Despite how the far right has painted Georgulas, it is Younger’s character that has come under legal scrutiny. According to court documents of the annulment of his and Georgulas’s marriage, the court found that Younger lied about multiple aspects of his life: his career, his previous marriages, his income, his education, and even his military service. It was enough for a Texas court to annul their six-year marriage because it was entered into under fraudulent terms.
Judge Cooks also called out Younger for profiting off a violation of his family’s privacy. “The father finds comfort in public controversy and attention surrounded by his use of unfounded facts and is thus motivated by financial gain of approximately $139,000 which he has received at the cost of the protection and privacy of his children,” she wrote in her judgment, referring to a crowdfunding and merchandising scheme launched last year by Younger.
Even conservative pundit Glenn Beck expressed concern over Younger’s past. On his radio show, he read the court’s findings of fact showing that Younger acted aggressively toward Georgulas’s older daughters, withholding their possessions, locking them in their rooms, and forcing them to do “plank push-ups” until they agreed to follow house rules.
That aggressiveness was also directed at Luna, according to Georgulas’s attorney Kim Meaders. “[Luna] has said to CPS that she is afraid of her father,” she said in her opening statement. “Her brother has said that she is sad and her father makes her sad. By making her dress in boys’ clothes, that makes Luna sad.”
I think they’ve moved out of the area, seeing as the far right have led a campaign of abuse and harrassment towards this family since Younger opened his mouth. Apparently that included threats to the school (and the children sent there) and rocks through the family’s front window.