Genetic Error #racist #sexist

Do women view black skin on men the same way we view black skin on women?


When i see the black skin on a black womans body, it just repulses me, i get feeling of dirtiness, disgustingness, cringe, genetic vermin, stay away from me

is that how women feel when viewing black skin on men?

i know black skin is masculine thats why its repulsive on her. but its also the fact it literally is repulsive , disgusting to look at

so is that how women feel when viewing black skin on men?

I actually like seeing black women with big butts in porn. I could link you guys if I'm allowed to give you an idea. Black women aren't that bad tbh, it's just that if you are a black woman AND flat for example then you're basically worthless -- same with white women for the most part, but with black women it becomes a lot worse. I also notice black women are more likely to be uglier.

Pure blacks are disgusting with or without ass

They need a bit of white in them to make light skin



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