbow in the sky as a sign He would never again destroy mankind with a flood. Thus the rainbow signified God’s protection of, patience with, commitment to and love for humankind, His highest creation. Those who mock the very creation of man, by openly parading unnatural, destructive, unbounded sexuality in streets, legislative bodies and courts, have stolen that very symbol and use it to represent defiance against God and His amazing creation. With God’s symbol of love for His creation, the mockers force their out-of-control perverse sensual ways on our entire nation and beyond, trampling over anyone who dares to question the wisdom of their path. The freedom to express rational thought is all but gone in America today.

Prior to the flood, which is solidly supported by fossil records and anthropological findings throughout the world, man was on a suicidal path. The flood saved mankind from extinction when God put Noah, his family and animals of all species on a very literal floating zoo. He put them on as male and female pairs, not male and male or female and female.

The evil so blatantly paraded in recent years by ISIS and other killers of the innocent has helped me understand why God had to wipe out mankind to save mankind. While we strive against such evil, we must come to terms that we as a nation are not without innocent blood on our hands. Indeed we have “legally” snuffed out over 50 million innocent American lives in the past 40 years by abortion. That is equivalent to wiping out twice the population of Vermont every year; almost 3500 little lives every day for forty straight years!

Thisoldspouse #fundie barbwire.com

I heard a Calvary Chapel pastor say that the Klines in Oregon were WRONG to turn away a wedding cake order for the lesbians. He said he would have wanted them to "witness" to the lesbians by making a "wedding" cake for their perverted, God-blaspheming union. Later, he said that his congregation would not allow the property to be used for weddings for other than Calvary Chapel members because otherwise they would have to let everyone else use the premises. I had to scratch my head. Didn't he just state the opposite of this?

There seems to be no understanding that this is an ABOMINATION that no Christian can take part in.

Linda Wall #fundie barbwire.com

Over thirty-three years ago God called me out of the darkness of homosexuality into His marvelous light.

Thirty-three years ago I sat on a couch in the home of some Virginia Beach school teachers turning down an invitation to attend a wedding in Vermont. Even in my lost state I knew deep down inside of me that marriage was holy and it was not a place two men or two women should go.

Yet, here we are thirty-three years later with men marrying men and women marrying women being the law of the land. Although I saw it coming, I still want to vomit every time I am reminded of this abomination.

Did I say abomination? Absolutely! If the Creator calls it abomination, then I have a right, I have a commitment to Him to call it the same.

On Sunday after the abominable ruling by the five unelected judges in black robes, I intentionally listened to three different preachers to see how they handled this new law redefining the Holy God’s definition of marriage.

My observation resulted in one thought: “no wonder this Judeo-Christian nation has fallen into the hands of the Sodomites!”

Not one of the three preachers called this moment in time abominable.

As a matter of fact, all three played the “politically correct” card and tiptoed about the matter. Two served their congregation the “sweet message of everything is ok, God is on the throne.” And the third led a “pep rally”, “Jesus is coming back any day now to get us.” I wanted to barf at all three.

Too many American Christians have thrown one half of the Holy Word of God away; the Old Testament. They operate in a mind set of “come to Jesus and all will be well. Eat, drink and be merry because tomorrow we are flying out of here.”

There is no mention of judgment. There is no mention of sin. There is no mention of repentance.

What I should have seen in the three sanctuaries were people on their knees and faces weeping before the Lord and repenting of the sins of the Church and calling on God to deliver us from this abominable evil that He has allowed to come upon our nation.

May the Remnant hide in the shadow of the Almighty and not be afraid to call abominable what is abominable.

May the judgment of God fall upon the wicked who have devoured the nation and may the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob be glorified upon the earth again.

Bryan Fischer #fundie barbwire.com

The Supreme Court last Friday, through an act of judicial tyranny, made sodomy-based marriage a part of the Constitution.

The liberal majority bypassed Congress, the American people, and the Constitution itself by amending it all by themselves. In their benighted view, there is now a fundamental right to same-sex marriage embedded in the Constitution. Not because it's actually there, mind you, but because the Supremes put it there.

Mark my words on this. The ultimate outcome of this unconscionable act is that one day, before too long, it will be officially illegal for Christians to hold public office.

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