Reconnoitering what JeanP didn’t include…
“Christianity is such a burden to the development of European Culture, that the day will come when we have to take down the Crosses, and we will have to forbid Prayer and ban these religious texts from the public, only made available to those who seek education in the Mystery Schools.
It is because of Christianity that nobody in this world hardly says what they mean, or ever means what they say.
Buried under 99 different masks that one has to sift through to see what type of person is underneath, and also whereby this has become the Natural idea of a sophisticated society, instead of the most brutal and persistent Frankness in telling things as they are.“
(This next paragraph immediately precedes the no entertainment/sarcasm one.)
“Surely, in any European Nation, if there is not a general willingness for the most natural of social conditions to emerge upon a people, then the future for Europe can never exceed the Mediocre, which has become its position since 1945.”
(And right after the paragraph…)
“In our Modern day, conditions are so abysmal that even a compliment is given for the purpose of testing the waters with how someone reacts, or to manipulate them or get something out of them otherwise.
If it comes to the need to criminalize such behavior in the future with fines, sterilization or severely punishing people for this behavior in the future, I am indeed a fan of these measures if it will thoroughly give a clean sweep to the social conditions of our society.
While we do not expect for people to trust strangers with their entire life upon meeting, there must be a general sense of trust that is re-established, even as much as being able to generally take someone serious.
Everyone who serves to prevent this development in today’s world is a permanent enemy of ours, and is an enemy that we must eradicate with the most ruthless measures and give no mercy to them.
Only this course can bring about a Free Europe once again, in the truest sense of the term. And we are very far from that reality, and the only solution is to destroy.”
(Later on…)
“In addition, the Promiscuity which takes place today in all Germanic countries is absolutely unacceptable. In the future, it will have to be addressed by very harsh measures, even if the people despise us for it.
Promiscuity must be seen again as for what it is, one of the most degenerate traits that can exist among our people, and one which is leading our Nations literally into the Grave.”