womenshealthnurse & proudcatlady #transphobia #sexist ovarit.com

RE: Being a TRA as Male Privilege

( womenshealthnurse )
I'm married to a man and I do find it endlessly interesting how different our experiences of the world are. His world is so much less scary than mine and has been that way for his whole life.

I've also become more aware recently of how differently I feel when I'm out in public with him vs when I'm out in public alone. I am more vigilant and aware when I'm alone than when we are together.

Interesting to tie this in with the aggressive nature of TIM's attacks on women and treating us as though we are histrionic for not wanting men in our private spaces. It does track that they would not have awareness of how vulnerable we can feel when men are present in those spaces.


(proudcatlady )
I think some of this is down to men not valuing life the way we do. Not even their own. It reminds me of how my parents would make me save up to buy something they could just afford to buy me because they wanted me to learn the value of money so I’d take care of my things better. Men don’t do anything to create life so of course they don’t value it at all.



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