""Do not go by reports, by legends, by traditions, by scripture, by logical conjecture, by inference, by analogies, by agreement through pondering views, by probability, or by the thought."
In other words, "To hell with those diploma-decorated fools. Use your own reason and observation!""
And ignore evidence that contradicts you right? Likewise understanding the science can better help you recognize patterns and create hypotheses.
"Gather data and observe it carefully. If you detect a pattern that suggests a plausible conclusion, then move onto the next step. What Darwin "discovered" during this step is that all living creatures share many common traits; and that the differences among them adapt them perfectly to their natural environment."
It was called taxonomy: https://www.google.com/search?q=darwin+taxonomy&oq=darwin+tax&aqs=chrome.0.0i512l2j69i57j0i512l4j0i457i512j0i512.3037j0j7&client=ms-android-sprint-us-revc&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8
"I don't even know where to even begin with this one. How does one construct an experiment to "prove" that great-great-great grandma[x] was a piece of algae that spontaneously appeared in a pond, and "mutated" into millions of transitional species, culminating in what we are today. In the absence of any experimentation, one could conceivably skip this step and jump to an intense observation of unfolding natural processes; a "natural" experiment, so to speak."
Cladistics: https://www.sciencemeetsreligion.org/evolution/evolution-evidence.php
"But here again, there is nothing to observe. The reality is that trans-species evolution is not observable and has never been observed, neither in nature nor in the fossil record. Sorry Evolutionists, but a non-definitive skull fragment of some creature purported to be an "ape ancestor" does not meet the standard of observation; let alone constitute evidence that great-great-great grandma[x] was single-celled pond scum. The same goes for your desperately hyped-up finches, peppered moths, 'super rats', platypuses etc."
Wrong: http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/wells/finches.html
As for the fossil record: https://ncse.ngo/darwin-transitional-fossils
"And speaking of "simple" single-cell organisms (which we now know are more complex than nuclear submarines and space shuttles!), a single-cell organism has NEVER been observed to "mutate" into a new species of two-cell organism. My God! The Evolutionists cannot even validate, neither in nature nor in a laboratory, the jump from one-cell bacteria to two-cell bacteria; yet they call us "stupid" for doubting that our common one-celled pond scum great-great-great grandma[x] "evolved" into the modern day human, elephant, bird, bumble bee, dolphin, eagle, spider, flower, tree etc."
Ahem: https://bigthink.com/life/evolution-of-multicellularity/
Descent with modification, ever hear of it?