
Kribensis12 #fundie christianteenforums.com

Okay. This is a VERY hard thing to think about. Now, are we talking abortion? If so, I view it like this:
It's the mom's fault she got knocked up, and she needs to take responsability. So, if the babey could kill her in the pregnancy, let it. ( i know, a bit harsh).

If it is a non-abortion situation:

I think that the wife should live. The wife can have another kid. The wife also may have a job, helping support the family. If she died, and the baby lived, the husband may not have enough money to keep the house ect. and keep the baby. If the wife lived, sure, the death of a child is devastating, but she could get over it. She could have another child( if it suits her). Besides, a baby should have BOTH a mother AND a father.

JarraxVolk #fundie christianteenforums.com

If two people wish to actively engage in a homosexual relationship, they're free to do so--with every consequence which comes with that. However, they are not free to redefine marriage to include said relationship. Why? 1. They didn't define marriage to start with, and 2. They don't have the intrinsic authority necessary to redefine marriage. It would not be Christ-like /not/ to tell them this, or to simply let them go on their merry way without warning.

Simple belief isn't necessarily correct. One can certainly /believe/ anything, but a wrong belief shouldn't be allowed to proceed unhindered, simply because the interest of pursuing knowledge is /objective truth/, not convenience. Saying that a particular belief isn't true and/or that following that belief results in grave consequences isn't forcing someone to believe that. It is presenting the objective truth in contrast to a false, subjective belief.

Asgb #fundie christianteenforums.com

This has been in my mind for awhile, Does God desire for us to use so much of our time on our ''education''?
to me education means to know how to read, write, know basic math, history, and science. Honestly, it seems that futher education such as Algebra is uneccesary and futile. Of course, I want to finish high school and later go on to college but i just want to know if that's what God desires for me. I want to live a holy and Godly life and sometimes my mind wonders if i should use such of an amount of my time in school. Its like the alternative of not going to school would be going out and spreading the message of Christ into the world and saving souls.

MrSugar #fundie christianteenforums.com

["Shoot people for getting abortions? Really?"]

"Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man." Genesis 9:6

The mother and the doctor are murderers, and deserve to die for murdering that child. Simple.

Joy2TheWorld #fundie christianteenforums.com

(Discussion regarding stem cell research)

I'm pretty much against it. Doesn't it find ways to cure illnesses? Either way I still think it's wrong. Not only those aborted babies weren't aloud a chance in life, their bodies then are put to 'Scientific Use'. Say a woman found out she was pregnant, and she was thinking of getting an abortion. One of the 'Pros' would be it'd make an addiction to scientific research. I'm not completley against it, I mean...at least it's for studies, if they just get rid of abortion all together then it'd be solved! That's just my opinion...sorry if everybody's pro choice, but I' m pro life biggrin.gif

kirakiko #fundie christianteenforums.com

People don't get that our country was founded on Christianity, do they?

This is stupid. It should stay there. It does not promote any religion what-so-ever. "In God We Trust" is a motto - that's it! It is harmless, and even if it was to promote Christianity, you can choose to ignore the saying! People make too much of a big deal over everything today. Why do they get SO easily offended by something totally harmless! Most people don't even read whats on the coins or dollars, so it does not matter!

deeper #fundie christianteenforums.com

I am going to say this again for those of you who seriously aren't understanding this, if you think that America is one nation under God you are wrong (that's A.) and B. if you think that God's not going to judge this nation, you are wrong. If they can set up a praise homosexuality day, they sure as heck better set up a "Jesus day" celebrating His death on the cross to die for the sins of the whole world, or is that to offensive for the California government? again, more hypocrisy.

I pray we turn back to our Creator.

Kadii.x #fundie christianteenforums.com

I watched this video on YouTube about proving God's existence, and they said that it's impossible to make up a God. Like people have made up fairies - which are a mix of humans & winged animals. Most things that aren't made up have been thought up using other things. (I can't think of anymore examples.)
So if that's the case, who thought up having a God? What would a God be made up of? Surely if someone made up a God then it would have come out by now that God is real or not.

I'm not arguing, i'm just saying what you could casually mention to him without having an argument.
I don't like to argue about the existence of God. It's a matter of opinion on how you live your life. Some people accept it but others won't.

Just pray for him. Either to see sense or accept other people's beliefs.

AquinasD #fundie christianteenforums.com

The Bible should be taken literally in entirety. However, this does not mean literalistically, which is different. Taking the Bible literally does mean taking it literally, as well as metaphorically, analogically, and some others that I can't remember at the moment.

Jesus Freakk #fundie christianteenforums.com

[Vatican Deems Alien Life Possible]

The groundwork is being laid for the greatest deception the world has ever known. It is no laughing matter. That this is coming from the Vatican is no surprise, though to say that these Aliens are spiritual brothers-WOW, that surprises me a bit. It shows how very close to it we are.

There are aliens out there, but they are an evil manifestation breaking into the physical realm. They have left their place and are messing around in our world.

Isn't it amazing that people will swallow the belief than we descended from slime that eventually turned into apes that eventually turned into humans; and that there is life on other planets but have rejected a holy God and the sinful nature of man?

If there were truly other life forms out in the universe (other than the angels, fallen and holy) God would have revealed that to us in His word.

People better wake up and realize that angels have the power to manifest in any form they choose. For our benefit or our destruction

EmmaN #fundie christianteenforums.com

[Well, heck.. the odds against that must be ASTRONOMICAL! :-P]

Recently I have had loadsa 'God moments', most of which are hard to explain...
But one I will try to explain happened a few Sundays ago when we had a guest speaker.
He tells us to turn to Malachi 4:6 and I am like ohmy.gif because I had read that verse just the day before. So I am like okay, thats cool. Then he tells us to turn to another verse and it was one that I had read in the past week, so I'm like, wow. And this happens all meeting. I think every single verse he read out was one that I had been reading in the past week. So I was like WOW LORD!

Psalm139 #fundie christianteenforums.com

I was working at this concession stand, and I was taking a break.. I was really stressed out about a few things so I was just talking to God (which made me feel soo much better). I forget exactly what I was talking to Him about.. but then I said "You mean the world to me.. well, no, actually more than the world" and he says, "show me". Haha.. it kinda' took me by surprise.

BrittanyB #fundie christianteenforums.com

Last Wensday I was getting ready to leave my house and go to youth when I got a text message. All it said was to make sure to bring my bible. The number or a name didn't show up but I asumed it was my youth minister, since he complains when we don't bring our bibles. Neways, I got to church and asked if he had text ne1 else and he hadn't. When he came in I asked him why he only text me..and he said he didn't.

I'm sure there is a reasonable explaination for this text, but Idc. I like to joke and say it was God reminding me via text messaging. I'm sure God has to have texting, how else is he going to get a hold of ne1.

BrianC #fundie christianteenforums.com

There is a spirit of nature worship that's been around since before the flood and is usually expressed in Paganism. That spirit of nature worship is now growing hugely due to the global warming scare. People are being told that nature is more important than us, and we need to all do our part to preserve nature. We are told that WE are on nature's turf, and it was here first. That's not true according to the Bible. We are told we are not only more important that nature, but that we have dominion over it. Don't let that ideaology get ahold of you. It is not true at all. Jesus will return soon, and global warming (if it were actually true) would have had no time to do anything. So there's no reason to dwell upon it.

BrianC #fundie christianteenforums.com

Today, it's just down right arrogant of scientists to say that we could even effect the earth since we still have only proven that we have almost no effect on it. If God put us here to take care of the earth, it would be as if the earth is more important than us, and that's not true, because we're told that we are foremost of all His creation.

JAG #fundie christianteenforums.com

(defending his belief that if a rape victim doesn't fight back, than the victim has "sinned," classy eh?)

Choosing to resist or not to resist more than likely wont affect the outcome if the other person is 2 times their size. Get off the act of the rape itself, we aren't talking about that...no one believes a rape is the victims fault...so get that out of your minds for goodness sakes.

Choosing to not resist is their fault. That is the sin, the act of cowardice to not resist.

In my previous example, God isn't going to blame the guy for getting shot. He will blame the guy for not having the courage to stand up for his faith.

Please, think about it for just a minute before replying.

thank you

createdtoworship #fundie christianteenforums.com

All abortion at any time in any way is murder that is a human being starting from conception. I dont know if anyone has the evidence bible but i cant post what it says here (copywrited onfo) but if you do you should look it up. But think about it say perhaps a woman is having a baby and it is not her husbands child. should she have an abortion?
if you said yes you would have killed jesus(pertending they had abortion back then).
many people say what about rape victums but its not the babies fault his or her daddy was sinful. ya know

cgbigbird #fundie christianteenforums.com

[Topic: Is Gum-Chewing Sinning?]

Let's Say your chewing gum in class when one of the rules clearly states "NO gum-chewing."
Would That be considered a Sin? I want to say no but when I really think about it this is what I came up with

1. God Thought of the principle [or however he plans babies]
2. Parents Gave birth to Principle
3. Principle went to school to be principle
4. became principle
5. Came up with no gum-chewing rule.

Since God guides us [or at least trys to with everyone] in everything we do. he must have guided him to do that
So disobeying the one who came up the rule [who God created and guided] would be disobeying God... right??

Nutmeg2k3 #fundie christianteenforums.com

[On an issue of abortion, someone posted a letter of someone who derived their opinion that abortion should be regulated, not completely banned, for cases like rape, incest, and that people shouldn't impose religious morals on an entire country]

"*bangs head on desk* he must believe in the whole 'separation of church and state' carp"

Rice #fundie christianteenforums.com

(most people say that it is a woman's choice whether she wants to abort because "it is her body". it is really God's body and they have no right to it themselves.)

^totally agree with that part!

Plus, we dont need to care about over populating. Its all in God's hands. The tsunami might have been God's way of downing the worlds population by -200,000.
Like people say, the end is near.

BrianC #fundie christianteenforums.com

1 and 10, because we got our laws on murder here in the U.S. from the Bible. They're identical to the law in the Bible, basically. The Bible is the foundation of morality. All religions have a moral code that originates mostly with the Bible. You can find parts of the Bible's moral code in basically all other religions. But you cannot find one other religion's moral code in all of the other religions moral codes unless they're identical to the Bible. I find that very telling of the source of all morals...

Deeper #fundie christianteenforums.com

The Bible is the God-breathed revelation of Himself, and for you to put what YOU THINK above what is right and what God said is completely and utterly wrong, it's independent and feministic, and you are making a mockery of Christianity.

alecx #fundie christianteenforums.com

okay, so in my high school there is this one lesbian girl, a senior, who is really up for the gay rights stuff and she came up with this "gay club" on our campus. I could not believe it when I saw how corrupt our schools are. This thing will have a pretty bad impact on my high school...how will God be on our side if we have that club in our school. sad.gif
So I want to ask you men and women of God, to pray against this spirit of homosexuality on my campus, and specifically for this club that has a lot of people in it. Please, please pray about this because I really need the strength of the Lord to stand against that club, even though I myself have some gay feelings, but I crucify them at the Cross every morning.
Jesus has the final word in this situation, so guys, we are on the winning side already, so please pray against the wickedness in my high school.
The name of the girl who made this club is Shelly. Pray for her also because she is not only on the road to hell, but she is also draging a lot of people down with her.

I'll keep you in touch with what the Lord is doing in my high school.

0gravity #fundie christianteenforums.com

I was standing in the lunch line with my boyfriend and two of his friends who I'm also friends with. One of them came up to me and said "Rachel, do you wanna be in our club?" and I was like "What are you talking about?" and he said "Well apparently in 2012, all of these natural disasters and hurricanes and stuff are supposed to happen and it's supposed to kill everyone and the people who don't die, God is supposed to come down and kill them. So, we're making a club to kill God so that he can't kill anyone." I, of course, said no and I didn't really talk to him as much. Then, when I got to my lunch table, I started to pray and I was almost crying because it was so sad that someone would acctually believe that and that they would want to kill God for it. I don't know what to do though. I really want to help them figure out that God is not their enemy. I think I'm gonna tell one of my teachers about it. I know at least two of them are deffinitly christians but the one sorta scares me a bit so I'll tell the other one. I don't know what to do though. I would really apreciate advice.

dkkev #fundie christianteenforums.com

[Can non believers do any good? No, says dkkev. In fact, if you are doing noble deeds as a non believer, you are actively sinning!]

Everything you do if you do not believe in God is a sin because you are not doing it for God, but for your own glory, or maybe even another person's glory, but not God's. If you don't love God then you can't glorify him in all that you do. Therefore if an unbeliever gives money to the starving children in Africa it is a sin because he does not believe in God. If a Christian does it, a true Christian, so that they may glorify God in serving in him, etc, etc, in his name. Then it is not a sin.

BrianC #fundie christianteenforums.com

Scientists found a sparrow sized pterodactyl. This is what happened to dinosaurs that were huge before the flood. When the airpressure dropped dramatically, they could not grow large anymore. They only grew small and generally died out. Interesting find...

Though this can always be interpreted different ways depending on who's interpreting this find...

Karlofmanchester #fundie christianteenforums.com

But why should they respect our belief? I don't respect the belief of any other religion and I certainly don't respect the belief in god of those who haven't personally experienced him. If someone believes because of "faith" or logic, they deserve to be mocked.

Kain #fundie christianteenforums.com

Anyone else just get filled with rage when they hear the Lords name taken in vane? I hear it all the time. Today I told someone they don't need to do it, and they mocked Christianity, basically saying Jesus is nothing but a (their words) "bloke that people wear on necklaces"

All I could think to myself was, you'll get what you deserve when you're burning in hell. I replyed saying "you'll wish you listened to me one day" I know its not right to think this way, but these people are so ignorent and rude that they'll NEVER actually shut up and listen to my point of view.

How do you deal with people like this (man, I'm still upset about this person)

JordanHooker #fundie christianteenforums.com

i refuse to ever believe that God would let people even make mistakes in translation of His Word. if you are a Christian and believe that God would let anything corrupt His word, you should go talk to your pastor. if he believes there are errors in the Bible, tell him Jordan sent you and slap him. end topic.

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