Bennett Lee Ross

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy #wingnut

Celebrities do not die
They just retire a character

All the information of a person
Is recorded on their cortical stack

It is downloaded onto a DHF or Digital Human Freight
And transferred into a sleeve

A sleeve is an organic clone made out of real human tissue
It does everything a normal person does

The consciousness is then transferred to the sleeve

No famous person is real anymore
All celebrities are AI generated

Most people who become famous are body snatched
They are cloned and the real person is killed

An entity occupies the clone
And assumes the identity of the person

People who idolize celebrities are called fans
Because they project their energy onto the entity
Who is in a cloned body of the real celebrity

The energy from fans feeds their auto vibration

The fake celebrity uses victim consciousness to gain sympathy
Which means more energy from their fans

Twinning is where an entity posing as a celebrity
Hangs out with a recently body snatched person
To guide them in their new environment

The world of sports is becoming an above ground version
Of below ground cloning wars

Because of their fame and idolization from fans
Athletes are an attractive target of entities

Human sacrifices and the eating of flesh and the drinking of blood
Is a common practice of all these individuals

In old Babylon sacrifices were hunted down for sport
Now they are trafficked underground

Hollywood is the new Babylon

Old Babylon has returned and crept in unawares as AIs

We live in a mixed reality
Where humans are stuck in 3D

Fake celebrities munch on a child sandwich
Then go out and receive energy to sustain their way of life
From their human hosts

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo #magick

Unprecedented ripples of destruction
In the outer dimensional fields

Appear as a series of explosive demolitions
Of AI supercomputer networks and their subsidiary machinery

An enormous amount of light particles and left over debris
Is being flung through space

The breakdown of artificial magnetic fields
Results in fireballs of light

Which reverberate omnidirectionally
With tidal waves of released condensed scalar energy

Generating sudden shocking and surreal events
Such as a lightning bolt out of the blue

Anti life currents run by reversal networks
And metatronic implants operating in the collective consciousness energy field
Are timekeeper mechanisms that cause an assortment of phase disruptions

Lunar rods which send out Caduceus implants
Is another time dialation technology
That distorts organic time fields

Are all being rendered inoperative

In the Sumerian Egyptian invasion
Humanitys diamond sun DNA was disconnected

The 8th and 12th portals were blocked
Resulting in the blocking of the 8th and 12th chakras

2024 is the year of the Yang Dragon
And spinning octahedrons are projecting out multiple rainbow arcs
That immediately expand and vaporize the completely negative and spiritually abusive

April 4 or 4 4 24 is the alignment of Neptune Venus Saturn and Mars
April 8 or 8 4 24 will be the fake eclipse centered on New Madrid

10 miles above in the sky is the Blue Dragon complex

Get ready for a power outage or some trigger event like a major earthquake
That will be blamed on a solar flare
Which will be blamed on the planetary alignment and fake eclipse!

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy

The appearance of the moon is just a waveform phenomenon
We decode the transmission of it with our computer brain
Then send it into our holographic reality

Photons with encoded information penetrate our DNA
Which then stimulates the brains visual center

We are tuned into a false reality or matrix
Through genetic engineering

The moon does not spin
Yet is supposed to be aligned with a planet spinning at 1000 miles per hour

The artificial moon follows the sun
Hacking its photon transmissions and distorting them

The moon is also a teleportation device
For traveling between the 3rd and 4th dimensions

The largest of the fake moons on Jupiter
Are roughly the same size as our phony moon

By putting crystals around Jupiter and Saturn
They have become a broadcast system for otherworldly beings
Who wish to manipulate our realm

Our 3d world is set at 98 hertz
ETs exist in the frequency range starting at 98.1 hertz in the lower 4th dimension
Just beyond our ability to see them

The coming shift will make them visible
We will find out that the people who are in positions of power
Are actually blood drinking baby eating reptilian hybrids

But most humans eat baby animals
Who live a short life full of suffering
And who are injected with growth hormones
To get them to grow as quick as possible

Drinking human blood which contains human codices
Prevents hybrids from taking reptilian form when in the presence of humans

And enables them to extend their stay
Our vibrational realm is alien to their body resonance

The reptilian form is scary to humans
Controlling the masses is easier when orders are coming from a humanoid looking being

To maintain a human appearance with an even reptilian human balance
It is necessary to intermarry with others who have the same split bloodlines

Hybrids have no permission to cry and remain unemotional
Sympathy is deleted from their personality

We have achieved monumental technology in the past
But we have been downgraded
To a race of more controllable and less resistant beings!

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy

Io purported to be a moon of Jupiter
Is an electric generator

There is anomalous heating happening on Jupiter
As well as Neptune Uranus and Saturn

An estimated 1.3 trillion watt flow surges into Jupiter
And then circulates

The flux of ionized particles is similar to the rate
Which is emitted from Enceladus to the north pole of Saturn

Electron beams hit Saturns northern hemisphere
Creating an ultraviolet footprint

These beams are said to emanate from cryo volcanoes on Saturns moons
Cryo means ice

When these moon beams hit the canopy
It is described as strange magneto fluidic processes
Exploding upon active galactic nuclei

Enceladus shoots a charged stream at Saturn
At velocities of hundreds of kilometers per hour
This charged stream is called an ice geyser by scientists

Enceladus is an electrical generator going around Saturn
The same as Io moving around Jupiter

Chrysalis and Impetus are also beam generators
Dione and Tethys transport high energy to Saturn

Electricity flowing through plasma creates a central column surrounded by circles of concentric energy
As a filamentary plasma structure rotates around the vortex column
A hexagonal cross section forms inside

Saturn responds by launching signals through its electrical circuit
Which are received transmuted and transmitted by our fake moon
To us in our little enclosed section of the Earth plane

This process gives us our artificial reality
What is butane propane methane ethane ammonia sulfur dioxide carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide doing on Saturn and its moons
They are not natural but are the result of this inorganic flow
At one time Saturn was pictured not with rings
But with elongated bulges on each side
This was the initial stages of shooting cathode rays into it

This is how we wound up to be what we are now!

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy

Nimrod built a tower to heaven
So that he could make war on God

The tower is the same as the Tower of Babel
Which is the plasma current that runs through our universe
The polar column known as the axis mundi

When an electrically charged orb discharged to it
It lit it up with electrons

Nimrod was Mars and God here was Saturn in the former age

The Books of the Apocrypha are still used in Catholicism
Such as the Book of Wisdom and the Book of Enoch

The Book of Enoch says

The Great One who came forth from his dwelling
Has trod upon the Earth and Mt Sanai
And has appeared in the strength of his might
In the heaven of heavens

The Great One is Mars
Earth is middle heaven
Mt Sanai is the polar column
The heaven of heavens is upper heaven the location of Saturn

All shall be smitten with fear and trembling
The Watchers shall quake

The high mountain shall be shaken
And the hills melt like wax

The earth shall be wholly rent asunder
And all upon the earth shall perish

Watchers are celestial luminaries

This is a cosmic plasma event in the former age

Nephilim or Sons of Anu described as fallen angels
Were celestial luminaries in the proximity of Saturn

Not giants raping mortal women

The Biblical Flood was an outpouring of celestial plasma
Upon the Sea of Saturn

As taught in religion the story of the Flood
Perpetuates the notion of sinful ancestors causing our downfall

It brings cosmic events down to our world
Hiding the real history of celestial drama

And conceals the true cause of the destruction
Of our glorious advanced ancient civilizations

Changes in the heavens
Were the result of the changing of the magnetic field
From the interference of non humans

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo #magick

Queen Elizabeth was a guy dressed up as a queen
He was a reptilian in a human body

A snake shedding his skin
A serpent going to a new body

Cars symbolize a new host body
Celebrities in music videos brag about their cars
Which means an upgraded status

The Corona Crown and the Corona Virus
Mean the transference of consciousness

Holding up 2 fingers
Like the Baphomet is frequently shown doing
Is a sign of rebirth or resurrection

Flames symbolize the number of times
Of returning in a different body

Changing of clothes symbolize the changing of flesh

All the world is a stage
And one actor has many roles

In old photographs you will see a vanilla sky
It is because many buildings of advanced technology have been cropped out

The picture has to fit the current version of reality

We do not have government representative of the people
We have the illusion of a government that is representative of the people

It is a hierarchy that is run at the top by non humans
They are spiders luring you onto the web
Vampires with a corporate face

Who want to connect us to a parallel world
A sentient world simulation

On August 22 2022 the Cubit Quantum Computer
Was put live online

We are works of art
Individually painted by us

Lets draw for ourselves a landscape
Of romantic abandon on a summer day!

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy

The sinking of Port Royal in Jamaica in 1692
Was not an act of God

Port Royal hade a giant starfort which is now underwater
Starforts were incredibly built structures that harnessed vibrations

In 2 minutes time the city sank under the liquification of the ground
Over 2 thousand people perished as a tsunami ambushed the richest port in the world

The real reason of the tragedy is underground frequency generators
And or mounted airships carrying directed energy weaponry

Liquification is from sound resonance vibration
Liquified sand fissures are where electrical currents ushered upwards
Causing earthquakes and tsunamis

Plasma weaponry is the secret device that has been around since Atlantis
And was responsible for that event also

The island of Santorini was not because of the explosion of a massive volcano
That carved out much of the island

The destruction of Jericho was not from wandering Jews blowing trumpets
1540 witnessed the fall of Carthage
In 1807 Copenhagen was attacked
Whole streets were reduced to rubble

In 1892 and 1906 San Francisco was assaulted
Its past was erased
The erasure was explained by lies
And the lies became the truth

Over 100 miles of brick lined underground tunnels are found beneath San Francisco
Did the miners build those also

Boston Chicago St. Louis all were hit hard
To hide the way better stuff we used to have here

Nicola Tesla is falsely given the credit to have made many inventions
Which were actually a part of the former advanced civilization of Tartaria
New Madrid Missouri is where the fake April eclipse is supposed to transit an earlier fake eclipse
X marks the spot where another round is planned behind the scenes

New Madrid was also the target once before in 1811

Nature was in chaos
Noises mingled in the air creating a horrid din
Wild fowl screamed
Trees cracked and snapped

Amidst the sound of a violent tempest of wind
There was a roar of river banks as they plunged into the water
Then the noise of the earthquake dominated all others!

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy

Fish swim by an oscillating movement
Their gill structure makes waves that creates a small electrical current
That enable them to swim upstream and up waterfalls

In the same way as birds flap their wings
They create a counter circulating updraft
Which induces a small current in the natural frequencies of the air

High tech spacecraft and UFOs utilize the same method
They use air as a spiral vortex for energy
Having a positive charged copper periphery
And a negatively charged central flow

We have the capability to ride around like the Jetsons
But are forced to suck oil out of the ground like madmen

The fabric of our existence is embedded in the universe
Multiple conduits are presented to us

We are naturally compassionate
Kirlian photography lets us see our aura
Which is our literal connection to outside sources

Love is a positive charge exchange
The universe is filled with free energy and natural frequencies

Armageddon preparedness is to relocate you to the artificial 5D parallel realm

Multidimensional expansion of the heart mind and soul
Will lead you through the raging storm
Which is filled with deliberate coercion tactics

If this simulation is overtaken it will be game over
Your life will flash through your mind in seconds

You will go where you have put your energy!

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #magick #sexist #ufo #conspiracy

The majority of men are weak
They are blue pilled to the max
And slaves to their sex drive

In todays world
The interaction that goes down is quick and casual

When you are intimate with someone
You will pick up their emotional imbalances

Getting sex from an online hookup
Does not come without repercussions

When men chase women
They will go out more
Drink a little alcohol
Sleep in
And lose their focus

When men only do things to get laid
They will feel off centered

Men only require femineity in the bedroom
If they would lead with the sense that a woman has to earn him
Then she will look at him as the prize

When a man tells a woman no
It will only make her want him more
No is what a woman rarely hears today

Women seek validation
Sleeping with her is the highest form of validation

As long as porn exists and is easily available
The dynamic that exists today will not shift

What seems to be random insanity in the world
Is a carefully crafted manufactured reality

It is targeted mind control
With an agenda of pushing the population
Into accepting the transhumanist conditions of a dystopian society

The aggressive spiritual attack aimed specifically at children
Is to twist and confuse all meaning behind gender and sexuality

It means to destroy the ascension potentials of angelic humanity
To unplug our diamond sun DNA
And to disconnect the soul from its purposeful design

Eternal love is the embodiment of the eternal self with the Infinite Divine
Eternal truth is the actualization of your inner light

There is an energetic interconnection between all living beings
Which is the Infinite Light of the Creator
That animates all creatures

The human light body is being attacked
By siphoning off male and female vital force energies
And placing a monadic drag on the heart center

Reclaim your Living Light Consciousness!

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #conspiracy #magick #ufo

Our thoughts are vibrational frequencies
We project our momentum into the quantum field which creates our reality

The movie The Nightmare Before Christmas creates an expectation of a future event
Its promotional picture contains a huge wave

This is predictive programming where belief is imprinted into our subconscious
And we help make it become a reality

The character name of Xana Kernodle is of one of the girls supposedly murdered
At the University of Idaho

In the movie Citizen Kane
Xanadu is the mansion of WR Hearst
Who is famous for his fake journalism

Xanadu is also the name of the mansion of Bill Gates
Who is famous for his promotion of the fake Covid vaccine

The address of the fake University of Idaho murders is 1122 King Street
11 22 is the date of the fake JFK assassination
And Kernodle in Dutch means Grassy Knoll
As in the grassy knoll of the staged theatrical JFK event
All these actors can now have a higher rank in the CIA

When people are poisoned with fear it affects mass consciousness
And keeps people in spiritual and mental confusion

It puts people in a hypnogenic trance
In a non questioning state of mind
Accepting whatever they are told

Just like where the congregation at a church has no clue
That their beloved pastor is actually a pedophile
And attends Satanic human sacrifices

The Occult have a greater understanding of how energy works
Which allows them control

When virtues disappear it becomes a breeding ground for Black Magic
People sell their souls to the winning team
But in the end they will be on the losing team
And will have a massive amount of karma to work through!

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #magick #ufo #racist #wingnut #conspiracy

The Phoenix has many counterparts

The Tartarian Griffin
The Egyptian winged disc Horus
The lion headed serpent Sphinx
The Macaw bird seated on a giant Nanka tree
The Thunderbird on his luminous tree
And Raven on the Totem Pole

A pinched plasma will break into a stack of toroids
Which are joined by a central bar

The toroids then flatten and curl up at the ends
Like the branches of a tree

When the aurora at the center of the world arises in full strength
It is accompanied by electrophonic sounds and ephemeral flashes

And becomes a luminous ethereal column of wind fire and water
And a visual celestial plasma current around which the circumpolar stars revolve

In the Pistis Sophia
The Venus goddess was deluded by the demiurge
Because of its resemblance to the true light of faith

The Tree of Life lingered in front of
The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil

Lucifer originally was the beguiling serpent
Then later became the destructive aspect of Mars

He was pure fire and light
Sent out to stir the divine spirit

The enhanced high energy aurora materialized into visible light
From an influx of charged particles
Resulting in a giant atmospheric plasma tube

As planets magnetically drifted toward the center electrical column
They became the gods and goddesses of myth and religion
Interacting with the north polar axis

The very first verse of Genesis
Barit bar Elohim
Translates to In the beginning the gods created

Elohim is plural
It means gods or lords

Genesis 1:26 says
Let us make man in our own image
According to our own likeness

The use of plural pronouns
Implies Yahweh was not alone!

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo #magick

Past the ice walls of Antarctica
Is the Neptunian Ocean containing many large continents
It is all surrounded by a ring of mountains

Beyond those mountains is the Ocean of Poseidon
With many more large continents

Beyond that is a land bridge leading to the World of Aeria

We are told we live on a small spinning ball
And everything has already been discovered

A false idea of the cosmos limits your ability to channel

When run on a false program of artificial sequences
It makes it hard to change the station

When we comply we give up our sovereignty
And project a false holographic timeline

Pull away from the illusion
Understand that it is a matrix of mind control

Solar flashes are planned for 2023
But as we wake up the negative side loses power

As we gain the ability to hold positive charge
The negative agenda falls to the wayside

Star seeds are the second coming of Christ Consciousness
Sometimes they cannot hold the frequencies from whence they came
Because the vibration of this density is so low

As our subatomic particles speed up
Our molecular structure shifts to silicon based
Which allows the teleportation of timelines

We can then project sequences
And they will happen

Many of us have become so synthetic and our frequency has dropped to such a low level
That we cannot reprint the cells with the correct sequence

The Pledians and Arcturians have tapped into our original DNA
In another timeline reality
They have manifested themselves as Drop ins or Walk ins
And are reawakening our divine genetic structure

Our waveform is resonating with those sequences
But you have to individually activate it

Synchronicity will happen on a daily basis
And you will get what your soul needs!

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #magick #ufo #quack #conspiracy

Nonhuman imposters stole our identity
And made themselves our rulers
They covet our DNA and desire the use of our physical bodies

Current humans were created using genetic engineering
Mixing our genes with animal genes and the genes of the invaders
For the purpose of becoming our masters

Layers of geomantic blueprints hold crystal consciousness
And perform specific functions

The platinum crystal which was deactivated during the Atlantean cataclysm
Has come back on line

Holy Mother Venus and her aquamarine frequencies
And the Christos Mars arc codes have been reclaimed
As plasma filters in we will feel more connected
And will have a profound sense of camaraderie
With the world and its inhabitants

Alabaster tapestries will enfold the disparate fragmented world
In a clockwork of celestial serenity

As a result of grid damage fragmented souls lost their memories
And are recycled repeatedly into the lower consciousness realms

Phantom matrices connecting into the earths 2d stargate
Spread lunar consciousness mind control in humanity

The Black Madonna or Dark Alien Mother network
Is held together by the Red Cube using several phantom wormholes

The golden threads of destiny are now thrust into the loom of time
Charting paths for those lost in the swirling mists of existence
That lead to their way back home

Unified compassion is weaving the threads of humanitys disjointed hearts
Into a tapestry that radiates with a translucent calling

A symphony of spirits with a sacred litany of being
Stride with thunderous power casting enchantments

That transmute the leaden shadows of the world
Into the purest gold of opportunity and wonder

They are torch bearers of the new dawn
That awaits just beyond the veil
Their lyrical incantations summon the golden age of kinship with the earth
And deeply entwine us with the natural order

They are poised with a grace that rivals the stoic mountains
And charged with the potential to rend asunder the veil of reality!

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo #magick

Chickens have a soul and a consciousness
They are thinking and feeling beings

If you treat them kindly they will bond to you
They will show you love and affection

Yet we treat them as objects
We stuff them into cages

We cram them in buildings and call it free range
The only time they see the sunlight is on their way to the slaughterhouse
Yet we think we are acting nobly by buying what we call free range and supporting that system

We steal their eggs and think they are good for us
Eggs are the menstruation period of a hen

If you think eating the menstruation cycle of a human would be gross
Then why would you think eating the menstruation period of another species is not gross

What we do to animals behind closed doors
Is being done to us in secret

Sacrifices of humans to Marduk Molech Baal and Baphomet
Are being done by elite secret societies all over the world
Most of whom are not human

We energetically support the act of abuse of ourselves by our actions towards other beings
We are bioelectrical vehicles that transmit energy onto the quantum field

Light photons are pockets of information that are produced in our DNA strands
We energetically send them forth from our pineal gland onto the field as currents of thought forms
The quantum structure mirrors them and sends them back to us in similar appearances

We determine the vibrational frequencies of our own existence
We write our own DNA with our thoughts and beliefs

We need to stop the nonsense of ritual killing
In the occult world and in the slaughterhouse
It is not in our benefit!

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #ufo #magick #pratt #conspiracy

Objects fall or rise because of buoyancy and density
Apples fall because they are denser than the air
Helium balloons rise because they are lighter than the air

Submarines float because their ballast tanks are filled with air
But when the vents are opened and sea water rushes in they sink
Imaginary invisible gravity has nothing to do with it
There is no gravitational constant because objects will not fall at the same rate
The medium of the electromagnetic ether forms a pressure gradient

The small near sun is perpetually hovering above and parallel to the surface of the flat motionless earth
It rotates concentric clockwise circles from tropic to tropic

The Tropic of Cancer is where the sun makes its smallest and slowest circle
Then proceeds back in its expanding quickening journey to the Tropic of Capricorn

These northernly and southernly courses produce the seasons
The daily spiraling movement of the sun is the cause of the alteration of day and night

The Midnight Sun is the phenomenon experienced by observers north of the Artic circle during the summer solstice
Where the sun is continually seen circling above for all 24 hours of the day
This can be experienced for a few days or several weeks depending how far north the observer is

At this same time in Antarctica the sun disappears for over 2 months from mid May to mid July
Leaving everyone in darkness and cold
There is never a 24 hour sunlight period in the summertime in Antarctica

The Antarctic Treaty bans all independent exploration and travel in Antarctica
It is not for the penguins because the elite slaughter penguins for their DMT
That is used in Illuminati rituals

To believe the earth revolves in a circle around the sun
Is abandoning your senses to science fiction fantasies

Chaining them to the fantastical explanations of astronomical charlatans
Mudding them in a blur of fallacies

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy

You can switch codes in your holographic matrix
By staying in the heart
You will fluctuate until you learn how to remain in the positive

You will create for yourself a new holographic code matrix
Which will shift your consciousness

When you know how to control your matrix
You can shift into the new holographic earth
You do not have to be a part of a negative timeline

When you have an ET connection you run on a different sequence

Everything that happens to you
Becomes the reflection of your thoughts emotions and deeds
Your magic mirror is what you project

We have been manipulated into believing reality is what is being projected to us
And have given away our sovereignty

Instead of telling yourself about undesirable attributes which you perceive you have
Talk to the plasma quantum field
It is a live structure and will mimic your consciousness

It is a magnetic hologram literally in the air in front of you
Imagine yourself emitting only positive harmonious vibrations
And thank the field for reflecting them into your experience

In the movie Minority Report with Tom Cruise
He reaches up and touches a geometrical sequence of numbers
Or else he controls them with his mind

When you are thankful for every emotion you feel
Even the ones that knock you to the ground

You transform them into a positive
Thus you will not feed the negative energy
Or activate low vibrations by running away from the unpleasant feelings

Hold the emotion of gratitude and feel it strongly
You will shift into a new timeline and manifest positive outcomes

What you accumulate on a daily basis
Is what version of yourself you choose to experience

You will not receive what you are not ready for as a resonance
What happens to you is just a reflection of your projection in the field

It is your reality
But at the same time an illusion

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #ufo #magick #quack #conspiracy

If Nagasaki and Hiroshima were hit by atomic bombs
Packed with many pounds of radioactive particles such as Uranium 235 and Plutonium 239
That have half lives of thousands of years

Then why are those cities flourishing and prospering
With no signs or evidence of radiation poisoning

It is because it is another cover up story
One that conceals laser weaponry and its use upon the citizenry
In this case maybe a million people were killed
Dentistry today for the most part is a big joke
They zap you with radiation
They give you unnecessary root canal operations which cause the veins to the teeth to be infected with bacteria
They cut down your teeth and give you fillings full of mercury which numbs your brain
They use fluoride which is a toxic chemical that calcifies organs
They take out your very important wisdom teeth
They regrowth of teeth can be accomplished by the use of stem cells but is being kept from the public

Pure clean water is found in most places 200 – 300 feet below the ground
And can be easily pumped up
Instead we are given treated surface water that is full of added toxic chemicals

Crops can be easily grown to enormous size with no need for chemical spraying
By the use of sound vibration

Your sixth sense is your guardian angel
That opens the door to the Temple of Wisdom

Your sixth sense is your medium of contact
Between the finite mind and Infinite Intelligence

It is a flow based journey
Doubt and anxiety are indicators of the disruption of your energy flow
Make them flow enhancers by shifting your perspective

The world operates from your perspective in a benefitting way
The world changes to contribute to your visualized ideal
Think and conduct yourself according to your optimum vision

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #ufo #magick #quack #conspiracy

It is called the medieval age
Because of all the evil that happened in the middle era
Between the Atlantean period and the present epoch

It was the elimination and gradual takeover of civilizations
The kingdoms of Egypt Sumer Mesopotamia etc were overthrown
The ones in India Asia Africa and the Americas were wiped out

Tartary the latest and most widespread culture suffered the same fate
Greek and Roman empires were part of Tartary
And existed in the later medieval time period

These countries were typically ruled by giants
Who were intelligent and ethical
With a reverence for life and beauty

They have been replaced by members of families with Satanic blood lines
Who become possessed by off world entities

The buildings of the past are masterpieces of design and technology
And we are not able to replicate them today

Free energy was widespread
Electrum a combination of gold silver and copper was used to transmit energy
It was the triangle shaped summit on top of the Great Pyramid in Egypt

The urim and thummim contained in breastplates were uranium and thorium
They connected one to higher frequencies and were a source of divination

Today through stratospheric aerosol injection
Aluminum is sprayed everywhere

Like the stored fat from the animals we consume
Aluminum gets ingested and causes the body to malfunction

Fluoride is poured in our drinking water
And our pineal gland which connects us to the cosmos is deactivated

Bentonite clay which takes out heavy metals in the body
Is being taken off the shelves in stores

Poisons are sprayed everywhere by mind controlled sheeple
Poisons are also put in our food supply to keep us in a low unhealthy vibratory state

We are all psychically connected to the infrastructure of our collective reality
When an energetic signature is transmitted out into the plasma field
It will emanate within all of us
Like the Goddess waving her circling wand
Bring into existence with the power of your mind
What the world should be!

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy

Quartz crystals are made of silicon and carbon atoms
That are arranged in a precise lattice formation
They vibrate at hundreds of thousands of pulses per second

Quartz crystal is the highest vibrational object
And it induces a piezoelectric effect

Calcite microcrystals in the pineal gland act as tuners and resonators that are responsive to sound waves
When stimulated the pineal gland releases a positive charge

Sound waves converted by the pineal gland generates blue light
Inflaming our state of consciousness

Clocks watches microprocessors and other electronic devices utilize quartz crystals
Television computer cell phone and tablet screens are LCDs
Which are liquid crystal displays

When surrounded by a copper coil
Quartz will amplify its energy 30 percent more
Triggering a resonant effect in the lattice structure
Quartz can easily be used as free energy but that technology is being suppressed

The rings of Saturn are made of crystals not frozen water
The transmission of the Saturn Moon matrix is received and retransmitted
By the crystalline structure of the inner earth

There are 7 main complexes of rings around Saturn
Spacecraft fly in and out of them making sure they are in operating order

The modus operandi of the Reptilian alliance is manipulating the energetic output of the crystals
Thereby creating a false reality
Cataclysmic events are triggered which ends each era and ushers in a new one

Reptilians will then genetically engineer a new species that are designed to be tuned into their false reality
The perception of humanity gets hijacked into the matrix

The six sided hexagonal wave at the north pole of Saturn is constantly spinning
And is in sync with the radio emissions that are pulsated outward
Hexagons do not appear naturally

There is also a massive constantly spinning at the south pole of Saturn which looks like an eye
This is the Eye of Sauron and symbolizes the fiery reptilian eye!

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy

We are encoded by transmissions to transmit low vibrational emotional energy
That fuels the Reptilian Alliance
And helps to empower their system

The encoding transmissions are meant to confuse and manipulate us
Putting us into a false reality where we can be controlled

They need to keep using us as batteries
Or they will have no life here without us

Their traps of perception put us in a depressive anxious and fearful state
Strapping one with labels of self limiting identities

Bluebloods are ones that have copper based blood
99 percent of humanity has been degraded with iron based red blood

Bluebloods make up the elite
Such as Queen ELiz abeth or Lizard person
European bluebloods instigated their world takeover plans through the Romans

Shapeshifting is accomplished by these hybrids
From simply concentrating on the genetics they wish to appear

Many newscasters or spellcasters are of the elite
And sometimes they shapeshift on camera without realizing it

Earlier older societies were wiped out by cataclysms manufactured by the Reptilian alliance
Elongated skulls or coneheads were reptilian

Truth vibrations are a concern for reptilians
These particle waves will evolve with consciousness

One can resist for a lengthy time
Others want to cooperate

Timelines exist that do not have to be yours
They disconnect you from the NOW which is where your power is

Reptilians are highly advanced intellectually and technologically
But are not spiritually conscious

The Reptilian Net is an energetic dome shaped shield
That induces an artificial state of consciousness
And lulls us into a trance

We become indifferent to others which includes the animals we eat
Preventing us from ascending

But as people wake up the Net is becoming weaker
And the force that weakens it the most is love

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy

We live inside the Universal Mind
On the tip of a neuron

Each loop of our spiral vortex is a frequency

Consciousness defines time
And frequency defines space

When we go deeper inside ourselves
We go into the smaller spirals of our individual vortex that holds our memory

Portals are electrical conduits
That are connected by a charge continuum of interlaced frequency

CERN is trying to connect our realm with others
But has mistakenly thrown us into an alternate timeline

The eye storm of Jupiter is a portal
Planets are energy fields from other dimensions
Jupiter returns to its former position approximately every 12 years

Every 26 to 29 years Saturn returns to its former place
Depending on its retrograde motion
It will make its closest approach between June 17 and November 4 in 2023

Saturn rules Capricorn the 10th sign and Aquarius the 11th sign
This makes 1011 or in short 101
Beginning college classes classified as 101 are introductions into the Saturn Moon matrix

Eleven is El-even Where El is Saturn

Ellis Island where the Statue of Liberty is located
Is Elus or the Saturn Island where the Statue of Liberty who is Venus holding the eternal flame is located

The north polar vortex is a flux tube that appears and wanes
When Isis went to retrieve the body parts of Osiris
His penis was missing so she made a new one out of gold

When helium is ionized it becomes white then yellow
This is the cause of the golden age
Where the phallus or leg of Saturn which is the same as the north polar vortex turns gold

The ionization of different gases produces different colors
Argon will turn blue or violet
And neon will become red and orange

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #ufo #magick #quack #conspiracy

Insectoid and reptilian entities seek to impede original soul humans from exiting the matrix
Without human psionic energy the matrix will implode

They have hidden themselves inside human bodies
And have produced countless robotic souls
Who are not aware of it

Hybrids clones mimics and other replicants
Are passed off as being human

Humans have been hybridized with negative beings to make useful pawns
Externally one cannot tell that they are artificial

The collective hive mind is their tool
To sandbox real soul humans into their constructs

Real soul humans can manifest powers that lay latent inside their DNA
Many are trapped into leading mechanical lives
And into believing all sorts of non sensical ideas

We have been lied to on a massive scale
So that we enter their realm of imagination

Our entire energy field has been reconfigured
Our chakras were hijacked to produce to produce the etheric food source called loosh
Which is gathered at earth nodes and sent to the phantom matrix

Our senses were greatly reduced and severe trauma programmed into us
We have a trojan implant called the ego that passes off as who we are
And is being used to connect us to the hive mind for robotization

WW3 has been all prepared in advance
Along with a colossal loss of life
In order to prevent portal crossing out of the matrix

The elite are downloading themselves into android bodies run by AI
The transition to cyborg existence is because the time of karmic retribution is on the horizon
And it is a survival alternative in their deck of cards

Clones and mimics do not respond to real love
Or real truth or real beauty or real art

True love connects you to the multiverse
Via infinite scalar waves

Without love
Breath is just a ticking clock!

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy

The symbol of Satan is a square and compass
Which is a circle and a square

The circle is the rings of Saturn
And the square is the 4 sided cube at Saturns north pole

Muslims walk around their black cube god Kaaba
Which is the dark alter ego of Saturn who is Satan

The freemason and basketball star Kobe Bryant
Had a black helicopter that was blue at the staged media event of the fake crash scene
Kobi is the same as Kaaba

Freemason celebrities get fake deaths
To symbolize their transference to an artificial body

A boxing ring is a 4 sided square
Many times the boxing match is scheduled for 3 or 7 rounds
3 and 7 are the main demarcation areas of the round rings of Saturn

University means the universe city of Saturn
If you attend you have to pay a tuition
Which means you have to lose your intuition

A Masters degree is Masonic
Given the 3rd degree
Is a Masonic ritual that has a perverted sex act
In which the initiates who are now compromised sexually rise to a higher level

A doctorate is the highest indoctrination

Children are given a 6 sided star for their work
Which is Venus in front of Saturn in the former age

This star is the hexagon or 6 sided hex which means spell

The cloning centers around the world have many clones
Mainly of celebrities and high profile people

During REM sleep their consciousness shifts to their clones at the cloning centers
Clones are used for experimentation and abuse

Clones have awareness and are not there voluntarily
They will readily obey orders to get out of their circumstance

When a clone is disobedient they are often beaten to death
And are easily replaced

Hollywood uses clones for scenes of pain

Clones are created with just a tiny snippet of DNA
Binding negatively charged molecules of DNA with positive charged particles of protective silica
Makes synthetic DNA

The heart is the light of the world
It is the seat of the soul
Without it we become monsters
With it we attune to the beauty and abundance that surrounds us!

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy

The previous epoch was more advanced than we are today

What are called fireplaces did not have fire
Fire would have ruined the pure white marble with black soot

The old world was heated and cooled with radium and mercury
That acted as resonators

Rebar and metal backing connected to ether antennas
The chimney did not have a long open tunnel for smoke
Because there was not any smoke

It is easy to deceive people
But it is not easy to make them realize they have been fooled

The belief that humans walk upside down on a spinning ball
Is espoused by the general public with great ferocity

It is unconceivable to the masses that they are being lied to in such a dramatic way
They believe everything they see on the news
The idea that Hamas is a construct of the ruling elite does not enter their minds

The idea that we should not be chopping up animals and eating them is met with great resistance
The idea that the moon is artificial technology is not accepted

The notion that the pyramids are evidence of past advanced civilizations is greeted with incredulity
The notion that eclipses are the result of fakery is not entertained

When the doomsday scenario is rolled out
People are not going to think it is holographic imagery

We are not living in the time frame we are led to believe
Superior knowledge would be needed to create the buildings of the past

The fact that free energy was universal in the former world
Will not sink into the mind of the average person

The fact that our weather is controlled
Will go against everyone shouting climate change

The correct notion that petrified forests are the quick result of high electrical charge
And not the slow evolution of minerals over millions of years is met with disbelief

Allow yourself to transcend limiting thought patterns
Visualize a benevolent world where love reigns

Send a powerful signal to the universe
Compassion is the highest vibrational frequency
Indifference is the lowest
You are divine
Exercise your potential

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #pratt #conspiracy

The freedom to explore the North Pole Antarctica and beyond
Should be a fundamental right

If earth is an extended level plane
A traveler who continued southward would venture into unknown territory
That does not exist on a globe

The military has repeatedly barred independent explorers
In restricted and heavily patrolled waters

The Antarctic Treaty prevents all independent travel
South of 60 degrees south latitude
Harsh penalties are given to anyone who attempts to explore it

If NASA or academics wanted to shut up flat earthers once and for all
They would unrestrict travel and show people that they will just end up going back north
They would allow people to fly in a plane and see for themselves if it is a globe

The excuse is given that it is too cold to fly over Antarctica
But NASA is supposed to have gone to the moon over 50 years ago
Where it is said to be over twice as cold

India claims to have landed an unmanned spacecraft on the South Pole of the moon
And rolled out a rover
Apparently with the ability to attach to the bottom surface upside down

This is just 1969 American fakery all over again
There is no live video just ridiculous cartoon animations

The only thing live is the group of very well paid men and women fervently yelling
And applauding the pre made computer graphic illustrations broadcast as live video on psycho TV

The clearly photo shopped propaganda shows dirt and a darkened background claimed to be taken on the moon
It takes just a simple charade to delude the gullible public

People do not want the truth
They only want reassurance of what they believe is the truth
They prefer comforting lies that bend and warp their minds

The victim of mind manipulation does not know they are a victim
They think they are free
But they cannot think beyond the walls of their undetected and invisible prison!

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy

Mount Erebus in Antarctica has crystals scattered all over its base
They are known as Erebus crystals

They are like the Andorra crystals at Fort Bragg beach in California
The Andara crystals at Mt Shasta and Hawaii
And the Libyan desert glass near the Libya Egypt border

These stones are transformational technology that offer powerful enhancing energies
One little piece carries a hologram of the whole
And connects to all other pieces regardless of distance

They are the remains of crystal cities
Built by beings who wanted to experience our 3d reality of nature and animals

To melt this glass it took temperatures of over 2500 degrees
Which only can come from concentrated rays of direct energy

To activate this crystal you need to code it with your DNA which is in your saliva

Stone glyphs near the Great Pyramid at Giza show watches on the wrist
They are like Star Trek communicators for interdimensional access

A 9 step pyramid was designed to bring someone into this reality from the 9th dimension

During their circumambulations devotees in Mecca are required to try to touch the black stone at the side of the Kaaba
If they are a DNA match to the golden Vamana inside it will be activated

Polaris the north star is not a star
It is like a giant disco ball reflecting light onto the dome above us
Tricking us into believing in a blanket of stars

There is no such thing as meteors because we are in a dome

Hybrids in positions of power have shut down any trace of having an emotional center
They are not capable of service to others

If you do not see the players in the game
You will be energetically short sighted
And it will be harder to formulate a game plan to move forward

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #conspiracy #magick #quack

The Lily Wave frequency is known as the madness frequency
The Los Angeles Riots was the first open test
And Operation Mist in Rwanda was a more heightened campaign

The Lily Wave is a biphasic electric pulse
Which induces an angry and violent mass response

It stimulates neurons to resonate in certain controlled brainwave patterns
And causes the bodys electrons and water molecules to vibrate at that frequency also

Iron will migrate to the brain and induce unconsciousness
And the glucose sucrose and fructose sugar crystals will release an electric charge
Known as bioluminescence

Nicotine is a super blood sugar regulator

The manipulation of brain waves via frequencies can be accomplished
Through emanations from cell phones TV screens and computer monitors

This is like the antifreeze they sneak into the ice cream at McDonalds
In order to avoid it you have to be aware of it

What you express is what you experience
Now is the time to make sure your reality emanates from a positiveness
And that you actualize goodness and kindness into the eternal

Abide in the feeling of being complete whole and fulfilled

We are under attack by soulless men
And there is no way to satisfy a psychopath
We have a hidden enemy engaged with us in a silent war

Awaken to your true power
And go beyond the illusion!

Bennett Lee Ross #conspiracy

During World War 1
There was supposed to be a big German bombing campaign with Zeppelins
Making repeated attacks on London

Zeppelins or blimps were a big part of the former culture
They were extravagant modes of transportation

Like the railcars of the previous time period
They exuded opulence

The emphasis was not on speed but on luxury and enjoyment
There was no need to hurry

Zeppelins docked to tall buildings
Such as the Empire State building
To unload and load passengers

Germany was the hub of Zeppelin manufacturing
These aircraft were slow moving
And can easily be brought down by small arms fire
The idea of Zeppelin attacks is ridiculous

There is one story in 1916 about a German Zeppelin
That was supposed to have been shot down

After the crash the German captain Alois Bocker decided to set it on fire
And set out to warn the area residents beforehand

But the people were terrified when they heard German voices
So Bocker and his crew headed up the road
But were arrested by a policeman when they asked for directions

People actually bought this absurd story and still do

Nobody ever saw the attacking Zeppelins
And no one ever saw bombs being dropped

The English army just shot up in the air whenever they were told
And people were injured when the canister shells fell back down

The fires and explosions around London were pre set
And police were always tipped off before they happened

It is reminiscent of the pre planned explosions
That were made to make the Irish IRA look like a terrorist group

Now we have Hamas flying into Jerusalem on motorized kites

The gentiles will believe anything
If the story was that Hamas came in on tricycles
They would believe that too

How many unbelievable stories
Staged settings with crisis actors
And photoshopped pictures do you have to see
Until you can conclude that it is all fake

Ukraine is the same way
The same crisis actors are used over and over

The agenda is to maintain an ongoing state of panic and hysteria
Have each side accuse each other of atrocities to flame the fire
So that people can be easily manipulated

The next stage of the show
Will be on the screen of the sky
And people will fall for that one also!

Bennett Lee Ross #conspiracy

(Note: This is from 2016, but still featured as a featured article - indeed, that section seems to not have been updated since the one that followed this. Back at the time, he did not write in the form of terrible poetry, perhaps was not as crazy as he is now, but certainly mad already.)

Yes, John Lennon is Still Alive

In Sept. of 1966 there were rumors that Paul McCartney died in a car crash. He was not seen for a couple months but all of a sudden appeared. But this new Paul even though looking similar was taller and a little older and facial features were different. And the new Paul was right handed while the old Paul was left handed. And the band all of a sudden changed. George and John never sang right by “Paul” as they did in the early years. Paul and George were best pals from childhood but that changed. Paul and John quit writing songs together and had open animosity.

The Beatles from the start were a British Secret Service project. The goals were to introduce Eastern religion, drugs, and promote British propaganda. When John said the Beatles were now more famous then Jesus – he said it because that was their intention and they accomplished it. Sargent Pepper was a real person. In 1967 it was as the song goes “20 years ago today Sgt. Pepper taught the band to play” – 1947 was the beginning of the BSS. The album cover of Sgt. Pepper Lonely Hearts Club Band depicts many secret service personnel.

John Lennon is still alive. You need to only look at the “Lennon impersonator” Mark Staycer. He is the right age, looks remarkably like him, sings like him, owns tons of Beatles memorabilia, etc. He was the star of a John Lennon movie called ‘Let Him Be’ which has since been made unavailable. His assassination by Mark Chapman was faked because he was no longer needed.

Paul was probably just injured in the car accident. His twin brother Mike maybe stepped in for awhile. And also likely a Paul look-a-like was used.

The Beatles like most all famous entertainers achieved their fame because they are from families of wealth with connections. They were very talented of course. But most people would be talented too if they had private music lessons starting at an early age.

No expense was spared in the making of the Beatles. A team of songwriters were responsible for probably most all of their hit songs.

I had the privilege of meeting George Harrison in the late 80’s.

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #magick #ufo

In the movie
How the Grinch Stole Christmas

The very beginning is zoomed in on a snowflake
Which is where the whole movie takes place

Whoville is on a snowflake
And the movie is over before the snowflake hits the ground

When a cell splits in two
It is a universe replicating itself
Yet every cell retains the memory of its god origin

The purpose of life is to experience endless wonderful worlds
Each run off of a coding of information from other worlds

The kingdom of heaven is within
Whoever knows that shall know themselves

We are a fractal of our creator
Just as there are billions of things happening in this world that contribute to who God is
There are billions of things happening inside us that make us who we are

And unbeknownst to you there are billions of living holograms inside you
Who think they are in their own world
But work together to try to please their god who is you

You can do things that affect the entire universe inside of you
And you can do things to help wake up the god outside of you
Who is also fractally inside of you

Feel the other versions of your life and come together
You are a conscious being dreaming a world and a body
Helping God to understand himself

All that seems to be is seen within a dream
In the grand design it is all beautiful and good
Each of your lives is a testament to the grandeur of your existence

We live in a bowl shaped crater with a middle electrical column or spinal toroid
We are surrounded by vast land areas circling around the north pole that are divided by mountains and snow
Places which we are not allowed to go

The whole extended plane is just one of many neuron in a cell in the mind of god
With an electrically charged plasma dome above

The tip of the neuron is where information is gathered as living light and processed
So that it is useful!

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #magick #ufo #quack

The earth works as a coherent circuit
And is within a bigger circuit

It is a toroidal plane of energy and matter
When energy gets overloaded
Matter gets energized and forms geology

Subsurface currents are the neural pathways of a sentient earth
Volcanoes are magnetic expressions of the earth ley lines

Physical laws cannot be ignored
Existence cannot be without them

Physical reality is consistent with universal laws
Where laws do not operate there is no reality

We judge reality by the response of our senses
Once we are convinced of the reality of a given situation
We abide by its rules

If you know something is unreal
It cannot harm you

Much of what we think is real is illusionary
And does not exist

They are appearances only
And shadows without substance

They are lies falsehoods and mere specters
And are to be ignored

Your reality is an orchestra of frequencies
And you are the conductor

Everything around you has a vibration
Waiting to be interpreted and transformed

You are a vibrational being
With the power to create a harmonious symphony

Your thoughts emotions and actions are the notes
That compose the melody of your destiny

Tune into the vibration
That resonates with your highest desires and intentions!

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy

Higher life forms were engaged in creating life on earth
Our bodies were grown with bacteria in petri dishes

Reptilians will genetically engineer a new species
Designed to be tuned into their false reality or matrix

The matrix acts like a laser reading computer software
Bringing pre programmed information to human DNA
Which we send onto the screen of our decoded reality

The program is running in every human mind body computer

There is heating in the upper atmosphere of Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune
Which is a clear indication that they are being driven by energy from above

Charged energy beams from so called moons
Manipulate the electric current of each polar vortex
Causing polygonal storms at the poles

The beams are producing counter polar vortex rotational patterns
And form hexagons

Hex means to cast a spell
They are connecting us to the future that they have drawn

The planetary vortices are cosmic ray accelerators
Bringing in information from other dimensions

The electron beams are creating diocotron instabilities in the axial current
Which is a flowing jet stream of charged particles

That fan out into a torus
And circulate as an electrical circuit

To prevent a great awakening
There is a more intensified input in the vortexes

And an escalated effort
To keep us in the matrix!

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy

The Sphinx is an Anubis

The Anubis was the guardian of the Venus portal in the previous era
It was a disfigured Mars in a high voltage plasma environment

Formerly there was a granite altar and a dream stele between its paws
That served as a gateway to distant realms

The head was originally a small sanctuary
Accessible from an opening on the forehead
Which has now been filled in by cement

The head as been reconfigured
Due to a blast of highly charged energy that removed a large portion

The sanctuary led to a main sanctum
That ran along the back of the Sphinx

The main sanctum connected to a vast underground labyrinth
Beneath the Giza plateau

A 40 foot causeway containing stairs
Penetrated the perfect workmanship of the Giza basalt floor
Which is now mostly in ruins

The enormous subsurface complex of passages consists of engraved walls and supporting pillars
Porticos of smoothed megalithic stones dress the entranceways

It is reminiscent of a huge computer software platform
A circuit board with massive processor chips above ground
That harness energy and process it at the same time

The processor chips are the 3 main pyramids above ground
Along with the numerous smaller pyramids
That still retain their original casing stones

The word pyramid means fire in the middle
Which relate to the internal electrical currents that once flowed through it

The colossal pyramid complex at Giza
With its immense subterranean structure
That has been kept hidden from public scrutiny

Was a vibrational pulse generator
With a steady rhythm of vertical compression waves
That propagated throughout its entirety!

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #quack #ufo #conspiracy

We are at the end game

The poisoning of the air and weather warfare operations
Has created climate change
And a civilization of disease

We watch clones with fluttering eyes
Interviewing cyborg reptilians with bulging necks on news broadcasts
But 99 percent of the population have no clue as to what is really transpiring

Cancer is now being treated with MRNA injections
Of programmable hydrogel and polymers
That puts GPS signals inside the host

Food is poisoned and there is not an uproar
Nurofen pain killers contain graphene oxide

Microwave pulsing hits us while we sleep
Similar to a microwave oven

Dental anesthetic injections are loaded with hydrogel graphene
And nano smart dust to connect us to the Cloud

Synthetic thoughts are sent to make people feel negative toward each other
And negative towards themselves

Satanic freemasonry governs us behind closed doors

Virus in Latin means poison
And Corona means crown

Corona virus means the elite oligarchy
Who are the highest ranking Freemasons
Are poisoning the commoners

All smart devices are transmitters
That send information to the Cloud

Cell phones and computers modify you through your eyes
Sending infrared technology into the body
Creating automatons

But the Father of All Perfection is here
His Spirit will ascend from the earth to the heavens
And then descend back down

All things superior and inferior will receive the life force
It will be the glory of the whole world and will penetrate everything

The Spirit of God will separate the wheat from the chaff
And life will begin anew

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #conspiracy #quack

Raytheon employs your neighbor to drive a white van
With a cute little laser in the back
That controls the phase and amplitude of light waves

The lasers polarize with the meta materials in the new 6G
Which are tiny nano sensors landing on your skin
Communicating with the biosensors within you

Electrocuting you from the outside
And from the inside out simultaneously

Because of this bio digital convergence
We become human antennas and fully programmable cyborgs
We become less human and more robot

We are under full spectrum dominance
As meta materials rain down upon our head
For the purpose of techno enslavement

They can wirelessly get into your body and effect a change
With DNA encoded solid phase synthesis

They can order a drone update
A MQ9 Reaper will then hunt you down
And find you anywhere

Project Maven is AI Mosaic warfare
Using net centric node access and phased array optics
That rewrite the human genome and reprogram the cells

The theatrics in front of the curtain continue
Music sports and comedy are used to tranquilize the profane clueless American

Who watches the Steroid Bowl
And listens to Satanic music

But the Clown Show is not funny anymore!

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #magick #ufo #quack

Our original genetics was composed of 12 strands or 12 strings of DNA
This diamond sun DNA permitted interdimensional travel and existence without deterioration

Double diamond DNA was 24 strands
And emerald sun DNA was 48 strands
Regenesis of digressive DNA lines will occur when the emerald sun returns

The Essenes held a strand of DNA for reassembling scrambled or mutated genes
It contained the crystal code gene for the diamond sun silicate matrix

This gene activated stargates and contacted their higher stations of identity
And connected them with the sound frequencies of the Living Light
It manifested the cosmic crystallization of the Christ blueprint

The integration and healing of all 12 levels of DNA coding
Will unite and merge to form the complete silicate matrix

The human race suffers without the proper functioning of their mitochondrial DNA
And is unable to effectively generate new proteins for DNA synthesis that activates the crystal gene
The foundation of human DNA is crystallized frequency which is patterns of electromagnetic light
That group into crystalline form as DNA seed codes

Each DNA strand is composed of frequency patterns and the light spectrum of one dimensional band
The template for 1 DNA strand contains 12 electron wave patterns

Each strand represents a fire letter code program sequence
That corresponds to 1 dimensional frequency band of consciousness
One DNA strand equals 24 seed codes

The level of frequencies accreted in ones personal morphogenetic aura
Will determine the level of DNA strand a person will possess

Higher frequency DNA will be silicate or etheric waves of plasma
The physical body will therefore be less dense and more refined

We are automatically shifting our carbon atoms
To more polished and purified states

And we are elevating our oscillating patterns and vibrational sequences to higher phases
Resulting in enhanced physical conditions!

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #magick #pratt #conspiracy

All the dinosaur bones in museums are fake
And made in China

With the exceptions of large lizards and stegosauruses
Dinosaurs should be relegated to the realm of fantasy

When we believe a meteorite killed off non existent creatures
As part of an evolutionary paradigm
We are not in touch with reality

The story goes that after the impact in the Yucatan
Sediment was lifted in the air for 20 years
Blocking off the sunlight and killing all plants

Which killed all the plant eating dinosaurs
Which in turn removed the food source for carnivorous dinosaurs
But somehow left mammoths and mastodons

And also somehow no meteoritic shards
Can be found at the impact site

If meteorites are real and the earth is a ball and direction is just relative
Why do we not see them going up and down and all around

A flying rock no matter how fast it is going does not catch on fire
Glowing streaks seen in the sky would have to be plasma
And is probably not a natural occurrence

In the past when the atmosphere was more highly charged
Mega lightning would strike the ground
A traverse outbranching would form canyons and trenches which rivers now navigate on

At other times depending on the charge
The lightning would remain vertical
Forming arrowheads tektites and veins of precious stones

The Salish of the Pacific Northwest
Believe that the Thunderbird is a red plumaged creature
That shoots arrows from its wings

The flapping of them makes thunder
While the twinkling of his eyes is lightning

This symbolic account of what was
Is obviously no longer happening
Our world today is a much different place

Behind the distortions and inversions put upon our consciousness
Are secret societies and Satanic cults
Whose job it is to enforce false beliefs and fraudulent deceptions

Our world is a band of frequencies
Their intention is to keep us in a limited energy field
Through our own restricted thoughts

When the populace accepts the narrative given them
They put themselves in a low vibration
And are easily controlled!

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy

According to Islam
Allah showed the people of Meccah a miracle
By having the moon break apart
Then sealing itself back up

Stories of the moon splitting in 2
Or the appearance of 2 moons
Or the moon causing the sun to dance
Should motivate you to question the reality of what we are told

We have always had interactions with the greater earth
And we call those beings extra terrestrial

The Grays are humanoid mixed with AI and insectoid beings
The Grays create the technology used by AI and reptilians

There is no such thing as countries
Everything in the frequency fence is run by reptilians
And the 13 families who have sold their soul to them

We are in a simulated reality
Whose original blueprint has been distorted

Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune are plasma portals for Source energy
Which transmits our organic reality into our realm

Moons are not rocky terra firma that you can land on and walk around on
They are craft that beam high energy rays
Which will alter the projections emitted by the portals

We have become ghosts in the machine
Phantoms of our former selves
Running on low vibration to serve as a perpetual power source

Dwarf planets such as Makemake are craft
When Makemake aligns with Black Moon Lilith in the south node of Libra later this month
It is supposed to have a huge impact on our deep psyche

It is not some random conjunction
It is a deliberate act by advanced beings to metamorphosize our consciousness

Uranus at the same time will go into retrograde motion
This unexplained phenomena is the result of the manipulation of magnetic fields

Venus is programmed to create life
Mars was programmed to get uploads from Venus

Our new bright white hexagonal sun
Is because of sun simulators
And part of the holographic sky playbook

Tap into universal truths
Explore the uncharted territory of alien worlds

Feel the spray of cosmic waters
Seek out patterns of secret codes

Sail into the billowing winds with courage
Interpret ancient obelisks

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #magick #ufo #quack #conspiracy

All the elite have given themselves over to transhumanism
So that they can take over the world
And change out everybody on a remote button press

So that there is no worrying
About you fighting them or getting in their way
Their only worry is the loss of control of their drones

A positive outcome for the public
Is not a part of their design criterion
They have gotten most everyone hooked up to the Cloud

DARPA under the guise of local logistics in white vans
Puts an EEG overlay of personality upon the unsuspecting

That magnetically stimulates the brain
And transcranially cause it to swell

If you get too radiated
And fall into a subluminal space
Then you get morphed into Bigfoot or Wolfman

With CrispR Cast9
They make genetic changes
And rearrange your cell structure

What we would call a UFO
Pulls neurons out of you
And loads them into a neuromorphic chip set
Because AI needs living neurons

Drones are flown with SOSA or MOSA
SOSA is Senses Open System Architecture
MOSA is Modified Open Systems Approach

They fly over your home
And log into you with a web portal

With biosensors they create an electromagnetic field around you
And slap on you a biometric code
Then execute a terahertz bullet

This causes your immune system to adhere to nano tech
And electrically alters how your red blood cells and nerves function
Making you end up with an auto immune disorder

Cyber security is transhumanism using meta materials
Causing signals to propagate from you

Law enforcement now just logs into you with geomancer
And changes your protons peptides and amino acids with CrispR Cast9
Which uses graphene to excite your cells

Project Looking Glass
Is routing radio frequencies through your body
With DNA steganography

Project Pandora
Is invading the world with MQ9 Reapers
And piloting everyone around like a SIM

Deploying soft robotics
Imposing neural modulation and monitoring
And turning everyone into a cyborg!

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy

Underneath Vatican City is a stargate
That links to a soul capturing device
Deceased spirits are trapped there and awaiting release

There is also a necropolis
That is better described as a chamber of horrors

The Vatican Stargate disperses human souls to other systems
Some are put in grey alien bodies
And are called Zeta Greys

Some are transported into future timelines
To be slaves in the secret space program

The Vatican is packaged as religion
Their communion serves human blood

Overseen by lizard humanoids
Covered in opulent robes
They publicly profess to be devout men of God

Church members cannot conceive that their leaders are promoting Satanism
And have no idea that they are being mind controlled
By beings who wish to enslave humanity

Why should the Catholic Church be let to continue
Despite literally thousands of pedophile cases and accusations

The Vatican in Rome
Links to Notre Dame in Paris
Through underground passageways
But the lunar Vatican matrix is scheduled for eviction

Our existence shapes itself through the solidification of our beliefs
Life force flows from the consciousness we choose to embody

Be an emissary and protector of the divine plan
Base your identity on your higher self
And align your perception of reality with your desired future

We are participants on the world stage
Where the main actors are fooling the public

Expand into your greater self
And explore your limitless potential!

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy

A luminous column was set ablaze
And emerged over our earth plane
Like a divine entity breathing life into the surrounding cosmos

It had a snake like spiral that wound its way upwards flaring out filamentary extremities
The spirals are now represented in the ribbons around the Christmas Tree and the rings around the Maypole

The splendor of the light was comparable to a sustained lightning strike
And its magnetism attracted the 7 planets causing them to gather in a linear conjunction

It brought a plasma storm of destruction and renewal simultaneously

In the 3rd Book of Enoch it says
His eyes are like brilliant sparks
His lashes are the splendor of lightning
And his face like a burning fire

The Lakota say
The Creator sang a song of upheaval
And sent down an enormous thunderbird with powerful thunderbolts

Mountains were toppled and forests were set ablaze
Flames leapt up into the sky in all directions
A great flood followed which consequently dried up and exposed the bones of its victims
In the last 150 years
Six auroras have been seen 20 degrees from the equator
And are like gently dancing curtains or quiescent reddish clouds

The Pueblo say that Sun Father sent lightning to make an opening in the heavens
He traversed open space and by electromagnetic attraction
Lifted up the serpent in the wilderness
Which is also referred to in John 3:14
Jesus sits with his disciples
Just like King Arthur sits with his knights at the round table

The planet representing the Son of God is drawn towards intersecting streamers
He becomes dim and is thought to have died on a cross

The religious see the emitted plasma as the blood of their god
They equate it with the ambrosia from the sky pillar
Which is the energetically charged manna

They say in ritualistic exaltations
Hocus Pocus Mon
Which translates as This is His Dead body

But Mars the Son of God is renewed and resurrected
And descends down the axis to save the world!

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy

Apophis is supposed to be an asteroid going 50,000 miles per hour
Which is around 13 miles per second
How could you measure that or even see it

It is supposed to be the size of the Rose Bowl
How could you take a picture of something going that fast

NASA says they are watching it with communication satellites 23,000 miles up
Limitless space is a big lie and we are enclosed in a frequency fence

On Friday the 13th
In April of 2029
Apophis is supposed to make its closest approach
Apophis means demon serpent

NASA claimed their scientists completed complex mathematics that calculated its trajectory
And that during its closest approach it will all of a sudden be sucked in by earths gravity
Where it will be in a synchronous orbit with the earth
And it will then slow down to 18,000 miles per hour

Apophis is supposed to be a remnant of the formation of the solar system and be 4.6 billion years old

A so called meteor was recently seen in the Pacific Northwest
It was a huge ball of light that all of a sudden flashed off as it neared the horizon
If the earth was round and the meteor was real it would have kept going
And rocks do not burn no matter how fast they are going

Apophis is obviously a craft that will be used to keep humans in the fog of deceit
Unless we realize we are being lied to!

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #magick #conspiracy

The Vatican in Rome has a huge crypt of bones arranged in artwork
Mixed in between are representations of priests in hooded robes carrying crosses
The auditorium at the Vatican is built in the shape of a serpents head

The Capela Dos Ossos is a very famous church in Portugal
It is full covered with bones and skulls with corpses hanging on the wall
Two corpses hanging above the door greet visitors at the entrance

An enormous amount of doll like male infants decorate the interior
Many are portrayed as injured and bloodied
And many appear just as heads that are sad or crying
One bloodied infant is shown as being tied up

There are carved illustrations of dead children being held by priests
Statues of priests being surrounded by children are prevalent

Everywhere the same thing is encountered
Ancient cathedrals which were energy production centers
Are now masquerading as religious institutions
But secretly are places of doom

Throughout Europe there is hardly an altar
Without the depiction of children
Many are missing limbs

There are depictions of a baby on an altar
A tied up child with puncture wounds
And a babys head on a platter

Brainwashed people walk around with free audio tours
They are led like zombies and are completely blind as to what is really going on

Scenes of what people think is the Wise Men with the Baby Jesus and Mary
Offering gold frankincense and myrrh as a gift
Is actually a child being sold to cannibalistic priests

Visitors programmed with the Christ story
Cannot see the divulgence of cruelty

People only see what they believe!

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #ufo #magick #quack #conspiracy

Roque alien factions claim ownership over us
Because they have altered our DNA

They are fighting with other factions over holographic dream realms
That they want to be masters of

This is a game so complex
It is easy to get lost in it

Lost in the drama
Lost in the physical senses
And estranged from our innate 3d heart light technology

Now is the time to wake up and claim your sovereignty
And jump on board your inner holodeck simulation conceptor

The Grand Canyon has been strip mined for uranium copper and iridium
These precious metals are used for off world agendas

Sap from giant trees can be synthesized into an ambrosia life sustaining elixir
And also into an ecstasy like drug

Spices animate the body
And allow entrance into portals
Making it one of the most valuable substances in the multiverse

The first beings here were insectoids
Ruled by the Ant Queen
They are still here

Gamma rays from the sun improve our brain waves
Making a better connection between the left and right brain hemispheres
The sun simulator blocks out a lot of gamma rays

On Dunangus Island in Irishmore Ireland
Is the remains of a soul shard library

Soul shards are returning to their rightful owners
And people are feeling more whole

We live on a toroidal extension of a vortex
And it is covered with an electromagnetic sheath

If we lived on a globe
People would be falling off everywhere
Except the north pole

Believing you are on a globe
Circling a gigantic fireball of gas
Separates you from reality

The monetary system is a control system
Where you do not have to use whips and chains!

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #ufo #magick #quack #conspiracy

Roque alien factions claim ownership over us
Because they have altered our DNA

They are fighting with other factions over holographic dream realms
That they want to be masters of

This is a game so complex
It is easy to get lost in it

Lost in the drama
Lost in the physical senses
And estranged from our innate 3d heart light technology

Now is the time to wake up and claim your sovereignty
And jump on board your inner holodeck simulation conceptor

The Grand Canyon has been strip mined for uranium copper and iridium
These precious metals are used for off world agendas

Sap from giant trees can be synthesized into an ambrosia life sustaining elixir
And also into an ecstasy like drug

Spices animate the body
And allow entrance into portals
Making it one of the most valuable substances in the multiverse

The first beings here were insectoids
Ruled by the Ant Queen
They are still here

Gamma rays from the sun improve our brain waves
Making a better connection between the left and right brain hemispheres
The sun simulator blocks out a lot of gamma rays

On Dunangus Island in Irishmore Ireland
Is the remains of a soul shard library

Soul shards are returning to their rightful owners
And people are feeling more whole

We live on a toroidal extension of a vortex
And it is covered with an electromagnetic sheath

If we lived on a globe
People would be falling off everywhere
Except the north pole

Believing you are on a globe
Circling a gigantic fireball of gas
Separates you from reality

The monetary system is a control system
Where you do not have to use whips and chains!

Poet Loonerate Award

Bennett Lee Ross #ufo #conspiracy #magick #crackpot

It is said that the layout of Disneyworld
Is the map of our outer realms

It is also said that the craters of the moon
Is a projection of that same map

The real rulers of our world
Have access to these places
These realms of higher vibration

Are they seeking to terraform outer realms
Like they are doing in this realm
To lower the vibration

Along with synthesizing humans
To lower their vibration

Is that what CERN is all about

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy

The idea of a seasoned skipper
Choosing to race the Titanic through icebergs
To improve his arrival time at New Yok City
Is too outlandish to merit serious consideration

A satellite going an alleged 380 million miles to Jupiter
Is also an unbelievable story

If it did not do it on gas
Then why is not the public utilizing this hidden technology

The moon refuses to show us its other side
If it did we would realize it is not a moon

We are in a planetarium with a projector
And all astronomy is a big lie

The earth is hollow
And there is as much going on down there
As there is up here

If you want to show others where ETS are from
Point down and across but not up

There are more than 50 underground levels
At Kirtland Air Force Base in Albuquerque New Mexico

There are subterranean magnetized high speed railways that operate on levitation
That connect bases everywhere

And below them are strange worlds
That extend out into the far reaches of the vast toroidal plane

Before they are revealed
Androids will be firmly established in our society

When you vote
You vote for a programmed android
And it confirms your ignorance

Pope Leo X said
It has served us well this myth of Christ

When a person prays to this personification of a god
Or when they worship this mythological figure

They are giving their power to those who invented it
And their life force goes to the Vatican

Salvador Dali depicted Jesus on a three dimensional cross
That when turned to its side
Forms a four dimensional hypercube called a geometric tesseract

When the former polar configuration rotated around the celestial pole
That is what people saw!

Bennett Lee Ross #conspiracy #crackpot #magick #ufo

The universe that we are taught
Does not exist

Stars are embedded in a plasma canopy
Which encircles us

They revolve in a circumpolar fashion

We have not been gallivanting on the moon
Or parachuting dune buggies to Mars

We are surrounded by higher realms
Which we are not permitted to enter

Our realm is being terraformed
To a lower vibration

So that entities can feed off our energy

They harvest us at intervals
By depopulation
Using cataclysmic events

Harvest time is now upon us!

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